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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Keeks wrote: »
    Was that choice cake ?

    Well that's weird. That is exactly what I did @keeks. It was the way I thought, and as that article suggests I may not be wrong thinking that way. I briefly described what I did to reduce the weight on this log nack in March 2017, here is what I wrote:

    "Amazing what can be done in 4 months with making the right food choices alone, yes, no exercise at all went into the loss of 22kg (3.5 stone). It wasn't even about clean/healthy food, it was more about total calories in < total calories burnt - so quantity, portion control. I was running a calorie deficit, no specific number in mind, usually 100 - 300 a day. When I hit around that mark - no more eating for that day, usually about 7pm that happened. Nothing until breakfast then. On reflection it got me to where I wanted and the thoughts of running and cycling are not as daunting now. Lighter means way easier in those two particular pursuits and more, way more, enjoyable. However, as I said above I wish I had done a bit of exercise during the weight loss period - I lost a lot of lean muscle mass. Even some gym/weights or swimming would have done the trick. That's the only thing I would have done differently. All good now though, muscle mass back to where it should be, only took three or four weeks"

    There was one thing that I found through doing the above, at first I continued eating some crap food and by 3pm I was at my calorie target - crap food is calorie rich! So that meant i couldn't eat until the next day! I soon changed my habits and ate food with less calories and so that got me to 7pm.

    Interesting read - I think I could have wrote it myself except I didn't check those other metrics that he did.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Neady83 wrote: »
    I see no talk of any trails in there ED so I'll just leave this here and walk away.

    Hey Neady! Trail running is on the cards for sure, I really enjoyed them last year!! I only did one IMRA all the rest were just myself and a mate but I want to do more and go further :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    16th Jan 2018

    Nothing to report since my park run really. All I did last week was a one hour yoga class. This week has started a lot better with a swim, bike and run already in the bag.

    Weight Watch

    Last weight: 92.3kg; Current weight: 91.6kg; Loss of 0.7kg

    Forgot to say that as well as total volume being the main target this year I am going to really, REALLY try to ensure I get my endurance sessions done this year, prioritie them. My endurance is so weak and is my biggest limiter.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Week Ending 21st Jan

    Nothing spectacular this week, all about just hitting planned sessions and building good habits. Actually that is what the next few weeks are all about. With that in mind this week was very successful! Not since Feb 2014 have I hit all planned sessions in a week.


    I got very hung up on making each session green this week, weirdly motivated me! I even made a gif at the end of the week :D For long term motivation and success it needs to come from within but I will take motivation from wherever it comes from for now. Then when the new good habits are more entrenched hopefully the motivation will be from within.


    3 sessions, 3000m in total. All about getting up early enough to make my way to the pool - new habit. Warm up, drills, a few 25m sprints and cool down.


    3 sessions, 3.75 hours, 90km. Two turbo sessions and one outside. The turbo sessions had some cadence and tempo, 45 minutes each. The outdoor spin was over 2 hours in north county Dublin on small country roads, very enjoyable but suffered for the last 45 minutes! I am determined not to miss endurance sessions this year.


    3 sessions, 1.5 hours, 19km. Two 30 minute run with some 30 second build efforts and a 50 minute one. It's slow running at 6 min km's but I am keeping HR near the low end of Z2 as much as possible.


    Two 45 minute sessions, one concentrating on the lower body and one on the upper body.

    So that's it, just over 8 hours put down, good start but need to do it again this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    So a case of 1 step forward and two steps back. A poor week last week, I got a cold and missed 5 sessions. To be expected I guess as I am starting up again, plus it's that time of year, plus I work in a school, plus I forgot to supplement my diet with some vit C and Zinc. Anyway I feel better now.

    Except for a pain in my left knee. I do have experience on my side and I remebered that this could mean a saddle height shift. Checked the TT bike which is set up on the turbo and it had indeed fallen by 5sm! the extra weight must have pushed it down :o Sorted now so hopefully that will be that.


    2 sessions, 2200m


    1 session, 22km, missed endurance ride.


    1 session, 5km.


