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In The Playpen - Cherry Blossom Girl

  • 21-04-2014 3:27pm
    Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭

    Greetings my fellow C&Hers!

    My time in the Playpen has finally come! I feel a bit lame having to write my own intro, so please ask lots and lots of questions to help me avoid further lameness! :o

    Seriously, ask as many bizarre/thought provoking/funny/unusual questions as you can think of. It's your civic duty as members of this glorious forum! I'm currently at home sick with an ear infection so I ain't got nuthin but time to tell you all about the super fantastic, amazing, wonderous, modest being that is me.

    Proceed! :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    I can't remember if I've ever asked you this before, but what is it you actually do in UL?
    Do you like it?
    Best thing?
    Worst thing?
    If you could do something different, would you? What would it be if so?

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭Cherry Blossom Girl

    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    I can't remember if I've ever asked you this before, but what is it you actually do in UL?
    I rule. With an iron fist.
    I actually graduated from UL last year, did New Media and English.

    Do you like it?
    Eh, I did and I didn't. I mostly enjoyed the English side of it. The New Media aspect was a bit... lacking. We learned very little of anything with a practical use. Lots and lots and lots of theory about the media and then a few very basic, rushed through practical classes on stuff that could actually be useful in the real world, such as web design and photoshop.

    Best thing?
    Some, (well one in particular) of the lecturers has quite a bit of influence on me with regards to what I want to do with my future and, as cheesy as this sounds, I'm quite grateful that I had the opportunity to interact with and learn from them. Also, the people of UL in general. And co-op. It's a pain to sort out at the time, but if you manage to land a good one then its definitely beneficial when you graduate. Oh, and the campus is very pretty.

    Worst thing?
    I had a really hard time settling in in first year. I went through quite a rough period of anxiety and depression, which culminated in me almost dropping out. It's a miracle I didn't fail the year really. Happily, I made it out the other side and I'm definitely glad I didn't drop out.

    On a less personal level, and I don't think this is unique to UL, but some of the lecture content was fudging dire. I tried to choose modules that genuinely interested me, not just the 'easy' ones, but it's a real struggle to write good essays when you couldn't care less about the particular subject matter. Also, stuff like some of the English modules in 3rd and 4th year focused on the same small group of authors. They're obviously hugely important and influential but it got a bit tedious and predictable at times.

    And my pet hate about universities in general - spoon feeding. I think it's society's fault rather than the universities', but the majority of students seem really incapable doing things without having their hand held. Maybe my views are a bit harsh, but I don't think almost a full lecture in 3rd year should have to be given over to telling us how to reference. Students have been doing it since first year - they should know how by now and lecturers shouldn't have to give up precious lecture time for that. Also, stupid stuff like 4th years still asking how long essays have to be or where they have to be submitted (eh, the same place you've been submitting them for the last 3 years maybe?). Oh, and people who still think its cool to be all like "yeah man, haven't a clue what this book is about, didnt bother reading it." You chose to study English in college, wtf?! I didn't read every book on the syllabus either, but I don't neccessarily think it's sonething to brag about. Happily, that mostly dies out in 3rd year.

    tl;dr: I don't like students, for the most part...

    If you could do something different, would you? What would it be if so?

    I would have liked to study a langusge, probably Spanish. That, or architecture. I probably would have dropped out of architecture cause I'm far too lazy for the long hours and general effort required, but it's something I've always been quite interested in.

    Sorry for the rant! That got a bit out of control. I'm going to blame the painkillers...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    What do you want to be/do

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    If you could lay eggs, would you eat them?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,753 ✭✭✭Vito Corleone

    You are in Berlin, 1933. Somehow, you find yourself in a position where you can effortlessly steal Hitler's wallet. This theft will not affect Hitler's rise to power, the nature of WW2, or the Holocaust. There is no important identification in the wallet, but the act will cost Hitler forty Reichsmarks and completely ruin his evening. You do not need the money. The odds that you will be caught committing this act are less than 2 percent. Are you ethically obligated to steal Hitler's wallet?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭Cherry Blossom Girl

