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Due November 2014



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Natty you must have gotten an awful fright, I had a scare at 17 weeks, its frightening.
    I have always used the 2 weeks I was overdue to pack my bag :eek: but I would have everything in the house! I made it into Aldi at 9am this morning for the baby stuff, I got tommy tippee bottles, lots of muslin cloths, dodi's, nappy bag, maternity leggings, and some cellular blankets. I'll be breastfeeding for as long as i can so the bottles weren't priority but you just never know how it'll work out, €14.99 for 6, I remember when they were €12.99 for 2 :eek:
    The high chairs and bigger equipment were sold out about 10 mins after i got there, but i have all that stuff so i wasn't bothered. Pain in the ass though if you were going specially for it..
    I have vests baby gros and some nappies to get. I don't bring that much with me, I'll leave other stuff at home ready so if i need it my OH can bring it in.. It's a pain trying to store stuff in the hospital and he'll be in every day so used things can be brought home. As for my own stuff, I pack light, vests and jammie bottoms will do for after the birth and I have my shower bag in my gym bag which is all the little travel bottles, if all goes well I should only be 1 or 2 nights in. In saying that, I haven't a hope of getting organised early :pac:

    Had a gp check up this morning, everything is fine and when she went to listen to the baby's heartbeat, she said to my 2 year old, 'come here and say hello to the baby!' So when she found the hearbeat, she held the doppler down to his face and said say hello, It was so cute, He was talking into the doppler like it was a walkie talkie, 'Hiya baby, coming out, coming out?' I wished i had recorded it...! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    That sounds so cute Cbyrd. My 3.5 year old nephew, talks to my belly and gives it hugs and kisses. It's far too cute!
    On the list to bring into hospital it says three nightdresses. Are you able to wear pyjamas instead? I'd have to buy the nighties and would never wear them again but do wear pj bottoms around the house, so would prefer to bring them if it's an option.

    Do you recommend bare essentials like 1 or 2 babygros nappies etc and leave a bag for oh to take in and out every day?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    I would bring in a couple of nighties. They are much more convenient for when your in the labour ward as you will need to be checked etc quite often (ease of access) and having pj bottoms on will only mean having to take them on and off constantly (which wouldn't be possible with epidural as you will be in bed) At least with a night dress you can cover your modesty without much hassle inbetween. My sister had 3 sections and she said that a lot of pj bottoms were uncomfortable afterwards for a couple of days as they rubbed across her wound. I would definitely have pj bottoms for afterwards though once you've freshened up if its what your used to wearing. Makes you feel a bit more like you afterwards.

    for the baby stuff I just bring in some vests and babygros in a few different sizes just to be sure. I ended up with only 1 that fit my daughter last time as I brought in newborn stuff and they were too small. Plenty of nappies, cotton wool and a few blankets etc as new babies can be pretty messy!

    If you trust your OH to bring in what you need each day then you wont need to bring in much with you but I don't trust my OH! last time I asked him to get me a pjs when i was in hospital @ 38 weeks pregnant and he brought in a size 14 pjs from penneys! I'm not even a 14 when im not pregnant!!! I tried them on for a laugh and it kept myself and the midwives entertained for a while!

    Im hoping to get into aldi to pick up a few bits over the weekend. Only need some vests and muslin cloths. Got really cute babygros in next and mothercare a few weeks back. I know sam mccauleys are having a baby event until the end of sept also if you want to stock up on other essentials that aldi might not have. Breast pads are reduced which are essential for after birth!! other stuff like cleaning accessories are reduced too.

    Tis a good time to be having a baby, bargains galore! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    I have in a little bag in the delivery room, 1 nappy 1 vest and 1 babygro, a change of night wear for myself for after my shower, a travel shower/make-up bag and a couple of pads.

    In another bigger bag i have 2 more vests and babygro for after the delivery.
    and 1 spare bottoms and vest 2 muslin cloths, about 6 nappies, water wipes, a packet of pads, 2 dodis,
    The used stuff is put in a plastic bag and sent home
    At home I have more spare vests and babygros ready for bringing in when i need them and as i'm running low I text home what i need brought nappies, pads, sanity...
    I also never bring anything valuable, I have my phone and maybe €20 tucked in a bag but never my wallet.

