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Run run run run run run run....



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    All done for this week, well except for this half marathon on Sunday that I have to do. I've been feeling slightly sluggish this week, may be related to the drop in milage and intensity but I have the guts of 2 days now to rest up for the race and hoping for a good hard effort and a relative indicator of where I'm at right now. Regardless of how the race goes, I'm really happy with the last few weeks and in general the marathon training has been satisfactory. Just over 6 weeks left to Berlin. Gulp.

    Monday 08/08 - 12 miles
    AM: 6 miles @ 7:32 m/m Morning run in the sunshine. I think the legs felt ok.
    PM: 6 miles @ 7:21 m/m Around the city after work, again felt pretty good.

    Tuesday 09/08 - 10 miles @ 7:21
    I decided to head for the Blarney trail this evening to get off the roads but had to promise myself to take it easy and to be fair I did hold back compared to last weeks effort. I was feeling fairly tired on some of the climbs but overall felt grand.

    Wednesday 10/08 - 11 miles
    AM: 6 miles @ 7:36 m/m Nice relaxed morning jog around the city
    PM: 5 miles @ 7:20 m/m I'm running out of things to say...uh nice run?

    Thursday 11/08 - 2 mile tempo & strides (8 miles)
    Had a rub planned for 7 so knocked off work early on a beautiful hot afternoon. Was supposed to kick this off with Berlin training partner at 5pm but he got caught in work so was a solo effort. I hate these sessions, it was basically a dress rehearsal for Sunday except you know, 11 miles shorter. I was feeling the heat on the warmup and convinced myself I'd feel shít for the tempo but I had a valid excuse so it was ok. Anyway into the 2 mile effort down the straight road for a mile and back (5:36, 5:29). While the effort did feel hard and I certainly finished questioning my ability to hold that pace for a half, I still have some rational logic lingering in there suggesting I'll be much better rested on Sunday with ample adrenaline flowing and hopefully I won't have to deal with heat like that. I'm not getting sucked in brain, not today. Cooldown and a couple of strides on the GAA pitches, shower, muesli and then off for a painful rub. My rub guy said the legs were particularly tight this week but he gave them a good going over. I might have cried I can't really remember.

    Friday 12/08 - 5 miles @ 7:40
    Legs a little tender from the rub, very sleepy but just zoned out and got this done before work. Now we wait.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Alright time for another report on another race I ran. I find always best to do these the day after when I've had some time to come up with excuses analyse it in a more balanced manner.

    This was a race I really wanted to do well in and given how the training was going I felt I was certainly capable of running a good PB (73:29 before this race) and potentially in the 72:xx territory on what is a fairly testing course. That said I was also prepared for the outcome of not running a PB. The ultimate end goal is nailing Berlin and this, despite being a significant race is still just a stepping stone along the way.

    Race week went ok, 2 miles at race effort on Thursday left me slightly uneasy but come Sunday I was well rested and ready to go. Up at 7am to watch the Olympic 10k final and on the road by 8:15am with clubmate and Berlin training partner JOC. Conditions were looking ideal, barely a breeze and mild overcast conditions. Got the number, dawdled around for a bit and then finally headed off a 2 mile warmup with some clubmates, was feeling fairly relaxed. On the line, had a glance around and didn't spot any serious guys (I'm talking sub 70 half runners) so I was thinking it could be anyones race today. I knew I'd be able to work well my 2 training partners but one of them had a niggle mid week and was planning to run closer to marathon effort rather than full out racing.

    Miles 1-2-3
    So off we head and fairly rapidly a group of 5 formed. Felt nice and relaxed and got into a comfortable rhythm straight away hitting the first mile in 5:36. The first 2.5 miles are all up a long drag in the shoulder of a main road and having run the course last year at MP, I felt well prepared in terms of course geography. Around halfway through the 2nd mile, pace was feeling a bit too relaxed and with my mind already thinking about a podium position I was starting to wonder if this is going to be a tactical affair rather than a PB effort. Could it be both? Still in the group of 5 and clubmate JOC looks over to me as we approached a difficult climb. I knew what he was getting at so I just nodded and we both moved up a gear and attacked the hill. The group gradually reduced to 3 as two lads dropped off the pace. Breathing was laboured throughout the group but I knew there was respite on the horizon so I kept the effort levels up. Into the 3rd mile and about halfway through we started descending and I was really glad to take a breather, was too early in the race for it to start feeling that hard. We were moving along well now and tightly bunched in the group. We hit mile 3 and turned off the main road and off into an undulating countryside adventure.
    Splits: 5:40, 5:45, 5:31

