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BQ or Bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn


    Being brave though.

    You know I'll miss you dreadfully but all the very best, sigh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 101 ✭✭dtf

    Murph_D wrote: »
    I'm transferring to Raheny, which is slightly more local. But the main reason is because there are more runners of my age/standard. Tired of chasing the youngsters! Won't be easy to be a scorer on Raheny's M50 teams though!

    Tuesday nights just won't be the same!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    dtf wrote: »
    Tuesday nights just won't be the same!

    Ha - longtime lurker, eh? Hopefully will bump into you at the odd parkrun or P Park run, D. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Ha - longtime lurker, eh? Hopefully will bump into you at the odd parkrun or P Park run, D. :)

    How did you figure that one out? I asked him to reveal himself, thanks D for doing so.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    aquinn wrote: »
    How did you figure that one out? I asked him to reveal himself, thanks D for doing so.

    Piece of cake. I am supposed to be a professional researcher after all. :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC W1/10

    Mon 27

    Straight into Hanson (Advanced) at Week 9. Turns out yesterday’s LR was too long by a few miles, and I was very sore on this recovery plod along the Seafront, through St. Anne’s and home via the inland route. Quads especially feeling it today.

    Tue 28 Aug - Sat 1 Sep

    No running. The on-off lower back pain I was experiencing last week (and intermittently over the previous month) got suddenly worse on Tuesday, possibly (believe it or not) due to my posture while shaving, something I haven’t had to do too frequently over the summer. So an unexpected few days off.

    Good news on the job front though. Will be based in the city centre for the next 15 months, which will be a pleasant change.

    Not running, of course, leaves more time for these A/Rtist in Spotlight questions, so keep ‘em coming!

    August total: 217k (135m)

    Sun 2 Sep

    Frank Duffy 10m @ MP (1:16:33)

    Despite declaring myself out of this one with the back trouble, I woke in the middle of the night for an old man nighttime bathroom visit and noted that the back felt much better. So I decided I’d test in the morning and if it held up I’d do the race, which I’d always planned to do as a MP session. The missus thought I was mad, but I went out for a km around the local streets and everything felt fine. Aquinn and P kindly offered a lift, and after comparing plans, it looked like we’d all be in the same vicinity so I offered my pacing services. Very enjoyable run (for me -- A was under a bit more pressure at PB pace). Congested start, but we were back on pace by the first mile marker and made a bit of time on the motorway. Slight wobble around halfway with my pacee starting to struggle a little, so stepped slightly off the gas for a short while. Back on track after a mile or so, and enjoyed the nice straight stretch on an excellent surface alongside the golf course. P passed us with two miles to go and it was tempting to go after him but we stuck to the guns and Aoife hung in well and finished strongly with an excellent result (which I’m sure you’ll be hearing all about soon enough). An excellent MP workout for me too.


    7:36 7:24 7:39 7:27 7:50
    7:50 7:44 7:44 7:39 7:29

    Good to see skyblue out supporting on the course, and chat with Singer afterwards, and a few other ex-clubmates. Good to chat to AMK beforehand, even though we were keeping him from his warmup! Very happy to have survived the event, and keep my Frank Duffy streak intact (seven in a row now).

    Now for the couch. Hon the Dubs!

    WTD:32k (20m)
    MTD: 19 (12)
    YTD: 2,086 (1,296)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Congrats on the new job and mind the back!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done D, good session & glad the back held up. Congratulations on the new job, no more jaunts along the Royal Canal in Co Kildare though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Congrats on the new job!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Only catching up here D, Fantastic report on the Masters 800 & 1500. delighted to see this. Congrats.

    Congrats also on the new job & mind the back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 2 of 10

    Mon 3 Sep

    8k recovery on the seafront with A. Back a bit sore again.

    Tue 4 Sep


    Wed 5 Sep

    Speed: 2x1600m (600 rec)

    Feeling a bit dehydrated today after a few pints last night (before you pass judgement, I’m technically still on holidays). Tired too. The session, delayed a day after juggling things around after the Frank Duffy ‘tempo’, was for 3x1600 at 5k pace with 600m jog recoveries. Headed to the Royal Canal, and the relatively flat mile or so between Cross Guns and Broombridge. First rep, into the wind, was tough but I was happy enough to more or less pull it off, although I badly needed the recovery. When I turned for the second, expecting a tailwind, I was disappointed with what seemed more of a crosswind and I was huffing and puffing before long. The wheels came off in the second half, and I finished with the heaves and a stitch. Called off the third rep as it wouldn’t have done me any good. Serves me right for not preparing properly. Jogged home for 9.1k total.