    I use a zip up hoody instead of a dressing gown too.. easier than flapping round the place.. it's what I wear at night-time at home, I couldn't wear a nightie, I'd feel weird :D

    And slipper socks ..

    All going well I'm not going to be there anymore than 2 nights max, 1 if she arrives early in the morning.. I hate having to mind stuff,
    My coming home clothes will be brought into me the day I'm leaving..
    My OH will be in and out every day sometimes more than once, so i don't panic about forgetting anything ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Julo12

    Oh god I don't even have my hospital bag packed or anything. I was advised to have it ready from 28 weeks but just can't seem to get myself motivated. Still have to get a few bits for it. Our nursery is 3/4 finished. My boyfriend had a burst of enegry and put the floor down and cut the skirting board.... That was over 2 weeks ago and nothing since. I've painted and wallpapered it and put together the furniture. There are still shelving for the walls and skirting to be finished. Will probably never be done. We are planning on co-sleeping so I suppose it's not so major, but would of liked everything finished.

    That's great about your daughter natty, I'll bet she's so excited about becoming a high sister and getting stuck in helping you!

    Gosh Julo, you've had a hard time too. How's everything now? You should be grand buying off donedeal just as long as you have a good look before you buy! Enjoy your maternity leave! Time is really flying by now!

    I'm not entitled to maternity leave as I took a week off unpaid before going on Health and safety leave. According to social welfare I don't qualify under the condition I don't have a contiunious record of paying Prsi between working and going on h&s leave. I worked constantly for the last 12 years but that counts for nothing.... Such s joke. Still haven't figured out what I'm going to do...

    That really sucks about the maternity leave-is it definitely right? I thought it was based on having paid x no weeks in last y yrs? Maybe call sw office or citizens information to make sure. It would be so unfair to get nothing because of one week unpaid.
    Cotbed looks good and saved almost 200 on new price. Picked up some muslins, wipes and leggings in aldi plus waterproof suit for the 2 yr old so good day for the bargains!
    I packed quite a big hospital bag last time and think I'll do the same again as no matter how obvious I make the pile of things to be brought in I know my oh won't find it and god know what I'd end up wearing to come home! I was sorry I hadn't brought pjs the last time as I felt quite exposed just going round in a nightie when some ppl seemed to have granny grandad 3 uncles 5aunties etc etc in on the ward 10 hrs a day... I really wished the nurses would have enforced the visitor rules more. Esp for someone trying to figure out bfing. Also the nurses didn't seem to like u keeping the curtains closed during the day. In saying that I was only in for 2 nights and I'm hoping 1 will do it this time

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    I know it sound mad! This is the information from social welfare! I satisfy all the conditions including having enough contributions in previous years and 39 contributions this year but because it's a gap of 1 week where I did not pay, I'm not entitled! I was crying and everything to the woman on the phone, as I'm not eligible to claim anything else. Not sure how it's going to work with mortgage payments, bills etc, and two little ones to look after. I can visit the cwo after the birth to apply for exceptional needs payment, but no guarantee I will get anything. Will have to yo back to work a lot sooner than I would like :(

    Great about the cot bed, it's great getting a bargain!

    Going to get the finger out and pack two bags. Do you think there is a need for books/films to watch or am I being delirious thinking I will have any down time?

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    It depends really. My daughter was very good and quiet - didnt cry once the whole time I was in hospital - and didnt look to be fed for the first 24 hours, so I had plenty of rest time to read a good book and I managed to watch the whole first series of Desperate Housewives! I was in for 2 nights after I had her and my family were quite sensible and didn't over do the visiting.

