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Due August 2014



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    The waiting room at my clinic is like a furnace aswell, with really uncomfortable chairs. Are they trying to make us go into labour or what?!
    Kaylami that's amazing that Evie is sleeping so well at nighttime, long may it last. MIL is unreal! Not making excuses for her but there's a complete lack of understanding about breastfeeding with her generation. To suggest you are being selfish is just crazy!
    Nobody in my family had any knowledge of breastfeeding when I started 2 years ago with my first. They were all trying to give me a break from the baby, encouraging me to express, give her some formula etc. All with the best intentions! I just saw it as my full time job for a few months and then I started expressing and they all nearly had a party to celebrate being able to take the baby for a few hours!
    The funniest transformation was my dad, typical Irish man, late 60s, no clue about breastfeeding. He didn't say anything to me about it for weeks, just discreetly left the room if he thought I was uncomfortable. But after about 3 months he started telling me about interviews he heard on the radio about breastfeeding and he started clipping articles from papers to show me how beneficial it is. Very sweet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    That is so sweet about your dad, emerb, just adoreable.

    The MIL stories make me extra grateful that my in-laws are all lovely, my only issue with them is there are an overwhelming number of them when they gather en masse. I definitely have nothing to complain about compared to some of you.

    Still not the tiniest sign of anything even approaching labour, I've started speaking very sternly to the baby asking him/her to come soon but clearly I have passed along my own stubborn streak.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Emer-b that's really sweet what your dad did. I felt really uncomfortable feeding my first and would hide away upstairs. I only lasted 2weeks with her 2nd I didn't even try so this time I was afraid but I'm just feeding whenever she wants and if people are uncomfortable they can leave!

    Girls totally agree with the waiting room being to hot it was torture!

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    Another week starts and my cabin fever plus insomnia are driving me nuts. I am nearly tempted to head back in to work to see if it will distract me from the waiting game! Physically, I feel perfectly fine and could easily carry on being this pregnant for months more, but my mind is whirring with anticipation and excitement and disappointment at no sign whatsoever of this baby. I have been walking miles every day and since my bump hasn't dropped at all, it is perfectly comfortable to do so, which I think defeats the purpose of the walks. My yoga teacher showed me a seated pose that is supposed to encourage labour by helping the baby's weight bear down on the cervix and she warned that it would probably be uncomfortable to stay in it to long - no matter how she adjusted me, I was perfectly fine and could have sat there for hours. I really really do not want to be induced - particularly if it is because of no signs of labour at all, as those sorts of inductions seem to lead to emergency sections easily - but nothing seems to be even starting to think of happening at all, and time feels like it is ticking backwards. I have a doctor's appointment this week and may ask her about a sweep, even though she hasn't mentioned it at all so far. I getthe feeling though that my cervix is unlikely to be favourable for it. But hey, who knows maybe all will unexpectedly kick off within the hour... it's odd, I am not normally an impatient person at all, very much go with the flow, but for some reason, I am approaching this completely differently. I also cannot help thinking that at this stage, it is safer for the baby to be born than lingering on, which is delving back into all the old fears I had on previous miscarriages.

    Sorry for the rant, it looks like quite a lot written down. I hope the other ladies are all doing well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    fiona-f wrote: »
    Another week starts and my cabin fever plus insomnia are driving me nuts. I am nearly tempted to head back in to work to see if it will distract me from the waiting game! Physically, I feel perfectly fine and could easily carry on being this pregnant for months more, but my mind is whirring with anticipation and excitement and disappointment at no sign whatsoever of this baby. I have been walking miles every day and since my bump hasn't dropped at all, it is perfectly comfortable to do so, which I think defeats the purpose of the walks. My yoga teacher showed me a seated pose that is supposed to encourage labour by helping the baby's weight bear down on the cervix and she warned that it would probably be uncomfortable to stay in it to long - no matter how she adjusted me, I was perfectly fine and could have sat there for hours. I really really do not want to be induced - particularly if it is because of no signs of labour at all, as those sorts of inductions seem to lead to emergency sections easily - but nothing seems to be even starting to think of happening at all, and time feels like it is ticking backwards. I have a doctor's appointment this week and may ask her about a sweep, even though she hasn't mentioned it at all so far. I getthe feeling though that my cervix is unlikely to be favourable for it. But hey, who knows maybe all will unexpectedly kick off within the hour... it's odd, I am not normally an impatient person at all, very much go with the flow, but for some reason, I am approaching this completely differently. I also cannot help thinking that at this stage, it is safer for the baby to be born than lingering on, which is delving back into all the old fears I had on previous miscarriages.

