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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    Nice progression alright. Shows what can be done with a bit of focus - congrats. Giving me some hope :)

    Well I'm delighted to hear that! Be gentle and listen to your body, that's my moto now :)


    LER 5 X {11:30 easy/0:30 walk}

    Had to talk myself into doing this and thankfully did it. My major limiter is endurance across all 3 disciplines and it's no wonder because I really don't like the long bike and run, actually I don't like the thoughts of it but I am grand once out there. Trying my best at the moment to not miss the long bike and run, it's those sessions that make you more efficient.

    Time 1:01; Dist 11.5km; AHR 146; Pace 5:22/km; Cad 80rpm;



    Technique based session:

    5 X 200m as
    1) Easy - bilat
    2) PB - breathing every 5
    3) Fins - 25m left Unco/25m f/s/25m right Unco/25m f/s
    4) PB - alternate breathing side per 25m
    5)Easy - bilat

    30 X 50m + 10 sec rest
    3 sets of 10
    Set 1) Alignment: Fins, 25m left side kick, 25m right
    Set 2) Rotation: Fins, 25m 6/3/6, 25m f/s
    Set 3) Catch: 10m scull 1, 10m scull 2, 30m f/s

    100 PB

    Really nice session. I was rushing to get to work after, drills mean more time in the water! First time doing unco (uncoordinated) drill, thought I'd struggle with it but it wasn't to bad at all.

    Time 55min; Dist 2600m;

    Run Easy

    Another nice easy run, nothing special but these are equally important

    Time 30min; Dist 5.7kmkm; AHR 145; Pace 5:18/km; Cad 81rpm;

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    Tuesday 16th May

    Bike Tempo

    This 60 minute session called for 2 X 20min @ 80 - 90% FTP. Nice session, the legs certainly knew about it but it wasn't too taxing, both 20 minute periods came in at 213 watts which is 85%.

    Wednesday 17th May

    Swim CSS/Threshold

    10 x 50m alt band and pb/swim
    8 x 200 at CSS + 3-5sec, aiming to come in on 3:25 - 3:30

    Nice session once again. My aim was to do the 8 x 200m at around 1:43-1:45 pace, coming in on around 3:25 - 3:30 but I wasn't feeling it this morning, the first two were 3:39 and 3:35 so I just kept going at that pace. I didn't want to push it. The rest were between 3:33 and 3:38 with the last one 3:29. I alternated with pb, good news is that there are no differences in time wi th or without the pb so body position is decent Iguess.

    Basketball Teachers V students in the afternoon, glad to say I still got it :p

    Thursday 18th May

    Bike Big Gear

    28 minutes of BG work work as in 4 X 7min with 1 minute recovery. Last big gear session for a while. I'll move to more sub threshold stuff now, 90-95% stuff. 1 hour in total.

    Friday 19th May

    Swim Easy/Endurance

    Pretty simple this one - 9 X 300m. Tried this a few weeks ago and died a death towards the end. Felt much better this time around but I used buoyancy shorts for reps 5, 6, 7 and 8. All swam at about 1:51/100m. Good session. The buoyancy shorts are something else, much more effective than a pb and there was a difference in times, about 3 or 4 seconds per 100m.

    Run Tempo

    40 minutes including 2 X 10 minute tempo with 2 minute recovery. Tempo bits came in at around 4:45 for both 10 min periods. Running beginning to feel better.

    Saturday 20th May

    Bike Easy Endurance

    Feeling stronger on the bike. Got all seasons out there today, bloody hailstones almost knocked me to the ground!! Like golf balls! For the last 45 minutes I decided to attack hills out of the saddle, felt great which is good for confidence.

    Run Off the bike

    3 minutes fast, 3 minutes steady and 4 easy. God the legs felt heavy! I needed to remind them what's expected of them in a race.

    Other News

    No sooner had I signed up and paid for the Howth Aquathon that something came up Monday evening so I can't do it now. Hopefully they will allow me to transfer to the next one. I've already a transferred place for the duathlon in the Park for July. The thinking behind doing Howth was simple - some OW experience. I'll try to get a dip in midweek before Lough Cutra this day week.

    I've been neglecting my flexibility and strength work for the last few weeks, in the past I believe my commitment to those areas meant that I went nearly 3 years without injury. I hope to get back to it once the summer holidays kick in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director


    Felt a bit under the weather with hay fever and a really sore ear and throat so I have done nothing since Tuesday morning, also did nothing on Sunday or Monday. I then realised that I trained 20 days in a row! Madness! Should have built in some days off but I was just enjoying training so much that I kept going. Lesson learned. No matter how experienced one is you still get it wrong from time to time, always learning though :)

    Feeling much better now so I will train tomorrow. I have a starter tri on Saturday in Lough Cutra, 250m/13km/2.5km (I think), I chose this as a nice, non scary race to get me back into tri racing. My last tri was the Hell of The West June 2013 :o I must admit I felt like pulling out of it, I just feel totally unprepared especially after this poor week and zero OW swimming done. But I am going to force myself to do it, just take it easy and enjoy it, prep will never be perfect.