    We were lucky with her so im preparing myself for the opposite this time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Julo12

    I had my kindle with me but didn't open it for about a month after she was born... She fed constantly. If I managed to get her into the crib at all I tried to sleep. For the first 3 months I only read about 3 pages at a time! Not really ideal for the latter game of thrones books... I should really read them again as I couldn't tell u much about what happened! I did watch a lot of tv box sets once I got home just not in hospital.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    I was up at the allergy clinic in Beaumont today for my yearly assessment and they weighed me, I've lost .5 kilos since I was weighed in Drogheda 3 weeks ago.... :D less to lose in 2 months time!!
    I'm aware I'm eating less cos I literally can't fit the food in, I have my usual portion on the plate and half way through I'm stuffed, which is probably a good thing for my blood sugars too, although I'm still waiting for them to show a high number.. (even when I do eat a big dirty squidgy homemade chocolate brownie with loads of melty chocolate bits in :eek::D gluten and dairy free of course )
    Other than that I'm fine, I got new jext pens and new anti-histimines and a lecture that I hadn't my pen in my bag.. I also got a brand new blood test for 'wheat based exercise induced anaphylaxis' .. so i might be giving up wheat as well as sugar and dairy.. :confused: I'll be 6 stone by christmas :pac:
    I'm in for a clinic on thursday, both the diabetic clinic and the baby docs.. hopefully they'll be doing another scan soon.
    How is everyone else getting on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 318 ✭✭lainycool

    cbyrd wrote: »
    I was up at the allergy clinic in Beaumont today for my yearly assessment and they weighed me, I've lost .5 kilos since I was weighed in Drogheda 3 weeks ago.... :D less to lose in 2 months time!!
    I'm aware I'm eating less cos I literally can't fit the food in, I have my usual portion on the plate and half way through I'm stuffed, which is probably a good thing for my blood sugars too, although I'm still waiting for them to show a high number.. (even when I do eat a big dirty squidgy homemade chocolate brownie with loads of melty chocolate bits in :eek::D gluten and dairy free of course )
    Other than that I'm fine, I got new jext pens and new anti-histimines and a lecture that I hadn't my pen in my bag.. I also got a brand new blood test for 'wheat based exercise induced anaphylaxis' .. so i might be giving up wheat as well as sugar and dairy.. :confused: I'll be 6 stone by christmas :pac:
    I'm in for a clinic on thursday, both the diabetic clinic and the baby docs.. hopefully they'll be doing another scan soon.
    How is everyone else getting on?

    Thats great about the weight loss, The one time having diabetes is good ha!
    I had put on 1 stone at 18 weeks pregnant and since then I've lost 1 lb so 13 lbs weight gain which is ok!

    My sugar levels are a bit mad but I'm hoping to get away with just the tablets this time so not in the humour of injecting again!

    Only 4 weeks until maternity leave I really can't wait!

    I'm back in my clinic tomorrow week, Baby has been normal size all the way along so I hope it's the same story then.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    Lucky you losing weight cybrd, as long as baby is growing well! Although myst be very difficult having a very limited diet. I also get full very quickly but only lasts 5mins and ill able to stuff more in!

    Spent the day at the hospital as had dr appoint,scan and a ctg. was waiting on the lift and a woman in early labour was also waiting, as soon as we got into the lift she had a contraction and started screaming the place down. I am now offically peterifed of giving birth!!
    My little(big) ones are measuring 4lb15 and4lb3. Getting excited about meeting them! I had been told before that they dont let you go past 37 weeks, only to be told today that i wont be getting induced before 40weeks!!! I felt like whalloping the doctor. I am pretty nuch immobile at this stage. Cant imagine spending the next 7 weeks like this...

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    God I'm jealous of the weight loss! I've put on 17lbs so far and counting! Don't think I could live with such a restrictive diet! I'm like your Orchidspretty, I keep finding space to fit the food in!

    Back in hospital again tonight, some of my mucous plug came away so they are keeping me in for observations. My bp was high on admission along with some protein in my urine but they are hoping that's from the bleeding earlier.

    I'm happy enough though, no pains or contractions so no early labour or anything. Hoping I might get a good scan tomorrow since I'm in here. Midwives are pretty certain I'll be discharged tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    Poor you natty, your little man is giving you a lot of worry,hopefully he will make up for it when he's out! We were told at our antenatal class that the mucous plug can go weeks before anything starts so is no indication of labour.

    Hope you do get out of the hospital today, but at least it's the best place to be if anything does start to stir.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Hope you're getting on okay Natty, god, the worry with them never stops! :eek:

    Orchid I always assumed with twins 38 weeks was the cut off point? It's like a sentence to be possibly given an extra 3 weeks! I always add on the 2 overdue weeks cos i was 2 weeks overdue on my last 3, only trouble is when you hit that magic day and nothing happens, it's soooo disappointing!

