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mlu in drogheda

  • 07-05-2014 10:51pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 58 ✭✭

    Hey girls, iam 21 weeks pregnant with my first, had a scan when I was 12 weeks now have an appointment on the 30th of this month in the mlu in Drogheda. What is the mlu and what am I to expect at my appointment and will I get another scan ? Any advice appreciated :)


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25 geddylee

    Where you from?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 58 ✭✭thebomb


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    thebomb wrote: »
    Hey girls, iam 21 weeks pregnant with my first, had a scan when I was 12 weeks now have an appointment on the 30th of this month in the mlu in Drogheda. What is the mlu and what am I to expect at my appointment and will I get another scan ? Any advice appreciated :)

    As far as I know that scan at 12 weeks is the only scan you will get for the whole of your pregnancy unless you are high risk and therefore would be transferred out of MLU. A girl I know who recently had a baby there went to dublin to pay for an anomaly scan.
    MLU is the midwife led unit, all going well with your labour the midwives guide you through it, they have a special delivery unit that you are only allowed to use if you are under their care which has a birthing pool. You stay in this suite overnight after the delivery with your partner (if you wish). There is no epidural on offer, if you want one will be transferred out of the room into a "normal" delivery room! I have heard that the MLU is amazing :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 58 ✭✭thebomb

    Thanks for the reply awe that's sucks that it's the only scan well have one at end of august 1 week before my due date, and with it being my first I want to make sure all is well. So I might go and get a private scan! That's great to hear the the mlu is amazing but no epi yikes lol thanks again for your feedback :)

    Millem wrote: »
    As far as I know that scan at 12 weeks is the only scan you will get for the whole of your pregnancy unless you are high risk and therefore would be transferred out of MLU. A girl I know who recently had a baby there went to dublin to pay for an anomaly scan.
    MLU is the midwife led unit, all going well with your labour the midwives guide you through it, they have a special delivery unit that you are only allowed to use if you are under their care which has a birthing pool. You stay in this suite overnight after the delivery with your partner (if you wish). There is no epidural on offer, if you want one will be transferred out of the room into a "normal" delivery room! I have heard that the MLU is amazing :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    thebomb wrote: »
    Thanks for the reply awe that's sucks that it's the only scan well have one at end of august 1 week before my due date, and with it being my first I want to make sure all is well. So I might go and get a private scan! That's great to hear the the mlu is amazing but no epi yikes lol thanks again for your feedback :)

    Do you know the midwives are meant to be so good that you won't even want an epi especially the fact that you can stay in the pool until you need to push! The delivery suite is supposedly like a mini apartment! If I lived up there I would definitely opt for the MLU, but I think I would pay for an anomaly scan (even though I know everything would be prefect but I am such a worry wart!)

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 58 ✭✭thebomb

    I don't nessearyly want the epidural but I think I feel better knowing it's there if I really need it but would love to have a natural birth. Wow now iam looking forward to it sounds good , yeah iam the same as you my bloods came back fine and my first scan went well I know everything is ok but I just want reassurance as still have a bit to go and also would love to know what iam having as they couldn't tell at the 12 week scan! And there's only so much beige you can buy lol

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,729 ✭✭✭Millem

    thebomb wrote: »
    I don't nessearyly want the epidural but I think I feel better knowing it's there if I really need it but would love to have a natural birth. Wow now iam looking forward to it sounds good , yeah iam the same as you my bloods came back fine and my first scan went well I know everything is ok but I just want reassurance as still have a bit to go and also would love to know what iam having as they couldn't tell at the 12 week scan! And there's only so much beige you can buy lol

    We found out what were having during our anomaly scan. It was great as we could get organised as I was in soooo much pain after the birth for a good few weeks there is no way I would of been able to buy stuff. I did the domino scheme which very similar to the MLU in drogheda except you get a pool and I went home after a few hours! I know a girl who did it in drogheda and she said they were so good she didn't even want an epi. She went into the pool, your OH can get in with you too but they need to wear togs! You could get an epi but you will be transferred to the "normal" public care, so out of the "apartment" and into a "normal" birthing suite and a public ward after!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,528 ✭✭✭ShaShaBear

    thebomb wrote: »
    I don't nessearyly want the epidural but I think I feel better knowing it's there if I really need it but would love to have a natural birth. Wow now iam looking forward to it sounds good , yeah iam the same as you my bloods came back fine and my first scan went well I know everything is ok but I just want reassurance as still have a bit to go and also would love to know what iam having as they couldn't tell at the 12 week scan! And there's only so much beige you can buy lol

    I'm in the MLU in Cavan, which is exactly the same care as in Drogheda (I just didn't want to go there because it's where my dad died and I felt a little weird having a baby there :o )
    No epi is standard, but if you ask for one or if they feel you need it, a quick transfer out is all that is needed, and it only takes a few minutes. The only issue is that you will go back to a normal ward sharing with other women and your partner won't be able to stay overnight :o
    The suites are absolutely beautiful - I have a huge jacuzzi tub (birthing pool), an en-suite (private) bathroom with electric shower, a couch-bed for guests, my own bed and all the niggly bits like a birthing ball etc. My partner can stay with me all day and night, I can have as many people present as I like during the birth (normally in Cavan you can only have one other person in with you) and I get gas and air and a shot of pethidine which is also standard in consultant care.

    Basically you get exactly the same as you would through consultant care assuming your birth is normal and low-risk, except they throw in extra perks to make it more comfortable.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 166,019 ✭✭✭✭LegacyUser

    So I've been inquiring off people about how many are allowed in the delivery room in the Lourdes hospital .. and it turns out your allowed two if you have a doula and only one if you don't have a doula? I really would love my Mam along with my partner in the delivery room but turns out she's not allowed. I find this so frustrating! Anyone else have this problem?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Midwife

    Hi Chloek,

    At your next appointment ask the midwife to make a note in your chart about your request to have your mum and partner. Only you can decide how much support you need and the Lourdes is usually very accommodating if they know ahead of time.  It might be worthwhile contacting the Director of Midwifery in writing so your request is on file.  

    Best of luck with everything!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 12 Midwife

    For anyone who is attending the Lourdes but isn't attending the MLU there is a labour pool in the regular labour ward too.  It's a fantastic tool for labour if you'd like to not have an epidural or if you'd like to not have the epi until later in your labour.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    I've had both my babies in the Lourdes. First baby was in the normal CLU and second one last week in the MLU. I had both my mam and my partner at both births. The staff were very accommodating. On the first one, she just kept out of the way as there were a lot of staff in the room due to various complications but in the MLU, she was an active birth partner! It was so lovely having her there.
    If you are doing a list of birth preferences, put it down that you'd like both to be there and discuss it at your next appointment. That's what i did on both.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,578 ✭✭✭CheerLouth

    I've had both my babies in the Lourdes. First baby was in the normal CLU and second one last week in the MLU. I had both my mam and my partner at both births. The staff were very accommodating. On the first one, she just kept out of the way as there were a lot of staff in the room due to various complications but in the MLU, she was an active birth partner! It was so lovely having her there.
    If you are doing a list of birth preferences, put it down that you'd like both to be there and discuss it at your next appointment. That's what i did on both.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 188 ✭✭glut22

    Hi any recent experiences of the MLU especially since covid?
