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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    With work and holidays training was brutal.
    3 swims, a few runs, 4 bike (2 road +brick and 2 turbo) one of which was 1k where the pain in my knee was brutal and I stopped after 500m to walk home.

    So that left the preparation for my last goal of the year fecked, the Lost Sheep:
    training was so bad and I was not overly happy with just doing it without really giving it a chance to hit the target I set out at the start of the year for a half IM (sub 5).

    So after much soul searching (and reading about Trigs problems) I said feck it, and the Friday before the race went about booking accommodation, and got a nice hostel in the middle of town only a short ride from the start.(phew for cancellations)

    So now that Im racing i rushed and packed bags, slapped some water on the bike to give the impression its clean, grabbed some gels and hit the road (nice and late making sure I left it as late as possible :))

    Got to the registration meet up with Trig and Mossym was looking for other boardies to introduce myself but alas when you dont know what they look like kinda hard. sorry CW

    that night sleep was broken, a room with 8 triathletes farting, snoring and other weird noises. so when the alarm went off I would not have said no to a few extra hours.

    got everything ready and off to the start, when the event hit me I started to feel nervous, wtf am I doing here, I haven't trained enough. looking out at the bay and the markers in the distance, this was my third ow swim of the year, I dont think I went over 2.5k in the pool why the fcuk am I going to try a 1.9k ow swim.

    So into the water for a "warmup" and sh1t should have worn 2 hats, anyway lined up right at the back and off we went, sat back and tried to get into a rhythm just following feet, and I was swimming ok actually moving past people. got to the first buoy and yeah no problems, looked up and spotted number 2, again looking at feet in front of me, I was having trouble sighting correctly. half way here the watched buzzed for 1k and I look up and I am way way outside the marker, so head back and direction and head back on track.
    trun and look again for the white house in the distance and notice there is no one in front of me, look up and I am again about 50 foot to the left of the group so change direction again.
    Not sure what happened but I decided to feed the fishes my breakfast and began to vomit, thankfully I had lovely saltwater to clean out the taste.
    Finally got to the end and had a proper look and once again I was way left and had to swim over roccks to get to the exit.
    out of the swim 00:37:34
    Garmin recording 2.27k

    T1 was just slow feeling crap, looked like a tool putting on a jersey could not balance finally out the gate in 5:05

    The rothar.
    got in to position and tried to settle myself holding the power zone I set myself. took a drink and the rest of the breakfast decided to make an appearance. yeah
    the first hour flew past, passing people and trying to drink but each swig came back up, and I was worried now, how will I finish if I cant eat or drink.
    after an hourish I hit the top of the top of the Healy pass.
    Change to to the 53 and crunch look down the chain is off and wrapped around the rear mech. so of the bike and begin to unravel and back on the bike and look to my left and a wee smile appeared as I looked down at the hairpins, and off I went descending, it was heaven just the bike in and out of corners.
    got to the bottom and still smiling and there is a weird rubbing noise from the bike wtf, did I pull the wheel slightly when the chain dropped a few minutes of listening I stopped to look (just in case) and phew it was just the front mech cable rubbing the tyre, back on again and off.
    So get settled again and try to eat some food and hip hip hooray it stays down. so back in business, I am still passing faster swimmers but legs are starting to feel it, based the water station and I began to suffer and was only holding riders in front no gaps been closed,

    The climb up the Cara pass was a blur I remember been passed by a few and passing a few and nothing,got to the top and relaxed for a tad, took a gel and off I set on the decent, and finally got in and under 3 hours (which I thought was a problem an hour back)
    Power avg 203, np 224
    average power was down 20w on where I wanted on the day but I will take it.

    I hope this is near the end of the bike :)

    T2 was another dismal affair 4:07

    Off on the run and it started ok, stopped to answer the call of nature and there was Mossym, quick chat on who will buy coffee and were safe Trig is way up the road. I settled in to a pace and tried to keep it, slowing down on drags and looking to make up the difference on the decents,
    So the plan was to take 2 gels at 7 and 14k, so at 7k took my first gels and ...... it was rotten, I was carrying them in my hand and they were warm, managed to keep it down but not good.
    After 8/9k I dont remember much except for walking a few hills trying to run and getting cramps in each leg muscle, back into a waddle and it eased it a tad,
    The last 4k were hard I considered walking or giving up so just one more k and then decide, finally crossing the line 5:22:17 for 117 place.

