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Getting to know... It's now time to Bombard Bambaata with a Bamboozle of Questions..

  • 29-12-2013 4:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,121 ✭✭✭

    Previous threads in case yee want to torture anyone with more questions when they thought they were off the hook now!

    Kurt Godel

    So Bambaata, let's get this show on the road:

    1 - How many hours per week are you training and what split on average?

    2 - Will you do a log for 2014?

    3 - What is the main goals/races for 2014?

    4 - Are we going to have our first battle in 2014 as it's well overdue... :D;)
    - Kilkee or Lost Sheep on the cards for you at all to start this off?

    5 - What is the most run volume you got up to when running your best?

    6 - What are your weaknesses regarding training?

    7 - What are your vices/dietary weaknesses?



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Bambaata!! So lovely meeting you at the post-DCM festivities. :) But I must've been so rattled sitting next to you (or had my best manners about me ;)) that I didn't even get to discuss your legendary flying mount that all the girls swoon

    How did you learn your flying mount technique? Is your graceful precision move something you were born with, or were there hours of practice involved to master it? Anyone whose flying mount you aspire to emulate? How would you describe your flying mount in one word?

    Have you ever completed an iron distance event? If so, when? How many? Best time?

    How many half iron distance events have you completed? Best time and at which event?

    Which tri distance do you like the best? Which tri distance do you think you are the best at?

    Rank swim, bike, run in order of your strength....then rank them in order of which you enjoy the most....then rank them in the order of the most potential for you to continue to improve.

    Any pre-race or race superstitions or rituals?

    Are you tougher mentally or physically?

    What is your secret weopon in a race?

    Do you prefer chasing or being chased? And why?

    How is therapy going since Oryx carelessly announced that you were not her type? ;)