    2 x 45min sessions

    Weight Watch

    Last week 91.6kg; This week 92kg; Up 0.4kg

    Only 3.25 hours put down, here is to a better week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Took Monday off to make sure I was over the cold. Did a swim and run yesterday and felt fine but in the evening felt sh1t. this morninig I felt even worse. So I may have to clear the rest of the week and just make sure I get better fully. Frustrating as the motiavation is high and the will is strong. Patiencei guess.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Stage Prep week 4 of 5

    So the fourth week of five of preparation for training and another mixed week. Mixed because I had to take time off due to a cold, the will was there but I just couldn't. As the week went on I felt a lot better and ended up getting my 3 endurance sessions done. Proud of that as I am prioritising those sessions this year. Good start today too because I hit both sessions.

    The goal of the prep phase is to establish a routine and a habit of hitting my planned sessions, only managed that one week so far but I am determined to make it happen this week and again next week.


    Two sessions, 2700 in 1 hour 16 minutes. Swimming feels fairly good, enjoying the shorter sessions but soon I will up the mileage.


    One session, 45km done. Saddle height sorted and it feels so much better. Only one session but delighted to get another endurance spin in especially as I was feeling tired and so close to binning it.


    Two sessions, 1 hour and 20 minutes, just over 13km. Keeping everything slow and easy but I will start to throw in 30 second efforts now too. Enjoying running even at 90kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Good week last week. Missed a gym session and my long bike session due to snow/ice conditions. The missed bike session was disappointing because one of the legs of a four legged stool to set up up for a good year is not to miss endurance sessions. I was down home and had no turbo trainer with me, I'd have quiet happily done two hours on Sunday watching Galway beat Mayo on TG4! Lesson to be learned - bring the turbo trainer home for a few weeks anymore just in case.

    The 4 legs of that stool btw are...

    - Get at least 7.5 hour sleep each night
    - Do not miss Monday planned sessions
    - Clean Diet on Monday is very important
    - Never miss an endurance session

    Still a good week in the books though, almost 7 hours done, 10 out of 12 planned sessions done. This week sees week 5 of 5 of a prep period, recovery week next week and then base training proper. It's been a good block for me, in comparison to this time last year. I am fitter/faster now but still the 10kg over this time last year. hopefully lent will kick start the weight loss.

    Some numbers for the prep block (so far):

    -Compliance rate - 35 sessions out of 46 hit (76%)
    -Compliance rate on a Monday - 100% (4 out of 4, the other Monday's I had not planned a session)
    -Compliance rate for endurance sessions - 9 out of 11 (82%)
    -Average hours/week - 5 hours 11 minutes

    Last Week


    3 sessions, 4300m. Still enjoying the short swim sessions and my goal of just creating a habit of getting to the pool before work in the morning is working. Two weeks time I will start to up the duration.


    Two 45 minute turbo sessions with some short efforts thrown in. Deposit down on a Tacx Neo, looking forward to getting my hands on that piece of kit.


    Three sessions, 2 x 30 minutes easy and 1 x 55 minutes easy. Last year my running never got going, determined this year to change that, soon I will start doing 4 sessions per week.

    This week

    Already a two hour spin in the legs from yesterday. I'm off this week and I've planned 3 x 2 hours spins, so one down. I will get a 200m and 400m time in the pool to see exactly where I'm at. Running this week is all about fun, 2 trail runs planned in the Dublin/Wicklow mountains...and with that in mind I'm off to do one of them now from the Ticknock car park :):cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    A decent couple of weeks done and now I feel ready for my first base phase. The plan over the last 6 weeks was to build some good habits, routine and consistency and I am pleased that those objectives were pretty much achieved.

    Highlights of the last 3 weeks

    A fun and challenging run in the Dublin mountains, 6km, The Fairy Castle loop. It was a very cold day but beautiful. I twisted my ankle on the decent but it wasn't too bad.

    I did a 400 and 200 TT in the pool. It wasn't great at all but my CSS is were I thought it would be 1:46/100. It was a bad morning to do it, my ankle was still sore and my legs heavy from the mountain run. Still, I have two pool objectives now.

    On Friday just gone I had a lovely 50km bike with a bud. I felt really good which was surprising.

    Build Phase 1

    Building on the consistency is key and increasing volume are the main priorities. I will also include 1 big gear session per week, some short hill repeats for the running and in swimming I will be doing longer sessions.

    That's it in a nutshell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Week Ending


    Just the one unfortunately as all the gyms and pools were shut Wednesday to Friday around here. That one swim though felt particularly good for some reason.

    Total Dist 1,800m


    5 sessions this week, really got to know my turbo and rollers! Historically I always enjoyed turbo sessions and I am there again. There was a big gear session, a tempo and then 3 easy/Z2.

