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Twenty Fourteen

  • 26-02-2014 9:46pm
    Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭

    Well I was going to continue an old blog of mine but just realised it's stuck in A&R so started up a new one...


    Been a while since I have been on boards but I am needing some motivation so here goes again... I have entered WAR Glendalough in 8.5 weeks time as going to be home that weekend. I have set myself the rather ambitious goals of:
    1. Sub 4hours
    2. Top 5 finish

    I have done the race once in 2011 and finished in about 4hr 11mins...

    I don't think I am in the worst shape of my life but there is a lot of work to be done over the next two months, added to that I am moving cities & job in a couple of weeks time...

    Unfortunately there hasn't been much training as of late as I have been sick...

    Week 10:

    x4 1hr commuting spins to/from work
    x1 lunchtime run - 50mins as 2x15mins @ 3:45mins/km with 2min recovery
    x1 90mins run - 19km @ 4:55min/km

    Week 9:


    Bike to/from work; 1hr/25km


    Bike to/from work; 1hr/25km


    Bike to/from work; 1hr/25km


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Welcome back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Howdy do!! :)

    (and best to you with your training!)

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Good luck with WAR.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Thanks guys!

    Got my dates wrong above... Opps


    Just a very easy run at lunchtime; Feeling better again if a little chesty still; 40mins easy & about 8-8.5km total along Regent's Canal


    No training - Alarm failed in the morning! Stupid me had it on but did not select any days! What an idiot. Cost me getting up both Thursday & Friday! Out in the evening with work & a few too many beers & food...


    AM: Little hangover at first but felt OK after breakfast then at about 12.30 did my long run.
    Long Run - 22.5km in about 1hr 45mins at roughly 4:30mins/km; Decent enough run just running on feel down to Regent's Park and around, then around Hampstead Heath and back home. Felt OK but was a little hungry from 15km onwards. Legs are tight now... should have stretched after instead I sit on the couch and got cold waiting for hot water!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    AM: 3hr 15mins on the bike... Out to Richmond Park for x4 laps easy/steady... 152avg HR & 88km
    Then into work for the afternoon...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Week 8


    Epic fail getting up for swimming...
    Easy 30mins lunchtime run in the pis**ing rain...


    Take Two... Made it up this morning! Never pleasant getting up at 5am for swimming especially when it has been the first time for 4 weeks. Anyways no better feeling than a swim & a gym before work & glad I did it!

    Swim - 3500m, 75mins - 1100m Warm Up / 300,100,200,100,100 pull & paddle as first rep hard, second rep easy / 2x[50h,50e x 4 on 60s + 2x100 drill easy] easy 300m
    Gym - 35mins - upper body work, core & stretching
    30mins Bike home from work...

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭trinewbie

    wow you are really smashing the training nobber!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Not much training to report unfortunately...

    We.05.03 - Su.09.03

    No training... Busy finishing up in work & moving my stuff from London.

    Week 7


    PM - 15mins run to/from swimming; 1hr swim & 2700m


    Nothing... nada... lazy bones & just not feeling it generally


    PM - 30mins lunchtime run - Aborted intervals... felt like I never ran before...

    Hopefully training will pick up...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    AM - Finally got up early for once... Not quite the 20km I wanted to do, but did 16km before work

    PM - 2km to the pool jog; 2700m club swim / 1hr; 2km jog home from the pool


    PM - 45mins run session - intervals on the road- 2/4/6/6/4/2mins intervals with 90secs recovery between them. between about 3.35min/km - 3.50min/km for the longer intervals; really enjoyed these


    AM - Cycling Club Spin - Ouch - 100km total / 3hr 15mins including a stretch where we averaged 34kmph for 90mins before I was dropped... Not so much the pace overall, so much as the sharp increases going over hills etc... when the elastic has gone it's gone... Good spin though but royally fupped at the end.


