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BQ or Bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Race you to 88% age graded mile/1500
    Murph_D wrote: »

    88% - that would require 5:03! Maybe next year. ;)

    Not sure about best day for gym, but as it's a six week cycle, you're essentially in peak phase, right? In that case, you should probably only be doing one session, maintenance, a week. I may be wrong but them's my instructions anyway :) Yeah, the first time I entered the 'fast phase' of a 1500 programme, I was shocked at how wrecked I felt on the recovery shuffles - and they were shuffles! It's a totally different ball game to longer distance training.

    And yeah I checked the figures after I laid down the gauntlet. I'll let you off....for now....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    In other news, this thread will shortly go through the 100,000 views barrier. Top logging D, keep up the good work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Not sure about best day for gym, but as it's a six week cycle, you're essentially in peak phase, right? In that case, you should probably only be doing one session, maintenance, a week. I may be wrong but them's my instructions anyway :) Yeah, the first time I entered the 'fast phase' of a 1500 programme, I was shocked at how wrecked I felt on the recovery shuffles - and they were shuffles! It's a totally different ball game to longer distance training.

    And yeah I checked the figures after I laid down the gauntlet. I'll let you off....for now....

    Peak phase... erm, yeesssss.

    More like don't-know-what-I'm-doing phase. But with a bit of luck and friendly guidance from people who DO know what they are doing ;) I will last the 6 weeks and survive the event.

    I'm going to implement your nine-day cycle suggestion for a start. Already feeling the need for more recovery. #agingwuss

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,447 ✭✭✭FBOT01

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Not sure about best day for gym, but as it's a six week cycle, you're essentially in peak phase, right? In that case, you should probably only be doing one session, maintenance, a week. I may be wrong but them's my instructions anyway :) Yeah, the first time I entered the 'fast phase' of a 1500 programme, I was shocked at how wrecked I felt on the recovery shuffles - and they were shuffles! It's a totally different ball game to longer distance training.

    And yeah I checked the figures your age after I laid down the gauntlet. I'll let you off....for now....

    FYP :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,415 ✭✭✭Singer

    Catching up here, very interesting! The (very well assembled, kudos :D) spreadsheet gave me a sinking feeling, training for a mile just wouldn't satisfy the robotic desire to churn out the miles :confused:! Out of interest, what would be the gym routine? Same each time or change up the intensity depending on where it falls?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Singer wrote: »
    Catching up here, very interesting! The (very well assembled, kudos :D) spreadsheet gave me a sinking feeling, training for a mile just wouldn't satisfy the robotic desire to churn out the miles :confused:! Out of interest, what would be the gym routine? Same each time or change up the intensity depending on where it falls?

    Thanks, B. Gym routine: I have generally neglected gym work over the years so I am only really getting to grips with it. For now I'm just trying to do build up to 3x12 reps of the various machines, targeting the major muscle groups: chest press, shoulder press, leg press, hip rotation, leg curls, hip adductors etc etc. Interestingly yes, this week I was at the gym the day after the 800 pace session and the legs weren't really up to the task, so I dialled back a bit. But it's early days with the gym work, and when I have a bit of basic work behind me I'll probably try to move on to a more running-specific routine.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thu 30 Mar

    Gym session. Felt harder than usual, probably due to yesterday’s session. Hopped on the treadmill for a recovery run but abandoned after one mile as it just didn’t feel right.

    Fri 31 Mar

    Recovery 30 mins+ @ 5:57/k (9:34/m)

    A few recovery miles in the sunshine through Drumcondra. This is where I grew up, although I don’t run this particular route very often. Possibly as I was attending a funeral later in the afternoon, it struck me that I had passed the houses of several childhood friends who are no longer with us, all the more reason to be grateful to be able to get out and enjoy it while we can!

    March total: 221 km (138 miles).

