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Creatine A Whey Beta Body

  • 06-01-2014 11:01pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭

    So its that time of year again, the time where everybody has great intentions with regards to eating better and exercising. I managed to sort them both out at this time last year and then I started working full time and as a result managed to fail in managing my time effectively, was only able to manage one(Training for me), by the time I got this full time job I’d gotten myself down to 73kg(from an initial 95kg) at 13% bodyfat. But as i said already I got lazy and sloppy so as it stands now I've put on 14kg since about May 2013 but in that time I've at least managed to add some muscle to my frame circa 6.5kg...

    So my current stats are;
    Weight 87kg
    Bodyfat 19.5%

    My initial goals for the new year are to get my bodyfat down to around 12%(Circa 80kg). I’m going to give myself to the 9th of June to get myself there. I know I’m probably giving myself a long time but i think its realistic and achievable. I've no strength related goals at this early stage but they’ll certainly make there way into it at some stage, but first the bodyfat reduction.

    Decided I’d start a log here in order to motivate myself and keep track and if anyone who reads it has any advice it would be appreciated.

    So I’ll being taking a two pronged approach to achieve my goals...

    Back to to logging my food and tracking my macro’s, not planning to be uber pedantic with this, just looking to stay within my calorie allowance while hitting my minimums on my Protein & Fat while making up the rest with good carbs. On top of this cutting down on my chocolate consumption and cutting out takeouts this will be a good start.

    Planning on taking on a 4 day program, with each day with specific body part being focused on, each day will consist of compound exercises and some isolation work. Cardio work will make its return around February as it’ll be road cycling.

    My current Training plan is set for the first 12 weeks, after which I’ll take a look at program

    I’ll be taking a number of supplements and Vits on board for this too
    Pre-Work out Stack:
    Creatine 5g
    Beta Alanine 4g
    HMB 2g

    General Vits:
    Vitamin D(5,000 iu) x1
    Fish Oil(972 EPA/DHA) x3

    So this morning

    Monday 6/01/14

    60kg x8
    70kg x8
    80kg x5x3

    Overhead Press
    40kg x8
    42.5kg x7
    45kg x5x3

    Triplet(Preformed 1 set of each one after another then Rest)
    Front Raises 8kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 8kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 6kg Bells

    x6reps x 3sets

    30kg (bells)x12x3

    Cable Robe Pulldowns
    21.25kg x12
    23.75kg x10
    26.25kg x8

    Back tomorrow morning...


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Up's
    BW 5x3
    BW 4x2

    Bent Over Barbell Rows
    50kg 6x3

    Push Up Rows
    18kg(Bells) 6x3

    Straight Arm Cable Pull Downs
    16.25kg x6
    21.25kg x6
    23.75kg x6

    Cable Rows
    48.75kg 10x3

    Straight Bar Bicep Curls
    30kg x8
    32kg x5
    32kg x4

    Happy enough with my session today, will certainly be looking to increase some weights on some of these exercises for my next back session.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Squats(Barefoot & Beltless)
    70kg x5(reps)
    75kg x5
    80kg x5
    82.5kg x5
    85kg x5

    Double Overhand Grip
    70kg x8(reps)
    80kg x6
    90kg x5
    Switch Grip
    95kg x5
    100kg x5
    105kg x3
    110kg x1

    Bulgarian Split Squat
    8kg(Bells) 6x2

    ...May have over done it, tomorrow may be horrid:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Barbell Bench Press
    60kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Incline
    22kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Flat
    22kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Decline
    22kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Flys
    10kg(Bells) 12x3

    Pushups(Hands Narrow)


    Straight Bar Curls
    32kg 5x5

    Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curls
    8kg(Bells) 12x3

    Alright session in the gym this morning, my triceps were pretty much gassed by the time I got round to doing my pushups tho, think I started a little too high on my bench(miscalculated it:o)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 21,981 ✭✭✭✭Hanley

    Best. Log. Name. Ev-ER.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy

    Today I had planned on just doing some foam rolling and stretches but had to bring my program forward a day. Because my work schedule is a little up in the air for the next two weeks :mad:

