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My return to fitness

  • 17-06-2014 10:50am
    Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭

    So I wasnt sure whether I should put this in the running or strength logs forum because it incorporates the 2 so I decided to put it here. I'm logging it here as at worst no one will see it and at best it might help someone get ideas for their programme

    About me, I'm 18, male, 5'7" and I weigh about 58kg at present.
    I finished leaving cert yesterday and as a result my fitness,mobility and flexibility have taken a massive hit and I lost a substantial amount of weight :-(

    My goal is to run a sub 52 second 400m, and to run a 2 minutre 4 second 800m by next may.

    So anyway today went down to the park. Did half an hour of mobility, loosening out the joints trying to move smoothly again.

    Then 5 x300m laps at a 50℅ pace . felt so much better than I expected.

    Then 20 minutes of static stretching

    Finished with some core on the bars(hanging knee raises,hanging leg raises,l-sit,flutter kicks,and cycling) and pullups\chinups on the monkey bars in the park playground.

    Anyone who wants to follow this program, the first week will be all about stretching, mobility and a little core. It'll get a little harder on the second week and then the third week I will be using the full programme. The programme is designed completely by myself



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Okay, I'm going away for 3 days from tomorrow morning so the most I can do on those days is mobility exercises, so I decided to do another very gentle session just now.

    I did a little barbell work. Just 8kg weight.
    Did 4x8 curls
    4x8 squats
    4x8 military press
    4x8 bent over rows

    All done at 8kgs. This week I'm just trying to get the feel of them back and get back into the correct shape and form for them particularly the squat so I wanted a tiny weight.

    I'm not able to get all the way down on the squat anymore(too much studying at my desk) , I can get just below parallel but I want to be deeper,calves squeezing against my thighs deep.

    Military press and curls went fine, wrist hurts a bit which is probably just because I haven't used that motion in over 8 months.

    All in all I'm confident that I can get to do proper weights next week, once I've done some more mobility and stretching to get into the correct posture and maybe loosen out my wrists

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Okay so our trip was extended and I was staying in citywest for tonight so I decided to check out the gym. I have to say I'm very impressed with it!, friendly staff,lots of equipment that was well laid out. Got a good session in. I didn't go into the free weights area though ,was a bit intimidated by all the huge guys there.

    Anyway here's my session. This is my first gym session properly in a long time.
    Alternating sets in every pair of exercises
    5x5 dips
    5x5 chin ups

    5x8 knee raises
    5x8 leg raises
    5x10 knee raise into l-sit hold

    5x5 squats 28kg kettle bell
    5x10 8kg dumbbell press

    3x12 8kg dumbbell bench press

    3x8 10dumbell row, second set 8kg ,third set 7kg

    Finished with a load of stretching, paying particular attention to my hip flexors,quads and shoulders.

    Was very happy with my squats managed to get just below parallel and kept my back straight. Same with the leg raises ,good form and I got a few seconds hold in.

    Was not impressed with my chin ups or pull ups. Did them without kippung though but I'm far far from my peak I'm terms of strength and fitness at the moment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Went out running again this morning.

    Did this session

    25 minutes stretching and mobility

    4x300m reps at about 50% pace

    3x10 seated tucks
    3x10 seated flutter kicks
    3x10 seated v-sit

    15 minutes stretching.

    Running was disappointing, wasn't fast enough across all the reps, but it's still very early into training. Happy with the progression in my flexibility and my cores is getting stronger already.

    I have a long 10 minute cycle that's all steeply uphill to get home after training, there's no other route to take unfortunately but the added stress on my legs should make them really strong

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    For a nasty hit with hayfever yesterday still feeling the effects so I did tomorrow's session today as I didn't want to go down to the park today.

    Warmed up with the normal routine, joints are noticeably less stuff now than they were when I started last week, moving much more fluidly.

    Then did a weights session.

    4x8 deadlift 25kg
    4x8 front squat 17.5kg
    3x8 bent over rows 20kg( was a little too heavy for me)

    All in all happy with the session, I'm not in a hurry to lift heavier that's not what this program is about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Did 2 hours of tai chi this morning.

