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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Evening decided to try a session Mossym had done (hope ye do not mind me borrowing it)

    no bother. invoice in the post

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    BennyMul wrote: »
    Met Pmaldini for a spin,
    This spin was very cold and very wet,
    Poor Paul forgot proper winter gloves, and after 30min ish his fingers were stinging, mine followed soon after the water just soaked into mine and didn't leave.
    about 60min into the spin we called it quits, the pain shooting trough the arms every time you hit bad surface was not fun,
    Thankfully on the way back the sun actually made an appearance and they lack of heat it produced was still warmer than us so we slowly thawed.
    Got back to the start in the 2 hours so now that we could feel the fingers and change gears we added a bit on,
    Left Paul and decided to aim for the 3 hours,
    this was stupid and turned the sun went and the hailstones came out and battered me
    Total 70k 2:50.

    they are still in a claw shape:D handy for gardening if the weather ever clears up!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Too long since i posted some training.

    Work is insane, putting in mental hours,

    anyway had to take a week off, started to feel crap no energy and feeling brutal I just took a break and took some time to get back to some sort of normality.

    Monday 16th
    easy 1.5k swim

    No run :( dam ork getting in the way
    Evening 90min easy on the turbo

    handy evening run around the city.

    2*(10min 4min @ 300w - 6min @260) 10 rec
    a hard session, never felt ok or on top of it,

    handy swim

    Spent it running around and the window slipped by

    Nice easy 95k with Paul.
    avg 26kph

    another swim

    easy 6k lunch time run
    Turbo 5*(4min 105-110% FTP(2))
    Feeling a tad bit better

    an hour yoga
    followed by an easy 10k job around the city.

    decided to rein back this session to the original
    2*(10min 3min @ 120%- 6min @110%) 10 rec
    these were better and hit the numbers

    work insane again missed all session

    decided I need to start adding in a medium length run, to try and get rid of some fat
    a nice easy 17k, 90min
    Took it easy and relaxed (possibly a tad bit too easy)

    once again missed the morning window, with everything going on finding myself very tired and struggle to get my arse out of the bed.
    So hopped on the turbo and did Tunneys session
    the plan was a simple 10x(2:45 mod hard or 90%FTP, 0:15 hard or 120%)
    the 90% was a measly 216w and I pushed the hard to >125%
    Got to 30min and was still "comfortable" so kept going using the 5 more minutes,
    Got to the hour and stopped based on time felt I had a wee bit more in the tank.

    Monday 30th nothing dang work

    easy run
    Evening decided to repeat Sunday
    except doing it in 2 instead of one and upping the mod to ~90 - 95% (5min rec)
    this was not as comfortable as Sunday, may the run earlier but not as nice,
    both sets came in on 226w ap,

    8k run, meant to be an easy run
    went with a few here and the pace began to lift from the start and I was feeling very comfortable I just let them set the pace and I followed
    4k out was a nice 4:32 pace return was 4:23

    Followed that afternoon by an hour yoga, still stiff as a board but liking it.

    No run
    Evening was week 3 of Tunneys sessions

    5 easy
    4x(1 HC, 30sec easy)
    4x(30sec build, 30sec easy)
    3x(5 115%, 5 easy)
    5 more minutes easy
    3x(1 150% +, 5 easy)
    5 easy
    left work late and was 9:30 jumping on the turbo with feck all food today so not looking forward to this
    got to the end of the 3*5 and was going to stick on an extra 5min but my mind got the better of me and relaxed as I was honestly worried about the 1min >150%; it was a long time since I intentionally pushed that hard,
    so the >150% aim was 360,
    thankfully I was able for them and the number were 450,430 * 410
    was dying on the last one.

    Friday once again work getting in the way.

    out late and not sure if I had enough time to do the planned 16+k
    So ran harder than I should and tried to relax and keep the pace up, surprisingly i did,
    16k 4:34pace

    Sunday morning
    up late again
    but the sun beaming it was joy to stick on 3/4 instead of winter leggings
    out and just rode loved every minute of it,
    Found a nice new hill:D and was comfortable for the entire spin,

    this was a morning to be spent in the saddle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    well since the last log work exploded and I lost a full week of nothing nada,
    Not happy.

    Tuesday 14th April
    Got a window and got a short handy lunch time run in.
    9k /46min

    got home from work late, and was 9:30 getting on the turbo, and there is no way I wanted this but I did.
    so cut the planned session from an hour to 45min and upped the numbers
    did the 3/4 of the HoP @<50rpm, every 3min shoved up the resistance and grind-ed for 15secs.
    ap 94% of FTP, and the extra 15min was easily in the legs.

    45min yoga after work
    and followed by an easy 45min jog around town.

