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Dublin City marathon



  • Registered Users Posts: 27 JohnnyDun

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|3:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,035 ✭✭✭HelenAnne

    eoinín wrote: »
    I bravely / stubbornly / stupidly decided to walk on, with my worried wife and some friends keeping an eye on me. I had zero energy but pressed on. The crowd were amaaaazing! It felt to me like everyone was either chanting my club name or my name and wishing me well. With around 500 metres to go my calf started cramping painfully. Luckily it passed quickly - I had visions of me crawling the last bit! Eventually I got there, in 4.07, my slowest marathon, but one I'll probably look back on with pride in years to come.

    Thanks to anyone who may have cheered me on yesterday!

    I was that worried wife! It's not a phone call anyone likes to get - we were over in Milltown (had been helping another poor runner who collapsed) and had to make a cross-town dash to Shelbourne Road. Thanks so much to everyone who helped Eoin & to the fantastic crowds who cheered us on on our death march towards the finish! (I was the worried looking marshall steering the dazed walker towards the line!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 684 ✭✭✭Toblerone1978

    Yesterday’s marathon was one of two tales for me. By way of background, after running the Vienna marathon earlier this year in 3.05.23, I had my sights set on doing a sub 3 yesterday. The training cycle for this marathon went fairly well - I didn’t hit targets every time but I was there or there about, I felt I was getting stronger and I was fortunate enough to stay injury free despite the increased training load. But for the last two weeks leading up to the marathon, I wasn’t feeling super like I normally do when tapering for marathons, whereby I would be buzzing. This time I felt a bit flat but I tried to remain positive that it would work out on the day. I don’t know why I was like this because I felt good during the training cycle, even if a bit tired but that’s to be expected. That said, I wasn’t feeling bad as such but just not great.

    Plan A for yesterday was to do a sub 3. There was no Plan B, I wasn’t interested in getting a PB unless it was sub 3, simple as. Got to the starting line yesterday and I’m still not buzzing as I did in Vienna. Felt prepared, a small bit nervous + excited but not buzzing like before. Said to myself, so what, just get on with it. Lined up behind the 3 hours pacers and stayed behind at least one of them until about mile 25.5!

    After 3 miles, I wasn’t feeling great, which was consistent with the final 2 wks preparation. Not bad but I thought I should be fresh for the first 10 miles into a marathon, nevermind the first 3 miles! But no Plan B so I just stuck to the pace. Got into Phoenix Park and I purposely let the pacers move on ahead of me, I felt their pace was too aggressive for there – some Boardsies previously told me to think yourself attached to the pacers with an elastic band, keep them within distance but also allow yourself the flexibility to move up or down to your own liking – brilliant advice. Also took in a lot of Tunguska’s race preview and advice about it and without exaggeration, I wouldn’t have got my target time only for it, so thanks a mil Tunguska. For a culchie like myself who only know patches of Dublin, it was of use to me more than once.

    Got up to the top of Phoenix Park and despite letting the pacers move ahead of me, I was really feeling the pressure now. But then the noise and support from the crowd hit me - it was one of big highlight during the race, I was not expecting those wall of noise + support as this point. It was simply brilliant and I fed off it and forgot about the fact my HR was well up! Caught up with the pacers before heading back into Phoenix Park. Probably the only time I felt good during the race was mile 0 to mile 2 and going down through Phoenix Park where I recovered a good bit - so I wasn’t too bad for a few miles after it either despite a couple of hills. Felt the pressure again then when we got to Kilmainham. Tried to relax and run a rhythm but still annoyed I felt like this so early in the game. But the support was brilliant as usual there. Got to the ½ way mark and it was 1:29:30 on the clock so I tried to take some positives: I couldn’t run this time for a ½ marathon last March, I was still there and even though I felt under pressure, my legs actually felt quite good. But deep down, I just felt I wouldn’t be able to stick at it for another 13.1 miles. My HR was waay too high at this stage. But there was no Plan B and if need be, I’d agreed with myself before hand that I go down with my boots rather than back off the pace, so I grudgingly kept with the 3 hrs pacers for another few miles.

