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Due August 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies been a busy few days.

    Little madam was jaundice so had to spend some time under the lights and there is an infection in her cord as the student midwife cut it too close. They also realised she has a problem with her lip.

    I've been feeling quite low bout it but then she is a little angel only waking twice a night for a feed and just so cuddly.

    Llambert don't feel bad about the bf you do what's best for you and I imagine with twins you would be like a milking machine that you managed as long as you did is a huge achievement as far as I'm concerned.

    MIL should not be allowed within a twenty mile radius of new mothers. Mine is lucky I didn't throw her out the window.

    Hope all you are keeping well x

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Hi ladies been a busy few days.

    Little madam was jaundice so had to spend some time under the lights and there is an infection in her cord as the student midwife cut it too close. They also realised she has a problem with her lip.

    I've been feeling quite low bout it but then she is a little angel only waking twice a night for a feed and just so cuddly.

    Llambert don't feel bad about the bf you do what's best for you and I imagine with twins you would be like a milking machine that you managed as long as you did is a huge achievement as far as I'm concerned.

    MIL should not be allowed within a twenty mile radius of new mothers. Mine is lucky I didn't throw her out the window.

    Hope all you are keeping well x

    oh, very sorry to hear your little one has a few little problems, it must be tough for you,, but good to know that she is in the best possible place and getting full medication attention right away. Delighted to hear all is well with both of you otherwise. Best wishes to you both.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Hi ladies been a busy few days.

    Little madam was jaundice so had to spend some time under the lights and there is an infection in her cord as the student midwife cut it too close. They also realised she has a problem with her lip.

    I've been feeling quite low bout it but then she is a little angel only waking twice a night for a feed and just so cuddly.

    Hope all you are keeping well x

    That's a tough start for you, hope she improves soon, I'd be very teary if that was me. Are you still in the maternity ward full time with her or have they given you a private room?

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Kaylami its tough that your having these little bumps but at least its all being dealth with and baby Evie is in height place. It's tougher on her poor Mammy, sending you big hugs.

    Thanks girls for the support over the bf was feeling a failure but better now and your support comments really helped x x

    I could look it up but too lazy.......what thread do we jump to after all our babies have arrived. Or do we stay on this one. Its a lovely small group and would love that we keep in touch.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    llambert wrote: »
    Kaylami its tough that your having these little bumps but at least its all being dealth with and baby Evie is in height place. It's tougher on her poor Mammy, sending you big hugs.

    Thanks girls for the support over the bf was feeling a failure but better now and your support comments really helped x x

    I could look it up but too lazy.......what thread do we jump to after all our babies have arrived. Or do we stay on this one. Its a lovely small group and would love that we keep in touch.

    That would be nice. I lost touch with everyone from April 2012. People just seem to move straight to newborn and toddlers and ask questions.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies thank you for all the support - they decided to let us home this evening I'm so happy! Back in on Thursday to check baby but she's doing well.

    Her mouth is in need of corrective surgery which, means no bottles for at least 6weeks.

    Other than that she's thriving!

    How are all you feeling now d day is gettin closer?

    Llambert how are your gorgeous boys getting on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Kaylami sorry to hear about your little one's rocky start, how will she drink if no bottles for 6 weeks (sorry pardon my ignorance..) can't believe the student midwife messed up cutting the cord as well! You must be delighted to be going home though :-)

