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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Operation 800 Week 8/12

    More Donegal running this week.

    Mon 16 Jul

    8.2k easy towards the lovely Croagh Caravan Park.

    Tue 17 Jul

    6x 200m @ R (200 a/r), 2x 1mi @ T (2 mins), 6x strides

    Another chunky looking session from the JD schedule. Toyed with visiting the Glenties GAA club and its 480m cinder track, but it’s a bit of a distance away. Opted for a local route I’ve never run before - very scenic but also very up and down. Considered doing the 200s and recoveries up and down a single flat stretch of road but in the end I did them on the hoof and got relatively lucky with the terrain (although I did get hassled by a tiny yapping dog during the first rep, which cost me a few secs as I shooed it away). Tempo miles were a bit lumpier, especially the second which seemed almost entirely uphill so I just tried to keep the effort at the appropriate level, probably overdoing it based on my HR at the end.

    Splits (approx):

    200s (target 44):
    48 41 43 41 42 42

    Tempo (target 7:05):
    7:11 7:39

    Satisfying session, which again I found less difficult than it looks on paper - not sure if that’s a good sign or not. The combination of speed and endurance elements in a single session is something I haven’t really experienced in previous cycles so hopefully it will bring something to my game at the right time! Total for the day: 12.7k

    Wed 18 Jul

    11k easy/recovery

    Joined the mrs for her Hanson HM session. Very warm hour in the environs of the Mountcharles Pier. Felt a bit guilty as she was working much harder than me, but tried to help out with an air of relaxed positivity. ;)

    WTD: 32k (20m)
    MTD: 168 (105)
    YTD: 1,727 (1,073)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Do you just use the garmin to measure the 200m?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Do you just use the garmin to measure the 200m?

    In this case, yes. Not very accurate I know, but felt like living dangerously! I know that 200m is about 120 paces for me so I counted a couple and it wasn’t far off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Murph_D wrote: »
    In this case, yes. Not very accurate I know, but felt like living dangerously! I know that 200m is about 120 paces for me so I counted a couple and it wasn’t far off.

    Thanks, I'm thinking of starting the Hanson half plan so just trying to figure out how to do the speedy stuff.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Thanks, I'm thinking of starting the Hanson half plan so just trying to figure out how to do the speedy stuff.

    In general I would recommend doing those speed/sessions on the track or a measured piece of flat road/path - much less taxing mentally!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 8 cont.

    Thu 19 Jul

    4.6k @ recovery between beach and lighthouse at St. John’s Point with the mrs.

    Fri 20 Jul

    1x600 (1k), 2x400 (400), 4x200 (200)

    Another tough looking session. Headed to the shore road at Mountcharles, probably the flattest 2km in all of South West Donegal. The session was FR (fast reps) with jog recoveries. These are supposed to be all at same pace, pretty much at 800 race pace. Nailed the 600 and the 200s, but struggled with the 400s, especially the second one. Probably not too surprising as the 600 was actually a couple of seconds fast and I was pretty gassed after it. Walked the first bit of the supposed jog recoveries.

    Splits (approx):

    1:19 1:22
    38 37 37 39

    Pretty happy with this. Gruelling stuff! No clock-watching, and hitting these paces completely by feel is satisfying. Total with warmups, etc.: 9.7k.

    WTD: 46k (28m)
    MTD: 182 (113)
    YTD: 1,741 (1,081)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 8 cont.

    Sat 21 Jul

    8.4 k recovery on the local loop.

    Sun 22 Jul

    17.4k easy

    Longest run for some time, over Croagh and along the hilly and quite busy main road to Ardara, where I collected the car abandoned last night after dinner and drinks. Found this a little uncomfortable, as I’ve kind of been neglecting the long run elements of the plan.

    WTD: 72k (45m)
    MTD: 208 (129)
    YTD: 1,767 (1,098)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Operation 800 Week 9/12

    Still in Donegal. Four weeks to go to the race - think I’m feeling some progress. Hard to know for sure. Hope to race the final graded meet next week and get some idea. No 800 though - the mile will have to do.

    Mon 23 Jul

    7.4k recovery in swanky Benroe, the Killiney of Killybegs. :p Maybe the neighbourhood is in decline - a car passed and a kid in the front seat with no seatbelt threw some litter out the window as I appealed to the driver to slow down. Maybe it was the shock of seeing a runner. There must be a few more around here somewhere!

