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BQ or Bust!



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,601 ✭✭✭Wubble Wubble

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Well these are only approximations based on my strava trace, roughly adjusted for the Garmin's inaccurate measurement of the course. It was a fast start alright and the pace noticeably adjusted in the second part of the first mile. I remember one of the pacers calling 6:24 for first mile and 6:30 for the second. Anyway, I will always take responsibility for my own race and if I'd stayed with the pacers for another half mile I probably would have been fine.

    Didn't use the watch except a quick glance around the 3.6k mark as I was falling behind (to look at distance elapsed, not time), and another glance when crossing the 800m to go line, which if I remember correctly read 23:36 and I briefly noted that I could still go sub-26 if I could finish with a big sub-2:30 800!

    Edit - just checked trace and looks like it was more like 23:06 with 800 to go. So not my fastest finish ever, although it was at least back to the intended pace. Mile 2.5-3.5 as Mulberry suggested was where the damage was done.

    Deceptively tricky part of the course, from what I remember of my previous experience in this race. I agree that sub-26 was achievable, but I wouldn't be too upset with the result.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Murph_D wrote: »
    And what about you? Still on hols?

    By 'she' I meant me!

    That race always seems to have a fast start despite the long drag that starts from the playground to the Maynooth Road roundabout but you live and learn!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,388 ✭✭✭laura_ac3

    I agree with the course discussion. This is hands down one of my favourite races because the support through the town is superb - 3 times no less. But I did notice my pace fall off a cliff as we turned into the housing area and for the start of the fourth mile. Took a real effort to try get it back down before the final push for the finish. Having been here a few times now I wasn't surprised so important to bear in mind when returning for this one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    laura_ac3 wrote: »
    I agree with the course discussion. This is hands down one of my favourite races because the support through the town is superb - 3 times no less. But I did notice my pace fall off a cliff as we turned into the housing area and for the start of the fourth mile. Took a real effort to try get it back down before the final push for the finish. Having been here a few times now I wasn't surprised so important to bear in mind when returning for this one.

    Yes - would definitely have helped to have been in a group at this point of the race, rather than isolated and being picked off. Some headwind too through that part of the course, if I remember correctly. Quite a challenge - I can certainly see why this is a popular race with such a long history! Well done on your own race - look forward to seeing your log rejuvenated. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 4 of 12

    This week involves some more deviation from the plan to accommodate the K-Club 10k race on Sat, which I will more than likely do, as well as the club session on Tuesday night. No apologies for such chopping and changing - the aim is to build the structure around the fun stuff and do plenty of racing where the opportunity arises.

    Mon 26 Mar

    Plan/Actual - Rest day.

    Tue 27 Mar

    Plan - General aerobic 11k
    Actual - Club session: 3x800 (75), 3x600 (60), 3x300 (?)

    Jogged over to the club and considered just an easy run but got sucked into the session. Aim was to take it relatively handy, and I joined a group that I thought would fit the bill. Good bunch who certainly knew how to ramp it up, and the easy 800s gave way to some less easy 600s and some pretty tasty 300s. Total for the day 14.7k.

    3:28 3:28 3:27
    2:27 2:27 2:30
    1:05 1:03 1:07

    Wed 28 Mar

    Plan - General aerobic 13k
    Actual - Recovery 11k

    Felt pretty awful on this plod around the Dublin Port. But it is done.

    WTD: 27k (18m)
    MTD: 275 (172)
    YTD: 720 (449)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Best of luck in the morning D, run well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thu 29 Mar

    Plan - Speed: 2 sets 5x200 @ 800-mile pace (4 mins j/r btwn sets)
    Actual - General aerobic 13.5k

    Session swapped out for Tues club session, so just an easy run around East Wall and Clontart with M and C.

    Fri 30 Mar

    Plan - 6k recovery
    Actual - 7k General Aerobic with some strides

    Easy around Fairview parkrun course, with five or six strides towards the end.

    Sat 31 Mar

    Plan - General Aerobic 13k
    Actual - Race: K Club 10k

    Finally got to do this very well-regarded BHAA event. Singer was joining me so I picked him up on the way over, getting there in plenty of time despite missing an exit or two off the M50, so relaxed was the pre-race vibe. :) Plenty of familiar faces about. Adrian joined us for a warmup out and back along the last mile of the course. Chats with Mr Wubble too, all ready for his exams and letting us know how little training he'd been doing. ;) And we were off.