    Back to the normal 2*( 3min @120% 7min @110% (10))
    this was ok I didnt kill myself on the 3min so the 7min was not complete torture.

    no run just an easy 1.5k swim.

    Knew the day would be crap, so up early for a run,
    Body is stressed and stiff; back killing me putting on socks so this was going to be a great run.
    and feck me it was brutal.
    18k @5:20pace
    I felt like a GAA player all shoulders and not smooth.

    tried another early morning the body did not allow this,
    you know the morning where you lie there and try every excuse no to get out of bed, and once on the road I knew I should have stayed there.
    not a nice spin, the weather was the only nice thing

    nothing, got home late planned a swim but was really light headed and dizzy, so worked more

    no time during the day, and had to head to cork from work with the young lad for the last game of the year, home at 11, just in time to join a call for an hour,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    had hoped to be getting some structure into my training but alas.

    Wed 22nd
    Work still mental, home very late but forced myself out the door for an 6k

    the rest of the week did not exist,
    Sunday an easy 16K spin with the young lad, just rode around the back roads and chatted.

    Monday 27th:
    40min cct training at lunch, stomach was in bits by the end.

    1.5k drowining session

    So much for consistency

    Hour of Power BG
    the plan was simple ride as big a gear at as low rev as I could for the hour.
    every 3 min, I ramped up the resistance and stomped for 15sec.

    Happy with this
    Cad: 52
    avg Pwr 223 (~92% ftp)

    Easy lunch time run, 6k @5min/km
    4*10min @95%(2)
    numbers: 234,229,236,230
    was not as comfortable as I would have liked on these.

    Lunch Time
    need to sort out a few things and running lack of speed is one,
    So hit the road,
    Plan 10min Tempo 5min hard (5k pace) and finally 10 T pace
    the first 10min was a tad bit slower than I would have liked 4:30
    the 5 min killed me there was a nice head wind and the pace was a good bit slower 4:18
    Finished this on a nice little drag and struggling big time with the tempo pace and Mossym passes by looking relaxed, didnt not have the energy to muster a nice hello.
    Second tempo 4:36

    Just a crappy slow run.
    13k, 70min and a brutal 5:16pace
    4 days running catching up one me. (this is disgraceful)

    This was the great Limerick run with the young lad.
    and was great to run with him.

    You could tell he was nervous as ..... at the start the crowds were massive and the lines for the portaloo long, and I forgot my runners only noticed when we were looking for parking :( so had to run in a cheap pair from Aldi I use around the house.
    To make a long story short he suffered like a dog, had to stop every k or so with a stitch but this was just a few seconds and back running,
    around 4miles in he was struggling when I got him to look around at all the "big" people and look at their faces, they are dying also and there not 12 so siup.
    once we got to the last few hundred meters we raced and the little .... took 3 seconds out of me in the sprint.

    He suffered big time with doms for the next few days.
    Proud daddy.

    Up nice and early met Pmaldini for an easy spin.
    Headed out the back roads towards tipp and I had a plan in my head where I wanted to go, but some dimensional divergence occurred and we ended back at cross roads we passed earlier (I blame Paul)

    nice relaxing spin,

    My knee began to hurt near the end of the spin and for the last 2 mile it really hurt, every stroke it hurt. not good.

    Went to get changed for a run and the pain in the knee was getting worse so left it,

    handy 6k run to test the knee, it passed.

    Similar session to last week
    60min BG, this week every 4min I did 1min >110%
    after 30min my arse was in bits and a few time I had to stop to stretch and ease the pain.
    avg 225w (230 for the first half and ~224 for the 2nd)

    a handy 6k run at lunch time again

    plan was 4*8min over under reps
    1min @FTP 1min >120%

    First rep cut short after 5min to sort out a TV.
    the rest were ok
    avg Numbers (251,255,250,245)
    didn't feel the last one was that low during the session.

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    lets be clear, i was looking comfortable as i was in the middle of the 5 minute recovery between two hard intervals, was running downhill and relative to the rest of the run that was as good as it got..:)

    great story on the young fella. daddy's competitive streak got passed on....:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    lol....siup......gotta love it. Fair play to him!

    How's the knee? Was it the cheap runners or something else?

    He's nothing but trouble that pmaldini lad....likely to lock himself out

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    pgibbo wrote: »
    lol....siup......gotta love it. Fair play to him!

    How's the knee? Was it the cheap runners or something else?