    Miles 4-5-6
    We were trucking along on the downhill mile 4 though I had no idea of the pace and was just running on feel. I was mainly focussed on just sticking with and working off the energy in the group. So it was now myself and JOC and a runner from Ferrybank who I recognised from a few races but I had no idea what he was capable of in a half. There was no sign of the 2 runners behind making it back to us so this I figured was the battle for the top 3. Ferrybank was running well but then a move by JOC in the 5th mile put daylight between all 3 of us. The 5th mile encompasses a fairly tough climb and JOC attacked this hard stealing eventually about 10 meters on me, and in turn I now had about 5-10 meters on Ferrybank. Effort was really tough but I knew it wasn't a long climb and there was a decent coming. I had a brief window to take stock just after the 5 mile mark (27:5x) as we started descending rapidly. JOC was still ahead of me by a bus length and even though my brain didn't want to hear it, I knew I had to close that gap and get back to him as soon as possible. Running the rest of the race solo wasn't an option and I knew we'd both work off each other for the middle miles. With the aid of gravity, I put on the after burners (ridiculously, I hit 4:30 pace!) and caught up with JOC soon enough and I could take a breather. I had a quick word to let him know we've got a good gap on Ferrybank and we should push on a bit now and try open the gap further. So on went, strapping on the seatbelt and heading for the middle earth of half marathoning. That was the quickest mile of the day in 5:19 and when I saw that beep I started to think that barring disaster, a decent time might be on the card as well as a top 2 position. Was I thinking about the win too? of course I was.
    Splits: 5:23, 5:38, 5:19

    Miles 7-8-9
    I think about these miles now and I smile because if ever I need evidence of race flow, this was it. When I say flow I'm talking about a state where the mind is completely relaxed and in control, almost telling me "I've got this, you relax and I'll move your legs for you". Autopilot. It was an amazing feeling and I felt like I could have kept going for 100 miles. We were running along a winding main road, shadowing looming forests and intently focussed on following the lead car up ahead. Spectacular course at times. We had a large gap on 3rd now to the point where I couldn't even hear the footsteps anymore. I was starting to feel so tuned in, my stride was fluid, the soles of my feet slapping the ground in a composed rhythm like a metronome. Breathing was completely relaxed and I felt so confident, it really was a great few miles. The splits I suppose reflect all of that, it was the steadiest period of the race despite fairly undulating terrain. JOC and myself were working really well together here and we fell into a pattern of taking a mile each from 6 up to 10. I wasn't sure how I'd feel come the climb at 10 but I thought back to Charleville last year when at mile 9 I was really feeling the heat and as I finished mile 9 myself seeing a 5:28 split I couldn't have been in a better position. That experience, however brief it was, has reminded me just why I run. All those groggy mornings, the lung busting sessions, runs in the cold wind and rain, all worth it for sensations like that. The best part is, it was conjured out of nothing, it didn't cost anything and anybody can feel it. Ok I'll leave it there. Honestly, I'm not a hippie!
    Splits: 5:29, 5:32, 5:28

    Miles 10-11
    On to mile 10 and I was still feeling good but started feel a slight uncomfortable sensation on my right ribcage, signs of a stitch but I didn't pay much notice to it, I was starting to think of the hill and how I'd tackle it. Side by side with JOC now, we started approaching Clonmel town near the end of the mile. I passed a water stop but for the first time I didn't take any as I didn't want to take a chance with the looming stitch. We hit the 10 mile mark in just over 55 minutes, a PB on that front for me and feeling confident of another PB in this race. The impending climb goes on for the guts of 1.2 miles and I'll be honest I really struggled with it. It was fair to say I was out of my state of flow and things were starting to look a little ominous. The stitch was starting to get worse to the point of me starting to hunch over to alleviate the pain and even sticking my fingers into my ribs, whatever that was supposed to do I didn't work. Combined with that and the laboured effort of climbing, I was starting to rapidly drop off JOC. I had already conceded the win in my head and it wasn't even mile 11 yet. My only goal was to keep it together, hang on to my position and to get to the line and salvage a PB. I finally hit the 11 mile mark, and I saw the split of 5:49 popping up which really didn't help morale. What an arse of a hill.
    Splits: 5:34, 5:49

    Miles 12-13+
    Another 400m or so of climbing and we finally get to the top where we turn for home and it's all downhill from here. Breathing is still laboured and I'm not feeling the love for the race anymore. It should be a very quick finish but the problem was I just never got going again after that climb, the stitch persisted so I settled into the most comfortable pace I could manage, around 5:45 and just kept going. It was both painful and frustrating and even looking at my HR afterwards, I noticed it dip over the last miles suggesting I may had a little more to give, if anything I'd expect see the HR rising over the last few miles with a final push for home. It was simply a case of helplessly bearing the struggle over the last 10 minutes, almost counting down the clock. I wasn't even sure if I'd PB but knew I was pretty sure I had 2nd place cemented though I was too fearful to look back. JOC had a good 40 second gap on me now and watching him round that last corner I was genuinely delighted for him on his way to his first big win, he's a seriously hard worker. If I'm being completely honest, regardless of the stitch I would have fancied him over the last few miles, he's simply in better shape than me based on training and recent races and it's great because it drives me on so much. I'll get him one of these days yet. Finally I made it to the 13 mile mark and I saw a clock ticking onto 1:12:40. Great I thought, it's nearly over and I'm still well on for a PB, I wonder can I crack 73? I gave it a good shot anyway, I pushed through the pain and hammered it only to come up agonisingly 2 seconds short. I was so relieved to hit the finish line.
    Splits: 5:46, 5:43