    The next few miles were tough as people highlighted already. I kept the pace and at around mile 18, I was still with the pacers and I start to give myself a chance – I was thinking f*ck it, you mightn’t be feeling great but you’re still here with the 3 hrs pacers and your still on target - what more did I want. I also recalled reading TFBubendorfer's blog post when he first ran a sub 3 – he struggled through most of the run, had an extremely high HR but still managed to pull a sub 3 out of the bag – I took a lot of confident from that as I could identify what he was saying - so cheers TFBubendorfer! At mile 20, I was really feeling the effect, but I had it my head all week that if I could get to mile 22 with the pacers, I would dig deep, ,accept whatever the pain is and do the job – again, I got this from Tunguska’s race preview. Also for the last 3 or 4 miles, I kept checking the time on my garmin and kept asking myself was I going to miss a sub 3 because I wimped out on another 30 mins, 10 mins, etc of pain. I kept the pace for mile 23 + 24 even though my calves, shins, etc were getting shots of spasm but for mile 25 and 26, I definitely started to flounder (I was about 25 secs below pace per mile for the last two).

    My aim at this stage was simply to keep in from of the pacers and they were obviously dropping back to encourage other sub 3 lads so once I couldn’t see them, I knew I was on target. Then I tried to kick on for the last .2 mile but nothing was there, totally toasted, my Garmin told me I averaged 7.33 for it! It wasn't until I was about 50m from the finishing line when I definitely knew I had the sub 3 – the MC called out my name and mentioned I was going to do it and I roared ‘Damn right I will’, the adrenalin flowing! When I crossed the line and one of the medics made a beeline for me with the wheelchair and took me in the first aid camp. I was as white as paper, my legs were twitching like mad and I was barely able to stay upright in the wheelchair but when one of the medics asked me how was I, I just smiled and said ‘A1’.

    I don’t know if I take more satisfaction from doing a sub 3 or that I dug in so deep under so much pressure. I’m fully aware that I’m one of the lucky ones to walk away (very slowly!) from DCM 2014 with what I wanted – I was in my own bubble when I thought I was the only one under pressure so early on but now I appreciate that was actually a common enough experience. I'm also aware I was walking a very tight line and it could have been absolute disaster too so very grateful for that.

    The support from the crowds for the DCM was immense once again and I suppose it’s the reason, in my experience, that the DCM is the best race out there. When I was in the Vienna marathon, I had no problem picking out my OH from the crowds when she shouted out for me but she said that the competition for noise in Dublin yesterday was tenfold to what she experience in Vienna. The 3 hrs pacers were brilliant, full on with their encouragements. Definitely wouldn’t have done it without them. The 3hr pacer showing in the picture previously (of giving a running a hand) was brilliant. He was quite at first but very vocal from mile 15, kept warning us not to run too fast on flats or hills, keeping the pace on the hills, reminding us to relax, fill the lungs with air, etc. Brilliant, as the other two were. Massive thanks to the volunteers + organisers for putting on this great event. Likewise, for all the support I get from this forum, many thanks to you all, particularly to those who contribute to the Sub 3 support thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 606 ✭✭✭echancrure

    I was aiming for under 3 on the back on of 3:14 in Connemara in April and 1:27 half in September and I ended up with a DNF in Dublin. Training went well I felt.

    I knew it was stretch but I did not expect what happened, my lack of experience showed I guess. If I had slowed right down at mile 20 I could have achieved a 3:07.

    I started out around the 3 hour pacers, and apart from running in a crowd and having difficulties finding my rhythm things where going fine. I passed the half mark in 1:29:09 so a little fast but I was behind the pacers.

    After that, as my 30k time of 2:08:22 shows, I slowed down a little and started to really struggle. At mile 19 I knew I was behind the required pace by about 30 seconds, and I would not make it under 3. I could not see the pacers. My breathing started to get very heavy, but stubborn me I did not try to slow down right there and then. My mind was getting more and more cloudy... I do not remember pacing mile 20.

    The first thing I remember after that is being on the side of the road against a garage door with a half drunk can of Fanta in my hand. 4 or 5 spectators were around me and checking me out. Apparently, because I don't remember, I wobbled on the road and started to hallucinate (their word not mine). They got water for me, gave me their coats and as my mind recovered after 20 minutes or so, it was clear I could not go on. I was between mile 20 and 21. OH was rang and St John's Ambulance crew came too. DNF

    Got in the ambulance and Simon the paramedic was checking me out, I felt OK but cold (temp dropped to 33 apparently with low BP and low heart rate), got oxygen. Got down to the medical center and was discharged after 20 minutes or so. I could not fault the help I got, a fantastic service indeed.