    The course starts at the clubhouse and takes you out of the estate and down the road. After 1.6k, there’s a loop around some minor roads, to be negotiated twice before returning to the salubrious country club surroundings. I ran behind B and A for the congested first km and let them drift ahead once we were out on the road. My strategy, if you could call it that, was to avoid last week’s near-blowup and run around 4:15 pace for the first 7k, then see what might be left at the end. That would give me a decent PB of around a minute if it paid off. So the first few kms were relatively comfortable.

    1-4 kms - 4:13 4:10 4:17 4:16

    The fifth km, taking you into the second loop, felt slightly more difficult with a bit of headwind - although the conditions were perfect really, so it was probably just the inevitable pinch in the middle third of the race. Trying again to avoid last week’s isolation, I’d fallen in with a group of four runners, all of us in blue singlets (but only one Garda). I made it my business to stay with them this time, most of us taking a turn at the front at some stage, working nicely, passing some flagging runners, not being passed ourselves. On 6k I passed the clubmate who had gone by me in the last mile last week, so either he was having a bad day, or something was working. Glancing at the average pace, I noted I was falling a tiny bit behind the 4:15/k strategy though - should I have left the group behind? It’s not like there was a more likely looking replacement bunch just ahead. I figured this was the place to be for now, and anyway it’s not like I was bursting to break out. A tad conservative, maybe, but so far so good.

    5-7 kms - 4:20 4:19 4:20

    The bottom of the loop brought the turn into the wind again. A runner in black made a move from behind. Looked impressive. One of the blue group, a Waterstown Warrior, went with him. But they stalled not too far ahead and stopped gaining. I decided not to push until we got to the main road again and the last mile. This was’t long coming, and once we hit this final leg, there was a noticeable ratcheting up of pace, and from behind I could hear plenty of runners encouraging each other to dig in and bring it home (many of these BHAA runners seem to know everyone else by name). I took this as a sign to dig in myself and try not to get passed, although I was definitely starting to run out of steam, with some of the usual discomfort. The gate appeared and once through there was another charge from behind and three or four lads steamed past. But I had something too and, while I didn’t exactly go with them, I would pass at least one of them again before the finish. Wasn’t expecting to be directed off the main route, through a carpark with, according to my watch, less than 500m to go. At the end of the car park, figuring there was the equivalent of one lap of the track to go, I dug in again and found a bit more speed, grinding it out, around another corner - but where was the finish? Could still see some runners quite a way ahead - oops, may have started to empty the tank too soon. Around the roundabout and up the final drag, cursing the endless nature of this final stretch, tank empty now and the last 150m a blur of passing, being passed, and finally over the line and into the chute.

    8-10+ kms: 4:33 4:19 4:08 (0:23)

    I felt like I’d finished well and that the race had therefore gone pretty much to plan. That would have resulted in a decent PB, so I was surprised, when I caught my breath, so see I’d stopped the watch at 43:19, only four seconds inside my PB, which I had considered pretty soft. So possibly I wasn’t running as well as I felt. There was some talk of the course being long; maybe it was - I clocked 10.14k despite running a good line throughout. No results till Tuesday, apparently. The race is hand-timed so hopefully it will indeed turn out to be a PB. Small as it is, if it sticks I’ll certainly take it!

    Previous PB: 43:23 (Fingal 2017)
    Target: ~42:00
    Actual: 43:19
    140th place (of 369)
    VDOT: 47.3
    Age Grade: 73.7%
    Verdict: Performance felt better than result.

    Another couple of kms cooldown with B and DD before returning to the clubhouse. Not a great idea to cool down and shower before heading for the legendary spread, which was reduced to hotdogs, black and white pudding, and no tea or coffee left (I'd heard so much about the post-race grub here I figured it would be flowing well into the afternoon). On the plus side though, the changing rooms and shower facilities were top notch. And we did manage to bag a pretzel on the way out the door. Well done BHAA. It's always a pleasure to get another race under the belt.


WTD: 60k (37m)
    MTD: 308 (192)
    YTD: 753 (468)

    After dropping B to Swords, I happened across my clubmate Leo on the N1, ninety eight miles into the Belfast-Dublin ultra - struggling somewhat but in good spirits. Puts my measly 10k into perspective! Selfie time.

