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Run run run run run run run....



  • Registered Users Posts: 490 ✭✭ClashCityRocker

    jebuz wrote: »
    Friday 18/09 - 40 mins @ 8:01 m/m
    Words cannot describe how little I have to say about this run.

    Would you have a lot of pedestrian dodging to do running around the city on a weekday morning?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Would you have a lot of pedestrian dodging to do running around the city on a weekday morning?

    Not really, I usually take a route away from the city (usually this route) but if I do go through the city it's fine between 7-8am even if mental alertness is at an all time low. There have been no collisions of note yet :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    No doubt you'll run another pb on Sunday.
    Deserve to anyway.
    Best of luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,304 ✭✭✭viperlogic

    Savage time C and esp in those conditions

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Narco0o0o0o

    Well done on yesterday...superb time and great to see all that fine training paying off race wise.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Alright, let's do this while it's still fresh...

    Sunday morning, 7:15am and the alarm blares. Crap, it's here. I groggigly rise and go straight to the window, I can see the trees swaying but it's dry. I shug and put the coffee machine on while making a bowl of porridge. Maybe this is getting too detailed...

    After a 50 minute drive I arrive into Charleville with "Survival" by Muse blaring in my car, it's my go-to pre race song and always gets me pumped up, I smashed my passenger window with my fist (may or may not have happened). I notice a few runners warming up and the wind really looks like it's making things tough for them so I just pretend I never saw it and I park up near the race HQ.

    I headed into get my number, bumped into TRR on the way and despite the rude language in his log he's actually a decent skin in real life. Had a quick chat with the turd and then met some clubmates and collected my number before I headed off on a 20 minute warmup. I was feeling good enough on the warmup, the wind was not going to be helpful at all today but nothing I could do about it only stick with the plan. Got back to the race start with about 5 minutes to spare and the first drops of the day started falling, the clouds in the horizon were dark so no doubt this was going to be a wet one. Lined up near the front and noticed Krusty behind me and said hello, meeting two A/R legends in the space of an hour was almost too much for me.

    Pre-race plan as advised by the coach was to hold around 5:30 min/miles and stick close to Maria McCambridge. I was apprehensive about this as I felt I wasn't quite there but I got a little boost hearing similar advice from a clubmate and from Ultrapercy on my log so I said why not just go for it. You might say there was nothing to lose really but in hindsight this is a race that is probably my best indicator of my potential performance in Frankfurt so it is in a way important to get a good result to assure myself the training is going to plan. I knew there would be a good group of us around a similar target so if there was ever a race to go for it from the start, this was it.

    Miles 1-3 (5:20, 5:33, 5:32)
    As we were standing there waiting for the gun, the rain really started coming down and I couldn't wait to get going. Bang on the hour of 10 and we're off. Good start, field was nice and spread out and was feeling very relaxed over the first mile as Krusty and TRR argued over who is coming on the holiday, I said winner takes it all. One thing I noticed straight away in the first mile was my grip (or lack of it) on the now wet road surface. I don't know if it was just my shoes or if everyone had the same experience but I eventually figured out that running on the more uneven surface worked better for me but overall this didn't have a huge impact. A good group had formed now of maybe 10+ and just ahead with a bit of a gap opening up was Maria McCambridge and a couple of pacers. The group seemed happy to let her go on and I worked in with my Leevale clubmate as we settled into a good rhythm and ticked off the first few miles comfortably.

    Miles 4-6 (5:33, 5:37, 5:34)
    It was a pretty monotonous stretch here but we had good shelter from the wind and I was happy how it was going. I was aware of a large group just behind us with Krusty and TRR and I knew it was inevitable I'd be seeing them soon. Myself and the clubmate worked well together over this stretch sharing our time at the front even though there was little need for the sheltering, it was a mental thing more than anything. We hit the 5 mile mark in 27:35 and that was PB #1 of the day (ran 27:47 in Enniscorthy back in June). Feeling pretty good at this stage and as I knew we were coming into the village of Kilmallock I thought back to this time last year when I was already feeling the heat and had to back off from my clubmate. As we came into the village, the group behind merged with ours and suddenly we had a supergroup. I was happy enough to fall to the back of the group for a while and take a little breather before we made the turn back towards home.