    Total Time: 4hr 17min; Total Dist 126km;


    I got in 2 sessions including a very enjoyable hour in the snow with my Inov8 Talons, seriously enjoyed it.

    Total Time 1hr 41min; Total Dist 16km;

    Compliance Watch

    I hit 11 out of 11 sessions this week. So that's two weeks in a row now and I've hit the last 18 sessions in all. Since making Monday a must hit day it has really made a difference I think, it just sets the week up.

    Weight Watch

    Finally a move on the weight, down 1kg this week to 89.3kg.



    The Alpe D'Huez Long Distance Tri isn't a runner this year I'm afraid. Myself and my wife are planning a 2/3 week holiday this summer so that's all I can afford to do really. I don't mind, it will always be there to do, perhaps next year. So I am thinking The Lost Sheep, I've wanted to do that race for years. If Electric Picnic is a great line up then that gets priority and I will pick another A race.

    The Mourne Skyline 35km in October is a definite A race so long as I can get into it. Also the Ballyhoura half marathon (trail/mountain) (May 5th) opens for entry tomorrow so I will hopefully get in there too.

    I'd like to do a duathlon in April too but it's tough to find a suitable one.

    Here's to another good week, it will be good to get back swimming and running too.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 540 ✭✭✭rodneyr1981

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Thanks Rob. Didn’t know about that series. 21st doesn’t suit but the April 8th may well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director


    Got in the 3 sessions this week and the distances are creeping up. A technique based session, a threshold one and an endurance one. For the first time this year I got out of the pool after Friday's endurance session not feeling wrecked.

    Total Dist 5800m


    3 bike sessions done, a big gear one on the turbo, an easy 45 minutes on the rollers and a 2.25 hour endurance spin. Like the swimming this was the first week I felt some power in the legs and didn't fade on the endurance spin.

    Total Time: 3:52; Total Dist97km ;


    3 run sessions including my longest of the year and a hill repeat session which I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Total Time 2:32; Total Dist 26km;

    Compliance Watch

    12 out of 12 workouts made, 30 in a row and 3 weeks in a row. Unheard of for me! I will be flying it if I can keep that up.

    Weight Watch

    Down another kg, happy days.


    My biggest week of the year in all 3 disciplines and this coming week will up that again. The good news is that the body feels great. I did some lower body weights on Thursday for the first time in 3 weeks and I am a bit sore from that but the body is holding up well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director


    3 sessions, the usual, technique, CSS and endurance.

    Total Dist 6800m


    2 sessions this week, a BG one and a long one, again felt really good on the long session.

    Total Time: 3hr 16min; Total Dist 89km;


    3 sessions including a hill repeat session and long slow run. On Monday's easy run a strange thing happened, my pace was much faster for the same effort/HR. I guess some run progress finally!

    Total Time 2hr 50min; Total Dist 30km;

    Compliance Watch

    10 out of 10 sessions. 4 weeks in a row all sessions hit. 40 in a row - hard to believe that, I was so flakey for so long.

    Weight Watch

    UP a little this week unfortunately, I really cant afford slip ups in my die :(


    Entered my first race of 2018, the Mourne Mountain Skyline 35km on the 20th October, it sold out in 4 hours, I must have been one of the last in! Really looking forward to this, never ran more than 22km in my life but my attention is on endurance stuff this year and that will be a great test for me and the end of the year. To prepare for it I will get my mileage up and do a few IMRA runs (including the half marathon in Ballyhoura on the May BH weekend) and also just do my own mountain runs too.

    My next race though will be the April Setanta duathlon on the 14th I think.

    Recovery week this week, body was very sore going into yesterdays LSR but held up well and feels great today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83


    Entered my first race of 2018, the Mourne Mountain Skyline 35km on the 20th October, it sold out in 4 hours, I must have been one of the last in! Really looking forward to this, never ran more than 22km in my life but my attention is on endurance stuff this year and that will be a great test for me and the end of the year. To prepare for it I will get my mileage up and do a few IMRA runs (including the half marathon in Ballyhoura on the May BH weekend) and also just do my own mountain runs too.

    My next race though will be the April Setanta duathlon on the 14th I think.

    Recovery week this week, body was very sore going into yesterdays LSR but held up well and feels great today.

    Lonan has been raving about the Mourne Skyline race since last year. Sounds like a great race and very well organised - the Mournes are steep. Check out his blog on the race from last year.

