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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,825 ✭✭✭IvoryTower

    You've a good 40 years ahead of you plodding on roads, give it a bash. nuff said :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Had a head cold over Christmas so was keeping an eye on that last week.

    Monday was off as felt crap. Tuesday and Wednesday was 6 and 9 miles easy pace wise, about 7.45 ish. The heartrate was rocketing on these so I knew that I still had a bit of the cold to get shut of.

    Thursday was the first track session of the year. 5x1k was on the plan and I decided to take these a bit easier as I was still feeling a bit ropey. Splits were (3.43, 3.43, 3.41, 3.41, 3.41 3.33). Forgot to start the watch for the first one so that split is from memory. Overall glad to say the first 5 felt really comfortable, threw in a 6th one at the end to stretch the legs a bit. Was hitting about 3.30 or a shade under for these before Christmas so all good.

    Friday was an easy recovery run, 5 miles at about 8.10 I think, legs were heavy and tired on this one so just looked to keep the HR down.

    Saturday had a steady run down on the plan. Ran nearly 9 miles total with steady miles in the middle 7.10, 6.53, 6.46, 6.43, 6.37 and 6.23. This was really enjoyable and the pace ticked down naturally towards the end, getting a little bit like tempo feel for the last mile but not quite. Felt controlled.

    Sunday’s long run was 13 miles about 7.45. Took this nice and easy, keeping the HR as low as possible.

    I’m probably a bit guilty of hammering long runs, especially during marathon training, mostly due to the pissing contest they can turn into when in a large group (with faster runners). Finding HR a useful tool and back using it a lot more lately, especially on solo runs like this one to keep me in check.

    50 for the week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Monday: Rest

    Tuesday: SESSION: 6 mile MP “tempo” was on the plan. Started this at marathon effort and worked it down a bit as I was feeling good. (6.35, 6.31, 6.25, 6.23, 6.22, 6.01) Not much to say here, it felt controlled and only the last mile was really LT effort. Not a tempo in the truest sense of the word, maybe an easy tempo. Plan with these is to work them down to full LT effort over a few weeks I would assume.

    Wednesday: 5 mile recovery north of 8 min pace I think. Watching HR here and keeping it really easy.

    Wednesday: SESSION: 5X1k 400m jog, for the last 2 reps we were told to push the final 200m down to 3K effort. I had taken these a bit easier last week as I was feeling under the weather, this week I tried to push back to pre-Christmas times. Legs were feeling the Tuesday session anyway and were heavy from the outset. Splits 3.29, 3.33, 3.33, 3.29, 3.31. Slogfest, didn't feel good here at all and was getting slower. The last 2 reps were saved by pushing the final 200m. Was running these comfortably in the 3.2x range in December so hoping a few weeks will see me back in that territory.

    Friday: Unscheduled rest. A last minute after work pint for a friend’s birthday had me missing out

    Saturday: 11+ miles, about 7.40 pace. Decided to make my way over to the train station to collect the abandoned car and kill two birds with one stone. Planned to run about 50-60 mins but had one of those day were the legs felt fantastic so kept going. Hit some of the dune trails around laytown down to the army range at Gormanston. Most enjoyable run in months, was loving it.

    Sunday: LONG RUN: 14 miles in the Phoenix park 7.30 ish pace. Had a nice mixed group for this one, one of those days in the park where the wind is so strong it’s like running through a bag of hammers. Started really easy but moving nicely in the low 7 min range by the end. All done by 11am and a couch day watching the football after.

    50 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Last week went like this

    Monday 5m 7.39 pace: Squeezed in an easy lunchtime easy run, not much to say, legs felt alright.

    Tuesday: 5m Tempo @ 6.17: Was pretty cold and windy up in the field for this one, was a club session but a solo run for me just based the paces others were running. I’ve been approaching these Tempo sessions with the mindset of not racing them, looking for that comfortably hard feeling. Felt good throughout this one and could have tacked on another couple of miles if needed. Splits (6.18, 6.19, 6.20, 6.18, 6.11). The reality is that the paces are a long way off what I was holding for an entire Half Marathon last March (6.08 pace) but hoping I start to see some improvement soon.

    Wednesday: REST. Wednesday is generally my day off with family arrangements etc.