    Miles 7-9 (5:34, 5:31, 5:40)
    Hit the 10k mark in 34:20 and that was PB #2 of the day. Around halfway through mile 7 we made a turn out of the village onto a narrow country road. I remember this patch being tough last year so I was glad to be in a group this time. We straight away got hit with a headwind here but it was to my relief more of a temporary gust and overall today I don't think the wind had as big an impact as we imagined. By this time the rain was hammering down but I don't think any of us really gave it much notice. I had a moment to glance around the group and was impressed at how strong everyone was looking. I have to admit it was pretty great to be running alongside Krusty and TRR, I've followed these guys logs for a while and have huge respect for the 2:35 marathons they have run (in fact I remember almost 3 years ago Krusty advising me on my first marathon) and it's given me huge confidence being able to match them for so long - yeah I am kinda ruining the ending. I distinctly remember feeling great around mile 8, I had worked my way back up to the top of the group and was running alongside TRR and we were all moving well as a group. Mile 9 was when I finally started feeling the heat and questioning my ability to sustain this pace. Next target was get to 10 miles and see what's left. I started noticing little gaps on this mile and having to close them quickly, early warning signs that I was really tiring.

    Miles 10-11 (5:40, 5:46)
    Mile 10 was really starting to hurt. The negatives were creeping in and with over 3 miles left at this pace, it felt like a mammoth task. I was sticking to the back of the group but almost resigned myself to the fact I'd have to let them go. Breathing was becoming laboured and the legs were tiring but I really feel my mental attitude here let me down a lot. I remember before the race I had even mentioned to a few people I'll get to 10 miles and if I blow up, I blow up. This basically just gave me permission to throw the towel in if things got hard and they did get hard but doesn't every half marathon get difficult at this point. I hit the 10 mile mark in 55:31 and that was PB #3, again possibly another reason why I started getting soft. As we hit the 10 mile mark we were on the return stretch of the outwards route. It was about halfway through this mile I hit the lowest point. The group was now pulling right away from me and I was out on my own. I felt out of steam mentally and physically and I assumed I wouldn't even PB, I'd just run home easy. For some reason though, I didn't actually slow as much as I think I did, though looking back on Strava, there's about 30 seconds where I dropped close to 6 minute miles. The group now had about 200 yards on me but it wasn't getting any bigger. I hit the end of the mile and saw 5:46 pop up, not as bad as I expected.

    Miles 12-13 (+0.1) (5:45, 5:45, 0:37)
    I suddenly felt incredibly pumped up, the legs felt better again and I swear to god I am so glad nobody was around me because some of the motivational sh*t coming out of my mouth at this stage, would have made a great comedy sketch. I was shouting at myself to pick it up, to hold this all the way, come on Conor. If someone had have offered me 2 x 5:45 miles for the finish, I'd have jumped on their back. 5 minutes ago I was down and out and now I was back moving again, still focussed on the group ahead and determined not to let that gap grow. I was annoyed at myself for letting the gap even open but at least now I had some time to redeem myself. I also noticed ahead that Maria McCambridge was slowing rapidly and had now fallen back to my (former) group. Mile 12 suddenly ticked off and I had one mile to go, let's dig deep and bring it home strong. It felt like the finish of a 5k but I was far off that pace, I was breathing rapidly, the rain now pounding down but I was moving well. I never looked at the watch over the last 10 minutes so I had no idea what time I was on for, I just wanted to see that line more than anything. There is a slight climb to the finish but I pumped the arms and was reeling in Maria very quickly along with another guy who had fallen off the group. I saw my coach who gave me a good shout and up ahead I saw my clubmate turning onto to the finish. I was delighted with how I came back and could afford a little smile as I rounded the corner onto the finishing straight and I gave it a good push for the finish. Maria McCambridge was now within touching distance but I wouldn't catch her. At least I followed coaches orders of sticking close to Maria, might have taken it too literally in fact. More importantly, I looked up to the clock and was pretty chuffed to see it tick on to 1:13:27, official time of 1:13:29, PB #4 and the most satisfying of the lot. Given my struggles over the last 3 miles I could only be overjoyed with a 2+ minute PB. Krusty and TRR came in around 20-25 seconds ahead of me which is superb racing, incredibly consistent and so well deserved.