    The Connemara loop will be a good one to add in to the training diary.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Neady83 wrote: »
    Lonan has been raving about the Mourne Skyline race since last year. Sounds like a great race and very well organised - the Mournes are steep. Check out his blog on the race from last year.

    The Connemara loop will be a good one to add in to the training diary.

    Good lord, what have I done! Must reach out to him for some advise. Thanks Neady :) Ballyhoura Half entered now too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 595 ✭✭✭rooneyjm

    Sounds interesting. Do you run from the base and then around the wall. Climbed to the summit a few years ago, it was wild

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Good lord, what have I done! Must reach out to him for some advise. Thanks Neady :) Ballyhoura Half entered now too.

    If Lonan found it tough you'd better start some race specific prep for it ;):D

    One for 2019 for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    rooneyjm wrote: »
    Sounds interesting. Do you run from the base and then around the wall. Climbed to the summit a few years ago, it was wild

    I'm not sure Jonathan, I've never been. I will get up there during the summer for a recce of some sort.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    pgibbo wrote: »
    If Lonan found it tough you'd better start some race specific prep for it ;):D

    One for 2019 for me.

    A big overall goal for me this year is to improve my aerobic endurance by doing more volume (easy stuff) and to support that I need to improve muscular endurance too, big gear work, hill reps, mountain running etc... So my hope is that as a byproduct of this focus I will be able for such a venture. That is the reason I picked the event, it's supposed to be really tough and it's towards the end of the year - so it's a test really, did I improve my endurance/robustness?

    I also will have no target in my head regarding placing or time, I just want the test. In saying that I do not want to be out there for over 7 hours like many last year, 4 hours for the winner so anywhere between 5 and 6 will be good enough for me.

    So hopefully the mountain running I have planned will help anyway and I will try to find very steep slopes to practice the hands on thighs hiking technique, I think the Warrior Run in Sligo is very steep so I may put that on the calendar in Aug.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    After a really good (by my recent standards) Jan, Feb and Mar but as is often my form I had a very poor April. The totals for Jan to Mar were well up on last year but April was well down. Looking forward now, it is May and hopefully the summer weather is around the corner.

    Back in March when I was going well I entered the Ballyhoura mountain/trail half marathon, it's on tomorrow and I am fvcked. Went for two runs this week both on flat trails, 10-12km and I felt awful. My left achilles was sore and my left quad started to spasm yesterday...I was running on nice flat terrain. In the past I would have just not turned up to run, losing my entry fee and taking a place someone else could have had but I am going to turn up tomorrow. I am going to do it with a fair bit of walking and I am going to enjoy being in the wonderful surrounds of Ballyhoura. I will take pictures when it is safe to do so. I will chat to my fellow runners/walkers. I will enjoy my FREE craft beer after the race.

    Hopefully it will spur me on to do better for the rest of the year. My major goal this year is to just log loads of easy miles, swim, bike and run and I need to remember that so that I don't go into the red too much.

    Have a great weekend people!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    Delighted to see an update here.

    Have a great run tomorrow ED, enjoy every minute and stick to what you've just said - get your moneys worth and take it all in. I will be expecting lots of pictures of the beautiful countryside and a great big smile on your face as you cross the finish line.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director


    It was an early start on Saturday for me. I had my usual breakfast and it was a glorious sun rise, you could feel it was going to be a warm one. The journey to Kilfinane took 1.75 hours. I got registered and had an hour until the buses were leaving taking us to the start line so I graciously accepted a cup of tea and half a scone. I then headed back to the car and got ready.

    Nutrition was going to be important today especially in the heat. I decided on having a gel every 20 minutes but none for the first hour and I aimed to drink 1L (water) per hour or so with dioralyte mixed in after the first hour as I know I loose a lot of salt on hot days. I recently bought a nutrition vest - Salomon S Lab Sense Ultra 5L (they need a new, snappier name!) and while it was expensive it really did the job nicely. Easily carried all the nutrition I needed and the mandatory rain cape/jacket and mobile phone with loads of room for more. I started with arm warmers which I peeled off and stuffed into a pocket on the first climb. For water/drink there are two 500ml soft flask bottles up front. Everything is accessible without taking the vest off and after a while you even forget that you are wearing a vest. On my feet were Inov8 Roclite 305 and they were a good choice. Running on road with trail runners isn't the nicest my experience and there was 4km or so of road but these are not so bad on the road and were great on the muddy/slippery parts, not once did I slip. The vest and shoes were the most important things, apart from that it was a t-shirt, shorts, calf sleeves (I hoped they offered some protection for my achilles) and a baseball cap. I also but on sun cream but forgot my neck, ears and upper arms :rolleyes:

