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Writing Project

  • 12-08-2014 10:29pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3

    I am looking for contributions towards a writing/ photo/story project that I want to launch. I want to see if anyone out there would like to join in. The idea is this-I will collect together 100 writers/photographers/ artists and see if a publication can be put together under the title- Water. For a nominal fee of £1/€1 etc I will collect all the ideas together and hopefully get the title published. The more contributions I get the more publications we can go for. Profits will be returned to contributors at an agreed rate and we go from there.
    Anyone interested?
    If you are then contact me here and we can go from there.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,775 ✭✭✭EileenG

    The big question, of course, is who will buy this?

    And that is the first question a publisher will ask. There is never a difficulty getting people to contribute to a book. The problem is getting a publisher who will pay for it to be published and then getting punters to pay money to buy it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 514 ✭✭✭Brian Lighthouse

    Well said Eileen G,
    Anthony, here's my tuppence worth, you would need an attractive hook to hang the publication on. What did you have in mind?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 Anthony44

    Well said Eileen G,
    Anthony, here's my tuppence worth, you would need an attractive hook to hang the publication on. What did you have in mind?

    Many thanks for your reply. First of all a great book could be put together given the right contributors and if all the contributors chipped in to promote it then it would work. My idea is this-a book with stories/art/photography in it. It would revolve around the idea of Water. In all its forms and wherever it occurs. I will expand the idea with anyone interested.

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 30,989 Mod ✭✭✭✭Insect Overlord

    So the contributors would pay for the book and promote it, as well as providing the material. Interesting.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,775 ✭✭✭EileenG

    And why would punters want a book about water? Right now, if you could get it out in the next week or so, there is a market for a book about suicide. What's going to make someone walk into Easons and say, "Oh, I've got to buy a book about water, I'm dying to know more about it"?

    Not to mention that I'm pretty good at the writing-on-demand stuff, but I'd be hard put to come up with something interesting and gripping about water.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    EileenG wrote: »
    And why would punters want a book about water? Right now, if you could get it out in the next week or so, there is a market for a book about suicide. What's going to make someone walk into Easons and say, "Oh, I've got to buy a book about water, I'm dying to know more about it"?

    Not to mention that I'm pretty good at the writing-on-demand stuff, but I'd be hard put to come up with something interesting and gripping about water.

    Hi Eileen,

    I read a great mystery back in the 80s in Analog Magazine about a guy who who died by drowning. The only evidence was a bit of water lying around on the floor. There was no forced entry, and the room was locked from the inside. There was no container that would have held any water.

    Are you interested in knowing how he drowned?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,036 ✭✭✭Ficheall

    EileenG wrote: »
    Right now, if you could get it out in the next week or so, there is a market for a book about suicide. What's going to make someone walk into Easons and say, "Oh, I've got to buy a book about water, I'm dying to know more about it"?

    As opposed to the unfortunately phrased - "Oh, I've got to buy a book about suicide, I'm dying to know more about it"...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3 Anthony44

    Ficheall wrote: »
    As opposed to the unfortunately phrased - "Oh, I've got to buy a book about suicide, I'm dying to know more about it"...

    Hi Eileen and everyone else. The idea is this- it came from a statement that I heard on my daughter's TV programme. It was a science programme and the statement was that no new water has ever been created. All the water that exists in the world has always been there. Therefore, it would follow that every drop of water has been around for millions of years and has been to many 'places'. Why not compile a book of stories where water features even if it is only as a few drops? Why not complement it with photos and art work( comic strips) etc.Interested now. If not don't worry would like to think others might.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,775 ✭✭✭EileenG

    I like the idea of no new water, that the water I'm drinking used to be a dinosaur, a mountain, an eagle, etc. But I do think you'd have a hard time making a book out of that.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    Anthony44 wrote: »
    Hi Eileen and everyone else. The idea is this- it came from a statement that I heard on my daughter's TV programme. It was a science programme and the statement was that no new water has ever been created. All the water that exists in the world has always been there. Therefore, it would follow that every drop of water has been around for millions of years and has been to many 'places'. Why not compile a book of stories where water features even if it is only as a few drops? Why not complement it with photos and art work( comic strips) etc.Interested now. If not don't worry would like to think others might.

    No new water . . . that's not exactly true. If you really want to put your finger on the water issue, water is 2 parts hydrogen (H2) and 1 part Oxygen (O) making H20. (The 2 is tiny, on the bottom, to right of the H.) Hydrogen likes to combine with oxygen, but it combines well with carbon as well-the same as oxygen. There is 19% - 20% free oxygen in the atmosphere at all times.

    It is pretty likely that some of oxygen that used to be combined with water in the past, and some of the currently combined hydrogen and oxygen (water) will separate into hydrogen and free oxygen in the future.

    Combining water and death is not my bag, and since EileenG didn't ask, I won't proffer the reason why that guy died, but strangely, I was talking about a finger and water to someone else 2 days before you wrote your post, so, as usual, water is in my mind's eye right now.

    All in all, not much response could mean: "Houston, we have a problem" with the idea, but I would say it's a great idea, so . . . WTF (nsfw) are we waiting for . . . I'm in!

    To whom do I give 100 Euros cash to in your name? That way, a hundred people can write a story for free and you can publish the collage with the money.

    I'll be landing in Dublin tomorrow fighting traffic @ 8am driving on the wrong side of the road in a rented manual tranny Audio A4 . . . keep an eye out for me . . . and tell me who to give the cash to so I can run into them at some point in the next week.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭ThePinkCage

    Any topic can be made interesting if you look hard enough for the right angle. It could possibly be a wellbeing based book on the benefits of water for humankind, and could therefore tap into the current craze for wellness - I glasses of water a day and suchlike.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 450 ✭✭Agent Weebley

    Any topic can be made interesting if you look hard enough for the right angle. It could possibly be a wellbeing based book on the benefits of water for humankind, and could therefore tap into the current craze for wellness - I glasses of water a day and suchlike.

    You couldn't be more right, ThePinkCage. I arrived in Dublin, went to the waters edge in Bangor NI to meet amanfromMars and had a bunch of wets and a great time, then onto Dundrum to The Gilroy's Bar in Dundrum NI the next day . . . also at the waters edge, met a wonderful Irish woman who is out of this world, abandoned my plans for the SciFi convention (never even made it as far as Newcastle,) never heard not from Anthony44 about the 100 euros, and now have to press the hyperspace button on the VW Passat to make it for the flight tomorrow @ 9:30am.

    Be water, my friend.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭ThePinkCage

    What a heartwarming tale, Agent Weebly.