    Sat 1 Apr

    Speed: 2 sets of 4x400 off 75 secs walk/standing recovery (3 mins jog between sets)

    Session two of the already modified 6-week plan. Headed to Duanington’s stomping ground, the rose garden in St. Anne’s, which is track shaped with an outer loop that measures about 430m. After a couple of kms warmup, I established appropriate start/end points and got down to business. Although DG had suggested walk/jog recoveries during the week, I stuck with the standing/walk option as I wanted to be finished in time for a parkrun cooldown. Like the Weds session, this was one I hadn’t done before. Taking a cue from BG’s log I was expecting the third rep of each set to be psychologically the hardest so I made a point to relax and stay focused and put in a good effort throughout, not bothering too much with the watch beyond checking I was on pace at the 100m and 300m point of each lap. Found this tough, especially the second set, but pleased with the effort.

    Splits: (1:29 target)

    1:27 1:28 1:25 1:26
    1:28 1:29 1:28 1:28

    Jogged over to the parkrun start and joined the missus for a nice parkrun cool down/recovery, followed by coffee and chats with FBOT, Killerz, and a very London-ready-looking Ferris. Mind you, the second coffee took longer to arrive than the entire session and parkrun combined. Maybe the cafe staff were playing an April Fools joke on us. :rolleyes:

    Good morning’s work.

    Sun 2 Apr

    Recovery 8.1k @ 5:51 (5.1 @ 9:24)

    Sunny trot along the seafront, each mile slower than the previous. Tired legs this morning. Low mileage week but the two sessions, as I was warned, take it out of you.

    WTD: 54k (34m)
    MTD: 19k (12)
    YTD: 716 (445)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Revised plan looks good. Shorter recoveries at race pace will replicate race feel/effort but you also need a balance of reps which give you the speed of race pace and at the same time allow you to recover well. From what I understand, you would start a block with the latter and progress to the first type but 6-7 weeks isn't really long enough to do that progression effectively.

    One suggestion: the Tuesday before M Day, you could dial back the 8x400s to just 4x400 as a pre-race sharpening session. You want to be fresh for the mile and 4x400 will leave you nicely ready to go.

    And if you're feeling 'twitchy' to run on rest days, you could do 30-40 mins v easy but listen to your body. Don't be afraid to dial back the gym work either as you are taking on two new stimuli (intense speed work and gym) at the same time. Did I hear/read you mention Pilates somewhere?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thanks A - that makes sense about the recoveries. I'll try to favour longer recoveries over the next 2 weeks maybe. Was wondering about what to do in final week too, your suggestion sounds good.

    Pilates is on hiatus at the moment. Has been for a long time now that you mention! :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    Yes, could be a good idea as you're getting used to more intense speed. If you move to your forefoot/up on your toes on the 200s (I have noticed that I do), your achilles might grumble and therefore appreciate the recovery, not to mention the energy system you're targeting.

    I might not have any reason to be but I am just a bit worried about the gym sessions PLUS speed....Is there any chance you could suck up the 'return to Pilates DOMS' in favour of the gym until you get the mile out of the way? From what I understand, introducing the gym would be best in a base building or conditioning phase. If you can't, again, just listen to the ol bod and pull back when needed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Project Mile: Week 2 of 6

    Mon 3 Apr

    Slow MLR 13k @ 6:02 (8.1m @ 9:43)

    A circuit of the Phoenix Park trails, including one I’ve never been down before (and may not bother with again). Slow, on fairly unresponsive legs, but very enjoyable, despite feeling a sore throat coming on.

    Tue 4 Apr

    Rest. The throat worse today, so no harm.

    Wed 5 Apr


    Canned the gym session and signed up for pilates instead, as suggested by the wise DG (who am I to argue, and anyway it doesn’t take much to dissuade me from the gym). Had to cancel the class at the last minute though due to a conflict, so another rest day.

    Thu 6 Apr

    8k easy out to the to the wooden bridge and back. Spectacular morning.

    Fri 7 Apr

    Session: 8x600 @ 3k pace (2:30 a/r)

    Jogged over to the track in the late morning, having established that there wouldn’t be any schoolkids or sprinters booked in. ;) I used to do an elaborate measuring job in lane 4 until one day Ferris pointed out the 600 markers right there at the edge of the track so was able to get straight into the session. Used the first rep to get a feel for the pace (too fast) but the rest were better. This seemed to go on forever - unlike club sessions in a group which seem to be over in a flash. Tougher the longer it went on, especially in the middle reps, so pleased to have gotten through it unscathed. Struggled to find the right pace and rhythm, has to be said.

