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  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭Fagashlil

    My little man is 7 weeks today, feels like he's been here forever. The first 2 weeks were great, we were in this little bubble. Then my husband went back to work. I'd had an emergency section as pud was in distress, so was pretty much housebound as I'd also ruptured a few stitches. Then at 3 weeks the PHN discovered he had reflux. I literally spent 4 weeks in the same spot on the couch feeding a screaming baby, syringing gaviscon into him, and sitting while he slept on me as he roared when I put him down. The novelty had worn of for everyone and the stream of visitors stopped, thank god for my parents is all I can say. Had a complete meltdown last Sunday, we were out and pud was roaring, he wouldn't settle for me so I handed him to hubby and he calmed right down, some random woman came over and after oohing and ahhing at him said it was funny how I'd no control over him and it was his daddy he'd settled for. Laughed it off, but lost it that evening, felt I'd no bond with him as I never got to hold him after he was born and was convinced that was the reason he settle for hubby on his shoulder as that the first place he was held. I know it's not true, but it still upsets me, eyes are welling up just typing it. I'd a chat with the doctor at our 6 week check up, my best friend has been amazing, and I'm a member of a fb group and the girls there have been so supportive, as has hubby. Since being able to drive again feel so much better, we can just head off on our little adventures. He sleeps so much better as he loves his pram, so being wheeled around liffey valley for 6 hours is great for him.

    Hubby is amazing with him, it's like they've been little pals forever, pud adores him, I've so many photos of him gazing adoringly at him. Thy head off every Saturday morning for a walk, just the 2 of them, he's turned into one of these annoying people who show you a picture of everything the child does!!! He's still a bit whingy with his reflux during the day, but sleeps great at night, he goes up between 10-11 and sleeps till 3/4, solid feed, and is back asleep within 30 mins of waking, so we're lucky with him. He's so alert now, follows you when you move, stares at you with his beautiful blue eyes, loves kicking away on his playmat, staring up at the Christmas tree, he adores my mam too and she'll spend hours singing and reading him stories. MIL not so great with him, he won't settle for her ever, she hung up on me stopping BF so she can take him off for the day, he refuses bottles of expressed milk at the moment, and she told hubby we have him spoilt as during the day he settles best on someone's shoulder as it keeps him upright and his little tummy warm. She can fcuk right off though as far as I'm concerned. Best feeling in the world curled up with my fat little pud snoring and sighing contentedly in my arms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭The Davestator

    My little man is 6 weeks now and already 13 lbs :eek: (8 7 when born) and obvioulsy loves his food! Still up every 3 hours - 12, 3 & 6 am so tough going.

    His mother has been great and getting good support from her mother. There have only been a couple of days when we actually felt sick with tiredness but he's now smiling and chatting to us so all worth it.

    What are dream feeds? These sound like they might help

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,787 ✭✭✭Lashes28

    A dream feed is when you feed the baby whilst they are asleep. Some people find it fills babies tummy and keeps them sleeping for longer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,435 ✭✭✭The Davestator

    Lashes28 wrote: »
    A dream feed is when you feed the baby whilst they are asleep. Some people find it fills babies tummy and keeps them sleeping for longer.

    Thanks. Never heard of this before! How much do they take or do you just give them a couple of ounces? His normal bottle is 5 ounces btw. Do you wind them or does that defeat the purpose of a dream feed (potentially waking them)

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Marz66

    Sounds like you're doing amazing fagashlil. I am bf and when my husband gives me a break, he gets to do the fun stuff like playing on the mat or making funny faces leaving me feeling like just the milk machine sometimes. But isn't it great that you can comfort your lo with bf and no one else can.

    I also feel like some people are a bit annoyed with the bf. Like they are not visiting cos I'll be feeding ALL the time! Not going to worry about it though, they'll get used to it.

    Penny, you are very lucky with the sttn though sorry to hear about the post partum issues.

    I hear you on the sick with tiredness feeling davestator. Nothing can prepare you for it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Marz66

    I think my fella is going through a growth spurt this week. Had a VERY cranky few days which is unlike him. today is better though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Marz66

    73trix wrote: »
    OMG! Little man has just slept 10.30pm - 5.30 am..Record so far! Sooo proud! :-

    Fluke I'm sure... But will grab with both hands!

