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What's the Buzz with Woody1?

  • 15-04-2014 7:20am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭

    Time to hand this over to our next victim Woody1

    There have been many many previous threads (I'll link them later when I'm on my laptop if anyone would like a reminder)

    So a few questions for you Woody1 to start:

    I'm presuming the username is from Toy Story. Is it?
    Do you have small kids? How many?
    How do you manage to fit your training in around your family life?
    Best triathlon discipline?
    Worst? And why?
    Goals for this year?
    Any tattoos?
    Any scars?

    Thanks Woody :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    I'm presuming the username is from Toy Story. Is it?
    yeah, my usual usernames and even my name were taken , at the time toy story was on the dvd player in our house daily,
    Do you have small kids? How many?
    2 boys, 5 and 3
    How do you manage to fit your training in around your family life?
    for a start i probably do a lot less than some here, mostly flexible planning, cycling is mostly at the weekend , early saturday and sunday or on the turbo, swimming is 2 fixed days with the club, and then its a matter of getting 2 runs in somewhere, flexibility, if i dont get out one day then move things around to suit for the rest of the week , if thats not possible try to forget about it and get back on track the following week.. and a very understanding wife helps a lot .. and a very helpful granny...edit.. i also only work 9-2 , then im housewife / minding the eldest the rest of the day so ive a few more hours available to me there than others as well, we got a free treadmill just after christmas and i can jump on that for 30 mins whilst hes watching tv...
    Best triathlon discipline?
    hard to say, slow swimmer , only at it a year, so its a toss up between the other 2, which im equallly average at, probably cycling because whilst my standalone running isnt too bad i havent cracked running off the bike yet
    Worst? And why?
    swimming, afraid of it until i bit the bullet a bit over a year ago,but im making progress, especially this year with the tri club sessions ,
    Goals for this year
    ballina triathlon , swim 5 minutes faster , bike the same or hopefully marginally quicker, run 3-4 minutes faster .. in general to crack running off the bike, i have a 21 min 5k pb but ive yet to run under 27 in a triathlon.. both times ive had stomach cramps.. go under 5 hours in gaelforce..
    Any tattoos?
    yes.. 2 lines from the first song at our wedding on my chest
    Any scars?
    nothing big, a small one on a finger where i got glass stuck in it and had to get stitches, another over my eyebrow where i ran into a goalpost ! both when i was 11-12

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    What would be your ultimate triathlon goal?
    What is the best piece of kit you own apart from your bike?
    What bike(s) do you own?
    Early bird or night owl?
    What have you learned about tri that you wish you had known from the start?
    Favourite saying?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    What would be your ultimate triathlon goal?
    ultimate.. to be competitive .. to be more towards the front than the back..
    semi realistic to be locally competitive the mayo sligo races ..even that would take a savage amount of work... more realistic to move up the pecking order in the club.. or maybe id just settle for beating the brother in law in july

    What is the best piece of kit you own apart from your bike?
    i have nice bike shoes :)white flashy louis garneau tri shoes .. in terms of usefulness new turbo at xmas from wife.. tacx..cant properly remember which model..
    best is probably the new adamo saddle , which is worth as much as my bike and has solved my sore arse problems..
    What bike(s) do you own?
    claud butler vicenza ,i went to shop looking at a different bike but it was gone, this one was there second hand and he let me use the bike to work to buy it, so between that and selling my old one there was a net spend of 100 euro..:D its heavy , its too long for me, its not a great the same time i did a 36 min 19k on it and it was cheap so i can abuse the hell out of be upgrading at the end of this year but il hold onto it for turbo and gaelforce and the like
    Early bird or night owl?
    small kids, get out socially maybe once a month or less, generally in bed by 11 or before, generally up between 7 and 8 depending on kids so i guess early bird
    What have you learned about tri that you wish you had known from the start?
    ive only done 2 full tris ! still learning a little on the bike , youl want it for the run.. you dont have to pb in all 3 disciplines in every race for the overall result to be good
    Favourite saying?
    none in particular.. i like zatopeks quotes

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Some fruity replies that have me raising an eyebrow already, I hope the taxman isn't looking to see where you bought that second hand bike from, i think we should run a little guessing competition on those two lines

    Any tattoos?
    yes.. 2 lines from the first song at our wedding on my chest

    I am going to go with an old wedding favourite

    It's a little bit funny this feeling inside I'm not one of those who can easily hide

    I don't have much money but boy if I did I'd buy a big house where we both could live