    At the time of crossing the line I was a little disappointed with those last 3 miles, I was almost positive I was on for a 72:x at mile 10. My average pace dropped from 5:31 to 5:35 over the closing stages but I'm not putting that down to the stitch, strength was definitely lacking on that last climb but I'm very happy with those first 10 miles, it was far from a disastrous slow down. In hindsight, 2nd place (a nice cash bonus) and a 27 second PB is an excellent result. I'm taking huge positives from this race and if anything I've gotten the indicator I needed that I'm in good shape for Berlin. I need to kick on now for the next few weeks, build on that result but more importantly, keep healthy and get to that line giving myself the best opportunity to run the best time I'm capable of. No targets just yet ;)

    Great day for Leevale, top 2 in both male and female and there was a great buzz afterwards, a really well organised event. Headed back to Cork with the champ himself and we hit the town for a few PB pints and pizza. Lets just say I was glad of the day off work today :o

    Summary: 13.1 miles in 1:13:02 @ 5:35 m/m (2nd overall)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Super racing and a great report - love that feeling at mile 7-9.

    Have you had a stitch before in races??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thanks AMK, indeed if only you could bottle that sensation but I suppose it's rarity is what makes it special.

    Stitches are rare for me but I did get a similar one in the Cardiff half back in March which lasted 1-2 miles and faded. Hard to know what causes these but I won't get caught up trying to change anything in terms of pre race nutrition or hydration, I think it's simply a matter of bad timing and you just get on with it as best you can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,984 ✭✭✭Duanington

    I was cursed with stitches during a couple of races (and sessions) earlier in the year, tried everything and anything to prevent them without any joy.
    It appears its as simple as breathing in as the left foot strikes the ground and out again as the same foot strikes the ground - seems to have done the trick for me

    Great racing and report, well done - that was me with the Strava add this week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Cheers Duanington, interesting approach I'll certainly give it a try should it strike again. I made the instant connection alright on Strava :) Great run yourself, a steady improvement and you're looking well on track for a big run in Berlin. A few more weeks of slogging it out now and before we know it it'll be time to go for a very long run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Jesus 5 weeks!! Well following the half marathon I jumped straight back into the miles, marathon mindset well and truly motoring. My left achilles didn't like it though and made a bit of a fuss on a session warmup but kind of I understand it's anger, too much too soon early on in the week and I hold my hands up. I took a few days off and I'm back in action this week feeling fine and if anything I think the rest could have done me good. Let's recap the week shall we.

    Monday 15/08 - 15 miles mixed
    AM: 10 miles @ 7:26 m/m I could have been still drunk for this one because there's no way I should have been feeling so fresh. Day off work so the plan was to just slog it into town for 5 miles and pick up the car but I actually felt ok and stretched it out to 8...then 10.
    PM: 5 miles @ 7:51 m/m Headed for the beach in Whitegate in the afternoon to take a dip and East Cork was swimming in sunshine, a truley spectacular place on a sunny day. On my way back I stopped in the village and headed along the coast off for a very handy 5 mile jog. Legs were fairly tired so I didn't get a say in the pace.

    Tuesday 16/08 - 15 miles @ 7:30m/m
    Was fearing this one a bit and as expected the legs were in a jocker for this. Post half marathon fatigue truly kicked in today, what a slog. The hills of Blarney trail were very much off the menu today so met up with JOC the champ himself and headed from city down to marina and back up to work. Again we really didn't get a choice in the pace, all 4 legs present were not happy. The climb back up to work was particularly tough and I was ravished with hunger, happy to get this one done though.

    Wednesday 17/08 - 12 miles mixed
    AM: 6 miles @ 7:41 m/m Perhaps this was the day to take it a little easier and drop one of the runs but I wasn't really in the mindset of recovery, I was in the mindset of "jesus christ there's only 5 weeks left, kick on kick on!". Morning run was unmemorable and tiring.
    PM: 6 miles @ 7:21 m/m A nice ramble around the northside. Felt actually quite fresh for this one and thought I was finally starting to come around. Little did I know an achilles flare was...flaring up.

    Thursday 18/08 - 4 miles
    Out to the farm for a planned tempo session on grass. Legs were still tired but felt much better than early in the week. Into the warmup with the gang and I felt that familiar dull ache and I knew it was trouble. It took a while for me to actually accept that a session was not happening today. Of course my brain suggested trying just 1 or 2 miles or even just a lap at tempo pace but I overrode the system, jogged it out for a few more miles before hopping in the car and heading home. 1-2 days off I figured should sort it.