    It was a lovely feeling to finish, after some conversations I headed home and had to stop and wake up, I began to fall asleep. who knew that race would make you tired.

    So now the plan is nothing no training for 2 weeks, then see what happens

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    great race BM, there must be something to this no training lark, a lot of boardsies seem to be taking that approach this year!!! if you could get a decent training block in you'd be at the pointy end of things

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I hope it's not the 39 that's the problem with that gear change :o

    I Remember seeing you at one stage on the run and thinking that guy looks ****ed - we must have way over the average of gingers on this forum

    Sub 5 should be well within your compass with a bit of training

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    Well done Benny- great report and great race- especially considering the lack of training and the puking during swim and bike!! sub 5 next year!!! (for both of us:o:o:o:o)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    so after the Lost sheep I planned a nice 2 weeks off, and force myself not to train, it was hard but I did such a good job 2 weeks turned into 4.

    I jumped on the scales and I have put up almost a stone so time to get my arse back in gear.

    plan was simple everything easy for Oct and then structure from then on.

    the runs are slow, at least I can say they are meant to be slow but I dont think I could actually lift the pace.

    swims are ok, just staying afloat - need to get more than once a week I suppose

    First spin on the bike was a great mountain biking session with the boardies; this was a great laugh; a few tumbles had by most.
    really enjoyed it and brought the family the week after; did practically the same route, the young lad loved the technical decent, both him and the wife fell, a few cuts and bruises but the same as the week before smiles on the faces at the bottom, now after the long climb back up from here the young lad started to suffer and in true stubborn fashion was almost in tears by the time we are descending for home, poor fecker.

    so planning next year at the moment, and I have the urge to go long again and maybe even permission (dont want to jinx it).
    I may look for help this time around to plan the season correctly and give it a proper go.

    anyway now to get myself motivated start training and loose a few pounds.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    the month training was to start back and it didn't really happen

    only getting one a week and trying to work on drills

    getting in 3/4 runs a week, aiming for one hard one the rest easy,
    Hard run is short efforts 200m hill reps and 90sec recovery *12

    No road at all, for some reason (I blame laziness I didn't get out at all)
    getting in 2 turbos a week
    1st session is short hard; I am aiming for high rpm here, something I don't normally do.
    1-2 min @300w same recovery
    2nd is BG work
    4-5min @270sih ~45rpm

    Did meet BTH and 2 other from 3d tri on Sunday for 2.5 hours mountain biking, ~35k lovely spin. pushed hard so I would not be a spare tool and was very tired at the end and upper body in bits Monday morning .

    I need to get my ar$e in gear so back to logging training.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    BennyMul wrote: »

    Did meet BTH and 2 other from 3d tri on Sunday for 2.5 hours mountain biking, ~35k lovely spin. pushed hard so I would not be a spare tool and was very tired at the end and upper body in bits Monday morning .

    had to carry bth around again?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    mossym wrote: »
    had to carry bth around again?
    I would not say "carry him" more so pick him up every time he fell :rolleyes:

    cct training, suffering some lower back pain the last few weeks and tweaked it yesterday at some point so this was going to be fun, and it wasn't
    30min in total finishing.

    Missed the lunch time run, and had a load of kiddy stuff in the evening so after 9 getting on the bike, had 45min
    5min wu
    5*5min BG ~45-50rpb & 250w
    1min rec

    total 40min
    29min work
    avg cad 48
    power avg 222 np 235

    cct training again at lunch
    consisting of short hard efforts skipping/burpies/mountain climbers/ push ups etc alternating
    An easy 3k run after this to stretch the legs

    The wee man in basketball for 90min so took the opportunity to head for a run, 70min ~14k
    Garmin not working so this is a guess on distance

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭zico10

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Did meet BTH and 2 other from 3d tri on Sunday for 2.5 hours mountain biking, ~35k lovely spin. pushed hard so I would not be a spare tool and was very tired at the end and upper body in bits Monday morning .

