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The big Phil Fish, Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian discussion thread



  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    Amazing Atheist

    so yeah, due to this thread and the various videos on it and the subject in general, youtube recommended this guys channel to me.

    He is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to white male 'gamers' in a long time. He is absolutely the poster boy for that type of low brow bottom feeding reactionary moron that infests the internet. 500,000+ subscribers. How? Why?
    What he is doing is 20 times worse than any of this Zoe Quinn or Anita stuff. Why is he allowed to get away with it and they aren't?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,734 ✭✭✭J_E

    If there's anything to slam Zoe on, it's this;

    That was nasty, especially knowing she wants her own jam to succeed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,248 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    BMMachine wrote: »
    so yeah, due to this thread and the various videos on it and the subject in general, youtube recommended this guys channel to me.

    He is quite possibly the worst thing to happen to white male 'gamers' in a long time. He is absolutely the poster boy for that type of low brow bottom feeding reactionary moron that infests the internet. 500,000+ subscribers. How? Why?
    What he is doing is 20 times worse than any of this Zoe Quinn or Anita stuff. Why is he allowed to get away with it and they aren't?

    When he initially started he was quite funny, toyed with the fact he's basically a redneck white American, but no he just spews his nonsense and looks bad.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    I think at this point Zoe Quinn doesn't really matter imho, its the insane lenghts some sites have gone to defend there own (fellow game journo's), basically slagging everyone who plays games.

    Its astonishing to see so many site apparently collude at the same time to take a dump on there readership and gamers in general. It pretty much proved that regardless of the veracity of the original accusations, that collusion does go on, and that these sites, hold there readership in utter contempt, and that the accusations leveled at them, are basically true, that there a cliquey corrupt group, and they quite frankly do not deserve the title of journalist.

    Yes, there are a minority of racist, homophobic, and misogynist assholes, and many of us who play games have encountered such nuts (especially if you are from a minority or are a Woman), but they are a vocal minority of assholes, who use the Internet as a loud speaker, to spout there vile ****. To claim that all people who play games are like these people, is utter bull****, and likes of Kotaku, and there ilk haven't exactly shown themselves in the best light, and a lot of crap is coming up about just how corrupt these guys are.

    Lets take Gawker media who own Kotaku, another one of there sites posted the leaked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, so I don't see how Kotaku can claim any kind of moral high ground in this. There sister site is a smut peddler, that don't give a crap about Woman, and will happily join in violating Women privacy when it profits them. Sorry, but anyone working for Gawker media is no position to claim any kind of moral high ground, when they do **** like, just so they can make some money.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,734 ✭✭✭J_E

    Honestly sites like IGN and Kotaku I can never really stand anyway, there's just something exploitative about the sites in how they target the more rabid subset of gamers when they don't really seem interested.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    Cydoniac wrote: »
    Honestly sites like IGN and Kotaku I can never really stand anyway, there's just something exploitative about the sites in how they target the more rabid subset of gamers when they don't really seem interested.

    The irony here is that IGN of all sites, seem to have nothing to do with this entire mess. Oddly enough, they seem to be the best of a bad bunch.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Sonics2k wrote: »
    When he initially started he was quite funny


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,734 ✭✭✭J_E

    wes wrote: »
    The irony here is that IGN of all sites, seem to have nothing to do with this entire mess. Oddly enough, they seem to be the best of a bad bunch.
    I think they're smart enough to not entrench themselves. I don't think they're the worst, it just represents a corporate side to gaming I'm not really about.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    Cydoniac wrote: »
    If there's anything to slam Zoe on, it's this;


    That was nasty, especially knowing she wants her own jam to succeed.
    I'm not particularly sure that's slam worthy to be honest. She was clearly referring to the five (not four) tweets she sent them directly and even then they were asking fairly reasonable questions about their aims and their original, and rather bizarre, rules on transgender entries. Despite this, her conversation with them was framed as her "trying to destroy a game jam" which is grossly hyperbolic under the circumstances.