    Friday 19/08 - rest
    Rest day planned for today anyway so joke is on you achilles.

    Saturday 20/08 - rest
    Tried a few minutes of jogging in the morning but still not right. Hopped on the bike and fed the exercise demons for 70-80 mins or so. Was actually a nice cycle out into the Blarney countryside. God I hate cycling.

    Sunday 21/08 - 10 miles @ 7:20 m/m
    Another tester in the morning around the neighbourhood and was feeling fine so I headed out to the farm for some grass running. Felt incredibly fresh and light on my feet thanks to the couple of days off. Just as I was about to finish I felt a monster stabbing pain on my calf. A fecking wasp/bee/scorpion had ruthlessly injected me with its venom despite me displaying no threat whatsoever. Whatever it was it had me screaming like a girl and it's still completely swollen and I can't stop scratching it. The achilles was fine though so I'll take the sting thank you very much.

    Not an ideal week but could be way worse. I know a lot of the work is done at this stage and still confident for a good run in Berlin so I'm hoping for 2 decent quality weeks now and we'll start reeling it in.


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Given how the legs were in the last couple of days, how do you feel about racing a HM 5 weeks out (yep only 5 weeks!).

    There was a thread here sometime back about the merits (or not) of racing a HM so close to an A race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Hey AMK. I didn't see the thread and I'm sure you'll get a wide array of opinions on this but personally I feel there is merit in racing the HM 5 weeks out. Now this is based on my own experience because in the last 3 marathon cycles I've always had a decent result in the HM and have come out of it feeling confident for the main event. I think that's one of the primary aims of it for me. Not only is it a monster session but at that stage of the cycle a lot of miles have been run, a lot of tough sessions in the legs and barring any injuries or other setbacks, the HM is a great indicator of your shape going into the full. Yes, the legs took a battering and I picked up a niggle but I still think there was more benefit in racing the HM than 2 weeks of standard training. What is the tradeoff? you're probably down on usual milage and you miss a few sessions and I was ok with that and I think the body needed it.

    All that said, there's always the risk of things not going your way in the race but it should be emphasised that it's simply an indicator, not a predictor. I know a guy who ran 75 mins for a half 5 weeks out last year. We all knew that wasn't indicative of his shape, he knew too and he gets back to the grind, never panicked and runs a 2:32 marathon running the 2nd half close to 75. It depends on the mentality of the individual on how they choose to use the HM result as the basis for their full marathon. Most experienced runners intrinsically will know what shape they're in from sessions and may simply use the HM to solidify that intuition. I don't think there's a huge amount of gains to be made over the last 5 weeks when you consider 2/3 weeks of that will be a taper.

    Another positive for me is it breaks up the monotony of the cycle. You might notice my marathon training week is fairly predictable so a target race like this mixes things up for 2 weeks with the taper and in my case, recovering from a subsequent achilles niggle. I'm 5 weeks out now, I bagged a good half marathon PB and I know I'm on track for running another PB in Berlin if everything goes to plan.

    Short answer, a HM 5 weeks out is comfortable enough for you to run a good hard race with sufficient time to recover and put in a last spurt of hard training. Anything closer and you're playing with fire.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Very happy with that week following the achilles niggle, felt really good all week, sessions went well and milage was spot on, had hoped to be hitting at least 90 miles so job done and onto the next one.

    Monday 22/08 - 13.5 miles mixed
    AM: 8 miles @ 7:19 m/m Felt good for this but cut back from planned 10 miles out of achilles precaution.
    PM: 5.5 miles @ 7:20 m/m God this done at lunch time with a club mate, beautiful day. Hilly route into city and back but felt fine.

    Tuesday 23/08 - 15 miles @ 6:45m/m
    Solo effort on the hills of Blarney today but really good workout. Felt really good in general for this, pushed hard on the hills but felt strong and the heart rate was really working by the end of it. 8 x laps of 3k sounds boring but there's enough variety of terrain and good scenery up there to keep you interested.

    Wednesday 24/08 - 14.5 miles mixed
    AM: 9 miles @ 7:28 m/m Legs not too miserable after the previous evenings effort. Usual morning route around the city, zoned out and got it done, I think.
    PM: 5.5 miles @ 7:15 m/m Nice comfortable few miles up to local GAA pitch and back after work, felt a lot more fresher than the morning.

    Thursday 25/08 - 36 min track tempo @ 5:34 m/m (12 miles)
    Another good long tempo bagged and exactly the session I wanted this week. Was really happy with the effort levels today, I was working hard but very much in the comfortably hard zone with plenty left in the tank at the end. I was in with a Berlin training partner for this and we worked well together taking a mile each at the front as usual. Happy to get through this with no issues and I think the couple of forced days off last week really has probably been more beneficial for me.

    Friday 26/08 - rest
    With the week going very much to plan I took today off to give myself a little breather before what was a fairly tough weekend lying ahead of me. I knew I'd be hitting 90+ miles even with the day off so it was an easy decision. I headed for Fota wildlife park on a cracking day with the sister and her family and did enough walking to merit a recovery run anyway.

