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Shakespeare and Astroology!

  • 26-12-2013 10:14pm
    Registered Users Posts: 4,071 ✭✭✭

    It is only now that I am retired that I have the mind set to watch the great productions in film of William Shakespeare.

    As a young lad I was seriously interested in astrology. I have noted so far that Shakespeare has referred to astrology in at least three of his productions. Romeo and crossed lovers. Julius Ceasar..........."the fault is not in our stars Dear Brutus but in the fact that we are underlings". The Taming of the Shrew..........on proclaiming the old man to be a fair maid............."someone with fortune in the stars would be lucky to have the maid as a wife"

    Can anyone give me more references by Shakespeare to astrology. I must confess that I believe that there is merit in the subject.

    In Shakespeare's time people were not glued to their I phone or Match of The Day and thus they were free to observe what was happening in nature.

    The Forum on Spirituality has been closed for years. Please bring it back, there are lots of Spiritual people in Ireland and elsewhere.