    This thread has gone so quiet...

    Missed this earlier. That's fantastic.

    My man slept six hours once but never repeated it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Super quiet!

    She is such a good baby it's almost as though she was made to order. She is a great eater and sleeper. When she was 8 weeks old I started a routine with her and now she goes upstairs to her room for her last feed between 9:30-10:00 and has a big feed and into her basket she goes. She gets a dream feed then at about 11pm and sleeps until around 7am. This last week it's been 7:30/7:45 when she has been waking. If can hardly believe it.

    I'm absolutely loving being her Mum. She is developing lots now, smiles on demand, lots of chat and fun with her. Sometimes it just takes my breath away how much I love her and how fabulous she is.

    I however have been having some on going issues post delivery and am back to the hospital yet again to attempt to get them resolved. I'm very unimpressed with this aspect of the maternity services I have to admit.

    I envy your success with her sleep! Since 8 wks! My guy is 10 wks tomo and really 4 hrs is the average stretch with s few odd 5-6 hrs now and then.

    It is definite more enjoyable now that babs is more interactive with his gorgeous smiles and coos. I am really enjoying my mat leave now.

    Sorry to hear you have post baby issues
    Hope you get some satisfaction soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Fagashlil wrote: »
    My little man is 7 weeks today, feels like he's been here forever. The first 2 weeks were great, we were in this little bubble. Then my husband went back to work. I'd had an emergency section as pud was in distress, so was pretty much housebound as I'd also ruptured a few stitches. Then at 3 weeks the PHN discovered he had reflux. I literally spent 4 weeks in the same spot on the couch feeding a screaming baby, syringing gaviscon into him, and sitting while he slept on me as he roared when I put him down. The novelty had worn of for everyone and the stream of visitors stopped, thank god for my parents is all I can say. Had a complete meltdown last Sunday, we were out and pud was roaring, he wouldn't settle for me so I handed him to hubby and he calmed right down, some random woman came over and after oohing and ahhing at him said it was funny how I'd no control over him and it was his daddy he'd settled for. Laughed it off, but lost it that evening, felt I'd no bond with him as I never got to hold him after he was born and was convinced that was the reason he settle for hubby on his shoulder as that the first place he was held. I know it's not true, but it still upsets me, eyes are welling up just typing it. I'd a chat with the doctor at our 6 week check up, my best friend has been amazing, and I'm a member of a fb group and the girls there have been so supportive, as has hubby. Since being able to drive again feel so much better, we can just head off on our little adventures. He sleeps so much better as he loves his pram, so being wheeled around liffey valley for 6 hours is great for him.

    Hubby is amazing with him, it's like they've been little pals forever, pud adores him, I've so many photos of him gazing adoringly at him. Thy head off every Saturday morning for a walk, just the 2 of them, he's turned into one of these annoying people who show you a picture of everything the child does!!! He's still a bit whingy with his reflux during the day, but sleeps great at night, he goes up between 10-11 and sleeps till 3/4, solid feed, and is back asleep within 30 mins of waking, so we're lucky with him. He's so alert now, follows you when you move, stares at you with his beautiful blue eyes, loves kicking away on his playmat, staring up at the Christmas tree, he adores my mam too and she'll spend hours singing and reading him stories. MIL not so great with him, he won't settle for her ever, she hung up on me stopping BF so she can take him off for the day, he refuses bottles of expressed milk at the moment, and she told hubby we have him spoilt as during the day he settles best on someone's shoulder as it keeps him upright and his little tummy warm. She can fcuk right off though as far as I'm concerned. Best feeling in the world curled up with my fat little pud snoring and sighing contentedly in my arms.

    You're doing great. Had a C section too and it was v tough in the beginning
    I'll never forget the day after especially as I could do so little - OH did first bath and all the nappies etc as I couldn't lift bubs. I remember dragging self put of the bed to see the bathing despite the agony of getting up. I was very emotional then. I Prob worried a bit about th e bonding but luckily I was bfing from straight away and it hasn't been an issue. Babs is more attached to me as I am at home all day with him but he is good with daddy too. If upset tho, he settles easier for me.