    Hon Leo!


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done D, fingers crossed it’s a PB for you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 4 of 12 cont.

    So the first quarter of the year is over. It’s been reasonable - 477 miles, a little shy of the 500 required to keep me on track for 2,000. Quite a lot of racing - seven so far this year: three cross country, two on the indoor track, two on the road. Track and road have all been PBs, so the PB ‘streak’ is up to six. Hope to do some more track running in April at the graded meets.

    Sun 1 Apr

    Plan - Endurance 16k
    Actual - Recovery 14k

    Gentle nine miler up the canal to avoid the crowds converging on Croker. A little weary after yesterday’s race, but everything seems to be still working. 74k (46 miles) for the week, during which I also apparently passed through 15,000 kms since starting to run back in 2012.

    WTD: 74k (46m)
    MTD: 14 (9)
    YTD: 767 (477)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 5 of 12

    Maybe we can stick to the plan this week - except no: back-to-back racing weeks so will postpone Tues session till later in week, or maybe just skip it, depending on how things feel. In other news, have entered Cork marathon relay with the crack "DNS Harriers" team - looks like a full turnout so we’ll only have to do one leg each. World domination awaits. Have also thrown hat in ring for National Road Relays M50 team(s), so if that happens it will be nice to be part of that fabulous afternoon’s racing also.

    Mon 2 Apr

    Plan/Actual - Rest day.

    Tue 3 Apr

    Plan - General aerobic 13k
    Actual - General aerobic 12k

    Hooked up with M for a tour of the D5 and D3 postal districts. 5:19/k avg pace which is at the brisk end of the easy range. Found this taxing enough, plenty of residual tiredness in the legs.

    Wed 4 Apr

    Plan - 5x1000 @ 3-5k pace
    Actual - Recovery 10k

    I’m embarrassed to say that I actually set up this session on the watch before leaving the house thinking if I felt OK I might actually do it, despite telling myself all week to postpone/cancel. 500m in I knew it wouldn’t be happening. Tired plod at recovery pace.

    Thu 5 Apr

    Plan - Endurance 14k
    Actual - Endurance 14k + 1.4k recovery

    Pfitzinger suggests running these as progressive runs, from 20% to 10% slower than MP. So that’s what I set out to do, making some allowances for headwind out, tailwind back. Exhilarating run - one of those workouts where you can just feel the progress, and very welcome after yesterday's difficulty. Ended up close to marathon pace and tacked on another km to cool it down.

    WTD: 37k (23m)
    MTD: 51 (32)
    YTD: 804 (500)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 5 of 12 cont.

    Fri 6 Apr

    Plan/actual - 8.3k recovery

    Stopped off at Phoenix Park on way home from work for a watch-free loop from the Visitors Centre. Fine afternoon with a stiff but warm southerly wind.

    Sat 7 Apr

    Plan/actual - General Aerobic + speed 13k

    Easy to St. Anne’s, with C. Plan called for 6x12 secs hill sprints, which we did at the SW corner of the park. Then a short loop around the paths before heading back along the seafront, using the lampposts to measure 6 sets of strides (a couple short of the 8 called for on the schedule).

    Sun 8 Apr

    Plan/actual - Endurance 18k

    I rarely take part in the Sunday club run but it was a pleasure to take myself up to the Park for the first half of the three-hour stint the marathon group were doing today, their final 20+ miler before Hamburg. 11 miles was enough for me, so I ducked out half way through, after a very pleasant and chatty couple of laps of the North Road side of the park.

    WTD: 78k (48m)
    MTD: 92 (57)
    YTD: 845 (525)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 6 of 12

    Getting towards the halfway point in this 12-week block. I’m feeling good, adjusting to the scaled-up mileage. The endurance stuff has felt especially good - just as well, as I’ll need it later in the year with a truncated marathon prep (always thinking ahead). :)

    Mon 9 Apr

    Plan/Actual - Rest day

    Tue 10 Apr

    Plan - General aerobic 13k
    Actual - No running

    Club session had to be abandoned when the car had a dead battery. I drive a Smart but it’s not smart enough to turn off the headlights if you leave them on. :rolleyes: Too late by the time I’d taken the train home. Oh well. No harm in an extra rest day.