    Sorry for the rant, it looks like quite a lot written down. I hope the other ladies are all doing well.

    I understand the worry aspect with 4 miscarriages behind me, I'm 39 weeks on wednesday and I keep thinking baby would be better out sooner rather than later, now that I feel strong healthy movements and I know baby is considered full term now.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Omg fi I totally hear you. I'm getting about 6 hrs sleep on night. Then SFA the next 2 nights. It's really starting to p1ss me off.

    I just cannot switch off. And even tho this is my 2nd... I'm TERRIFIED....and I think that's the route of my problems.

    I'd give anything for a sleep... an uninterrupted sleep!!! If it's any consolation I'm due on Sunday and nothing shaking either.

    I did some bouncing on the exercise ball yest and I guess I've a few more pains.. could be baby could be cuz I've been a lazy ar $ e this pregnancy.

    Please don't stress over being induced. It's really not as bad as what some ar$eholes take great pleasure in telling you.

    I would nearly prefer it than spontaneous labour which I'm sure sounds stupid. But everything happens in a controlled environment. .. I kinda liked that.

    But honestly. It's not so bad. Promise x

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    The insomnia is driving me nuts too :( I would give anything for uninterrupted sleep, I counted that I got up 9 times to use the bathroom the other night, and once I'm up I find it really hard to go back to sleep. I haven't had a full night's sleep since being pregnant, even from the very early days!

    I'm due in just under 2 weeks and so uncomfortable. I had a lot of pains and tightenings around the bump yesterday and I bounced on the ball for a bit. They persisted for a few hours then just disappeared. It's hard to believe I'm gonna be like this for a few more weeks! I've gone from being very nervous, to properly scared, to 'get this baby out of me now'!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Fionaf - please don't worry about being induced! I completely echo what staticdoor says anyone who tells you it's worse bein inducd is just bein a twit.

    I was induced with my eldest and labour was only 8 hours - had just gas&air

    Was induced this time as well after a c section with number 2. It's nice because everything happens in a controlled environment which I personally found very reassuring.

    Labour was 7 hours from they broke my waters.

    Thinking of you all and hoping babies start arriving soon!

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭Cameoette

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Fionaf - please don't worry about being induced! I completely echo what staticdoor says anyone who tells you it's worse bein inducd is just bein a twit.

    I was induced with my eldest and labour was only 8 hours - had just gas&air

    Was induced this time as well after a c section with number 2. It's nice because everything happens in a controlled environment which I personally found very reassuring.

    Labour was 7 hours from they broke my waters.

    Thinking of you all and hoping babies start arriving soon!

    Cheers for the positive induction stories, I've been fretting a bit about induction too...defo fuelled by horror stories being told to me at every turn!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Fiona I feel for you, you're desperate to get that baby out. Your due date is around now right? I have no words of wisdom for you I'm afraid. So hard to know what way things are going to go. I'm in a different mindset completely, very happy to wait til my due date (22nd), no rush here! It's amazing that you can still walk miles every day, your recovery should be really fast.

    My nesting is gone into overdrive! Spent yesterday filling the freezer with homemade bolognese and curry, should keep us going til Halloween. Have enough toilet rolls and washing powder for a few houses. Just clearing out my wardrobe now, longing to get back into my old clothes again and feel less whale like. And my crazy job for the weekend was scrubbing the stairs banister and railings!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Emerb -totally feel you on the nesting I did the exact same I even had my nearly 2 year old cleaning the stairs with a baby wipe! I'm so glad I did it now!

    Feeding Evie is turning into a full time job I'm exhausted and when my oh is asleep at night and I'm feeding again I want to punch him.
    Irrational I know but the furthest I've been away was in the toilet!

    We have our 2week check on Friday and hopefully they will have some news on her mouth and jaw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Kaylami wrote: »
    Emerb -totally feel you on the nesting I did the exact same I even had my nearly 2 year old cleaning the stairs with a baby wipe! I'm so glad I did it now!