    Llambert words fail me re: the story about your MIL. I cannot believe she was soooo ignorant and obtrusive. Anyone with a grain of sense would know that on your first baby (babies in this case!) you need your mother, not your mother-in-law! What a pity that your hubby couldn't have said to her 'Sorry lambert wants to spend some time on her own with her mother so you shouldn't come up til Saturday'. Your hubby and you sound like ye are waaay too nice and accommodating to this woman and she clearly knows how to take advantage of that fact. Atrocious and I'm not surprised you'll never forgive her. Oh and to tell a story about a newborn baby dying while sitting in a room of new anxious seriously, there is a time and place !!
    You mentioned before that she doesn't have a very close mother/daughter bond herself, but that does not give her the right to encroach on yours! I hope you'll be able to sneak your Mum down for a visit soon to make up for it just mother & daughter time, and make sure MIL doesn't find out. Poor you putting up with all that pressure on top of having had a section and trying to breastfeed 2 babies! It's fantastic that you gave them the 2.5 days of colostrum. I was just reading about colostrum last night in my preg book and all the benefits it has like preventing disease and strengthing the baby's immune system, so well done for doing that and fair play for giving breastfeeding a go shur most women struggle at it with one baby and so many either don't do it at all or give up very early with just ONE baby. There's no way you should feel bad about not being able to manage two!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    morebabies wrote: »
    My MIL told me the other day that regardless of visiting restrictions in Mayo General, she would be barging past the nurses to see her grandchild. I got so stressed at the thought of this my BP went right up (I checked it on me monitor), so I phoned Mayo General maternity ward and thank God the rules sound very strict. In case you need to know Staticdoor:

    Normal deliveries - husband /boyfriend only.
    Section delivery - due to longer stay, husband and children can visit but in a specially allocated family room, so no kids on wards.

    If your husband / boyfriend for whatever reason cannot visit you nominate someone else and give their name to the nurse in charge.

    Jesus this brings back memories of my MIL visiting me two years ago when I had my other little one.
    The Girl who works in THE SHOP!!!!! in Limerick maternity came to my bedside saying my nana ( My mother in law is quite elderly) was downstairs demanding to see me. She didn't care that visiting hours were an hour away she had travelled "ALL THE WAY FROM DUBLIN" woop de do! .........
    I was mortified. My husband took them across the road for lunch to shut them up, she stayed 1/2 an hour and left to beat the traffic :confused:.
    Visited us for one day a year later!! and because we are not traipsing up and down with two kids and me pregnant and us working our socks off she hasn't seen her grandkids in 7 months and doesn't seem to be bothered.
    I wonder will she even bother to come see this one when I deliver. Wagon!!;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Little Evie arrived at 1.33am - 8lb 13oz

    Epidural didn't work but I was fine and she's a wee dote!

    Llambert huge congratulations to you x

    Ladies it's up to you now :-D

    Kaylami Massive congratulations to youxxx Hope you and Evie doing well, love the name ( Its my 10 year olds name :))

  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    llambert wrote: »
    Hi girls!!! Sorry wifi was terrible in post natal ward so only getting to update now.

    First of Kaylami massive congrats on the arrival of Evie. Beautiful name was on my girls list!! Sure she's a dote x x

    Got home yesterday with Adam and Cian(ha ha sorry for spelling mistake but was out of it!!)

    Wasn't pushed out could have stayed till today but you sleep better in your own bed and it had been ages since I was home. Recovering well iron very low so have to watch that.

    Section was ok bit over-whelming with the amount of people there. My bp hit the floor after so that was a little scary. Was out of it most of Thurs then.

    But got up and about Friday. Stiff but just being careful.

    Breastfed the first 2 and a half days but wasn't working out. Adam was good to get on but was on for nearly an hour. Cian wasn't good to latch and only stayed on 15 mins and did very little sucking. I was awake constantly trying to feed and one was always roaring waiting on the other. The girl next to me had twin boys the day before and one ended up going to special care cos he lost too much weight.

    Anyway had a complete breakdown Saturday evening about it with my Mam and MIL (oh more on her later) there. My MW was brilliant. Cleared out the visitors, closed the curtains and gave me a hug. Talked it through with me, talked through my guilt of giving up, talked about the advantages of giving up. Made the decision to give up, she gave me another hug and gave me the formula bottles and on I went. They are much better since, more settled. Fair play to the women who manage but I couldn't.

    Anyway MIL. God what a cow. She wasn't suppose to arrive till Sat but once she heard my mother was coming Fri up she arrived. Everyone staying at my house so all arrived at same time. After all I'd been through all I wanted was a private 5 mins with my mother but she couldn't even let me have that. She sat there hardly speaking but still there. On Sat same thing arrived same time as my mother. I was barely holding it together over BF but on she sat. Then told me she feed her oldest herself for 2 days and was asked by the docs to express for another baby. I had no idea where this story as going but ended up she stopped cos the baby she expressed for passed away. I roared crying then, thought my mum was going to slap her. How bloody insensitive to me and the poor lady beside me with both her babies in special car.