    Is it true you've been in Tunney's shed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Fazz wrote: »
    1 - How many hours per week are you training and what split on average?
    Ideally id be doing something like 11-14 as thats probably what has been prescribed most weeks but a quick look back from when i started training for 2013 (3rd week November 2012) to A race in Lanza i averaged just 9.3hrs. Id a fairly inconsistent year! Ive never been one for big hours though, my biggest week ever is only around the 15hr mark and that would be once in a blue moon!
    Fazz wrote: »
    2 - Will you do a log for 2014?
    Id like to but wasn't very successful this year and think it could go much the same way as this year's! I might but with very brief notes, maybe a once a week summary type log. I'll see, i did find it helped me at times when i did manage to maintain it. I can see it most likely can help the coach too as id imagine my mood/stress levels would come across in it a bit more which has a massive impact on my training. I can be pretty brief at times in my session summaries
    Fazz wrote: »
    3 - What is the main goals/races for 2014?
    Right now ive only got the World 70.3 in Canada in September on the radar. I dont know what the goal will be there. I'll take a look at results on the course and probably set a time type goal. Im under no illusions and wont be anywhere near the top 10/20 in the AG so a time goal is likely the way to go. Other than that its looking like im going to join a cycle club and focus on that for the first half of the year. I've no early season tri's in mind anyway. I will do some but i wont peak for any.
    Fazz wrote: »
    4 - Are we going to have our first battle in 2014 as it's well overdue... :D;)
    - Kilkee or Lost Sheep on the cards for you at all to start this off?
    Ha id be annihilated! I dont have either of those on the cards im afraid and i wont be doing anything near the volume you are so i can safely say if we do meet ill be hoping to be within 5mins of you (over olympic distance and more like 15mins at HIM)
    Fazz wrote: »
    5 - What is the most run volume you got up to when running your best?
    Max is was probably only in the 60-70km/week region! Nothing major and i think that enough for me, particularly when combining 200-250km on the bike and 2.5-3hrs swimming in the week. That was 2012, i didnt keep it consistent enough in 2013 to manage to get to where i was then. Easy pace was generally in the 04:0x - 04:1x region then whereas i was about 10-20s/km off that this year. There's no better feeling than running easy kms at sub 4min pace! I didnt manage that this year but did on occasion in 2012.
    Fazz wrote: »
    6 - What are your weaknesses regarding training?
    Plenty in 2013! Probably consistency being the key. Even now i can put down 3 or 4 great days and then have a lapse and miss a few sessions. I'll never get anywhere with that so i need to address it in 2014. I also lost the love of training solo and hence a reason for potentially joining a cycle club. This year was a disaster for nailing long bikes. Taking a look back the most i ever got to was about 3hr/3.5hrs (on my terms i might add) whereas in 2012 i regularly hit 4+hr spins and eventhough i didnt always enjoy every one of them i got a fair few of them in. I was plagued that year with saddle sores and that was the main reason for not enjoying a lot of them but ive gotten on top of that now (new saddle and the magic cure - bepanthen!!). If memory serves me correct i missed loads of long runs this year too so in essence 2013 was plagued with weaknesses :o I had others in 2011 and 2012 (self sabotage!). Funnily i reckon i got best bang for buck this year! I didnt race competitive races but i feel that in the races I did do I got as much out of myself as i could have expected.
    Fazz wrote: »
    7 - What are your vices/dietary weaknesses?
    Where to start! I love craft beers, O'Hara's leann follain and 8 degrees sunburnt red probably being my fav but also add O'Hara's IPA, double IPA,All of Dungarvans variety and a few others
    I also cant stop eating once i start, i'll clear a plate no matter how hungry i am and if there are leftovers ill have them too. People are amazed how much i eat sometimes. I just love food, all of it!! :D
    I wouldnt have a massive sweet tooth but will never refuse it if offered! If i didnt train id definitely be about 3 or 4 stone heavier!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    So, you qualified for the World 70.3 Championships in Canada? With which race? (well done!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Bambaata!! So lovely meeting you at the post-DCM festivities. :) But I must've been so rattled sitting next to you (or had my best manners about me ;)) that I didn't even get to discuss your legendary flying mount that all the girls swoon
    It was great to meet you too! As anyone who knows me will tell you, im not very chatty so that wouldnt have helped :D
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    How did you learn your flying mount technique? Is your graceful precision move something you were born with, or were there hours of practice involved to master it? Anyone whose flying mount you aspire to emulate? How would you describe your flying mount in one word?
    Im afraid my mount is woeful but my that's something;)
    I never practiced either (and really should practice the mount) but i find a dismount at 20km/hr+ pretty easy. Fortunately ive never creamed myself doing it but have come close (a few skids barefoot come to mind!). Unfortunately though i think i caused an injury this year from the dismount at the Wexford race. Ive been plagued with a niggle since then and even after 40+days of no running up to mid December i can still feel it! I managed to see through to Lanza this year with ongoing treatment/massages but ive not yet completely solved the root of it!
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Have you ever completed an iron distance event? If so, when? How many? Best time?
    Nope not as of yet. Im taking that slowly. Maybe 2015 or 2016. Im a firm believer that longer does not equal better and will only take on long when i reckon i can do myself justice (which is a long way off!)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    How many half iron distance events have you completed? Best time and at which event?
    Ive done Austria 70.3, Galway 69.4 (shortened swim), Mallorca 70.3, Lost Sheep & Lanzarote 70.3. Times have been between 4:36 to 04:49 but id put the 04:49 as my best as it is a very tough bike and the 04:36 was with the shortened swim. Austria was m,y 1st, i raced pretty well but was sick (cellulitis), was back on antibiotics for 2 weeks leading into Galway 70.3, had an issue with my bike for Mallorca 70.3 and stopped training a month out from Lost Sheep (week at the Olympics turned into a 10 binge which ended all hopes of a good race there!). So Lanza was the first i feel i did to my capability (which was much this year due to the earlier mentioned inconsistency). I reckon if i train well in the 11-15hr/week region, execute a good race on a fair course i could go sub 28 swim/sub 02:28 bike/sub 01:25 run and with 5mins for transitions knock out roughly a sub 04:30. Yet to be done though! That may be the Canada goal if the course if fair.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Which tri distance do you like the best? Which tri distance do you think you are the best at?
    I have the most fun at sprint distance but probably prefer HIM as i enjoy the pacing element to it. Ive had most success at sprint though having got a few wins (at weak races mind)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Rank swim, bike, run in order of your strength....then rank them in order of which you enjoy the most....then rank them in the order of the most potential for you to continue to improve.
    This is a toughie. Traditionally id have said bike was strongest, swim weakest but i reckon ive balanced them out pretty well now so much so that id nearly put bike as weakest. I put that down to lack of long bikes this year and hence one reason why im looking to join a cycle club. I need to get out of my comfort zone more on the bike and get a lot more kms in!
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Any pre-race or race superstitions or rituals?
    I have a few ticks alright! When im nervous or anxious you'll see me do this really weird nod! I also have this thing about counting to numbers and religiously time myself at things! So on the morning of a race ill be constantly doing things like that. I also like runners set very neatly side by side in parallel!
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Are you tougher mentally or physically?
    Another toughie! Id like to think mentally as that more important but i have caved on many sessions when i head wasnt in it. To be honest i wouldn't be very confident so find it hard to pick either!
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    What is your secret weopon in a race?
    If im off the bike in a race thats very close i will most likely win that battle. It might be for 1st or 20th but if im running with someone (or a small group) that seems to be running well i find im good at outsmarting them when it gets tough. Ive done it a few times and reached pain levels ive only very rarely reached! I can think of 6 or 7 times ive done that and only 1 i've lost.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Do you prefer chasing or being chased? And why?
    Chasing, definitely! I find it keeps me pushing harder if there's a carrot dangling just ahead.
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    How is therapy going since Oryx carelessly announced that you were not her type? ;)
    Not very well, i haven't yet come to terms with it and seen many therapists ;-)
    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Is it true you've been in Tunney's shed?
    Ha yes, i did my first ever FTP with power there. Its a great setup!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Mwahahaha now I get to ask the questions I really want answers to! (though your talk of bepanthen had me momentarily distracted...)

