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PayPal - How to get my funds?

  • 12-04-2014 8:25am
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9


    I have funds sent to me by PayPal. How can I transfer them
    to my Visa card?

    The help files say I can send to my bank, have a cheque posted,
    or transfer them to a credit card.

    Their site asks for my bank details, but I dont want to send it to my
    bank. I want to transfer it to my credit card.

    I can not get through to PayPal at Ballycoolin, and only get
    automated reply to emails.

    I'm frustrated !!



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,292 ✭✭✭gonker

    Click on "withdraw" on your PayPal account and it will give you the options open to you, make sure you Click on it rather than hovering over it. By credit card it means a debit card as far as I know!

    1800 948 510 is the number!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 364 ✭✭kc90

    hevac wrote: »

    I have funds sent to me by PayPal. How can I transfer them
    to my Visa card?

    The help files say I can send to my bank, have a cheque posted,
    or transfer them to a credit card.

    Their site asks for my bank details, but I dont want to send it to my
    bank. I want to transfer it to my credit card.

    I can not get through to PayPal at Ballycoolin, and only get
    automated reply to emails.

    I'm frustrated !!


    You can't withdraw to a card in Ireland. Bank a/c or cheque is your only option.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 hevac

    No Joy.

    I clicked on withdraw, but only get the option to transfer
    to my bank a/c. No cheque or credit card option.

    This seems to be the only option for Ireland.

    It's a pity. I wanted to use it to accept payments into
    my visa. It can take funds from my Visa to PayPal,but
    obviously not PayPal to Visa.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,148 ✭✭✭orchidsrpretty

    If it's a refund and you payed by credit card it will automatically go back onto the card.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9 hevac

    :rolleyes:Your right. I sent 10 Euro to my son over a week ago. He
    did not claim it, and I was surprised to see it came back
    into my visa card.

    It's a pity the other 67 euro that was paid from a guest
    using PayPal, is sitting there. I did not want it in my bank

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,892 ✭✭✭allthedoyles

    Next time tell your guest to pay you by O2 .

    You should join O2 Money , and your guest can go into any O2 shop in Ireland and pay you . This guest does not need to be a member of O2 .

    You just give him the 13 digit number on your O2 card , and the guest can pay you instantly , and you can then transfer the money into a bank account of your choice .

    In your case here , it looks like your visa card is separate from your bank account .
    But if you were to change to a visa debit card , then you can have both on same card.
    Then if the money comes from your visa card , it can go back to your visa card.
