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ISIS are pure evil.



  • Site Banned Posts: 2,922 ✭✭✭Egginacup

    RomanKnows wrote: »
    Dude, that article is 18 years old. You should think about stepping away from boards for a while. The rabid anti-American thing is really starting to grind you down.

    Pointing out American criminality is rabid "anti-Americanism" now is it?

    Pretty predictable trick to shut down debate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,875 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    RomanKnows wrote: »
    Dude, that article is 18 years old. You should think about stepping away from boards for a while. The rabid anti-American thing is really starting to grind you down.

    How does the fact that an article is 18 years old change what happened long before that? :confused:

    You offer no valid reason for questioning what is in the article and then go for the usual option of those who support human rights abuses by using the ridiculous term anti-American. Are Americans would critisise their own government/military for human rights sbuses/war crimes also some how anti-American? Supporters of Israeli criminals tend to play the same card.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,900 ✭✭✭InTheTrees

    Zebra3 wrote: »
    Meanwhile, back in la la land, the Americans are sweet angels who never do anything wrong. They should have the freedom to butcher whoever they want, and back whatever dictators they want cos they know best. No need for the proles then to think about issues like human rights and international law.
    Zebra3 wrote: »
    You offer no valid reason for questioning what is in the article and then go for the usual option of those who support human rights abuses by using the ridiculous term anti-American. Are Americans would critisise their own government/military for human rights sbuses/war crimes also some how anti-American? .

    We all see what you did there.


    You just ranted about "americans" then tried to imply you're not being anti-american but anti-american policy?


  • Registered Users Posts: 415 ✭✭Alexis Sanchez

    Egginacup wrote: »
    Pointing out American criminality is rabid "anti-Americanism" now is it?

    Pretty predictable trick to shut down debate.

    Pointing out America's crimes is fine, but it becomes hypocritical when pro-Putin people do it. How do you expect people to take you seriously when you're bashing one imperialist country while defending another?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,875 ✭✭✭✭Zebra3

    InTheTrees wrote: »
    We all see what you did there.


    You just ranted about "americans" then tried to imply you're not being anti-american but anti-american policy?


    I didn't rant, I asked a question. :rolleyes:

    Maybe understand how the English language works before awarding yourself a :cool:.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,555 ✭✭✭Roger Hassenforder

    Zebra3 wrote: »
    How does the fact that an article is 18 years old change what happened long before that? :confused:

    You offer no valid reason for questioning what is in the article and then go for the usual option of those who support human rights abuses by using the ridiculous term anti-American. Are Americans would critisise their own government/military for human rights sbuses/war crimes also some how anti-American? Supporters of Israeli criminals tend to play the same card.

    Jesus f**kin Christ lads, what is with constant derailment of threads with the anti-US tirades, Start a thread on how the US basically caused all the ills and woes of the world from the snake tempting Eve with the apple through to fukushima.

    There is no doubt CIA were implicit in the overthrow of Quasim in 1963.
    In 1964 Saddam was in prison. So this coup didnt put Saddam in power. Get your facts right, and quote decent references.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,190 ✭✭✭obplayer

    LucidLife wrote: »
    Pretty lazy, just google his rise to power because right now your ignorant. Why should someone go out of their way to link an obviously genuinely uninterested party such as yourself?

    Well the usual approach is that the person making the claims provides evidence to back them up.
    "What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence."

    As for "obviously genuinely uninterested", how do you work that out? Or should I Google that as well?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,289 ✭✭✭alwald

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,802 ✭✭✭✭bilston

    More history being destroyed by IS.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,605 ✭✭✭yipeeeee

    bilston wrote: »

    More history being destroyed by IS.


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  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    Zebra3 wrote: »

    Meanwhile, back in la la land, the Americans are sweet angels who never do anything wrong. They should have the freedom to butcher whoever they want, and back whatever dictators they want cos they know best. No need for the proles then to think about issues like human rights and international law.

    For all the fault of " The Americans ", I don't see them throwing ALLEDGED gays from rooftops whilst filming it on their smartphones, chopping heads off and sticking them on railings, buying and selling women as sex slave, or f**king 9 year oldf girls.

    Individual Americans have their faults like any other group.

    ISIS are the sickest bunch of f**ks that have variously travelled from Dublin, Bradford, Leicester, Tower Hamlets,Stockholm, Madrid, Paris, Sydney, and every imaginable points inbetween to indulge in an orgy or violence and "sex" beyond the imagination of any sicko that ever made a horror or pornographic film. Sick b**tards.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,050 ✭✭✭nokia69

    alwald wrote: »

    don't agree with all he said, but it is interesting

  • Registered Users Posts: 21,009 ✭✭✭✭Ash.J.Williams

    For all the fault of " The Americans ", I don't see them throwing ALLEDGED gays from rooftops whilst filming it on their smartphones, chopping heads off and sticking them on railings, buying and selling women as sex slave, or f**king 9 year oldf girls.