    Foam Rolling 30 mins

    Hip Bridges & Stretches


    60kg x10x4

    Overhead Press
    45kg x8x2
    45kg x6x1

    Triplet(Preformed 1 set of each one after another then Rest)
    Front Raises 8kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 8kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 6kg Bells

    x8reps x 3sets

    30kg (bells) x12x3

    Back Session tomorrow morning:D

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Ups
    BW 5x5

    Performed In A Superset
    Barbell Rows
    Straight Arm Cable Pulldown


    Push Up Rows
    18kg(Bells) 6x3

    Cable Rows
    48.75kg 10x3

    Bicep Curls
    32kg 6x3

    Cable Pulldowns
    28.75kg 6x3

    Decent enough session first morning I've had the longing for caffeine but stood strong and didn't have any:cool:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Squats(Barefoot & Beltless)
    75kg x5(reps)
    80kg x5
    82.5kg x5
    85kg x5x2

    Double Overhand Grip
    70kg x8(reps)
    80kg x8
    90kg x6
    95kg x4
    Switch Grip
    100kg x5
    105kg x2(Lost the gripe)
    110kg x3
    112.5 x1

    Bulgarian Split Squat
    8kg(Bells) 6x3

    Decent enough session, training and clean(er) eating seem to be going fairly well thus far. Will post up my planned meal plan for next week with a macro breakdown. Nutrition is certainly the biggest factor in this current phase of my training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Incline Barbell Bench
    55kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Bench
    Flat 24kg(Bells) 6x3
    Incline 24kg(Bells) 6x3
    Decline 24kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Flys
    14kg(Bells) 12x3

    Pushups(Hands Narrow)


    Straight Bar Curls
    35kg 5x2
    35kg 4x2
    35kg 3x1

    Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls
    14kg(Bells) 12x2
    14kg(Bells) 10x1

    Fairly decent session, now for breakfast eggs and bacon nom nom nom nom:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy

    Weigh In & Update

    So after 2 weeks I've managed to drop 3kg:eek:

    Now I do understand that higher than normal weight loss can be expected but this much was certainly not expected. I had a look back over my diet and it looks like I was definitely hitting my target of 2,400 kCals, which allowed for 1kg loss every two weeks...Looks like I'll have a little more, but the thing is, I haven't been letting myself go hungry, and thought I was eating enough.

    My diet hasn't been 100% but as i already said the month of January is being used to try new dinners and foods. I've been using a slow cooker for most dinners for the last two weeks.

    Good Points
    Manged to stay away from Subway at lunch time, bringing my own lunch everyday for the last 2 weeks, saving me money and unnessary calories. I've also managed to cut down my chocolate intake, there were times were I'd have 4-5 bags of chocolate peanuts a week, at 1,200 kcals each of which 70g was sugars:(. Also stayed away from takeaways which I could have 3 a week.

    So these two weeks have had be trying new foods, cooking all my own dinners and lunch, now breakfasts haven't been the best, on a few occasions I've slept in so had to grab a handful of nuts(80g) with a protein shake, in the past i'd have just got a smoothie and/or a flapjack.

    Also managed to stay caffeine free for the 2 weeks too, wasn't something I'd gone into this trying to do, its just happened and i'd like to stay caffeine free for a bit longer and improve its affect on me, for those times I really need it:p

    Poor Points
    Was out in my mothers a couple of times over the last 2 weeks and had some chocolate biscuits and xmas sweets, also have had a few bottles of diet soda's which i was trying to stay away from but it could have been worse.

    Managed to train 8 times in the last 2 weeks so on track with that, looking at myself in the mirror there is noticeable change which is always good.