    ^^^^That would be a sore one^^^^

    Favourite Book:
    Favourite Film:
    Favourite Film Character:
    Favourite Scene from a movie:
    Why has Castlebar not got a triathlon club:
    Who just won the Euromillions in Mayo:
    Is the Windy Gap the toughest hill in your area:
    Is Gaelforce very expensive for what you get:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Favourite Book:
    i read a lot, mostly autobiographies, travel , sports, climbing, but my better half says id read the instructions on toilet roll, ive read 4 books in the last 7 days to give you an idea.. best book lately would be unbroken by laura hillenbrand ? il have to check spelling on name..into thin air was really good as well, put me onto climbing ( hillwalking really ) best ever id have to think about
    Favourite Film:
    seven, green mile .. dunno, thinking about it ,
    Favourite Film Character:
    il get back to this as well, we watch a fair few dvds and stuff but none are really coming to me at the moment
    Favourite Scene from a movie:
    opening scene to UP is impressive, very little dialogue but gets a lifetime across in a few minutes.. again il have to think about it
    Why has Castlebar not got a triathlon club:
    dont know, based in ballina so ive not got a clue.cycling seems bigger in that part of the county
    Who just won the Euromillions in Mayo:
    wish i knew, twasnt me..was hoping that some of my family bought the ticket in slane..but wasnt them either
    Is the Windy Gap the toughest hill in your area:
    im sure it is, ive never been up it, went towards it one evening here but didnt leave enough time to get back so had to turn around a few kms short.. the way the rest of the club talk about it youd think it was one of the alps..its on the plan to get to it sometime soon .
    Is Gaelforce very expensive for what you get:
    yes..but i won a free entry otherwise i wouldnt be doing it, its a good hard race, and i enjoy it, i think it suits me to a degree, none of the stages are particularly long and barring one climb the bikes not too bad.. i like the climb and the run down..and i think course knowledge is worth loads of time.. but yeah costs way too much

    your miles out on the wedding song, il be surprised if anyone gets it, wouldnt be a standard..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi Woody1! :)

    What is your sporting background?

    How did you get into triathlon? And how long have you been at it?

    You mentioned you swim twice a week with "the club" do you belong to a tri club? If so, which one...and how does a tri club work and integrate (or not) all three disciplines....and do you take advantage of what the club has to offer for all three disciplines?

    Most embarrassing moment at a race or while training?

    Do you wear a one-piece or two-piece tri-suit?

    Which toy do you prefer - the kick board or the pull buoy?

    Are you typically the life of the party, or more a wall flower?

    How are your cooking skills? And what is your signature dish?

    Whose log on boards do you religiously read? And why?

    What kind of relationship do you have with your smartphone?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    What is your sporting background?

    i played soccer every available moment from when i was 4/5 to a few years ago, i was never good enough to play for a team but that didnt really make any difference, there was a few housing estates in our village and all organised their own team and we played semi organised leagues like that for years, in my 20s i played a bit more organised stuff but i still wouldve been average enough at it,
    when i moved west in late 20s i played for a couple of seasons, either the level was lower in the west or higher in the east, 3 international players and a few other professionals came from my secondary school, but i was a regular starter here, i also started playing gaelic when i moved west, more to try to get to know the locals and because they were always short of players than anything else.. i was terrible at it, but i improved.. i seem to be a late developer at almost everything.. when the kids came along i just naturally fell away from it, its too rigid, training on fixed nights, all day saturday or sunday gone to play matches.. didnt really work for us...
    i also did a fair amount of hillwalking for a while, id like to call it climbing but that gives the wrong impression, started when i lived in dublin so did a bit in wicklow, then a lot around mayo and the west, the 4 provincial highest in the country, ben nevis in scotland and climbed kilimanjaro about 10 years ago..

    How did you get into triathlon? And how long have you been at it?

    in laws of my in laws were involved in it in its early years here, we got word that there was going to be a triathlon in town and my wife and her 2 brothers did the first one as a team, i think the following year one of her brothers pulled out and i ended up cycling, then for a while her other brother that has down syndrome started doing them, he swam and ran and i would cycle for him,
    in the meantime i started doing the short adventure races that sprung up all over the place , particularly in the west ..
    2 years ago i started swimming lessons but never followed them up, last year i did them again and stuck at it with the intent to do the ballina tri in july ..
    so ive tipped away at duathlons and adventure races and relays for a good while but i only did my first and second triathlons last year