    Thursday SESSION 5x1K (pushing the final 200m of reps 3,4,5). A struggle. I had been worried that I was running the Tempos too “easy” but this session let me know that I’m likely not. Legs were heavy and had no zip, no recovery run Wednesday didnt help either. Just glad to get through it, with the 200m pickup saving the splits for the last 3 really. Splits (3.33, 3.33, 3.32, 3.31, 3.25)

    Friday 5M 8.0 pace: Lunchtime recovery run. Tired. Watching HR.

    Saturday 10M 7.38 pace. Was out by 8.30 for this, lovely misty morning, which only got heavier as the run went on. Didn’t look at the watch once on this, just set off on loop that I know is 10m, was a nice easy run and the legs felt great plodding along some backroads.

    Sunday 12m 7.31 pace. The plan had 2hrs down for this long run so I looked at doing 16 miles. About 6m in I started getting a little bit of Achilles feedback, nothing major but I decided to just leave it at 12miles. 90 mins running or thereabouts. Probably a little overcautious but its only Jan and I’m paranoid when it comes to my Achilles! Felt alright in general, a little bit on the tired side compared to Saturdays run.

    51 miles for the week. Next week will be an easier week with Raheny on Sunday. Motivation is low for the race as I know I’m nowhere near PB shape, saying that, it will be good to see where I’m at so will slog a time out. I’ve signed up for a local 5k at the end of Feb and then it will most likely be the K club 10k, maybe the new Dunboyne 10k also, if the dates work, have to check that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    You're doing some great training - those 5 & 6 mile tempos are grueling stuff - fair play for getting them done - the paces are solid.
    See you in Raheny next week.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    You're doing some great training - those 5 & 6 mile tempos are grueling stuff - fair play for getting them done - the paces are solid.
    See you in Raheny next week.

    Cheers Al, I'm looking at your JD long tempos from afar with fear! You giving Raheny a rattle or is it just part of your week?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Cheers Al, I'm looking at your JD long tempos from afar with fear! You giving Raheny a rattle or is it just part of your week?

    Bit of both - I'll do my long run early - possibly today, but the rest of the week should be normal - perhaps just a shakeout on the Sat.
    So aim to give it a rattle. Once I go Sub 30 its all good :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best tomorrow S, run well.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Race week last week so was taking it a bit easier mileage wise. Aside from some very easy running there were 2 shorter sessions.

    4M Tempo at 6.10 average: This was a bit shorter with Raheny in mind; pace was good compared to last week for a similar effort, which is encouraging. There was a group of us this week and it was a calm night so that definitely helped.

    2x(4x400): Another light session before Raheny, took these really easy, prob about 87, 88 average. Felt alright but my legs were a tad sore. I’m struggling with sharper stuff still, even if this was a very easy session effort wise, just not running smoothly on the track.
    Aside from the two sessions above there was some very easy running, no longer than 4 miles here and there. Took an extra unplanned rest day on Monday just as an Achilles precaution, no issues there though.

    Raheny 5M 28.55 on the watch. 29.01 Chip time.

    Made a mistake here at the start. There was a big gantry across the road that I (and most of the race) assumed had the starting time mat, turns out it was 10 or 15m further back up the road. With the volume of people and poor signage, nobody actually knew where the real start was. I was quite far back and when the gun went I just walked over the timing mat (didn’t even see one to be honest) and up to the gantry with the rest of the crowds.

    Poor mistake to make as it definitly cost me 3 or 4 seconds from my chip time. I actually don’t care though, wasn’t a goal race in any sense plus my average pace on the watch was 5.48 so am happy with that. Had I started correctly and not walked the first little bit I would have been sub 29 chip time so no point dwelling on it.

    In the race I started conservatively effort wise and let a couple of people pass me who id normally be up with. I didn’t really have the confidence to push on earlier and go with them despite feeling good. The paces were healthy enough too which had me holding back. Pity I don't back my self a bit more. I went to sleep in the second mile which was the main annoyance of the day but other than that, I think I ran well. Race is a blur really, felt very controlled (but working) over the first 5k, started suffering on the run into St Anne’s and the out and back mile 4. However, I had plenty left for a good kick over the last 400m. Ran the last 5k in 17.50 or thereabouts, which is a nice positive.

    Paces from Garmin 5.48, 5.54, 5.46, 5.49, 5.38. Overall a solid day, pity about that second mile and the start confusion but I’m fitter than I thought which is what ill take from it.