    Think that's enough of an update, after 4 weeks I'll post up a before and after pic...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Overhead Press
    45kg 8x1
    45kg 7x1
    45kg 6x1

    Front Raises 8kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 8kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 6kg Bells

    x8reps x 3sets

    32kg (bells) x12x3

    Cable Pulldown(Rope)
    23.75kg 10x3

    Had taken a fall playing indoor soccer Sunday night, knee and elbow quiet sore, couldn't squat with knee and elbow was only about 75%

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Ups
    BW 5x5

    Barbell Rows
    50kg 8x3

    Straight Arm Cable Pulldown
    23.75kg 8x3

    Push Up Rows
    18kg(Bells) 6x3

    Cable Rows
    48.75kg 12x3

    Cable Pulldowns(Straight Bar)
    23.75kg 10x1
    23.75kg 8x2

    Not a great session, elbow was still a little tender, hope it'll be better for benching friday:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Squats(Barefoot & Beltless)
    50kg x10
    55kg x9
    60kg x8
    65kg x7
    70kg x6
    75kg x5
    80kg x4
    85kg x3
    90kg x2
    95kg x1


    Double Overhand Grip
    90kg x5
    100kg x5
    105kg x2

    Switch Grip
    105kg x3
    110kg x3
    115kg x2

    Fairly ok session, a number of PB's(with regard to hitting weights without belt that is), but my work shifts have been turned on their head for the next couple of day, I may miss training or If I do train, I'll most likely not be able to get to my butcher to get my meat for next week...stupid job:mad:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    60kg x8
    70kg x6
    80kg x5

    Incline Barbell Bench
    57.5kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Bench
    Flat 24kg(Bells) 6x3
    Incline 24kg(Bells) 6x3
    Decline 24kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Flys
    14kg(Bells) 12x3

    Pushups(Hands Narrow)


    Straight Bar Curls
    35kg 5x3
    35kg 3x2

    Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls
    14kg(Bells) 12x1
    14kg(Bells) 10x1
    14kg(Bells) 7x1

    Happy enough with the session, had a bit of rushed feel to it, because of work, and also my elbow was still a little tender

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Overhead Press
    45kg 8x2
    45kg 7x1

    Front Raises 8kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 8kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 8kg Bells

    x8reps x 3sets

    34kg (bells) x12x3

    Straight Bar Curls
    32kg 5x3

    Happy enough with the session, managed to up my total reps on Overhead Press and increase weight on a couple of other lifts, this should bode well when it comes to strength building phase when i'll be eating like a horse:P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Ups
    BW 5x5

    Barbell Rows
    50kg 8x3

    Straight Arm Cable Pulldown
    23.75kg 10x3

    Push Up Rows
    18kg(Bells) 8x3

    All in all, a crap session, spent more time waiting for stuff, gym was a lot busier than usual and I've an earlier than usual start today...Made some increases but missed out on my last back exercise and got no arms he:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy



    70kg x5
    75kg x5
    80kg x5
    85kg x3
    85kg x1

    Did a boat load of foam rolling, stretches and miscellaneous hip and lower back work. As my glutes and lower back were fairly tight and wasn't all that comfortable doing my squats, so think I'll need to give the weights a rest in terms of leg work and just focus on foam rolling and hip work for next week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Incline Barbell Bench
    57.5kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Bench
    Flat 24kg(Bells) 8x3
    Incline 24kg(Bells) 6x3
    Decline 24kg(Bells) 8x3

    Dumbbell Flys
    16kg(Bells) 12x3

    Pushups(Hands Narrow)


    Straight Bar Curls
    35kg 5x3
    35kg 4x1
    35kg 3x1

    Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls*
    14kg(Bells) 10x1
    14kg(Bells) 8x1
    14kg(Bells) 4x1

    * Tried something a little different with my hammers and it absolutely killed my arms in a good way, they fatigued a whole lot faster tho but certainly felted more isolation

    Making some steady increases with regards to increased reps so I'm not too far away from progression in terms of the next level of weights.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Overhead Press
    50kg 5x1
    50kg 4x2

    Front Raises 8kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 8kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 8kg Bells

    x10reps x 3sets

    34kg(bells) 12x3

    Straight Bar 25kg 10x3

    Good session, made an error on my overhead press and only realized it after my first set, as I'd forgotten my phone where I track my lifts, but was happy with my session. But the Superbowl was a let down, was meaning to post an update tonight but will do it tomorrow...

