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Program Advice

  • 02-07-2014 10:21pm
    Registered Users Posts: 265 ✭✭

    Hey all,

    Just getting back into the gym after working on mobility and playing sports for the last few months and I am looking for some advice on the following program. I'm looking for an overall body workout in a 3 day split concentrating on the main compound lifts. Trying to keep it under an hour with 10/15mins for a warm up. I was just wondering if I've included everything and if everything is in a decent order.

    Day 1
    Squat (4x5)
    BB row (3x8)
    DB bench (3x12)
    Single leg work supplementary (4x12) (e.g. Bulgarian split squats, SLDL)
    Core and conditioning

    Day 2
    Trapbar DL (4x5)
    Pull ups (3x8)
    Hip thrusts (3x12)
    Shoulders and Lat supplementary (4x12) (Lat raises, shrugs etc)
    Core and conditioning

    Day 3
    Bench (4x5)
    Front squats (3x8)
    RDL (3x12)
    Bis & tris supplementary (4x12)
    Core and conditioning

    The core and conditioning will vary depending on what's available in the gym and how I'm feeling. Also I will try to do a 4th day of pistol squats, pull ups and dips on the gymnastic rings in the gym and press ups.

    How does that look? Any info/criticism gladly taken on board.