    So why did I collapse? As always it is probably a combination of things rather than a single factor. So I'll list them:
    - aiming for a target time of under 3 that I am not ready for;
    - quite warm weather, at least warmer than what I would I liked;
    - the wind made hitting the target time harder;
    - not drinking enough, again same conclusion as in Portumna 50k where I had to slow down and miss my under 4 target, because I find it hard to drink at pace;
    - not listening to my body, and being stubborn about my target time, no matter what and pushing too hard;
    - I may also have some kind of mild infection, I have been sweating like mad in bed for the past week: bedsheets are soaking every morning, much to the delight of my OH... Even as I type this, I think I have a mild temperature;

    So no medal for me and overall not a great day, but I am putting all of it as part of my learning experience: pushing way beyond your own limit is stupid.

    I was stupid.

    It is not a great feeling either not to remember what happened...

    I might take a little break, and see if I can shift this infection (if I do indeed have one). I was looking at the Waterford Half last night... and Connemara 2015 too. So the morale is OK if a little dented. I need a steady result to get back on track.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,035 ✭✭✭HelenAnne

    echancrure wrote: »

    The first thing I remember after that is being on the side of the road against a garage door with a half drunk can of Fanta in my hand. 4 or 5 spectators were around me and checking me out. Apparently, because I don't remember, I wobbled on the road and started to hallucinate (their word not mine). They got water for me, gave me their coats and as my mind recovered after 20 minutes or so, it was clear I could not go on. I was between mile 20 and 21. OH was rang and St John's Ambulance crew came too. DNF

    As well as being the 'worried wife' to Eoinín upthread, I was also one of the spectators mentioned here! Really glad you are ok, and it was good to see you leaving the medical tent much later looking much better (met you when I was in checking on my husband).

    Sorry you had to wait so long for the ambulance, by the way - we kept trying to get one, but apparently there were so many casualties that waits were longer than usual. I went to get a space blanket to keep you warm, but when I got back you'd been whisked away.

    I wouldn't beat yourself up too much about running a bad race / being stupid - so many experienced marathoners really suffered yesterday. St John's Ambulance said it was really busy for them yesterday - a lot of people needed help. I think the weather had a lot to do with it. Take a break for a while and then try out various fuelling strategies.

    If the first-aider / spectator who was there with you too is reading this -- thanks so much. You were amazing, we wouldn't have known what to do without you.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 606 ✭✭✭echancrure

    HelenAnne wrote: »
    If the first-aider / spectator who was there with you too is reading this -- thanks so much. You were amazing, we wouldn't have known what to do without you.

    Indeed, thank you HelenAnne and everybody else who helped me and others like me on the day.

    I am humbled.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 21,252 Mod ✭✭✭✭Dub13

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|3:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭run_Forrest_run

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|3:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

    A tough day at the office. I knew I wasn't going to hit my sub 3 from around halfway but I accepted it and just hung in there. I must say the temperature caught me out, I was actually feeling thirsty from mile 16 and when they say you feel thirsty then it's too late!

    That bloody wind heading up Crumlin, that was the breaking of many people's plans for a PB yesterday.

    Absolutely fantastic crowd support out there. The last few hundred metres was just awe inspiring, I was fighting back the tears of elation, pain, euphoria...
    However the long straight (800m or two laps of the track as one lad was shouting at me:D) to the finish was punishing, I prefer the older finish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 320 ✭✭eoinín

    I posted this on last year's thread as I was amused by the medal:
    The marathon organisers must really like the Revolver / Wheel of Dublin, beside the O2. Despite being dismantled and moved to York in November 2011, it features prominently as one of the buildings in the Dublin skyline etched on the medal!

    Look at this year's medal - the Revolver is still there!!!! Maybe they could put in some more of Dublin's vanished buildings, e.g. Nelson's Pillar, the Theatre Royal. Any other suggestions?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,520 ✭✭✭Peckham

    I posted this on last year's thread as I was amused by the medal:

    Good to hear you're okay. Saw you coming out of the medical tent and you looked a little worse for wear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭run_Forrest_run

    quick question about the table lads, what's the '<' indicating? Less than?