    I got the P5 out today, the amount of dust was unreal! The Ultegra Di2 battery was completely drained so that is charging now. Only 45km on the clock so the bike is still brand new in my eyes. I won't be racing a try a tri with it, the road bike for that but the following week is Salthill Sprint so I want it ready for that. I love my Quarq Red PM but swapping it between bike isn't exactly handy so I got an exact replica of it second hand - just need to install in now and then I'll have the exact same PM on both bikes! Happy days. The second hand PM is in perfect condition.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    I have to say the P5 is some bike albeit the last time I was on mine was IM Barca last Oct!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Feeling much better now so I will train tomorrow. I have a starter tri on Saturday in Lough Cutra, 250m/13km/2.5km (I think), I chose this as a nice, non scary race to get me back into tri racing. My last tri was the Hell of The West June 2013 I must admit I felt like pulling out of it, I just feel totally unprepared especially after this poor week and zero OW swimming done. But I am going to force myself to do it, just take it easy and enjoy it, prep will never be perfect.

    Good luck in Lough Cutra ED :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    I have to say the P5 is some bike albeit the last time I was on mine was IM Barca last Oct!

    I hear ya Fran! The first and last time I was on it was Feb 2014, a duathlon in Mayo! I look for to many miles on it now though 😊 I charged the Di2 battery though and still not a meg out of it. Despite never being used (practically) it must be completely dead and I'll need a new one.

    Would love to hear what you are up to these days JB and I hope you are not retired!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Good luck in Lough Cutra ED :)

    Thanks Neady. I'll try to get the report up this evening. I'm nervous I must admit, I've probably done 30/40 triathlons but it's been so long. Sure it'll be over before I know it. The format is 200m/14km/2km.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Well done today MG. #chickendinner :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    BTH wrote: »
    Well done today MG. #chickendinner :)

    Just looked up the results and an MG came first on Saturday .... was that you? If so, well done. That was more than just dipping your toe in the water?

    Now, race report please :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I am expecting an epic race report - one of redemption, triumph against all the odds and a small bit of embarrassment from EL D as well..............its must be like Shergar turning up and racing the 5.15 at Laytown strand :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,359 ✭✭✭peter kern

    if he was on a dublin bike we spare him the embarassment part ,if on the p5 he is in trouble ;-)

    i guess it would be the first p5 in a new to tri race in ireland ;-)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    Lough Cutra Starter Tri Sat 27th May 2017

    A few months ago I thought it would be a good idea to enter a sprint triathlon just to have something to aim for and I've always enjoyed the Salthill one in my home city, that is on this Sunday June 4th. Then I thought I should look for a try a tri, just to remind me of what racing is all about. Getting through transitions, the experience of going from swim to biking to running and just as a confidence builder. Lough Cutra was the only one that suited and I got a 50% discount so I pencilled it in. The pricing for Lough Cutra is ridiculous, no way I'd have paid full price.

    Training and progress has gone much better than I thought it would and last week I did start to think I could win the race and maybe I should look to get into the sprint triathlon proper as I didn't want to take away from the real beginners. However, I was nervous and a bit anxious and the thing that kept me calm was the thought that the format was short and I knew I'd definitely be able for it so I just stuck to the plan. I'm glad I did as it was the perfect reintroduction to racing. Talking to a few before the race they had all done triathlon before anyway. Like me their last one was a year ago or a few years, nearly 4 years for me! It showed too, I made some silly mistakes.

    The plan was to go hard on the swim and bike and hang on for the 2k run!

    Swim 200m

    200m swim, 50m to the first buoy then right and 150m into the finish. Got to the buoy first and kept her lit until the swim exit. First out, second was about 30 seconds behind.

    Bike 12.5km

    As I said above I went with the road bike obviously! The first 1.5km out of the grounds and back in was very narrow with 2 speed bumps and runners crossing too! I forgot to stop the Garmin after but my NP was around 250 which was where I wanted it. some marshals wanted to send me the wrong way but I over ruled them as I knew my business! They tried sending me left but I knew it was straight on. Anyway, extended the lead.


    Forgot how going flat out hurts!! I was hating the run, so close to walking many was only 2k! :o Anyway I was well ahead not that I knew that with so my on the course, all I wanted to do is finish. I was sent the wrong way again but another marshal recognised the mistake and legged it after me to get me back on track - it was really confusing!

    It was nice to win but I felt bad, I talked to the organisers about not accepting 1st prize but the guy I was talking to told me not to " stupid!" I was embarrassed but feck it.

    A Word on The Race

    Lovely location but the rain turned it into a mud bath. Cars were getting stuck and the run with your bike up a hill/mud slide was crazy. Coming back it was down the mud slip and slide. Beautiful swim though.

