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BQ or Bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thurs 30 May

    No running. A work thing that involved going out after and a bit of overdrinking, unfortunately.

    Fri 31 May

    8.4k easy

    As a result of the above, a long day at the office. But it ended with getting out for a few miles on the Grand Canal. Legs tired, unresponsive. The session the other night was far too fast, and I didn't give myself much recovery options. Must do better. Surprised no one gave me a bollocking. ;)

    And that brings us to the end of May. Mileage is a little behind, but I expect to make it up over the summer and beyond.

    WTD: 39k (24m)
    MTD: 215 (134)
    YTD: 1,176 (731)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Murph_D wrote:
    As a result of the above, a long day at the office. But it ended with getting out for a few miles on the Grand Canal. Legs tired, unresponsive. The session the other night was far too fast, and I didn't give myself much recovery options. Must do better. Surprised no one gave me a bollocking.

    I considered it but then reconsidered based on the fact you threw in a few sensible 90s.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sat 1 Jun

    6.4k inc Malahide parkrun @ LT

    With St Anne’s out of commission, and Darndale well looked after, we headed to Malahide, first time back there in almost six years. The course hadn’t changed much and I enjoyed an invigorating tempo, picking up a little towards the end (or maybe not - wasn’t looking at watch, but it certainly felt that way). Very short cooldown afterwards.

    Sun 2 Jun

    10.3k easy

    We are in Sicily for a few days. Headed out to explore the locality. A pleasant enough run although a bit frenetic with some spots devoid of footpaths and you know what southern Italian drivers are like. And the Sicilians are even worse. At least the temperature was bearable.

    WTD: 57k (35m)
    MTD: 17 (11)
    YTD: 1,194 (742)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Operation 800 Redux: Week 2 of 12

    On hols so will be happy to get a couple of decent workouts in this week. I like holiday running but you have to be realistic.

    Mon 3 Jun

    Rest. Had spotted a local running track on google maps and checked it out for later in week. A no-go unfortunately - the gate was open as some people were maintaining the football pitch in the infield, but the track itself was an unkempt gravel affair and looked uninviting. The stadium itself was a grim piece of c.1970s brutalist concrete - not very promising then, all told, and probably never actually open to the masses anyway.

    Tue 4 Jun

    Session: 3 x (600 @ R, 200 @ FR)

    I don’t know about the rest of Sicily but the part we are in leaves few options for session running other than along the coast, as any other alternative involves heading up pretty steep ridges into the hills. Maybe later in the week. For now, back along Capo d’Orlando’s version of the Clontarf seafront. Out before breakfast - a warmup from the apartment to the promenade, where there was a headwind for the first two sets. Some watch glitches - wearing on the inside of wrist means it’s harder to hear the lap beeps. As a result, I started the second 200 early, then compounded the error on the third 600. Still not sure how I managed that - at my age I should have mastered this kind of combo by now! In defense, if I hadn’t totaled my prescription shades during the NY marathon this would be less of a problem as I’d be able to read the watch better. But no harm done - not too bad a session for the hols - splits a bit off what I would target on the track, but that’s OK, I think. 30s rest after the 600 - nothing really, but then again you only have to do 200 before the generous enough 7 mins between sets. Obviously I needed every second of those recoveries, and could have done with more.

    Approx splits:
    2:24 0:40
    2:18 0:40
    2:15 0:40

    Plenty of work to do. The 600s were supposed to be around 2:05, the 200s :37. But hols, headwind and heat mean I can cut myself a break, I suppose. Or am I excusing myself?

    WTD: 13k (7m)
    MTD: 30 (18)
    YTD: 1,207 (760)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Operation 800 Redux: Week 2 of 12

    On hols so will be happy to get a couple of decent workouts in this week. I like holiday running but you have to be realistic.

    Mon 3 Jun

    Rest. Had spotted a local running track on google maps and checked it out for later in week. A no-go unfortunately - the gate was open as some people were maintaining the football pitch in the infield, but the track itself was an unkempt gravel affair and looked uninviting. The stadium itself was a grim piece of c.1970s brutalist concrete - not very promising then, all told, and probably never actually open to the masses anyway.