    I would have loved to finish with the group and held closer to 5:30's but that really was my best effort and reflective of my current shape. I think possibly my coach knew that and figured if I just went out hard I'd still rack up a strong PB (and as it turns out, PBs in 3 other distances). When I think of it like that, I can only be pleased, many many positives to be taken from today. I'm particularly pleased how I (eventually) fought the demons during mile 11 and somewhat recovered to avoid a serious blow-up. To be so close to runners with 2:35 marathons under their belts has done my confidence the world of good. Though it's a daunting prospect (and a potential 12 minute marathon PB), I've really got to be setting my sights on a similar target for Frankfurt. Overall a really great and enjoyable race (for the most part) and as Krusty mentioned on another thread, where would you find a half marathon where you have 10+ guys targeting 72/73 minutes and not even finishing in the top 10. The race has grown strength to strength through the years and I'll most definitely be back again, it's no doubt a PB course. I also think I picked up a team gold medal for the munster championships so another nice little bonus.

    Summary: 13.1 miles in 1:13:29 @ 5:36 m/m (21st)

    Finally, we can't go without a pic. This was from happier times in the first mile, representing the boards it's Krusty (343), Jebuz (730) and the Turd (my elbow+3).

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Great report! Love the photo too, you're all in mid air!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Great report and result, congrats! I had pretty a pretty similar race experience to you* (albeit 20 mins apart :) ); wet and slippy road, starting to hurt, small gaps opening and mentally yelling at myself...although I still had too many people around so all the yelling was internal. I hope :D

    Love the pic too, the three of ye are totally in stride sync!

    *Just in case you're wondering why my report seems copied and pasted from yours...although I might use yours for a template. I'll wait and see what TRR has to offer first.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,584 ✭✭✭skeleton_boy

    Super time. You'll always have questions over parts of the race that could have gone better but with pbs over all those shorter distances, the effort has to be right up there.

    Looking forward to seeing what Frankfurt could hold.

  • Registered Users Posts: 928 ✭✭✭TRR_the_turd

    Great stuff. Well done again. 2.35 definitely achievable. Remember also, your training is more focused on the marathon, so if a half marathon during marathon specific training points towards a certain time, it's usually realistic.

    Four PBs, one Munster championship team medal and a future holiday companion (me ;)) all in one race! Sure you couldn't ask for more!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 233 ✭✭Outside

    Great report jebuz, serious running. 4 Pb's in one race is pretty unusual! Nice photo too, I wouldn't have known ye to see but that's me at the back in the GCH top doing an way too overexuberant 1st mile. Well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Outside wrote: »
    Great report jebuz, serious running. 4 Pb's in one race is pretty unusual! Nice photo too, I wouldn't have known ye to see but that's me at the back in the GCH top doing an way too overexuberant 1st mile. Well done.

    Thanks and great running yourself Outside, saw you ran a 79 on the other thread, brilliant stuff.

    That's actually 5 boardsies in that photo then (Heffsarmy on the far left) We're not here to take part etc...:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Great report and result, congrats! I had pretty a pretty similar race experience to you* (albeit 20 mins apart :) ); wet and slippy road, starting to hurt, small gaps opening and mentally yelling at myself...although I still had too many people around so all the yelling was internal. I hope :D

    Love the pic too, the three of ye are totally in stride sync!

    We agreed to sync the stride for the first photo, nailed it ;)

    Great running yourself DubGal, that's a seriously good run. Feel free to copy and paste and then completely change all characters and events :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Congrats, that great racing.

    Your improvement over the last year or so has been phenomenal.


  • Registered Users Posts: 437 ✭✭dintbo

    jebuz wrote: »
    I have to admit it was pretty great to be running alongside Krusty and TRR, I've followed these guys logs for a while and have huge respect for the 2:35 marathons they have run (in fact I remember almost 3 years ago Krusty advising me on my first marathon) and it's given me huge confidence being able to match them for so long

    Great report jebuz, and what a fantastic run. Well done. I have to say, as a 96:xx half 'runner' I found the sentence above is very uplifting :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    Really enjoy following your log jebuz, congrats on the pb, very impressive altogether.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭Dublin9210

    Well done on Charlevilke,great to get so many pbs and many more to come.Amazing progress in the last couple of years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Back to business...

    Monday 21/09 - (AM) 45 mins @ 7:51 m/m + (PM) 45 mins @ 7:54 m/m
    Calves in a bit of a jocker from the race but otherwise not too bad, took it very easy on both runs. Plenty of foam rolling in the evening. And by plenty I mean the absolute bare minimum.

