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Burrenguy's second swing.



  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 12.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 4.

    Incline Bench Press: 51.25 kg for 1 x 5, 50 kg for 1 x 5, 51.25 kg for 1 x 6
    Row: 36.25 kg for 3 x 8
    Deadlift: 92.5 kg x 4+1

    It was bad today. I felt pretty terrible beforehand and during, but I said I might as well get something done.
    I've been using ankle weights for the 1.25 kg jumps, and forgot to put them back on the bar for the second bench set.
    Rows were okay, but the bar isn't quite touching my chest.. touching my shirt would be the best way of describing it.
    Deadlift was okay, but I had no safety collars on the bar and a plate fell off one side of the bar after the fourth rep, hence the set was broken up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 13.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 5 sets of 4.

    Press: 37.5 kg for 3 x 5
    Pull ups: 2 x 8
    Squat: 60 kg for 3 x 5

    Did the bare minimum today and got out. Wasn't up for training but said I better keep going. Hopefully I feel better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 13.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 4.

    Incline Bench Press: 51.25 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Row: 36.25 kg for 3 x 6
    Deadlift: 92.5 kg x 3 + 2 + 3
    Curls: 17.5kg for 2 x 12

    I dragged myself out to the weights, and I'm happy I did. Session went fairly okay today.
    Bench was good, some reps were grinders but overall I managed it.
    I cut back the reps on the rows a little as I wan't doing complete ROM the last day. Today was better.
    The deadlift was going fine.. until my foot caused a problem. Perhaps it's just a cramp, but sometimes if there's too much tension in my foot one of my toes on the right foot comes out of place. It resolved itself quickly enough... simply had to apply pressure and push it back in. I then did two reps to finish off the required reps, then felt I was good for another 3 after a short rest. I'll be adding weight the next day anyway, as I was good for at least 5 consecutively.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Press: 37.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull ups: 2 x 8
    Squat: 62.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 10
    Curls: 17.5kg for 2 x 12
    Dips: 2 x 6

    Everything went okay... Press and squats were tough, but I managed. Everything else was pretty grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 15.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 5.

    Incline Bench Press: 52.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Row: 36.25 kg for 3 x 8
    Squat: 65 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 7
    Curls: 18.75kg for 2 x 10

    Rushed session today, I'm doing a lot of different stuff. Bench press was the best it's ever been.. all reps really really solid apart from the last two on the AMRAP set.
    Rows were good... however I have a little knee pain atm, which seemed to go away when I used less knee bend for the rows.
    Squats were a little off today, due to hand placement. I'm sure it'll be fine the next day though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 15.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 5.

    Planned to do a full session, but screwed around too much and left myself no time to do anything but one exercise.
    I had 15 minutes, so did a general warm up and then progressively heavier deadlift singles, peaking at 100kg. Attempted 105kg but couldn't get it all the way up... didn't leave myself enough rest I think. It's the most weight I've ever handled in anything, so fairly happy with that.
    I'll get in a proper workout on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 15.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 5.

    Press: 38.75 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Pull ups: 2 x 8
    Squat: 67.5 kg for 3 x 5
    Dips: 2 x 8

    tired, tired workout today. Really need to start getting better sleep and attending to my nutrition properly.
    Everything weak today... form bad on the squats. Assuming i feel better the next day, I should have no trouble adding weight. I may decide to repeat today's workout though, I'll see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Press: 35 kg x 5 37.5 x 5 , 40 x 5
    Pull ups: 2 x 8
    Squat: 65 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 7

    Been inconsistent with the workouts the last while, so it was good to get back on track.
    Very happy with the press, and happy enough with the majority of the squat reps (some still dodgy but that's due to incorrect set up or lack of focus on my part).
    Pull ups on the rings are not improving at all... supersetting with the overhead press may be limiting them.
    Back on now. Gotta watch the sleep and diet, and it'll all be fine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 15.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 5.

    Dips: 10, 9
    Curls: 17.5 kg for 2 x 12
    Deadlift: 95 kg for 3 reps.

    Gonna do bodyweight dips until I can do 2 x 15.
    Curls were fine. Deadlift was not so good... not really feeling so hot today, and the choice of footwear was bad... my fault.
    Should be fine next week though.. if I can hit 95 for an easy set of 5 next week, I'll do an additional set with 97.5 and see how it goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Grease the groove push ups: 4 sets of 15.
    Grease the groove chin ups: 4 sets of 5.