    Just a preview

    Here i a before and after pic(sorry the quality isn't great)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Ups
    BW 5x5

    Barbell Rows
    50kg 9x1
    50kg 8x2

    Straight Arm Cable Pulldown
    26.25kg 8x2
    26.25kg 7x1

    Push Up Rows
    18kg(Bells) 10x1
    18kg(Bells) 8x2

    Cable Rows
    48.75kg 12x3


    Curls Straight Bar
    25kg 12x1
    25kg 7x2

    Cable Pulldowns(Straight Bar)
    23.75kg 15x1
    23.75kg 10x1
    23.75kg 6x1

    Happy with my session, just kinda got the rep range wrong with regards the arm work:o

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,168 ✭✭✭✭Sangre

    Serious difference in only 4 weeks, fair play.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy

    Sangre wrote: »
    Serious difference in only 4 weeks, fair play.

    Cheers mate I do reckon my initial weigh in May have had me a little heavier than I actually was(water weight, waste in the intestine) because despite my large weight lost I've not found myself going hungry and I still eat loads just loads of unprocessed food compared to takeouts for dinner subway for lunch and chocolate for snacks

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Incline Barbell Bench
    57.5kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Bench
    Decline 24kg(Bells) 8x3
    Flat 24kg(Bells) 8x2 & 7x1
    Incline 24kg(Bells) 8x2 & 6x1

    Dumbbell Flys
    18kg(Bells) 6x3(Somebody was using the 16s and wasn't willing to share:mad:)

    Narrow Grip Bench
    30kg 12x3


    Straight Bar Curls
    35kg 5x2
    35kg 4x1

    Standing Dumbbell Hammer Curls
    12kg(Bells) 10x3

    Elbow was giving a little trouble, also will post up the other missing days from training later, I've been going around with my head in the clouds for the last week, not good in terms of training, sleeping or eating this week:(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy

    After a terrible week last week, in which i did pretty much nothing i got my arse back into the gym this morning and did some shoulder work...


    Overhead Press

    47.5kg 5x4 & 4x1

    Front Raises 10kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 10kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 10kg Bells

    x6reps x 3sets

    36kg(bells) 15x3

    Straight Bar 30kg 8x1, 6x2

    Cable Pulldown(Rope)
    26.25kg 6x3

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Hammer Pull Ups
    BW +2.5kg 5x4 3x1

    Barbell Rows
    50kg 8x3

    Straight Arm Cable Pulldown
    26.25kg 8x3

    Cable Rows
    48.75kg 12x3


    Curls Straight Bar
    25kg 12x3

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Incline Barbell Bench
    60kg 7x2 4x1

    Flat barbell Bench
    60kg x5
    62.5kg x5
    65kg x3
    67.5kg x3
    70kg x2

    Dumbbell Bench
    Decline 24kg(Bells) 8x3
    Flat 24kg(Bells) 8x3
    Incline 24kg(Bells) 8x3

    Incline Straight Arm Fly's
    12kg(Bells) 10x3


    Mountain Climbers
    15reps x 3sets

    Swiss Ball Jackknifes


    Cable Pulldowns(Rope)
    26.25 8x3

    Bumbbell Curls
    14kg's 8x1, 7x1 & 6x1

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,221 ✭✭✭A_Sober_Paddy


    Overhead Press
    47.5kg 5x5

    Front Raises 10kg Bells
    Lateral Raises 10kg Bells
    Rear Lateral Raises 10kg Bells

    x6reps x 3sets

    36kg(bells) 15x3


    Cable Pulldown(Rope)
    26.25kg 8x3

    Dumbbell Curls
    14kg's 8x3


    Mountain Climbers

    Swiss Ball Jackknifes

    All in all a good session, but the last two weeks have been a little up in the air, mostly down to me and the fact I met a girl...which has lead me to over thinking and over analyzing stuff which isn't good for my sleep patterns:(...but on the bright side, met a girl:D