    Wed 11 Apr

    Plan - 14k w/ 20 mins @ LT
    Actual - 16.1k w/ 20 mins @ LT

    While I don’t want to sound overconfident (and mid-plan race results suggest otherwise) I’ve been feeling for a while now that something has clicked, in a good way. Tonight’s LT pace run (4:13/k, 6:47/m) supports this feeling. It was tough, as it should be, but I was never in any doubt about it, feeling very in control of pace and form. Nailed it, in other words. This is extra welcome because I’ve traditionally struggled with tempo stuff, a situation that began to change during last year’s sustained engagement with Hanson. Delighted with this (if you haven’t noticed). ;)

    WTD: 16k (10m)
    MTD: 108 (67)
    YTD: 861 (535)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Look at you casually knocking out 21 min 5Ks in training :cool:. Why would you not be delighted ! (Must take a look at those Hanson plans some time :o). Agree that tempos are the business, I only really started to understand them during base building and they really make a massive difference to your fitness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    The college professor blaming his not so smart Smart car for not turning off the headlights!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Actual - No running

    Club session had to be abandoned when the car had a dead battery. I drive a Smart but it’s not smart enough to turn off the headlights if you leave them on. :rolleyes: Too late by the time I’d taken the train home. Oh well. No harm in an extra rest day.

    That would never happen on a bike #justsayin :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 6 of 12 cont.

    Thu 12 Apr

    Plan - Endurance 14k
    Actual - Endurance 16k

    Certainly not used to doing a run as long as this the day after a hard session, so stayed towards the slower end of the ‘endurance’ range of 4:56-5:28 per km. A bit of tiredness but mostly enjoyable out and back run on the Royal Canal from Maynooth out beyond Kilcock.

    Fri 13 Apr

    Plan - 10k recovery
    Actual - no running

    Oops - a third rest day this week. No excuses, just ended up prioritising other stuff.

    Sat 14 Apr

    Plan: 13k inc 8x600 @ 3-5k pace
    Actual: 14.3k inc 8x600 @ 3-5k pace

    Over to St Anne’s, where I did the parkrun as a nice easy warmup, accompanied by Bungy Girl. Good to meet skyblue, who introduced himself as we passed each other on the avenue afterwards. Session time then, doing the first couple of reps on the Avenue and the parkrun ‘back straight’, then into the Rose Garden for the remainder, on the outer path which is just over 400m and wasn’t too busy this morning. Found these tough enough as I was a little, eh, dehydrated after last night’s few glasses of wine. Pace a bit uneven but came close enough to hitting the target of around 2:21/rep.

    2:24 2:20 2:24 2:19
    2:21 2:24 2:22 2:20

    Sun 15 Apr

    Plan Endurance 18k
    Actual - Endurance 20.8k

    After a wet morning of junior parkrun marshalling, and no letup in the weather by lunchtime, I was glad of the company of M and P for a wet and windy Royal Canal run, looping through Castleknock and some of the Phoenix Park before returning to the towpath. Would have been pretty miserable if solo for this one. Felt pretty decent considering it was the day after a session too. Momentarily struck with a stitch around half way through, probably related to eating too soon before going out. Only noticed afterwards that the pace had picked up towards the end, mostly by accident probably, as we dropped out of the wind when the canal falls below street level between Drumcondra and Ballybough. A good end to the week - pleased to salvage 42 miles out of it, despite missing two days.

    WTD: 67k (42m)
    MTD: 159 (99)
    YTD: 912 (567)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 7 of 12

    Halfway through this 5k-ish block. I say -ish because I am not sticking rigorously to the plan. There will be further departures this week to accommodate the club session on Tues and then the Road Relays at the end of the week.

    Mon 16 Apr

    Plan/Actual - Rest day

    Tue 17 Apr

    Plan - 13k General aerobic
    Actual - 13.8k inc club VO2 session 3x800 (75), 3x600 (60), 3x300 (walk)

    Over to the club, so swapping tomorrow’s VO2max session for whatever was on offer. It turned out to be the same session I did the last time I was over (I’ve missed the last couple of weeks). Enjoyed it, more or less hitting the right sort of pace for the 800s and 600s. We were encouraged to push the 300s a bit more. Result of that was a little uneven but I’m definitely feeling the benefit of these sessions.