    Tue 4 Jun

    Session: 3 x (600, 200)

    I don’t know about the rest of Sicily but the part we are in leaves few options for session running other than along the coast, as any other alternative involves heading up pretty steep ridges into the hills. Maybe later in the week. For now, back along Capo d’Orlando’s version of the Clontarf seafront. Out before breakfast - a warmup from the apartment to the promenade, where there was a headwind for the first two sets. Some watch glitches - wearing on the inside of wrist means it’s harder to hear the lap beeps. As a result, I started the second 200 early, then compounded the error on the third 600. Still not sure how I managed that - at my age I should have mastered this kind of comb by now! In defense, if I hadn’t totaled my prescription shades during the NY marathon this would be less of a problem as I’d be able to read the watch better. But no harm done - not too bad a session for the hols - splits a bit off what I would target on the track, but that’s OK, I think. 30s rest after the 600 - nothing really, but then again you only have to do 200 before the generous enough 7 mins between sets. Obviously I needed every second of those recoveries, and could have done with more.

    Approx splits:
    2:24 0:40
    2:18 0:40
    2:15 0:40

    Plenty of work to do. The 600s were supposed to be around 2:05, the 200s :37. But hols, headwind and heat mean I can cut myself a break, I suppose Or am I excusing myself?

    WTD: 13k (7m)
    MTD: 30 (18)
    YTD: 1,207 (760)

    Ferris would definitely say that you are excusing yourself :p

    I, on the other hand, would say enjoy you Hols while they last ;)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 2 cont.

    Wed 5 Jun

    11.3k recovery. Midday run in the heat. Cooling sea breeze. A classic holiday plod.

    Thu 6 Jun

    10k recovery, once again on the Capo lungomare. Felt worse than yesterday with tired legs but actually a bit quicker.

    Fri 7 Jun

    Rest. Long mountain drive through the Sicilian interior to Nicolosi, on the slopes of Mount Etna, which was acting up last week when we arrived. Bleedin’ hot!

    Sat 8 Jun

    5k @ T - Etna parkrun

    When on hols, you might as well find the closest parkrun. This one is a small affair, near Nicolosi, the self-styled “Porto del Etna”. After a hurried breakfast at the Casa Blanca B&B, A and I and the boys set out to find the park, arriving with a few mins to spare. They have a sign in system, not sure what it’s for but it gave to RD a chance to note our Irlanda origin, and along with some English visitors we were given a warm welcome. Around 30 runners lined up. The English male visitor looked like he meant business (250 shirt) and took the lead on the four lap course. I slotted in behind, hoping he knew the way through the trees - no defined path really, but some strategically placed cones and signs. We took a bit of a small detour and suddenly the rest of the field was on us again. 250 guy sensibly let one of the locals take over, and once the lap was complete, he took off again now that we all knew the course. Kept in touch for a bit of lap two but I was blowing pretty hard in the heat and was happy enough to settle for holding on to 2nd with a tempo-like run in just under 24 mins. Very friendly event. Biscotti passed around at the end, some pidgin Italiano/Inglese banter with the locals while one of the boys completed his volunteer slot handing out tokens having completed two laps. A and the other lad finished it out in style to complete an excellent morning. Too hot to bother cooling down.

    Sun 9 Jun

    19.2 k easy @ 5:21

    Hooked up with FBOT for a pleasant run over Howth head - up Carrickbrack and down the tramline. We got a good soaking and the headwind returning through Sutton and Bayside was annoying. But good drying once the rain stopped. Tired towards the end of this but the company helped keep the wheels on. Always a pleasure.

    Not a huge week at 36 miles, but good to salvage a session, a tempo and a good LR considering.