  • Registered Users Posts: 320 ✭✭eoinín

    Peckham wrote: »
    Good to hear you're okay. Saw you coming out of the medical tent and you looked a little worse for wear.

    Thanks, it wasn't my greatest day but we live and learn. How did you get on?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,198 ✭✭✭crisco10

    quick question about the table lads, what's the '<' indicating? Less than?

    "less than"

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 DixNeuf

    eoinín wrote: »
    I posted this on last year's thread as I was amused by the medal:

    Look at this year's medal - the Revolver is still there!!!! Maybe they could put in some more of Dublin's vanished buildings, e.g. Nelson's Pillar, the Theatre Royal. Any other suggestions?

    I did think the design was a bit odd all right, particularly given the new route means that you don't even see, never mind pass any of the buildings on there at any point. You'd even struggle to spot the Spire from most of the route.

    Even with the old route you would never see the convention centre, Ulster bank building, Custom's house and anything more than a glimpse of Liberty hall.

    It must be a bit perplexing for people who flew in for the race.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,223 ✭✭✭plodder

    eoinín wrote: »
    I posted this on last year's thread as I was amused by the medal:

    Look at this year's medal - the Revolver is still there!!!! Maybe they could put in some more of Dublin's vanished buildings, e.g. Nelson's Pillar, the Theatre Royal. Any other suggestions?
    The shell of the Anglo Irish HQ might be appropriate for some people's experience this year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32 DixNeuf

    eoinín wrote: »
    I posted this on last year's thread as I was amused by the medal:

    Look at this year's medal - the Revolver is still there!!!! Maybe they could put in some more of Dublin's vanished buildings, e.g. Nelson's Pillar, the Theatre Royal. Any other suggestions?

    I did think the design was a bit odd all right, particularly given the new route means that you don't even see, never mind pass any of the buildings on there at any point. You'd even struggle to spot the Spire from most of the route.

    Even with the old route you would never see the convention centre, Ulster bank building, Custom's house and anything more than a glimpse of Liberty hall.

    It must be a bit perplexing for people who flew in for the race.

    As for suggestions relevant to the actual route....

    City Hall? the Wellington monument (featured on the medal in 2012), Four Courts?

    The Ha'penny is in the wider version the art on the back of the medal, which is the exception in that it actually features on the route.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,425 ✭✭✭run_Forrest_run

    JohnnyDun wrote: »
    Just as a side note for anyone who thinks that Cork is a hilly marathon I would say that the Dublin course yesterday was tougher with lots of deceptive little drags that really took their toll but I suppose the conditions didn't help.

    totally agree with you. This was discussed over a few pints last night, a lot of the lads who ran Cork felt Dublin was just as hilly as Cork. The only downside Cork has is the time of year. You are typically training in winter & spring but the marathon itself could be a very warm day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,178 ✭✭✭Bahanaman

    Yesterday’s marathon was one of two tales for me. By way of background, after running the Vienna marathon earlier this year in 3.05.23, I had my sights set on doing a sub 3 yesterday. The training cycle for this marathon went fairly well - I didn’t hit targets every time but I was there or there about, I felt I was getting stronger and I was fortunate enough to stay injury free despite the increased training load. But for the last two weeks leading up to the marathon, I wasn’t feeling super like I normally do when tapering for marathons, whereby I would be buzzing. This time I felt a bit flat but I tried to remain positive that it would work out on the day. I don’t know why I was like this because I felt good during the training cycle, even if a bit tired but that’s to be expected. That said, I wasn’t feeling bad as such but just not great.

    Plan A for yesterday was to do a sub 3. There was no Plan B, I wasn’t interested in getting a PB unless it was sub 3, simple as. Got to the starting line yesterday and I’m still not buzzing as I did in Vienna. Felt prepared, a small bit nervous + excited but not buzzing like before. Said to myself, so what, just get on with it. Lined up behind the 3 hours pacers and stayed behind at least one of them until about mile 25.5!