    800s: 3:11 3:11 3:11
    600s: 2:21 2:20 2:22
    300s: 1:04 1:07 1:01

    Jogged home with aquinn and Singer. Total for the evening: 13.8k

    Wed 18 Apr

    Plan - 14k inc. 4x1000, 2x800 @ 3-5k pace
    Actual - 9k easy/rec

    Would have been nice to try that session, a variation on the one I enjoyed immensely last week. But easy/recovery was the order of the day. No more sessions this week with Sunday’s race.

    Thu 19 Apr

    Plan - Endurance 16k
    Actual - Recovery 9k

    Nearly 10 o’clock before I got out along the seafront for a few miles. Legs quite weary, in that two-days-post-session kind of way. Just took it easy. Very easy.

    WTD: 32k (20m)
    MTD: 191 (119)
    YTD: 944 (587)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Good luck on Sunday!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    All the best tomorrow D, run well!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 7 of 12 cont.

    Fri 20 Apr

    Plan - 10k recovery
    Actual -9.7k easy + strides

    Out along the seafront on a lovely evening. Bumped into Duanington and joined him as far as the Bull Wall (did his best to slow to near walking pace to accommodate but still gave me more of a workout than planned). A few strides on the way back, now that the HR was up!

    Sat 21 Apr

    Plan: GA 14k with strides
    Actual: Easy 5.8k

    The boy had a hurling match at the very scenic Beann Eadair GAA club. Abandoned Anna and the other boy to supporting duties and headed up the Bog of Frogs trail for a bit before heading to the relatively flat Windgate Road and up to one of the transmitters and back. Only a short loop but a magnificent one on a fantastic morning.

    Sun 22 Apr

    Plan Endurance 14k
    Actual - 8.8k including National Road Relays (M50 Leg 3 - 1 mile)

    Happy to make the team this year, partly due to one or two people being unavailable. Was given the final leg again and the main goal was DFIU. We’d come second last last year, so low enough expectations, although our team was on balance a bit stronger this year, possibly. Our lead runner J put in a good shift, handing off to P for the two mile leg, and we seemed to pick up a place or two by the time he handed off to me. I’d kept myself well warmed up and got a smooth enough start, being careful not to hare off too madly, which is easy to do with the cracking atmosphere around the start/finish area. I’d paced off the course on the warmup and had broken it into 400m stretches. The runner in front was almost out of sight, but there were a few behind, including one of the locals, ‘Joe’, who had plenty of support and I could judge how close he was from the shouts he was getting. Plenty of support for the Cru too, though, and by the back straight, into the headwind, it sounded like I’d dropped Joe and just did my best to pound it out with no one to chase. Effort levels were high with the wind, but I knew it would be helping from halfway and the push along All Saints Road. With about 600m to go one of the club coaches told me I had to push harder, and I could sense some competition from behind. Was really starting to feel it here, but the fear of being caught kicked in, much stronger than usual (that’s team racing for you). The rest is a blur (well it's all a blur actually), but I knew there were only about 125m from the final corner, and I was able to ramp it up over this last stretch before going strongly over the line and promptly collapsing in a heap.

    Haven’t seen a result yet but I’m told there were three or four teams behind, so a good result and a decent improvement on last year. Mid-table respectability! Didn’t start and stop the watch accurately but the Garmin and Strava are both trying to give me a 1-mile PB (the course is slightly longer) so I’ll take that for now. Terrific event again, and as I said last year, it’s a privilege to take part.

    Will update with results when available.

    WTD: 54k (33m)
    MTD: 213 (132)
    YTD: 966 (600)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 8 of 12

    Road Relay update:

    5:54 for my leg according to the results, 24:00 for the team over the 4+ miles. I reckon the circuit is about 70m long so there’s probably a mile PB in there, but I won’t be claiming it of course. The main thing is that the team improved by more than a minute over last year, and I’m happy to have shaved 23 seconds off my own contribution. We ended up in 5th, which looks much better than last year’s 11th. However there were fewer M50 teams this year, and in fact if we’d run this year’s time last year we’d only have improved by one place. We finished ahead of a couple of the M35 teams, though, which is always a pleasure. ;)

    It was a terrific afternoon. Great support on the course. The missus and I had a very pleasant beer and pasta afterwards with AGYR, Laura, BG, Dubgal, and Mr. Dubgal-to-be. Legs were quite sore for a couple of days, more so than any recent race, so the effort levels were definitely high.