    I happen to agree with her that there are better ways to support female devs but that doesn't mean TFYC campaign was inherently bad or wrong, there's no reason why both it and other initiatives couldn't exist side by side.
    wes wrote: »
    I think at this point Zoe Quinn doesn't really matter imho, its the insane lenghts some sites have gone to defend there own (fellow game journo's), basically slagging everyone who plays games.

    Its astonishing to see so many site apparently collude at the same time to take a dump on there readership and gamers in general. It pretty much proved that regardless of the veracity of the original accusations, that collusion does go on, and that these sites, hold there readership in utter contempt, and that the accusations leveled at them, are basically true, that there a cliquey corrupt group, and they quite frankly do not deserve the title of journalist.

    Yes, there are a minority of racist, homophobic, and misogynist assholes, and many of us who play games have encountered such nuts (especially if you are from a minority or are a Woman), but they are a vocal minority of assholes, who use the Internet as a loud speaker, to spout there vile ****. To claim that all people who play games are like these people, is utter bull****, and likes of Kotaku, and there ilk haven't exactly shown themselves in the best light, and a lot of crap is coming up about just how corrupt these guys are.

    Lets take Gawker media who own Kotaku, another one of there sites posted the leaked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence, so I don't see how Kotaku can claim any kind of moral high ground in this. There sister site is a smut peddler, that don't give a crap about Woman, and will happily join in violating Women privacy when it profits them. Sorry, but anyone working for Gawker media is no position to claim any kind of moral high ground, when they do **** like, just so they can make some money.
    Gross generalisations are bad no matter which group are throwing them around though. All games journalists are no more corrupt, contemptible, cliquey and unworthy of their title than all gamers are racist, homophobic, and misogynist assholes.

    Also, no one is claiming that all people who play games are like these people. Absolutely no one. You really think that a games site like Kotaku would be foolish enough to say such a thing even indirectly? :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,734 ✭✭✭J_E

    gizmo wrote: »
    I'm not particularly sure that's slam worthy to be honest. She was clearly referring to the five (not four) tweets she sent them directly and even then they were asking fairly reasonable questions about their aims and their original, and rather bizarre, rules on transgender entries. Despite this, her conversation with them was framed as her "trying to destroy a game jam" which is grossly hyperbolic under the circumstances.

    I happen to agree with her that there are better ways to support female devs but that doesn't mean TFYC campaign was inherently bad or wrong, there's no reason why both it and other initiatives couldn't exist side by side.
    In that case, someone who knows they have an influence and louder voice should know to use it more responsibly - Of course, now it is hard to find the reasonable perspective amongst those who take joy in causing trouble, but I think a tone down wouldn't have gone amiss. Fortunately, it looks like both are going to be coexisting (reasonably) peacefully, and maybe it hasn't been so bad for them after all - they have support from unlikely corners of the Internet.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    gizmo wrote: »
    Gross generalisations are bad no matter which group are throwing them around though. All games journalists are no more corrupt, contemptible, cliquey and unworthy of their title than all gamers are racist, homophobic, and misogynist assholes.

    I am not talking about all games journalists, just the one who took a dump on every single person who plays games. I taught I was clear in what I saying, but to reiterate it here, I am talking specifically about the sites who apparently got together and decided to have a go at every single last person who play games, and anyone who dared question them. Seriously 10 different website post basically the same thing over a 2 day period, having ago at there readership, and you don't see this as any issue?
    gizmo wrote: »
    Also, no one is claiming that all people who play games are like these people. Absolutely no one. You really think that a games site like Kotaku would be foolish enough to say such a thing even indirectly? :confused:

    Have you not read the articles will nonsense like the end of gamers and other such bull**** that Kotaku and there ilk have posted? Just look at Twitter, and see a lot of these people insulting people who have the temerity to point out there corruption, and you know a seemingly coordinated effort to attack there readership, as they made no distinctions here.

