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Burrenguy's second swing.

  • 18-04-2014 10:47am
    Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭

    Link to old log here.
    Just turned 17 so I felt that it was time for a change.
    I've been flaky and inconsistent with my workouts. A running problem with improper digestion of food and a few little niggling injuries, coupled with my laziness have led to me making little progress toward my goals.
    Age: 17
    Weight: 56.3kg
    Bodyfat percentage: 8.7% (according to the scale)
    Height: 5'8"/5'9"

    Here are my goals, taken from the old log
    46kg overhead press x 5
    86kg squat x 5
    106kg deadlift x 5
    56kg bent over row x 5
    15 strict pull ups
    25 BW dips
    40 push ups

    Modest, but modest or not I want to hit them. In terms of bodyweight, I'd like to add on a good amount of muscle. To put a figure on it, I'd like to weigh 70kg before the end of the year with a <12% bodyfat. My problems with indigestion could put a stop to this. Currently cycling tablets to try remedy it. I'm looking into doing some form of carb backloading as this seems to be an effective way of adding weight.
    I'm training at home with a barbell and homemade squat/press rack.

    Here's my training routine..
    Day 1
    Squat: 3 x 5-8
    Deadlift:3 x 5-8
    Overhead Press:3 x 5-8
    Rows: 3 x 5-8

    Day 2
    Dips/Push ups: 3 x comfortable max i.e. not failure (up to 15/25 respectively)
    Pull ups/chin ups: 3 x comfortable max (up to 10)
    Hanging leg raise progression: 3 x 10
    Weighted carries (thinking a sandbag carry here for a few minutes)
    Discretionary work: curls etc. :p

    I'll do either 3 or 4 days per week depending on recovery. If three days, it'll be something like Mon/Wed/Fri with a day off between, alternating workouts. If its 4 x a week, I'll do Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri, alternating workouts again.

    I'll start this next week I think. Here's hoping that I stick to it.



  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Squat: 3 x 8 @ 25kg
    Deadlift: 3 x 5 @ 30kg
    Overhead Press:3 x 8 @ 15kg
    Rows: 3 x 8 @ 15kg
    Curls: 8, 8, 6 @ 15kg.

    Bar weight is actually 6kg but assuming 5kg for the sake of simplicity.
    Decided to move discretionary work to this day to keep the barbell exercises together.
    I've had a pain in my groin the last two days. Working out didn't make it any worse though. I'll leave it for a few days, but if it doesn't improve, I'll be seeing the doctor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Push ups: 3x10
    Pull ups on rings: 3x5
    Hanging knee raises on rings: 3x5
    Weighted carry: 30 secs @ 25kg.

    Starting off small to feel stuff out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    started working out but stopped as my groin isn't recovered yet. Better safe than sorry.
    I should definitely be okay for next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    groin is still sore for some reason. If i'm not better after the Bank holiday I'm off to the doctor for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Having now recovered from the groin strain and being assured by my doctor I don't have a hernia, I'm back training. I'm doing a Greyskull LP, as detailed below.

    Week 1

    Day 1
    Bench Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Row: 2 x 6-8
    Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Plank: 2 x 1 min

    Day 2
    Overhead Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Curls: 2 x 10-12
    Front Raises: 2 x 10-12
    Deadlift: 1 x 5+
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10-12

    Day 3
    Bench Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Row: 2 x 6-8
    Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Plank: 2 x 1 min

    Week 2

    Day 1
    Overhead Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Front Raises: 2 x 10-12
    Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10-12

    Day 2
    Bench Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Curls: 2 x 10-12
    Row: 2 x 6-8
    Deadlift: 1 x 5+
    Plank: 2 x 1 min

    Day 3
    Overhead Press: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Lateral Raises: 2 x 10-12
    Squat: 2 x 5, 1 x 5+
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10-12

    I'm doing frequency method (F.M) chins and push ups as well 6 days a week: 5-6 sets of low reps throughout the day to increase volume, building up gradually.
    Conditioning will come in the form of recreational soccer games and morning cardio possibly.

    First workout down today.
    Bench Press: 20kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 20
    Pendlay Row: 15kg @ 2 x 8
    Squat: 20kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 15
    Plank: 2 x 1 min
    F.M: 6 x 5 push ups, 2 chins.
    I should probably do bent over rows. Starting off light to build up. Progression will be 5 kg for lower body and 2.5 kg for upper body for a few weeks anyway, then tailing off as needed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    played an hour of soccer today. Killed out.
    F.M push ups and chins. Workout tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Overhead Press: 15kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 15
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3x5
    Curls: 15kg for 1 x 9, 1 x 6
    Deadlift: 30kg for 1 x 16
    Hanging Knee Raise: 2 x 10

    Weaker than I thought I was. It'll be fine. Add weight to all these next time.
    Pull ups are alternated with rows, utilising harder bodyweight versions consistently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Incline Bench Press: 25kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 25
    Pendlay Row: 20kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2x8
    Squat: 30kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 15
    Plank: 1 x 2 min