    WTD: 58k (36m)
    MTD: 75 (46)
    YTD: 1,251 (777)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,851 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Good log, will follow this with interest as our pbs over 5k, 5 mile and 10k are close enough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    800 redux: Week 3 of 12

    Graded meet Weds but will skip in favour of a decent session as I don’t feel I’m in the groove enough to forego a session for the privilege of racing. It’s a fine line - last year I needed all the track experience I could amass over the summer, but now I don’t feel I will gain as much. Although there will certainly be racing ahead. Just not this week!

    Mon 10 Jun

    45 mins recovery

    Legs quite dead after yesterday’s ambitious LR - probably should have limited to 10 miles max.

    Tue 11 Jun

    40 mins recovery

    Had actually programmed a JD session into the watch and headed to the Trinity track. Thwarted by a cricket match in progress, but in truth I already knew I wouldn’t be doing anything serious as the legs were even deader than yesterday. Hunched over the desk all day hadn’t helped (my job allows plenty of moving around normally but I’m deskbound at the moment with some unavoidable tasks). So I just plodded around Merrion Square instead, feeling pretty sh1te. Still - better than nothing at all (maybe).

    Wed 12 Jun

    Club session: 10x400 @ R

    With the graded meet in Morton, we were doing this session in the Santry Demesne instead. An excellent turnout considering, with three good groups assembled. Slightly miffed that the session was the same as two weeks ago, but what can ya do? Still reckon its better to do the club session and be helped by the group than struggle through the more specific JD (600, 500, 400, 3x300), especially the way I’ve been feeling this week.

    90 88 88 88 87
    87 88 88 89 87

    Good call, I think - enjoyable, challenging, and mojo restored. The times are a little slower than recommended R, but the effort (on grass) felt right, and the distance wasnt exact. 7.4k total for the evening, could probably have done a few extra easy miles in advance.

    WTD: 21k (13m)
    MTD: 96 (59)
    YTD: 1,272 (790)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 3 cont.

    Thu 13 Jun

    50 mins recovery.

    8 slow kms along the Liffey, checking out the state of the route for next week’s Docklands 5k. Quite a lot of construction going on in the vicinity but hopefully won’t encroach on the race.

    Fri 14 Jun

    Track session: 4x2 mins hard (60s), 1 mile E, 4x200 R (200), 2x 200 FR (200)

    A long day at the desk, then over to the Trinity grass track for a session at last. A cool evening with threat of rain, but lots of people enjoying drinks at the Pav and dotted around the benches surrounding College Park, contributing to a nice atmosphere. Had the grounds to myself. Short enough warmup as the hour was getting late. The JD session I’d been looking at specified 8x 2 mins, but I shortened this too to 4 reps, conscious of the session from the other night being still lingering. (I discovered last year that I can handle 3 speed sessions a week alright but still feel it prudent to build into that kind of schedule.) The 2 min reps at H - i.e. around 5k pace - were difficult enough with the short one minute recoveries, although I didn’t help myself by doing the first a little quickly. One mile recovery plod then before hitting the 200s. It started to rain biblically just as I got into them, and it was amusing to see the Park and the Pav patio clear in seconds, as I personally welcomed the cooling downpour. 4 reps at mile pace, then two at 800m pace. Loved it.

    Splits (approx):

    H - (pace/k) 3:38 3:44 3:45 3:55
    R - 38 41 40 40
    FR - 37 39

    Don’t know what happened on the last split there, it felt like the fastest of them all - might have been late on the lap button! Tried to be conscious of form on all of these 200s, again being very deliberate about using the arms.

    Sat 15 Jun

    5k progressive - St. Anne’s parkrun

    Rolled out of bed and straight over to St. Anne’s, arriving just in time. An easy run was on the cards so I declined to accompany Ferris and his 22 min target. An easy first lap in about 12:50 before picking it up a bit in the second lap. A couple of runners were winding it up in the last 500m or so so I kept them honest by not letting them past, so an enjoyable last bit, getting up to full tilt, which always feels good.