    Blondes or brunettes? *stares down Dory*
    Lifetime sporting ambition?
    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Best quality?
    Worst quality?
    Do you snore?
    Can you do a handstand?
    Most unusual place you've ever woken up?
    How do you deal with all the fan mail and constant adulation?
    How many non stop pressups can you do after reading this?
    How does it feel, being a sex object?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Oryx wrote: »
    How does it feel, being a sex object?

    That'll cost him a few more sessions with the therapist. ;)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    That'll cost him a few more sessions with the therapist. ;)

    Then my work here is done. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Assuming you are not spent doing press ups to fail, how long can you hold a wall squat for after reading this?
    Are you now holding a wall squat replying to this?
    How long do you think you can hold a plank for after the squat?
    What would Leisha say your dream goal is?
    You vs the hobbit in a staring contest with Ms Fredrickson doing pre swim stretches beside you. Loser has to hand over their tri bike. Who wins?
    How did you get into mixing and being a DJ?
    What would be your claim to gluttony fame?
    What training session do you dread?
    What are your pet hates?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Sorry am up in Leitrim/Bundoran the past two days with limited internet so just getting back to this now

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So, you qualified for the World 70.3 Championships in Canada? With which race? (well done!)

    I managed to get a roll down at Lanzarote 70.3, was totally unexpected!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Oryx wrote: »
    Mwahahaha now I get to ask the questions I really want answers to! (though your talk of bepanthen had me momentarily distracted...)