    Tuesday 22/09 - 15+ miles @ 7:34 m/m
    Looking back on this one, I was just under 2 hours on my feet and it doesn't look like the smartest run after a half marathon 2 days earlier but it actually felt ok. Headed down towards the marina after work with a couple of clubmates and the plan was just to see how the legs felt, if I was ok I'd do the 15. We kept the pace fairly relaxed as we were all tired (one was the clubmate who ran Charleville with me and the other one had ran 25 miles Sunday) and the legs felt ok after a while so we made a call to finish it out even throwing in a monster climb at the end. More foam rolling in the evening.

    Wednesday 23/09 - (AM) 55 mins @ 7:46 m/m + (PM) 50 mins @ 7:53 m/m
    Morning run felt pretty good after the long run, bumped into a clubmate tapering for Berlin at the Mardyke pitches so jumped in for 20 mins. Evening just headed out around the locality with some more clubmates taking it very handy again.

    Thursday 24/09 - 11.5 miles @ 7:13 m/m
    Had planned with my Frankfurt buddy to do a marathon effort on the track this evening but coach was having none of it and sent us off for a long run to Ballincollig and back. Was probably the right call, legs were a bit tired for the first few miles but was a really enjoyable run.

    Friday 25/09 - 45 mins @ 7:40 m/m
    Feeling well recovered from the race now, enjoyable jaunt around the city before work.

    Saturday 26/09 - Grass Session: 8/7/6/5/4/1 mins (11+ miles)
    Been 3 weeks since my last farm session so in a slightly perverse sort of way I was looking forward to this. Really tough session but in with a brilliant group and pretty happy with the effort overall. Was really feeling it in the legs for the 8/7 min reps and wondering was I working too hard but I seemed to get stronger throughout and pace reflected this, was happy with the last few reps and the minute at the end was just pure balls to the wall. I think it's a pretty good sign to be knocking out a session like this less than a week after the half, not long to go now.

    8 mins @ 5:28 m/m (2 min rec)
    7 mins @ 5:28 m/m (2 min rec)
    6 mins @ 5:23 m/m (2 min rec)
    5 mins @ 5:22 m/m (2 min rec)
    4 mins @ 5:19 m/m (1 min rec)
    1 min @ 4:44 m/m

  • Registered Users Posts: 68 ✭✭Dublin9210

    Thats why we have coaches,good week after the half.What marathon you training for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Yep no doubt about it, I'm lucky to have a coach who knows the importance of recovery. Makes my life so easier too, I just do what he says, it's worked well so far :) I'm doing Frankfurt in 4 weeks which will be here before I know it.

    You're really flying there yourself, that was a solid 20 miler today and well on track for your target in Dublin.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Sunday 27/09 - 20 miles @ 6:52 m/m + 5.5 miles @ 7:02 m/m
    A good days running and nicely tops off a good week following the half marathon. Off at 8am for the 20 miler, was an enjoyable run with some clubmates, felt nice and relaxed on a beautiful morning down the marina. Finished the last 5 miles pretty strong and just in time to track my fellow clubmates finishing in Berlin including a sensational 2:32 run by Lizzie meaning we've pretty much another Leevale athlete heading to Rio.

    Orders from from the coach was another run in the evening but I really wanted to fit this in before the Ireland rugby match so after a brief 30 min nap I headed off just before 3pm. This went pretty well, legs didn't feel too bad at all and seemed to fly by. I didn't really watch the pace and surprised to see it around 7 m/m but I suppose that was the pace I had ran earlier so just tuned back into it. Job done then off to the woolshed for wings, beer and rugby!

    Weekly milage: 95 (highest ever!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Almost October and only 4 weeks away... holy crapsticks this is getting real! :eek:

    Monday 28/09 - (AM) 50 mins @ 7:57 m/m + (PM) 50 mins @ 7:25 m/m
    It's funny how the doubles have become such a routine now, I've actually started waking up before my alarm clock on a Monday morning. Actually, that's not funny at all. Anyway the morning run was grand, into the city keeping it flat and a very relaxed pace. The mornings have been getting chilly recently but generally enjoyable and though the legs were inevitably a bit heavy, I wasn't feeling too bad after a tough weekend. Evening run was feeling a bit fresher so pace picked up, back into the city for another 50 mins.