    Sun 16 Jun

    20.5 k easy @ 5:28

    Over to the Phoenix Park with A. Bumped into Singer and Crockmac on way out of car park. Traced the Frank Duffy route mostly, plus another couple of bits around the visitors’ centre. Ran with A for first couple of miles then pushed on. Felt fine mostly, although a little tired towards the end. Good to be in the Park again, it’s been a while.

    WTD: 64k (40m)
    MTD: 139 (86)
    YTD: 1,315 (817)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck Thursday evening D, run well!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Planning on getting in to see the race D. Give it socks for us Masters!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    denis b wrote: »
    Planning on getting in to see the race D. Give it socks for us Masters!

    Would you not consider a late signup yourself, D? Entries accepted on the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    Good luck thursday Murph :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    I was like, what's Thursday? :D

    See you there. Good luck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sorry to let down the well wishers, but I had an awful race, losing momentum just after 2k and feeling like I was jogging it in for the rest. The result was actually flattering, I thought.

    I’ve been watching a bit of the World Cup and - a bit like the Scotland team going out to a controversial VAR decision, ignoring the fact that they were 3-0 after 70 mins - I was also on sub-20 pace with 2k to go and bottled it. My collapse was as spectacular as the Scots’, and a few Bros Pearse lads were my Argentina. Simple as that. :)

    Super race though. Well done the Cru.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    800 redux: Week 4 of 12

    Fitting things around the Docklands 5k this week. Hopefully eight solid weeks of focus after that.

    Mon 17 Jun

    32 mins recovery on the seafront. A bit achy again after the LR. Right knee a bit twingey. Hmm.

    Tue 18 Jun

    Mini session: 1x800, 2x400

    A jog around the docklands race route, noting the state of some of the roads, the cycle lane works at the Matt Talbot, and the general tightness of the first km. Back to the Trinity track then for a little bit of work at around 5k pace. Total 9.7k. Still feeling the knee - a bit clicky, and doesn't like any jarring, but no real ill effect.

    Wed 19 Jun

    About 5.5k easy around College Park (forgot the watch). A few strides.

    Thu 20 Jun

    Docklands 5k (20:37)

    The idea was to run with the 20 min pacers for 3k or 4k then push on, depending on how things were doing. This worked for 2k and then I lost momentum at the 180 degree turn at The Point and slowly ran out of steam over the rest of the race. I didn’t enjoy running in the pace group: crowded, lots of jinking, a bit of pushing, impossible to get a look at the road surface which was not good in places - stepped in a pothole on the Matt Talbot and had a lucky escape. The group was uncomfortable and I let it get to me, feeling sorry for myself by the 2k mark. Jason went past in km 3 and I had no response to him or the other steady flow of passing bodies. Some dry retching near the Samuel Beckett was the last straw, forcing me to slow, then again with about 800m to go. Bad hydration possibly - should be able to get this right. Depressing!

    Splits (approx):
    3:59 3:59 4:08 4:18 4:13

    An excellently organised event and next time I’ll run in front of the group and take my chances. I don’t think the course was long, as some have suggested. I was surprised at the end that my time wasn’t closer to 21 minutes. Rubbish from me - my heart, legs and stomach were not up to the task. :o The knee was fine, that's one positive. Another was the great post-race setup with free hotdogs and beer. I’m ashamed to say I skipped the lengthy queue. Good to catch up with a few people and to meet ReeReeG and coogy for the first time. Thanks to Sean and the other people who shouted. The missus was definitely the loudest!

    PB: 19:40 (Bob Heffernan, May 2019)
    Target: Sub-20
    Actual: 20:37
    237th place (of 1,686)
    6th M55 (of 22)
    VDOT: 48.1
    AG: 76.23
    Verdict: at least there was free beer

    WTD: 29k (18m)
    MTD: 168 (104)
    YTD: 1,344 (835)

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,851 ✭✭✭✭average_runner

    Running in a pace group is a tough thing to do as your own space is very limited and you feel kinda trap. I feel either run in the front or just behind them the group.