    After 3 miles, I wasn’t feeling great, which was consistent with the final 2 wks preparation. Not bad but I thought I should be fresh for the first 10 miles into a marathon, nevermind the first 3 miles! But no Plan B so I just stuck to the pace. Got into Phoenix Park and I purposely let the pacers move on ahead of me, I felt their pace was too aggressive for there – some Boardsies previously told me to think yourself attached to the pacers with an elastic band, keep them within distance but also allow yourself the flexibility to move up or down to your own liking – brilliant advice. Also took in a lot of Tunguska’s race preview and advice about it and without exaggeration, I wouldn’t have got my target time only for it, so thanks a mil Tunguska. For a culchie like myself who only know patches of Dublin, it was of use to me more than once.

    Got up to the top of Phoenix Park and despite letting the pacers move ahead of me, I was really feeling the pressure now. But then the noise and support from the crowd hit me - it was one of big highlight during the race, I was not expecting those wall of noise + support as this point. It was simply brilliant and I fed off it and forgot about the fact my HR was well up! Caught up with the pacers before heading back into Phoenix Park. Probably the only time I felt good during the race was mile 0 to mile 2 and going down through Phoenix Park where I recovered a good bit - so I wasn’t too bad for a few miles after it either despite a couple of hills. Felt the pressure again then when we got to Kilmainham. Tried to relax and run a rhythm but still annoyed I felt like this so early in the game. But the support was brilliant as usual there. Got to the ½ way mark and it was 1:29:30 on the clock so I tried to take some positives: I couldn’t run this time for a ½ marathon last March, I was still there and even though I felt under pressure, my legs actually felt quite good. But deep down, I just felt I wouldn’t be able to stick at it for another 13.1 miles. My HR was waay too high at this stage. But there was no Plan B and if need be, I’d agreed with myself before hand that I go down with my boots rather than back off the pace, so I grudgingly kept with the 3 hrs pacers for another few miles.

    The next few miles were tough as people highlighted already. I kept the pace and at around mile 18, I was still with the pacers and I start to give myself a chance – I was thinking f*ck it, you mightn’t be feeling great but you’re still here with the 3 hrs pacers and your still on target - what more did I want. I also recalled reading TFBubendorfer's blog post when he first ran a sub 3 – he struggled through most of the run, had an extremely high HR but still managed to pull a sub 3 out of the bag – I took a lot of confident from that as I could identify what he was saying - so cheers TFBubendorfer! At mile 20, I was really feeling the effect, but I had it my head all week that if I could get to mile 22 with the pacers, I would dig deep, ,accept whatever the pain is and do the job – again, I got this from Tunguska’s race preview. Also for the last 3 or 4 miles, I kept checking the time on my garmin and kept asking myself was I going to miss a sub 3 because I wimped out on another 30 mins, 10 mins, etc of pain. I kept the pace for mile 23 + 24 even though my calves, shins, etc were getting shots of spasm but for mile 25 and 26, I definitely started to flounder (I was about 25 secs below pace per mile for the last two).

    My aim at this stage was simply to keep in from of the pacers and they were obviously dropping back to encourage other sub 3 lads so once I couldn’t see them, I knew I was on target. Then I tried to kick on for the last .2 mile but nothing was there, totally toasted, my Garmin told me I averaged 7.33 for it! It wasn't until I was about 50m from the finishing line when I definitely knew I had the sub 3 – the MC called out my name and mentioned I was going to do it and I roared ‘Damn right I will’, the adrenalin flowing! When I crossed the line and one of the medics made a beeline for me with the wheelchair and took me in the first aid camp. I was as white as paper, my legs were twitching like mad and I was barely able to stay upright in the wheelchair but when one of the medics asked me how was I, I just smiled and said ‘A1’.

    I don’t know if I take more satisfaction from doing a sub 3 or that I dug in so deep under so much pressure. I’m fully aware that I’m one of the lucky ones to walk away (very slowly!) from DCM 2014 with what I wanted – I was in my own bubble when I thought I was the only one under pressure so early on but now I appreciate that was actually a common enough experience. I'm also aware I was walking a very tight line and it could have been absolute disaster too so very grateful for that.