    Individual Americans have their faults like any other group.

    ISIS are the sickest bunch of f**ks that have variously travelled from Dublin, Bradford, Leicester, Tower Hamlets,Stockholm, Madrid, Paris, Sydney, and every imaginable points inbetween to indulge in an orgy or violence and "sex" beyond the imagination of any sicko that ever made a horror or pornographic film. Sick b**tards.
    America did 2 things. Created a vacuum that allowed Isis to take hold and committed war crimes that fuelled hate making radicalisation easier. Other than that this has nothing to do with anything other than a bunch of scrotes setting up their own country and being sick fu"ks. man I hope every single one of them gets executed and I'm a pacificist.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    For all the fault of " The Americans ", I don't see them throwing ALLEDGED gays from rooftops whilst filming it on their smartphones, chopping heads off and sticking them on railings, buying and selling women as sex slave, or f**king 9 year oldf girls.

    You wouldn't see ISIS doing either if America had stayed out of the Middle East, instead of invading countries based on lies and interfering in conflict they have no business being involved in.

    You whining maggots with your "don't blame America" whinging make me want to puke.

    Wake up and realise that irresponsible actions have dire consequences.


  • Registered Users Posts: 2,747 ✭✭✭DeadHand

    While immoral, disastrous Western interventionism was a factor in creating the environment that allowed ISIS and similar Islamofascist movements to thrive and grow, it didn't create it.

    Something is deeply rotten among the populations of the Middle East that this sort of barbarity is allowed to exist in their midst. Something is deeply rotten at the heart of Islam that it allows for such savage interpretations, that it inspires men to such evil.

    The West helped to let the genie out of the bottle by naively removing secular dictators who, while brutal, were by far the lesser of two evils. But it's wrong to claim the meddling of the West is the sole reason or even the biggest factor in creating the hell on earth the Middle East has degenerated into today. The Muslim world needs to look within, look at itself before blaming the rest of the world for it's strife.

    The Middle East was a safer, more stable and tolerant place with tyrants like Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad in control. What replaced them was expansionist and even more medieval than their sinister regimes. When "freed" from one tyranny the people of the Muslim world often choose to replace it, not with secular democracy, but with a more popular, Islamic tyranny.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    The "Islamic State" has it's foundations in Al Qaeda, which has it's foundations from American support for the Mujahideen decades ago. ALL of these groups have radicalised men involved in their ranks and the US CHOSE to play a very dangerous game in who they were willing to support.


    Even with the backlash from Al Qaeda, they still went ahead and supported the Al Nusra Front in Syria. The Al Nusra Front are directly responsible for filling the ranks of ISIS as it stands today. America ALSO supports the House of Saud, despite many observers pointing the finger at them for financial and military support. Saudi Arabia are ALSO supported militarily and financially by the US, despite their bullshit rhetoric.

    While America cannot be blamed for every single thing that happens in the Middle East, they absolutely ARE a factor in Middle Eastern affairs and way, way to often that factor is a wholly negative one.

    It's simple childishness in the extreme to simply absolve the States of their responsibility for the present situation that we see in the region and people moaning about other "blaming" America is the lamentable weak mindedness.

    America's fuck ups aren't new either. To all you falg waving kids out there whining about "blaming" America, this crap goes back DECADES, before most of us on here were even born. They have an appalling track record in the region.

    Continual fuck ups for short-sighted, minimal term goals has created the conditions for a charnel house of conflict over there and they do it again and again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    Tony EH wrote: »
    You wouldn't see ISIS doing either if America had stayed out of the Middle East, instead of invading countries based on lies and interfering in conflict they have no business being involved in.

    You whining maggots with your "don't blame America" whinging make me want to puke.

    Wake up and realise that irresponsible actions have dire consequences.


    The United States Of America was founded in 1776.

    The man who invented Islam, Mohommed, himself began having sex with a 9 year old girl when he was a 52 year old man. Since then Muslims have been having sex with 9 year old girls, due to the example and teachings of Mohammed.

    Followers of Islam have been beheading anyone " Unbelievers " and those who reject the opportunity to become Muslim since the 620s, because during Mohammed lifetime, under his instruction, command and approval his followers beheaded hundreds (maybe thousands) " Unbelievers ".

    Followers of Islam have been raping women and trading them as sex slaves since the 620s, because during Mohammed lifetime, under his instruction, command and approval his followers did so. Muhammed, in his lifetime, was quite cool with the concept of raping women who were " Unbelievers ", trading them as sex slaves and even beheading one. And it is because of this that in the year 2015 there are Muslim sex abuse gangs in the North Of England abusing and exploiting vunerable young English girls.

    As in the murderous racist / ethnic / religous persecution cleansing that ISIS are engaging in, Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims have been killing each other since the year 632, when they could not decide on who should take over from Mohammed as leader.

    Followers of Islam have behaved in this way since the year 620 odd, because Islam is an inherently supremacist, intolerant, agressive and violent ideology.