    Saturday 27/08 - 10/9/8/7 mins on grass (12 miles)
    Another decent effort today at the farm today. Good conditions on a nice sunny morning and felt pretty good overall, all reps were fairly controlled (except for the 8, for some reason I was working harder in this one). Nice strong group of 4/5 to work with as usual and paces gradually increased each rep finishing strong on the 7.

    Splits (2 min recovery):
    10 mins @ 5:32 m/m
    9 mins @ 5:27 m/m
    8 mins @ 5:25 m/m
    7 mins @ 5:25 m/m

    Sunday 28/08 - 26 miles mixed
    AM: 20 miles @ 6:51 m/m
    Felt good for this one and it just seemed to fly by. I ran down from home to the marina today to meet the gang, couldn't hack another 4 laps. That worked well and broke it up nicely, 2 laps with the group and then ran back home feeling strong on the climb up Blarney street. Overall felt very comfortable but wasn't done for the day yet!

    PM: 6 miles @ 7:05 m/m
    After an afternoon of furniture and appliance shopping I had a few more miles yet to run. The coach throws a few of these 'long run topups' our way as we hit peak milage for the cycle. I don't mind them at this stage and there's something quite nice (smug) about running a marathon distance in a day. Plan was 5 miles but I headed out for Blarney trail and 3 laps of that left me with 6 and felt really good for these, minor tiredness lingering from this morning but overall felt fine. As if that wasn't enough, straight off for a rub after that which was thankfully nowhere near the horrific pain I endured last week, I only cried once. I didn't feel one bit guilty after gorging through a Thai takeaway and a fine IPA following that days effort.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Annnnnd breath. It's done, now we taper. The analogy I used last year was Super Mario grabbing the flag at the end of the level before facing Bowser in the castle and this year I'll come up with a new analogy....mmmm...umm....Luigi grabbing the flag at the...nah I can do better. I'll come back to it.

    After the trouble with the calf earlier in the year I'm really grateful to get to this point having put together a very good run of training over 3 months. I'm feeling strong, confidence is high and I'm healthy, it feels like a huge load has been lifted. 95 miles for last week and that wraps up 2 excellent weeks of training with pretty much everything going to plan. I think I am in the best shape of my life right now so for the next 3 weeks the priority is simply to maintain that fitness, watch the weight, keep sane, not get sick, take up a new hobby, be paranoid and maybe throw in a little irrationality and crankiness.

    Monday 29/08 - 15 miles mixed
    AM: 10 miles @ 7:26 m/m Felt good for this, legs woke up after a few miles and enjoyed it.
    PM: 5 miles @ 7:36 m/m A few more easy miles after work into town and back, felt good on this too. No doubt in a few months I'll look back in disgust the fact I was running 10 miles before work and 5 after. It just seems somewhat normal at the time.

    Tuesday 30/08 - 15 miles on trail @ 7:05 m/m
    Up to the Blarney trail for what could well be my last 15 up here. Met up with a clubmate after work and conscious of the fact I'd be running heavy miles this week I didn't want to do this at a stupid pace, and thankfully I didn't. Overall felt very comfortable, had to hold back at times and legs felt good on the climbs. With good company, a fantastic setting and a cracking evening, time just flew by. Enjoyed this one.

    Wednesday 31/08 - 15.5 miles mixed
    AM: 10 miles @ 7:23 m/m Took a different route this morning, away from the morning traffic and up around the farm, have been getting a great run of beautiful mornings recently and really enjoyed this one. Was glad to have kept the pace sensible the evening before as the legs were feeling fairly good.
    PM: 5.5 miles @ 7:20 m/m Kept this one local and just headed up to the GAA pitches and did a few laps. Thought about many things, people and places.

    Thursday 01/09 - 16.5 miles mixed
    AM: 4.5 miles @ 7:35 m/m A cheeky 35 mins before work. I wanted to peak in terms of milage this week and I also wanted a day off, so this was the compromise.
    PM: 36 min track tempo @ 5:33m/m (8 miles) Couldn't have asked for a better session for our last long tempo. Happy to have the 2 other Berlin lads with me for this and as usual we all worked together and took a mile at the front which breaks up the monotony of the track nicely. Effort was as comfortable as it could be for this pace, and looking at the HR afterwards it pretty much confirmed that (159 avg for the session). I finished feeling like I could have kept going for a lot longer and overall it hints that I'm peaking just around the right time.