    Tuesday 29/09 - (AM) 35 mins @ 7:55 m/m + (PM) 15 miles @ 7:24 m/m
    Easy 35 mins before work around the locality, not much to say about it. After work headed off with a couple of clubmates also training for Frankfurt & Dublin. A really cracking evening down the marina, we've been getting a fantastic run of weather. Pace was nice and relaxed as we chatted and time seemed to fly by. I started wearing the HRM again this week out of interest and happy to see it at a very low 122bpm for this pace and felt pretty strong over the last 2 mile climb home. This is the 7th midweek 15 miler in the current cycle and I think they could make a big difference as I've been essentially getting in 2 long runs a week. One more of these I reckon before we start reeling it in.

    Wednesday 30/09 - (AM) 50 mins @ 7:53 m/m + (PM) 50 mins @ 6:59 m/m
    Nice morning run, seriously getting cold though, I really feel the gloves may be making an appearance soon :rolleyes: Headed off after work again on a out and back route alongside the Lee which was glistening in the evening sun. Really smashing evening and I enjoyed this one, the legs felt good. The wind was against me on the way out but when I turned I felt so much lighter and the pace just picked up so I went with it. Was hitting 6:20's for a couple of miles and feeling really good. Didn't want to push it though with a session tomorrow so slowed it up for the last mile and finished bang on 50 mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thursday 01/10 - 13 miles with 35 min tempo @ ~5:30 m/m
    Another calm and clear evening in Cork, perfect conditions for a session. Headed down to the Mardyke after work and was told to do a 35 min tempo with the marathon lads. The rest of the club were off to do some hills (phew!) so after the warmup we headed to the track and got going. It was myself and my Frankfurt training partner and then 2 other lads who we knew would be slightly quicker but for some reason we stuck with them over the first 2 miles or so. It was too quick, we were hitting 5:20 pace judging by the (80 sec) lap times and after a quick word with my mate we agreed to pull it back to 5:30's and kept the laps 82/83 which was more comfortable. The effort was tough but manageable, at times felt very strong and at other times struggled slightly but we just ticked off the laps, kept the pace consistent and before we knew it was that 35 mins done. Hit 10k in 34:30 or so that was a very good session. Nice cooldown around the pitches afterwards with the lads and our own skeleton_boy.

    Friday 02/10 - 55 mins @ 7:33 m/m
    What the fog! Bit of a creepy morning with a heavy mist descending on the city but an enjoyable ramble on my usual Friday morning route. Felt really good for this and though pace was a little quicker than usual it felt very comfortable so just went with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,518 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    That's a super tempo session, particularly at this late stage of training, and on high mileage. In VDOT terms, running tempos at that pace would put you on about 2:32. Remind me again what your marathon goal is? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Ah Gary what are you doing to me :D Thanks, it's a good one alright to have under the belt at this stage in what is likely the week where I top out in terms of milage. The goal is still the same, I'd walk away a very happy man with a 2:35!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Saturday 03/09 - Grass Session: 7/6/5/4/4/3 mins (12 miles)
    Great session at the farm this morning but slightly worried as I felt minor achilles pain afterwards. It doesn't feel too bad, been icing it since I came home but will take no chances with the last long run tomorrow if it acts up. Another great group of lads to work with today, pace was quick but managed to keep the reps steady and slightly increasing the intensity every rep, almost flat out for the last one but a strong finish.

    Splits (2 min recovery):
    7 mins @ 5:21 m/m
    6 mins @ 5:19 m/m
    5 mins @ 5:17 m/m
    5 mins @ 5:15 m/m
    4 mins @ 5:15 m/m
    3 mins @ 5:07 m/m