    Some folk can stick their heads in the sand and blame America till the sea rises and the sun stops shining. Islam is what it is and the very nasty bits of Islam are Islam's fault and nobody elses.

    If America had never existed, whatever shape the world took today, we would see this stuff going on in the name of Islam. Because it has since the year 632 and there is no reason or evidence to suggest it would ever have stopped.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    You know fuck all about the Middle East.

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    Tony EH wrote: »
    You know fuck all about the Middle East.

    Of course, the Middle East is not the only place that has a problem with Islamofacist barbarity and terrorism.

    Boko Haram are murdering unbelievers by the thousand in Nigeria and taking sex slaves by the hundred. Whole schools.

    China and Russia are two countries where America does not have much influence. Both have Islamic terrorists problems.

    Islamofacism and the activities of ISIS existed long before America interfered anywhere.

    Islam existed long before America. And lots of bad things happened, and continue to happen, in the name of Islam.

    Just some folk are too busy swearing and puking.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    And yet the vast majority of Muslims wouldn't subscribe to such excesses.

    If they did, situations would be MUCH, MUCH worse.

    It's no wonder that folk are swearing and puking, when one constantly reads drivel from the weak minded who cannot understand even the basics and only have inane bigotry in their petty arsenal, where tarring millions with a broad brush passes for insightful criticism.

    Islam, like all religions, is a load of old bollocks. Fairy stories for fools. But, pretending that it operates as a singular factor, irrespective of other actors, is not just naive, it's flat out out stupid.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    Nope, some folk are looking at Islam critically. Criticism of Islam is not bigotry. Call critics of Islam bigots as it might stop any discussion or criticism.

    Perhaps there are a few countries you would like to visit, and print out your "Islam Is A Load Of Old Bollocks " statement and walk around amongst these ordinary millions of whom you speak, and see how tolerant they are.

    I'm not talking Saudi Arabia. Why not try the UK, in Tower Hamlets or Bradford or Leicester and see how long you last amongst a randomly picked population wandering around with a sign stating your opinion of Islam, amongst a population that would represent the vast majority.

    You wouldn't dare. You'll just be a keyboard warrior.

  • Registered Users Posts: 415 ✭✭Alexis Sanchez

    Tony EH wrote: »
    The "Islamic State" has it's foundations in Al Qaeda, which has it's foundations from American support for the Mujahideen decades ago. ALL of these groups have radicalised men involved in their ranks and the US CHOSE to play a very dangerous game in who they were willing to support.

    This was during the Cold War. The Soviet Union need to be stopped as it was a much greater threat to West than Islam will ever be. You can hardy blame America for that proxy war when the lunatic commies were extending their imperial influence to every neighbouring country.

    America has been no angel over the years, but choosing between the USA and the Soviet Union, I'd pick my capitalist overloads any day of the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,942 ✭✭✭Bigus

    What influence did American action have on boko harem ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,802 ✭✭✭✭bilston

    Another UNESCO world heritage site is getting the IS treatment.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,264 ✭✭✭fran17

    bilston wrote: »
    Another UNESCO world heritage site is getting the IS treatment.

    Yes another disgusting act taking place,along with the destruction of Nimrud,by these heathens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Nope, some folk are looking at Islam critically. Criticism of Islam is not bigotry. Call critics of Islam bigots as it might stop any discussion or criticism.

    Perhaps there are a few countries you would like to visit, and print out your "Islam Is A Load Of Old Bollocks " statement and walk around amongst these ordinary millions of whom you speak, and see how tolerant they are.

    I'm not talking Saudi Arabia. Why not try the UK, in Tower Hamlets or Bradford or Leicester and see how long you last amongst a randomly picked population wandering around with a sign stating your opinion of Islam, amongst a population that would represent the vast majority.

    You wouldn't dare. You'll just be a keyboard warrior.

    What a stupid post.


  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    America has " interfered " all over the world. But there is no equivalent to the abhorrent violent, murderous, cruel, homophobic, racist, paedophile, raping, slaving " Islamic State " in that there is as similar " Bhuddist State ", or " Hindu State ", or " Sihkist State ", or " Christian State ". The " Jewish State " may have its problems, but they don't have state sanctioned beheading or paedophillia or crucifixion.

    Not all religions are the same.

    There is something unique about Islam in terms of its inherent intolerance and propensity to accelerate to violence.

    America may be to blame for some world problems.

    America is not to blame for the behavior of Islam since the year 622.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,269 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    You're not in the least bit qualified to talk about the "behavior of Islam since the year 622".

  • Registered Users Posts: 159 ✭✭keanosbeard

    Tony EH wrote: »

    Islam is a load of old bollocks. Fairy stories for fools.


    The words of a racist and a bigot, tarring a billion people with his ignorant bigotry.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,428 ✭✭✭Talib Fiasco

    Sterling Archer is a grand aul lad leave him alone.
