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No man can eat 50 eggs...



  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    That is one mothertrucking load of DL volume. If I tried something like that, my lower back would be crippled for a week.


    By about 9 o clock last night picking things off the floor was tough. Getting dressed this morning was a struggle..

    Is it weird that I cant wait to do it all over again :pac: I wont do amrap on the last set next week and i'll go with a modest 2.5kg increase on the deficit DL and RDLs..

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Friday night - Accessory

    A - Chest supported Row
    5 sets of 10 x 60kg

    B - Leg extension
    5 sets of 10 x 82.5kg

    C - Seated barbell OHP
    5 sets of 12 x 27.5kg

    D - Calf Raise
    5 sets of 10 x 60kg

    E - Seated Incline DB curl
    5 sets of 10/10 x 10kg

    F - Lat Raise
    5 sets of 15 x 9kg

    Took it handy on the accessory work as the back was in bits and I've pushed my training forward a day this week for extra recovery too.

    Cooked for the full week Sunday morning which I haven't done in a while. Chili con carne with beef and pork mince, kidney beans and peppers. Chicken curry with peppers and coconut milk.


    With 100g of rice and sour cream


    I've also finally picked up a set of rehband knee sleeves, after a lot of research I went with the Rehband 7084 which is the replacement for the classic 7051 that you see everyone wearing. only €48 for the pair in D8 fitness which is great value. I am getting some intermittent knee clicking and sometimes pain the evening of squatting so I'm hoping the warmth / compression from the rehbands will give me a bit more confidence / support


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,762 ✭✭✭jive

    Do you freeze any of those portions? How many grams beef and pork mince do you use?


  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    jive wrote: »
    Do you freeze any of those portions? How many grams beef and pork mince do you use?


    Yeah the batch was made with 1kg of beef mince and 500g of pork mince. So there is 300g meat and 150g beans per portion, around 70g protein will work out the exact macros for the video, have so much footage over the last while just need to start editing.

    And yeah I have frozen a lot of the portions and will usually take then out the night before and do my rice in the rice cooker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,762 ✭✭✭jive

    conzy wrote: »
    Yeah the batch was made with 1kg of beef mince and 500g of pork mince. So there is 300g meat and 150g beans per portion, around 70g protein will work out the exact macros for the video, have so much footage over the last while just need to start editing.

    And yeah I have frozen a lot of the portions and will usually take then out the night before and do my rice in the rice cooker.

    Sound! I do the same except smaller batches for about 4 days of eating so never freeze, usually beef chilli con carne/chicken curry plus pulled pork. Wanted to know how ya went about freezing as I may increase my batch sizes so thanks!

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  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Tuesday night - squat

    A - Squat
    10 x 20kg, 10 x 20kg, 5 x 60kg, 4x80kg, 3x100kg
    3 x 120kg
    3 x 120kg
    3 x 120kg
    3 x 120kg
    5 x 120kg PR

    in fact every set there is a "PR" I failed 120kg in April after my skiing injury, so to smash through 120kg for 5 sets relatively easily and have reps in the tank on the last is a great feeling!

    B - Good Morning
    8 x 20kg, 8 x 30kg,
    4 sets of 8 x 40kg

    I have been "cleaning" this up to my chest and just pressing it overhead to get it onto my shoulders as I'd feel bad stealing a rack for Good mornings, will have no choice but to use a rack soon as I wont be able to throw much more weight over my head..