    The plan is shot to hell at this stage, and that will continue this week. But I’ll keep adapting it around other events, and keep listing plan vs actual, just for the record. It will be interesting to see how effective an on-the-fly-modified FRR 5k plan turns out to be. Hopefully it won’t turn out to be a 4k plan. :o

    Mon 23 Apr

    Plan/Actual - Rest day

    Legs in bits so happy to stick to the plan. The Monday rest day is one of the few consistencies so far.

    Tue 24 Apr

    Plan - 14k General aerobic with 2 sets 5x150 strides
    Actual - 9k recovery

    Legs a bit better today but still some DOMS. Didn’t feel too bad though on this gentle trot along the Clontarf seafront.

    Wed 25 Apr

    Plan - General aerobic 13k
    Actual - AM: 4.7k easy. PM: Graded Meet 800m race.

    It wouldn’t have occurred to me to have a shakeout the morning of a track race. I wasn’t even sure I would do the race, given the proximity to the weekend’s exertions (even if it was only a mile) and the soreness afterwards. I asked some advice of Dubgal, who is well versed in such things, and she suggested the morning jog. (Dubgal is sorely missed on boards, certainly by the likes of me).

    Graded Meet No. 1: 800m D

    I’d actually been looking forward to this for months: the start of a summer project of track racing. Maybe that’s why I made such a balls of tonight - my first ever outdoor track event, save for the ALSAA paced mile (during which I was handed my ass by BG, a theme that would continue tonight, with a different clubmate in the BG role).

    I arrived early. Check in was slow, but understandably so as there were more runners taking part than I'd been expecting. Having got the paperwork out of the way, there was still plenty of time to prepare. There were some clubmates around - chatted for a while then got changed and headed through the Demesne for a bit of a warmup, including some dynamic stretching, joining the clubmates when I returned to the stadium for a couple of laps of the perimeter. Said hello to Laura, who had ambled by in the middle of her run and hung around for some (much appreciated) support. Put on the spikes then, and went through some strides and general nervous faffing. I was in the D race, but apparently (according to snippets I heard from fellow warmer uppers) there would be 2 A races, several Bs, a couple of Cs... I began to worry that I’d warmed up too early, but I was wrong - let’s just say that next time I’ll stay closer to the start line and just ask the officials about the schedule. As it happened, I was still obliviously killing time warming up when I happened to be in earshot enough to hear my name and realise that, ****, it's showtime!

    Cue rushed namecheck, discarding of extra layer, complete failure to reset watch, barely take position in Lane 2, and the gun goes off.

    Shyte - what am I doing here? I’m very new to 800m racing and it strikes me that you need to be mentally prepared, with a clear view of what you are about to do. As I had nearly missed my race, I hadn’t managed to get in that zone for what is only 2.5 mins of racing - a grave error, because you (I?) cannot possibly process the requisite actions/feelings/thoughts within the duration of the race itself, unlike in road races of 5k and above - my comfort zone.

    So I think I panicked. Out too fast over the first 200m. The good part about this was - despite myself, and without thinking about it - I’d fulfilled the ‘note to self’ after my last stab at the distance: get out briskly and into to the race from the start. So on the surface it seemed Ok - but in reality my brain had not caught up yet with sudden start, nor the good appropriation of the top end of the field, as I settled into third on the back straight, a few metres behind the leaders. On the surface, I was getting away with it. Through 400m in 1:15 - a number that had been in mind all day.

    But what now? Time to up the pace. For the next 200m I was closing on the two lads in front. But this is the part of the race that I think it helps to have visualised, and I didn’t really believe I could actually catch them (I'd thought it would be more likely that I would be in last place, struggling to stay in touch with the pack, like my recent NIA experience). Also, I was all too aware of the footsteps over my shoulder - something that surely should be expected also at this stage of any race. But I am still in third entering the home straight, and then it falls apart. I start to struggle at the same time as my clubmate B makes his move. The last time we were in the same race, at the Trinity track last summer, the shoe was on the other foot and I’d blown him away at the bell. I would have liked to have had a response this time, but I seemed to be tying up or something (not sure, it’s an unfamiliar feeling). I had no response, crossing the line in fourth. I knew immediately that I’d blown it. I didn’t even feel the need to adopt my customary post-race position on the ground, so there was plenty more to give.