    Blondes or brunettes? *stares down Dory*
    I would generally have been a blonde fan but am married to a brunette so not much logic there!
    Oryx wrote: »
    Lifetime sporting ambition?
    Right now it would be Kona. Id love to qualify for that with a crack at sub 9 but thats a long long long way off and a serious stretch but sure what good is a weak goal!
    Oryx wrote: »
    Where do you see yourself in five years?
    Im very conservative so probably as I am now which my wife wouldnt like hearing :D Im not one for change, i enjoy where i work, it allows me time to train but a lot can change in 5 years!! Id have said something similar in my dj'n years but i dont even go out anymore!!
    Oryx wrote: »
    Best quality?
    mmm maybe that when i put my mind to something that i have an interest in i'll really get into it and i suppose it can lead into the next question too!
    Oryx wrote: »
    Worst quality?
    I do not like change! A little of that is no problem but im very set in my ways and not open to something that is either a risk or wildly different to what im comfortable with.
    Oryx wrote: »
    Do you snore?
    NOt that im aware of, i slep on my stomach so not likely to.
    Oryx wrote: »
    Can you do a handstand?
    Nope, ive not much upper body strength and zero co-ordination!
    Oryx wrote: »
    Most unusual place you've ever woken up?
    John Bruton's house probably ranks as the weirdest! Ended up back there after a party which took place the other side of the county!
    Oryx wrote: »
    How do you deal with all the fan mail and constant adulation?
    Ha i have a sorting office which only gives me the top 5 each day :D
    Oryx wrote: »
    How many non stop pressups can you do after reading this?
    Not many and im in a cafe in Bundoran right now so im only going to guess and say 25
    Oryx wrote: »
    How does it feel, being a sex object?
    Ha, im told that im best at keeping my mouth shut as when i talk i ruin that so probably best stay quiet on that one :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Assuming you are not spent doing press ups to fail, how long can you hold a wall squat for after reading this?
    I had to look up what a wall squat is :confused: Noty long id sa, again the cafe im in might not be the best place to try! I'll give it a go when im home tomorrow ;)
    Are you now holding a wall squat replying to this?
    For sure ;)
    How long do you think you can hold a plank for after the squat?
    My core at the best of times is weak as i do little to no core work, at my best id say id manage about 1.5-2mins, right now about a minute! I took up pilates last year to try sort that but only kept it up for the one 6 week term, i did do a little here and there myself but if i ever really do give tri a go thats an area that needs a lot of attention!
    What would Leisha say your dream goal is?
    To be exactly where i am right now and never change a thing, to be utterly boring :D
    You vs the hobbit in a staring contest with Ms Fredrickson doing pre swim stretches beside you. Loser has to hand over their tri bike. Who wins?
    I wouldn't even have heard him challenge me! Maybe that answers the blonde v brunette question too! I'm a big fan of hers. Some say she got too much muscle, i see nothing wrong!!
    How did you get into mixing and being a DJ?
    I never really listened to music others did, started listening to early rave, happy hardcore when i was about 10/11. A friend got decks when i was about 13 and eventually when i was about 127 i managed to save about 1.5k and bought my own. I got my first gig at the infamous Electric City in 2004. I had been putting up posters around college for them and doing some flyering as a way of getting guestlist. I had a friend who had lived in Ireland for a few years and while here became a thing of legend in the DJ world so i managed to get him a gig at EC to help pay for flights back for him and put some money up myself and low and behold the lads asked if id like to support him. Never looked back from there, I was always too shy to give a demo to anyone but from that gig i got another, then another which happened to be the closing party for EC at the old infamous Metropolitan with Ozzy Osbourne's son Louis and from there other promoters asked me to play their nights, then i became a resident for EC and then Pogo when it was in Pod and it just grew from there. Good times! Im always asked would i go back but its a lot of work (i was 4 hrs a day listening to music then and constantly going out networking, dont know if i have the energy for that anymore).
    What would be your claim to gluttony fame?
    Im an endless pit when it comes to food. All you can eat buffets are a danger! If there's food infront of me ill keep eating.
    What training session do you dread?
    Long bikes with long reps at either sprint or olympic power would most likely be it but i got to get the love for them back or ill go nowhere!
    What are your pet hates?
    I hate people saying they "have no time"
    I hate people eating with their mouth open!
    I hate hate hate people slurping drinks and will actually get up and walk away from them!
    I hate diets!
    I hate trying to lose weight :( ! I never reach my goal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    What are your heart rate zones, including your vo2max?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    What are your heart rate zones, including your vo2max?

    These are 2013 levels (when i was training)

    Run (HR):
    Easy 133 - 144
    Steady 145 - 152
    Mod 153 - 162
    Hard >162

    Bike (Power):
    Easy - 175 - 239W
    Steady - 240 - 287W
    Mod - 288 - 335W
    Hard - >335W

    I reckon my FTP is about 300/310W now which brings those down. I am supposed to be back training two weeks now and probably should have been testing in 2 or 3 weeks but I had a disaster of a week to start back, then did ok up to last weekend but have now managed to come down with a cold. Hence im resting up so itll probably be mid February before i get to test to check. From the few sessions i did so far on the bike im pretty sure FTP is around 300-310 now

    I haven't a clue what my V02 is. Ive never had it tested but I do have some other info from a study i did in trinity college a few years ago. From that i know that i have massive gains to get from EPO ;) (i've lowish HCT, something like 41/42)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Low HCT? Hematocrit?? Is that what you mean?? If so, do you take an iron supplement? And do not try this at home, kids...but....I've often wondered if training with a slightly low red cell count would be similar to training at high altitude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Yes hematocrit, i was told i was perfectly healthy and i take the readings with a pinch of salt as they were done about 4 years ago, before i got into structured training. At least i know that if i ever do sign up for a race that Fazz is doing i could have a way of trying to keep up ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    What day should i start the new one?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Bambaata wrote: »
    What day should i start the new one?

    Ages from today anyways...

