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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Rosslare closed again - more red jellies washing up - and wasn't in time to get to Curracloe for club swim. So off to the pool with me - indoor swimming for the first time in 10 weeks, as it turns out.

    Nothing special planned. Loosely targeted 1000m, due to time constraints. Started off with 2x200fc and they went well enough. Decided to do a 400 and a 200 to finish out but, when I noticed the 400 was going reasonably well, decided to tack them together for a 600. And sure when I'd that done I said I might as well make it a 750. At the end of that i could have kept going had I had more time. Did 50m BS to cool down.

    So 1200m total. Not groundbreaking but I left the pool feeling like I'm less incompetent a swimmer than my last 3 tris left me feeling.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hey you. Just finally getting caught up on your log (making the rounds here one by one!) and I have to say props to you for your last two races. Neither seemed easy, but you stuck with both of them, even when you could have said to hell with it. And perhaps you didn't hit your season targets the way you wanted to, but that keeps us hungry and chasing what eludes us. And regarding your yoga, I've used free, online yoga videos in the past (and have been thinking about incorporating them again in the future!) - the ones I've used are by Fiji McAlpine, there are 3 of them: Yoga for Runners - Pre Run, Post Run, and Injury Prevention. Her voice can be a bit annoying, but I guess she's supposed to be soothing, however I remember enjoying and feeling like I was benefitting from the moves. Any way, well done to you for keeping at it. I suspect you'll see huge gains next season. Early days for you!!!! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Thanks Dory - I'll definitely look her up. My kids have gotten great amusement from my first attempts - their 40-something dad struggling to reach the poses is apparently very entertaining. (Miss D commented "I thought this was supposed to be relaxing" as I huffed and puffed my way through it). I'll persist and before they know it I'll be as flexible and lithe as a panther..... Ha! Other than that it's going to be a matter of trying to stick to routine through the winter and see what happens next year. Thanks for the encouragement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Tuesday: Short cycle with Master D. Same route as Saturday but faster (getting dark very early these days). It was actually 19km and we did it in 40:19, vs. 44:56 on Saturday, avg speed 27.8 vs 25.1km/h. Nice blast. Now for some stretching and yoga.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Wednesday am: yoga didn't happen last night so took 15mins this morning to attempt my 8 poses. Lexi was evidently unimpressed with my downward facing dog because she came over to show me how it's done properly. Then she decided I'd be better playing with her than this yoga lark so she went and got her blanket to play tug of war. Eventually persuaded her it was still bedtime so she left me to it. :D My reclining pigeon and cow face poses are showing me just how restricted my right hip is. Have to stick at it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Wednesday pm ended up being a write-off - worked from 08:30 - 22:30. Eating dinner at 23:20 is no fun. Thursday wasn't much better - ended up just getting my yoga session done. Then I realised that, because my Sunday is so full, I'd have to get my long run done by Saturday. This left me choosing between speed work and tempo run for Friday. Went with tempo - supposed to be 3k wu, 5k@4:02/k and 1.5k cd.

    Knew pretty soon after starting out that my legs are still not "right". The achilles at both sides were sore, telling me my calves mightn't be hurting me in normal daily life but they're still contracted. Was under pressure all the way along the paced section and ended up doing a moving average of 4:06/k with immense effort - a long way from where I was last year. My calves / achilles are still sore today, despite a lot of massage and tiger balm last night, so the long run has again suffered (I'll bring the gear in the morning in case there's a dramatic and sudden recovery).

    Over the course of the last couple of runs I've come to the conclusion that I've probably missed too much of my plan to keep up the paces I've been training at without getting injured. And it's all based on my half marathon PB, which was 9 months ago - I seem to remember being a lot fitter then than I am now. So I'm going to taper back on the speeds, rather than risk injury. I'll continue building fitness as much as I can, and keep working on the flexibility, and maybe target a spring marathon.

    Tomorrow the club have a swim and barbeque - I've offered to kayak for it cos I'd never swim the 4k (or even half of it). Looks like it could be a good day for it too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,413 ✭✭✭Steroo

    Getting wiser in your old age

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Steroo wrote: »
    Getting wiser in your old age

    Gee thanks Ste..... :rolleyes:

    Went for the club outing this morning. Kayaked about 2.5km on a single sit-on - had two swimmers to mind and got them both back in safely with little difficulty. Felt comfortable enough in the kayak too but then I was only trying to go at swimming pace. Still nice to do something different.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Monday - Wednesday; working late and feeling particularly burned out. I know my iron levels were OK a few weeks ago when I donated blood so I suspect it's just inadequate rest. Did my yoga stretches twice.