    Friday 02/09 - Rest

    Saturday 03/09 - 9/8/7/6 mins on grass (11 miles)
    A fairly grim morning with the heavens bucketing down all night. When I looked out the window I was fairly sure the grass would be out of action but once I got out there on the warmup I was surprised to see how well it had held up, session on! The session was 9/8/7/6 mins with 2 min recovery. I was happy enough to hold back a little today and see no reason to push the sessions at this stage, I wanted a good controlled effort and that's exactly what I got. I slotted in with my usual group but was happy to sit back a bit especially when my left achilles started to ache a little in the first rep. Ah no not now, not today! It wasn't the usual pain, a lot milder and I was moving well so I just said I'd keep going but would back off it if felt serious. The session seemed to fly by and I was really happy with the effort levels, was never working too hard and in control as planned. Was happy to finish this one out but kind of worried about the achilles, walking around afterwards I could feel that niggling sensation.

    Splits: (2 min rec)
    9 mins @ 5:30 m/m
    8 mins @ 5:31 m/m
    7 mins @ 5:27 m/m
    6 mins @ 5:27 m/m

    Sunday 04/09 - 21 miles @ 7:06 m/m
    I headed down to Wexford on Saturday for my sisters 30th which was mental, I had a whole glass of red wine and became extremely rowdy. The achilles had bothered me all day Saturday and I was fairly suspicious about a 20+ miler the next day. It may sound silly but I was willing to run through it. This was the one run I wanted to tick off and then I'd feel the training was done, I'd deal with the consequences in the taper. Incidentally I was faced with the very same conundrum last year, my final long run involved me running through achilles pain for 22 miles and then taking essentially a very low milage week to recover, I got away with it then. I got in contact with a couple of lads from Slaney Olympic as I know there's a good group training for Dublin and I ended up arranging to meet 2 lads at 8am, planned pace around 7:30/45. This suited me grand, the pace wouldn't be too intense for the achilles and I wouldn't be far from my home if I needed to pull the plug.

    Beautiful morning in Wexford, slightly groggy having only gotten to bed at 1am but was delighted to meet up with the lads, I didn't fancy doing that one solo. We were in the heart of the countryside drowning in the morning sun, surrounded by rolling fields with hay bails, old churches, graveyards and questionable road surfaces. Anyway off we headed shortly after 8 and to my surprise the achilles was feeling perfect, 10 minutes in (which is usually when I know for sure if it's flared or not) and I was moving really well. I was letting the lads dictate the pace (they were 2 very handy runners) and I really didn't care about the pace, ideally I'd just get 2:30 on my feet for the day. A few miles in I looked down at the watch and was surprised to see us hovering around 7 min pace, it felt far from it which is obviously a very good sign as it was feeling very easy. There were plenty of bumps and climbs along the way and plenty of variety to keep the route enjoyable. The company was great and I was enjoying every step, a lot of that was down to relief of the achilles feeling good. We must have encountered less than 10 cars on the whole run and I just couldn't get over how all this fantastic scenery was on the doorstep of where I grew up. This really was a fitting last long run for me. We got back to the start at 20 miles bang on, 2:23 on the clock and I told the lads I was going to bring it up to 2:30, one of them joined me for the last mile and then back to the car.

    Was so glad to have this one ticked off before heading into taper town. Got back home, played football with the nephews (dodgy move), ate a massive bowl of granola and then into the car back to Cork to catch the hurling final. In the evening I was off for the usual rub and it was as painful as always, I will not miss those.


    (and yes, that 0.1 is annoying me)

  • Registered Users Posts: 108 ✭✭frebel

    Great roundup of an impressive week...happened to be down at track when you were doing tempo and ye looked well in control...even at the pace... You've carved out the groove now for 3 weeks time....fair play biy

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    2 weeks...well actually it's 1 week 5 days 11 hours and 20 minutes. What do you mean I'm gone taper crazy?

    Great week last week, mainly because I finally dipped under that elusive 16 minutes for a 5k but more importantly I'm feeling really good at the moment, confidence is high and no niggles. Can't wait to get to that start line :o

    For me the work is done now, anything I do now in training will have little impact on the day so the priority is taking things easy, winding up the doubles but maintaining that little bit of intensity to keep the legs ticking over, nothing new there really.

    Monday 05/09 - 14 miles mixed
    AM: 8 miles @ 7:55 m/m Lovely morning run and legs feeling fine from the weekends exploits, no achilles trouble either so that seemed to be just a minor niggle. Bumped into Lizzie just as I was starting off and was glad too as it meant we just took the pace very easy and chatted away which suited me perfectly.
    PM: 6 miles @ 7:31 m/m Another few easy miles into the city and back.

    Tuesday 06/09 - 10 miles trail run @ 7:16 m/m
    Out to my favourite spot these days which is the Blarney trail, can't get enough of those lovely rolling hills. Met up with a clubmate and chatted our way around to 10 enjoyable miles. Will really miss this place now as the evenings seem to gobble up the days earlier and earlier. I wonder would they install floodlights if I ask them nicely.

    Wednesday 07/09 - 9 miles @ 7:22 m/m
    Just the one run today as I attempt some sort of mini taper for a planned 5k tomorrow. Nice relaxed morning run around the city before work.