    PM - 45mins Turbo outside in the sun including 2/4/6/4/2mins intervals with a 30mins run off including 5mins hard (running on empty though so aborted the interval - supposed to be a longer interval)
    PM - Very relaxed 2000m swim

    Week 6


    30mins easy Birthday run... lots of cake eating going on too


    PM - Run Intervals
    6x1200m on the track supposed to be a defending efforts - 600m @ 10km; 400 @ 5km; 200 @ 3km pace

    1 - 4.00mins for 1200m
    2 - 3.58mins
    3 - 3.57mins
    4 - 3.59mins
    5 - 4.00mins
    6 - 3.59mins

    Solid efforts on a busy track... didn't think i would be able to hold those times before hand. First track session in about 6 months or so.

    Quite sure I won't be hitting my goal for WAR at the end of April but I would like to try and get in decent shape over the summer none the less. Entered the Cambridge Duathlon in early April so should be a good test - 7.5-40-7.5km & hoping to do a Park Run 5km on Saturday to test the legs & open my racing account for the year! When I train I enjoy but just lack the consistency and dedication at times...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Nice work....and happy belated birthday! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Thanks for the birthday wishes... the first 22 years were much better when my birthday was always a bank holiday...


    PM: 2hours mountain biking around Thetford Forest Park - Not much hanging around & good fun; A solid workout.


    PM: 1hr swim session; 2500m; Too many 25's & 50's


    No training


    AM - Marley Park Park Run - 5.0km Race
    Had this in my mind early in the week, but legs were still in ribbons from the track session on Tuesday & my back was stiff all week but wanted to see what I could do.
    Easy jog up to Marley with some strides & stretching. Hard out.
    1 - 3.25 mins/km
    2 - 3.40 mins/km; 181avg HR
    3 - 3.48 mins/km; 186avg HR (uphill)
    4 - 3.24 mins/km; 188avg HR
    5 - 3.46 mins/km; 192avg HR (very windy)
    Total - 18:03; 2nd Overall; Would have been nice to have broken 18mins but will save that for a few weeks time hopefully. I would like to try and break 17mins over the summer which I think is more than achievable.


    AM - Long slow run on some stiff legs; 18km 1hr 40mins or so up to top of Three Rock Mountain & back from my parent's house.

    Week 5


    No training - not arced & resting the legs


    PM: Track Session
    Easy 3km Jog to track; warm up; 8x800 w/400m jog recovery; Easy 5km job home - About 17km total
    Busy track but gradually get slower on these... Definitely the legs and not the people... Enjoyable though.

    1 - 2.38 stopwatch time; 3.14min/km
    2 - 2.39 stopwatch time; 3.13min/km
    3 - 2.42 stopwatch time; 3.16min/km
    4 - 2.44 stopwatch time; 3.17min/km
    5 - 2.44 stopwatch time; 3.18min/km
    6 - 2.51 stopwatch time; 3.22min/km
    7 - 2.49 stopwatch time; 3.20min/km
    8 - 2.52 stopwatch time; 3.25min/km

    First time doing Yasso's 800's although didn't do all 10... A good session... The jog recovery definitely makes it harder than just 800's

    Some massive craving for chips & coke afterwards which was of course rewarded... Really got to clean my diet up as eating too much **** food lately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    I was going to check it but I think it's been about 2 months since the last time I was on the turbo... (actually that't not true 2 months apart from Sunday week ago).

    75mins total; 145avg HR
    15mins warm up
    20mins 'hard' - 158 avg HR
    5mins was
    10mins 'hard' - 161 avg HR
    5 mins easy
    15mins 'hard' - 159 avg HR

    Started watching 'Breaking Bad' - the new rule is that I am only allowed to watch it when turboing...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    PM – Swim – 1hr – 2500m – Again a bit of a **** set of 25s/50s/75s – Need to do a lot more swimming before I lose it.


    No training – Too lazy to get up early and do a session & had to get the train up to Norfolk after work.