    He's nothing but trouble that pmaldini lad....likely to lock himself out

    Up nice and early met Pmaldini for an easy spin.
    Headed out the back roads towards tipp and I had a plan in my head where I wanted to go, but some dimensional divergence occurred and we ended back at cross roads we passed earlier (I blame Paul)

    I blame Dr Who for all of above:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 375 ✭✭Pmaldini

    Up nice and early met Pmaldini for an easy spin.
    Headed out the back roads towards tipp and I had a plan in my head where I wanted to go, but some dimensional divergence occurred and we ended back at cross roads we passed earlier (I blame Paul)

    i would also like to point out this statement:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    pgibbo wrote: »
    How's the knee? Was it the cheap runners or something else?
    At the moment it looks like it, I spent time looking at the looking at my cleats to see if they moved but all seems fine, and thankfully no reassurances
    Pmaldini wrote: »
    i would also like to point out this statement:D

    I would also like to point out at a few points I asked Left | right :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    planned a hard run at lunch time, and headed down to brutal rain turned around there was no way Im going out in that, so headed back to my desk.
    An hour passed and the sound of beating rain on the roof eased off so feck it.
    Getting changed and I had a top and a jacket on, decided to take off the top as the past few days it was mild and I would be too warm.
    so just the jacket, mistake #2 (#1 was actually going out)
    was cold during the warm up, fingers were very cold and needed a hat but once I get going it will be fine:)
    The plan was the same as last week ,10 Tempo 5 hard, 10 Tempo.
    Got in to the 10 min and was feeling comfortable, a tad bit too fast
    this came in on 4:15 pace,
    went straight into the 5 and was suffering, at this time my chest was freezing and I really struggled had the pace ~4:05 and then it went up a drag and the pace went down finished off 4:19
    back into 10 T, this was just madness I was freezing wet and no energy
    pace 4:31
    So I really got the pacing wrong (according to Strava) it was right based on GAP.

    Got home and the young lad was sick so he was not going swimming and the wife was heading off so no swim for me,

    Saturday was nothing planned a mlr, but the window was small and never happened.

    Sunday also passed my by
    a window opened up around 8:30 to it was either a turbo or a run,
    So even after Friday the run was mentally easier.
    A handy run, the PE was higher than what it should be

    40min ccts; letting the core slip so getting back at this
    evening 45min swimming, no structure just swim,
    did follow Pmaldini advise and do single arm drills,

    I have started to track my food intake as I am a fat fcuk, sitting on 82.5kg (which is a min of 10kg too much)
    At this weight it kills me, get really bad back problems and at the moment its not budging no matter how much I train or little I eat so it needs some more investigation to see where I am going wrong.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos


    Using it to log food intake. Syncs with GC too so you can track net Kcals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul


    Using it to log food intake. Syncs with GC too so you can track net Kcals.

    yep forgot I had this on the phone until I saw you mention it (cheers), its a great piece of software and love the barcode scan,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    I use it too, find it great. Just be careful with the calories it gives for exercise, I ignore them as they are often way over estimated

    Edit: actually ignore me. I was just thinking there if it links with Garmin connect then it's probably accurate. I just try not to eat extra cals earned

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    I use it too, find it great. Just be careful with the calories it gives for exercise, I ignore them as they are often way over estimated

    Edit: actually ignore me. I was just thinking there if it links with Garmin connect then it's probably accurate. I just try not to eat extra cals earned

    TBH I do not trust the calories the garmin gives, when I compare it to the PM its almost x2 as much, so now I simply halve the Garmin numbers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    An easy run at lunch time (or was supposed to be)

    Planned an HoP in the evening,
    late night with work and started the bike, and Nooooooooo a puncture
    got off and looked and the tyre was dead (cant complain I purchaed the type for the hardman in Aug 2012 and have done 10K plus on it much of which was turbo work)
    It was late and no spare tyre so I canned the bike,

    Planned lunch time run was missed dang meetings at lunch time,
    Got a text for a football match that night, so rushed home after work turned around and drove the kid back in to town for a match, stood on the sideline getting cold and they lost.
    Back out home almost 9 and had dinner, the previous night bike was on the plan, C0ck forgot to get a tyre.
    So took the tyre from the front wheel and stuck it on, it was a cheap training wired trye and $£%$ pinced the tub (at this point there was many profanities)
    Off with the tyre on with the spare. ready to go.
    where are my headphones so I can stream the last bit of the champions league, could not find them.
    ok just watch, finally rte loaded and I began the warm up, and buffering (ended up 20min of buffering to watch 3min of football)
    and to add insult to injury the session was sh1t complete and utter .....
    I had so little time left I decided to do short hard efforts,
    my power was low during the warmup, and started the 5*1(1) min flat out, aiming for 400w+ foreach
    the numbers (396, 380,370,36x,35x) and was swinging
    5min recovery and then 5*2min(1) @300w
    70 seconds and I could barely hold 130% so stopped and got off called it quits for the night,
    Not a happy bunny with stopping a session but I felt crap no energy nothing in the body.