    Kotaku, and these other sites have brought an almighty **** storm on themselves, and imho deserve 0 sympathy. They could have handled this like adults, but lashed out like the children, that they accuse everyone else of being.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    wes wrote: »
    I am not talking about all games journalists, just the one who took a dump on every single person who plays games. I taught I was clear in what I saying, but to reiterate it here, I am talking specifically about the sites who apparently got together and decided to have a go at every single last person who play games, and anyone who dared question them. Seriously 10 different website post basically the same thing over a 2 day period, having ago at there readership, and you don't see this as any issue?
    Simply because I don't see them doing it. Any criticism I've seen levelled by such publications has been levelled at the groups specifically responsible for the myriad of abuse thrown at various developers and commentators. It never read nor was it ever intended to apply to everyone.
    wes wrote: »
    Have you not read the articles will nonsense like the end of gamers and other such bull**** that Kotaku and there ilk have posted? Just look at Twitter, and see a lot of these people insulting people who have the temerity to point out there corruption, and you know a seemingly coordinated effort to attack there readership, as they made no distinctions here.

    Kotaku, and these other sites have brought an almighty **** storm on themselves, and imho deserve 0 sympathy. They could have handled this like adults, but lashed out like the children, that they accuse everyone else of being.
    I've read a few articles and again, they weren't talking about everyone who plays games nor those who were pointing out instances of unreported conflicts of interest in a civilised manner. In fact, the Kotaku article specifically states...
    Note they're not talking about everyone who plays games, or who self-identifies as a "gamer", as being the worst. It's being used in these cases as short-hand, a catch-all term for the type of reactionary holdouts that feel so threatened by gaming's widening horizons. If you call yourself a "gamer" and are a cool person, keep on being a cool person.

    This is why it doesn't bother me. I see gamers as people who play video games, simple as that. I don't care if you pump hundreds of hours into CoD and FIFA, have built a €1500 gaming PC to play the latest titles at 1440p60, prefer more off-beat titles such as Gone Home, Proteus or Hohokum or are simply happy to tap away at Candy Crush of Clash of Clans. You play games? You're a gamer in my mind.

    Gamer Culture, on the other hand, is to me at least, a term which due to being applied so broadly to such a diverse group, often ends up being associated with the more negative aspects of that group. If there's a move away from that which brings it back in line with just the act of playing games, whatever they may be, then I see that as a positive thing. To quote Mike Bithell on this...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    gizmo wrote: »
    Gamer Culture, on the other hand, is to me at least, a term which due to being applied so broadly to such a diverse group, often ends up being associated with the more negative aspects of that group.

    Happens to every group unfortunately. The weird thing is that there's a lot of people who can get a bit blinkered about this when they are arguing about certain 'hot' topics, thinking that they alone are the victims of this dismissive categorization... 'I wish feminists/journalists/gamers would realise that not all gamers/feminists/journalists are the same!'

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    gizmo wrote: »
    I've read a few articles and again, they weren't talking about everyone who plays games nor those who were pointing out instances of unreported conflicts of interest in a civilised manner. In fact, the Kotaku article specifically states...

    The term gamers as they know full well is a general term used to describe people who play games. Claiming that is means something different is bull****. Kotaku know exactly what there doing, and they are paying for it severly, what with being the center of this **** storm.

    Still the fact remains, 10 different site in the space of 2 days, basically saying the same thing. Certainly smacks of collusion imho.
    gizmo wrote: »
    This is why it doesn't bother me. I see gamers as people who play video games, simple as that. I don't care if you pump hundreds of hours into CoD and FIFA, have built a €1500 gaming PC to play the latest titles at 1440p60, prefer more off-beat titles such as Gone Home, Proteus or Hohokum or are simply happy to tap away at Candy Crush of Clash of Clans. You play games? You're a gamer in my mind.

    And yet Kotaku, seems to think that Gamer mean something altogether differently.
    gizmo wrote: »
    Gamer Culture, on the other hand, is to me at least, a term which due to being applied so broadly to such a diverse group, often ends up being associated with the more negative aspects of that group. If there's a move away from that which brings it back in line with just the act of playing games, whatever they may be, then I see that as a positive thing. To quote Mike Bithell on this...