    I was also a little sad that I couldn't do skin to skin straight away but it was nice for my partner to do so and essentially be in charge for that first 24 hrs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Fagashlil wrote: »
    My little man is 7 weeks today, feels like he's been here forever. The first 2 weeks were great, we were in this little bubble. Then my husband went back to work. I'd had an emergency section as pud was in distress, so was pretty much housebound as I'd also ruptured a few stitches. Then at 3 weeks the PHN discovered he had reflux. I literally spent 4 weeks in the same spot on the couch feeding a screaming baby, syringing gaviscon into him, and sitting while he slept on me as he roared when I put him down. The novelty had worn of for everyone and the stream of visitors stopped, thank god for my parents is all I can say. Had a complete meltdown last Sunday, we were out and pud was roaring, he wouldn't settle for me so I handed him to hubby and he calmed right down, some random woman came over and after oohing and ahhing at him said it was funny how I'd no control over him and it was his daddy he'd settled for. Laughed it off, but lost it that evening, felt I'd no bond with him as I never got to hold him after he was born and was convinced that was the reason he settle for hubby on his shoulder as that the first place he was held. I know it's not true, but it still upsets me, eyes are welling up just typing it. I'd a chat with the doctor at our 6 week check up, my best friend has been amazing, and I'm a member of a fb group and the girls there have been so supportive, as has hubby. Since being able to drive again feel so much better, we can just head off on our little adventures. He sleeps so much better as he loves his pram, so being wheeled around liffey valley for 6 hours is great for him.

    Hubby is amazing with him, it's like they've been little pals forever, pud adores him, I've so many photos of him gazing adoringly at him. Thy head off every Saturday morning for a walk, just the 2 of them, he's turned into one of these annoying people who show you a picture of everything the child does!!! He's still a bit whingy with his reflux during the day, but sleeps great at night, he goes up between 10-11 and sleeps till 3/4, solid feed, and is back asleep within 30 mins of waking, so we're lucky with him. He's so alert now, follows you when you move, stares at you with his beautiful blue eyes, loves kicking away on his playmat, staring up at the Christmas tree, he adores my mam too and she'll spend hours singing and reading him stories. MIL not so great with him, he won't settle for her ever, she hung up on me stopping BF so she can take him off for the day, he refuses bottles of expressed milk at the moment, and she told hubby we have him spoilt as during the day he settles best on someone's shoulder as it keeps him upright and his little tummy warm. She can fcuk right off though as far as I'm concerned. Best feeling in the world curled up with my fat little pud snoring and sighing contentedly in my arms.

    You are doing great . And adjusting after C section is hard. I was sad missed the skin on skin but it was nice for my partner and it didn't affect bonding tho I worried about that at the time. It was great to get back driving and like you I love our adventures too.

    Sounds like you are doing great with sleeping too. We average 4 hr stretches with odd epic 5/6 but they are rare!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Ha, 2 versions cos thought I lost c the first one - stoopid phone! 2nd versions always shorter!;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Marz66 wrote: »
    Missed this earlier. That's fantastic.

    My man slept six hours once but never repeated it!

    Ha! The following nite was awful - back awake every 2-3 hrs. Ah well..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭greenman09

    It's been eventful. Baby 10 weeks on Friday born 3/10 and I have to say it's flown in. OH was out of action so to speak for 6 weeks and was in with c section wound infection after 2 weeks but thankfully with people round us I was able go back to work til my leave in November. Night time at the start was hard as she didn't want to sleep at all sometimes awake til 4.30 things settling down now and after changing formula twice we now have her on 6oz and she's sleeping like a light. 6 hrs last night for example. Nothing can explain the joy they bring.
    Day she was born is easily the happiest day of our lives and nothing can beat that smile after getting home after a long day at work. We get our few hrs at night and she'll sit and try converse sitting on my belly.
    Visitors have died down now finally and now waiting til our first Xmas on or own as a wee family. Christening in feb so a chance for foreign based relatives to gush over her when they come to dublin. Been eventful but I wouldn't change it for the world.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Thanks. Never heard of this before! How much do they take or do you just give them a couple of ounces? His normal bottle is 5 ounces btw. Do you wind them or does that defeat the purpose of a dream feed (potentially waking them)