    Thursday: decent sleep last night so speed session tonight. Plan was 10-20min wu, 2x(1600m@3:57/km, 60s RI), 2x(800m@3:46/km,60s RI), 10min CD. Actual was 3.66km wu in 17.5min, 1.6km@3:54/km, ri, 1.6km@3:58/km, ri, 800m@3:49/km, ri, 800m@3:49/km, ri, 1.6km in10 mins.

    Sole of left foot was cramping at first but removal of stone from shoe helped. Legs were OK for wu but Achilles started complaining for speed sections - still reckon it's coming from the calves. Bordering on having to go to Physio at this stage. Reduced pace is much less unmanageable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Physio this evening. Went reporting tightness on achilles (both sides) because of tight calves. It turns out that my achilles are ok but pretty much every muscle and piece of fascia from my glutes to my toes is tight as a drum. So he poked, prodded and rubbed every bit from quads down and stuck his elbow in my glutes. Prescription of lots of hot epsom salt baths, stretching, foam rolling and aqua jogging.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Saturday: AM - stretching with a side order of foam rolling. PM - tempo run; 1.5km wu, 6.5km @4:25/km, 1.5km cd. WU and CD sections were a little longer because I delayed the tempo bit until I got onto a continuous piece of road. It's the same one I've used for a few tempo runs now and I keep making the same mistake; forgetting that's it's shorter than I'm assuming. The gradient is shallow downhill, flattish, steepish uphill - then turn around, steepish downhill, flattish, shallow drag uphill. 3.25km (half of 6.5) gets me just over the top of the steep bit, so it's a good workout. By the time I get to the bottom of the steep bit on the way back I can nearly breathe properly again. Anyway, as usual I set the watch to 4:25±0:05/km and ended up with 4:29/km for the way out and 4:27/km for the way back. Not quite on target but I'm satisfied enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Sunday: Long run day. It's not supposed to be the day after tempo run day but that's the way it worked out. Planned the 32km route with a couple of nasty hills but shorter up than down and, after the last few long run struggles, made sure I was well-hydrated and carrying extra fluids. Target pace was 5:01/km and this went well at the start. Had a few energy beans/jellies + glucose tabs with me, so started taking these around 8km. Kept the pace up pretty satisfactorily through the first 20km - did have to take a break when I met a vintage tractor run which took the full hard shoulder. All friendly people though - a wave from each of them.

    Got to 20km and the most severe hill (9.4% gradient) on the route. The wheels started coming off here - the long run in the N30 had been on quite a camber and the outside of my right leg plus the inner sole of my left foot were hurting. From here I had to stop numerous times to dig my knuckles in my right leg and massage the sole of my left foot. I'm hoping these can be sorted by more diligent stretching and foam rolling, so I'm not panicking yet. At 24km I got to a decision point and decided that discretion was the better part of valour, so short-cutted to make a 27km run instead. Average pace was 5:07/km. Not what I planned but not a disaster.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Tuesday: Fast run night. Plan was 10-20min wu, 4x (1200@4:38, 2min RI), 10 min cd. Reality was 11 min wu (2.4km), repeats @ 4:27, 4:33, 4:32 & 4:36 (with jogging intervals) and 10 min CD. Total 10.5km.

    Have been rolling my feet on massage balls and it's hopefully helping. Off to do some yoga and stretching now before bed. Back to club coached swimming on Monday fortnight - looking forward to it already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Friday: Tempo run. Actually left the office when there was still a 13 in the time (supposed to finish at 1, rarely finish before 4). Time for my tempo run before all of my other weekend arrangements. Plan was 16km at 4:42/km, which would have taken 1:15:12. Long story short: 16km took 1:15:02 moving time. I hydrated well before I went out and took two small bottles on my belt with electrolytes. I'd some brown bread & jam about a half hour before I went out too (this bit me at 10km when I got a stitch and had to stop for about 30s). But otherwise it was pretty ok - I was happy enough at the pace and I'd my iPod so could listen to the radio. The hard shoulders were wide enough and the hills weren't too severe.