    Haven't done any in 4 weeks as I wasn't able to make the evening classes like usual so I popped in for a morning today. Was very enjoyable but I'm absolutely exhausted now.
    Probably won't be able to do anything else today.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 942 ✭✭✭whadabouchasir

    so did you find a gym in galway then?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Well I decided if I was to go to a gym its either warehouse or nuig, and im still collecting the money to get it. I'm able to do all this at home. I have up to 50kg of free weights and 2 varied length barbells and 2 adjustable dumbells in the house as dad does weight training as well, and I have gym rings now as I'm able to do quite a lot at home

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Back yesterday from a 2 day trip to mulllingar ,wasn't able to train there.

    So I went down to the track for the galway city harriers training.

    And a load of plyometric microhurdle drills

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Went down to cappagh park today

    Did the usual mobility flexibility warm up
    Then did 4x80m stride outs, trying to loosen up the legs and get moving and actually found quite a lot of speed too to my surprise.

    After that I headed over to the monkey bar rig in the playground, and did my core/upper body session there.

    Everything was done in supersets

    5x5 pullups
    5x8 knee raises
    5x20 dips

    3x10 inverted rows
    3x10 hanging cycling movement

    Was very happy with the session. Still weak on pulluos but that's okay .they are very difficult after all.
    Dips are starting to get easier again.
    The knee raises and cycling were very good, I'm swinging less on the bar now so my core strength is getting much better. And next time I'd like to do a little more but my arms were killing me from all the hanging.

    My rings also arrived today so I'm going to give them a test run tomorrow

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Missed a session yesterday because I went golfing.

    Did my usual warmup

    Then 4x8 deadlift 27.5kg
    4x8 squat. 20kg
    4x8 bent over rows 16.5kg
    4x8 military press. 12.5lg

    Very very happy with today's session, squats in particular, managed to get a lot of depth in them. Won't go much higher in weight as I want to keep going deeper in them but without a squat rack or a spotter it could be dangerous.
    Went too heavy on rows last week, went too light this week.

    All in all I feel confident to add a little more weight except on squat next Wednesday

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    So I had an interesting sessions today...for all the wrong reasons
    I went down to the park today to do some running and core on the monkey bars again.

    Did a short warm up as it was cold

    Then 4x300m at about 70% pace, felt good

    Then 3 sets of this circuit
    5 neutral grip pulluos
    8 knees raises
    15 dips

    Had to finish at 3 because it started absolutely lashinhg rain and I had to cycle home, I wanted to do five.
    Had to cycle home then in the rain, have to admit it was not fun

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Headed down this morning, was really tired after going to kings of Leon and kodalin on Friday but I went down anyway and it turned out to be a brilliant session

    5x300m ,was running really well , didn't expect to finish the full 5 runs

    Went over to the monkey bars then

    All done as supersets

    5 sets of
    5 pull ups/8 hanging knee raises/ 15 dips

    3 sets of
    10 cycling rotation
    8 tricep extensions

    3 sets of
    6 box jumps
    5 straight bar dips

    And the cycle back then, which was almost impossible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Warm up, usual mobility session.

    4x8 Deadlift 29kg

    4x8 Front squat 21kg

    4x8 Bent over rowing 18kg

    4x8 Military press 14kg

    Stretches afterwards
    Its getting more serious now but I'll keep increasing the weight for next weeks except on squat ,just because its difficult to adjust the bar and leave it down without a squat rack

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Tried out my gym rings for the first time ever today, hung them from the soccer posts in cappagh park.

    5x300m they were much faster and much easier than any previous session

    Then set up the rings and started working on them

    5 sets to failure holding top position with hands turned out (need to master this before I progress)
    4x8 inverted rows on rings

    4x5 pullups

    4x5 hanging knee raises
    Did the rest with just one ring

    3x5 squat with overhead extension
    3x5 core rollout (like using the ab roller but with a ring)
    3x5 core rotation(lying low in invented row position and rotate body upwards to the ring in each direction)

    Was a very very tough but very satisfying session, I loved it had great fun. Bit dizzy now though a few hours later from it

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Usual warmup

    Bench press
    1x8 reps 12.5kg
    1x8 reps 14kg
    2x8 reps 16kg

    Chest fly's
    4x8 6.5kg

    Reverse fly
    4x8 6.5kg

    Dumbell curls
    3x8 6.5kg

    Diamond pushups
    Finished up with 2 minutes of tai chi standing meditation
    Will eat now,and rest and prepare for my plyometrics and sprint workout later on

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    5x20 seconds top position hold on rings with palms outward
    Holding it much easier now without shaking too much ,will start doing negative dips next week

    One leg A-walk
    Sideways A-walk
    Bicycle walk

    3x15 squats jumps on the spot
    2x8 one legged squats with ring suspension (each leg)

    4x60m sprints 80% pace

    YouTube the drills and you should find them easy, if anyone is interested in plyometrics.
    Obvious lack of power in the drills,will improve as I do more sessions

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Did a recovery session today to accelerate my recovery

    Did a lot of very gentle stretching and mobility. Exercises loosening out all the stiffened joints and tight muscles.

