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Rock the Boat (Forum Feedback Thread)

  • 22-07-2014 9:22pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,345 ✭✭✭

    So after a few users mentioning it in the chat thread, it seemed like a good idea to set up a thread for people to suggest possible improvements, changes and just general feedback about the Rock & Metal forum.

    So feel free to get the ball rolling and start a bit of a discussion!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,493 ✭✭✭DazMarz

    More water...... :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

    DazMarz wrote: »
    More water...... :D

    Here ya go! :)

    Yeah, I know that's not what you meant :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,493 ✭✭✭DazMarz

    I was thinking more along these lines... :P

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

    I got that ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,493 ✭✭✭DazMarz

    Links234 wrote: »
    I got that ;)

    Only saw the last line of your reply after I'd posted it... silly me... :o

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,151 ✭✭✭Passenger

    Overall the forum is fine but it could do with more activity and participation from members. You can see from Links' Metal thread in AH just how many Metalheads are on here but the question is why don't they post regularly in this forum?

    As for the Mods duties I would suggest...

    Update of the Charter? It could probably do with an update.
    Enforce the No Chat rule in the Rock & Metal Gigs thread and Now Listening To... thread. It keeps those dedicated threads on topic and more legible for users just having a quick look for upcoming gigs etc.


  • Moderators, Regional East Moderators Posts: 23,239 Mod ✭✭✭✭GLaDOS

    I would suggest a rule against insulting bands/music taste with no explanation or reason. (Basically saying "x band are rubbish" and that's it). Doesn't add anything to the conversation and could perceived as "elitism" in some cases. Certainly isn't very welcome for someone new to the forum.

    Obviously criticism with some sort of reason behind it would be ok.

    Cake, and grief counseling, will be available at the conclusion of the test

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,846 ✭✭✭✭Liam McPoyle

    One thing I've been thinking of is having a "gig buddy" thread stickied.

    I'm a huge metal fan but literally none if my mates are into it and neither is my fiancé.

    God bless her she said she will go to gigs with me which for someone like Sabbath would be grand but I couldn't really see her at Dying Fetus or Behemoth!


    I enjoy goin for a few pints pre gig and listening to some music and it's always better with someone to shoot the shyt with.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭

    Passenger wrote: »
    Overall the forum is fine but it could do with more activity and participation from members. You can see from Links' Metal thread in AH just how many Metalheads are on here but the question is why don't they post regularly in this forum?

    Don't want to sound like a dickhead or anything, but I imagine one of the biggest reasons is that, in my experience, you always get some guy coming along telling you why what you've posted isn't "real metal" etc., see the Babymetal thread for example. It's definitely one of the reasons I don't post in here much.

    I'm really just a lurker on here for the most part, but the forum is called "rock and metal", and I think many people forget about the "rock" part.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,846 ✭✭✭✭Liam McPoyle

    With respect, that Baby Metal thread was a joke and anyone could see that Dublin Red Devil was on the wind up.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Think it is a cracking little forum. Some good banter in it from time to time, and it is very well looked after by the mods.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

    With respect, that Baby Metal thread was a joke and anyone could see that Dublin Red Devil was on the wind up.

    It was a bad thread, but still a good example of exactly the kind of thing that puts me off a lot of metal communities, that sort of "oh, that's not REAL metal, get out!" attitude. It wasn't just that some people didn't like the band, it was that they seemingly didn't want anyone else to even talk about them. There's great discussion that can be had between people who dislike a band and the fans, but what went on there was just ****posting. If I hadn't been a forum regular already and came in and saw that carry on, I would've just written the place off instantly. I don't think it should matter if the original poster was on the wind up or not, things shouldn't have been allowed to get that bad.

    I'll look forward to a new Babymetal thread at some point, because there's an awful lot of discussion to be had about them, but hopefully it won't suffer from the same kind of derailing.

    Gig buddies is a great idea too

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,928 ✭✭✭

    Links234 wrote: »
    It was a bad thread, but still a good example of exactly the kind of thing that puts me off a lot of metal communities, that sort of "oh, that's not REAL metal, get out!" attitude. It wasn't just that some people didn't like the band, it was that they seemingly didn't want anyone else to even talk about them. There's great discussion that can be had between people who dislike a band and the fans, but what went on there was just ****posting. If I hadn't been a forum regular already and came in and saw that carry on, I would've just written the place off instantly. I don't think it should matter if the original poster was on the wind up or not, things shouldn't have been allowed to get that bad.

    That's what happened to me :P

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,345 ✭✭✭Somnus

    I would suggest a rule against insulting bands/music taste with no explanation or reason. (Basically saying "x band are rubbish" and that's it). Doesn't add anything to the conversation and could perceived as "elitism" in some cases. Certainly isn't very welcome for someone new to the forum.

    I agree in part but don't want to make the forum seem too strict either. I'll try and just give a few gentle reminders to people flaming.
    One thing I've been thinking of is having a "gig buddy" thread stickied.

    Not a bad idea! Feel free to start one and I'll sticky it
    the forum is called "rock and metal", and I think many people forget about the "rock" part.

    I wouldn't say that, but you're not the first person to think so. A few years back Dr. Bollocko pushed real hard for a classic rock forum, a split I felt unnecessary, and if you go over there now you'll see it's pretty inactive. Threads from March still on the first page.
    I don't think it was good to split the community. Discussion on all rock is welcome here so feel free to start the discussion!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 11,963 ✭✭✭✭scudzilla

    Nothing needs changing IMO, great forum with hardly any idiots, get the odd one but even then it's not like other forums in that the posters just don't bite and antagonize the troll.

