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BQ or Bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Ah no bother. You did warn, and tbh I was not very confident I’d pull it off - if I had I would have been ecstatic. Still glad I ran it at the effort I did tho. Being on the edge is still the best way to experience a race! And you weren’t wrong about the bridges - if I hadn’t listened to that it would have been another unmentionable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Mon 5 Nov - Fri 9 Nov

    No running at all, as planned. The legs, especially quads, were very sore for the first few days - as bad as I ever recall post-marathon, except maybe the first. Took a few painkillers, including some American drugstore muscle soreness pills. By Thursday, the pain had receded and all feeling good again.

    Sat 10 Nov

    Run The Line (short course)

    We’d signed up for this a while back, although I was always wary of it being the week after the marathon and that there’s probably no such thing really as an ‘easy’ mountain run for relative greenhorns like myself. Had enjoyed this last year, and with an additional week or two to recover had given it a fairly good effort. This year I took it much handier. Ran with Anna, who was herself taking it pretty easy having had a pretty patchy couple of months of on-off training. We had a very enjoyable run, bringing up the rear of our travelling northside carpool contingent - we were even presented with an additional box of Celebrations for having six people in the car. Well done to denisb, FBOT, aquinn and mr paul. Said hi to Singer who had a very decent tilt at the short course too. Good to see nop, Neady and Hillside Runner too before they headed off on the long course. We were more restrained, all doing the short course this year. Although the rain stopped just in time, the course was quite slippy in places and we saw plenty of fallers over the course of the morning. Allowed myself to pick things up for the final descent which is on a decent road/trail surface, which was great fun.

    Sun 11 Nov

    Rest. Ankles not too happy after yesterday’s outing. Nothing too alarming though.

    WTD: 12k (8)
    MTD: 66 (41)
    YTD: 2,858 (1,776)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Wow Race Report of the year Denis!!

    Congratulations on a Super report and a super run in NYC marathon. Really selling it and will have to look at it down the line as one to do!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Mon 5 Nov - Fri 9 Nov

    No running at all, as planned. The legs, especially quads, were very sore for the first few days - as bad as I ever recall post-marathon, except maybe the first. Took a few painkillers, including some American drugstore muscle soreness pills. By Thursday, the pain had receded and all feeling good again.

    Sat 10 Nov

    Run The Line (short course)

    We’d signed up for this a while back, although I was always wary of it being the week after the marathon and that there’s probably no such thing really as an ‘easy’ mountain run for relative greenhorns like myself. Had enjoyed this last year, and with an additional week or two to recover had given it a fairly good effort. This year I took it much handier. Ran with Anna, who was herself taking it pretty easy having had a pretty patchy couple of months of on-off training. We had a very enjoyable run, bringing up the rear of our travelling northside carpool contingent - we were even presented with an additional box of Celebrations for having six people in the car. Well done to denisb, FBOT, aquinn and mr paul. Said hi to Singer who had a very decent tilt at the short course too. Good to see nop, Neady and Hillside Runner too before they headed off on the long course. We were more restrained, all doing the short course this year. Although the rain stopped just in time, the course was quite slippy in places and we saw plenty of fallers over the course of the morning. Allowed myself to pick things up for the final descent which is on a decent road/trail surface, which was great fun.

    Sun 11 Nov

    Rest. Ankles not too happy after yesterday’s outing. Nothing too alarming though.

    WTD: 12k (8)
    MTD: 66 (41)
    YTD: 2,858 (1,776)

    I'd find any mountain run tough going, regardless of the time of year and whether or not I'd a recent marathon in the bag. Hope the recovery's continuing well. Good luck with the new job!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    The plan this week is to keep it nice and easy. Nothing too strenuous until at least three weeks after the marathon.

    Mon 12 Nov

    No run.

    Tue 13 Nov

    9.1k easy/recovery

    The mrs had a session of 5 x 2 mins at about 5 mins/k so I joined her, acting as an impromptu pacer. Good fun, and the pacee did well. Did this in Ellenfield Park, so a nice warmup up to Whitehall and even nicer downhill jog home.

    Wed 14 Nov

    7.5k easy

    A loop of St. Anne’s. Not feeling great on this one. Tired.

    Thu 15 Nov

    No run.

    Fri 16 Nov

    9k easy on the seafront. Another uninspiring plod.