    You mentioned you swim twice a week with "the club" do you belong to a tri club? If so, which one...and how does a tri club work and integrate (or not) all three disciplines....and do you take advantage of what the club has to offer for all three disciplines?

    yep, liquid motion ( cool name isnt it ) we seem to have a fairly active club, running alongside the swimming are coached turbo sessions, there already have been the few duathlons that are on every year at this time of year, there will be aquathons coming up more in the summer, last year there were some running sessions, bike tt sessions, there are some core classes done by an outside guy... how is it integrated.. of the training available i only do the swimming so i dont really know, ive seen guys arrive at swimming still shagged from the turbo the night before so that suggests its kinda hit and miss but id guess it would be tough to organise that level of integration
    i do the swim sessions as its where i need the improvement.. i dont do the others as i dont have the time / want to be away from the kids / wife all the time.. i can bike and run on my own time and i need that flexibility to make it work

    Most embarrassing moment at a race or while training?

    last out of the water at swinford tri last year wasnt nice , i got a round of applause ! running round the country roads of rural mayo in a tri suit tends to get some interesting looks too !

    Do you wear a one-piece or two-piece tri-suit?

    i have both, a club one piece and various tops and shorts, i prefer the 2 piece but i feel kind of obligated to wear the club gear.. because i bought it not because i think anyone else will care..

    Which toy do you prefer - the kick board or the pull buoy?

    pull bouy , hate kicking with a passion

    Are you typically the life of the party, or more a wall flower?

    wall flower.. my better half is more outgoing, thank god for that or id still be single

    How are your cooking skills? And what is your signature dish?

    because of our work set up, i do half days and mind kids / house, she does full days , as well as call on nights and weekends , i do most of the cooking, so i can cook, and im ok at it,
    signature dish..wouldnt really have one, for nights where im cooking for a night in for the 2 of us ,, i tend to do duck , sweet potato, carrots in the oven with honey on them, you can make a lovely sauce for duck and game in general with blackcurrant jelly and wine, just put both in pan and reduce add wine or jam as you need to get consistency right...
    i also make a spicy tomato soup with beans and bacon and onions.

    Whose log on boards do you religiously read? And why?

    yours.shotguns both well written, tunneys for the drama and there tend to be nuggets of info in there, the western guys catweazle, pgibbo,akw, green and red..

    What kind of relationship do you have with your smartphone?
    love / hate.. the one i have is crap. it crashes out all the time, its a dumb smartphone. i sit in front of a pc from 9 to 2, then theres a laptop in the kitchen of our house on the island, and theres a tablet as well, so i dont use the phone too much for that kind of thing..

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,320 ✭✭✭MrCreosote

    Morning Woody1!

    Do you have a favourite cycle and run (location or type of session)
    Is there any sport you would not like your kids to take up and why?
    What is your opinion of the Flynn political dynasty?

    Wedding song- Wind beneath my wings?
    I want "Deeply Dippy" by Right Said Fred as mine. I'd get a tattoo of that!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Morning Woody1!


    Do you have a favourite cycle and run (location or type of session)

    cycle.. i tend to head up to ceide fields regularly on the bike.. it can be a bitch on miserable days as its very exposed but on nice days its glorious

    or google ceide or downpatrick head for images...

    run .. any trail run in the woods ...

    sessions.. of the sufferfest videos i like downward spiral.. and blender despite my best intentions most of the time i still just run or just cycle dont do too many sessions..

    Is there any sport you would not like your kids to take up and why?

    off the top of my head no, i guess it would be hard to watch them at something like boxing or martial arts but no i dont think theres anything id stop them doing.. not cracked on irish dancing if you want to call that a sport

    What is your opinion of the Flynn political dynasty?

    im not a local , im from meath, but ive been around here 10 years ish.. chancers cowboys etc etc etc ..but there seems to be a lot of that type around here...

    Wedding song- Wind beneath my wings?
    I want "Deeply Dippy" by Right Said Fred as mine. I'd get a tattoo of that!

    nah.. i pushed for whole lotta rosie but she wouldnt go for it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Hey Woody1

    Money no object,
    what bike(s) would you pick,
    Do you have any bucket list of races to do,
    Ideal location to go for a swim, bike, run
    do you have any phobias
    what drives you to compete?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Hey Woody1


    Money no object,

    what bike(s) would you pick,

    i dont know a whole lot about high end bikes, just had a quick look on d net there, on looks alone i like the look mondrian.. but id take dorys bike if it was going :D before racing starts in earnest next year i plan to have a b12 or something else in that price range ..