    So a bit of a fail? There was definitely a better time in me tonight, given my condition at the end of it. The result came in at 2:33.29 - only a second off a PB, but the goal had been a good bit more lofty. Yes, it’s early in the season, and yes, it lays down a marker, but it hasn’t improved on my indoor marker from February. It feels like I am in good shape at the moment and it would have been so much better to mark my Graded Meet debut with a bigger bang.

    Having said all that... Really enjoyed taking part, and the whole event was very smoothly run by the officials. Good to hang out with some different clubmates for the evening. It’s a pleasure to race on the beautiful Morton Stadium surface too: the place looked and felt magnificent. If you are in a club and haven’t tried one of these events, I highly recommend that you do.

    Splits (approx): 75 78

    Previous PB: 2:32.25
    Target: 2:29.xx
    Official Time: 2:33.29
    4th posn / 5
    Age grade: 80.4%
    VDOT 53.9
    Verdict: Error-strewn rookie fail. But some learnings.

    WTD: 20k (12m)
    MTD: 233 (145)
    YTD: 986 (612)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    well done on all the recent racing.

    I really enjoyed that 800 report and if nothing else, you'll be ready for the next one. :D:D

    Its true there's always something to learn at every race and I reckon that run will definitely stand to you over the summer season. Best of luck with it D!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Good man D, really really admire how you dip your toes in everything from 800m track to 50k ultras and it’s doesn’t phase you in the slightest. I don’t think I could ever run a track race, just pure lack of confidence in myself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Good man D, really really admire how you dip your toes in everything from 800m track to 50k ultras and it’s doesn’t phase you in the slightest. I don’t think I could ever run a track race, just pure lack of confidence in myself.

    +1 to this.

    Fair play to you - I wouldn't have the balls to do it.
    Going out in 75 is some running too. Major kudos.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    It's an outdoor PB, yes ?

    And to be only a second off an indoor PB at this early stage in the track season is something to celebrate. 800s really are tricky to get right (and that 3rd 200 is a b****). A positive split is normal for the distance too. In my experience the more races you do the better you will perform - it's as much to do with getting your head right as your legs.

    And I agree. Come baaaaaaaack, Dubgal, we miss you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Good man D, really really admire how you dip your toes in everything from 800m track to 50k ultras and it’s doesn’t phase you in the slightest. I don’t think I could ever run a track race, just pure lack of confidence in myself.
    +1 to this.

    Fair play to you - I wouldn't have the balls to do it.
    Going out in 75 is some running too. Major kudos.

    Are ye kidding me? You both love racing and from what I have seen you would both be in your element. Why don’t you do a 3,000 or 5,000 as a gateway drug? :)
    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    It's an outdoor PB, yes ?

    And to be only a second off an indoor PB at this early stage in the track season is something to celebrate. 800s really are tricky to get right (and that 3rd 200 is a b****). A positive split is normal for the distance too. In my experience the more races you do the better you will perform - it's as much to do with getting your head right as your legs.

    And I agree. Come baaaaaaaack, Dubgal, we miss you.

    What, are you saying I can officially keep the PB streak going? :p

    Cheers, it was certainly an eye opener and I think I’ll be much more comfortable next time out. Tallaght in two weeks, anyone? ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Younganne wrote: »
    well done on all the recent racing.

    I really enjoyed that 800 report and if nothing else, you'll be ready for the next one. :D:D

    Its true there's always something to learn at every race and I reckon that run will definitely stand to you over the summer season. Best of luck with it D!!

    Thanks Anne. If there’s one thing my running ‘career’ has taught me is that I’m a slow learner. But a learner nevertheless. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 8 of 12 cont.

    Thu 26 Apr

    Plan - recovery 11k
    Actual - recovery 6.6k

    Joined the Mrs for a pleasant recovery around the St. Anne’s perimeter.