    Sat 17 Nov

    6.7k inc. St. Anne’s parkrun at MP

    Enjoyed this. An easy first lap with FBOT. Started to feel a bit tired in the second lap and dropped off a little, before picking it up a little in the final 800m.

    Sun 18 Nov

    9.7k easy

    An easy, after-dark loop of up to Collins Ave and back via DCU and Griffith Ave. A whopping 26 miles this week!

    WTD: 42k (26m)
    MTD: 108 (67)
    YTD: 2,900 (1,802)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Continuing to take it handy enough. Worked up to a MP parkrun again this week. Left foot feeling a little stiff - almost arthritic. Hopefully not!

    Mon 19 Nov

    No run.

    Tue 20 Nov

    8.1k steady

    Too early to try a speed session, but I allowed myself a steady-paced (MP+10%) workout, using the Raheny 5 Mile course for some variety. Very enjoyable, and I managed to miss the hail showers.

    Wed 21 Nov

    Another rest day.

    Thu 22 Nov

    10k though the Docklands out to Irishtown and back. Felt good, nice day for it.

    Fri 23 Nov

    Oops. Didn’t get out at all (again).

    Sat 24 Nov

    10.3k inc Corkagh parkrun @ MP.

    Enjoyed this. The Corkagh people were very accommodating in hosting the launch of the Dublin branch of Sanctuary Runners. Had the company of a 10-year-old for most of this. Think I helped him to a 1-min PB.

    Sun 25 Nov

    16.1k easy

    Very enjoyable 10 miles along the Liffey to the Phoenix Park and back via NCR and the canal. Slowly starting to feel recharged. Enjoyed a trip to Abbotstown in the afternoon to see the club take the National XC title for the third year in a row. Good run from Duanington, stepping up the team this year. :cool:

    WTD: 45k (28m)
    MTD: 152 (95)
    YTD: 2,944 (1,830)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    After a few easy weeks, I’ll be having a go at the Jingle Bells on Sat. Anything sub-20 will be a success. In other news, signed up for DCM 2019 - ridiculous but I don’t want to be messing around next summer wondering how the transfer system will work. I applaud the organisers’ success but hate handing over the cash so early. :rolleyes:

    Mon 26 Nov


    Tue 27 Nov

    10k @ 5:28

    After dark run on the seafront. Felt like mixing it up a little so turned this into a bit of a fartlek-type thing, ramping things up for various distances, just counting random numbers of lampposts and taking equal recoveries.

    Wed 28 Nov

    8.2k @ 5:35.

    Lunchtime run, out the Grand Canal and back through the streets of D8. Took in Merrion Square (less flat than you’d think!) and Stephen’s Green. Must find some less pedestrian-thronged routes.

    Thu 29 Nov

    9.4k @ 5:37

    Joined by FBOT on the seafront, just after he’d nearly been moved down by a cyclist. Nice easy one out the coast and back via an inland route.

    Fri 30 Nov

    9k @ 5:29.

    Another lunchtime city trot, D4 this time. Mental note: avoid the AIB side fo the road at Ballsbridge. Too many lunchtime strollers!

    Total for November: 189k (117m). That means I’ve used up most of the cushion so will have to get out more often in Dec to make the 2,000m target. Good week though - starting to feel normal again.

    WTD: 37k (23m)
    MTD: 1589(117)
    YTD: 2,981 (1,853)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sat 1 Dec

    Jingle Bells 5k

    Ultimately this race was a bit of a disappointment, although it was such a low-key buildup, during which I didn’t give the race much thought at all, that I probably shouldn’t be too arsed about the result. :rolleyes:

    It turned out to be my second best 5k time to date, which isn’t too bad, maybe that’s just putting a spin on a missed opportunity to get another sub-20 under the belt. That's proving more difficult than I thought after making the breakthrough at the end of last year.

    Good to be wearing the new singlet on home soil for the first time. Bit of an ‘awky mo-mo’ when a photo op was called by some Raheny runners at the bag drop, right next to my former club’s gathering point. One eejit actually uttered the words “turncoat” and “traitor” loud enough for me to overhear. I laughed it off and went over and shook hands with him and a few others. Cut my warmup a little short when the announcer called everyone to the line. Stood a bit further forward than usual as we all know by now there isn’t much attention paid at this race to the line-up-according-to-ability rule, and so my start wasn’t as congested as in previous years. Got into a decent enough rhythm soon enough. First km clocked pretty much on target but as usual I found the middle third tough going and allowed myself to switch off a little - although I had to contend with a few of the dry heaves also for the first time in a good while, and that didn’t help. In my heart of hearts, though, I could feel I wasn’t quite giving it enough, although I was moving fairly well and tracking from group to group steadily enough, only being passed by people going a good deal faster (a few of these might have been caught out by the start, 2-3 mins early according to my watch).