    Splits (target 2:21)
    2:17 2:23 2:23 2:20
    2:22 2:20 2:20 2:20

    Jogged home for a total of 15.2k (9.5m)

    WTD: 36k (23m)
    MTD: 56k (35)
    YTD: 752 (468)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Project Mile: Week 2 of 6

    Mon 3 Apr

    Slow MLR 13k @ 6:02 (8.1m @ 9:43)

    A circuit of the Phoenix Park trails, including one I’ve never been down before (and may not bother with again). Slow, on fairly unresponsive legs, but very enjoyable, despite feeling a sore throat coming on.

    Tue 4 Apr

    Rest. The throat worse today, so no harm.

    Wed 5 Apr


    Canned the gym session and signed up for pilates instead, as suggested by the wise DG (who am I to argue, and anyway it doesn’t take much to dissuade me from the gym). Had to cancel the class at the last minute though due to a conflict, so another rest day.

    Thu 6 Apr

    8k easy out to the to the wooden bridge and back. Spectacular morning.

    Fri 7 Apr

    Session: 8x600 @ 3k pace (2:30 a/r)

    Jogged over to the track in the late morning, having established that there wouldn’t be any schoolkids or sprinters booked in. ;) I used to do an elaborate measuring job in lane 4 until one day Ferris pointed out the 600 markers right there at the edge of the track so was able to get straight into the session. Used the first rep to get a feel for the pace (too fast) but the rest were better. This seemed to go on forever - unlike club sessions in a group which seem to be over in a flash. Tougher the longer it went on, especially in the middle reps, so pleased to have gotten through it unscathed. Struggled to find the right pace and rhythm, has to be said.

    Splits (target 2:21)
    2:17 2:23 2:23 2:20
    2:22 2:20 2:20 2:20

    Jogged home for a total of 15.2k (9.5m)

    WTD: 36k (23m)
    MTD: 56k (35)
    YTD: 752 (468)

    He says, with four of the last five the same. Excellent work, keep it up!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Sat 8 Apr

    40 mins recovery in St. Anne's. No parkrun today but I ran part of the course and spotted plenty of familiar faces who had obviously turned up anyway and ended up doing a 'freedom run'. Bumped into BG and a few other clubmates getting ready for the BHAA races, then laura_ac3 and Wubble Wubble too. Beautiful morning for the races. Had a look at the 4-mile version, while hearing a quite bawdy account of Laura's latest sports massage. :eek:

    Sun 9 Apr

    Easy 6.4k @ 5:22 (4m @ 8:39)

    Some jr parkrun volunteering then a trot home along the seafront with Ferris. Home just in time to track the end of the Rotterdam marathon and a couple of incredible performances. We can but dream, etc. etc. Well done to all concerned.

    WTD: 50k (31m)
    MTD: 69k (43)
    YTD: 766 (476)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Project Mile: Week 3 of 6

    After two weeks of mile-oriented stuff, I am already aware of how inadequate a preparation this will be. Picked up my Jack Daniels book the other day and realised there's a whole section in there on running the mile, complete with lengthy, multi-phase training schedules. What I'm doing here is like trying to run a marathon on six weeks training, which I know would almost certainly lead to disappointment (depending of course on the expectations). So I need to be careful. At least I have a relatively long history of doing one speed session a week, but the second one is certainly tiring me out for now. Have been sleeping better than I have in years!

    Mon 10 Apr

    (4x200) x3 (3 mins a/r between sets)

    Second time doing this session in the past fortnight. Didn’t fancy repeating the park version so went to the track, which I had to myself. Did a couple of miles warmup in the Irishtown nature reserve and a few dynamic stretches. Then got into it. The instructions say 800m pace and I actually looked this up to confirm that yes, Bungy Girl was right about me doing them too slow last time. Having said that, I don’t think I’d have a hope in hell of running 800m at the pace prescribed (3:20/km).