    Feeding Evie is turning into a full time job I'm exhausted and when my oh is asleep at night and I'm feeding again I want to punch him.
    Irrational I know but the furthest I've been away was in the toilet!

    We have our 2week check on Friday and hopefully they will have some news on her mouth and jaw.

    God that sounds exhausting :( I must admit that's prob my main reason I didn't breast feed. I cannot function on no sleep whereas himself could go for days. When we brought my daughter home last time I went straight to bed and slept 14 hrs. The poor man had never even held a baby till 3 days prior to that on the day she was born. I'd have died without him so it's not that irrational xxx

    Is it like a tongue tie she has? (Again I've no idea what this is just heard it spoken about alot) or is it more serious? Either way I hope they give you the answers your looking for :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Kaylami have you got help with your toddler during the day? I'm planning on using a childminder every day for the first few weeks (maybe even months) as I'm hoping to breastfeed again. Being the sole baby feeder is just exhausting! I found it even tougher mentally than physically as you are so tied down for the first few months, basically on call 24/7. Dads of breastfeeding babies are very lucky!
    Have you checked out the breastfeeding support thread on boards? Got me through the tough times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    I'm lucky that oh doesn't work he minds the kids while I work so we are both at home at the minute. Otherwise I would go insane! It's so hard to divide attention between 3 when Evie is constantly attached!

    No she's not tongue tied. She has double gums in the back and is missing a piece of gum right at the front top. She also has a very high roof of her mouth and her jaw is not even. So lots of little issues.

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Ah the poor little poochy. Hopefully they are all mendable little issues and she will be right as rain :)

    Great that your hubby is at home too. I dunno how parents do it with more than one (I'm about to find out I guess).

    My partner is finishing up today. Just worked out well that the extension they are doing is finished today. So he's gunna stay home for a while. I certainly don't mind. I'm looking forward to putting my feet up for a few days (I hope) before bambino makes an appearance

  • Registered Users Posts: 332 ✭✭fiona-f

    K, really hope your little one gets the best possible news when she sees the doctors next. That is great they picked up on those issues so quickly and so can decide on the best possible management for her. I am sure it must be worrying for you but she'll do really well I'm sure.

    Thank you all for tolerating my sleepless early morning rant and for the lovely kind words that made me feel a lot better. I was at the doctor late this afternoon and she reckons things are much closer to progress than I had thought, which I am thrilled about. So thank you for keeping my mood up and for the positive vibes.

    I had thought the old wives tale of the full moon last night might tip things over the edge for some of us!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Kaylami, really hope you're little ones mouth problems are easily solved & it's good news come Friday... Your doing a great job with breast feeding, must be hard with your other kiss looking for attention I'm sure.

    Fiona-f, I was expecting some news in here as well this morning with the full moon but no luck! Rant away, it's hard counting down to the magical due date only for nothing to happen & to have to start counting days again... Well all get there!

    Had my 39week appointment today, all is well with me & baby. They have my due date as the 16th, 1st I've heard of that date mentioned:) Ah what difference dies a day make, mightn't be saying that this time next week!

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Thank you ladies!

    Hopefully it's not a serious issue. It doesn't seem to be affecting her too much but they suspect the problem may start when teeth come in.

    My mum and dad are coming tomorrow so I'm looking forward to that and we are goin to go for dinner. I'm still nervous about feeding in public but it will be good to get out!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    Haven't had a minute these last few days. Only get time to check in to see if there's any arrivals!!

    Fiona-f please don't worry. I don't know anything about induction but I'm 11 days post section and feel so much better. Didn't even finish out the course of pain killers and I'm a wimp. Obviously I would have preferred to have them myself but its only the loss of independence and the fact I'm very restricted to what I can do is the worse part for me. So please try not worry and focus on baba arriving safely x

    Morebabies I can understand your worry considering what you've been through before but you're nearly there. I worried no end after trying for so long to conceive that something would happen and I'd be punished for messing with nature but that's only natural to have these fears.

    Kaylami I hear you on the night feeds. It really feels like you're on your own. My 2 only come to life at night. Since I've git home I've been up from 11 to 3 or 4. But today I fought with them as much as possible and now both are asleep. First time since we got home. I'm taking it as a small victory and praying that they go down easy when they wake later for a feed later.