    By the time we hit the Flying Mile (delighted to see this innovation, which adds even more spice to the finish), I knew I was a good 20 secs off sub-20 pace, but a runner I’ve battled with before came flying past and it gave me a bit of a kick up the arse. I put in a decent enough shift down the Upper Glen Road, helped of course by the downhill but also by an overdue desire to pick people off, keep tabs on my target (didn’t quite catch him but stayed there all the way), and kick well at the end.

When the dust had settled, I felt I’d run about 20:08 (hadn’t started or stopped the watch very accurately) so the eventual 20:02 result was a bit frustrating, as for sure I’d left more than a few seconds out there on the course.

    Good to catch up with lots of boardsies, and meet a few more for the first time. Some good results out there today. For me, I’m learning that a non-pacer-assisted sub-20 is harder than I’d imagined. Total with warmups/cooldowns, etc: 10k (6m).

    Splits (approx):

    4:00 4:07 4:09 4:04 3:42
    Flying mile: 6:06

    Previous PB: 19:47 (St Anne’s, Dec 2017)
    Target: sub-20
    Result: 20:02
    259th (of 1,194)
    12th M55 (of 32)
    Age grade: 77.8%
    VDOT: 49.7
    Verdict: Must push harder through the middle!

    WTD: 47k (29m)
    MTD: 10(6)
    YTD: 2,991 (1,859)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sun 2 Dec

    14.7k @ 5:15

    My first Sunday run with the Raheny crew. Avoided the early start and joined up with a few of the 9am crowd for a very enjoyable, chatty (and slightly too fast) circuit of Raheny and Clontarf. Good to get over 3,000 kms for the year to date.

    WTD: 61k (38m)
    MTD: 25 (15)
    YTD: 3,006 (1,868)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    What now? Raheny Winter League starts this week: midweek 2- and 3-milers, open to all. Will be trying to do a few of these to toughen myself up a bit!

    Mon 3 Dec


    Tue 4 Dec

    40 mins @ recovery pace

    Late afternoon jog from the office, followed by a short swim and sauna. Have joined the gym at work but no routine yet. Would like to get into a run-commute routine but can’t get my head around the logistics right now. Will wait a few more weeks.

    Wed 5 Dec

    Winter League Round 1: 3m (16th in 20:20)

    Three laps of the Raheny road mile circuit. There were 60 runners in the race, and after going past a few on the opening straight while settling in, I was on my own for almost all of the rest. Passed in lap two by K as expected (I’d pulled ahead of him in lap one but he’s a slow starter). This was just after I’d passed one flagging runner myself. The only other challenge really was keeping ahead of the guy behind, who I could hear closing during lap three. There was a a runner a good bit up the road who was clearly slowing, but I wasn’t able to catch him. Slow race but a good workout. Cooled down with the slow starter. Total 9.5k for the evening.

    My records tell me this was my 100th race, since dipping my toes in the Docklands 5k in 2012.

    WTD: 16k (10m)
    MTD: 41 (25)
    YTD: 3,022 (1,878)

    Thu 6 Dec

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thu 6 Dec

    6.4k recovery

    Started on the treadmill at work but got bored after a few minutes and headed out for a slow circuit of the Docklands area.

    Fri 7 Dec

    No running.

    Sat 8 Dec

    12.4k inc parkrun at tempo (21:40)

    Was considering racing this morning but I talked myself out of it on the jog over to St. Anne’s. An easy enough start chatting with FBOT but things got quieter once the going got less crowded and I got into a good tempo-paced groove for the next few kms. Dialled up to race pace for the final km, which was fun, but too late to make the first 50 finishers. :)

    Splits 4:59 4:10 4:21 4:26 3:46

    Sun 9 Dec

    16.1k @ 5:32

    Over to the Phoenix Park for an easy MLR. Feeling a little tired and tempted to cut it short but stuck with it until the 10 miles elapsed, exactly to the metre as I reached the car. :cool:

    WTD: 51k (32m)
    MTD: 76 (47)
    YTD: 3,057 (1,900)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    While I don’t feel I’m enjoying much of a "marathon bounce" right now, I might give it a lash at parkrun this weekend. Before that there's Winter League round 2 on Wednesday. Meanwhile, I'm still on target for 2,000 miles this year, but only just!