    HugsiePie wrote: »
    What do you want to be/do
    I want to break freeeeeee!
    Seriously, a lecturer. Eventually! But it was more so the area I want to study, which, without revealing too much, is American Literature.
    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    If you could lay eggs, would you eat them?
    Hell no. I don't even eat chicken eggs. I mean, really, who decided that a chicken's menstrual cycle would make a tasty snack?! It just ain't right. (I think that might be the strangest question I've ever been asked. Kudos!)
    You are in Berlin, 1933. Somehow, you find yourself in a position where you can effortlessly steal Hitler's wallet. This theft will not affect Hitler's rise to power, the nature of WW2, or the Holocaust. There is no important identification in the wallet, but the act will cost Hitler forty Reichsmarks and completely ruin his evening. You do not need the money. The odds that you will be caught committing this act are less than 2 percent. Are you ethically obligated to steal Hitler's wallet?
    Nope. Why on earth would I be? Personally, I don't think you can class stealing as ethical no matter who is being stolen from or who is doing the stealing. I'm not going to go off on another long-winded tangent, but I really dislike the notion of fighting fire with fire. I think it just creates more problems and nobody learns anything from it. (I know that's not really what you asked me but it came to mind when I was thinking about my answer.)

    Interesting questions guys! More please :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    just answer the ones you want too

    What impact do you want to leave the world?
    What type of person are you attracted to?
    Which song makes you feel amazing and why?
    If you could visit any country in the world, which would you visit and why?
    How would you spent 10 million euros?
    If your girlfriend (or bf) cheated on you, would you slap him or cheat on him?
    If you ruled the world, what would your change?
    Is there anything you're really passionate about?
    Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
    3 physical features you get complimented on a lot?
    3 favourite physical features on a guy/girl?
    Give the names of 3 things you dislike most and why?
    How do you feel about porn?
    What is your biggest goal in life?
    If you could invite any three people from history to dinner, who would you invite?
    What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
    If you could speak one language, what would it be and why?
    If you had your own country, what would be some of the rules?
    What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
    What’s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be married?
    If you could go on a dream holiday, where would it be?
    What is the wildest thing you have ever done?
    What is the one most embarrassing thing you have ever done?
    If you were lucky enough to win the lottery, what would you do?
    If you came across a genie who offered to make three of your wishes come true, what would those wishes be?
    Do you believe that ghosts exist in the real world?
    Who do you look up to most in life?
    Do you believe in God?
    What is your biggest dream in life?
    Describe the greatest adventure you have ever been on?
    Name an expensive thing that you bought and now regret buying.
    Do you lie often?
    What is your favorite childhood memory?
    How old were you when you had your first crush?
    Do you believe there are aliens out there?
    Do you still think about your first love?
    Do you ever want to win a Nobel prize of any sort?
    Describe me. I dare you!
    What super power would you have if you could?
    Which famous person would you like to be?

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭Cherry Blossom Girl

    Jaysus. Thanks Hugsie. I'll take this in sections!
    HugsiePie wrote: »
    just answer the ones you want too

    What impact do you want to leave the world?
    Am, I'm not really sure to be honest. I'm not interested in being well-known for anything. Without sounding like a total hippy, I try and be good to whoever crosses my path and spread happiness and kindness. I guess I'd like people to remember me as loving and kind and joyful. And passionate about whatever I end up doing with my life. Over the past year or so, I've become more comfortable with expressing my feelings and letting people know what they mean to me, which I think it really important. You never know how much time with someone, so let them know you care!

    What type of person are you attracted to? I seem to be attracted to musicians/arty/creative types. My friends joke I'm going to end up supporting some struggling musician... :P. I like people who are slightly left of field. Basically: no bros. Also, the usual stuff like someone who is intelligent, funny, romantic, well-spoken, yada, yada, yada. Oh and suits. Who doesn't love a man in a suit. For reference, my dream guy is Chromeo's Dave 1.

    Which song makes you feel amazing and why?
    Northern Sky - Nick Drake. There's a bit of a back story that I won't go in to, but it sort of makes me feel like anything is possible. Plus, it has amazing lyrics that blow me away. Everyone go listen. Now!

    If you could visit any country in the world, which would you visit and why? Greece. Since childhood I've had this strange fascination with Ancient Greece, so I'd love to go and see all those places for realz.

    How would you spent 10 million euros?
    Eh, give some to charity. Travel around the world. Give some to my friends/family. Put some in the bank so I can gain interest on it. Spend the rest on what I spend most of my money on now - music-related items, books and doing stuff with friends.

    If your girlfriend (or bf) cheated on you, would you slap him or cheat on him?
    Neither, probably just break up with them. Can't really see what either of those two options would achieve tbh...