    Sunday: Long run. Long day yesterday (600km of driving in 24 hours) but got a decent enough sleep. Plan was 24km @ 4:55/km. Was still in Dublin and didn't have a route planned. Considered going to the Grand Canal and running along the towpath but wasn't sure of it and whether I'd end up going up and down off the road like a yoyo. In the end I decided to attempt and out-and-back on the DCM route, which passes close by the in-laws' house. Attempt being the operative word. I got a few km down and lost the route. Never mind. Ended up in Ranelagh, so went to Clonskeagh (on the route), lost it again and ended up on the Drummartin Link Road. But I was reasonably comfortable most of the way. Bought two bottles of water in Clonskeagh (left my belt at home) and they kept me going all the way. Had two gels and some glucose sweets but didn't take them. The pace was 4:53/km in the end. And I'm only a little creaky afterwards (after another 160km of driving) so I'm happy enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    That's a crazy amount of driving!! You're running well. Keep it up :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Fast run. Plan was 10-20 min wu, 1000m@3:49, 400m RI, 2000m@7:58, 400m RI, 1000@3:49, 400m RI, 1000m@3:49, 400m RI, 10 min cd.

    Actual was 17 mins-odd wu, incl 4x100 strides (I got carried away with the third and hit full sprint speed for a bit). Then the 4 fast bits were @3:46, 7:48, 3:53 & 3:46. The RIs got progressively slower alright but the tank was empty, both literally & figuratively, by the end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Wednesday: Meant to be swim night. Instead it was work night.:mad:

    Thursday: Tempo run night - ran straight out of work (nearly literally!). Plan was 1.5km wu, 8km@4:42/km, 1.5km cd. Set the watch for 4:42/km ±0:05. WU section was handy enough - 4:55/km. Switched into the tempo section but was at the faster end of it straight away. I was determinedly ignoring the speed warnings from the watch but eventually decided to back off gently (the hills helped). Ended up at 4:37/km average. Then the cd + a bit extra came to 1.78km @5:05/km. I'm nearly afraid to say it but it's starting to feel do-able. That said, I've a 32km run to do on Saturday - and it's to be chucking it down. :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Friday: standby pool day. The usual story. No pool.

    Saturday: long run. Had planned this to be today long before I saw the forecast. And when it eventually came out it was predicted to be crap. And it was. Anyway. 32km required @5:01/km. Rather than running along a windy, wet road, I decided to drive to St Mullins and run up the towpath beside the river through Graiguenamanagh (which my spell check thinks should be "grain he nama navy" :D) towards Borris/Goresbridge, turning at 16km.

    Mildering rain at the start but it was brightening. Settled on my newish New Balance Gore Tex trail runners, brought loads of drinks, plenty of gels and eventually cowboyed up and got of of the car. Bunch of walkers coming in after a long trek - all waterproofed to the max. Wondered more than once, as I'm sure they did, what the hell I was doing in shorts and T-shirt. Initial pace was a bit lively and although I tried repeatedly to rein it in without watching the watch constantly, it wasn't working. Stopped after 5km (@4:55/km) and set up the pace alerts on my watch. 5:01+/-0:02/km. Toddled on without meeting a soul for another 11km (@4:59/km). Paused to eat a Nakd rhubard & custard bar (spoiler alert: it has either rhubard nor custard in it, nor does it taste like either. Still nice though).

    Turned then and headed back by the lock gates. Took a gel at the Clashganny lock and a few glucose sweets at the Lower Tinnahinch lock. Finished the second 16km at 5:00km, covered to the knees in mud (mud is good - that's why they rhyme) but with dry feet. Legs are creaky now but will bike tomorrow, which will hopefully loosen them out. Lovely, peaceful run though. And my first 32km run in over 2 years. Another one in a fortnight, all going well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Sunday: club cycle. Plan was Tramore - Dungarvan via the Copper Coast. It was to be sedately-paced, which was important with my legs tired after yesterday. Got a lift to Tramore with one of the lads and met the others. we only got about 1k before the first hill. It turned out it was only the first of many, so the slow pace was not because we were freewheeling. Stopped about halfway to Dungarvan to take a few pictures and noticed the long, long hill that awaited us. And there was a savage headwind. But it was dry, the scenery was stunning and we weren't in a huge hurry. The last couple of kms into Dungarvan were easy and before we knew it we were sitting at a restaurant overlooking the harbour ordering lunch. 46km in 2:15 (avg. 20.4km/h, 457m elevation gain).