    Mon 10 Dec

    8.1k easy from work around the Liffey and Docklands. The construction industry is certainly ramping up.

    Tue 11 Dec

    8.7k recovery in the dark around the Collins Avenue loop. This one definitely dragged a bit.

    Wed 12 Dec

    Winter League Round 2: 2m (22nd in 13:19)

    A cold and wet and blustery night, but 64 runners turned up. If I was looking to improve on last week’s performance it was always going to be difficult with a headwind along the most exposed part of the road mile loop on All Saints Road. I tracked K again over the opening section, without feeling the need to go by. There was a little group that broke up (i.e. I passed two of them, but got dropped by K and the others), and once again I found myself isolated. The halfway split was called at 6:32, about 10 secs faster than last week’s opener. In lap two I was slowly reeling in a young female runner, but as the wind began to increase I didn’t have much conviction about catching her. She seemed vulnerable on the final turn though, and I ramped it up and finally went past with about 100m to go. The timer shouted 13:19 as I crossed the line, so a relatively slow second lap and hardly a stellar performance. Enjoyed the tea afterwards all the same. Same M and F winners as last week. Last week they got a nice new club top, this week it was a toaster and a hairdryer. :) Spot prizes galore and it seemed we’d never get out of the plush facilities. ;)

    Good to have another one of these done, and there's certainly plenty of room to improve.

    Splits: 6:32 6:47

    WTD: 25k (16m)
    MTD: 101 (63)
    YTD: 3,082 (1,915)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Same M and F winners as last week. Last week they got a nice new club top, this week it was a toaster and a hairdryer. :)
    Did they get to pick who got which? :p
    I like the sound of these events, the shorter races sound fun. You've really spanned the distances this year, fair play!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    eyrie wrote: »
    Did they get to pick who got which? :p
    I like the sound of these events, the shorter races sound fun. You've really spanned the distances this year, fair play!

    Prize allocation was a bit gendered, although who doesn't love toast? They did talk about swapping alright!

    Yes, they're good little events. You should try one, injury permitting. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I'm looking forward to trying these out in the new a member most likely. I'm not sure how they'll fit into a training plan though. When are you next on a plan D?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I'm looking forward to trying these out in the new a member most likely. I'm not sure how they'll fit into a training plan though. When are you next on a plan D?

    Good to hear, S. Come on down anytime! I reckon a short Weds race is fairly comparable to a midweek speed session and you recover quickly, especially if you run like I’ve been lately. ;) No plan for a while, just keep ticking over and the odd race. Will think about that in new year. Might do some 1500/mile specific stuff, but leaving room for cross country racing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Good to hear, S. Come on down anytime! I reckon a short Weds race is fairly comparable to a midweek speed session and you recover quickly, especially if you run like I’ve been lately. ;) No plan for a while, just keep ticking over and the odd race. Will think about that in new year. Might do some 1500/mile specific stuff, but leaving room for cross country racing.

    Is there a group meeting for a Sunday morning run? I might pop down on Sunday if there is?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Is there a group meeting for a Sunday morning run? I might pop down on Sunday if there is?

    There’s a Sun run at 8 every week. It’s usually a bit early for me tbh but sometimes there’s a smaller 9am. I’ll let you know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thu 13 Dec

    No run.

    Fri 14 Dec

    Lunchtime 9k around the leafy suburbs.