    C - Bulgarian Split Squat
    5 sets of 8/8 x 15kg dumbells
    biblical cramp on 4th set

    D1 - Ab pulldown
    4 sets of 20 x 140lbs

    haven't done these in ages, need to fix my form, arms / grip giving out before I feel the burn in my core

    D2 - Hyperextension
    4 sets of 20 x bodyweight

    More chili + sour cream


    Typical day of eating now is 30g whey, 60g oats and whole milk twice, rice cakes and 60g of peanut butter, some large meal with ~300g meat / 100g rice and some fibrous veg, bananas, 60g whey and 100g dextrose, cake

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Wednesday - Bench

    A1 - Bench
    10 x 20kg, 10 x 20kg, 10 x 30kg, 10 x 40kg, 8 x 50kg
    4 sets of 5 x 57.5kg
    8 x 57.5kg

    A2 - Band pullaparts
    7 sets of 10 x red band

    B - Incline Bench @ 30x0
    10 x 20kg, 8 x 30kg, 8 x 40kg
    3 sets of 8 x 47.5kg
    7 x 47.5kg
    5 x 47.5kg
    10 x 40kg

    C - Lat Pulldown (plate loaded)
    8 x 40kg
    5 sets of 8 x 82.5kg

    D1 - Tricep Pressdown
    12 x 100+2.5kg, 12 x 100+2.5kg, 12 x 100, 12 x 90, 12 x 80

    D2 - Reverse Fly
    4 sets of pin 3 on reverse fly machine

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Haven't been training because I was busy / not feeling great.. the shame :(

    Wasnt feeling it but went to deadlift lastnight

    10 x 60kg, 6 x 80kg, 3 x 100kg, 1 x 120kg
    4 x 145kg (was supposed to be 5 reps, felt heavy as fúck
    5 x 145kg
    5 x 145kg
    5 x 145kg
    5 x 145kg

    Then I had to do defecit DL

    8 x 62.5kg
    2 x 82.5kg nope nope nope

    Just felt awful, bailed out here, skipped the RDLs and moved onto the hamstring curls

    5 sets of 8 pin 7

    Havent had a session that bad before... Combination of tiredness and not having trained in a week. Roll on Monday for a fresh start I suppose...

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,155 ✭✭✭COH

    conzy wrote: »
    I'm having my period

    Fixed that for ya

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    COH wrote: »
    Fixed that for ya

    I have been taking 500mg of mtfu and 1000mg growapairs all week so I went to squat monday night


    10 x 20kg, 10 x 20kg, 6 x 60kg, 4 x 80kg, 3 x 100kg
    5 sets of 4 x 115kg

    Bulgarian Split Squat
    8/8 x bodyweight
    8/8 x 17.5kg
    8/8 x 17.5kg
    8/8 x 15kg
    8/8 x 15kg
    8/8 x 15kg

    Was pressed for time and the above took about an hour so left it at that, great session though, Got a one way ticket to the DOMSminican republic for my troubles, still in bits

    Tuesday morning

    A - Bench
    10 x 20kg, 10 x 20kg, 8 x 40kg, 6 x 50kg
    5 sets of 5 x 60kg

    red band pull aparts between sets. benching is just meh.. Maybe I need to start benching 2+ times a week, will see what Kieran thinks. Its hard to explain but I just cant create the same load / exertion on the eccentric like I can with the squat, I know the bench would be a less taxing exercise but Im just not getting tight enough / getting enough force into the lift

    B - Incline Bench
    8 x 20kg, 8 x 30kg, 8 x 40kg
    5 sets of 8 x 47.5kg

    Lat Pulldown (plate loaded)
    8 x 40kg
    5 sets of 8 x 85kg

    Tricep Pressdown (rope)
    4 sets of 15 x 70

    Reverse Fly
    4 sets of 12 x 10kg

    Down to Earth on George's Street have any 2 quest products for a fiver.

    Got a cookie dough quest bar and this thing:


    Which was manky...

    Anyway looking forward to deadlifting tomorrow, getting away from the higher volume stuff and upping the weight so my lower back will thank me

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    FWIW, volume has improved my benching considerably, with respect to getting tightness at the top and maintaining it (mostly).

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Didn't really train over Christmas other than a brotastic session in kilkenny with papu. Warmed up to 5 sets of 3 @ 120kg on the squat along with some accessory stuff.