    Same as any Rock/Metal bars i frequent, hardly any hassle, we all look after each other unlike the 'trendy' places

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,818 ✭✭✭Lyaiera

    I'm really just a lurker on here for the most part, but the forum is called "rock and metal", and I think many people forget about the "rock" part.

    I agree with this about people forgetting the "rock" part. And I agree with the mods that a "classic rock" forum seems unnecessary and might have done a little damage.

    I'll often come in here after listening to punk (a kind of rock,) folk rock, straight up "classic" rock, noise rock, etc. and think maybe it's a bit too not-metal/not-hard-rock for this forum. There's even a band I'm listening to now that are definitely rock based on their instruments and style but you could argue make a sound that's so different to what's typically rock that at best they're avant-garde rock and that some people could argue doesn't have a place on any forum here.

    Rock is such a huge genre of music, and it could be argued that so much music is rock or rock inspired and it doesn't have that much of a presence here.

    I mean, I like metal, I'm just not as dedicated to it as some people. I'm not dedicated to any particular form of music and my tastes are wide ranging and sometimes it seems this forum is particularly focused on particular styles.

    And I know that this forum doesn't set out to be that way, it just comes across that way. There's not a lot that can be done about it apart from me posting more about those kind of bands.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

    Fair points about the forum split, but maybe part of the reason you don't see a lot of classic rock discussion is because most of the bands aren't releasing any new music or doing anything, so there's not a whole lot to talk about? Might be the reason why the classic rock forum is so barren as it is. So I think it's kinda overestimating the effect a separate forum can have on this one, Rock & Metal has been thundering along on it's own steam for ages. If you took the traffic of Classic Rock and added it to here, would it result in much more than a couple of extra posts a week?

    I think there is plenty of discussion to have on rock bands though, one look at the front page, and you've got gigantic threads about Pearl Jam and Guns'n'Roses that are massively popular, so we have that going for us ;) I don't think anyone should feel that there's not a space for rock here, because if I can fit all my Visual Kei stuff in here, then there's a place for anything! :pac:
    On a negative note I think this forum is in Music section so I would like to keep discussions more music related, also it wasn't invented as a comedy club or some place to make jokes of Rock/Metal fans but if moderators think that it is okay then I just ignore threads that annoy me.

    If this is about my "The funny side of..." thread, then I'd like to make it clear that it's not meant to make jokes OF Rock/Metal fans, it's a bit of fun where fans laugh with each other :)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 25,560 ✭✭✭✭Kess73

    Lyaiera wrote: »
    I agree with this about people forgetting the "rock" part. And I agree with the mods that a "classic rock" forum seems unnecessary and might have done a little damage.

    I'll often come in here after listening to punk (a kind of rock,) folk rock, straight up "classic" rock, noise rock, etc. and think maybe it's a bit too not-metal/not-hard-rock for this forum. There's even a band I'm listening to now that are definitely rock based on their instruments and style but you could argue make a sound that's so different to what's typically rock that at best they're avant-garde rock and that some people could argue doesn't have a place on any forum here.

    Rock is such a huge genre of music, and it could be argued that so much music is rock or rock inspired and it doesn't have that much of a presence here.

    I mean, I like metal, I'm just not as dedicated to it as some people. I'm not dedicated to any particular form of music and my tastes are wide ranging and sometimes it seems this forum is particularly focused on particular styles.

    And I know that this forum doesn't set out to be that way, it just comes across that way. There's not a lot that can be done about it apart from me posting more about those kind of bands.

    I think the best way for people to get rock discussions going is to take the time to start them.

    Is probably one of the best forums on the site in terms of tolerance for other people's tastes/POVs, so anyone that wants to discuss anything that falls under the rock banner should do so. If there is an interest then the thread will grow, and if not then it will slip off the page quickly enough.

    I know personally that I would be more than happy to see chat about the Gaslight Anthem sitting alongside chat about Anthrax, or threads about Middle Class Rut talking place alongside threads about Mastodon.

    Good music is good music, and anything that means there is a chance of getting to check out music that one may not have checked out before can only be a good thing imo.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,193 ✭✭✭Cleveland Hot Pocket

    Somnus wrote: »

    I wouldn't say that, but you're not the first person to think so. A few years back Dr. Bollocko pushed real hard for a classic rock forum, a split I felt unnecessary, and if you go over there now you'll see it's pretty inactive. Threads from March still on the first page.
    I don't think it was good to split the community. Discussion on all rock is welcome here so feel free to start the discussion!

    And I think a R&M beers should happen again. I went to a few back, oh, must be a good couple of years at this stage, ago.

    Maybe in Bruxelles or the Gypsy Rose? I know the meets were held in the new fibbers the last ones I attended anyway.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

    We do need a beers, I remember trying to organize one but that kinda fell apart :o

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,201 ✭✭✭black_frosch

    Links234 wrote: »
    We do need a beers, I remember trying to organize one but that kinda fell apart :o
    One week since your post not a single Thank was given and you know why? Because true metallers don't drink beers we drink blood.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,818 ✭✭✭Lyaiera

    One week since your post not a single Thank was given and you know why? Because true metallers don't drink beers we drink blood.

    That would be vampires Ted.