    If you ruled the world, what would your change?
    Top of the list would be educating women. And stopping those horrendous child-bride marriages in the Middle East and Africa. I'll come back to this...

    Is there anything you're really passionate about?
    Music. Literature. Building relationships (of all kinds) with people, because that's what life is about really, I think. Yeah, getting a job and all that crap is important, but connecting with people is the essence of being alive. Oh and my doggys. They're the bestest :P

    Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
    Suicide prevention. Stopping animal cruelty. Whatever the antithesis to that "real women have curves" campaign is. Real women come in every size, and ultimately I think it's only helping to spread the notion that being overweight (sometimes grossly so) is perfectly okay and not at all damaging to you.

    3 physical features you get complimented on a lot? Eyes, smile, legs.

    3 favourite physical features on a guy/girl? On a guy - forearms, lean torso, nice shoulders.

    Give the names of 3 things you dislike most and why?
    Hypocrites, animal cruelty, narrow-mindedness. I think the 'why' is pretty obvious for all of those!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,009 ✭✭✭✭wnolan1992

    If you had to, what means would you use to slaughter a rhino?

    How long would you have to be stuck without food before you'd devour every morsel of that rhino?

    What d'you reckon is the tastiest part of a rhino?

    If you had to hop on a bird's back in order to fly across the Atlantic, which bird would you choose?

    If a pregnant penguin who is carrying offspring that will cause penguins to evolve something to better help them cope with changing habitats attacked you, would you retaliate with lethal force, or offer yourself up as food for the betterment of their species?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    If you had to, what means would you use to slaughter a rhino?

    Have you noticed youre nearly at 10000 posts :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭Cherry Blossom Girl

    Okay, round 2! I'm skipping a few because I'm lazy and they require too much thought :P
    HugsiePie wrote: »
    just answer the ones you want too
    What is your biggest goal in life?
    Rule the world. Nah, just be content I guess. Find a career I enjoy, live somewhere interesting with someone interesting. Oh, and travel a lot. I wanna go everywhere! :)

    If you could invite any three people from history to dinner, who would you invite? Edgar Allan Poe, William Faulkner aaand... George Harrison. Now I desperately want this to be possible... :(

    What is the most courageous thing you have ever done in your life?
    Dunno really. Don't think it's happened yet.

    If you could speak one language, what would it be and why?
    I'd stick with English. Not because I already speak it but it's the most universal language, at least in Europe, and it's a pain in the ass to learn. As someone with TEFL experience, I seriously pity anyone having to learn it as a second language.

    What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
    Don't think I have one really, as boring as that is. Maybe I care a bit too much about some people that I shouldn't still. Yeah, I'd probably lie about that actually, which goes totally against what I said in the other answers :-/

    What’s your thought on marriage, do you believe in it and do you ever want to be married?
    I don't not believe in it. I don't think it's necessary to prove you're committed to someone, but I guess the meaning behind it is cool. I'd like to get married eventually, but I always wonder about how you can really be sure that it's not all going to end horribly. I guess that's the risk you take! Actually, one thing that annoys me about marriage today is people who aren't religious getting married in a church. I'm not at all religious and I think it's somewhat disrespectful to genuine believers. Just have a civil ceremony!

    If you could go on a dream holiday, where would it be?
    Asia. I really want to go to Vietnam and Cambodia. And then I'd love to visit the elephants in Nepal :)

    Do you believe that ghosts exist in the real world?

    Who do you look up to most in life?
    My fwiends. Some of them inspire me quite a bit.

    Do you believe in God?

    Name an expensive thing that you bought and now regret buying.
    Nothing. I don't usually spend loads of money on stupid sh!t. Also, I can't afford to so I have to make sure I really want it.

    Do you lie often?
    No siree!

    How old were you when you had your first crush?
    Oh lord, I dunno, about 9?

    Do you believe there are aliens out there?
    To be honest, not really.

    Do you still think about your first love?
    Well doesn't everyone? Not all the time obviously, but they cross my mind now and then. Usually if I hear or see something that reminds me of them.

    Do you ever want to win a Nobel prize of any sort?
    Nah. Prizes of any kind are terribly subjective. Forget that.

    What super power would you have if you could?
    I'd like to be invisible. Or have one of those magical watches that could stop time, like Bernard!