    AM – Long run in the Norfolk countryside from my GF’s house. I felt like poop pretty much the whole way but you couldn’t have asked for a nicer setting for a long run & amazing weather. 23km in 1hr 45mins @ 4:40mins/km for 155 avg HR. Had hoped to do 25km but was pretty hungry towards the end and not too fussed about chasing 25km…


    AM – Bike – 4hrs – 120km - Out with Cambridge Cycling Club for an equally impressive route as Saturday’s run. Decided to go with the second fastest group as didn’t want to get dropped on my first spin out with them. The first 2hrs 15mins were fairly handy if slow, followed by a coffee break. Then I had double puncture and group got spilt on some narrow country roads. After losing our route leader I felt really good and spent a huge chunk of time on the front pulling the group back to Cambridge – was pretty much just trying to sit on 180HR before we got a bit closer and others realised where we were, and what the best route back. The last 15mins were a chain gang effort at >50kmph before back into Cambridge – good fun! Legs were screaming at the end

    10 hours total for the week...

    Week 4


    AM – Again failed to get up early!!! Arggh! Didn’t fully wake up till about 11.00am
    PM – 1hr easy on the turbo trainer out in the back garden watching Breaking Bad (1hr @139avg HR), followed by a 15mins run off the turbo at 4:20mins/km with the last 5mins at 4mins/km – Felt reasonably good if a little strange.


    PM Track Session - easy 3.5km run to the track; warm up & stretching; 6x[600m,200m jog recovery, 200m, 200m jog recovery]
    600m times - 1.50, 1.51, 1.48, 1.52, 1.52, 1.50
    200m times - 33.8, 34.3, 36.6, 36.1, 36.3, 36.9
    Ran the 600m strong & 200m steady... Was faster than others over the 600m reps and slower on the 200m reps
    Easy 1km cool down around the track; Easy 5km jog home on some tired legs.

    Trying to take it easy Wednesday / Thursday, then in Wales Friday/Saturday/Sunday for some mountain biking fun & hopefully a trail run or too...


    My diet has been a better the last week or so although still a lot of room for improvement although heading in a better direction. I did cook a pretty damn good fish and chips though on Saturday which was worth noting.

    The best 3 sessions of the month (stealing MCOS’s idea) which stand out in my head without looking back through my training diary are probably:
    1. Track session a few weeks ago – was please to hit sub 3.20mins/km for 6x1200m on 90s rest and enjoying running on the track.
    2. Night mountain biking in Thetford! Good to be out on a night spin and an amazingly clear night.
    3. Spin on Sunday – good to be back out with a group again.

    Need to swim more though as feel as weak as piss and havn’t done any core work in about 3-4 weeks or so which is a joke…

    Onwards & upwards…

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie


    PM - Lunchtime swim; 40mins; 2000m - 500 w/u mixing between fs & bk; then 10x100pull on 1.45 with at least one tumble turn - coming in on 1.30ish; 8x50 pull & paddle again with tumble turns, then 100 easy cool down


    No training

    Fr.04.04 - MTB Weekend Wales

    PM - A 1hour ride after a lot of driving from London. Good fun though and pushing hard on both the climbs & downhill

    Sa.05.04 - MTB Weekend Wales

    5.5 hours total spilt into 3 different rides with coffee breaks between. Absolutely awful weather. Pretty much didn't stop raining!

    Su.06.04 - MTB Weekend Wales

    4.0 hours epic ride - Probably one of the most memorable rides I have done. 4 hours in the worst rain imaginable & pretty much up high in cloud the whole time. Didn't see anyone else for 2.5hours as we went off the beaten track. Got really cold after my mate punctured on probably the most exposed part of the mountain. Had to resort to star jumps & push to keep warm. Good fun though & won't forget in a hurry!