    I headed for the bus and realised two things, (1) I had not gone to get my mandatory gear checked and (2) I had not applied vaseline to known chaffing areas. Decisions had to be made quick...I ran back to the car and got vaselined up to the max! I almost didn't but I was so glad that I did as I ended up chaffing early on even with the vaseline but without it it would have been absolute agony, next time I must bring a little with me. Then I dashed back and got the gear checked and on the second bus.

    The Race

    We had about 30 minutes to kill until we were off. No need for a warm up I figured but ended up doing a short one out of boredom and stretched a little, I also made an effort to chat to some folk :) I started towards to back of the pack and once the gun went off I just settled into a very easy pace. The first 3km is flat and on a road/through fields. There are a number of styles to negotiate and the first one is after about 1km which meant there was quite a lengthy queue to get over it. That was fine by me and I suspect those wanting a really good time knew about it and rushed to the front to get there first. That first 3km was so nice through the fields and woodland, meandering along a river bank and nice and flat. I was at the back of a nice pace line and the 6 min/km suited me just fine.

    After 3.2km we faced the first of the major climbs which lasted 2km and, according to Strava, had an average grade of 14% and a max section of 32%. All that means it was tough...but not as tough as the second major climb :o It was all hiking for this section as best I could but I don't hike and I don't practice moving up a climb like this at pace. There was supposed to be an aid station at 4km but either there was none or I missed it some how. It was fine as I had enough with me thankfully.

    The downhill section was a little hairy but I made up some places, not that I cared but I just didn't want putting the brakes on too much as that would kill my quads.

    From 10km to 14km we had the next big climb, 38% in parts...this took the life out of me. Really need to practice this stuff more, my glutes were on fire! It was slow, so slow but I got there! There were some more ups and downs until 17.5km and it was pretty much down hill into town then but I was so trashed at that point that I could only average 6:16/km.

    When I got to the end I was so happy to have finished. It was really hot at that stage and free craft beer went down a treat :) As did the chicken tasty I had seconds!

    I really enjoyed the event, it was so well organised and everyone was so friendly. I cannot fault the event at all, the people manning the stations were so helpful too, filling up your bottles for you etc... I have pictures on instagram, @eldirector365

    My main aims were not to get injured, not to push myself so the DOMS wouldn't be too bad and enjoy myself. All achieved I am very happy to say. If I wanted to improve at this lark I'd have to loose about 10kg and practice moving swiftly up the steeper sections. Maybe I will, maybe I won't but I will do more IRMA mid-week runs during the summer as I really love just being in the mountains and the Leinster branch of IRMA is very active, every week during the summer.

    First I need to get back to some consistent training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Another big gap since my last log input, this of course means that nothing much has been going on. Honestly I don't why I haven't just closed off this log. I guess something just wants me to keep it going, so I do.

    Since my last post a whole triathlon season (another one) has passed me by, I have no multisport events to report on. June, July and August saw little to no activity. My weight went back up to 93kg. I then went on holiday to Thailand for 3 weeks with Linda and I thought that it might be a good time to kick start the weight loss. It did, I lost a stone in those 3 weeks and continued to lose the weight at home and I'm now at 77kg and I don't want to lose anymore! It was very difficult to eat crap in Thailand and I just established a healthy eating habit I guess.

    So in September I started doing a little and I have averaged 4 hours of training over the last 7 weeks or so. I did a 10k in September in 58.5 minutes, average HR was 178bpm and I set an all time 20 minute HR high of 184bpm! In Oct I did the Run in the Dark 5km and paced Linda to a 27 minute finish.

    I've actually noticed rapid improvements in all disciplines since getting back to it, loads of low hanging fruit I guess. FTP is around 210, CSS is around 1:51/100 and my 5km is around 24 minutes now, there is some testing next week so I will have more accurate numbers then.

    Looking to 2019

    I want to race in 2019 as that is what I have always enjoyed. I am naturally competitive and I need to manage that because it can lead to me trying to do too much, I've had two colds since the beginning of October! So I need to be careful and mind myself. I really do believe that with 4-6 months of consistency I could set some all time PB's (all disciplines) but I really need to just concentrate on one week at a time.