    I surprised my consultant last time, I was due on Sept 25th, and I was in the clinic at 4 days overdue he told me that they could bring me in on the Saturday, when i would've been 6 days over, I politely refused and told him I was working up til the 8th of October and baby could come out when he was ready! :pac: He laughed and said that was the first time he'd ever had a refusal for an overdue baby! I told him the 2 overdue weeks were the longest of my life ever and instead of staying at home climbing the walls i would work till I couldn't !
    I finished work on sat the 8th started with pains on the 10th and he arrived in the wee hours of the 11th !

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    all good here ladies. back home again this morning. Have to rest up now and get to 34 weeks and get placenta checked. will be checked every week now with scans etc so not much more I can do just wait it out and hope things go smoothly from now on. they wreckon bleeds are from placenta but Junior is happy out in there so they ain't too concerned.

    I always thought 37/38 weeks was the norm for twins aswell but I guess if they are thriving and mother is healthy too then its probably fine to leave you be.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    That's great natty! But I suppose hard to completly rest when you have a little one to look after. Hopefully your partner is a domestic god, I know for sure mine isn't!
    Cybrd I really am amazed at you! I don't know how you do it! Being pregnant with twins is a blessing and a curse I think. Maybe I just don't know how nice pregnancy can be. I was doing ok until 24 weeks and it all started to go downhill from there!

    I am going to talking to another doctor and try get an earlier induction. I know I should want them to stay in as long as opossible, but I'm just not physically able anymore, so hopefully someone will listen to me!

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Julo12

    Fair play cbryd working past your due date!! I'm off now for the next 6 wks and praying I get to enjoy most of that time or at least use it to get ready (lunch with friends, stock the freezer and generally nest is the plan!)
    glad to hear ur home and everything seems ok natty.
    I thought they generally scheduled a due date for twins at 38 wks too - you must be so tired and uncomfortable at this stage... I know I am with just one - tho I've had enough comments from ppl (incl my own mother) about the size of my bump and am I sure I'm not having twins 😳 eh no I think the doctors are pretty sure at this stage there's just one there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    had a great day shopping in IKEA today. Got everything for the babys room so gonna enjoy taking my time decorating it now! :D have my to do list done up also so my hubby and daddy can work away on sorting that list out! finally feel after the past couple of weeks that I've regained some control.

    Speaking of comments about bump size Julo, I met a woman I know from town in hospital the other night and I told her I was staying the night and she said "oh are they going to induce you in the morning?" her face when I told her I still had 8 weeks to go was priceless! luckily I'm not easily offended!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    Well I had a very eventful weekend in the hospital. Went into pre term labour on Friday but they have managed to stop it with steroid injections etc. back home on on bed rest. If I start walking around I get a contraction! Going to be a long couple of days I think.
    I am happy enough for them to come now, the doctors don't envisision them having any issues due to bring prem so fingers crossed everything will be fine.

    For all the other first time mums starting to worry about labour, it's not that bad at all. The midwifes and doctors really know their stuff and are all so nice and kind. They are very good at putting people at ease.

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Julo12

    Well I had a very eventful weekend in the hospital. Went into pre term labour on Friday but they have managed to stop it with steroid injections etc. back home on on bed rest. If I start walking around I get a contraction! Going to be a long couple of days I think.
    I am happy enough for them to come now, the doctors don't envisision them having any issues due to bring prem so fingers crossed everything will be fine.

    For all the other first time mums starting to worry about labour, it's not that bad at all. The midwifes and doctors really know their stuff and are all so nice and kind. They are very good at putting people at ease.

    Ah orchid glad ur doing ok now but it's still a bit stressful to go in to hospital unexpectedly. Once you have the steroids and take it easy there's not much more you can do. My contractions went completely after a day of rest so maybe yours will too. As you say tho it's not too early if they do come now-twins are often early aren't they?
    I'll be keeping a better eye on the thread now to see if there is any baby news!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 156 ✭✭natty_asha

    God Orchid thats a scary thing to go through when your not expecting it! Glad everything has settled down for you now and docs are fairly confident that both babies are doing good and early delivery shouldn't be a problem for them. Have they discussed early delivery with you at this stage?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    Eventful is right Orchid, how many weeks are you now?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,138 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    Everything seems to have settled down for now. After leaving hospital in Sunday, I was back in on Monday night with more bleeding and pain. The doctor has dismissed the bleeding as nothing and told me to only come back once it's dripping down my lovely! Have been having regularish contractions every two hours or so, so still a long way to go. I wonder how long I can stay like this! It's so uncomfortable and painful and I'm afraid to leave the house in case something happens.