    Another 4 weeks training and then I’ll have a crack at the Duleek 5k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Nice one S, missed you in the masses yesterday - very strong running

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Duanington wrote: »
    Nice one S, missed you in the masses yesterday - very strong running

    Cheers pal, was keeping an eye out for you. Great race, super course and credit to Raheny. Cant believe it was my first go at it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Recovery from Raheny last week.

    Monday: 4M Easy 7.40 pace. Easy lunchtime run to start the week, just shaking the legs out after the race. Felt fine.

    Tuesday: 11M Easy 7.40 pace. No session tonight, the plan had a medium long run down instead for those that raced. Absolutely freezing here but felt really good. Keeping a deliberate lid on the pace.

    Wednesday: Rest

    Thursday: 3x(4x400), 200m jogged recovery between reps, 600 between sets. An absolute stinker of an evening up at the track for this one with heavy sleet and swirling wind. Once the session got going it was alright though, one half of the rep into the wind and the other with the tailwind. These felt good for a change, more than likely because I didn’t do a session on Tuesday. First two sets were in a group but last set was solo as the sensible ones who raced Sunday stopped at 2 sets.

    81, 82, 80, 81

    82, 80, 80, 77

    82, 81, 81,78

    Friday 5M easy 7.43. Another lunchtime run, can’t remember much of this one.

    Saturday Long Run 16m 7.34 pace. Had planned on 2 hours the week before Raheny but stopped that one early as a little precaution. This one was my longest run since the London Marathon last April. It’s been a long road to get back to 2hrs of running and feel ok doing it. This was uneventful thankfully but by 14 miles I was ready for it to be over which tells me that I’ve a little ways to go yet before 16 is bread and butter again. It was a mixed route of footpath, road, trails and mud so paces fluctuated a good bit, enjoyable overall.

    Sunday 5 recovery 8.15 pace. Out lateish Sunday evening for this one. A family birthday and a few drinks on Saturday had me thinking about ditching it but I knew the recovery run would do me good so I headed out and just stuck the watch on the HR screen, keeping as low as possible. Don't see myself going longer than 16 for a good while.

    50 miles for the week.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Monday Rest: Felt tired from the Sunday’s 16 miler so switched the rest day from Wednesday.

    Tuesday: Session: 6 mile tempo. Due to the volume the coach wanted this one to be closer to marathon effort rather than a pure LT effort. I was late getting home from work and up to the session, only having 1 mile to warmup so eased into it over the first mile. There was a group of 3 us for the first 4 miles but the lads eased back for the final 2 and I was on my own.

    Splits: 6.39, 6.23, 6.23, 6.19, 6.17, 6.11.

    Ran completely on feel here and felt great. Could easily have tacked on another couple of miles so the effort that coach asked here was about right.

    Wednesday: 5M easy 8min pace Really easy shuffle here to keep the legs ticking over

    Thursday Session; (2 sets 1x1m 4x400) Plan had 10k pace down for the mile and 5k pace down for the 400s. Was probably a little quick overall; but was in a group with faster lads and the only alternative was to do the session solo.

    Splits: 5.34, 78, 79, 78, 78

    5.37, 80, 78, 78, 77

    This is the best session I’ve done since before Christmas, first mile felt strong and the faster 400s gave a nice sharp shock after it. The second mile was tough but got through it and got the legs turning again for the final 400s. Felt it in the legs fatigue wise by the end rather than breathing or aerobically.

    Friday: 4M easy 7.45 pace Rushed lunchtime run to keep ticking over

    Saturday: No run. Had planned on 60 mins/8miles but just couldn’t get out due to one thing after another. By the time I had a window around 9pm I would have been messing about with my long run the next day so I decided to just forget about it.

    Sunday 16m 7.22 pace Another 2 hours on the feet, in the Phoenix Park this time. Started easy and eased down in the second hour looking to finish on the steady side. Felt great, no doubt fresh with no running on Saturday. Heart rate was nicely in control too which is a good sign the effort wasn’t stretched.

    Only 43 miles this week with the missed Saturday run (which is still annoying me), but feeling hopeful that there is some good shape around the corner.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Monday 5M 7.33 pace: Easy 40 min lunchtime run, can’t remember much of this one.

    Tuesday Session 6M tempo: Alternating marathon pace, HM pace each mile. Tempos had been going well for the last few weeks so I guess I was due a tougher one. I had been feeling tired all day and legs were very heavy on the warmup. Was kept honest by the lads in the group so a good workout overall.