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Sunday 04/09 - 22 miles @ 7:11 m/m
    On the plan today was 22 miles, the last long one which would mean my first 100 mile week and the highest week of the current cycle. That was the least of my worries however as the achilles had been paining me since the intense session yesterday. My only hope for today was to get through this relatively pain free and it didn't matter to me if I didn't get the full 22 in. I got down to the marina around 7:45am, slightly earlier than the lads as I wanted 10 minutes to test out the leg. It wasn't really good, 2 or 3 minutes in I felt a familiar pain, a dull ache but not significant enough to affect my stride or force me to stop. I headed back to meet the lads, I was very close to calling it a day out of precaution but one of them suggested I run one of the 5 mile loops and see how I feel. Runners irrationality popped its head out, I really wanted to get some miles under my belt so I weighed up the risk. I decided either way I'd take tomorrow off and to go with that suggestion of trying one loop so off I headed with the group. Within a few miles the pain had subsided and I was moving well and enjoying the run, effort was very comfortable. Into the next loop and I wasn't feeling anything so I decided to keep going. Suddenly we'd hit 15 or 16 miles but I was starting to feel a slight pain which again subsided after a few miles, I think the legs were generally getting a bit tired. The plan was to just get to 20 miles and call it a day. We got back to the car park however just shy of 21 miles and I just couldn't leave it there, I was feeling good so I threw in one more on my own and yes that's me chasing a 100 mile week but I don't do it very often. I got home and iced the achilles and it's generally feeling good now. I'm definitely taking tomorrow off and have no problem taking more days if necessary. Today feels like I have just grabbed the flag pole the end of a level on Super Mario, though I don't think he had much trouble with his achilles. Now it's 3 weeks of freshening up and then I face Bowser in the castle.

    Weekly milage: 100

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Alright... I've been staying away from my log all week as my old friend achilles decided to pay a visit and I had to get rid of him.

    It's all good now but it's been very much a down week in terms of training with the only priority being getting the achilles healthy again. I'm happy though that I didn't try anything silly, I pretty much accepted it without a fight and I think I've come through the other end with my sanity intact. Bizarrely enough, this exact same injury struck on the very same DAY last year when preparing for DM 2014 (the Sunday 3 weeks out). After the marathon I need to start digging to find out why these injuries keep striking but for now it's all about the race in less than 2 weeks and getting fresh. No real harm done in my eyes, I got 2 great weeks in after Charleville and aerobically I felt really good during yesterdays 10 miler down the marina. My coach has given me a 2 week taper plan and I'm hoping to stick to it this week getting a bit of a quality on on Thursday with a tempo.

    To recap the week...

    Monday - Rest
    Tuesday - 35 mins (still felt pain, cut the planned 12 miler short)
    Wednesday - 35 mins treadmill…10 mins in the evening
    Thursday - 40 mins (mild niggling still, now on the calf)
    Friday - 40 mins (still calf niggle but overall much improved)
    Saturday - 65 mins (on grass,feeling good again)
    Sunday - 70 mins (marina, no pain)

    Weekly milage: 39

    Now moving on swiftly...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Monday 12/10 - 50 mins @ 7:05 m/m
    10 days to go. 5 + 7 miles was the plan today but decided not to risk upping the milage again so quickly and cut out the 5. Felt really good today and no pain of note so I seem to be over that little achilles/calf inconvenience. It was such a glorious day so I was a bit cheeky and sauntered out of work just before 12pm. Also new runners had just arrived along with 1000 miles socks so I couldn't resist - what a cushy ride! (it really is a sad day when I get excited about new socks). Headed down into the city and looped back up Blarney street feeling really good. Legs felt in terrific shape and effort pretty comfy throughout.

    Tuesday 13/10 - 13 miles @ 7:26 m/m
    Last long Tuesday run with my usual couple of clubmates and a beautiful sunny evening as we headed around the marina one last time. Really enjoyable run, pace was nice and relaxed and glad to get a decent long run in without incident.

    Wednesday 14/10 - (am) 5 miles @ 7:56 m/m + (pm) 5 miles @ 7:25 m/m
    Bloody hell it was cold this morning, like frozen car cold. Met up with a now recovered Lizzie Lee before work for a few chilly miles and then out to the UCC farm in the evening for a few more miles on the grass with another clubmate, less cold. Nothing much to report on. Oh it was very cold in the morning.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thursday 15/10 - 10 miles w/25 min tempo @ 5:30 m/m
    Good session on the track tonight with my Frankfurt training partner and I was really glad to get through it without any hiccups. I was a little apprehensive as my last hard session was 12 days ago and that was the one that caused the achilles trouble. I felt good during this, ticked off the laps and was keeping a steady 5:30 m/m pace based on laps (we hit 16 laps, or roughly 4 miles in 21:5x) and that was a really decent final tempo session.

    Friday 16/10 - 50 mins@ 7:18 m/m
    Into the city for my usual Friday morning loop, final one of this cycle I suppose. Really enjoyed this one and the legs really felt good despite the tempo last night, felt fresh so I just let the pace naturally progress.