    No training - Day off - But joined the local gym and swimming pool. Swimming is going to be all by myself in future


    AM - 2000m swim - 500m continuous warm up then into 5x200 pull & paddle on 3.15, then some drill work & 30mins gym work.
    Was dreading going swimming this morning as was worried about the amount of stupid numpties that would be there but pretty much had a whole lane to myself though!
    PM - 1000m lunchtime swim - I said why not... Why not? Mid term and full of little snot snoozed kids... Aborted the swim and just practiced my tumble turns... Thing I might be there with them though!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Those mtb sessions sound fun. 18min 5k doesn't seem to stack up to the speed of your interval training :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Yes I should be quicker... Hopefully will do another one in a few weeks... That was off the back of a flight home & was extremely windy in Marley Park that morning... I came second and the guy who won said he had run 30sec quicker than his time that day too...

    One of the goals for the year is try and break 17mins... I have run a 9.55 for 3km on the track so I know it's doable with a bit more work and most importantly consistency...

    Wales was awesome... Was at Afan Forest near Port Talbot (south coast) - would highly recommend. Also going to Coed-y-Brenin near Snowdon over easter and hoping to do some riding there...


    I was supposed to run in my mind at least & go to the gym at lunch, but I couldn't get my lazy arse out of bed and told myself I could run in the evening.
    PM - 30mins very slow (aborted run)... Felt like absolute sh*t & like I had never run before


    AM - Swim (60mins) & Gym (30mins) - Again not too busy at the pool and enjoyed the session.
    W/U - 500 as 75fs / 25 bk; 500k w/fins on
    Main - 5x200 pull on 3.15; 10x100 pull and paddle on 1.40 both with min. one tumble turn per rep
    C/D - 100m easy and some tumble turn practice

    Gym - My usual little routine

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭trinewbie

    Good to see you got up for swimming today nobba!

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Yes I could do with more of your tough loving... Pity I don't have you killing me for every session... But I will have my vengenance on your stag...

  • Registered Users Posts: 438 ✭✭snack_ie

    Been a while since I posted here but regret it when I don't...


    AM - Swim easy 2000m


    AM - Easy 15mins Run

    Su.13.04 - Cambridge Duathlon - 7.5km - 40km - 7.5km

    Total - 2:11:13
    Run 1 - 28:49 - 3mins 50s/km
    Bike - 1:10:15 - 34.16 kmph
    Run 2 - 31:04 - 4mins 08s/km

    Wasn't too please with the race; mainly the bike but not really done too much biking this year so cannot complain really... Negative thoughts in the race too but good to race... Shouldn't have left it so long since my last race (last November)...


    No training


    AM - Swim - 70mins/3500m; Mainset as 10x100 pull on 1:40/1:45; 10x100 pull and paddle on 1:30/1:35
    PM - Bike - Failed puncture after 5mins...


    PM - Lunchtime run - 40mins - 2/4/6/6/4/2mins intervals with 1mins recovery
    Times - n/a; 3.34; 3.46; 3.40; 3.34; 3.28mins/km for each
    PM - 30mins in gym; usual routine

    Th.17.04 - Mo.21.04 - Campervan Weekend in Wales...

    Two days of mountain biking although stop start with the gf (about 6hours total of riding) & a short 30mins run on Saturday evening.

    Rented a awesome 25year old camper with over 200,000 miles on the clock... Awesome the weekend but now I really want a camper van!


    PM - Lunchtime swim; 40mins; 2000m total - Main - 10x100 pull & paddle on 1:30; Ok tumble turns too... Slowly getting the hang of it...

    PM - Bike - Chaingang with tri / cycling club; 1hr 30mins total; 50km @ 35kmph
    About 1hr 15mins of solid work - Went one of the fast groups, then over took the other fast group about 15mins in & only lasted another 10mins before I had to drop back to the second group... really trucking though and good fun... felt defent enough but just couldn't cope with the first group.


    PM - 30mins easy lunchtime run - very easy & very warm out... felt like I hadn't run before...


    Doing WAR Glendalough this Saturday which I am looking forward to... Not going to do the time I had wanted to but just going to enjoy the race and treat it as a training day in the mountains... Should be fun though... Still don't have a bike for it and may well end up doing it on a hybrid bike....

  • Registered Users Posts: 481 ✭✭trinewbie

    Great training log - Im gonna make you suffer in wales next week...

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