    Splits (target 6:25):
    6:35 6:39

    On the plus side, no trouble at all from the back.

    WTD:17k (11m)
    MTD: 36 (23)
    YTD: 2,103 (1,307)

  • Registered Users Posts: 752 ✭✭✭Back in Black

    Congrats on the new job!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Congrats and best of luck with the new job D :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 2 of 10 cont.

    Thu 6 Sep

    10k easy, up to Albert College and back.

    Fri 7 Sep

    20.2k inc. 13k (8m) @ MP

    Had put this off a day to allow for some extra recovery. Bumped into FBOT on the warmup and he helped me get up to pace for the MP bit. Left him to complete the 13k around St. Anne’s Park. Thought I was struggling to hit the pace, but I’d actually miscalculated (MP is 4:44/k, not 4:40!) and the final numbers were pretty much right on the average. Amazing how the body can overrule the mind sometimes.

    Splits (approx):

    4:40 4:47 4:36 4:33 4:49 4:53
    4:36 4:48 4:47 4:38 4:42 4:50 4:40

    Tough going but another one in the bank.

    Sat 8 Sep

    16.7k easy

    Some things to do at home so no parkrun this week. Got out a bit later for an easy run over to Poolbeg. Tired legs made this a slog, but the 5:30/k pace was respectable enough, and importantly in the required range.

    Sun 9 Sep

    17.1k easy

    Junior parkrun funnel management (always a challenge!) then a ten miler with aquinn who was also volunteering. We headed out from St. Anne’s to Sutton and halfway up Howth Head. Enjoyed this despite the headwind on the way home. Felt good and always nice to get updated on the wedding plans. ;) Good week - first 50 miler since May, and only the second of the year.

    WTD: 81k (50m)
    MTD: 100 (62)
    YTD: 2,167 (1,347)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 3 of 10

    Mon 10 Sep

    13k easy on the Royal Canal. Very creaky.

    Tue 11 Sep

    Hanson strength: 6 x 1 mile (400)

    Felt a tiny bit weird jogging over to the Irishtown track to do this session (but also ever practical - my swipe is good til the end of the year). Deserted accept for a jogger hogging lane 1. No matter - I prefer the more forgiving curve of the outer lanes anyway. Had done the lane 8 maths. 3.5 laps plus 21m, so not much measuring to be done.

    Splits (target 7:30)
    7:09 7:31 7:28 7:26 7:28 7:09

    Bookended with some way fast reps there - first because I couldn’t rely on watch but miscalculated the lap times, last because I ignored watch and went for feel. It did not feel harder in any way, tbh. Watch watching is obviously a curse! 20k total for the morning.

    Wed 12 Sep


    WTD: 33k (21m)
    MTD: 133 (83)
    YTD: 2,200 (1,367)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 3 of 10 cont.

    Thu 13 Sep

    Tempo: 13k @ MP

    Headed to the Phoenix Park for its drags and pulls. A circuit, then out the Cabra Gate to finish the MP on Blackhorse Ave. Noticed a new gate has been built along there where the wall collapsed a while back. Good run, tough but fair. Tried to finish strongly.

    Splits (target 4:44):

    4:47 4:46 4:47 4:39 4:40 4:44
    4:42 4:54 4:45 5:02 4:40 4:43 4:20

    Fri 14 Sep

    11k easy on the seafront.

    Sat 15 Sep

    12.1k inc Corkagh parkrun @ HMP

    Some parkrun tourism with Anna, aquinn and mister paul. A MP first mile, then I deviated a bit more from the plan because there was an opportunity for a decent placing and I was feeling good. Picked up the pace in the second mile mile, then again in the last, passing the first female with 300m left and another runner on the line. 11th finisher - but only 4th M55, which is quite unusual! Love this parkrun. Free coffee afterwards in The Happy Pear where we had an opportunity to say thanks to the core team.

    Sun 16 Sep

    Long run 26k @ 5:09 (16.1m @ 8:17)

    A loop towards the Liffey before heading to the Bull Wall to hook up with C and M. I was a bit wary of this run as my LRs are usually a bit slower. Actually started too fast and was blowing a bit by the time I joined the lads. The middle section flew by with the chats, then I had to finish alone as I was abandoned at the coffee shop with 5k+ still to go. Coped well though, steady through St. Anne’s, passing BG before exiting to Deep ‘tarf and eventually finding my way back to the boys who had coffee and cake waiting. Classy! Over 63 miles for the week, the most in quite a while.