    My little one takes 40/60mls (2oz approx) at the dream feed. I pick her up gently, don't turn on any lights or talk to her or anything. I rub the teat of the bottle against her lower lip and she opens her mouth for the bottle.
    The little feed and then back into her basket. No winding nappy changes (unless she has a stinker of a nappy of course) or anything. It's all done quietly.
    I've found that this little top up at 10:30/11pm gets her through to the 7am/7:30am part of here morning.
    Marz66 wrote: »
    Penny, you are very lucky with the sttn though sorry to hear about the post partum issues.

    To be fair my little one has always been a great sleeper. From the early days she has been great and she dropped the middle of the night feeds herself. So naturally I went with it who wouldn't?!!
    I did implement a routine for the day time though and put a schedule in place for sleeping and eating then and it fitted in nicely with her nighttime routine anyway.

    I think I have sorted my post natal stuff, well it had to be pushed by me and I was admitted for a snappy operation on Monday night and got out again yesterday evening. Follow up appointment in two weeks and hopefully that's it then until I'm in the family way again!

    My one piece of advice for anyone who isn't feeling quite right physically since delivery- insist in it being taken seriously and get treatment. It's a sad state of affairs that I had to do that and it is lucky that I am a healthy woman in general and don't have any problem for standing up for myself however if things were different then there would have been a very different outcome.

    Stay warm and safe today with the dreadful weather!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    greenman09 wrote: »
    It's been eventful. Baby 10 weeks on Friday born 3/10 and I have to say it's flown in. OH was out of action so to speak for 6 weeks and was in with c section wound infection after 2 weeks but thankfully with people round us I was able go back to work til my leave in November. Night time at the start was hard as she didn't want to sleep at all sometimes awake til 4.30 things settling down now and after changing formula twice we now have her on 6oz and she's sleeping like a light. 6 hrs last night for example. .

    Hi, when did 6 hrs stretch begin? Our chap is a day older than yours and we have had 2 6 hrs stretches on past week buy generally it's max 4 hrs. I'm bfing so not sure if this makes a dif...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,909 ✭✭✭greenman09

    6 hrs last night. 5 the other night. Usually around the 4 hrs mark. She feeds just before sleep so that helps her I'd say.
    Can't stop taking photos of her as well and videos. Just a wee cutie

  • Registered Users Posts: 367 ✭✭Marz66

    Good advice penny, the post natal checkups on the mom are fairly scarce. Just a quick check of the c section scar at 6 weeks for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭73trix

    Double post.
    How are your nights going ladies? We are moving our boy's bedtime forward gradually from 10.00/10.30 to 9 ish to 8 ish. Last nite was 8.30 - the earliest to date. He sleeps til 4 30 us for a feed and then til 9am ish which bi expect will move to 8 ish soon. Reluctant to move much earlier for now as I'm a v bad morning person so 8am would be early enough for me for now! Babs is 14.5 wks. Still bfing all bar one feed of formula at nite.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    73trix wrote: »
    Double post.
    How are your nights going ladies? We are moving our boy's bedtime forward gradually from 10.00/10.30 to 9 ish to 8 ish. Last nite was 8.30 - the earliest to date. He sleeps til 4 30 us for a feed and then til 9am ish which bi expect will move to 8 ish soon. Reluctant to move much earlier for now as I'm a v bad morning person so 8am would be early enough for me for now! Babs is 14.5 wks. Still bfing all bar one feed of formula at nite.

    Hi, my little girl was 17 weeks yesterday. Since she was 8 weeks old she has slept right through the night. We put her down between 8:30 and 9pm ( we go upstairs, story, pjs, gro bag and feed - so she is in bed about 45 mins later) and she has a dream feed around 11pm ( we don't wake her for that she just sits on the knee and feeds a bit) and doesn't wake until 8/8:30am the following day.

    During the day she naps at 10:30 for an hour, again at 13:30 for an hour and about 45 mins in the evening.
    For a variety of reasons I had to stop/ chose to stop breast feeding at about 4 weeks so I do think that makes a difference.