    Which famous person would you like to be?
    I think being a celebrity would be pretty horrific. Maybe a famous writer, but there's none in existence that I'd actually want to be. I'd like to be me, only famous. For writing. :P

    About 11/12?

    WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING AT ME?! Sort of, yes. My middle name more so.

    Your mom.

    This is like the most strangely particular thing, but if a guy is wearing a leather belt with his jeans and his top gets pulled up a bit for some reason (like if he raises his arms) so you can just see a tiny bit of his torso... just the whole belt, torso, end of tshirt combo. Mmm. Yeah, I told you it was odd. Also, 3 piece suits.

    I don't know, I don't keep a running tally...


    Kiss. Really you need both, but kiss. To quote from one of my favourite poems: "kisses are a better fate than wisdom"

    Makeout? What is this, some teen rom-com? I dunno, I mean I really like kissing.. but the latter is also good. Anyway, bed. Unusual places usually equal uncomfortable.

    It involved a dude with a lip piercing. Wasn't bad :P
    wnolan1992 wrote: »
    If you had to, what means would you use to slaughter a rhino?
    But rhinos are endangered... :( Shoot it I suppose? Don't really know how else you'd kill it.

    How long would you have to be stuck without food before you'd devour every morsel of that rhino?
    Weeks probably. I imagine rhino meat would be terribly tough, no matter how you cook it...

    What d'you reckon is the tastiest part of a rhino?
    Jesus man, what did rhinos ever do to you?! Flank possibly?

    If you had to hop on a bird's back in order to fly across the Atlantic, which bird would you choose?
    Ooh, I'd pick an eagle. Or a stork maybe, cause they're big.
    That question reminded me of this video:

    If a pregnant penguin who is carrying offspring that will cause penguins to evolve something to better help them cope with changing habitats attacked you, would you retaliate with lethal force, or offer yourself up as food for the betterment of their species?.
    Give myself up. But I'd shoot myself or something first, I don't fancy being pecked to death.

    Here's a song for this beautiful sunny day! :) Fun fact: George Harrison wrote this song while walking around his garden playing Eric Clapton's guitar.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,753 ✭✭✭Vito Corleone

    Do HugsiePie's questions make you feel uncomfortable? Be honest. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    How many of the questions that I asked do you think I came up with myself

    Would you like to know the back story to my questions

    Willy wonka 71 or 05 version

  • Registered Users Posts: 713 ✭✭✭Cherry Blossom Girl

    Do HugsiePie's questions make you feel uncomfortable? Be honest. :pac:
    Nah, not particularly. Stuff like that doesn't really make me feel uncomfortable. I'm much more uncomfortable with seemingly normal things like outward displays of emotion and such. I'm a strange one :p

    HugsiePie wrote: »
    How many of the questions that I asked do you think I came up with myself
    Eh, about 5? Although, does anybody really come up with any new questions themselves? Surely every question anyone can think of has already existed in some form or another already? Isn't everything just a constant reinvention of something that has gone before? /postmodernist existential crisis.

    Would you like to know the back story to my questions
    Sure, go ahead!

    Willy wonka 71 or 05 version
    '71. As fantastique as Mr. Depp is, you can't top Gene Wilder and his dry humour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,156 ✭✭✭✭HugsiePie

    Nah, not particularly. Stuff like that doesn't really make me feel uncomfortable. I'm much more uncomfortable with seemingly normal things like outward displays of emotion and such. I'm a strange one :p

    Eh, about 5? Although, does anybody really come up with any new questions themselves? Surely every question anyone can think of has already existed in some form or another already? Isn't everything just a constant reinvention of something that has gone before? /postmodernist existential crisis.

    Would you like to know the back story to my questions
    Sure, go ahead!

    Willy wonka 71 or 05 version
    '71. As fantastique as Mr. Depp is, you can't top Gene Wilder and his dry humour.


    ok so basically there's this super secret forum where we basically ripped off the playpen idea but shortened it to 2 days instead of a week. Anyways I did one that ended up being mostly about porn.....aa did my one in this forum (mod had to delete posts) so yeah I took all the long posts asking me questions piled them into a big long list and I quote "raped" the remaining playpens by posting my list......ive removed about half of the questions for your sanity

    *subtle im part of a super secret forum where we talk about porn*

    Why would my questions (which I essentially stole from people in my playpen) make someone feel awkward :confused:

    I honestly dont see the awkwardness (cest la vie :pac:)

This discussion has been closed.