    Unfortunately, a lot journalists and there supporters are instead attacking and making fun of people, calling them losers etc all over twitter, here is an example of Leigh Alexandra having a go at actor Adam Baldwin:


    This is the level of professionalism that we get from so called games "journalists".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭Slot Machine

    Found this earlier:

    And that is why I don't get involved - both sides are as bad as each other. It's not even funny to sit on the sidelines and watch, it's genuinely frightening at times.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,248 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    Found this earlier:

    Jesus Christ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    Found this earlier:

    And that is why I don't get involved - both sides are as bad as each other. It's not even funny to sit on the sidelines and watch, it's genuinely frightening at times.

    I look forward to the articles from Kotaku etc condemning this crap. Sure, we will get it any second now.........

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,870 ✭✭✭✭Generic Dreadhead


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    wes wrote: »
    The term gamers as they know full well is a general term used to describe people who play games. Claiming that is means something different is bull****. Kotaku know exactly what there doing, and they are paying for it severly, what with being the center of this **** storm.
    It's not about changing the meaning of the word, it's about the demographic you're referring to when you use it. For instance, you'll find many many instances of folk on this site who have referred to "gamers" collectively in less than polite terms. Now unless you want to argue that they're referring to themselves, or indeed everyone who plays games on this forum, when they do this, you'll have to accept that people have different opinions on whom the term applies to under different contexts.
    wes wrote: »
    Still the fact remains, 10 different site in the space of 2 days, basically saying the same thing. Certainly smacks of collusion imho.
    Saying what really though? That women are poorly represented in video games? That their industry isn't inherently corrupt? That the amount of abuse being doled out to people on either side is sickening? That attitudes within a certain demographic need to change to better reflect the growing diversity of those who form it?

    If that's the topic of conversation then I'm not particularly surprised if they're all saying the same thing.
    wes wrote: »
    And yet Kotaku, seems to think that Gamer mean something altogether differently.
    Yes and that's up to them. As long as they clarify who they're referring to when they're writing articles using that term or at least write them in a manner which makes it obvious who they're referring to, which I felt they've done in both cases with their coverage so far, then I'm perfectly happy in the knowledge that they're not talking about me or any other gamer I know.
    wes wrote: »
    Unfortunately, a lot journalists and there supporters are instead attacking and making fun of people, calling them losers etc all over twitter, here is an example of Leigh Alexandra having a go at actor Adam Baldwin:


    This is the level of professionalism that we get from so called games "journalists".
    And that kind of abuse should be equally condemned along with all the gamers and their supporters who are also attacking and making fun of people. One does not justify the other at any point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Genghiz Cohen

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭e_e

    A few years down the line when you look up the meaning of "cluster****" you will be directed to this whole debacle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,747 ✭✭✭✭wes

    gizmo wrote: »
    It's not about changing the meaning of the word, it's about the demographic you're referring to when you use it. For instance, you'll find many many instances of folk on this site who have referred to "gamers" collectively in less than polite terms. Now unless you want to argue that they're referring to themselves, or indeed everyone who plays games on this forum, when they do this, you'll have to accept that people have different opinions on whom the term applies to under different contexts.

    The context seems to me that various gaming sites having a go at there readership, and insulting people on twitter and what not. Sorry, but they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, and there is still the matter of the apparent collusion.
    gizmo wrote: »
    Saying what really though? That women are poorly represented in video games? That their industry isn't inherently corrupt? That the amount of abuse being doled out to people on either side is sickening? That attitudes within a certain demographic need to change to better reflect the growing diversity of those who form it?

    If that's the topic of conversation then I'm not particularly surprised if they're all saying the same thing.

    Sorry, but the diversity issue is being used deliberately to distract from the obvious corruption, and as someone who supports diversity in gaming, I find it sickening that these outlets are using it to deflect from there own corruption, nepotism and cronyism in these outlets.

    BTW, some of the people engaging in abuse are the reporters themselves, and let be honest there reports on abuse are rather one sided, seeing as they have a habit of only defending there friends.
    gizmo wrote: »
    Yes and that's up to them. As long as they clarify who they're referring to when they're writing articles using that term or at least write them in a manner which makes it obvious who they're referring to, which I felt they've done in both cases with their coverage so far, then I'm perfectly happy in the knowledge that they're not talking about me or any other gamer I know.