    What I am thinking right now is two A goal races, Kilkee and Lost Sheep. Also I'd like to complete the Dublin marathon (just cover the distance best I can and enjoy the day). I may also do the duathlon series and triathlon series. I definitely want to try an aquabike too. My next race I am aiming for the Land of the Giant duathlon on dec 28th either as an individual or a relay.

    Keeping Things Fresh and Interesting

    I want to vary training as much as possible. So I'll be doing a mixture of solo training, group training, trail/mountain running/biking, OW swimming once a week from May, hitting difference intensities in training, having single discipline weeks etc... Just anything to keep it interesting. Christmas will see me having a new pain cave set up complete with a 32 inch HD TV and Apple TV 4k, this I hear is the best way to experience Zwift I believe so we will see - should keep things interesting I hope.

    All of the above is subject to change of course and dependant upon how I'm doing mentally but I am feeling positive and looking forward to 2019 right now. I hope to update here each week

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    Hey M, Drop us a message on Thailand and where you went when you get a chance as planning a trip soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    Week Beginning Dec 3rd

    I had a really good week, hit 9 out of 12 sessions, missed both strength/gym sessions so no biggie but I don't want to make a habit of that either. At the end of last week I was really worried about the amount of weight I was losing. A couple of weeks ago I hit my 78kg target but I continued to loose more weight, got down to 75.4kg. This week I've made a conscious decision to eat more (plenty of spuds!) and in Jan I'll up the weights in the gym.

    Run: 1 hour 36 minutes, 17km
    Swim: 1 hour 40 minutes, 5.4km
    Bike: 3 hours 12 minutes, 90km

    I did the trainer road ramp test on Tuesday to get a better FTP estimate - 205 watts is that number and while it's low it feels about right because I had a 3 x 12 minute @ 85% on Thursday and it felt like it should. I did a 400 and 200 TT in the pool to determine where I am, 6:58 for the 400 and 3:18 for the 200. Really happy with that and very happy how well I paced both. Running was all easy including a long run of 55 minutes today.

    The plan for the next few months is keep going easy on the runs, a few 15 second sprints here and there, swimming will be a tech session, threshold session and endurance session. The bike is where there will be more harder efforts, 2 x indoor trainer sessions. So really its 2/3 hard(ish) sessions (2 bike and one swim) and then 8/9 easy. The main thing is I am enjoying things right now and looking forward to the next few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    week Beginning 10th Dec

    Hit 60% of the planned sessions for a total of 4.5 hours training, a few years ago that would be a bad week but I consider it good now! My tendency before when sessions were missed was to scrap the whole week and say to myself ah sure I'll just start on Monday" So I am delighted that now I just do what I can and if there is a down day where sessions are missed I just make sure I get something done the following day.

    Run: 2 sessions, 1.5hrs, 15km - One of these runs was with Macanri this is part of an effort to train with others more, it really helps.
    Bike: 1 session, 1hr, 31km - Goddard on trainer road, includes 10 x 30sec above FTP and 2 x 6 minutes at 90-96%, enjoyable session.
    Swim: 3 sessions, 1hr 53min, 6,200m - my most consistent disipline since returning to training, really enjoying it at the moment.

    Aiming for about 7 hours this week and then two weeks with minimal structure over Christmas.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    I forgot to mention that after some consultation with P Gibbo I've decided to redefine was 'easy' means to me in terms of running. I've always taken easy to mean Z2 which for me is 144bpm - 156bpm, from now on I'm going to run in Z1 for easy (sub 144, I'll actually aim for sub 140). P brought it up with me and the more I thought about it the more it made sense and the more I liked the idea. Pretty much all my runs will be easy until March/April except for a few 15 seconds sprints or 30 second build or a local strava segment! Even when I introduce some hills or tempo in March/April I will keep easy in Z1. The biggest benefit I see in this approach is being fresh for the bike sessions and later the harder run sessions ensuring that I do hard sessions hard. I have done two runs so far with this in mind and I thought I'd find it annoying having to run so slow (6min/km pace) but it's not so bad, I enjoyed them.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    what was your max or z5 hr?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,117 ✭✭✭El Director

    mossym wrote: »
    what was your max or z5 hr?

    I hit 189bpm during a 10k back in September-highest peak I’ve seen. MyZ5 running is anything over 174