    I'm having a problem with my current bench in that the uprights are fairly narrow, meaning re-racking the bar for bench pressing is tedious and possibly dangerous at higher weights.
    Pendlay row is extremely light still. Add 10kg next time.
    Need to do shoulder exercises properly.
    Squat is grand: I notice that my form suffers a bit unless I focus.
    Plank is tough. Cut second set because I've bad DOMS at the moment.
    All grand overall, hard at it again on monday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Overhead Press: 17.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 15
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 3
    Curls: 15kg for 2 x 10
    Deadlift: 35kg for 1 x 16
    Hanging Knee Raise: 1 x 10

    cut workout short as had to eat dinner.
    realised afterwards I shouldn't have deadlifted today. Oh well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Going to make more of an effort to log stuff now that I'm at home for the summer.
    Frequency method sets this week are 3 chins, 6 push ups done for 4-5 sets a day 6x a week.
    !0 min stationery bike ride this morning for a distance of 3.78 km. I'll build this up to 20 mins gradually.
    Morning mobility routine that takes roughly 15 mins to do, which is made up of a number of stretches and mobility drills such as cobras, bridges, back extensions, etc.
    Speed and agility routine later, will update when done.
    Speed and agility workout:
    6 reps of broad jump.
    6 reps of 30 m sprint.
    2 reps of a 5x5 m square cone drill.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    10 min cycle in the morning: 4.16km.

    Incline Bench Press: 30kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 11
    Pendlay Row: 30kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2x6
    Squat: 35kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 12

    Left off planks as my side is tender.. think I slept on it funny last night.
    I'll deadlift twice this week for the sake of balance but next week I'll be back to my outlined schedule.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    15 min cycle this morning for 6.15 km.
    Speed and agility routine down..
    Standing broad jump: 6 reps, peak distance 7ft 8in
    30 metre sprints x 6 reps
    5 x 5 box agility drill x 6 reps.

    I should probably start timing my agility drill anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    15 min cycle in the morning for 6.7 km.
    F.M: 3 chins, 6 push ups.

    Overhead Press: 20kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 15
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 4
    Curls: 15kg for 2 x 12
    Deadlift: 40kg for 1 x 15
    Hanging Knee Raise: 2 x 10

    All went okay. Not overly happy with my deadlift form, I think I'm feeling it too much in my lower back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Mobility routine done.
    15 min cycle done for 6.6 km.
    Todays workout..
    Incline Bench Press: 32.5kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 11
    Pendlay Row: 35kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2x8
    Squat: 40kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 12
    Plank: 2 x 1 min

    All went okay. Groin/lower abdomen is a little funny. I've been reassured that it's just a strain of some sort, but I'll keep an eye on it nonetheless.
    Frequency method sets this week are 10 push ups, 4 chins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle: 6.96 km for 15 mins.

    Need to tweak the speed and agility workout a bit. Currently I'm doing standing broad jumps, 25-30 m sprints and an agility drill. The agility drill in particular needs to be changed, as I'm simply going through the motions as it's unmeasured. I may consider changing the sprint to a set time (e.g 10 seconds) and go as far as possible in that time,

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    (I'm doing these three things everyday, just forget to log it sometimes)
    Morning mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle: 6.76 km in 15 mins.
    F.M: 10 push ups, 4 chins

    Strength training workout..
    Overhead Press: 22.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 14
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 5
    Curls: 17.5kg for 2 x 8
    Deadlift: 45kg for 1 x 15
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 5

    Took long-ish rest periods today as I was very tired, taking 2.5 mins between exercises and alternating sets of presses/pull ups. Managed everything well enough though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Mobility routine done.
    15 min cycle done for 7.24 km.
    Todays workout..
    Incline Bench Press: 35kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Bent over Row: 20kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2x8
    Squat: 42.5kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 12
    Plank: 2 x 1.5 mins

    I was completely on edge this workout, so it didn't go great. My bench form has to be watched more closely. Squat is relatively okay.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    mobility routine done.
    20 min cycle, 8.5 km.
    Frequency sets this week are 15 push ups, 5 chins.

    Today's workout..
    Overhead Press: 25kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 5
    Curls: 17.5kg for 1 x 10, 1 x 6
    Squat: 45kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 14
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 7

    Overhead press was tough enough. Pull ups and leg raises okay.
    Squat form was decent enough, but a little off in places.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle: 20 mins, 8.5km.

    Today's workout..
    Incline Bench Press: 37.5kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Bent over Row: 25kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2x18
    Deadlift: 50kg for 1 x 10
    Plank: 2 x 1 min 35 secs

    Bench press was good today, rows were grand.
    Made stance wider on side raises and they're much easier now.
    Not very happy with the deadlift.
    plank is hell, but it's good for me, so it's okay :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Overhead Press: 27.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 5
    Curls: 17.5kg for 2 x 10
    Squat: 47.5kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 14
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10

    All grand. Squat form was off on one or two reps, but I'll focus and it'll be okay.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    10 min morning cycle done.
    Mobility routine done.