    Tue 24 Jul

    55 mins recovery, mostly on the beach at Rossnowlagh while the boys were at surf camp. Meant to do a shorter recovery, but I took a detour up a road off the beach that I assumed would lead back to the car park and ended up doing an extra 15 mins for my trouble, as it turned out to be a much longer (and hillier) loop than expected. :rolleyes: Spent a while then trying to find some breakfast, eventually having to settle for a warmed up scone and some machine-made cappuccino at the Sandhouse hotel.

    Wed 25 Jul

    4 x 1m T + 6 x 200m @ R

    I’m finally getting used to this kind of session and didn’t start out with as much trepidation as usual. 20 mins warmup on the flat Mountcharles shore road before repeating the 1m out / 1m back route several more times. There was a little bit of a breeze but nothing too demanding. Tried to do these all by feel again, with fairly consistent results.

    Splits (approx):

    Tempo (target 7:05):
    7:10 7:18 7:12 7:06

    200s (target 44):
    41 43 44 46 46 45

    The 200s I tried to deliberately rein in as the R pace is much easier than the FR from last time out. Probably eased off too much but I was concentrating on form which was hopefully as graceful to look at as it felt. :p Another good session. Total 14.7k.

    This run (and yes, I keep track of these things) takes me past 10,000 miles since I started logging in 2012. :cool:

    WTD: 31k (19m)
    MTD: 239 (149)
    YTD: 1,797 (1,117)

    Lifetime: 16,091 (10,001)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 9 cont.

    Thu 26 Jul

    11.4k easy at the Assaroe Reservoir above Ballyshannon with OOnegative. Very pleasant run and good to catch up with the Dutch exile, who is looking good and great company as always. :)

    Fri 27 Jul

    Session: 1x600 (600), 3x300 (500), 3x200 (200)

    A variation on last week’s similar session. Time was tight so had to do this locally on the rolling loop. Tried to time it so that the 600 at least would be relatively flat. Didn't choose too wisely! The times were all over the place but effort felt OK.

    Splits (approx):

    63 59 68
    43 38 41

    Definitely not as good as last time out but less friendly terrain so I’ll take it. 8.6k total.

    Sat 28 Jul

    8.4k recovery with Anna on the Mountcharles loop.

    Sun 29 Jul

    60 mins easy with strides

    After a couple of dull and wet days, the sun was back out and I was back in the singlet for an easy hour around the local loop. 8 strides near the end. Enjoyed this. Another decent week in the bag. Love running in Donegal. Three weeks to go. :)

    WTD: 71k (44m)
    MTD: 279 (173)
    YTD: 1,837 (1,142)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Operation 800 Week 10/12

    Tuneup race this week. Looking forward to it.

    Mon 30 Jul

    5.4k easy

    A late few kms around the local roads. Had to stop for a farmer herding cows. They wouldn’t pass me for some reason so had to turn back and run a different way. A nice cooling shower of rain in the middle of this.

    Tue 31 Jul

    6.9k recovery on the Clontarf seafront. The grass is regenerating at last. Hopefully I am too. Total for July: 291k (181m).

    Wed 1 Aug

    Race: Graded Meet 8 - Mile 5:46.95 (PB)

    Didn’t sleep well last night and feeling a bit groggy all day. Looking forward to racing in Santry and the day dragged. Had a short nap just before getting the gear together and heading up to Morton. Bumped into Dubgal at the check in - always a pleasure. Hung out with a few clubmates watching the 100m and 400m races before a few of us headed into the Demesne for a warmup. Watched the women’s mile races and then a short dynamic warmup and some strides. I never feel I do a good warmup and should get more scientific about doing it properly (tips welcome). Was wearing the new track spikes (Saucony Endorphins) which I hadn’t had an opportunity to break in. They felt like gossamer slippers with cardboard soles. Only 4 spikes per shoe. Glanced around and everyone seemed to be wearing sturdier footwear but I trusted in the shoes and in truth they felt very light and comfortable enough. All my other races were done in my XC spikes so these felt a lot different, but not in a bad way, although the cushioning is practically zero. Shoe fetishist BeepBeep was in the vicinity but I forgot to show off the new purchase. ;)

    And to the race, the Grade D version, with 11 runners lining up, including a clubmate and one or two familiar faces from other clubs.