    And finished up with the tai chi silk reeling movements.

    Feel much better,my legs are wobbly though and my rotator cuffs are on fire

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Didn't run today as my legs weren't in the best of shape but I did my rings session anyway.

    Support position with rings turned out 5 sets to point where I start shaking. Which is roughly 15-20 seconds now,really improving

    Negative phase dips 3x5 . I'm now strong enough to do the negative phase but not quite strong enough or balanced enough to push myself back up again.

    Pulling prep. Hanging from rings trying to get into right position with my shoulders and chest.

    Hanging knee tuck 4x5 with second hold at top

    Pullups 4x5

    Pistol squat with rings 2x8 each leg

    Ring pushups 4x10

    Ring fly's 3x8

    Inverted rows 4x8

    Core rotations 2x8

    It was a really really good session. I spend a lot of time researching this morning on correct grip and hand placement and rotating the rings during the movement and the position my body should be in. My technique is getting better now because of it and movements are coming easier with less pain

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Was out golfing from about half 9 till 1 o clock. All practising though.

    I can really feel the new strength I have in my swing particularly in my last.

    I'm going to rest for a while now and eat so as to be ready for my core session later on today.sprinting on Teusdays doesn't seem to be happening as I supervise my brother at the golf course instead so I think I'll just sprint on Friday and do some floor work for core on Tuesday afternoons for the summer anyway. After that I'll need to start doing more speed work as competitions will be getting closer

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    I was actually wondering is there a way to change the name of the thread. I was Impatient in picking a name when I made the threads and I'd like to pick one that better represents my training

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Missed my sprinting session for a doctors appointment so I'm doing a weights/core workout upper body mostly

    4x8 incline chest press 6kg each hand
    With 4x20 5kg barbell curls as active recovery for chest press

    4x5 pistol squat each leg

    4x10 diamond pushups

    Bench press 5x12 12.5kg

    Reverse fly 4x8 4kg

    Plank 30second into push up position hold 25second into hands outstretched 10second drop onto forearms 10 second

    Easy sessions ,took minimal breaks,probably 20 seconds Max.
    Just activating the muscles and getting them working a bit

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Warmed up.was a lot stiffer than usual so I took extra time

    4x8 31 kg deadlift. It seemed easy...I remember when 20 was a struggle. I'll up it next time again

    Squat 4x8 23kg . the actual squat isn't that hard and I feel like I can go heavier but I'm having a lot of trouble getting the bar up off the floor and getting comfortable under it at this weight so I won't be increasing squat weight until I get a gym membership.

    Bent over row 4x8 20kg. 2 weeks ago it was too heavy for me at this weight now its easy ,I'll be adding a good bit more next week.

    Military press 4x8 16kg. Heaviest I've ever done on this one and it was grand. I've always struggled on this particular exercise,will keep the weight the same for next week

    Finished with a load of stretching,can't wait till I get that foam roller though

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Warm up,short this time as I was rushing

    Top position 5 sets

    Negative dips 3x8

    Dead hang 3 seta

    Neutral grip pullups 4x5

    Hanging tuck trying to lift as high as I can 3x8

    Pistol squat with overhead extension 3x8 each leg

    Ring pushups 4x10

    Ring fly's 3x8

    Inverted rows 4x8

    Core rotations 2x5 each side

    Ab rollout with ring 3x5 with 2 second hold at top

    Much stronger today,finished the session well,will keep pushing in each exercise. Next week I'm going to progress onto some harder variants

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Took a long recovery weekend and not out of choice so I decided to really mix it up today and I'll do my usual ring work tomorrow instead.