    Press: 37.5 for 5, 42.5kg for 1 x 3, 1 x 1
    Squat: 72.5 x 3, 77.5 x 3, 82.5 x 3

    Decided to test myself and see how far I could go. Press was disappointing: thought I could hit it for 5, but the form was not stellar at all, so I terminated the set.
    Squat was alright, but there was slight GM'ing of the heavier sets... Not too bad overall though. I'm happy-ish with my days work.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Dips: 10, 7, 7
    Curls: 18.75 kg for 2 x 12
    Squat: Pretty much nothing... did 72.5 kg and was strangely tired afterwards.

    Nothing much to report here. I was weirdly tired here... I did a good bit of running today during the day and was probably still feeling the effects in my legs.
    Dips were disappointing, so I did one additional set to push it on a bit. Curls were fine (most importantly of course!).
    Squat was a write off... I warmed up to the work weight of 72.5kg and it felt too heavy just when it was on my back... I did a single and struggled on the way back up, so I left it there. I'll stick with this weight the next day and see how it goes... I think it'll be grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Press: 37.5 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 6
    Ring Pull ups: 3 x 7
    Deadlift: 95 kg for 5 reps.

    I was aiming for 10 reps on the last set of presses, so the 6 was disappointing. My form was a little sub par but I could have pushed through... it's down to mentality I suppose.
    Pull ups were tough but doable. My grip was fairly wretched at the end of these, which led to a really enjoyable deadlift set...
    Deadlift was very tough, but I had my eyes set on 5 reps before I started so I muscled through. Happy with the form here.
    Next session on Saturday or Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    All semblance of normal training has ground to a halt... I really need to get my act together.
    Did presses today... built up to a top set of 5 with 42.5 kg. New PR, which is nice.
    Intended to do squats afterwards, but around the 65 kg mark in my warm up my wrists started to hurt a lot... I called it a day.
    After my mock exams (starting this Friday!) I'll have a week off. During that week I'll really work on perfecting my technique. In the meantime I'll keep going, watch some form videos, and hopefully fix it before then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Spent today sorting out my squat form... I'm much happier now with it. I've got the bar position figured out a bit better at least. Worked up to a couple of reps at 85 kg.
    This next week is probably going to be very sparse in terms of workouts as I'm doing my mock exams. However I've a week off after that, so I'll be back to everything as usual after that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    burrenguy wrote: »
    Spent today sorting out my squat form... I'm much happier now with it. I've got the bar position figured out a bit better at least. Worked up to a couple of reps at 85 kg.
    This next week is probably going to be very sparse in terms of workouts as I'm doing my mock exams. However I've a week off after that, so I'll be back to everything as usual after that.
    leaving cert mocks? good luck in them

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    EmcD123 wrote: »
    leaving cert mocks? good luck in them

    yep unfortunately :pac: Thanks a lot!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    I did all that last year, the mocks especially can be a bit of a shock so just relax while youre doing them dont let yourself panic . Youre doing much better training than i did during leaving cert anyway thats for definite

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    EmcD123 wrote: »
    I did all that last year, the mocks especially can be a bit of a shock so just relax while youre doing them dont let yourself panic . Youre doing much better training than i did during leaving cert anyway thats for definite

    Yep i'm trying not to let myself get too wrapped up in all of it. Just gonna try keep ticking over training wise and then lay into it again afterwards until the end of the year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Overhead Press: 30 kg for 5, 35 kg for 1 x 5, 1 x 7
    Chin ups: 2 x 6, 1 x 4
    Squats: 60 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 7

    Not terrible for the first session back in, but not great either.
    Overhead press felt fine, but a little weak.
    Chins were tough on the grip... I had forgotten how tough they are!
    Squat felt relatively okay... just the bar was slipping down my back a few reps in and putting stress on my wrist. Just gripping it too wide and not pulling it in hard enough. I'll be grand the next day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Dips: 2 x 8
    Bent over rows: 35 kg for 2 x 8
    Deadlift: 85 kg for 1 x 7

    Trying to keep everything as strict as it can be.
    Dips were good, as were the rows.
    Deadlift was tough unfortunately. My grip was starting to give on the last few reps.
    I've gotta get back into it now. I can't afford any more wasted time or sessions. It's all gotta be 100% commitment from here on out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭burrenguy

    Push ups: 10,10,10,10
    Chin ups: 3,3,3,3

    Overhead Press: 35 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 8
    Chin ups: 3 x 6
    Squats: 60 kg for 2 x 5, 1 x 5+5
    Sandbag Carry: 1 x 30 seconds

    Overhead Press grand, chin ups grand, squats were not great... stopped midway through the last set to rerack and adjust my stance, finishing to get the 10 reps. Messed about with the sandbag... its only about 30kg or so, which isn't very heavy. I'll probably do a loading exercise as a finisher of sorts.