    1. What is the hardest session you've ever done in the pool?
    2. Ever had a race sprint finish with someone who never gave up?
    3. I'm surprized that so many from here can only swim 25m underwater on one far can you go?
    4. Favourite pre-20th Century composer?
    5. Can you play the bongo's?
    6. Ever fall from a tree?
    7. Do you run fartlek in training?
    8. Ever do any IMRA/hill races?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hey Ed,

    Perfect training leading up to your first IM on a fast course, what do you think you are capable of doing on S/B/R splits?
    What other hobbies do you have apart from music, triathlon and eating?
    Favourite tune?
    Who is the better cook, you or Leisha?
    How many crackers can you eat in 5mins, you have to try this with no water/fluids. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Ages from today anyways...

    1. What is the hardest session you've ever done in the pool?
    None come to mind but with HIM being my goal the 20x100s on 01:40 coming in around 01:25-30 would be up there. I dont mind 100s though
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    2. Ever had a race sprint finish with someone who never gave up?
    Plenty! Most of those ones i talked about earlier would have been to the line or the final 50m at least. When that close i will never give up and usually get across the line hyperventilating
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    3. I'm surprized that so many from here can only swim 25m underwater on one far can you go?
    I would guess just 1 length too, not training presently as shaking this cold but i'll give it a go next week when i should be back to things.
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    4. Favourite pre-20th Century composer?
    Ha, does Jeff Mills count??
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    5. Can you play the bongo's?
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    6. Ever fall from a tree?
    No, not that i can recall anyway
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    7. Do you run fartlek in training?
    Yeah i do at times, ill go by fell and just aim at lamposts, trees, whatever and run them however i feel. Nicer to change it up at times
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    8. Ever do any IMRA/hill races?
    I did one in Lanzarote a week after Lanza 70.3 that absolutely destroyed me! Animal run! I wasnt suite prepared running in my tri runners. I destroyed them too and blew my legs to pieces having to walk a lot!! I would love to get into some more hill races though but never seem to take the plunge! Hopefully this year i will. Here's my file from that race - I dont think i ever experienced pain like it. The first proper descent destroyed my quads. I got to them bottom and realised i was only about 6k in of the 19.5k and had no use of my quads from there. I need to get me some proper runners for the next time as i had to stop about 5 times to empty my shoes of stones and gravel.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Bambaata wrote: »
    Yes hematocrit, i was told i was perfectly healthy and i take the readings with a pinch of salt as they were done about 4 years ago, before i got into structured training. At least i know that if i ever do sign up for a race that Fazz is doing i could have a way of trying to keep up ;-)

    Hct is massively impacted by training. Trained I've been 51, untrained 40.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    Bambaata wrote: »
    At least i know that if i ever do sign up for a race that Fazz is doing i could have a way of trying to keep up ;-)

    Your numbers suggest that you could take Fazz in a Olympic or higher. (Sorry Fazz) why not more faith in yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    Hey Ed,

    Perfect training leading up to your first IM on a fast course, what do you think you are capable of doing on S/B/R splits?
    This is a real stab in the dark and i could be well out but id be hoping for something like:
    Swim <60mins
    Bike 5 to 5:15
    Run 3:10 - 3:30
    Transitions 10mins
    So anywhere between 09:20 to 09:55. I reckon someday, given a few years of IMs i could go sub 09:15 but who knows if i ever survive that far.
    What other hobbies do you have apart from music, triathlon and eating?
    Too much going out the last while!! I dont do much else to be honest. Ive gotten the ski bug now but wouldnt get to do it enough to call it a hobby. We're off to Morzine Sunday week and cant wait!!
    Favourite tune?
    Hard to name one but a few of my favs would include -

    Shed - Another Wedged Chicken
    Charlie - Spacer Woman
    The Orb - Little Fluffy Clouds
    Aphex Twin - Ageispolis
    Jeff Mills - If (We)
    Depends on the mood
    Who is the better cook, you or Leisha?
    Im a better cook, she's a better baker, does that cover it :D
    How many crackers can you eat in 5mins, you have to try this with no water/fluids. :)
    Ill have to get some tonight and give it a go ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    tunney wrote: »
    Your numbers suggest that you could take Fazz in a Olympic or higher. (Sorry Fazz) why not more faith in yourself?
    Maybe this could be a 2014 goal :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭MrCreosote

    What is the highest altitude you have reached under your own power?
    What has been your worst/most frustrating injury?
    If you were told you could only ever do one of swim, bike or run for the rest of your days, which would you pick?
    Which is a more untrustworthy person- a man with a moustache, or a someone who claims their favourite album is a "Best of..." compilation.

    tunney wrote: »
    Hct is massively impacted by training. Trained I've been 51, untrained 40.