    Fri 27 Apr

    Plan - 7k recovery
    Actual - 11.1k easy/recovery

    Went to DCU to participate in the RISC study. Interesting hour of strength, balance, and running form tests using motion and inertia sensors. Help them out if you have time, it’s an interesting project conducted by two very affable and conscientious sports science PhD researchers. Followed that with a few more recovery miles around Glasnevin, including a ramble through the Botanic Gardens before being intercepted and politely informed that running is not permitted, as “It’s a garden, not a park”. Fair enough, I know now. ;)

    Sat 28 Apr

    Plan: 14k inc. tune-up race
    Actual: Easy/steady 6.5k inc parkrun pacing (24 mins)

    Enjoyed my 100th parkrun on pacer Saturday. There was a good group of 24-min hopefuls, including laura_ac3, Mrs KennyG, a clubmate and maybe a dozen others still in it after the initial shakeout over the first 1-2k, when a few runners always drop off. Managed to keep them mostly together for the rest of the course, and a good few nailed some excellent PBs. None more so than Laura, laser focused from start to end, knocking a whole 30 secs off her PB in a very strong performance. Good workout for me too, and I really got a buzz out of it. Hope Sonia enjoyed her 100th as much as I did mine. :)

    Sun 29 Apr

    Plan - Endurance 18k
    Actual - Endurance 18.7k @ 5:05 (8.10/m) avg

    11+ easy but quite brisk miles out to Raheny and back via the Seafront and East Wall. Late getting out, but a lovely cool night for running.

    WTD: 63k (39m)
    MTD: 276 (171)
    YTD: 1.028 (639)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 9 of 12

    This week’s goal - stick to the plan. Mostly.

    Mon 30 Apr

    Plan - Rest day
    Actual - 6k recovery

    OK, not on the plan but as many people say, a run is often a better recovery than not running and the way my legs were feeling today (sore) I felt they needed a bit of a shake. If there was a pool available, I would have gone for a swim, but there wasn’t, so a couple of gentle laps of the MU campus it was. Maybe 6k too much though, in hindsight.

    Total for April: 282 km (175 miles) - 26k behind schedule.

    Tue 1 May

    Plan - 14k General aerobic
    Actual - 15k GA/recovery?

    No watch, but mapped out a rough course in the Phoenix Park beforehand and ended up extending it by accident rather than design. Only rough idea of pace but I was tired and it was definitely slower than specified.

    Wed 2 May

    Plan - VO2: 16k w/ 2 sets 1200, 800, 800 @ 3-5k pace
    Actual - 12k as above, but slower: more like 10k pace

    I had an idea while warming up that this wouldn’t be easy. It was humid and a bit windy but that wasn’t it - legs and breathing were just heavy from the start. About 500m into the first 1200 I was thinking of calling it a day and just jogging it out. But I managed to complete. Tree cover seemed to be interfering with pace feedback from watch (I know, I know) and as I was doing a session for the first time in these surroundings (the MU South campus, where there are a couple of well paved, not very busy loops) I had little feel for how it should feel, except that it all felt painfully slow. :(

    5:03 3:05 3:16
    5:08 3:31 3:23

    First two 800s were very likely short. In the end the splits were a good bit slower than intended, a reminder that sessions - especially repeats - seem to be a good bit harder on the road than on the track. Wake up call though: might be overdoing it on the racing front, as was helpfully observed afterwards by the ever-wise FBOT.

    WTD: 33k (20m)
    MTD: 27 (17)
    YTD: 1,061 (660)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    FRR 5k Week 9 of 12 cont.

    Thu 3 May

    Plan - Endurance 16k
    Actual - Endurance 12k

    This felt much better than yesterday and I’m glad I went out, as I’d been considering an extra rest day. Shorter than planned but only because pressed for time.

    Fri 4 May

    Plan/actual - recovery 10k

    Easy jaunt around the NS ‘burbs, with a loop through the Alma Mater.

    Sat 5 May

    Plan/actual: 14k GA with strides

    We are in Donegal for first time in a while. Headed out on one of the local hill routes. Two sets of 6x100 strides en route. Enjoyable run, but I’d tweaked my back before going out and it’s still sore a few hours later. Should be OK though. High mileage weeks often show up these weaknesses.

    Sun 6 May

    Plan Endurance 14k
    Actual - 16.7k easy/recovery @ 5:46 (9:17/m) avg

    Good night’s sleep and the back feels much better. Tired legs though and I kept it nice and handy, although I added a couple of kms to make up for some of the earlier shortfall. And it was glorious out, so no hardship. Lots of hares bounding about, mocking my easy pace.

    WTD: 86k (54m)
    MTD: 80 (50)
    YTD: 1,115 (693)