    Anyway finally got my 5 mins with my mother when she was leaving. Hubby had to ask his mother to leave with him so I could say goodbye to my mother in private. She always got on my wick but I'll never forgive her for not letting me have that mother/daughter bond.

    Anyway sorry about the rant, can't say anything to hubby not his fault.

    But apart from the giving out I'm super happy. Trying to avoid mirrors but I know things will eventually 'go back' :-) Boys are doing great and I'm totally in love. They aren't identical but are very similar so can be a little confusing. Have got it wrong once or twice :-)

    Not too long for you ladies waiting. Can't wait to hear all the pitter patters x x

    Congrats LLambert , Love the names.
    Glad to hear you are doing well, don't let the BF upset you.
    I breastfed my two girls for a few months but if I don't get on with this one she is going on the bottle, I used to get myself tied up in knots with guilt over thinking of breastfeeding before.
    I once rang a breastfeed support number and told the lady I could not cope with the pain where she said if I loved my baby I would carry on regardless!.
    Never mind your MIL, just forget about her and don't be afraid to tell her to go if you need rest. xx

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  • Registered Users Posts: 218 ✭✭tishandy

    Can I add in my name ? better late than never!

    Ladies in waiting
    Ladypip July 31st Rotunda Surprise
    fiona-f Aug 10th Rotunda - surprise
    Morebabies Aug 13th-20th Castlebar Boy
    Dermighty Aug 13th Cork Surprise
    Shortstuff! Aug 15th Mullingar Surprise
    staticdoor71 Aug 17th Castlebar Boy
    emer_b Aug 22nd Limerick Girl
    Cameoette Aug 24th Coombe Girl
    Lucuma Aug 30th Cork Girl
    tishandy Aug 26th C section Limk Girl

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    She can latch on for breast feeding but the consultant doesn't want her to have bottle or dummy until 6 weeks when he can reassess her mouth formation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Kaylami that's brilliant you are home and that Evie is doing so well despite a tough start for you all. Nothing better than being in your own bed I bet!

    llambert hope you and the babies are doing well too!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    tishandy wrote: »
    I once rang a breastfeed support number and told the lady I could not cope with the pain where she said if I loved my baby I would carry on regardless!

    omg tishandy!!! That is most definitely NOT breastfeeding 'support'! :eek: Some of the things you hear people come out with are unreal, how insensitive people can be at the most vulnerable of times!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Great to see you and Evie are home Kaylami, nothing like your in bed eh? Its great that Evie took the the bf at least its a little stress off you.

    Welcome tishandy, never too late :-)

    How are the expectant mama's??

    So survived week one. The boys are good during the day but more fussy and unsettled at night. Had a brain wave then last night to get hubby to more furniture cos they were sleeping with their Moses baskets apart. Better babies last night, could be a fluke but hope not.

    Cian is my lazy baby, takes his full feed, gets his cuddle and happy to repeat every 4 hours.

    Adam is more delicate, never finishes his feed and wakes very 2.5 - 3 hours. So its a little tougher at night with him. Helpful people keep telling me to force feed the bottle but whats with that??? Make him sick. He's still so tiny. Hopefully over the coming weeks he'll sleep longer.

    Anyway motherhood is definitely a big tough change but wouldn't have it any other way now.

    Hope all the expectant mama's are in good form x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    So true llambert I love my bed!

    That's still pretty good going between feeds llambert I know it must be tough with 2. I have amazing respect for you!

    My husband went to football yesterday and I was alone with the 3 girls and by the time he came back I was a wreck! That was only a hour!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Delighted to hear ye both doing so well ladies. Great news :)

    I on the other hand am dying a slow and painfull death. I cannot come he'll or high water sleep!!!

    For example.. last night.. went to bed at 11. Felt exhausted. As soon as I got into bed the twitchy freekin legs started. Baby was murdering me.. brain on over drive.. too warm. Was awake till around 5am. Then heard him get up at half 6. Then heard him leave at half 7. Then I slept till 9.

    This seems to be every 2nd or 3rd night. I am exhausted. And entertaining a 2 yr old on little or no sleep is awful. I could cry I'm so tired. I just want to sleep.

