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Burrenguy's second swing.



  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 32.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull ups: 3 x 6
    Deadlift: 75 kg for 3 x 3

    OHP improved but still a little off. Pull ups were grnad. Deadlift feels tough, but I managed. I just need to focus on pulling close to the body.
    Missed yesterdays session for a funeral, so my next will be on Friday, or if I miss that, Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 45 kg for 3 x 5
    Row: 32.5 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 27.5 kg for 3 x 10

    Bench and row were good today. Squat was better than previously, still not good enough I feel.
    Sunday will be the next session, all going according to plan.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 35kg for 3 x 5
    Pull ups: 2 x 7, 1 x 4
    Deadlift: 80 kg for 3 x 3

    Found the overhead press very tough, last set was a grind. Pull ups suffered as a consequence.
    Deadlift form was a little iffy today, but I'll keep an eye.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    30 min session on the stationary bike. Cycled 14.9 km.. average speed hovering around 30 km/h. I'll be doing this 3 times a week assuming I can recover okay with this and weight lifting concurrently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 47.5 kg for 3 x 5
    Row: 35 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 30 kg for 3 x 10

    Bench press was tough. The first set was a real grinder, for the next two sets I consciously tried to "pull the bar apart", which made it more manageable. I just about squeaked out the 5 reps on the last set, attempted a 6th and failed.
    Row was fairly decent. The bar didn't come all the way to my chest on some of the later reps but for the most part it was passable.
    Squat form was good. I think it's starting to click now. I'm focusing on keeping the chest up, sitting back and knees out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    30 min session on the stationary bike before eating anything today. Did 15.6 ish km, heart rate hovering around 150bpm throughout. Went grand, I've a book to read at the same time so it helps the time pass quicker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 35kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull ups: 1 x 7, 1 x 5, 1 x 4
    Deadlift: 85kg for 1 x 2, 2 x 3

    OHP was improved but still leaning back a tad too much on grinding reps.
    Pull ups were a disaster today... the less said the better.
    First set of deadlifts was a bit of a write off.. my stance was too narrow and the pull was out of sync. However, form was much improved in the second set and then it was good in the third set.
    I only got like 6 hours sleep last night and I've been tired all day, so this was just a session for the sake of a session really. I'll be back again on Tuesday with my next session.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    30 mins cycle: distance was 15.37 km, heart rate was 160-ish bpm when I finished.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 50 kg for 1 x 3, 2 x 5
    Row: 35 kg for 1 x 8, 1 x 5, 1 x 8
    Squat: 32.5 kg for 3 x 10

    Made a bit of a mess of today's session. I didn't leave long enough between my warm up bench press sets and starting the work sets, so my reps suffered as a result.
    I read recently in Dan John's work that it's better to have zero momentum in the barbell row in order to utilize the rhomboids correctly. I started doing this in the second set and will continue this anymore.
    Squatting was fine, just my groin was a bit sore from not warming up (stupidly) for the first set of rows.
    All in all it was a bit of a mess, but I'll be more careful in future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    30 mins cycle: distance was 16km. Heart rate was hovering around 140 bpm, and my legs are burning now. Got through it so it's all good.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 30kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Pull ups: 2 x 6, 1 x 5.5
    Deadlift: 85kg for 3 x 3

    Backed off the weight a little on the press to fix my form. It was definitely a bit better. I guess I've just been pushing it too quickly. Pull ups were fine, I failed on the very last rep, so I stopped just short of 3 x 6.
    I was deadlifting awkwardly for the first two sets and my back was quite sore, but I narrowed my stance appropriately for the final set and felt much better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 50 kg for 3 x 5
    Row: 30 kg for 1 x 8, 32.5 kg for 1 x 8, 35 kg for 1 x 8
    Squat: 35 kg for 3 x 10