    All expectant Mammies you're nearly there. Just remember all this is good preparation for what's ahead x x

    Oh and no rant about MIL. I've plenty to rant about but have decided she's not worth my energy. But she did buy potty's for my week old wtf?????

  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    Haha your MIL sounds like she has serious issues!!!!!!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Pottys, that's hilarious!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Potties for newborns, that is hilarious.

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    Now llambert you may get those two potty trained before her next visit!

  • Registered Users Posts: 852 ✭✭✭shortstuff!

    Ah llambert, your MIL gave me a good laugh!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 292 ✭✭llambert

    I know girls I might aswell start them on the spoon while I'm at it.

    Kaylami seriously are you wonder woman?? We've a doctors appointment Thurs morning and I'm already dreading how we're going to get out of the house. Its brilliant that you are already at the social occasion part. Don't worry about the bf in public. If someone has a problem no-one is asking them to look in your direction!!

    Anyone any tips on trying to keep a baby awake during the day. My smugness last night was short lived!! Cian was brilliant went down at half 10, woke at 3, took half an hour to get how feed, changed and settled and slept till nearly half 8. Adam on the other hand had me up half the night with his waking time. Trying to keep him awake in the afternoon/evening by stripping him, touching his feet, talking to him but he sleeps right through. Any tips greatly appreciated x x

  • Registered Users Posts: 600 ✭✭✭Kaylami

    No tips here llambert Evie kept me up till 5am this morning I have fought with her all day to stay awake and she's having none of it!

    Far from wonder woman I'll tell you that! Most days I don't even get dressed.

    Just heading out to dinner now my Mam and dad took the girls for the day so that was a big help

  • Registered Users Posts: 539 ✭✭✭morebabies

    Hi llambert, yup all my babies in the first few weeks got totally confused between day and night. Very difficult I know because sleep=sanity.

    The only thing that has helped me was a feeding routine by the author Gina Ford in her book "The Complete Sleep Guide for Contented Babies and toddlers". It is not liked by all mommies because you do not feed on demand but instead keep to a strict schedule. The only reason I liked the routine was because it gives predictability and by ten weeks of age all my 3 kids, who were very very different, were sleeping from after their 10pm feed til 7am. You can see a snippet of her book on Google Books here:

    Saying that, I met a lot of mommies who never followed the routine and had angelic babies that slept through the night much sooner. It totally depends on the babby and what suits yourself really, and not having been a mom to twins, I'm guessing it would be hard to follow a strict schedule?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 483 ✭✭emer_b

    Nearly half way through the month and still only 3 babies! I keep logging on dying to hear more news!

    Ladypip how are you doing? Hope all is well, haven't seen you here in a while

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,356 ✭✭✭Lucuma

    Hi ladies, 37 +4 here and very content to wait til am 40 or 40+10 as I'm expecting to reach! I started getting back pain alright in the last 2 weeks but I find I have
    it when I wake up in the morning but once I roll out the yoga mat and do my preg yoga it gets rid of it for the rest of the day. Hopefully that will keep working! Baby moving a lot again which I didn't expect. Sleeping not going well either, coping coz I am finished up work and have no other kids so it's grand! But I feel for ppl minding toddlers on little sleep! Preparations progressing steadily now. Have labour & hospital bag done, buggy all sorted (apart from 2 items I ordered yet to come), moses basket sorted, car seat & isofox sorted. Have steriliser & a heap of bottles -am planning on bfing but just in case. Things I'm going to leave til after birth: changing bag, bf'ing pillow, bf pump. The first two so that if someone asks 'what present can I get you' I can suggest either of those 2 and the pump coz the elec ones v.expensive so want to wait & see how bf'ing goes 1st

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  • Registered Users Posts: 634 ✭✭✭staticdoor71

    I'm in tomorrow for my 39 +3 check up

    Can you request a sweep does anyone know? I'm in freekin agony now. Can't sit cuz it feels like babies head in way. No better on ball. Back killing me with too much standing/walking. Only comfy lying down. Hardly doable with a 2 yr old

    Just had enough now. I want my body back :(

    I feel terrible feeling like this.. that I just should be thankful everything's ok. But I'm just so so exhausted. This last few days I really feel have taken their toll :(