    Splits (target :40)

    :34 :37 :38 :38
    :37 :39 :39 :38
    :38 :38 :39 :38

    So apart from the pace-finding rep 1 these were all pretty consistent for a change. Yes, it was hard. The 45-second standing recoveries were barely long enough to catch my breath, and the 3 mins shuffle recoveries between sets were gratefully grasped. Or should that be gasped? (I thought I was being bold extending the recovery to 3 mins from 2:30, but it turned out I’d read it wrong and it was supposed to be 6 mins. I really shouldn’t be allowed out by myself).

    Another couple of miles in the nature reserve to cool down, total for the morning 11.8k (7.3 mi).

    WTD: 12k (7m)
    MTD: 88k (50)
    YTD: 777 (483)

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 16,125 Mod ✭✭✭✭adrian522

    I'm interested in where this all leads, If it goes well would you consider a longer bout of training for a middle distance event?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    adrian522 wrote: »
    I'm interested in where this all leads, If it goes well would you consider a longer bout of training for a middle distance event?

    Maybe. All I'm trying to do is see if a bit of dedicated training will produce a relatively respectable result - i.e. one that is in line or slightly better than my 5k time. If so, and if I enjoy the experience, why not take it a bit further? Wouldn't rule it out - but I'm not planning to ditch the 3:20 marathon quest either!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Murph_D wrote: »
    At least I have a relatively long history of doing one speed session a week, but the second one is certainly tiring me out for now. Have been sleeping better than I have in years!

    Mon 10 Apr

    (4x200) x3 (3 mins a/r between sets)

    Second time doing this session in the past fortnight. Didn’t fancy repeating the park version so went to the track, which I had to myself. Did a couple of miles warmup in the Irishtown nature reserve and a few dynamic stretches. Then got into it. The instructions say 800m pace and I actually looked this up to confirm that yes, Bungy Girl was right about me doing them too slow last time. Having said that, I don’t think I’d have a hope in hell of running 800m at the pace prescribed (3:20/km).

    Splits (target :40)

    :34 :37 :38 :38
    :37 :39 :39 :38
    :38 :38 :39 :38

    So apart from the pace-finding rep 1 these were all pretty consistent for a change. Yes, it was hard. The 45-second standing recoveries were barely long enough to catch my breath, and the 3 mins shuffle recoveries between sets were gratefully grasped. Or should that be gasped? (I thought I was being bold extending the recovery to 3 mins from 2:30, but it turned out I’d read it wrong and it was supposed to be 6 mins. I really shouldn’t be allowed out by myself).

    Nice work :cool:. Think what you could do if you actually took the prescribed recovery! ;). No wonder you're having the ZZZZZs. That is a savage session (we did it again tonight and I crashed and burned - badly - by doing the first set too quickly :o). I'm too tired and lazy to figure out what 800m @ 3:20/Km works out at, but based on that session I'd say you're underestimating yourself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Nice work :cool:. Think what you could do if you actually took the prescribed recovery! ;). No wonder you're having the ZZZZZs. That is a savage session (we did it again tonight and I crashed and burned - badly - by doing the first set too quickly :o). I'm too tired and lazy to figure out what 800m @ 3:20/Km works out at, but based on that session I'd say you're underestimating yourself.

    It works out at 40s per 200. Or about 5:20/mile pace. Sound familiar? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Tue 11 Apr


    Wed 12 Apr

    40 mins easy on the seafront. Passed two quite elderly gentlemen strolling hand in hand through Fairview Park. Delighted to see this, given the park's notorious history on the subject. Hopefully they'll show up for the soon-to-be-launched Fairview parkrun. ;)

    Thu 13 Apr

    400s on the schedule today but as we are heading to Ballina and planning a parkrun on Sat, decided to switch things around a bit. No run at all today in the end.

    Fri 14 Apr

    9k @ recovery pace.

    Pre-breakfast run along the Moy to Belleek Forest and some of tomorrow's parkrun course. Fabulous sporting facilities in this area: spanking new running track that seems open to all, soccer and rugby pitches, tennis courts, all-weather, the works. If I'd known about the track, I might not have ditched yesterday's 400s after all. As the mrs pointed out, having a Taoiseach in your county doesn't do any harm on the public spending front. The park itself is very nice - bit reminiscent of St. Anne's in some ways, except St. Anne's doesn't have a world-renowned salmon fishery running through it. :pac: Looking forward to a good tempo-ish run tomorrow, maybe a little faster.