    You will have better days for sure.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Surprised the heart wasn’t in it D, not like you at all. I ran a version of that race when it was an 8k and while its great running on traffic free streets around the quays, it’s very tight & twisty from my recollection. You’ll bounce back, to good not to.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Surprised the heart wasn’t in it D, not like you at all. I ran a version of that race when it was an 8k and while its great running on traffic free streets around the quays, it’s very tight & twisty from my recollection. You’ll bounce back, to good not to.

    Ah, I’ve had a good few races like that. Don’t have your capacity for pain - wish I did, I’d be a far better runner than I am. The course is much straighter than the old one - only four turns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Yeah, we'd similar strategies going into it all right - and similar outcomes, as it turned out :rolleyes: I definitely envisaged us running together for a lot longer than 2k. Just one of those days/nights I suppose. I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it - better days to come. Personally, had I started ahead of the group, I'd probably have blown my lights much earlier than I actually did. Works for some better than others!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    I like your honesty. No bullsh*t and no denial. Better days to come

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 4 cont.

    Fri 21 Jun


    Sat 22 Jun

    Narin parkrun (5.6k)

    Another one to add to the list of inaugurals (a list that includes Malahide, St. Anne’s, Fr. Collins, Fairview, Tolka Valley and Corkagh). There was a super turnout of over 70. Bumped into E, HelenAnne’s OH, in the excellent public facilities at the car park. There was a sizeable traveling contingent from Belfast, Kerry, Athlone, and a few Dubs. The RD explained the course: 2k to the end of the beach, 500m back to a turnaround, back to the end, then back to the start. It was a lovely morning, just a gentle breeze. A quick countdown and we were off. The first km was fairly firm but then the sand got quite soft and sucky, with runners trying to find the firmest line. The tide was quite far in so running on the hard stuff sometimes involved dodging some gentle incoming waves. Quite fun really, until it started to drag on the lower legs. I was in about eighth position but picked up a couple of places in the softer stuff. At last we were at the end and back to the turnaround, running into the crowd which was also quite fun with everyone spread quite wide across the strand. But the turnaround seemed way too far away, and it seemed a bit cruel then to be heading back to the end of the beach through the back of the field. A couple more blowups around here and I think I was in sixth at the final turn. The trek back was long and isolated, although I did pass one more. By now it was obvious that the turnaround might have been misplaced and the measure would be quite long, and when the watch beeped 5k the finish wasn’t even in sight! The last part was therefore a bit of a slog. But a lovely beach and hope the event goes well. Was sick of the sand so didn’t bother with a cooldown, opting for a coffee and granola at the nearby beachfront cafe. Nice food although the service was a bit strange. A nice morning, and good to meet parkrun Ireland honcho (and first finisher) Matt again, along with some very committed traveling parkrunners indeed. Whoever that was on the parkrun thread who likened it to a cult was bang on the money!

    Sun 23 Jun

    LR: 16.1k @ 5:58

    Exploring some back roads beyond Killybegs. Much hillier than I was expecting, so took a bit longer than planned. Legs still feeling yesterday’s quicksand too. Got a good soaking which is always a bonus! Another week with mileage on the low side. Must do better.

    WTD: 51k (32m)
    MTD: 190 (117)
    YTD: 1,366 (848)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    800 redux: Week 4 of 12

    This week includes a graded meet at Tallaght, and a chance to see where we are at 800-wise. Will try to get at least one other session in also, possibly two.

    Mon 24 Jun

    8.1k @ 6:05

Recovery on the seafront with Ferris, post-morteming his Shamrock debut at Dunshaughlin. I think we both needed the leisurely pace (I certainly did).

    Tue 25 Jun

    11.3k @ 5:33

    Pleasant after-dinner trot to St. Annes via the Howth Road and back along the seafront. My knee is back feeling a bit weird. Maybe it’s a race-week thing.