    Today's strength workout..
    Incline Bench Press: 40kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 9
    Bent over Row: 25kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 2 x 10
    Squat: 50kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Plank: 2 x 1 min 45 secs

    Everything was grand except some of the squat reps, where I was leaning forward too much. I really need to concentrate while doing them.
    I was not feeling up to working out at all today, as I feel fairly weak and tired. I did it anyway. Discipline and all that.

    Frequency sets this week are going to be carefully introduced and increased, starting with 10 push ups/4 chins. I find that I get ab pain from too many pull ups, followed by groin pain. I'll be careful and do what I can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    20 min morning cycle done.

    Today's workout...
    Overhead Press: 30kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 7
    Pull up: bodyweight for 3 x 5
    Curls: 17.5kg for 2 x 12
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10
    Deadlift: 50 kg x 2

    Everything was okay until the deadlift. I did a few reps with 30 kg beforehand just to see how the movement felt. It was okay, so I said I'd go ahead. On both reps I felt a strain in my lower groin area, so I terminated the set early. Hopefully if I rest a while it will heal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    I'm leaving my next workout until tomorrow as I decided to test the deadlift today after Wednesday's problem.
    I did progressively heavier singles.
    1 x 30 kg
    1 x 35 kg
    1 x 40 kg
    1 x 45 kg
    1 x 50 kg
    1 x 55 kg
    1 x 60 kg
    1 x 65 kg
    1 x 75 kg

    All without groin pain. This is confusing. Maybe a form issue previously? I'll keep an eye anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Mobility routine done.
    20 min morning cycle done.

    Today's workout.....
    Incline Bench Press: 40kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Bent over Row: 25kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 1 x 12, 1 x 6
    Deadlift: 55kg x 7
    Plank: 2 x 1 min 45 secs

    Intended to squat, not deadlift today, but my hip flexor was hurting in the warm up so I opted to deadlift instead. I'd say my form has been off on occasion, which could have caused a slight strain. I'll give it a rest for the next few days and I'll see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle done for 20 mins.

    Today's workout..
    Overhead Press: 32.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull up: bodyweight for 1 x 6, 2 x 5
    Curls: 20kg for 2 x 8
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10
    Squat: 20 kg for 3 x 5

    Press was difficult, everything else grand. I said I'd test the squat while I was outside, filming it from the side and back. It appears my lower back is arched inwards a good bit. The depth of squat and back angle in the hole seems to be fine though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle done: 20 mins, 9.18km.

    Today's workout..
    Incline Bench Press: 42.5kg @ 3 x 5
    Bent over Row: 25kg @ 2 x 8
    Side Raises: 5kg @ 1 x 10, 1 x 8
    Deadlift: 60kg x 6
    Plank: 2 x 2 mins

    It was a bad day for bench press. I was a bit all over the place and shaky.
    Rows were grand, I can up weight on them.
    Side raises were done strictly, still weak.
    Recorded the deadlift. My form is pretty good on most reps, but I have a tendency to use too much of my back on later reps where I have to really work for it.
    Almost skipped planking, then decided to do 1 set, then realized I could manage both without dying. All good there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.
    Morning cycle done: 20 mins, 9.6 km.

    Today's workout...
    Overhead Press: 35kg for 3 x 5
    Pull up: bodyweight for 2 x 6, 1 x 5
    Curls: 20kg for 2 x 10
    Hanging Leg Raise: 2 x 10
    Squat: 20 kg for 2 x 5

    Overhead press was tough, everything else went grand.
    Recorded the squat from back and side. My hip flexor is still a little sore but getting better. I really need to consciously focus on keeping my form tight, as I have a tendency to push up with one side first when i'm not concentrating.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Morning mobility routine done.

    Today's workout...
    Incline Bench Press: 42.5kg @ 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Bent over Row: 27.5kg @ 2 x 6
    Side/Front Raises: 5kg @ 2 x 6
    Deadlift: 65kg x 6
    Plank: 1 x 2 mins 20 secs

    Bench press was much better when staying tight. Rows were grand. Did a front/side raise superset, which I think I'll stick with.
    Deadlift was tough but I'm managing I think.
    I let myself off with one set of planking today, as I wasn't feeling too great.

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Considering your pressing strength It looks like you could manage a lot more on the squat / deadlift.

    It would be unusual to comfortably incline bench 42.5kg, have the strength to do pullups and hanging leg raises and squat "only" 20kg. You could surprise yourself! Try adding 2.5kg every session to the squat and see where you top out

    Nice detailed log

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    conzy wrote: »
    Considering your pressing strength It looks like you could manage a lot more on the squat / deadlift.

    It would be unusual to comfortably incline bench 42.5kg, have the strength to do pullups and hanging leg raises and squat "only" 20kg. You could surprise yourself! Try adding 2.5kg every session to the squat and see where you top out

    Nice detailed log

    Thanks for the reply!
    You're definitely right about that. However I have some form issues on the squat that have caused me to strain my right hip flexor... most likely from not staying tight enough and leaning forward. I'm working on reinforcing correct movement while it heals a bit, then I'll jump back up to higher weights.