    Paces: 6.19, 6.06, 6.28, 6.10, 6.21, 6.06.

    Amazing how genuinely easy 6.30 feels after running a 6.06, if not mistaken I think these are Magness style sessions, it sounds familiar from other logs anyway, was a good one.

    Wednesday 5M 7.35 pace: Guilty of not keeping an eye on the watch to keep it easier than easy pace for recovery purposes. Felt easy but tired.

    Thursday Session 1M 4X400, 1M 4X400. Same session as last week, we decided to actually aim for the prescribed10k effort rather than hammer the miles and hold on in the session as we did last week, so paces turned out more realistic. Again, very tired going in but once we got going it was fine. Ended up really enjoying it and had another set in me if pushed. The session will move to 3 sets over the next 3-4 weeks.

    Paces: 5.44, 80, 78, 79, 78

    5.44, 81, 80, 79, 78

    Friday 4M 7.52 pace 30 minute lunchtime shuffle, not much to say

    Saturday 8M 7.40 pace Mostly on grass, few sore spots on the hamstring and Achilles that I need to keep an eye on. You guessed it. Tired.

    Sunday Long Run 14M 7.32 pace Met the Sunday group for miles in the park, one of those windy days up there which made it tough going. Didn't feel great all the way through and once we went up the Khyber at 8 miles or so I didn’t really recover, heart rate was high the rest of the way and I felt it. Some difference to the previous week where we flew up it and there wasn’t a peep out of the HR all the way around.
    55 miles for the week and it’s the most tired I’ve been for quite a while. I’m pretty certain it’s down to last Sundays 16 miler topped up with the Tuesday and Thursday sessions. Sleep has been poor lately too, only getting about 6 hours and that is asking for trouble, will sort it this week.

    Next week will be alot easier with the Duleek 5k on Sunday, looking forward to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best in Duleek in the morning S, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,427 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Good luck today!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Good luck today!

    Cheers C, same to you, see you there!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Last week was a needed recovery week with the Duleek 5K at the end of it. Not much to note midweek, I just ran easy and threw some strides in on Tuesday and 5x400 Thursday, didn’t even check the paces for the 400s, was to stretch the legs without doing damage.

    Duleek 5k

    Had no solid plan for this race, I’m a bit of a disaster on that score actually. I never have set target splits or paces really, I find it very difficult and distracting trying to pace myself from a watch in races so its mostly on feel. Anyway, my PB from Jingle bells is 17.23 from last December, seeing as that course is such a gimme in many ways I felt if I could get close or even slightly better that time then it would be a sign of some progress.

    Duleek is less than 10 mins from where I live so I was over early and started a warmup shuffle around the streets. Ran into scotindublin and co half way through and we tacked on another mile or so together. He’s looking in great nick and I predict a great summer ahead. Did some strides and lined up just off the front. The field looked strong at the top end with some good local club runners and the Clonliffe junior squad to take it up a notch. The race took off hot and I went with it, we started in an industrial estate where we did a little out and back before hitting the main road and a downhill into Duleek village. The pace was feeling far too fast and glancing at the watch at the 1k mark it was giving 5.18 pace, eased off here. As we left the main village there was a sharp little incline before we hit some a main road. 1st mile beeped in 5.25. It felt too fast and I knew it would bite. Mile 2 started with a long and very slight drag into a headwind. I was isolated here and the suffering started, heard someone shout 20th place at me as we took a left onto the shelter of a small country road. Mile 2 beeped at 5.47 and I felt every second of it along that stretch. Full dribbling sufferfest from here on, I was catching a Clonfliffe vest up ahead and when passing him he sounded like I felt. Passed one more runner before the turn for home hitting a gentle downhill for about the last 700m. Was just trying to eek out as much as I could from here and from about 300 out tried to kick for home. I didn’t look at the watch at all along here as I felt that I was moving well, split says otherwise at 5.39 for the mile. 4.57 pace for the last 0.1.

    Official time was 17.24 Splits 5.25, 5.47, 5.39 (4.57) 18th place.
    So just one second short of a PB. Can’t complain at all but that second mile is annoying me, it was a killer and I bled a lot of time there. The fast first mile was far too fast and I thought I was gonna fully blow a gasket but the end of the second mile, 5 secs slower and maybe I’d be running even pace for the second. Overall, I think I ran as hard as I could, especially as it was more or less a solo run. The 5k is a different beast, really need to do more of them go get used to the pain. Who knows, maybe if I was more hardened I could have eeked out more for the second mile. Anyways as I said, cant complain and based off the Raheny time it’s a slightly better run by a handful of seconds.