    Do you have any bucket list of races to do,

    triathlon.. kalmar im. sweden.. wifes sister and her family live in stockholm so itd be easier to convince her, whether i really want to do an ironman im not sure..change my mind regularly
    shorter distance .. anywhere warm would do nicely.. do kona have a sprint distance ?

    Ideal location to go for a swim, bike, run

    swim.. i did a fair bit of travelling, asia australia etc the usual 6 month craic that a lot did, few other places too, but i was in some of the nicest parts of the world for swimming and i refused to even snorkel with a life vest.. thailand..ko phi phi would be high on the list..the whitsundays in australia..lakes on frazer island..
    bike..somewhere with good roads.. new zealand , south island would be cool,
    closer to home id like to cycle from my house ( mayo ) to my parents ( home ) someday soon.. 220km in one day.. its not the ideal location but its something thats on my mind..
    run.. some of those mad long trails in america.. the camino.. more in the trail running side of things
    all three together.. id guess new zealand would be nice to do a tri in

    do you have any phobias

    water .. working on it though, not a phobia but im getting increasing nervous of flying..

    oh im petrified of anaesthetic, being knocked out for surgery or whatever..not the thought of surgery but the knocking out bit.. had a colonoscopy years ago without anaesthetic.. dont recomend it..

    dentists ..

    what drives you to compete?

    desk job and boredom and stress relief drives me to train and keep occupied ,ive always been active ,, what drives me to compete .. not sure.. something to justify all the training... im probably one that races to train... im quite passive /chilled in general.. a lot of my races are local and i know who im against and their level, same within the tri club, so if theres someone in a race thats at or just over my level i can be competitive to beat those people, or to not be beaten by someone that i would see as slower.. being surrounded by in laws that are all faster and trying to catch up , being a blow-in.. dunno.. realistically im probably not competitive enough.. i have a habit of taking the easy option when the going gets tough
    edit .. might also be something to do with losing career a few years back and looking to fill a gap

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hello again....

    Mayo? Where in Mayo do you live? And how do you like it?

    Do you ever spend time in Achill? If so, how do you like it there and what sorts of activites have you done? Oh, and have you ever been to the Bee Hive and had their amazing homemade chocolate cake with this incredible whipped cream filling? To die for!!!

    Where is your absolute favorite place to be in Ireland?

    Have you ever been to the States? If so, where and how did you find the people to be?

    What's the most expensive meal out you've ever had....and how much did it cost you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Hello again....

    Mayo? Where in Mayo do you live? And how do you like it?

    i live just outside of ballina, between ballina crossmolina and killala in the deepest darkest countryside, i love it, i used to visit a fair bit when in college, my wifes brother was in college with me, and i always liked it..

    Do you ever spend time in Achill? If so, how do you like it there and what sorts of activites have you done? Oh, and have you ever been to the Bee Hive and had their amazing homemade chocolate cake with this incredible whipped cream filling? To die for!!!

    yeah ive been out to achill a lot, done the half marathon twice, achill roar twice, been out for work a few times, and just gone out to it as a day trip a few times as well..and rented a house for a weekend and had all the family, kids , grandparents aunts and uncles on my side in it, i really like achill.. it has its own chilled out vibe about it and it has the scenery and stuff to do as well, been in the beehive a lot.. my brother had the chocolate cake as pre race breakfast for 5k there.. he came second ! i havent had it myself though..

    Where is your absolute favorite place to be in Ireland?
    mweelrea with the sun on my back would be good , if you look for doo lough images youl get an idea ..

    Have you ever been to the States? If so, where and how did you find the people to be?
    havent been,wife has relations in upstate ny ( as does half of mayo i think ) so maybe someday

    What's the most expensive meal out you've ever had....and how much did it cost you?
    will have to think about that.. either mount falcon ballina ..main was venison, cant remember starters or deserts but i remember being blown away or shangri la rasa ria in borneo.. were there for part of our honeymoon, there was a seperate glass room ( im describing it badly ) out in the grounds that you could have your meal in.. mains were steak.. and it was really good again.. best meal ever .. forge gallery in collon, co louth, few years ago, belleek castle ballina this year, got really excellent steaks in pier house arran islands last summer
    price i wouldnt be sure of.. there was one in some place in cork years ago, id say itd be up there but i didnt pay

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Achill....I've done the half marathon twice (loved it!), we might have done it at the same time (2011 and 2012).....have family in fact, Lavelles/Mickey's Pub is owned by distant cousins of mine. Gorgeous place....but will have to check out mweelrea. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    yeah i ran achill in 2012, thought i ran it in 11 as well but im not on the results so maybe im dreaming and i only did it once.. did a 10k that did some of the same route and the achill roar cycle goes on same route too ..could be whats confusing me

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    Howiya Woody, it must be Cooneal or Kincon so, who did you play football (gaa) with?