    It was quite blustery out there and I decided from watching the other races, where a good few runners seemed to struggle, that a PB (sub-5:50) would be a decent result. I’d deliberately NOT looked up the equivalent time for my goal race as I wanted to go out and just try to run this by feel and get a good tune up race in the bag. My PB was from one of the indoor NIA meets, where I’d finished very strongly knowing there was more in the tank. But then again tonight had a headwind down the home straight that would be faced four times. I had a loose thought that a first lap of 1:28 or so would set me up nicely for the rest of the race. I was also conscious that I always struggle on lap 3 so wanted to feel strong at the halfway point and ready to dig in.

    Called to the line, and we were off. I got a good start, sacrificing the short line for a decent position, eventually slotting in to the inside lane on the back straight. I think I was in fifth by now, behind a Tallaght runner, where I would stay for the rest of the race, although I knew from the footsteps and the shouts of encouragement that there were a couple of lads just behind. Plenty of support from the club and some appreciated shouts from some of the Raheny contingent. The clock read 1:22 at the end of the first lap - oops, a little faster than expected. Eased off a little during lap 2, fearing the burn that would inevitably kick in and anxious not to blow up. Think it was here that I lost a place as someone steamed past. By the back straight I was a good bit behind Tallaght runner and the race had effectively become a time trial. 2:50 on the clock at the halfway mark, so the ease-off had maybe been a little too dramatic. The dreaded lap 3 ensued and I made it my business to concentrate. In truth, it didn’t feel as bad as I was expecting, time at the bell reading 4:18, right where I wanted to be. PB territory, unless the wheels really come off. Dug in for a final push. By the back straight I could hear and feel the lads behind winding up and resolved that I would not be passed. The back marker, a clubmate about to be lapped, was about 20m ahead and I concentrated on hunting him down, which gave me the needed impetus to help hold off the pursuer(s). Passed him with about 120 to go and wound it up again to finish quite strong and hard, letting out an impressive GAHHH as I crossed the line.

    Stepped off the track onto the grass and actually slipped on the rail, falling on my arse. Morto. Took a moment on the grass, but recovered pretty quickly and congratulated Mr. Tallaght and a couple of others. I’d stopped the watch at 5:46.9 which turned out to be very close to the official time. A decent race. I think I paced it well for a TT-type outing, much better than the 1500 last time out in Tallaght - although the result was pretty comparable, if truth be told. Still, a 3-sec PB. But plenty of work still to do.

    Splits (approx):
    1:22 1:28 1:28 1:28

    Previous PB: 5:50.67 (NIA, Jan 2018)
    Target: < 5:50
    Result: 5:46.95
    6th position (of 11)
    VDOT: 50.5
    Age Grade: 77.7
    Verdict: Not brave enough, perhaps, but learning.

    WTD: 21k (13m)
    MTD: 8 (5)
    YTD: 1,858 (1,155)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,625 ✭✭✭ThebitterLemon

    Great stuff Murph, well done. Running spikes, jazus you're getting notions :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,968 ✭✭✭aquinn

    Great splits D and congraulations on the PB. Some time.

    Credit must be given to the aero-dynamic haircut as well as the spikes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Knew by the look of you last week you were in great nick!! Bravo on the PB D, very well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 425 ✭✭Mulberry

    Lovely form in that pic Murph. Well done.

    (In an aside, I'm RIPPIN that they had a 100M race without advertising it? Rippin.)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Well done! Sounds like a strong run to me - super consistent and solid. If you can PB while running like that, you know you can push it a bit more the next time.

    It's got to be hard to judge with so little room for error over shorter distances. I've never raced anything like that myself (nothing shorter than a 5k) so don't know the first thing about it - is it just pure pain the whole time pretty much?

    P.S. if that's you in the front in that photo, those are some very snazzy-looking shoes ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Well done!
    I love that the photo has your shoe in focus but the rest of you isn't!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Well done D, great racing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Well done Murph. Great racing. I’ve never done anything like that either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    On gossamer wings... Congrats on the PB. It's great reading about track races.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Great racing and great race report. It's this and Scotindublin's race report that have made my mind up to broaden my horizons next year. A bit of XC, a bit of road and some track too... Fair play to you!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Thanks all.
    Great stuff Murph, well done. Running spikes, jazus you're getting notions :)


    The wellies wouldn't cut it. ;) I'm skinny and have to jettison as much ballast as possible. The Endorphins weigh 2.8 oz, as opposed to the 10.8 oz clodhoppers I use on the road!
    aquinn wrote: »
    Great splits D and congraulations on the PB. Some time. Credit must be given to the aero-dynamic haircut as well as the spikes.