    K club 10k is next up. Considering racing 2 weeks in a row as an end to this block with Dunboyne the week after that. Would people think that recovery would be unrealistic for two raced 10k with an 8-day gap?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Well done on a solid race S, sounds like you went all out to dig at stages too.

    Re the 2 races, I don't see an issue with back to back 10ks in terms of recovery, certainly not with your background and consistent training over the past while

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great racing - and a super time.
    No doubt that a slower 1st mile you'd of been possible 5-10 secs faster overall.

    From personal experience, doing the 5m in Raheny, followed by the 10miler a week later - I felt ok with it - certainly the 1st few miles of the 10miler felt fine - not sure I'd do it too often though! Take it handy in the week between obviously.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Grand stuff lads, I trust you both! Thanks, that's the plan now.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    K club 10k is next up. Considering racing 2 weeks in a row as an end to this block with Dunboyne the week after that. Would people think that recovery would be unrealistic for two raced 10k with an 8-day gap?

    Great running. Big first mile!

    Same opinion as the two lads. I did back to back race weeks last year, 5M and 10k,and actually ran a decent run in the second. Would recommend it every now and then.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Great running. Big first mile!

    Same opinion as the two lads. I did back to back race weeks last year, 5M and 10k,and actually ran a decent run in the second. Would recommend it every now and then.

    Cheers, will give them a bash if the logistics work. Seems a great idea now!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Nice going, hot first mile maybe but great time all the same. Duleek ain’t flat!!! Successive 10ks won’t take anything out of a runner such as yourself S.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Bit of catching up to do here.

    Last 2 weeks were 38 miles and 50 miles respectively, sessions of note as follows.

    Week after Duleek

    Pyramid fartlek: 2 sets of 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 75, 60, 45, 30 seconds with equal portion in between. The plan had this down as 10k pace but as the portions were so short there was no point trying to be religious about it on the watch, just fell into an effort with the group. Paces were in the 5.20-5.50 territory, felt grand and was a nice little leg stretcher after Duleek 2 days before. This is a nice light session in the days after a race.

    3x4x400, 200 recovery between reps, 600m between sets. Reps were




    Not much volume in the session and there was decent recovery so we got a bit quicker as it went. Felt great on this.

    6 miles steady Was in a rush Saturday morning so thought id go a bit steadier on my 6 mile loop if the legs allowed. Wasn’t looking at the watch but once id warmed up after the first mile it felt good, marathoney is probably the best description. The effort was even but ups and down dictated the pace. Splits 7.21, 6.45, 6.40, 6.22, 6.33, 6.22

    Should also mention that I wimped out on my long run that week. Had family stuff all of the Sunday so had planned to get out Sunday evening but by the time I was free, it was snowing and was about 2 degrees. Not proud of it but I put the kettle on instead of running 12 miles. Will call it a recovery week after a race!

    Last week’s sessions:

    6 mile alternation tempo: Plan here was MP/LT alternating each mile for 6 miles continuous. Nice group of us for this and we were moving well by the end. Splits 6.27, 6.06, 6.26, 6.03, 6.16, 5.54.

    2x(1m&4x400) + 1m. A meaty one on paper, miles at 10k pace, 400s at 5K. Splits

    5.43, 81, 80, 83, 18

    5.39, 81, 80, 79, 83


    Glad to get this one in the books, a couple of the 4s were inconsistent due to traffic but otherwise we got through it ok. This one goes to 3 full sets this week

    Long run 14m 7.20 pace Out and back 14 miles, first 7 straight into a tough headwind and a nice wind assisted run home. Kept the watch on the HR screen and made sure was comfortably aerobic.

    A big week ahead session wise then it’s the K club after that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Last week went like this

    Monday 6 miles 7.34 pace Easy miles with 8 short 10-15 second strides thrown in randomly in miles 5 and 6. Legs felt fine after the long run

    Tuesday Session – Abandoned. We had our usual Tuesday tempo type session down on the plan but storm Gareth was out in full force up in the field. The wind was so strong in places on the loop that I was nearly blown off my feet a couple of times in the warmup. A few of the brave souls that ventured out were doing steady miles so I jumped in with them, did 4 miles a shade under 7 min pace and called it a day, was just too bad weather wise. A little bit annoyed but in reality was impossible to do very much, gave it a lash though.