    I'm 33 weeks now, the paediatrician explained to us that this is ok for twins as they are considered full term at 36 weeks and my babies are a really good weight at 4lb15 and4lb3 at last check!

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭speckledhen

    God Orchid that sounds pretty stressful, babies are a good weight though. Just wondering has anyone got hip pain, started a few weeks ago and nothing seems to relieve it

  • Registered Users Posts: 133 ✭✭painauchocolat

    God Orchid that sounds pretty stressful, babies are a good weight though. Just wondering has anyone got hip pain, started a few weeks ago and nothing seems to relieve it

    This question was asked at the antenatal class I was at this week and the physio suggested massaging the area with a tennis ball or plastic spiky ball (basically stand at wall with ball between you and wall and roll it about) and said that putting a duvet under the bed sheet can help pad the bed to make it easier to sleep. Hopefully these aren't things that you've already tried without success!

  • Registered Users Posts: 150 ✭✭speckledhen

    Thanks for that Chocolat! Have a duvet under the sheet but will try out the ball now and let you know how I get on :-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 135 ✭✭Julo12

    Everything seems to have settled down for now. After leaving hospital in Sunday, I was back in on Monday night with more bleeding and pain. The doctor has dismissed the bleeding as nothing and told me to only come back once it's dripping down my lovely! Have been having regularish contractions every two hours or so, so still a long way to go. I wonder how long I can stay like this! It's so uncomfortable and painful and I'm afraid to leave the house in case something happens.

    I'm 33 weeks now, the paediatrician explained to us that this is ok for twins as they are considered full term at 36 weeks and my babies are a really good weight at 4lb15 and4lb3 at last check!

    You poor thing. It's so hard to get a good rest with those contractions- I didn't realise that I'd be so tired from not sleeping for over 24 hrs before I went into 'proper' labour with my first... Hopefully they'll either stop or something more will get moving for you soon...
    They're a great size for 33 wks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 185 ✭✭margo321

    You poor thing, I hope all goes well for you and your twins. It's such a worry. Thank goodness they're a good weight.

    [Bquote="orchidsrpretty;92424318"]Everything seems to have settled down for now. After leaving hospital in Sunday, I was back in on Monday night with more bleeding and pain. The doctor has dismissed the bleeding as nothing and told me to only come back once it's dripping down my lovely! Have been having regularish contractions every two hours or so, so still a long way to go. I wonder how long I can stay like this! It's so uncomfortable and painful and I'm afraid to leave the house in case something happens.

    I'm 33 weeks now, the paediatrician explained to us that this is ok for twins as they are considered full term at 36 weeks and my babies are a really good weight at 4lb15 and4lb3 at last check![/quote]

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,214 ✭✭✭cbyrd

    :pac: I get to move house next week.. I just found a house yesterday, trouble is i'm moving from meath to mayo.. in a week.. i'm tired thinking of everything that needs to be packed. Kids schools changed, but the house is beautiful, trouble is I have to change hospitals with 6/8 weeks to go,
    Another adventure :eek:
    All good with baba anyway, a bit of indigestion the last few day but I'm putting it down to the stress of moving..
    I must be NUTS !!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10 gilly3232

    natty_asha wrote: »
    had a great day shopping in IKEA today. Got everything for the babys room so gonna enjoy taking my time decorating it now! :D have my to do list done up also so my hubby and daddy can work away on sorting that list out! finally feel after the past couple of weeks that I've regained some control.

    Speaking of comments about bump size Julo, I met a woman I know from town in hospital the other night and I told her I was staying the night and she said "oh are they going to induce you in the morning?" her face when I told her I still had 8 weeks to go was priceless! luckily I'm not easily offended!

    any bargains in ikea, planning on going in a couple of weeks.