    Have been having knee issues, clicking, pain and general discomfort / weakness so I haven't been training, my priorities changed a bit over the last few weeks but im dying to get back training proper so I went to physio finally today. I have patellar tendonitis.. She did a lot of work on the tendons around the knee, it felt almost like there was sand in there... a lot of work loosening up the quad also. Feels so much better already, amazing what one session with a good physio can do but I'm going to need to back off on the squat a little and rebuild, I also need to do some rehab work like pistol squats and step ups.

    To be honest my commitment to training during this cycle wasnt as good as usual, sleep / recovery was poor, food quality and calories were not high enough, foam rolling was few and far between.

    So I have obviously fecked up my periodized program... Will probably do a push and pull session and some rehab this week and think about new programming next week.

    Happy new Year

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,762 ✭✭✭jive

    New years resolution - post more videos?


  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    jive wrote: »
    New years resolution - post more videos?


    It is one of my resolutions. Its hard to be arsed do the videos when my own training / nutrition wasnt amazing for a while. Going to do a video on my knee rehab and generally will have more videos when Im doing more training / cooking. I appreciate the support :)

    Today I did lots of rehab

    Goblet Squats with a 16kg kettlebell, just hanging out in the hole warming up and working on ROM

    Pistol Squat 2 x 2kg dumbells for balance
    5 sets of 5

    Step Down
    5 sets of 8

    Decline Single Leg Squat
    5 sets of 8


    ATG Paused Squat
    8 x 20kg
    8 x 40kg
    4 sets of 8 x 60kg

    2nd set in video below

    Have to say I'm very happy with my squat tekkers atm. The extensive warming up and stretching really helped and I have widened out my grip slightly which has taken some pressure off my elbows / shoulders. My typical grip was ring finger on the rings. I have widened out 30mm either side to index finger on the rings

    Current bodyweight is 83kg Merry Christmas to me

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    More rehab

    Goblet Squats with a 16kg kettlebell, just hanging out in the hole warming up and working on ROM

    Externally rotated leg raises
    2 sets of 15 with 3 second hold

    example here

    Pistol Squat
    5 sets of 6 with 2 x 2kg with dumbells for balance

    Step Down

    5 sets of 9 with 2 x 2kg dumbells

    Decline Single Leg Squat
    5 sets of 8 with 2 x 2kg dumbells

    ATG Paused Squat
    8 x 20kg
    8 x 40kg
    4 sets of 8 x 65kg

    Absolutely love these, the added ROM and pause at the bottom make them challenging with much safer weight



  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    How are the knees feeling?

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Feeling good, Pain is minimal since the physio session. And I feel like the rehab sessions are helping hugely, doing just enough to promote healing hopefully. Don't want to push too hard too soon. I want to be able to return to training in February and work towards a squat PR.

    I now realise how crucial mobility and these assistance exercises are. I'm going to continue to incorporate these kinds of exercises into my training. All that single leg stuff really gets the glutes firing and squatting afterwards feels great

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Do you need much of an angle on the decline SL squats or would that angled piece of red rubber knocking around in Raw do?

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    It needs to be about 25 degrees so I'm using the contraption above ^ A step on two 25kg bumpers + the Adidas Power Perfects.

    This is the article. I actually saw it on Clarence Kennedy's interview on All Things Gym.. Although he had much more severe tendonitis and needed minor surgery and a lot of downtime

    A calf stretching board is apparently ideal. Don't think there is one in RAW
    progressive, controlled application of stress can often undo the damage of excessive, uncontrolled stress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    conzy wrote: »
    It needs to be about 25 degrees so I'm using the contraption above ^ A step on two 25kg bumpers + the Adidas Power Perfects.

    This is the article. I actually saw it on Clarence Kennedy's interview on All Things Gym.. Although he had much more severe tendonitis and needed minor surgery and a lot of downtime

    A calf stretching board is apparently ideal. Don't think there is one in RAW

    Actually, that's where I first heard of 'em as well.