    Final Thoughts

    Wow, it was so good to be racing again even though I wanted to collapse during the run :) I mean I just feel so alive getting into a lake to swim. To be honest this race wasn't about the win it was just about racing again. I find it hard to believe that 9 months ago I was so unhealthy, unfit, unhappy and so overweight (25kg overweight and actually obese). Losing the weight, through diet alone, and then trying to establish some sort of training/exercise was the hardest thing I've ever done. No race will ever be that difficult. When I finished the race on Saturday I was just another finisher but nobody saw what it took to get there and it made me think of all the people finishing, they all have their own stories and should be so proud of their achievement. I must say I felt so proud myself. For the first time in a long, long time :)

    Now...back to big boy racing starting on Sunday in Salthill. Hopefully I'll have the P5 up and running for it but I don't really mind either way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Regardless of the result** you got a taste for racing again and that was objective complete. It will be a treat now to take out the P5.

    **nice to win all the same

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,135 ✭✭✭El Director

    Regardless of the result** you got a taste for racing again and that was objective complete. It will be a treat now to take out the P5.

    **nice to win all the same

    Exactly MCOS. Thanks. I think you can relate :rolleyes: I actualy wrote down 3 things boxes to tick before the race: Finish, enjoy and no cramping! All 3 ticked.

    Tuesday 30th May

    Swim Technique

    After ditching yet another day yesterday I had to do something today so I made sure to get up early and get my swim done. the session went well and I enjoyed it as per usually once I was doing it.

    Dist 2,500m

    After 20 days straight of training I've only trained 2 days out of 9. I need to plan better and include more planned off days, one every 10 - 14 days should do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    That's a great report and a well earned podium finish ED :)

    Sounds like you gave it everything and what a way to make your come back. You've come a long way in 9 months, a reminder to all of us of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

    I'm hoping to get down to Salthill on Monday to cheer on the athletes :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    Neady83 wrote: »
    That's a great report and a well earned podium finish ED :)

    Sounds like you gave it everything and what a way to make your come back. You've come a long way in 9 months, a reminder to all of us of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

    I'm hoping to get down to Salthill on Monday to cheer on the athletes :)

    With PG and ElD racing and yourself watching I might even enter myself. If CW could only dust off the cobwebs we'd have full house :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BTH wrote: »
    With PG and ElD racing and yourself watching I might even enter myself. If CW could only dust off the cobwebs we'd have full house :)

    I have been entered for months, my best ever opportunity to give El D a kicking - but this sprint training lark is a killer for an old man like me. Finally started to get the running under 5 minute pace and the hamstring goes on me - so all week footing turf will be the perfect tonic for it :mad:

    Back to half distance for me next year and leave the fast stuff to ye 80s childs

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    I have been entered for months, my best ever opportunity to give El D a kicking - but this sprint training lark is a killer for an old man like me. Finally started to get the running under 5 minute pace and the hamstring goes on me - so all week footing turf will be the perfect tonic for it :mad:

    Back to half distance for me next year and leave the fast stuff to ye 80s childs

    Are ya still racing anyway?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Neady83 wrote: »
    That's a great report and a well earned podium finish ED :)

    Sounds like you gave it everything and what a way to make your come back. You've come a long way in 9 months, a reminder to all of us of what can be achieved with hard work and dedication.

    I'm hoping to get down to Salthill on Monday to cheer on the athletes :)

    Sunday, not Monday

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    I tried to talk the missus into doing the run for me but her answer was it was too short :confused:

    So I will give it a go and ease off if there is a niggle - its the only race I am more then likely doing so its not exactly like I am risking my season over it!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    I tried to talk the missus into doing the run for me but her answer was it was too short :confused:

    So I will give it a go and ease off if there is a niggle - its the only race I am more then likely doing so its not exactly like I am risking my season over it!

    You'll need a good wash after the bog anyway ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Sunday, not Monday

    Thank you :) I'd be disappointed if I turned up Monday and there was nobody about.
    catweazle wrote: »
    I tried to talk the missus into doing the run for me but her answer was it was too short :confused:

    I can understand that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    I tried to talk the missus into doing the run for me but her answer was it was too short :confused:

    Are you sure she was talking about the ru..... oh, nevermind....

  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭rodneyr1981

    Well done at the weekend. Great to be back up on the horse.
    I'll be down to watch. Gibbo has been eyeing up bth for the last few weeks 😉

  • Registered Users Posts: 330 ✭✭ShineyShiney

    My money is going on bth, gibbo will have way to much to make up after 1200mtrs in the water.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    I might spin up myself and watch this given the showdown it's looking like. Money on gibbo. Unless Rodney throws in an entry at the last minute. Bth likely to say he'll drown in his usual sandbagging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    I need to enter first. waiting on pay day :)

    Then I'll sandbag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    My money is going on bth, gibbo will have way to much to make up after 1200mtrs in the water.

    You obviously heard about his swim in Copenhagen. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hmm mossy's great IM reports did nothing to entice me back but a bit of old dog rivalry over sprint distance... hmmm

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  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭rodneyr1981

    BTH wrote: »
    I need to enter first. waiting on pay day :)

    Fyi race looks to be sold out
