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Do i owe tax arrears for my scooter? need to sell it quickly.. help!

  • 11-01-2014 6:15pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1

    Hi folks, I hope i've got the right forum for this and maybe you can help me.

    I've left my scooter in storage for a few years while i was abroad, unfortunately being away meant i didnt hear about the recent law change about registering your vehicle as "off the road". Now that I'm back I'd like to sell the scooter, does that mean i have to pay 3 years of tax arrears? the bike hasn't been on the road and won't be until i sell it.
    Also, while i was away my provisional license expired, so i won't be able to get insurance or get the bike taxed... how do i proceed to sell this scooter?
    Hope you can help me, i need to sell it quickly to go back to sunny spain :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,996 ✭✭✭two wheels good

    As far as I understand it ... you can sell it untaxed and the new owner will only be liable for the tax from the day of purchase (well, first of month obviously)

    Give your local motor tax office a call and get the definitive answer.

    buena suerte