    After lunch we turned back and immediately it was easier. The wind was behind us and we were fuelled. The uphills were mostly shallower and we made much better progress. Before we knew it we were halfway back. Still a few spiky bits but it was all good. Missed one turn and ended up being on a shorter route back, so saved 6km. 40km in 1:45 (avg. 22.8km/hr, 386m elevation gain).

    Lovely day out, great group. Legs are tired now though. :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Nice LSR C, sounds like a fun trail to run on. I'm still converting your kms to miles to figure out just how far you ran ;) Looking good for DCM. I love the nakd bars too, I bought a batch of 90 of them a few months ago on groupon and I've only just finished them, a great snack.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Nice LSR C, sounds like a fun trail to run on. I'm still converting your kms to miles to figure out just how far you ran ;) Looking good for DCM. I love the nakd bars too, I bought a batch of 90 of them a few months ago on groupon and I've only just finished them, a great snack.

    Jeez - 90 of them? Could you pick your flavour or was it a mix? Probably full of them coconut yokes.... :( Yeah it was a nice place to run with only a few herons for company. Must put any thoughts of the Stone Mad Ultra out of my head :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Monday: snuck a brief (rather than quick) 650m in between work and collecting Miss D from her training. Club swimming is back next week. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Dilbert75 wrote: »
    Jeez - 90 of them? Could you pick your flavour or was it a mix? Probably full of them coconut yokes.... :( Yeah it was a nice place to run with only a few herons for company. Must put any thoughts of the Stone Mad Ultra out of my head :eek:

    It was a mix but they threw in loads of the berry ones which I'm not fond of but when I'm on the mountains and hungry, I'll eat anything :) I don't think there's a coconut nakd bar so you're safe :)

    Had to google stone mad ultra ..... it looks so pretty and easy on the legs and there's plenty of time to build on your marathon training :) ......

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Tuesday: Run - speed session.

    Plan was:
    10-20min wu
    3x(1600@6:19, 400RI)
    10 min cd.

    Actual was:
    - 17:21 wu incl. 4x 100m strides, some cariocas, and some general toddling around
    - 3x1600 @6:16, 6:15 & 6:!6 respectively
    - 10 min cd

    Total was 11.45km total. Avg hr 150bpm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Friday: Tempo run

    Plan was 16km @ 4:42/km. Knackered after a tough week so I had a short snooze before I went out, just to keep my eyes open.

    Up to now I've been ignoring the part of my plan that said to warm up and cool down at either end of the run. So I set up the watch with 2km WU, 12km @ 4:42/km ±0:02/km, 2km CD.

    Head torch & visi-vest on and WU was steady enough; 4:53/km (but nearly half of this was downhill). The first 6km was a bit fast - I knew that, because my watch kept telling me, but I was running a bit to feel and a bit to burn off the stress of the week. The turn came after an average pace of 4:32/km. Thought I should slow it back but was still feeling strong (and a little bit of annoyance at myself for such a long WU section) so I didn't make a huge effort. Kept the pace up pretty much for the rest of the 2nd 6km - average of 4:35/km. Slowed back then for the CD @4:56/km. Overall average was 4:39/km. Happy enough and delighted to get my dinner & a nice glass of red afterwards, before a hot, salty bath.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Sunday: Long run. Plan said 24km @4:52/km. Up & out early - much to do today. Beautiful morning - sun, a bit foggy, cold. After 3km Dunderhead here realised I'd programmed the watch for 24km@4:42/km so I'd to stop and reprogramme it to stop it reminding me to speed up all the time. Needn't have bothered as I ran faster than the 4:52/km±0:02/km. Total 24.14km in 1:51:04, which is an average of 4:46/km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Looking good :D

    Any races coming up in the next couple of weeks?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Looking good :D

    Any races coming up in the next couple of weeks?

    Yep. Going to run the EoI 20 mile in Lusk on Saturday morning. The EoI races are good - nice atmosphere, low fuss. How about yourself?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Cool. Hope it goes well for you :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,724 ✭✭✭Dilbert75

    Thanks. Will be setting a target pace and aiming to maintain it. Almost like a training run... ;)