    Wed 26 Jun

    Graded Meet 5: Tallaght - 800m

    What a balmy evening it was for this, and I enjoyed a traffic-free drive over to Tallaght. Arrived in loads of time to warm up in the park adjacent to the track (Bancroft?) which was full of late evening life. A few more laps of the Tallaght AC facilities, then lined up in the D race after some strides. I was feeling quite relaxed in the end, after a bit of tension during the day (anticipating any race below 10k seems to make me a little queasy sometimes).

    I was in lane 7, so on the gun you only have the guy in lane 8 to go on for the duration of the bend. As a result I put in a fairly slow opening 200, but was careful to run a good line after the break, hitting the back bend in fifth place and now with a few guys to chase. I passed one at this point and settled in, but then a former Cru clubmate who’d beaten me a few times last year but isn’t quite on his game yet this year, went by on the back straight. Stole a glance at the clock at the bell - 76 seconds, so a slow enough first lap and I knew I should have plenty left. Dug in on the bend and did my best against the noticeable headwind (OK - more a breeze) on the back straight, registering a shout of encouragement from DH, out to keep an eye on the small contingent of Shamrocks over the various events. Retook the Cru nemesis at the start of the final bend and put in a fairly good kick for home, although in truth it wasn’t needed, as I finished well clear of fifth.

    I knew from my state at the end that I hadn’t completely emptied the tank, so it’s a pity there wasn’t more of a chase, either from behind or towards the front. The official result of 2:32.31 is a couple of secs slower than the last time out in the first meet at the beginning of May. But I feel this was a better race and good to have the experience of the lap 7 start so I’ll know to be more aggressive next time. No knee troubles, thankfully. Enjoyable night - total 7.6k after a few laps cooling down.

    WTD: 27k (17m)
    MTD: 216 (134)
    YTD: 1,393 (866)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 5 cont.

    Thu 27 Jun

    5k recovery around Fairview Park in the late afternoon mugginess. Was planning 8 or 9k but canned it early as the legs were not yet up for it.

    Fri 28 Jun

    Plan: 20m E, 4x400 (400 rec), 10m E, 4x400 (400), 15m E
    Actua: 17m E, 4x400, 10m E, 2x400, 4x200, 15m E

    I like running 400s but preferably on the track - that wasn’t an option so I headed to Fairview Park and measured out a couple of stretches during the warmup. Target pace was around 83 seconds, but I would be happy enough to hit 85-87 under the circumstances, with a couple of the reps on grass. I decided during the first set to modify the second set, to make it a bit more interesting, and because I feel I haven’t been doing enough 200s of late and may have lost a little speed. Happy enough to get through this unscathed.

    Splits (approx):

    90 87 87 74 (short!)
    87 86
    38 38 38 39

    Sat 29 Jun

    9.2k inc St. Anne’s parkrun (pacing 24 mins)

    Started with a jog out to the car, abandoned in the 'tarf last night in the interests of wine with dinner. On then to St. Anne’s. One of the reasons I like the 24 min pacing gig is that it’s close to my MP, and it feels good to be able to dole out ‘encouraging’ platitudes to pacees while maintaining a M effort. Was delighted to be joined by KennyG, who used to post lots of sage advice around here, and also to spot one of my neighbours in our little group before she pushed on. 23:58 for the pacing section, with only a little bit of ‘mickey dazzling’. Another cool down mile afterwards with G and A and the Kellys.

    WTD: 51k (32m)
    MTD: 241 (150)
    YTD: 1,417 (881)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Is it just me or does everytime one sees KennyG typed a saxophone plays in one's head?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sun 30 Jun

    LR: 16.1k @ 5:39

    10 miles easy on the Royal Canal past Ashtown, with some strides on the way home. Actually felt better after the strides than before.

    And that wraps up June at 257k and the first half of the year at 1,433. Mileage has been a bit low - 160k behind the target. I expect that will be made up in the second half though with marathon focus, not to mention the turnaround for Donadea. Did I mention I’d entered Donadea? Who else is in, apart from Singer and Crockmac?

    WTD: 67k (42m)
    MTD: 257 (160)
    YTD: 1,433 (891)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    800 redux: Week 6 of 12

    No racing this week for a change!