    WTD: 102k (64m)
    MTD: 202 (126)
    YTD: 2,269 (1,411)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 4 of 10

    Mon 17 Sep

    10k easy through the D9 suburbs including a lap of Albo. Tired but felt like recovery was happening, after last week’s 63+ miles, which turned out to be my highest mileage ever.

    Tue 18 Sep

    Hanson strength: 3 x 1.5 mile (800)

    The plan had four of these reps but wimped out on the last. Started well with a tailwind on the coast, although this first rep also included the tester hill into St. Anne’s, beloved of Sunday morning GAA hill sprinters. Next two reps on the parkrun course, one in each direction. Recovery took me back to the coast where the wind had picked up even more and was full on into my face to the extent that I didn’t even bother to attempt the last.

    Splits (target 11:12)
    11:07 11:05 11:06

    The three reps I did felt challenging but manageable. It was pointed out later by my quick-to-hold-me-to-account WhatsApp group that I could have just settled for effort rather than pace on the fourth. That’s fair enough, but the effort was considerable just jogging, and I settled instead for the extra recovery and an early mini-taper! Total for the outing: 17.1 kms.

    Wed 19 Sep


    WTD: 27k (17m)
    MTD: 229 (143)
    YTD: 2,296 (1,428)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Murph_D wrote: »
    It was pointed out later by my quick-to-hold-me-to-account WhatsApp group

    i.e FBOT was giving out to me again!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    OOnegative wrote: »
    i.e FBOT was giving out to me again!!!

    How well you know the code, B!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Remind me again is it Crusaders singlet I need to look out for Sunday for you and A?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Remind me again is it Crusaders singlet I need to look out for Sunday for you and A?

    I am the AI equivalent of cup-tied so no club colours. Will be wearing a yellow day-glo singlet. Aoife will be in the Cru colours alright. I’ll keep my eyes open - what’s your outfit of choice?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck tomorrow D, run well!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Good luck tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    sub-1:34:10 or bust ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Best of luck D, run well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Murph_D wrote:
    I am the AI equivalent of cup-tied so no club colours. Will be wearing a yellow day-glo singlet. Aoife will be in the Cru colours alright. I’ll keep my eyes open - what’s your outfit of choice?

    Limerick AC singlet. Blue adidas adizeros. Big ugly tattoos. Tired daddy head.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,181 ✭✭✭healy1835

    Best of luck today mate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    NYC Week 4 of 10 cont.

    Thu 20 Sep

    10k easy. Same route as Monday, but in reverse. Got a good soaking and it was refreshingly cold for a change.

    Fri 21 Sep

    11k easy

    Into town where I hooked up with Singer for some very pleasant lunchtime laps of Stephen’s Green, followed an excellent free lunch in his workplace. Almost had a Yosser Hughes moment. ;)

    Sat 22 Sep

    6k easy in the Phoenix Park. Timed this to have a look at the top end of the Dublin Half, although I missed the leaders. Waved at AMK and later saw him cross the line, looking like he’d just run down the shops for a bottle of milk. Waved at some former club mates also, including Singer who I thought was struggling but when I saw him again seemed to have moved through the field. And my neighbour running a sub-1:40 in only her second or third half. Looked like an excellent race and whetted my appetite for tomorrow.

    Sun 23 Sep

    Charleville Half Marathon (1:34:23)

    The original plan was to run this at MP but rethought that over the past couple of weeks as I was feeling the marathon transition was going well and might as well give it a bit of a lash. Decided on a conservative start, aiming to run the first half at 95-minute pace and push on from there. Couldn’t get near the 95-minute pacers at the start and also after the start as they tore off at a blistering pace: they were a good 20 seconds ahead after my own slightly too fast opening km of 4:24. At this point I said to myself, “What would you do if you were the pacer?” and settled in with a solid looking group, taking turns at laying down some pretty perfect splits over the opening miles. Passed the first blowups around the 3 mile mark - this race has a very fast opening section and I suppose it can do that to you. Of course at the end, you have to retrace that opening downhill in the opposite direction.

    Splits 1-5 (km):
    4:24 4:33 4:31 4:31 4:31

    The group started to break up around 6km, leaving me and a guy in a yellow souvenir shirt from a triathlon event. Mental note to dig in for the middle third from 7k. I was feeling great and had no trouble doing this. Ahead was a veteran Mallow AC runner with a lovely running style. He was getting slightly away but I kept my eye on him as the next target. We were starting to pass some flagging runners already (probably burned off that 95 group!) All good through 10k as we entered Kilmallock and its arches.