    Wanted to learn power cleans as it will help my sprinting so I set to it today

    Power cleans 10 sets total
    1x5 15kg
    2x5 19kg
    1x5 21kg
    2x5 23kg
    2x5 25kg
    2x5 27kg
    1x5 29kg

    Took a half hour break to eat some bread and cheese and drink a litre of water then got out the bike to cycle

    Did 15.2km/9.5 miles. Had only meant to do 8 km but I just kept going instead
    Going upstairs to foam roll now and then get a protein rich meal into me

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Did 2 hours of tai chi .last class till September ,graduated to learning the lai ji form(I think that's how you spell it)

    Feel much better after it,will be practising on my own during the summer on my recovery days anyway

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    4x5 full ring dips(finally!!!!!)
    4x5 bar pullups

    3x8 ring rows
    3x8 box jumps waist height

    3x10 archer pushups
    3x5 rollout

    3x8 ring fly's
    2x5 core rotations

    5x5 power cleans 25kg
    2x8 front squats 25kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Right .this was a spectacular session for me.can't understand where the energy came from

    Power cleans 5 sets total(first 2 sets were closer to squat cleans)
    1x5 25kg
    1x5 27.5kg
    1x5 29kg
    1x5 31kg
    1x5 33kg
    Third day in a row doing these,was going to leave them out today but turns out they ere my best day of them yet

    Deadlift 4 sets total
    1x8 31.5kg
    1x8 33kg
    1x8 35kg
    1x8 37.5kg

    Front squats
    1x8 25kg
    1x8 27.5kg
    1x8 29kg
    1x8 31.5kg
    Went to full depth on 3 reps of each set. Tried to come up as explosively as possible

    Bent over row 4 sets total
    1x8 21.5kg
    1x8 23kg
    1x8 25kg
    1x8 27.5kg

    Military press
    1x8 15kg
    1x8 17.5kg
    1x8 19kg
    1x8 21.5kg

    I know they're very light but they're big PR's for me!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Did a ring workout with plyometrics and sprinting today.

    5 support holds
    5x5 full ring dips
    6 sets pull up prep(dead hang)
    2 dead hang pullups. I could never do pullups from dead hang so I'd start a little bit higher than that,which is wrong technique,turns out the muscles I'm my shoulder for pullups are really underdeveloped so I'm swallowing my pride and trying to do it right. Each dead hang pull up require a crazy amount of effort for me but I think it will improve quickly.

    Hanging tuck flow 3 sets
    1 knee up ,1 leg up,1leg out with 1 knee bent,2 legs out

    Support tuck 5 sets

    Archer pushups 4x10
    Chest fly's 2x8
    Roll outs 2x5
    Rotation 2x5
    Inverted rows 4x8 focusing on controlling the downward movement

    Squat jumps 4x5
    Bounds 2x50m
    Tuck jumps 2x5

    Sprints 2x100
    Would usually do 4 but I was really feeling it in the legs and I was content to stop then as the 2 sprints were if a high quality. I was surprised at the huge amount of power I had and speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,290 ✭✭✭Oregano_State

    Have you done athletics before this year?

    52s is a pretty decent standard, I'm aiming for a 52s 400m myself by the end of the current outdoor season.

    Also, if you plan on doing sprinting and weights in the same session like you posted today, I'd always go with sprinting first, as you won't be able to hold form properly if you're already knackered from the weights.

    In general, I always try to do the more explosive stuff first. My order of doing things would usually be: plyos > sprinting > cleans and olympic lifts > squats/DLs > nearly everything else > core

    There are a few sprinting logs on the athletics and running forum including my own if you're interested.

    Best of luck with the running, it's great craic when you get into it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,050 ✭✭✭EmcD123

    Have you done athletics before this year?

    52s is a pretty decent standard, I'm aiming for a 52s 400m myself by the end of the current outdoor season.

    Also, if you plan on doing sprinting and weights in the same session like you posted today, I'd always go with sprinting first, as you won't be able to hold form properly if you're already knackered from the weights.

    In general, I always try to do the more explosive stuff first. My order of doing things would usually be: plyos > sprinting > cleans and olympic lifts > squats/DLs > nearly everything else > core

    There are a few sprinting logs on the athletics and running forum including my own if you're interested.

    Best of luck with the running, it's great craic when you get into it.

    I have. I've been competing since I was 11. I ran a 54 second flat 400m the year before last. But I had to take this year off. I find at this time of the year after the previous season I had I need to build myself up in strength and gain a little weight while I'm in the off season. So the sprinting at the end of the session like that is more of a burnout thing to help with a little stamina. Once late October early November arrives I'll start prioritising the sprinting in the session when I have a good basis in strength,flexibility and aerobic capacity as well as speed. I think i've read your log before , is yours the one in Australia by any chance?