    I was down at that as well actually, but we were never introduced. I took a different route to you though, so as not to show anybody up.:) It was my first time and like you, upper body took a pounding.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    zico10 wrote: »
    I was down at that as well actually, but we were never introduced. I took a different route to you though, so as not to show anybody up.:) It was my first time and like you, upper body took a pounding.

    I did hear you were there and was looking forward to meeting you, but after seeing the amount of miles you have not looking forward to actually cycling with you :rolleyes:

    Thursday :
    work is manic so missed mid day run,
    PM: 2*20min (224/225 ~93% ftp)
    rode these at >95rpm which is +20 on my traditional cadence, but power way down on where I want it to be at this stage.

    a easy 8k run legs felt like lead

    a party the night before and one | two too many drinks meant I missed my morning window and I didn't get another one:(

    Got to bed early and still slept till after 10, my planned 3hours out the door again.
    did get 90min on the turbo later just spun the legs.

    Hard cct training session, followed by a handy 5k slog.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    easy 9k lunch time run, pace ~4:50

    6*5min (2min) BG work,
    power ~250w
    cad 45-49

    30min cct session
    a good tuff session body tired at the end of it.

    Met MCOS for an easy jog around the city.

    5K easy run at lunch time

    2*20min sweet spot
    power is simply crap at the moment, I am trying to do these at 95+rpm where in the past I would have been done in the 70s

    Friday and Saturday
    due to complete laziness not done

    Young lad up doing a cool projectile vomiting trick all night had me spaced in the morning.
    so was close to missing another session, so on to the turbo and a nice easy 90min spinning

    30min CCT training
    followed by a very easy 5k run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    so Christmas cam and went and very little training done, the only thing of note was more conditioning around my waste

    So last week I began
    Sun 28th:
    Easy 20k run; just ran no watch nothing.

    nothing :mad: great start

    4*10min BG (5) all done slightly above FTP,

    Planned a nice run, the young man came with me on the bike; and just out side the village an Alsatian came after us, so I stopped to get it to go home, and the .... stood barking and not moving. after a few more expletives I turned to tell Josh to keep going and ouch wtf look down and he has bitten the back of my leg, Josh gets a fright as I do lets out a few loud F's
    He comes back to me and the dog go for him, I stick out the leg to stop and he grabs my other leg, Jesus that hurt. after a few missed kicks he fcuks off,
    down with the leggings to see the damage and blood flowing down both legs,
    So on we went and finished the run mainly to down play the whole thing as the wee man did get a fright.

    Thursday and Friday off
    legs to sore

    did the first hour of sufferfest blender,

    55k easy just spinning the legs,

    Monday 5th
    9k easy jog, met Mossym for a tad and chatted he went one we another.

    Lunch time 30min cct training.
    was quite hard and felt tired at the end,

    3*15min BG (5) again slightly above FTP,
    feeling ok during this.

    missed lunch time core session due to work, so got an 8k recovery run,

    30min cct training

    6*3min Vo2 @ 115% FTP (4)
    hurt like a .... but happy I got it done.

    an easy 12k lunch time run.
    evening a nice handy 2k swim

    was planning a road spin, but slept crap and ended up sleeping till after 10,
    so on the rollers for 90min, just spun the legs all Z2
    and from reading other threads sleeping in was not a bad call.

    up early and on the road for a nice easy 65k, again just spinning the legs

    A pure sign you don't have bike fitness, you look at the watch expecting to have 2 hours done and you are only 80min,

    a nice easy 9.5K run in 50min

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Did you follow up with the dogs owner - that kind of mishap would drive me crazy. Whatever about the small Pomeranian that tried to take a bite out of me yesterday an Alsation is a different matter altogether.

    Did you have to get a tetanus shot?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    Easy run lunchtime wednesday if you are on for it, and it's not snowing so bad i work from home?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    catweazle wrote: »
    Did you follow up with the dogs owner - that kind of mishap would drive me crazy. Whatever about the small Pomeranian that tried to take a bite out of me yesterday an Alsation is a different matter altogether.

    Did you have to get a tetanus shot?

    I did follow up with the owner, and he was genuinely upset (also happy it was me and I didn't make a big deal out of it) he has since put the dog down, as it was a guard dog and he could not trust him again,
    I do feel bad as there is no way i wanted the dog destroyed,

    @mossym will ping you in the morning on the run, cheers

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul


    nice hard core session for 30min at lunch time

    Evening BG time
    felt ok for this the power for each 5 was ~on FTP just spun for the 1min rec.

