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H8 Weeks.



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu


    Benching Felt real strong this week compared to last week, I've widened my grip and kept it more consistent which has helped. Got in some training and boojum gains on saturday with ConZy.

    Have had some, what I think is hip flexor discomfort lately. I'll be heading to the physio on tuesday to see what she thinks, stretching doesn't seem to be helping.
    Here's my second set of 4 reps @ 95 Kg (PR)

    82.8 kg Calories at 2500

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Nice. They looked comfortable as well.

    How wide did the grip go to?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    Nice. They looked comfortable as well.

    How wide did the grip go to?

    Ring finger on the ring of the barbell. Thing is the barbells I use in the College gym and in FlyeFit are different, but I think I've settled on a wider is better approach.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    Week 4

    As I mentioned last time, Sore Hip flexors have made squatting kinda uncomfortable. Played goalie in our 5 aside indoor match on monday as we crushed the Physicists. Physio Tuesday who recommended I leave squats and Deadlifts for 10 days. Upper body only and lots of core / stability work to try and fix the imbalance and get the glutes and quads firing. So that's what i've been doing. Whether it's been the rest or the core work It's feeling better already.


    Hitting some Rep Pr's on the Bench and now able to get 100kgs comfortably for a double. 32.5kgs on OHP was a Nice PR too as was the 35kg DB Rows.

    Oh I made frenchtoast with maple bacon ,strawberries,bananas and glenisk vanilla yoghurt YESterday.
    Brioche bread is crack.

    81.2 kg Calories at 2500

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    Well it's been a while,

    Been soldiering through the program for 2 weeks, because of the hip pain I've dropped the squat 1RM to 140Kg and Deadlift to 170.Didn't post it here, but in the achievement thread , I got 110KG bench press about 2 weeks ago.

    Hip has still be nagging and weights which were easy last cycle are very tough and feel horrible this time round. Decided something needed to be done so I've gone to the dark side and switched to low bar. Immediate reduction in hip pain and squatting felt good again. I worked up slowly testing the waters and hit 150Kg single pretty comfortably. Delighted at that as its only 5kg off my lifetime (highbar) PR. Did the working sets (130kgx3 132.5kgx3 135kgx3) and then some pause work to train the movement.

    Training in a deficit is shyte craic, training in a deficit with an injury is even worse. Delighted the low bar seems to be working and I'm going to stick with that for the next while.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu


    Training has been all over the place.
    Injured my elbow in the Thursday session doing LB squats, and this carried over into the friday session.
    Not going to do week 5 , ie. max out or do heavy 1-4 reps since I'm not 100% and don't fancy maxing out on Low Bar yet.

    Restarting the Program with
    Low Bar Max 150
    Bench 105
    Deadlift 180

    Still going to be in a deficit for the next 5 weeks.
    Weight is 80.5
    kcals 2000

    All going well I'll be hitting 2xBw 160kg squat in 5 weeks.
    Hopefully Deadlift will get closer to 200kg too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu


    Elbow was still injured so I left out all Upper Body movements for the first 3 weeks (My gaaains :( )

    I've also Been using Hook grip pretty exclusively for heavy weights.
    Over under felt like it was twisting my **** up , I never liked the set up for using straps. So I've started Hookin ;). thumbs feel like they've been crushed in a door after every training session but i've never lost a weight to grip since. Slowly getting used to using it for longer sets. Would recommend


    Week 3 was last week. Started benching again with no complaints from the elbow. Lost some strength due to the time off , but i've started back by working up to a heavy single and then dropping back to do some volume work.

    Some Token PRs
    132.5kg x 6
    137.5kg x 4

    Sumo Deadlift
    170kg x 3

    Front Squat
    110kg x 1

    BW + 20kg

    Mock meet planned in 2 weeks time. which is right when I peak.

    Calories are coming up , 2100 on rest days and 2300 on training days , this is going to increase by maybe 50kcal a week depending on how things go. Bw 80kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu


    142.5kg x 3

    Week 4 Done, benching was meh today

    Mock Meet with a few friends on Saturday going to work up to openers this week , and a few light sets, mobility and foam rolling errday

    Squat [ working up to 145kg on Tuesday]
    1 145kg
    2 152.5kg
    3 160kg (would be pr +5kg)

    Bench [ 100kg done today Monday]
    1 100kg
    2 105kg
    3 112.5kg (would be pr +2.5kg)

    Deadlift [ 175kg on Thursday]
    1 175kg
    2 182.5kg
    3 195kg (would be pr + 5kg)

    Hopefully get some videos and I'll post them up here afterwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

    Great fun at the mock meet today in Macken St.

    Bw 80kg
    Squat: 145/152.5/160
    Bench: 100/105x/105x
    Deadlift: 175/ 185/195/200
    Total 455 kg
    Wilks 310.6

    Will throw some videos up Soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,357 ✭✭✭papu

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