    Bench press was manageable today but a little off. I found that the 4th and 5th reps of the last two sets were grinders really, and the form was a little sloppy there, but overall it went okay.
    Rows were good: I stepped back a little on the weight and made sure I used no momentum on the reps.
    Squat was not great: I felt it in my back a good bit, as if I was arching too much. I'm probably overthinking this though. I'll film again next session and review.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 32.5kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Pull ups: 3 x 6
    Deadlift: 90kg for 3 x 3

    Decent session today. I was tired beforehand but found that the warm up energized me.
    OHP form was solid enough. I leaned back a little too much on a few reps but rectified it once I realized.
    Pull ups were fine: I'm leaving a slight flex in my elbows to avoid too much elbow discomfort, as I'm going to be doing "grease the groove" pull ups and push ups for the next 4 weeks as a trial run.
    Deadlift was fairly good today. After watching Hanley's deadlift video I was able to focus on keeping a good back angle with no rounding. The weight came up fairly easy. I know it's still low but progress is progress, so it's all welcome :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 50 kg for 3 x 5
    Row: 30 kg for 1 x 8, 35 kg for 2 x 8
    Squat: 35 kg for 1 x 5, 45 kg for 1 x 5, 55 kg for 1 x 5

    I was disappointed with the bench press today. I had intended to hit at least 8 reps on the final set, but gripped the bar too wide and ended up fatiguing myself.
    Rows were good. I'll go for 3 sets @ 35kg next time.
    Squat form was solid enough today I think, and the weights went up easy enough. I've noticed that it seems to be mainly on the higher rep sets that my form suffers, so for this reason I'm going to bring it back down to the 2 x 5, 1 x 5+ rep scheme as on other lifts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 35kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull ups: 2 x 7, 1 x 3
    Deadlift: 95kg for 3 x 3

    Press held together decently, but I'm still leaning back a tad on the AMRAP set.
    Pull ups were as expected: put in a lot of effort the first two sets, fizzled out in the third.
    Deadlift was tough as my grip was kinda shot from the first two exercises. However I got all the reps up okay. The first set was the toughest, last was the easiest (strangely).
    I meant to try and complete two workouts this week, but it didn't pan out like I would have hoped. I need to be careful what I eat before training, as I've noticed that I get indigestion during the session depending on what I ate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Bench Press: 52.5 kg for 2 reps.

    That's it. I wasn't feeling great today, but I said I'd try do my workout anyway. However when I failed on the third rep on the first set of the first exercise, I packed it in.
    I'll try to do this session again tomorrow if I can. I was just tired today and not well, but hopefully it'll go better tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    I haven't worked out in a number of days now. I found that I have anterior pelvic tilt, but now have a series of corrective exercises selected to remedy this. I have one series to be done in the morning and evening, and the other is to be done pre-workout. I will continue to lift as I have been, keeping a close eye on the squat, deadlift, row and press form.
    Anyway, no workout today either. Just did this...
    Pull ups: 10, 5, 3 (1 min rest between sets).
    Did a little something to keep myself ticking over. Need to get back on track though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Incline Bench Press: 45 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 11
    Row: 30 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 45 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 12

    Back in the saddle today... had the day off from school so I really had no excuse.
    Bench press was grand, but I didn't warm up enough. As a consequence, one side came up a bit faster than the other.
    Rows were grand as usual. I'm focusing on having no momentum and pulling back the shoulder blades.
    Squats were the best they've been in a long time. I felt as if my form was finally right. Took my time with the reps and stopped when I felt form was beginning to deteriorate.
    All in all, good session. Back again Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    OHP: 30kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Pull ups: 2 x 8, 1 x 4
    Deadlift: 85kg for 1 x 5
    Curls: 15 kg for 1 x 10, 1 x 4

    Switching the deadlift back to 1 x 5+ rep scheme. Was hard pressed to get out the five reps, but it was grand.
    Adding in curls again too. However, my grip was stupid after being wiped out on the pull ups.. I'll need to figure something out. All good though today overall. Next session over the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Incline Bench Press: 46.25 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 9
    Row: 31.25 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 47.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 12

    Bench was fairly good today. The reps flew up on the final set and the last few were a bit shaky, but overall I'm happy.
    Focused on pulling both of the shoulders back and down and having no momentum for the rows.
    Squats were decent. I kind of good morning'd the final rep though. Just need to keep concentrating.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 10.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 3.
    Burpees: 3 x 10, each set lasting 30 seconds, 1 minute rest between.