    Anyone got any tips or anything?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,773 ✭✭✭Synyster Shadow

    Had my youngest 16 weeks ago and what worked for me was hot milk with cinnamon.. It may have been fluke but worked.. There's also a milk from cork that helps you sleep its been sold everywhere now.. There milked at night or something and hubby used it as he couldn't sleep and all good now..

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Glad to hear all the new babies are doing well despite a few blips along the way! Hope you girls are getting enough rest and are recovering well from delivery x

    staticdoor71 - not sure if you've heard of the gentle birth programme but I got the CD's on adverts, theyre self hypnosis tracks which are really relaxing and always send me to sleep! If you want to borrow them to load onto your phone your more than welcome? I have mine on my iphone already. Hope you get some rest either way, we will need all the rest we can get for the weeks ahead!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Staticdoor - I was like that and found listening to gentle music at night helped and a hot water bottle against my back with a fan and the windows open!

    Although I have to say it prepared me well for the night feeds.

    Just remember the end is in sight!

    I am already forgetting how horrible I felt and thinking I wouldn't mind another one! Lol

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  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    You must be a pro Kaylami to have 3 and still be considering another days after giving birth!!

    I was saying to my fiance that I dont mind being pregnant at all, that most of the time I've really enjoyed it... he reckons he'll be scared to come near after babs gets here in case I'll be wanting another straight away ha:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    Been to another appointment and still not the smallest sign of this baby arriving at all. All the books say things like baby dropping/lightening, getting a show, strong BHs, etc all happen days or even weeks before first labour. I haven't had any of these yet! For those who have done this before, did you have all sorts of signs for the preceding days, or is it possible to jump straight from zero to begin labour? For some reason, I had myself convinced baby would come early, but that isn't looking likely...

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    fiona-f wrote: »
    Been to another appointment and still not the smallest sign of this baby arriving at all. All the books say things like baby dropping/lightening, getting a show, strong BHs, etc all happen days or even weeks before first labour. I haven't had any of these yet! For those who have done this before, did you have all sorts of signs for the preceding days, or is it possible to jump straight from zero to begin labour? For some reason, I had myself convinced baby would come early, but that isn't looking likely...

    Unfortunately I don't have good news for ya. I went 14 days over with daughter and the only thing that happened me was my mucous plug went. But only cuz I had a sweep. Her head was really low and the lazy wagon still stayed put. I was induced 7am on day 13 she was born 2 am day 14.
    I had nothing else no braxton hicks no lightening crotch no sense of baby dropping... Nadda.

    Where as this time I have it all and I've still 8 days to go.

    But don't worry even if you do need to be induced.. I really didn't find it as terrible as all the horror storys lead me to believe. Promise x

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Hi all, great to hear the updates from the new mammies. It's such a massive change in life going from pregnant to mother in the space of a day. Hard to get my head around having a new born in a few weeks (due date 2 weeks today).

    Fiona, on my first I passed mucous plug on Sunday afternoon, contractions started Sunday night, and baby was born early tues morning. Up until Sunday afternoon I had no inkling that anything was going to happen and I was 2 days over at that stage.

    Kaylami sorry to hear about the little issues with your daughter, thankfully they are just little issues, hope the feeding is going well for you.

    Llambert hope your little men are doing well. I'm sure it would be easier if they were on the same schedule but I'm sure it will fall into place soon, fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Static - I know you probably don't have the energy but try some yoga. There's ones on YouTube think about 6 mins long. I found stretching great to relieve the achy legs though granted I didn't have another child to entertain/drain the energy out of you!!

    Kaylami just wow - you're already able to think fair play. I got dressed - achievement!!

    Not long ladies though I'm sure the end is tough. Easy for me to say I went at 36+4 so never had that wait.

    I miss sleep I'm operating on about 4 hours broken sleep. Always seems that they take it in turns to be unsettled. Its so much harder than I imagined.