    Sat 15 Dec

    Another 5k attempt, at St. Anne’s parkrun. Probably a bit overambitious given the weather, but I convinced myself during the warmup that the wind wasn’t too bad. Lined up near the front and got a good start. Km 1 beeped at 4:00 on the button, and the pace felt suitably uncomfortable. That was just after I’d passed a clubmate who would usually be in front of me. But that was as good as it got. Turned into a stiff wind at end of the “back straight”, and it felt almost as bad on the long avenue stretch. Began to struggle with it. Slowing, and clubmate passed me back around the 2k mark. Through halfway point in just over 10 mins but I was blowing a gasket. Tried to stay positive up the drag at beginning of lap two, although I lost another place here and didn’t have the stomach to respond. Put the head down and held position for a while at least, helped by a nice tailwind for a while. Knocked for six again by the headwind at the penultimate turn, passed by another clubmate, K (no shame here as he’s normally a mid-19:xx guy). Tried to tuck in behind him for a bit, which at least got me past the 4k point and onto the home straight. He pulled away and although I tried to increase the pace I was already in the red. Passed again with about 400m to go and I was hit with some dry heaves and almost had to stop. Slowed to a jog for a few seconds, then told myself I didn’t want to be passed again and managed to pick up a bit for the final 200, crossing for 19th finisher in 21:01. That equals my best ever placing at St. Anne’s, although the field was considerably smaller than usual. Not a terrible time in the conditions but nowhere near what I’d have liked. Not even an age category first! It was a decent enough effort though - don’t think there was a lot more to give.

    Splits (approx): 4:00 4:05 4:23 4:24 4:09

    Total with WU/CD - 9k

    Sun 16 Dec

    16.1k @ 5:16

    Tired and a bit hungover following Saturday’s festive indulgence. Just two of us today, adding pressure to keep up the chat and making the run a bit less easy. Good company though - national F50 marathon team gold - and the 10 miles flew past. Not a bad week in the end.

    WTD: 59k (37m)
    MTD: 135 (84)
    YTD: 3,116 (1,937)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    The main thing this week was to avoid too much seasonal indulgence, and keep the mileage ticking over to close in on the 2,000 mile target.

    Mon 17 Dec

    7.6k lunchtime trot around the Docklands.

    Tue 18 Dec

    Speed: 1k, 4x600, 1k

    My first speed session with Raheny - not the main one but a kind of spin off group supervised by Mick Clohisey. I knew a good few of the participants from parkrun and the Winter League. Introduced myself to the coach who was very welcoming and encouraging, creating a good atmosphere among the participants of all standards. The session was not one I’ve done before. Starting and ending with 1000m has the effect I suppose of the 600s feeling relatively short but I found all of them tough enough going considering the lack of speedwork in a while. Was quite bonked by the time I got home - probably because I hadn’t eaten in a while. Must remember to prepare better next time and get something suitable in before the workout.

    This was a decent session all the same. On grass with tight turns makes for a slightly more difficult effort than on the track. Must bring the spikes next time!

Splits: 3:50 2:19 2:23 2:25 2:23 4:03

    Those are about right for where I am at the moment. Total with WU/CD - 13k.

    Wed 19 Dec

    No run.

    Thu 20 Dec

    8.9k easy around the south city waterways.

    Fri 21 Dec

    8k easy, chatty lunch run in Stephens Green with Singer. Always a pleasure!

    Sat 22 Dec

    Corkagh parkrun: 21:31

    It’s exactly a year since my only sub-20 5k, and I toyed with the idea of an anniversary attempt, but with some family festivities scheduled for the Fri night (including a wonderful couple of hours in Vicar Street), I decided against. That means one of my 2018 goals (two pacer-unassisted sub-20 5k races) is now practically impossible, especially as I’ve yet to achieve the first of those two. :rolleyes:

    I opted for a decent tempo workout, heading out to Corkagh as A had some Sanctuary Runner duties to attend to. I thought I might run with some of the regular junior visitors, who sometimes need adult accompaniment to stay onside of parkrun rules, but as there didn’t seem to be anyone requiring this kind of support I just opted for a tempo pace, which was good enough to pass one or two runners in the second half and finish 12th. Very enjoyable. At least I got the age cat crown this week. ;) Good to bump into Adrian, who joined Aoife and Paul and me for the cooldown, as his return from injury continues. 9.2k for the day.

    Splits (approx): 4:29 4:24 4:11 4:26 4:01

    Sun 23 Dec

    21.6k @ 5:17

    Must say I felt great doing this, in the dampness and drizzle. Up the Royal Canal for the first time in a while - such a great place to run. Crossed the M50 aqueduct and turned at the “Deep Sinking” at Castleknock - centuries of civil engineering expertise showcased in one short stretch of waterway. Really enjoyed this wintery run.

    Festivus Maximus!