    How do u find LM? I'd know a lot of the lads but I've heard mixed reports about them letting non-members try out their sessions? Especially the swim? That could have been a once off though

    It's well organised and plenty going on, I'm a member of the cycling club and they are a sound bunch.

    On the hills the windy gap in castlebar is steep but I'd do it any day over the windy gap from Joe Dans in Tourlestrane to Bunny

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    Howiya Woody, it must be Cooneal or Kincon so, who did you play football (gaa) with?


    cooneal parish technically, played for ardagh as its the in laws club , played in its loosest sense, i stood in a gap occassionally for them.. i found a niche at corner back for a few games and did better but in general i was fairly rotten at it..

    How do u find LM? I'd know a lot of the lads but I've heard mixed reports about them letting non-members try out their sessions? Especially the swim? That could have been a once off though

    last year , more the end of the year before communication wasnt great, i didnt know what was or wasnt on and something would be over before i heard about it, apart from that its fairly sound, things have improved hugely since on the communication front, i think its pretty good, it has massive membership but you still see mostly the same people at everything.. i joined last year to do the duathlons as i was told i couldnt do them without joining,that was grand with me, ive heard some reports of that being stretched a bit alright.. the swimming this year is not actually a club thing, its tri-swim west ( tomas ) so anyone can do it not only club members.. dont know about previous years ..

    It's well organised and plenty going on, I'm a member of the cycling club and they are a sound bunch.
    yeah i was tempted to join, but time is limited, id say id be murdered on the group cycles too.. maybe next year as id say itd bring my cycling on..

    On the hills the windy gap in castlebar is steep but I'd do it any day over the windy gap from Joe Dans in Tourlestrane to Bunny

    i think the club do some hill sessions out that direction..ive not cycled out there yet as id have to go through town to get out there and i can just head off to ballycastle or lahardaun or bellacorrick from where i am without having to deal with traffic etc .. theres enough climbing up to ceide to do me for now..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    getting back to some of these

    favourite saying

    the devil is in the detail... said in architectural offices a fair old boss used to say it all the time

    an te nach bfuil laidir ni folair do a bheith glic ... whoever is not strong must be clever ... one that stuck from school..

    favourite movie.. scene ..character..
    i cant say i have a favourite ever.. im thinking more about different movies that i thought at the time were great ..
    unforgiven.. dunno why considering i was only 17/18 when it came out , i still like it..
    the matrix .. amazing at the time, hasnt aged well
    reservoir dogs.. not as big a fan of pulp fiction
    hotel rwanda..
    hot shots !!!.. first film i ever saw in a cinema ..
    back to the future.. first video i ever saw..
    recently .. inception..although like the matrix its more style than substance, django.. saw gravity last week thought it was good but not amazing..
    im easily pleased il watch almost anything

    scene.. still dunno..

    character.. anyone played by rachel weisz !! charlize theron, liv tyler, maggie gyllenhall also acceptable

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,393 ✭✭✭✭Green&Red

    A Meath man in mayo? Farts and spacesuits spring to mind, how do the native savages treat you?
    How do you find it?
    What do u do for a living?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    A Meath man in mayo? Farts and spacesuits spring to mind, how do the native savages treat you?
    bitter bitter people..especially considering all the free land they took off us years ago... sure meath is full of mayo people.. i throw the flag up anytime meath are playing any kind of meaningful game.. just to bug the neighbours..
    ah yeah theyre grand.. i daresay most people have no idea..i dont have much of an accent , i live here over 10 years now... i would support mayo in any game except against meath obviously.. but i will never consider myself a mayoman..ever.. much to my better halfs annoyance

    How do you find it?
    i like it, im from the country in meath, or what used to be the country, now its all developed.. i like the vibe.. cant get used to mayo-time..which is half an hour late for everything.. if i could turn off the wind.. !!

    What do u do for a living?

    i used to be an architectural technician..
    i now do data entry for accounting practice..
    long term i wouldnt mind doing something in sports / leisure but thatl have to wait until after the boys are bigger...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    thankfully my short time in the sun is over.. new thread started for latest victim.. griffin100 ..