    The support from the crowds for the DCM was immense once again and I suppose it’s the reason, in my experience, that the DCM is the best race out there. When I was in the Vienna marathon, I had no problem picking out my OH from the crowds when she shouted out for me but she said that the competition for noise in Dublin yesterday was tenfold to what she experience in Vienna. The 3 hrs pacers were brilliant, full on with their encouragements. Definitely wouldn’t have done it without them. The 3hr pacer showing in the picture previously (of giving a running a hand) was brilliant. He was quite at first but very vocal from mile 15, kept warning us not to run too fast on flats or hills, keeping the pace on the hills, reminding us to relax, fill the lungs with air, etc. Brilliant, as the other two were. Massive thanks to the volunteers + organisers for putting on this great event. Likewise, for all the support I get from this forum, many thanks to you all, particularly to those who contribute to the Sub 3 support thread.

    Great performance! What a result

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭Jay D

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|4:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

    Ooops sorry should've been 4 not 3 hours :pac:

    Fixed now

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭AnnaStezia

    entropi wrote: »
    I was the lad in the red hoodie with the first aid crew there. She started to pick up a bit after 15 minutes, they done some observation on her and tried to contact some people close by she knew. Hoping she came out of this alright. She had no hydration during the race as it turns out, heat must have got to her.

    The first aiders done a wonderful job, even though I'm sure they were overrun and swamped with incidents needing attending to.

    Well played you if this was the collapse just at the pedestrian bridge before UCD. She was removed by ambulance. She looked hypoglycaemic, dehydrated and disorientated. This was not too surprising as it was actually a lot warmer yesterday than a lot of people expected.

    My neighbour - a serious fitness fanatic - did the marathon and found the going very hard indeed because it was almost too warm !!.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,551 ✭✭✭chinguetti

    RayCun wrote: »
    Are you searching your name or your cat's? :)

    1686th overall
    365th in age group
    1562nd male
    10k 49:36 7:59 pace
    Half 1:44:12 7:56 pace
    30k 2:28:28 8:01
    Finish 3:29:36 8:05
    Overall pace 8:00

    Thanks Ray, the cat has far more sense than me.:pac:

    Jeez, that was damn fine pacing if I do say so myself.

    Well done yesterday Ray, cracking time. And nice to see you appearing on the video on the Irish Times website in the article by Frank McNally in the Bros Pearse vest. Looking grand as you approach the finish

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Narco0o0o0o

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|2.48.03
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|4:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,081 ✭✭✭BeepBeep67

    chinguetti wrote: »
    Well that was tough bloody going. Started about a minute behind the 3.30 pacers as I knew it was going to be warm and a tough first half with hills and wind. I gradually worked my way through the crowd to be about 20 yards between Dom at Donore (the only pacer I caught all day once running. I could see the others in the distance) when a guy stopped dead in front of me and turned around to get some water from the table. Are some people just in a bubble or what?

    Survived that scare and tucked in behind the group going up Crumlin as that's where the group really thinned out. Was besides pacer at 16 miles when the right calf started saying hello but was ok until until Templeogue. The guy in front of me jumped out of the way of a bollard a few yards in from the crowd and I had nowhere to go. Vaulted it as best I could but hit the top of it and somehow landed on both feet which threw both calves in major spasms and nearly pulled out there & then.

    Decided to keep going but lost 30 seconds and was hanging on for dear life at the Dropping Well and stayed in big trouble until Clonskeagh when I got a second wind and managed to get back with the pacer and drive up Roebuck and Fosters Avenue. Calves were screaming and the stomach was sick of gels but we had a chat after UCD where they agreed to remain screaming until I finished and leave it at that.

    Picked it up at RTE and finally got ahead of the pacer and never looked back over my shoulder for fear of being passed. Big thanks to Super Joe for the shout out and the Rocky theme at 24 miles. Hit 25 miles on 3.20 and dug in to make it home under 3.30. Past 26 with 3 minutes in hand but the finishing line wasn't getting closer and my watch was getting faster. The panic was huge, the stomach was a mess and despite the pain everywhere and runners stopping to a walk and meandering all over the place, I forced myself over in 3.29.xx

    I was so spent I couldn't be happy with getting my target and I had nothing to give. I gave a daft interview to someone working for the marathon where I kept repeating my name and made little sense. I hope to God they don't put it up.

    The stomach revolved afterwards and was in a bad way at one stage (nearly had to go to hospital) but I'm ok now and can keep food down. 17 degrees for a marathon in late October in Ireland with a strong wind and 4 tough hills or drags make today 'carnage' as someone said.

    Big thanks to all who came out today to cheer and volunteer. From the RDS to the finish was a wall of sound and there was great support around the place at Castleknock and Terenure are two that come to mind. Big thanks to Dom the pacer, I have never focused on a flag that much in my life.