    4:28 4:30 4:33 4:28 4:34

    Some good support through Kilmallock, then the left turn towards the halfway mat. Took on water at the station (well manned by local kids, very smooth). Glanced at watch at the halfway point - 47:36, all good. Now to up the pace and bring it home. I caught up to Mallow AC and sat on his shoulder for a bit, but he seemed to be flagging, so I moved on, passing a few more runners, posting the fastest split of the day on the narrow downhill roads here. One of the passed runners, wearing an Ennis Track shirt, wasn’t going to be bested and moved in front again, so I tracked her for another while before eventually easing past. Almost immediately another female runner jumped out of a field just in front of me. Another good stride, picking up the feet very cleanly, which mesmerised me for a little while, then again I found myself going past. In fact I’d been going past people all day, and it felt great. On 15k, Yellow Tri guy pulled alongside again and we exchanged some encouraging words.

    4:24 4:16 4:28 4:26 4:27

    I’d been looking forward to hitting the main road again, where the final 5k would retrace the opening 5k. It seemed there had been a headwind on the way out, so the reverse might take some of the pinch out of the final miles. But as often happens, the wind seemed to have changed and if anything there was a stronger breeze to contend with - not that it was anything to really worry about, but the lack of expected tailwind was a bit of a psychological blow, just as things started to hurt for the first time. Tri Guy had let me do most of the work so far and now pulled ahead a little. I tucked in for a while, but he started to pull away. I tried to summon DD’s “turnover and form” mantra, while choosing my final target of the day, a tall Cobh runner with a water bottle in his arse pocket. Turnover and form, turnover, form. And what's this - was I getting a stitch? Yes, but thankfully it never developed and passed quite quickly, although I checked that my alternate side breathing was still intact. It was.

    There’s a nasty little bridge with three kms to go and I struggled up it, realising now that I was losing touch with the runners around me. Found myself isolated over the next stretch, falling well behind Tri Guy, although I think I managed to get ahead of Cobh. Charleville is a flat race but the last km is uphill. I dug in as best I could, passing a few more, but tellingly only runners who were really struggling. I did some mental arithmetic and told myself I needed to hit 20k around 99 mins to be in PB territory. The mark beeped at around 99:25 but I still thought I might be OK, digging in but as the splits later revealed I’d shot my bolt and at this stage was only hanging on rather than getting ahead. A terrific shout from Anna and the boys on the second last corner which helped me pick up the pace for the final 600. Around the last corner into the finish area and the clock is finally in view, and it's disappointingly well past 1:34. A decent sprint to the line, but too little too late in the end. Watch stopped at 1:34:25, chip time later confirmed as 1:34:23, six seconds outside my PB.

    4:33 4:23 4:34 4:25 4:30 4:31 (0:25)

    Tri Guy came over and shook my hand, two mins off his PB apparently. if I’d been pacing I’d have been delighted for him, but of course I had let him best me and was disappointed I didn’t respond when he finally started doing some of the work. :P Yaboya was waiting - tough day for him. We grabbed some water and bananas (passed on the Cheesestrings) and went back to the finish to see Mr Paul and aquinn finish close together for two terrific PBs. Good spread in the hall afterwards, where I was delighted to meet Swashbuckler and Diego B, both of whom had an excellent day.

    Can’t fault anything about this race. Only quibble would be the road surface, which felt very hard in places, but no worse than any other road race, I suppose (might be a track fairy complaint). :pac: I was happy with the performance - a decent negative split, managed the pace very well - just a little lacking in endurance. On the other hand, the PB, from this race last year, came after a dedicated HM cycle with full taper and the full commitment that that entails, so to be within a few seconds of that result is very encouraging. I’ll take it.

    Previous PB: 1:34:17 (Charleville 2017)
    Target: 1:34:16
    Actual: 1:34:23
    367th posn (of 1,275)
    8th M55 (of 35)
    VDOT 48.3
    Age Grade 73.5%
    Verdict: Almost perfect...

    WTD: 80k (50m)
    MTD: 282 (175)
    YTD: 2,349 (1,460)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    You're in great shape. Spent a chunk of the year at 800 training. That's a super result. Great to meet you and the gang. Will be heading up to Dublin for marathon support so hoping to meet more of the Boards crew.