    Adding in these small daily exercises to help me progress towards my goals. The important thing is that these are supplementary, not to interfere with my weight training. I will gradually add reps to each of these when it's easy to do so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 10.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 3.
    Burpees: 3 x 10, each set lasting 30 seconds, 1 minute rest between.

    Press: 31.25 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 11
    Pull ups: 3 x 5
    Squat: 50 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10

    Everything went okay today. Form was passable on everything anyway.
    Next session on Thursday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 10.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 3.
    Burpees: 3 x 10, each set lasting 30 seconds, 1 minute rest between.

    Time to start adding a few reps. Think I'll add two to the burpees, 1-2 to the push ups, and another set of chin ups.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 11.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 5 sets of 3.
    Burpees: 3 x 12, each set lasting 36 seconds, 1 minute rest between.

    Incline Bench Press: 47.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 9
    Row: 32.5 kg for 3 x 8
    Deadlift: 87.5kg for 1 x 6
    Curls: 15 kg for 2 x 12

    Spine went a bit s-shaped for the last few deadlift reps.. I stopped for fear of injuring myself. Touch and go reps aren't really working out for me when I'm trying to push myself. I'll remember to reset each rep properly in the future.
    Otherwise everything was okay. Next session over the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 11.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 3.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 11.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 5 sets of 3.
    Burpees: 3 x 12, each set lasting 36 seconds, 1 minute rest between.

    Press: 32.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 11
    Pull ups: 2 x 7, 1 x 4
    Squat: 52.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 11

    Everything went okay today. Form was decently good on the pressing and squatting, just need to keep focused.
    I'll be adding reps soon to the bodyweight movements.
    Next session on Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 11.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 5 sets of 3.

    Incline Bench Press: 48.25 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 9
    Row: 33.25 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 55 kg for 1 x 3

    bench and row were pretty fine today. Skipped the burpees and abandoned the squats due to knee pain. I think I took a weird step today during the day... I didn't pay much attention to it until I came home and couldn't even do bodyweight squats without pain. Hopefully it's nothing major.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 12.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 4.

    Press: 35 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 9
    Pull ups: 2 x 7
    Deadlift: 90 kg x 5

    Press felt strong today. The weight went up well.
    I'll be cutting back the pull ups to two sets. That seems to be a sufficient amount for me, as I end up having little to give on the final set.
    Deadlift was not great today. Form was good, but I spent a few minutes just looking at the bar on the ground in front of me.
    I've a bit of a mental block when it comes to it. All I could think was "that's too heavy for me" (for me being the key part). Even though 90 kg x 5 is nothing for a deadlift in the bigger picture, I find it hard to face up mentally to doing 1 AMRAP set. I guess I just need to sort my head out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 12.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 4.

    Incline Bench Press: 50 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Row: 35 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 55 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6

    Main thing to take from today is that I was squatting weirdly. Depth and everything was fine and felt good, but my wrists were hurting me. I think I was gripping the bar too narrow, and my wrists were bent backwards a lot due to this (this could also be from the bar being too low on my back). It'll be fine though, I'll just review my form.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 12.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 4.

    Press: 36.25 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Pull ups: 1 x 8, 2 x 7
    Squat: 57.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10

    Stuff went okay today. Still the occasional dodgy rep throughout, but I'm trying to keep an eye on it.
    Overhead press: still leaning back a tad more than I'd like.
    Pull ups were good... very tough on the grip though.
    Squat went up a lot better today than the last day. The bar was higher up my back and I felt much better.