    There behavior on twitter tells me another story, and gives me a different context.
    gizmo wrote: »
    And that kind of abuse should be equally condemned along with all the gamers and their supporters who are also attacking and making fun of people. One does not justify the other at any point.

    Of course, not, but one of the writers of the articles that I referring to is abusing people on twitter (the reported who was having a go at Adam Baldwin), death threats have been made against children ffs, Youtuber Jayd3Fox, who took the piss out of Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, also received threats, and there is no coverage on the likes of Kotaku and Polygon, and yet when it one of there pals, its a completely different story.

    Sorry, but there is far to much evidence of hypocrisy, favoritism, and corruption on these media outlets, who selectively condemn threats for there friends, and anyone who disagrees, the ignore. If these outlets were not corrupt, they would condemn this crap as well, but they haven't because they are corrupt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,182 ✭✭✭Genghiz Cohen

    e_e wrote: »
    A few years down the line when you look up the meaning of "cluster****" you will be directed to this whole debacle.

    "This entire construction project is one big steaming Quinnspiracy!"

  • Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 28,633 Mod ✭✭✭✭Shiminay

    For what it's worth, as I've dipped in and out of this particular thread, I'm somewhat encouraged by the amount of frankly reasonable discussion and point/counterpoint debate we're seeing.

    #NotAllGamers :)

    But seriously, it's been a rough couple of weeks to be looking at gaming coverage and it's meta coverage of itself and where it sees itself in the brader sense of the industry. I have far too many things to spend my energy on (including the playing and enjoying of computer games) to be bothering with the nonsense. I respectfully suggest that if even half of the outraged parties on whichever side of all this mess did the same, they'd be better off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,320 ✭✭✭Potatoeman

    Another Quinnspircy video:

    Adam Baldwin supports fine young capitalists:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    wes wrote: »
    The context seems to me that various gaming sites having a go at there readership, and insulting people on twitter and what not. Sorry, but they do not deserve the benefit of the doubt, and there is still the matter of the apparent collusion.
    Well all I can say is that I, as gamer and someone who reads Kotaku, never felt in the least bit offended when they spoke disparagingly of gamers and the people involved in the campaign of abuse. If you felt insulted then you have my sympathies.
    wes wrote: »
    Sorry, but the diversity issue is being used deliberately to distract from the obvious corruption, and as someone who supports diversity in gaming, I find it sickening that these outlets are using it to deflect from there own corruption, nepotism and cronyism in these outlets.
    To be honest, I can't see how the diversity issue could be used to distract from corruption. They're completely separate issues, both of which are worthy of debate. In the case of the latter though, could you outline specific examples where evidence exists of genuine corruption? So far I've seen the story of Patricia Hernandez writing articles portraying games made by friends of hers in a positive light. Any other demonstrable examples?
    wes wrote: »
    BTW, some of the people engaging in abuse are the reporters themselves, and let be honest there reports on abuse are rather one sided, seeing as they have a habit of only defending there friends.
    The issue here being, some of them are friends with the developers. Therefore, possible conflict of interest aside, it makes sense that they'll report on the abuse received by both those developers and others but not by strangers on the internet. After all, they're gaming journalists.
    wes wrote: »
    There behavior on twitter tells me another story, and gives me a different context.
    Again, specific examples of behaviour on twitter giving a conflicting view of the demographic they're referring to would be useful. Just because Leigh Alexander had a go at Adam Baldwin, for instance, doesn't mean she secretly hates all gamers and is referring to them rather than those involved in the abuse.

    As an aside, I absolutely love Adam Baldwin in nearly everything he's been in but that doesn't mean I agree with any of his views or anything he says on Twitter. Thankfully I'm able to separate the two and still enjoy the guys work. :)
    wes wrote: »
    Sorry, but there is far to much evidence of hypocrisy, favoritism, and corruption on these media outlets, who selectively condemn threats for there friends, and anyone who disagrees, the ignore. If these outlets were not corrupt, they would condemn this crap as well, but they haven't because they are corrupt.
    Alas a summary which I simply can't agree with based on not only the lack of solid evidence but also the definition of corrupt.