    Interesting biological passport data there Tunney <cough>.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    MrCreosote wrote: »
    What is the highest altitude you have reached under your own power?
    I ain't no mountain got i'm afriad. Ive only been to Wicklow mts and touched the mountains of Spain just north of Gibraltar. Gaucin in that region of Spain seems to be the highest i've reached but not very exciting at just 650m.
    MrCreosote wrote: »
    What has been your worst/most frustrating injury?
    I broke my right collar bone twice in three places but before tri days. Also I've had a knee operation to rectify a medical meniscus which had me hobbling around for about a year (again before tri days). Fortunately it was just partially frayed and not completely gone and hasn't caused any issues since. While doing tri ive been ok enough. I picked up a niggle this summer though and dont think its fully gone, as in once i ramp things up running wise i have a feeling its going to return. It had me barely able to walk after the sprint tri in Kilkenny and i missed a fair bit of speed work before Lanza because of it. I cant remember the muscle name but am told its a very strange niggle for a triathlete, more common with hockey players as its a sideways motion muscle right at the bottom of my right buttock just before the hamstring. Pain in the arse, literally!! I managed to just manage it past Lanza 70.3 with some therapy sessions but will need to restart all that now i think!
    MrCreosote wrote: »
    If you were told you could only ever do one of swim, bike or run for the rest of your days, which would you pick?
    Probably cycling. I like getting places and enjoy the speed! I get bored running sometimes and will never compete swimming wise. Competition is important for me, if i wasn't competing i probably wouldn't exercise. Ive a long term goal to get pretty handy on the bike and this coming year will be my first dabble there. I'm set to join Dublin Wheelers (first spin tomorrow) so we'll see how that goes.
    MrCreosote wrote: »
    Which is a more untrustworthy person- a man with a moustache, or a someone who claims their favourite album is a "Best of..." compilation.
    Ha! Well my father has a moustache which we wont ever let him shave so it would have to be the "best of" man!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Seen as you were a DJ in a past life, how do you feel about Paris Hilton saying she is one of the top 5 paid DJ's in the world??

    All things going well (The weather) I should be out with Dublin Wheelers too tomorrow, do you know what group you will be going with?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,101 ✭✭✭Bambaata

    joey100 wrote: »
    Seen as you were a DJ in a past life, how do you feel about Paris Hilton saying she is one of the top 5 paid DJ's in the world??
    Ive long since got over that kind of crap. Since the advent of automixing software anyone can stand there and go track to track but id doubt her tune selection would be too great. Of those kind this guy wins hands down - Just goes to show how hype can actually help make a living!!
    joey100 wrote: »
    All things going well (The weather) I should be out with Dublin Wheelers too tomorrow, do you know what group you will be going with?
    I've been onto the club secretary asking about the racing group and he just said to arrive early and ask for an official. He's not going himself so god knows what group ill end up with! Are all groups going out every Saturday these days? Seems like the morning should be just about ok too regards ice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Up to now I've been heading out with the touring A spin, usually do around 100km but I'd say the pace would be bit slow for you. Haven't been out with them the last few weeks so will ease myself back into it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi Bambaata. :) And happy new year. Are you enjoying your time in the sun answering all these questions? Hope so, because I'm guessing you've got this gig until Wednesday at midnight.

    <clears throat> I have a few more things I'd like to know, if you don't mind. ;)

    So, you've taken a roll down slot for Worlds. Was there any hesitation to taking a roll down? Or not in the least? If you ever qualify for Kona via a roll down, would you or would you not take it, and why?

    When will you start your Worlds training cycle in earnest? And what will it look like?

    Will you buy a new tri suit to wear at Worlds?

    If you've one piece of advice for someone getting ready to do their first ever half iron distance tri, what would it be?

    Do you have any tattoos?

    If you could put together a killer tri relay, which boards' peeps would be on it with you? And who would do which leg and why?

    Who's got the biggest target on their back?

    Is it true that your nickname in school was Boom-Boom-Bambaata, but you had to drop the "Boom-Boom" when you joined boards because it exceeded the maximum number of letters allowed for a user name, leaving you with just "Bambaata"? ;)

    Did you have any other nicknames in school you'd like to share with us?

    What was the best gift you received for Christmas this year?