    Cheers, I always find a haircut works well going into a race, although this one isn't that new (took a while to 'grow in'). :)
    OOnegative wrote: »
    Knew by the look of you last week you were in great nick!! Bravo on the PB D, very well done.

    Cheers, B - I had the same thought. Dutchland is good for you.
    Mulberry wrote: »
    Lovely form in that pic Murph. Well done.

    (In an aside, I'm RIPPIN that they had a 100M race without advertising it? Rippin.)

    Yeah, think they just added that in the previous week - there were some emails as far as I recall. Should have mentioned it to you!
    eyrie wrote: »

    It's got to be hard to judge with so little room for error over shorter distances. I've never raced anything like that myself (nothing shorter than a 5k) so don't know the first thing about it - is it just pure pain the whole time pretty much?

    I think things happen too fast to call it pain, as such - it hurts but in a different way to long road races and you don't have much time to process it, plus you know it'll be over in a few minutes anyway. Like I say I find lap three the hardest, but by the time you're on the back straight you're thinking, nearly at the bell! I'm really new to all this and every race has been different, it all depends on who else is there in terms of whether you get a decent race or not. Grade D seems to be a very wide band - finish times were between 5:10 and 7:50 the other night so you don't always have someone to chase or someone chasing you.

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Well done!
    I love that the photo has your shoe in focus but the rest of you isn't!

    Ha ha, yes, nothing like a bit of flattering motion blur!
    Younganne wrote: »
    Well done D, great racing.

    Cheers A - hope you make it back to the track yourself next summer. You had a very decent outing last time as far as I recall :)
    Kellygirl wrote: »
    Well done Murph. Great racing. I’ve never done anything like that either.

    Highly recommended! There were plenty of first timers the other night which was good to see. It's great to be able to run in the national stadium, and the place was looking great nick following the Morton Games and the Nationals.
    Huzzah! wrote: »
    On gossamer wings... Congrats on the PB. It's great reading about track races.

    Hope the gossamer holds out long enough for the goal race. :pac: Cheers - you should try one some time.
    skyblue46 wrote: »
    Great racing and great race report. It's this and Scotindublin's race report that have made my mind up to broaden my horizons next year. A bit of XC, a bit of road and some track too... Fair play to you!

    Thanks S. You're made for it. A bit more competition in the M50+ categories would be welcome. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 10 cont.

    Thu 2 Aug

    5.1k easy.

    Back to Donegal. Stopped off for a few kms in the hills near Pettigo. Didn’t quite make it as far as Lough Derg.

    Fri 3 Aug

    5.3k easy + strides

    Lovely run at low tide on the beautiful Trá Mór in Rosbeg while the boys enjoyed some bodyboarding.

    Sat 4 Aug

    The Point 10k (44:57)

    Decided to run this local race instead of the prescribed session (3x1m T, 8x200). Very close by, but a race we have never managed to do. Knew it would be hilly as we are familiar with the route. Anna would do it as an easy run while I figured I’d do the first 3 miles at tempo pace and ease up a little for the second half. This is what I did pacewise at least, although the uphill second half meant that the effort levels were pretty even throughout - as by halfway I was in a little group of three and it would have been unseemly to just let them away. Passed one and traded places with another couple of times before passing him on the final hill. He was toying with me apparently, finishing way too strongly for me to put it up to him. But of course I wasn’t racing anyway. ;)

    Good enough for 15th, although only 2nd or third M50+. Nice spread afterwards. Enjoyed the race, very scenic. 12.4k for the morning.

    Sun 5 Aug

    16.2 km recovery.

    Joined the Mrs for another hilly 10 miles via Croagh Caravan Park. A few strides towards the end.

    WTD: 59k (37m)
    MTD: 47 (29)
    YTD: 1,897 (1,179)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Operation 800 Week 11/12

    More Donegal running this week, and maybe even some Mayo. All ticking over well.

    Mon 6 Aug

    9.4k easy

    Back to St. John’s Point - the missus dropped me off at the village and I ran down and joined her at the beach estimated at 8k. Oops, slight underestimation. No harm done though. Pleasant run, taking in some of the course from the race the other day. Even hillier than I remember, so must have been in good shape during the session/race.