    Mammy to the rescue......arrived today for a week and half. Unfortunately so did the in-laws. They are going Sunday!! MIL first sentence - you look tired. Prepare yourselves for a rant :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    39 weeks today & no sign of anything started either if it's any consolation! Only saving grace is I've said the whole way along that I'll be going at least 10days over! Only finished up work today which I think has helped mentally at least, in saying that I've been so well all pregnancy bar a bit of morning sickness up until 16weeks & once randomly this week....I count myself very lucky! Had a lovely send off in work:)

    Now gonna have to try fill my days until baby gets here, pamper day tomorrow with hair and beautician booked, desperately needed!

    Llambert try not to kill the in laws, deep breaths now:D Hard when your so sleep deprived I know, hope your visitors are more of a help than a hindrance, at least you can trust your mam!

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Slept quite well last night.. amazing what sheer exhaustion will do for a nights sleep :)

    I've an awful pain in my lower back all day.. hoping it's things getting started... Please cross everything!!!!!

    I repacked my bag again today. Had forgotten a towel for gods sake and had enough nappies to keep the hospital going. Also threw in my flip flops and charger.. its the necessary bits ya forget!!!!

    If im still around tomorrow I'll give that yoga a crack llambert...

    My freekin MIL has started her 30 second EVERY DAY phone calls again... I'm due sun week. She's started early this time!!!! I wish she would learn to Txt! !!!!!

    It's times like this I miss my own mam. She would have no prob in telling her to cop on. Although if my own mam were still here she prob wouldn't do it. Hmmmmm light bulb moment :)

    Anyway. Must go walking see can I get this show on the road. . Loving this cold wet weather. It's bliss :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Hi ladies!

    Fionaf-- I had all the symptoms backache,irregular contractions,lost my mucous plug and when examined after a week of that I was 1 centimeters dilated and not in labour!

    I've been inducd twice now and it's really not that bad!

    Had another hospital appointment today and it seems her mouth problems are worse than they thought they found a few more issues but you would never know to look at her. They want her back again at 6weeks to decide on corrective surgery.

    She's sleeping through the night from 12.30 until 6 or 7 which is just baffling to me!

    We visited the in laws today and my charming mil told my husband I was selfish for breastfeeding because she wanted the baby to stay with her for a few days. She said this while Iwas feeding in the sitting room. He defended me and stormed out and I'm left sitting there with the boobs out and I can't exactly run outside and follow him. Was a tad awkward.

    Llambert I totally feel your pain about the out laws coming rant away but it's good your mum will be there hopefully those little monkeys settled for you soon.

    Ladies when are the rest of you goin to join us?!
    Everyday I log on I expect

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Getting very impatient myself even tho my section date is a week and a half away, wish I could go in earlier than that just to be out the other side as it were.

    Kaylami I'm so sorry to hear about your little one's mouth issues, that must be worrying to have the possibility of surgery hanging over your baby. But what a wonderful sleeper she is for you. As for your MIL, at least your husband defended you- my hubbie would let what his mother says to me in one ear and out the other so that even though I'd be fuming, he wouldn't have noticed what she said at all. That's a lot of the problem with my situation, I have had many nasty digs from her over the years but I'm also not very assertive and always avoid confrontations so I suppose since she gets no opposition from me or my husband she just keeps getting worse. So many MIL issues on this thread aren't there, we should start a support group or something!

    Staticdoor, keep us posted please!! Was in for my 38wk appt yesterday, an hour and a half wait for a 2 minute appt as usual, but thank God all seems to be well. That waiting room is a joke though, one lady's partner fainted with the heat of it, another lady feeling woozy... nightmare, and it's been like that since my first baby in 2006, you would think they would buy a fan for it at least.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71


    Staticdoor, keep us posted please!! Was in for my 38wk appt yesterday, an hour and a half wait for a 2 minute appt as usual, but thank God all seems to be well. That waiting room is a joke though, one lady's partner fainted with the heat of it, another lady feeling woozy... nightmare, and it's been like that since my first baby in 2006, you would think they would buy a fan for it at least.[/quote]

    Omg it's a joke!!!! I'm in on wed. I'll be 39 +3. Not been there in about 3 weeks thank god. It's so hot in there it sends me into a state of panic. I don't even sit in the waiting room anymore I do wait out in the hall haha

    Nothing shaking pain wise. Much have just been a pain in my back... load of freekin balls!!!!