    Would be pretty easy to knock up a calf stretching board. Some wood and sandpaper. The Da made one years ago after obliterating ankle ligaments.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Today I did some mobility / rehab and a small pull workout

    Externally rotated leg raises
    2 sets of 15 with 3 second hold

    Hip flexor / quad stretch
    As seen here in one of Transform's videos. His site is an amazing resource actually

    If you try and get into that position you'll see why he calls it the "oh my god" stretch :p but after a few sessions my mobility has improved hugely.

    ATG Pause Squat on incline mat
    Didnt have my power perfects so used a slanted rubber mat thats probably fractionally more of an angle than the shoes.

    5 sets of 5 @ 30kg with a 10 second pause at the bottom, again just greasing the groove

    A - Pendlay Row
    8 x 20kg
    8 x 40kg
    8 x 50kg
    8 x 55kg
    8 x 60kg
    8 x 65kg
    8 x 70kg

    B1 - Chins Purple Band
    5 sets of 5

    B2 - Reverse Fly
    5 sets of 10

    Had a protein shake / oats breakfast. Have a 1200 calories worth of chili / rice / cheese for dinner. Great to be back in the gym in the mornings

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    rehab rehab rehab

    only two actual gym sessions since last update, have been doing lots of stretching and externally rotated leg raises etc

    Session 1 in flyefit with papu

    ankle mobility
    Pistol squats
    Step downs
    decline eccentric single leg squats

    ATG Paused Squats - 3 second pause
    8 x 20kg
    8 x 40kg
    5 sets of 8 x 70kg

    Also attempted some box jumps and worked up to 39" happy enough with that, managed to jump pain free and havent done them in over a year

    had a few days holidays in copenhagen then

    Session 2 in raw

    hip / quad stretching
    goblet squats with 16kg kettlebell
    decline eccentric single leg squats

    ATG Paused Squats - 3 second pause
    8 x 20kg
    6 x 60kg
    3 sets of 6 x 75kg

    And recorded a new video, A typical Sunday of hunting and gathering and food prep, general shíte talk also

    Meeting Kieran tomorrow, getting failry confident in the knee and looking forward to going back training hard Monday. Sorry for monster update

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Had almost forgotten how much I enjoy this log.

    Top top stuff.

    Hitting Lidl tomorrow to stock up on that mince!

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,762 ✭✭✭jive

    Great vid and top tip on the mince

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,600 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    jive wrote: »
    Great vid and top tip on the mince

    Aww yiss. Definition of a pro tip.

    The mince account has been topped up substantially as of today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 393 ✭✭ninamc

    Nice to see that time off wasn't wasted, got that fashion co-ordination thing going on :)

  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Had to test today, always disheartening after an injury or a few weeks off.

    Worked up in triples on the squat as I didn't want to hurt myself going for an all out 1rm


    So thats my best ever beltless triple which was the only highlight of the day, ill run the program off a 122.5 1rm

    Bench and DL brutal as expected

    Bench: 10x20,5x30,5x40,5x50,3x60,2x65,1x70,Fx75,Fx75

    DL: 10x20,5x60,3x100,2x120,1x140,1x150,Fx160

    Do I even lift, back training Monday, get some linear progression for a few weeks.. try an get some kind of base of strength back

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    You'll be surprised how quick you'll make progress from here. Don't be too hard on yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    What sort of spices do you add to the chicken curry to get that colour? Looks delicious.

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  • Subscribers Posts: 6,408 ✭✭✭conzy

    Sardino wrote: »
    What sort of spices do you add to the chicken curry to get that colour? Looks delicious.

    I can do a full video for that some day. Its just coconut milk with cheap curry powder and chili powder. Sometimes I add a bit of chicken stock. Its the coconut milk that gives it the nice creamy colour though.

    Today I trained and hit my macros. Benched and lighter squatting, going to do some mobility and knee work in the morning. The fage yogurt with honey is amazing. Its just real honey instead of the syrup crap you'd usually get in yogurts