    Snowed in (could not get the car up the drive) so planned lunch time run canned,
    Said I would change it till later that evening, as I had to head into limerick.
    Leaving for limerick and there was horizontal rain and forecast of a bag storm, the young lad in basketball so canned it in case there was a power outage and he was left stranded with me off somewhere.

    40min core work at lunch time

    plan 10 2min @VO2 (2)
    got the warm up done and the first rep, not too bad power slightly lower than I would like,
    Starting the second, and a tap on the shoulder.
    The boiler is making a weird noise, so off the bike to look
    after 40 min of looking the circulating pump was gone, and what appeared to be no water in the pressurised system so no heating :mad:
    at this stage it was after 10 and I was frozen so shower and bed

    Plumber said he will be at the house around 12, grand head to work get home early meet him and get a run or finish last nights session
    4 O'clock and he arrived didn't leave till 7 with still no heating no run / bike
    But thankfully the young lad had swimming so off the pool with him
    an easy bad 2k and home to an ice

    Plumber I will be there at 9:30 simple job 2 hours max to change the pump.
    so hanging around 1ish and he turns up,
    Not a simple job but we have some heating, I stress some
    He heads off after a few hours as we think its ok, just taking its time to warm up,
    well its not right, so feck this on to the bike,
    did Thursday night session
    Not to bad it hurt alot after 7 reps but got there,
    Once done back with my head in a boiler, and there is liquid dripping out of it
    was this diesel or just water ?
    thankfully just water, so onto the plumber again

    Sunday I'll be there early, so grand hanging around.
    Then a call I wont be there till later this evening,
    Thats grand on to the rollers for 2.5 hours spinning; 40min and he turns up.

    show him the water and "ohh fcuk" you need to replace the boiler
    so again standing around in cycling gear I was frozen, the house is very cold (heating could not break during the summer could it)
    So yeah a new boiler and stuff needed, so needless to say I didnt get back on the bike last night, I was mighty pi$$ed off

    It twas cold getting up this morning.

    an easy lunch time run 9.5k ~5:15 pace.
    was out with one of the lads here and had to hold it back as it was feeling to slow so good sign I suppose.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Well my house is nice and warm now ;)

    Hope you get it sorted soon...I felt your pain...was handy for turbo though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    i presume you have the mattress next to that lovely stove of yours tonight:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Pmaldini wrote: »
    i presume you have the mattress next to that lovely stove of yours tonight:D

    I did think about it, believe me but no. stacking it fill with anything I can find and leaving the doors open to see if I can some heat out.

    and it will be Wednesday before we get the new one so another 2 nights of brrrrrrrrrrrr.
    Its not like its to be cold tonight :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Whooo hooo new boiler today.
    ohh to have heat upstairs in the house.

    hard cct training working on upper body and core.

    plan 6*10min BG (1)
    a nice 5min warmup and the power meter not working :mad:

    into the first rep and felling grand, 3 min in and snap the chain breaks
    $%" $%£
    off and fix it,
    back on and finish the rep, the rest went past no problems
    having said that the last one was tuff legs were not sore just tired and fecked.

    spun for 5min to relax them.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul


    A nice easy relaxing run around Limerick (starting to really miss the Garmin)
    ~12k 60min

    40min cct training

    VO2 sessions (no power meter again)
    5*4min (4)
    5*2min (2)
    A nice session, was suffering a lot but was able to maintain it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    a nice hard 40min cct training with alot of core work

    V02 session
    The power meter on the bike still not working, (having a load of luck with my gadgets lately)
    So went off the if its hurting Im close rule.
    session was 5*4min(4) + 5*2(2)
    this hurt first few were ok, but it hurt; which they are meant to do.

    A nice handy lunch time run, went with a few from here and was to be easy,
    I felt ok; 8k @~4:45 pace

    2k in the pool
    Mainly drills and working on the catch.

    Nothing, the young lad had me all over the place,
    Soccer match at 10:30
    home for food and then to Cork for a basketball match,
    Didn't get home till 8:30 and was fecked so a night off

    Meeting PMaldini for a handy spin. I suggested doing some Keeper hill route, its a nice route, but the roads were in $h1t fecking brutal, and then the drags one or two are on the steep side, Im well over weight so these hurt like a ....
    think Pmaldini had fun climbing them.

