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PayPal vs DFT vs cheques vs....

  • 17-01-2014 11:57am
    Registered Users Posts: 4,882 ✭✭✭


    I run a small private practice and am beginning to realise that I probably need to update my payment system. For the last 20 years I take cash or cheques and now have more and more people asking about paying by card. I've resisted having a credit card machine as the charges are too high for the amount of use it would get.

    I had a conversation recently with a colleague about this and they suggested using PayPal.

    I have to admit that I haven't moved to electronic banking yet - partly because the bank said they would charge my business account €30pm for the privilage despite me alerting them to the small amount of money that goes through the account (I only work one evening a week). Anyway, they've recently relented so I do intend to get started.

    My question is: what would be the best form of being paid? Should I ask people to pay in advance of their appointment? Usually they hand over the cash/cheque at the end of the appointment, and that's ok - I think I'd feel awkward though it they pulled out their phone to transfer funds and then I have to check on my computer that the funds are in (how long does it take?).

    And why would PayPal (I believe there's a charge) be better than the direct transfer?