    Tue 7 Aug

    Session: 3 x 1 mile @ tempo; 6 x 200 @ R

    I’m always happy to find a holiday track so headed up to Stranorlar to use the Finn Valley AC facility. The track was empty except for a young runner, being put through some drills and a session by his coach. The mrs had a session too so we warmed up on the infield and then chose lane 7 to stay out of the way. Another hot day and no shade, but I got through this pretty well - very well in fact, as I somehow construed tempo pace to be 4:05/km instead of the 4:20-4:25 I should have been looking at, and only realised later. :o

    Splits (approx):

    6:31 6:35 6:39
    37 38 37 39 38 38

    Delighted with this. The 200s were also too fast - should have been more like 44 per - but felt great, which is encouraging. A few laps to cool down. When leaving the track, had a chat with the coach we’d seen earlier. Lovely chap. Turned out the athlete he was working with was Karl Griffin, the young Donegal 800m man. Should have asked for some tips! Enjoyed this session - great facility. Cost to use - two euros, with shower facilities. Probably could have sneaked a swim in the pool while I was at it! Total: 11.6k

    WTD: 21k (13m)
    MTD: 68 (42)
    YTD: 1,918 (1,192)

  • Registered Users Posts: 425 ✭✭Mulberry

    Murph_D wrote: »

    Delighted with this. The 200s were also too fast - should have been more like 44 per - but felt great, which is encouraging.

    Have you ever given the sprints a shot Murph?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 11 cont.

    Wed 8 Aug

    10k recovery on the roads around Ballycastle, Co. Mayo. Would have been a shorter run but had to retrace steps when the beach where the loop would have ended turned out to be bisected by a river. :rolleyes:

    Thu 9 Aug

    4.5k recovery.

    Long drive home, arriving just in time to see Thomas Barr win his medal, then a little leg stretcher in Fairview Park before dinner.

    Fri 10 Aug

    Session: 4x200 FR + 2x600 FR + 4x200 R

    This is the last of the big sessions on the schedule before next week’s race. Jogged over to the track at Irishtown for this. The session looks tough and it was. 400m recovery for the 200m ’fast reps’ (target 37-38) was fair enough, but by the time the 600s rolled around I was not feeling confident of hitting the suggested 1:53 - justifiably so as it turned out. These 600s were very tough, and the 1k recovery was badly needed. The finishing 200s were a little too fast, despite a deliberate attempt to slow down to the target 44s.

    Splits (approx):

    34 39 36 37
    1:58 1:58
    39 40 44 41

    So a bit all over the place, but glad to have it done. Tried to work on using arms more, while still relaxing shoulders, which is harder than it sounds! Jogged back across to D3 for a total of 15.2k.

    WTD: 51k (31m)
    MTD: 98 (61)
    YTD: 1,947 (1,210)

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Mulberry wrote: »
    Have you ever given the sprints a shot Murph?

    Not yet! Don’t have the power. Or the motivation for the required gym work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    That's a decent pace for the 600s! Interesting to see the target 200 pace is actually slower than the 600s of have I miscalculated?

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    That's a decent pace for the 600s! Interesting to see the target 200 pace is actually slower than the 600s of have I miscalculated?

    Well the first set of 200s and 600s are ‘fast reps’ (FR) with target of 38 for the 200s and 1:54 for the 600s, so supposed to be the same exact pace. The second set of 200s were supposed to be at the regular R pace of 42 (I’d misremembered this as 44 setting out, so not as far off as I’d originally thought).

    J Daniels seems to enjoy throwing in a ‘bonus’ set of 200s at the end, presumably to get you used to finishing fast while tired.

    I think I’ll struggle to break 2:30 based on recent training, which - while decent - doesn’t seem to have produced a big speed boost. But we will see what happens on the day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Murph_D wrote:
    I think I’ll struggle to break 2:30 based on recent training, which - while decent - doesn’t seem to have produced a big speed boost. But we will see what happens on the day!

    The fresher legs should make a big difference hopefully Looking forward to seeing how you go. Great to see people having a crack at something a little different.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,454 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Week 11 cont.

    Sat 11 Aug

    5.3k inc. St. Anne’s parkrun (23:05)

    Enjoyable parkrun with C, nice and easy on lap one, increasing the pace throughout lap two to a fairly fast finish. Coffee and cake, and even cadged a glass of Mrs Mc’s birthday prosecco.

    Sun 12 Aug

    50 mins easy on the seafront, including a few strides.

    One week left!

    WTD: 65k (41m)
    MTD: 112 (70)
    YTD: 1,962 (1,219)