    Total of 3:20 and approx 80k
    full spin done on empty; felt fine with no breakfast or food, but hungry for the rest of the day.

    handy 10 run approx 50min

    cct training 40min
    this hurt; started to get knee pain which I didn't like; so didn't do any of the squat jumps etc to try and take the load off it, just worked on core.

    Knee still sore to bend, will take it easy today and let it recover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »

    Meeting PMaldini for a handy spin. I suggested doing some Keeper hill route, its a nice route, but the roads were in $h1t fecking brutal, and then the drags one or two are on the steep side, Im well over weight so these hurt like a ....
    think Pmaldini had fun climbing them.

    Total of 3:20 and approx 80k
    full spin done on empty; felt fine with no breakfast or food, but hungry for the rest of the day.

    Are you doing the Keeper Challenge?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Trig1 wrote: »
    Are you doing the Keeper Challenge?

    thought about it (and still am) but at the moment I don't have the fitness to do it and enjoy
    so will have to see, you? or racing in Caherconlish

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,126 ✭✭✭Trig1

    BennyMul wrote: »
    thought about it (and still am) but at the moment I don't have the fitness to do it and enjoy
    so will have to see, you? or racing in Caherconlish

    not fit either but reckon I'll be doing the keeper challenge as its my home race and I like to support it

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Heart in mouth more like! Some of those decents were scary on those road surfaces:eek: l must learn how too bunny hop the potholes like you:cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thurs 29th
    CCT training 40min
    missed the evening turbo.

    a handy 10k run at lunch time,
    evening 2.3k swim mainly drills

    Saturday was a write off

    Sunday was the same, managed to get a very easy hour on the rollers.

    Monday (recovery week over)
    Easy 9k run,

    40min cct training

    Power test.
    I didnt like this (not that you would), but never felt ok on the bike
    just wrong.
    306w for the 5min
    then 255w for the 20min - FTP of 243w
    was hoping to be higher. so deep down disappointed.
    and power to weight is a joke,

    10k lunch time run,
    out to patrickswell; I pushed each drag and recovered at the top.

    45min cct training

    7*3(3)min Vo2
    this was nice enough each 3min ~278

    easy 10k at lunch time

    PM 2.5k swim

    6*6(6) min Vo2
    avg 257w for each 6min,
    looking at the power drop over the 6 reps either I didnt push hard enough or could have added 1/2 more reps on.

    longish spin planned.
    woke up at 8:30 and looked out could not see the ground with fog, reading -3 so safety first back into bed.
    got up 30min later and it looked like it was lifting :cool:
    So off I went and it was fcuking freezing out. first few corners looking to see if it was damp or icy,
    Met a group of locals so joined up, felt it was safer to have numbers.
    felt grand with these a bit too easy at times, the roads were brutal in places, loads of ice.
    climbed up over rear cross and the fog was below us, a lovely day.
    dropping into Newport and back into fog and feck the cold hit like a wet haddock.
    total 2:50 for 75k.
    rode the full spin on no breakfast and food,
    felt grand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Monday 9th
    up to my eyes in work and got nothing done at all.

    10K run at lunch, out with a few from work, felt good for the run. was happy to see the pace was 4:30 for the last 5k and I was still comfortable and not under pressure.

    plan 5*2min @>135% FTP: 10min rec then 5min @105FPT
    fcuk this hurt, didnt hit the numbers I want (338; 328; 330;329 & 306) legs were cramping for the last one and just struggled.
    started the 5min effort and legs cramped again and my head went,
    Pissed off with this I stretched the calves and went again
    5min @ 257

    CCT training at lunch time, the trainer stuck in a load of shuttle runs, carrying a 7kg ball, feck this hurt after last night.

    evening, a handy 12k around the city; was a slow run.