    That was a nice strong finish by you.
    I had banked about 30 secs by Milltown with the plan to gradually give that back on route to the top of Roebuck, so not to put everyone under too much pressure, kept it at average pace down Fosters to let everyone recover.
    Not sure what happened for me, but when I turned onto Fosters my left quad just froze, you were about 5yds and I nearly chased you down to hand you the backpack :D.
    Anyway had to stop, stretch, walk and dismantle the flag so I wouldn't confuse anyone. Eventually got going again on the Merrion road, albeit gingerly and then physically couldn't stop after Ballsbridge, it was like the TDF with the crowds closing in on either side of the road and the cheering.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28 Narco0o0o0o

    amcgee wrote: »
    amcgee wrote: »
    good luck and repost after with your time. i certainly would be interested in your time
    Good luck

    2.48.03 ( First marathon and found the going tough out there - it really was a baptism of fire. A strong head wind on most of the hilly drags made it difficult to gauge the effort level. It was also hot and felt very humid, especially when the wind wasn't in your face to cool you down - sweating buckets from about 3 miles and very dehydrated at the end.

    Three weeks out, I breezed through a 20 mile hilly run with 16 miles at 2.40 pace, finishing an 80 mile week, and this gave me great confidence. Before the race, I felt like I was on for low 2.40s and if the stars aligned, sub 2.40. By the time I got to Kilmainham yesterday, I knew that was out the window. Having been determined to stick to an aggressive pre-race pacing strategy, I decided in the Phoenix Pk. that in those conditions, it was safest to try and go by feel and keep close to what felt like an even effort level throughout.

    Countless runners were suffering badly from half way - 3 min positive split for me but still passed over 40 runners in the second half, which says it all really. Took the hills extra conservative but even so, thought I was spent at the top of Roebuck (amazing support there). The quads were in bits on the sharp downhill section after Roebuck and I was tip-toeing along here with the genuine fear that my knees would give way if it was ran hard. Pauline Curley (39 year old, finished 2nd in the Irish champs with a phenomenal 2nd half) passed me like a freight train here and gaped me by 30 seconds in no time. Once back on the flat, I managed to re-group, get the legs on automatic, and kept her in sight, almost catching her at the finish. I'd been disappointed with my time at the top of Roebuck but as I started passing people after UCD, I quickly realized that I wasn't the only one suffering and this gave me great confidence to push hard to the finish. Picked up about 15-25 places in the last 4 miles, with the quads screaming from UCD to home - so many people suffering badly on that stretch. Bumped into Jebuz (who had a great race) at the finish and our chat put it in perspective. Think I got the effort level close to what I was capable of on the day, without tipping over the edge and am delighted with that.

    A highlight was the amazing support on the course, which kept me going at times, especially the Park, Castleknock, Chapelizod, the wall of sound coming up Milltown Rd. (I burst out laughing coming through here, it was unreal), at Cloneskeagh and Roebuck, and all the way from UCD to home. The level of constant support was so great that I didn't really get the time to retreat into my own head and start feeling sorry for myself. On the advice of a friend before the race, I wrote my name on my bib. People calling out my name with encouragement was a huge boost in the tough moments. A massive thanks to you all. I've been thinking about doing Berlin next year as it's a good PB course and I've friends there. However, after the support on the course yesterday, I feel almost duty bound to do Dublin again. If I don't, I'll certainly be out on the course cheering wildly!

    Utmost respect to everyone who completed it yesterday, especially those who set PBs in those conditions. That's me done with marathoning for at least a year!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,520 ✭✭✭Peckham

    Thanks, it wasn't my greatest day but we live and learn. How did you get on?

    Was pacing my brother in law. Tough day, and we ended up missing his target by 45 minutes and a visit to the medical tent.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,431 ✭✭✭sideswipe

    sideswipe wrote: »
    That was one tough day. Hate excuse.....yes it was warm....yes it was windy, but the biggest reason I crashed and burned- I was Sh*te.
    Massive explosion at 17 miles with, zombie walk/run for the spooky week thats in it to the finish, 3:27, 25 min positive spilt!!