    Thursday 08/09 - 5k race in 15:55 (11 miles)
    This one was pencilled in by the coach a good few weeks back as a final tune up race but only last Saturday I really didn't see myself toeing the line at all. Lucky for me the achilles was just a niggle so I saw no reason not to do this one, I saw no reason not to try and refresh the PB either, I don't do all these miles for nothing.

    This was the 2nd running of the event down the marina on a quick course. I won it last year in 16:12 (and I still have yet to use my holiday voucher!!) and as I expected this year a good few top runners showed up interested in the generous prize but it's now also got a reputation as a quick course. Incidentally, last years race was also my last 5k so I really had no idea what sort of 5k shape I was in this time around though obviously I expected to run quicker. I was glad to see some of the quicker guys here as really all I wanted from this was a decent time and a huge bonus of course would be the sub 16, I figured if I get into a good group I could get dragged along to a PB.

    Decent conditions despite a downpour at the start and soon the crowd of 400+ (almost double last year) was ready to go.

    Mile 1 - 5:11
    There wasn't really a race plan, just go hard and hang on really and I wasn't aiming for any splits in particular. The field broke up fairly quickly and there was about 6 or 7 of us in a fairly spread out pack. Myself and a young fella from Togher fell into sync in the first mile. One sharp hairpin turn after 1km and we were on the familiar marina walkway and moving well. The guys who were in front of me and in full view at this stage were 15:30-ish runners so I figured I'd do my best to keep them in view and give myself a real shot at the sub 16. I knew keeping the pace around 5:10 or less would do the job so while usually I wouldn't watch the pace at all in a shorter race, I was doing my fair bit of clock watching today :) Felt good anyway for the first mile, working hard but felt sustainable, 5:11 on the watch, grand.

    Mile 2 - 5:13
    Passed a couple of runners and I'm in 5th with Togher stuck to my back. 2nd mile involves a rapid climb up over the motorway but that's the only climb in the whole race, from here in it's very quick. On to the coastal side of the marina and there's a bit of a headwind but nothing major and I'm still moving well, 5:13. I know I need to pick it up in the last one, that's exactly what I did last year and I had to do it again.

    Mile 3 - 5:04 (and a bit in 26 sec)
    I felt (and I hoped) that I had another gear in me so I tried to turn it up a notch once I got into the last mile, what's 5 mins or so of pain considering all the hours I put in every week? That said, the pain is starting to feel quite considerable but I'm absorbing it while maintaining a good pace. I seem to create a gap on Togher every now and then but he's very strong and sticks to me, I feel like I'm doing all the work but this is a 5k it doesn't bother me that much. He eventually comes up alongside me and we're side by side and working hard, it was great having him push me, I needed it. The mile seems to fly by and suddenly we're coming to the corner signifying 400m to go. This is where my buddy turns on the afterburners and absolutely lets go. It's a long old finish straight (at least it felt long) and thanks to my eagle eye vision I can see the clock clearly and it's just after ticking onto 15. Fecking hell I can do this? Togher guy is gone, serious turn of speed and he's already got about 10 meters on me. I just put the hammer down and gave it everything over the last stretch. I'm really not sure if I have enough time, or do I? It was an exhilarating finish, the margin between elation and gutting disappointment was very very fine. As I draw closer, the sub 16 is becoming more and more of a reality until I'm 99% sure I have it. I do have it, I was sure now. I crossed in 15:55 and managed a little celebration despite coming 6th - that must have looked strange but for me it's a personal milestone I think worth celebrating. 17 second PB, delighted! Bring on Berlin was my immediate afterthought. My next thought was water, and sitting.

    5 mile cooldown with a cheeky grin on my face and it would have been rude not to have a PB beer when I got home. This is as much about the journey as it is the end result so I enjoy the PB's and achievements along the way when I can. Great evening and nice to see the training coming together at the right time.

    Friday 09/09 - 8 miles trail run @ 7:37 m/m
    After a day of watching the skies piddling down, the sun came out in spectacular fashion in the evening so I think you know where I headed. A lovely relaxed run around the Blarney trail, legs were fine after the 5k and I just took it easy and enjoyed the fine evening in my own company.

    Saturday 10/09 - Grass session 8/7/6 mins (9 miles)
    After the 5k I really did have every intention of taking this one a little easier but it didn't really materialise. Plan was just 8/7/6 mins, these sessions have been gradually getting shorter and shorter. My 2 Berlin training partners headed into a fairly swift pace for the first rep so I said feck it I'm feeling good today I'm going with them. I knew that would happen. Reps were all fairly quick but controlled and really happy with the effort, wasn't completely wrecked afterwards and we were all buzzing after it. There's just a good vibe in the group at the moment, we're all so close to each other in sessions and I think we all know that the coach has us in the right shape at the right time. I just hope now that we all get to run the best race we can in Berlin.