    Mon 1 Jul

    10k @ 5:44

    Easy lunchtime run along the Dodder and back via Beggars Bush.

    Tue 2 Jul


    Wed 3 Jul

    Morton session: 12x300 (75s walk recovery)

    I like warm weather for this kind of session and it was a beautiful evening. Smaller group than usual (most of the Daves took the night off). The guidance was to do these around 65, which is close enough to the 62 specified as R pace by JD, so I just tried to be somewhere in the vicinity of those numbers. Felt very strong all through - love this rep distance.

    64 63 63
    61 64 64
    60 63 64
    61 59 61

    Cooldown in the Demesne, total 8.8k for the night.

    WTD: 19 (12m)
    MTD: 19 (12)
    YTD: 1,452 (902)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 6 cont.

    Thu 4 Jul

    10.1k @ 6:00

    Recovery on the seafront - air very heavy indeed, and so were the legs. Last night’s session obviously took a bit out of me.

    Fri 5 Jul

    5x1200 (3mins jog recovery) + strides

    Even more humid than yesterday as I headed towards the Sandymount seafront for this week’s Q2 session. Warmup felt as heavy as last night’s run, so much so that I pretty much decided on the way to abandon the session. Then I thought maybe I’d switch in a few steady miles. Then maybe a MP run. Or maybe the session with fewer reps. Or just do it, ignore the watch and try to feel out the effort. In the end I think the effort was nearly about right, hitting Z4 in most of the reps, except the fourth, when I turned into the breeze and decided to give myself a break. Would extend the recovery period next time. Enjoyed the strides all the same, a good way to finish.

    Splits (approx):

    5:04 5:12 5:04 5:43 5:11

    All over the place pace wise, it has to be said. But happy to have done the full thing under the circumstances. Total 14.8k.

    Sat 6 Jul

    7.8k inc. parkrun #135 at Poolbeg

    Joined A for a Sanctuary Runners outing to Poolbeg parkrun. A 6k parkrun for me as I did the final loop twice to join one of our new arrivals, a marathon veteran out for her first run in 19 years, if I understood correctly. Enjoyable morning, don’t do enough of this. Another mile or so a little later to retrieve the car from outside The Goose. ;)

    WTD: 52 (33m)
    MTD: 52 (33)
    YTD: 1,485 (923)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Figured from Strava that the Goose May have been the car pick up point!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 6 cont.

    Sun 7 Jul

    MLR: 12.9k @ 5:25

    8 easy with M and C on the seafront. Picked up to MP for a single mile, to see what it would feel like. Didn’t feel easy, that’s for sure.

    WTD: 65 (41m)
    MTD: 65 (41)
    YTD: 1,498 (931)

    So halfway through this 12 week block - how does it feel? I don’t think all the cylinders are firing. Looked back at my log from last year and this was the entry for the 5x1200 that felt so hard on Friday evening (a run I did on holidays, at 5000 feet of altitude in the Dolomites, last year):
    I don’t often do 1200s, and when I do, I struggle to keep them below 5 mins, so I wasn’t too confident of hitting that target (JD seems to expect little or no dropoff from 400 to 1200 reps). Anyway I was out early for this, jogging to the 500m ‘track’ around the village laghetto. Felt awfully heavy-legged on the warmup. The lake was deserted, save for an elderly walker. Hid my water in a corner, hoping it wouldn’t be cleaned up by any vigilant citizens or municipal workers before the end of the session. Ran these by feel - first one was way off and I picked up for the rest. But I knew these were slow - It felt like there was a restrictor on the engine, preventing anything faster than 10k pace. Was talking myself out of finishing, then downgrading to shorter reps, but in the end the 3 min standing recoveries were enough to keep me honest and I finished it out.

    Splits (approx):
    5:16 5:07 5:02 5:04 5:03

    Not brilliant, but considerably better than this year. I wonder am I on a downhill slope, or will things eventually start to click?