    Totally gutted and dejected to the point of promising that's it for me, 16 weeks of hard work and sacrifice (not just for me but also the rest of the family) and all I have is a kick in the arse. Time to find something else I might actually have some talent for in my spare time me thinks.:(

    Well done to those who hit their target and also to the pacers.

    OK, I've calmed down a bit in 24hrs:rolleyes:

    I take no joy in the fact that so many others suffered yesterday, it does however make me a little less self critical. I suppose you have to put it down to 'one of those days'.
    The problem is the marathon distance is such a bitch and a shot at redemption is so far away!!:mad:
    I'm still sore after yesterday both physically and mentally- it plain hurts to arrive at a start line having done all I can (or at least all I thought I could have done) and to still fail miserably.
    A week or two off for the body and mind and then time to pick the bones of this one and plot a path to redemption!
    Good to chat to a few faces from these parts- I was standing behind TFB before the start of the race on the 9 news last was as close as I got till I caught up and thanked him back in the hotel reception :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,551 ✭✭✭chinguetti

    BeepBeep67 wrote: »
    That was a nice strong finish by you.
    I had banked about 30 secs by Milltown with the plan to gradually give that back on route to the top of Roebuck, so not to put everyone under too much pressure, kept it at average pace down Fosters to let everyone recover.
    Not sure what happened for me, but when I turned onto Fosters my left quad just froze, you were about 5yds and I nearly chased you down to hand you the backpack :D.
    Anyway had to stop, stretch, walk and dismantle the flag so I wouldn't confuse anyone. Eventually got going again on the Merrion road, albeit gingerly and then physically couldn't stop after Ballsbridge, it was like the TDF with the crowds closing in on either side of the road and the cheering.

    Still a great job Dom, myself and a lad from Sligo had you in our sights from coming out of the Park. Heard one guy ask you what was your plan and you gave the answer above so anyone around me was hanging onto you as there was no point trying to go it alone in those conditions yesterday.

    Hope the quad & the rest of the body is some bit better today. Met a friend at RTE who said I was 90 seconds behind the pacers but I said that there's one besides me and looked to find you but couldn't spot you.

    You did a great job keeping me going from Templeogue to Roebuck when I was in dire troubles so many thanks for getting me through a really bad patch. I owe you a pint or two:)

    Glad you didn't give me the flag, I was in no condition to mind myself yesterday:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 615 ✭✭✭KillianByrne

    Got an XL finishers shirt yesterday - interested in swapping it for a L if anyone wants to

  • Registered Users Posts: 125 ✭✭geodesic

    Bib No.| Username | PB | Predicted Time | Actual Time
    42 |Tunguska|2:38:40|2:38:39|
    |Netwerk Errer|3:15:29|2:59:59|
    5116 |Adrian522|N/A|3:48:00|3:49:23
    |Canine Marathoner|3.09.xx|2:59.59|3:19
    |Bahanaman|2:57:52 *|2:59:59|3:02:19|
    |dublin runner|2:50:35|2:43:00 <|
    |Mr Freeze|3:50:11|3:38:00|
    |Pacing Mule| 5:36:53|4:19:00|
    |Martyoo| |3:55:00|
    |Killian Byrne|4:30:26|4:29:59|
    |neilc|3:10:28|3:10:00 <|
    |Running Fool|3:35:07|3:29:59|
    |Narco0o0o0o|N/A|2:45 <|2.48.03
    |Jay D|N/A|3:57:26|4:31:51|
    |kingQuez|2:58|3:10:00 <|
    |Tetney|3:43:31|3:29:59 <|
    |wobblemouth|3:01:16|2:59:59 <|
    |jahaco|3:11:49|3:09:59 <|
    |shoottherunner|3:10:56|3:11:00 <|
    |clickhere |N/A |4:29:59 <|
    |bonaparte2|2.59.17|2:59:00 <|DNF|
    |Calvin Johnson|3:34:48|3:14:59|
    |Badda Bing|4:31:30|4:10:00|
    |Tipp man running|3:19:38|3:09:55
    263|menoscemo (pacer)|3:04:58|3:39:40|

    My earlier edit seemed to disappeared, re-applying.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭snailsong

    martyboy48 wrote: »
    No 10k split for me either. Clock was at 46:xx, no biggie..

    I got no 10k split. 46xx also. Mayo AC top, must have been close to you Marty.