    (sorry for the rant)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Thursday 14th

    Did a nice handy lunch time run keeping it all easy

    HoP Big Gear style
    felt alot better then last night
    came in on 95% ftp

    lunch time run
    12min T 6 hard
    4 recovery
    6 hard 12 T

    Slow slow run
    17k 90min

    slow bike,
    from the off I did not want to be out, it was cold and very windy
    just hated it,

    I needed a day off so took it

    Handy lunch time run, 6k ~30min

    Got on to the bike and had no plan or did not know what to do, so after much mental debate easy or hard or stop, I stuck on sufferfest downward spiral.
    it was a long time since I did this, and enjoyed it once I got going.
    I did suffer and was a happy bunny at the end.

    an easy 8k at lunch time,
    did through in 5*20second sprints 40sec recovery (thanks @AKW and @Tunney for the marathon plan)

    Kids hurling match that night, so got in from work and straight out the door. was not home till after 9 to have dinner,
    So left the bike,

    No run at lunch time due to meetings

    Evening HOP
    this was great power is ~10watts up in the few weeks I am doing it, and was 1 watt of a 4 year PB,
    Now the arse is still killing me after 30 min and have to keep stretching

    Lunch time run, planning a few hard 1k (1min recovery)
    getting changed and a met up with 2 lads so went with them for a warm up and considered dropping the hard piece,
    once I got back into the ind est. my guilty conscious got the better of me and I had to do them
    was aiming for 5 efforts all under 4min/K
    first one grand 3:57, 4:07 and then 4:15, at this point call it quits

    had a crap load on so left the run till that night, and it never happened.
    was not happy with this.

    up early and off on the bike and a lovely morning it was,
    Took about an hour for the body to wake up, but as it went on I enjoyed it more and more,

    Circuits and a swim

    planned a nice easy 8k run but the sun was out and it was nice so 8 turned in to 12 easy

    Vo2 session
    4*6min (1min @120% 4min @110% 1min @120)
    got them done but the numbers were not quite there approx 5% below what I wanted,

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi BM!! What races have you got lined up for this summer? And is the marathon plan for DCM??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hi BM!! What races have you got lined up for this summer? And is the marathon plan for DCM??

    Hey DD
    not much lined up, have the Hell of the West, which I was hoping to do and do well, but things not going well so if I line up it will be to enjoy the day
    Also planned a sub 5 in the Lost sheep (we will see how the rest of the summer months plays out)

    yep the marathon is for Dublin aiming for 3:05, If I get the weight and head right should be doable.

    that's the plan anyway :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,173 ✭✭✭BennyMul

    Wednesday 27th
    an easy 11k lunch time run, in rotten weather
    2*(5min 20sec sprint 40 rec)

    easy 8k lunch time jog no pressure

    Friday and Saturday nothing
    Saturday was spent pretending I was young in Slane

    A nice mlr, picked a hilly route up home and felt it,
    very slow but felt I had a few more k in the legs (albeit slow k's)


    a nice easy run 8k run

    Evening, pulled out the TT bike
    session was simple HoP
    could not stay in the TT position felt all wrong and was not happy
    Not sure if I have the position correct from last year or I have changed and need to adjust it or I simply suck it up and get used to it again.
    anyway power was slightly down on last week
    approx 5w

    10K run nice and handy

    11k 3*12min tempo (2)
    this was ok, first one a tad bit fast and the other suffered accordingly.
    4:17 4:24 4:27

    Got a stub nose saddle to try so put this on the TT
    and got into my planned 4*6min V02
    the power was ok the saddle another thing, kept feeling I was falling off the front of it,
    this impacted the efforts and numbers

    a nice recovery run 9k

    woke up stiff as a board and lower back at me, considered moving this run till later in the day but sense prevailed and knew if I left it, the chances are it would not happen
    so off plodding I went
    I know from the off this was not going to be nice, I actually felt intimidated but the distance, no idea why but it just played with me grey matter.

    I began to suffer around 15k in, doing this on empty did not help, and the ace began to drop.

    first road spin on the TT, was expecting the saddle problem and inability to stay low to be gone on the road, but it was worse,
    the plan was 2*60min @90%
    15min warmup and in to the first effort, honestly after 60 seconds my shoulders were at me, I tried to suck it up but had to sit up,
    after 30min fighting with the bike and position I called it quits on the hour and changed to 4*30min,
    the spin just went on like this and I even considered ringing to be collected, hated every single moment of it,

    was a very happy bunny to finally get home.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Maybe a fresh bike fit is in order??