    Sat 15 Apr

    Ballina parkrun: 21:14 (7th finisher)

    I was unsure how to treat this one. Race? Tempo? MP? Having skipped the session the other day I felt I could replace the next 3k-paced session with this one, and more or less race it, but not all-out, maybe something like 5-mile pace. Lined up in the second row and after the initial dash from the start line to the forest I found myself in about eighth place behind a group that included a few serious-looking club runners and a couple of GAA kids, effortlessly accelerating out of sight (to briefly reappear later, due to the out-and-back nature of the course). I settled in behind a mature-looking chap, probably an age cat rival, moving well. We were passed decisively by another GAA kid and then a baggy-shorted hipster type, but then that was it - I sensed my rival flagging and went past him and two more runners before the turn, enjoying the slight downhill grade at the start of the second half. High-fived the mrs on her way out, then a wave to muddypaws and her canine companion. There were footsteps not far behind and although I was feeling it now I was pretty determined that they would not get close enough to get a sniff of weakness. Came to a fork. ****e, which way had we come? I raised my palms, and there was a call from behind of "Left!". Sporting chap, but he wasn't getting past. ;) By 4k the footsteps had faded and the forest path stretched ahead, no one in sight. While this is a lovely course, it is slightly spoiled by the sewage plant alongside the finish line, and my nostrils began to detect that the end was near. A few dry heaves followed, not sure if caused by the (mild-ish) stench or my efforts to finish strongly. Faded a little over two spicy little bumps near the end. Finally, a bend and there was the line.

    7th position. Hadn't looked at the watch since the 2k beep and when I gathered myself I was a little surprised to see 21:14. While I wouldn't say I was all out at any stage, it had felt a little faster, certainly sub-21. Then again, not having a target in front made it difficult to push harder through the entire second half. A very good workout, all told.

    Splits: 4:07 4:12 4:24 4:17 4:14

    A short cooldown before returning to the finish area. Met some of the friendly core team, and a nice chat with muddypaws too. Lovely event, recommended. Breakfast than a quick sauna/jacuzzi/steam at the hotel before heading further north.

    Sun 16 Apr

    12.1k @ 5:37 (7.5 mi @ 9:32)

    Easy run on a local 12k loop in Donegal. Felt surprisingly good after yesterday's push. Through 500 miles for the year to date, a bit behind schedule. Good to finish the week feeling strong.

    WTD: 47k (29m)
    MTD: 116k (72)
    YTD: 813 (505)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Project Mile: Week 4 of 6

    Last week involved some deviation from the plan, but I reckon no harm to get something race-like into the mix to sharpen up the legs, not to mention the mind. Once more the schedule, such as it is, had to take a back seat this week as the club had managed to put together an M50 team for the National Road Relays for the first time in a long time, possibly ever. As I was in Donegal for most of the week I decided to do a bit of easy-paced exploring, on the many roads, hills, forestry tracks, trails and muddy puddles to be had locally.

    Mon 17 Apr

    Recovery 8k@ 6:00 (5 mi @ 9:39)

    Joined the missus on her easy run around the local 5-mile road loop. Not feeling great. A was bounding along, however, rediscovering her mojo. So happy to just tag along.

    Tue 18 Apr

    Easy 8.1 @ 6:01 (5 @ 9:40)

    Headed out towards the hills, taking a detour through some forestry, back to the road and finishing through some more forest paths and muddy trail. Haven’t run this route in a couple of years and I was annoyed to see some of the forest paths closed off, possibly by local farmers “adjusting” the size of their holdings. :mad:

    Wed 19 Apr

    Rest. The plan had 6x800 at 3k pace but ditched this with the Sunday race in mind.

    Thu 20 Apr

    10.1 @ 5:54 (6.2 @ 9:30)

    Another local exploratory trek involving road and forest and trails. It was towards the end of the day and I disturbed some animals in the woods. Quite an alarming sound coming from in there, and I picked up a rock fully expecting to be charged by something. Reminded myself that there are no more bears and wolves in Ireland and put the rock down. More likely a deer. Jumpy city slicker, moi.