    Wednesday – Usual rest day

    Thursday Session: 3x(1Mile&4x400) 60 seconds recovery after the mile, 45 after the 400s, 3 between sets. We have been building up to three sets of this one for a few weeks so was dreading it a bit but went fine in the end. Plan was for the miles to be around 5.40-5.45 and the 400s around 80-82.

    Splits: 5.41; 81,81,81,80

    5.38; 81,82,82,82

    5.40; 82, 81, 83, 81

    This was tough but doable, felt decent even on the last set, which is encouraging. Definitely a big session though so glad to get it done. The 400s were sensible also and I’d say that is important for finishing this session and have it not feeling like a raced effort. Conditions were still fairly windy starting out but improved a bit by the end.

    Friday: 6miles 7.56 Shuffle to shake off the session, felt a bit wobbly over the first 3 miles but grand by the end. There was a big fire in an old abandoned building in the local area that evening so lots of people about taking pictures and flying drones. Weird party atmosphere!

    Saturday 8 miles 7.19 pace Just an easy hour Saturday morning, stretched the legs a wee bit over the second half, about 7 min flat pace give or take.

    Sunday 14 miles 7.30 pace Nice easy long run Sunday morning in the phoenix park. Really keeping an eye on the pace with racing going on next week. Body felt tired.

    51 miles for the week and next up is the K club this Saturday; so a relatively easy week with a light sessions only. My 10k PB is currently 36.3x, hope to be there or thereabouts.

    Signed up for Dunboyne too as Id said I would so two bites at a 10k PB to come!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,427 ✭✭✭scotindublin

    Quality session thrown in last week S; looking strong for the K Club.

    See you Saturday......hopefully the weather (wind!) plays ball.

    Last week went like this

    Monday 6 miles 7.34 pace Easy miles with 8 short 10-15 second strides thrown in randomly in miles 5 and 6. Legs felt fine after the long run

    Tuesday Session – Abandoned. We had our usual Tuesday tempo type session down on the plan but storm Gareth was out in full force up in the field. The wind was so strong in places on the loop that I was nearly blown off my feet a couple of times in the warmup. A few of the brave souls that ventured out were doing steady miles so I jumped in with them, did 4 miles a shade under 7 min pace and called it a day, was just too bad weather wise. A little bit annoyed but in reality was impossible to do very much, gave it a lash though.

    Wednesday – Usual rest day

    Thursday Session: 3x(1Mile&4x400) 60 seconds recovery after the mile, 45 after the 400s, 3 between sets. We have been building up to three sets of this one for a few weeks so was dreading it a bit but went fine in the end. Plan was for the miles to be around 5.40-5.45 and the 400s around 80-82.

    Splits: 5.41; 81,81,81,80

    5.38; 81,82,82,82

    5.40; 82, 81, 83, 81

    This was tough but doable, felt decent even on the last set, which is encouraging. Definitely a big session though so glad to get it done. The 400s were sensible also and I’d say that is important for finishing this session and have it not feeling like a raced effort. Conditions were still fairly windy starting out but improved a bit by the end.

    Friday: 6miles 7.56 Shuffle to shake off the session, felt a bit wobbly over the first 3 miles but grand by the end. There was a big fire in an old abandoned building in the local area that evening so lots of people about taking pictures and flying drones. Weird party atmosphere!

    Saturday 8 miles 7.19 pace Just an easy hour Saturday morning, stretched the legs a wee bit over the second half, about 7 min flat pace give or take.

    Sunday 14 miles 7.30 pace Nice easy long run Sunday morning in the phoenix park. Really keeping an eye on the pace with racing going on next week. Body felt tired.

    51 miles for the week and next up is the K club this Saturday; so a relatively easy week with a light sessions only. My 10k PB is currently 36.3x, hope to be there or thereabouts.

    Signed up for Dunboyne too as Id said I would so two bites at a 10k PB to come!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Cheers C. Will definitely be windy!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best in the K-Club in the morning S, run well!!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭overpronator

    Had 35.15 on the watch this morning but the course was a bit short. You can add 20 or 30 secs if we're being fair about it, still a 35 min run and would have been a massive PB. I was pretty annoyed for the five minutes after but what can you do, It's good progress so I have to be happy. 5.45 pace for 10k seemed a million miles away in Jan and I felt very strong today. Will throw up a report in the next day or so.