    CCT training mainly core work

    2*(2min @ 120% + 8min @105%)
    A nice session 2min @300w and straight into 8min then @260
    10min spinning and repeat.
    sounded easy enough on paper but i was tough enough.

    a tired 7k run,

    knew the weekend was going to tight for time, I planed to take the time when it was offered.
    got an hour window and did my 3rd Vo2 session of the week 5*6min @ 105%(5) this was ok, felt I had maybe 1 or 2 more reps in me.
    right leg began to give me issues late Saturday night,

    work up and right hip was very sore, right calve felt like it had a knot upon a knot.
    pulled out the rollers and tried to spin, plan was 3 hours.
    the power was crap my legs felt crap and I hated every peddle stroke.
    1:40 later the brain was fried and I got off.

    Leg still at me so taking a recovery day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Tuesday 17th
    Easy lunch time run 10k, 47min feeling comfortable enough

    Evening Vo2
    struggling to find "nice" Vo2 session without having to keep repeating them
    over and over,
    Stuck on Sufferfest revolver and the plan was each 5 min increase the power from 130, 140 & >150% FTP
    this hurt as it should the first 12 were ok, the last 3 I was swinging and could not get over 150%
    Got off the bike and knees shaking and feeling light headed (its meant to be good for us right?)

    Missed the lunch time cct training with meetings
    Did attend my first yoga class a nice hour trying to bend and the hardest part was trying to relax.

    That evening a nice handy jog around the city,
    11K in 57min
    The body was tired during this and never felt comfortable at all.

    40min cct training at lunch time,
    Evening was 2*(3min @300w & 7min @270) 10min recovery.

    had a bit of time free during the middle of the day, so a slightly longer run.
    13.5k in 70min; just trying to relax and run,

    evening swim, a nice handy 2k trying not to drown

    limited time today
    5*4min @ 115% FTP(4)
    10min spinning
    then 20min sweet spot with the last 5 @ FTP

    A very very wet cycle,
    only got 55k in as the young lad had another match.

    a easy recovery run 7k, 35min

    I haven't ran hard in a long time (cant recall the last time to be honest)
    So the plan was simple
    Run harder out the Patcrickswell road for 18min (2) and then the same back,
    18min out avg pace 4:24
    16min back 4:16
    I stopped the return early as I was fighting form and plodding and all over the place.

    40min Yoga
    easy 11k run around the city 1:03
    really feeling fat and slow

    40min cct training

    Down to soccer training for the kids and it was fecking freezing, 1hour standing around a pitch trying to get a shower of .... to do what they are told.
    Had to stand in front of the stove when I got home to get some heat into the bones.
    Same as last week 2*(3min @ ~125% FTP 7min @110 (10)
    in to the warm up and wes not comfortable just feeling tired and all of a sudden, the legs began to spin and feel light :eek: I was happy
    $%££ a puncture no wonder they felt light.
    So this took some effort to persuade myself to change and get back up.
    I did
    the first effort was bang on target
    the second a mile off the legs had nothing at all in them, as much as I tried I could not maintain the effort.

    Legs still tired, so an easy recovery run 7k 35min
    Evening another plod in the pool
    2.something in 50min

    Took it off feeling shattered, starting to think pressure in work and outside is slowly killing me so a day to try and relax.

    Met Pmaldini for a spin,
    This spin was very cold and very wet,
    Poor Paul forgot proper winter gloves, and after 30min ish his fingers were stinging, mine followed soon after the water just soaked into mine and didn't leave.
    about 60min into the spin we called it quits, the pain shooting trough the arms every time you hit bad surface was not fun,
    Thankfully on the way back the sun actually made an appearance and they lack of heat it produced was still warmer than us so we slowly thawed.
    Got back to the start in the 2 hours so now that we could feel the fingers and change gears we added a bit on,
    Left Paul and decided to aim for the 3 hours,
    this was stupid and turned the sun went and the hailstones came out and battered me
    Total 70k 2:50.

    Monday 2nd March Spring is here
    an easy 10k and as it was spring, we had winter jackets hats and gloves for this.

    Missed the mid day run. Dam work getting in the way.
    Evening decided to try a session Mossym had done (hope ye do not mind me borrowing it)
    5*(5min @110% FTP 2min rec)
    feck me this was crap, number (270, 270, 265, 251, 253)

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    BennyMul wrote: »
    Tuesday 17th
    Evening Vo2
    struggling to find "nice" Vo2 session
    The bolded bit has me laughing, there is no such thing :)