    Really enjoyed this run, although the mrs scolded me for not telling anyone where I was going, and true enough, if anything happened in that forest I probably wouldn’t have been discovered for months!

    Fri 21 Apr

    Rest, with some cross training involving a lawnmower and other garden tools, before the drive back to Dublin.

    Sat 22 Apr

    13.6 k (8.4m) easy, inc. St. Anne’s parkrun

    Joined FBOT for some pre-parkrun miles including a reccie of the relay course. Chatting away so didn’t notice much about the course, except that it’s pretty flat and pretty hard underfoot (concrete). Even harder than the ALSAA track. :pac: Followed that with a very easy parkrun. Was conscious that I should be keeping the mileage low but hey, they're only easy miles, right? :p

    Sun 23 Apr

    National road relays

    So this week’s main session would be a race. And a pretty special one at that. My first experience of a national event that doesn’t have a mass participation element. The standard was very high today and our M50 team, made up mostly of marathon specialists, and well over the minimum age, :) was simply outclassed, coming in 11th of 12. I was running the final leg and managed to hold our position, closing slightly on the Tallaght runner in front. He was a long way ahead though, and the runner behind was a long way off, so my anchor leg was a pretty lonely affair and it was hard to get a sense of speed and pace. I didn’t look at the watch at all (and with no glasses, I’d have seen only a blur if I had). Completed the lap of just over a mile in an official time of 6:17, so equal to or possibly just under my 6:07 PB. I think that's pretty acceptable for what was essentially a solo run - although admittedly with terrific support from many clubmates and other Raheny/boardsie acquaintances. Much appreciated.

    The club did well, winning silver in the women’s F35 category, and was well represented in all the races with some strong teams. Witnessed BG taking a scalp during her anchor leg, great stuff.

    Time then to sit back and enjoy the show, and some terrific performances in the senior races. The mrs was delighted to see so many Ulster teams represented, including a QUB outfit that rolled in and stole the women’s race. Fabulous tussle between Raheny and Donore for the men’s. Brilliant stuff. Great to take part in such a special event. And you can’t beat the specificity of a mile at mile pace. ;)

    WTD: 46k (29m)
    MTD: 163k (101)
    YTD: 860 (535)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Well done D, certainly harder with no one to race, but you looked under no pressure turning for home. Redrunner might come along to PP to give another bit of competition.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Well done, Murph! I agree, it's such a special event and it's a privilege to take part in it. Project mile is going well for you. I think you'll get to the holy grail of the sub-6 before I do based on today's performance!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Well done, Murph! I agree, it's such a special event and it's a privilege to take part in it. Project mile is going well for you. I think you'll get to the holy grail of the sub-6 before I do based on today's performance!

    Wouldn't bet on that myself. You did what you had to do today, the times are only window dressing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    It really threw me, seeing you yesterday! I had you situated in Donegal :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    It really threw me, seeing you yesterday! I had you situated in Donegal :D

    How could I not come back to make my debut? :)

    Thanks for the shout!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,035 ✭✭✭HelenAnne

    Very well done! It's such a great event. Did you hear me shouting (my hands and voice are quite tired today!:))

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    HelenAnne wrote: »
    Very well done! It's such a great event. Did you hear me shouting (my hands and voice are quite tired today!:))

    I did indeed, and thanks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,606 ✭✭✭RedRunner

    Kennyg71 wrote: »
    Well done D, certainly harder with no one to race, but you looked under no pressure turning for home. Redrunner might come along to PP to give another bit of competition.

    Sure it would be good to go along and put ye under some pressure at least. Where do I find details about it and registration etc?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Sure it would be good to go along and put ye under some pressure at least. Where do I find details about it and registration etc?

    Irish Runner paced Mile.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    RedRunner wrote: »
    Sure it would be good to go along and put ye under some pressure at least. Where do I find details about it and registration etc?

    It's not that easy to find - I have this link from an email reply I got from Irish Runner a while back.

    Sun 7 May @ 10am. Free registration here:

    Just signed up myself!