    WTD: 68k (43m)
    MTD: 204 (127)
    YTD: 3,185 (1,979)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    [Must say I felt great doing this, in the dampness and drizzle. Up the Royal Canal for the first time in a while - such a great place to run. Crossed the M50 aqueduct and turned at the “Deep Sinking” at Castleknock - centuries of civil engineering expertise showcased in one short stretch of waterway. Really enjoyed this wintery run.

    No doubt you came across this Denis. An"interesting" historical account of one day on the "Deep Sinking".

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    denis b wrote: »
    [Must say I felt great doing this, in the dampness and drizzle. Up the Royal Canal for the first time in a while - such a great place to run. Crossed the M50 aqueduct and turned at the “Deep Sinking” at Castleknock - centuries of civil engineering expertise showcased in one short stretch of waterway. Really enjoyed this wintery run.

    No doubt you came across this Denis. An"interesting" historical account of one day on the "Deep Sinking".

    Hadn’t heard of that D - fascinating story. I’ve run past that spot before. Hard to imagine such a tragedy - but we forget how the canals were the motorways of the 19th century.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    For the final week of the year, I’ve reluctantly decided to do the Clonliffe Christmas Cracker instead of Fat Turkey, although the chances of being in sub-20 shape at end of Christmas week are probably slim.

    Mon 24 Dec

    Rest day.

    Tue 25 Dec

    9.5k inc. Waterstown parkrun @ MP/steady

    Big crowd at Waterstown for the Christmas parkrun. Enjoyable steady run in about 24:10 accompanied by BG. As we were picking up my daughter afterwards, I hopped out and got in another few kms back to the house before spending the next few hours slaving over a hot etc etc. A good Christmas, all told.

    Wed 26 Dec

    9k easy out to the wooden bridge with Ferris. An opportunity to thank him for passing on an excellent ham recipe, and compare festive experiences. A beautiful calm sunny morning to boot.

    Thu 27 Dec

    16.1k easy

    Out to Howth from Bayside with FBOT, and up the tramline to the Summit Car Park, where we stopped for a moment to admire the view across the bay on another incredible clear windless morning. Dublin really is beautifully located and there’s no better place to appreciate that. We went down to the Summit Inn and grabbed a coffee to enjoy while watching the Fat Turkey runners at the halfway point. Lots of representation from the club at the top end and all through the field. Jogged down to Sutton then, avoiding the route as much as possible via Thormanby Rd and the “corkscrew”. Despite this consideration, we somehow made it into the race photos (see below). Completed 2000th mile of the year on the Sutton seafront. Goal met!


    WTD: 35k (22m)
    MTD: 239 (149)
    YTD: 3,219 (2,001)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I must say I'm impressed at the number of Boardsies that got out Xmas day. I'd have had some explaining to do to the missus to justify running on Xmas day

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    I must say I'm impressed at the number of Boardsies that got out Xmas day. I'd have had some explaining to do to the missus to justify running on Xmas day

    One of the advantages of the kids being older, P. You'll get there!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    I must say I'm impressed at the number of Boardsies that got out Xmas day. I'd have had some explaining to do to the missus to justify running on Xmas day

    Got out for 7 not so glorious hung over miles beside the North Sea, it’s a tradition at this stage in our house. Santa is done, Dad goes running then comes home to cook the Full Irish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Fri 28 Dec

    8.2k on the Dublin Masters trails.

    A sociable club run, with breakfast. Log!

    Sat 29 Dec

    5k easy around the neighbourhood. Dropped into the Ma en route.

    Sun 30 Dec

    Clonliffe Christmas Cracker 5K (20:29)

    When I was a kid, growing up on Clonliffe Road in Drumcondra, I was always vaguely aware of Clonliffe Harriers, because of the name, but also because my friend Noel from across the road had a sister whose boyfriend Gerry was a member of sufficient status to gain a scholarship to (if I’m not mistaken) Providence College, Rhode Island, mainly because he could run.

    Gerry died long ago. I’d like to have done him justice today. I didn’t. The year ends on a flattish note - but in longer truth, it was a good year, and I’m grateful for it.

    Happy NY, all.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Happy New Year D, let 2019 be a great running year for you!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Happy New Year D, let 2019 be a great running year for you!!

    And you, Barry. Likewise, and I look forward to getting a few miles in with you at some stage. Happy New Year!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Happy new year D. Wouldn't be too hard on yourself with the 5k but I know all too well what you mean we you say ending on a flattish note.