    Splits (2 min recovery)
    8 mins @ 5:22 m/m
    7 mins @ 5:15 m/m
    6 mins @ 5:18 m/m

    Sunday 11/09 - 16 miles long @ 6:59 m/m
    Still can't hack any more laps of the marina, I've done too many this summer so ran from home into city, met a clubmate and out to Ballincollig and back up home again, a nice last long run and felt really comfortable. Job done for this week and milage was pretty much where I wanted it to be. Into the final 2 weeks now, eep!


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Super running there man, sub 16 is great running. Well deserved after all your training. Concentrate on those distances for a few months like you do the marathon and you'll be running 15.30.

  • Registered Users Posts: 329 ✭✭mbarr

    Epic race report :) good luck in Berlin!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,911 ✭✭✭tailgunner

    Savage running. Bodes very well for Berlin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Well done on the pb. I loved that race report! Looks like you're in great shape for Berlin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Deadly, so well deserved!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    This time next week I'll hopefully be home and dry (well, a bit sweaty) with a shiny new PB in one hand and a pint of dunkleweiss in the other. Yes I'm aware a PB is an intangible asset but maybe I'll be holding the medal representing the PB.

    64 miles for the week, all singles and had a couple of good sessions with the legs still feeling good. Had my final deep tissue torture session yesterday, the legs are reportedly in good shape so really not much else do do other than getting to the line and giving it a good lash now.

    Monday 12/09 - 10 miles @ 7 m/m
    Fairly miserable Monday evening with the rain pelting down but a good run around the city after work, felt nice and relaxed. A bit strange not having to get up early this morning for a run but not exactly a complaint.

    Tuesday 13/09 - 10 miles @ 7:20 m/m
    A case of rinse and repeat this week. Another handy 10 miler after work, ran from home down into the city and back up. A nice improvement in weather from the previous day, a really nice sunny evening and the Lee was looking pretty spectacular coming in along the Lower Glanmire road, really enjoyed this one.

    Wednesday 14/09 - 10 miles trail run @ 7:18 m/m
    Oh look another 10 miles :o This time I mixed up the surface and headed up to the Blarney trail and knocked out a few solo laps on another nice evening. To be honest I really enjoyed these evening solo runs this week. While I do enjoy running in a group, I always have to ensure I have a few runs on my own every week with my own thoughts (even though sometimes the thoughts might be about stuff like how does a can opener work). This week the time alone helped put me in a good frame of mind and building focus for the race next week, almost the calm before the storm.

    Thursday 15/09 - 20 min tempo @ 5:24 m/m (10.5 miles)
    A decent hard effort on the track tonight with my Berlin group and while effort a little higher than our typical tempo pace, felt manageable for the 20 minutes and we came away feeling pretty positive after this one. If anything another little reassurance that the hard work is done and we're all in pretty good shape right now.

    Friday 16/09 - 4 miles @ 7:48 m/m
    I had a mid morning massage booked in work for 30 mins, wasn't exactly deep tissue, more of a loosener but nice and relaxing. Headed out then for a very easy 35 min run after that.

    Saturday 17/09 - 3 x 5 mins on grass (8 miles)
    Last session at the UCC farm for this marathon cycle and I think this is where a lot of the hard work was done in getting me where I am today, we really have ground out some cracking sessions here over the summer and it was great having such a good group to always work with. Today felt like it was over before it started. Just the 3 x 5 mins with a 2 min recovery and kept them all pretty steady, working hard but trying our best to stay relaxed. Deep tissue massage in the evening, thanks be to lord I'm finished with those now.

    Splits (2 min rec):
    1. 5 mins @ 5:16
    2. 5 mins @ 5:19
    3. 5 mins @ 5:21

    Sunday 18/09 - 10 miles @ 7 m/m
    Had some intentions of heading out to Charleville today to watch the half but ended up not setting an alarm and got some extra sleep. By the time I got up it was fairly miserable out so I just said I'd get my run done before it got worse later in the day. Fairly humid despite the rain and wasn't exactly feeling the love today but just got it done and then had banana pancakes which made everything better.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,610 ✭✭✭yaboya1

    The very best of luck on Sunday. Hope it all goes to plan. Your consistent positive attitude to training & racing is something to admired (& copied :) ). Run well!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Best of luck Jebuz.

    Savage target, hope you smash it up.

    Great training cycle


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Best of luck! I'm looking forward to your report as always!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Best of luck! I'm looking forward to your report as always!

    +1! Looking forward to epic report! Wishing you all the very very best!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 471 ✭✭paddybarry

    Best of luck Jebuz.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Ososlo wrote: »
    +1! Looking forward to epic report! Wishing you all the very very best!!!


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    Thanks all, really appreciate the well wishes. But jesus talk about pressure, now I'm feeling more nervous about about my race report than the race :D

    Thanks again! now off to the airport...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    best of luck and enjoy, write the report in your head while running.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    haha great idea Anne, sure I might aswell bring my macbook too. Documenting the pain real-time :)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,126 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    Go Pro => Video Report Live.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭jebuz

    The ideas are coming in fast and hard this morning, how do I look?

