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Aldi in Callan



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Some one stopped me the other day and said what a great store Aldi is, having just come out with a few bits and pieces, the dear soul looked offended when I said well no I prefer Supervalu.
    Why she asked, well I cannot get custard powder here but SV sell it, you could buy ready made, hmm, I then listed a whole range of branded products, which of course Aldi do not sell, the ad says they sell the same but cheaper.
    I like HP sauce's and Heinz pickles and such things as Oxo and Bisto, Mc donalds curry sauce, there are some products which are or appear identical like yogurts, many stores sell West Cork yogurt under differing brand names, this is easily checked by looking at the packaging code ie 1098.
    We need both stores in Callan, maybe Lidl would pull even more shoppers.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    One would have thought a store like Aldi would be well stocked by mid-day, oh dear not so I went in for bits and pieces actually chicken wings and oddments, nope nothing, so round to SV at least the store was well stocked and they had a live butcher.
    I think it scary one cannot get simple easy to cook things from a large store.
    If they continue to sell short date items, be it on their head shoppers do have choice.

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,065 ✭✭✭✭Odyssey 2005

    Aldi are no different to any supermarket in the country. They are a working shop. You complain about short dated items,then you complain that the stock is sold. At least the next batch of stock will have a decent amount of date on it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    We have all experienced the change in shopping in Callan since the arrival of Aldi; however is the retailer all it is cracked up to be?
    If you are a fish lover then it is a very limited choice, best stock up on a Friday when Norman arrives outside the AIB, however SV does show a much more enticing display than Aldi.
    However I enjoy a nice salad, Aldi have a reasonable pre-packed display of add on's like coleslaw etc, then we pop over to SV with it's open display and fill your own carton, yes very nice, but there is no sell by date and one relies on the store making sure the contents are fresh, you say yes of course they do.
    I am concerned, the other day I went to buy a salad bag from the cold display, a nice variety of lettuce, as I do I check the sell by date, the bag I had was two days out of date, the lad stocking the veggy did not seem overly concerned, if that occurs with dated stock what happens with the undated salad bar.
    Yes SV is far superior to Aldi for shopping, they have a greater variety, that no one can deny, however in this day and age you cannot try and pass off out of date stock by mixing it with current dated items, either we are talking bad management practices or poor staff.
    I do not find it funny getting home with items that are so short dated they need using straight away, yes; my fault for not checking, or is it down to the store to make sure.
    One of my cribs is bread, check the date and other loaves from the same batch, yes the stores frequently mix sell by dates, always remember it is your money.
    Yoghurt, why on earth would anyone buy a six pack with only a day to go on the use buy, what a waste of money, many of us cannot afford to play the game.
    SV at market cross had someone sorting the produce who had no idea of the date, sound management, at least this doesn't seem to happen at Loughboy, they must have a better system of stock control.
    To be honest I am wondering whether or not to abandon Callan for shopping of dated food and going back to Loughboy.
    It is no fun getting home to find you should have eaten the fresh food yesterday, where is consumer protection?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭foxcoverteddy

    Well here is another good one, roughly 10% of the population is left handed, in case someone queries this I did a survey for nearly two years and the results were consistent, so it is not a figure plucked out of nowhere.
    Aldi have their checkouts designed so that you put the trolley in one way, this was done by right handed people, fair enough, however I put my trolley in cross ways as it suits my purpose, alas some of Aldi staff do not appreciate this, one turned the trolley round.
    Unfortunately for him I decided it was my shopping; I was paying for it and there was no notice to say you will put your trolley so, had there been I would not have shopped there or in fact any store that tries to impose such restrictions, I have no problem in Supervalu or Dunnes or Lidl.
    I guess that the other stores do not pressure you to get out as they do in Aldi, which only works if you allow them to do it.
    I insist on packing my baq at the checkout, though as I now seldom go there is a mute point.
    Whilst talking shopping, this sell by date or use by date is one that all supermarkets should comply with, it is not rocket science, staff should be trained to look out for short dated stock or past the date, I have no problems if it is being sold off cheap, then it is the customers choice.
    My visits to Loughboy are a delight as one seldom if ever finds any stock problems and the staff are helpful and friendly, nothing is too much bother, take note Aldi.
    Have you ever watched the staff in Aldi, actually just watching makes me tired.
    Have a nice shopping day, ps tried buying left handed can openers or scissors?

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