  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine


    The amount of links to frankly terrible people I've been through in the past week+ really have opened my eyes more to just how low brow and how ugly a lot of the vocal minority are. It all reminds me of the Tea Party Movement in America - loud, uneducated, annoying and ethically moribund.
    Consider yourselves very lucky that you have this website as it's (mostly) been a pyre light in regards to this whole issue with thought out points and content.

    If I was to sum this whole thing up it would be as follows:
    *Its still a maturing industry with a lot of fans that are too young and inexperienced to be taken seriously
    *Loud, annoying dribblers are an infection that need to be ignored. Unfortunately some of them are clever enough to ruin peoples lives through doxxing and threatening people through twitter. They need to be punished as badly as that kid who got 25+ years for 'swatting' (another gamer related cause for massive embarrassment)
    *Angry young males are a pox on any kind of progression and far too reactionary. They are also sources of massive income for the industry and as long as the industry panders to them and their low standards, things like this 'gamer-gate' (f**king hate that term) are going to continue to happen.
    *Sexism is rife throughout the industry and audience and that needs to change.
    *The sites that host bad/dodgy/easily influenced journalists need to hold them accountable.
    *Criticism by feminist journalists needs to be more in depth, researched better and of a higher standard. Whether that means Anita upping her game or someone else getting involved so be it. Personally, I think Anita can up her game on this. She's quite intelligent and has the right mannerisms and style in her videos.
    *Lets not talk about racism in gaming at the minute because juggling hot potatoes is hard :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,784 ✭✭✭Evade

    BMMachine wrote: »
    They need to be punished as badly as that kid who got 25+ years for 'swatting' (another gamer related cause for massive embarrassment)
    That was a fake news story, similar to the Onion.

    Pretty much agree with the rest.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,464 ✭✭✭e_e

    BMMachine wrote: »

    The amount of links to frankly terrible people I've been through in the past week+ really have opened my eyes more to just how low brow and how ugly a lot of the vocal minority are. It all reminds me of the Tea Party Movement in America - loud, uneducated, annoying and ethically moribund.
    Consider yourselves very lucky that you have this website as it's (mostly) been a pyre light in regards to this whole issue with thought out points and content.

    If I was to sum this whole thing up it would be as follows:
    *Its still a maturing industry with a lot of fans that are too young and inexperienced to be taken seriously
    *Loud, annoying dribblers are an infection that need to be ignored. Unfortunately some of them are clever enough to ruin peoples lives through doxxing and threatening people through twitter. They need to be punished as badly as that kid who got 25+ years for 'swatting' (another gamer related cause for massive embarrassment)
    *Angry young males are a pox on any kind of progression and far too reactionary. They are also sources of massive income for the industry and as long as the industry panders to them and their low standards, things like this 'gamer-gate' (f**king hate that term) are going to continue to happen.
    *Sexism is rife throughout the industry and audience and that needs to change.
    *The sites that host bad/dodgy/easily influenced journalists need to hold them accountable.
    *Criticism by feminist journalists needs to be more in depth, researched better and of a higher standard. Whether that means Anita upping her game or someone else getting involved so be it. Personally, I think Anita can up her game on this. She's quite intelligent and has the right mannerisms and style in her videos.
    *Lets not talk about racism in gaming at the minute because juggling hot potatoes is hard :)
    All of this. Also can't help but think that those who want to engage in a debate with feminists in gaming should have a read of this:

    It's a sad state of affairs when even influential people on sites like YouTube launch into the usual ad-hominem, reactionary and straw-man bull****. Every time The Amazing Atheist or Thunderfoot pop up as recommendations on my YouTube feed I feel like punching a wall.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 2,094 ✭✭✭BMMachine

    Evade wrote:
    That was a fake news story, similar to the Onion.

    Pretty much agree with the rest.

    ahhh didnt realise but now that I look at the article I read of it I see its from "" :p oops.

    Well they should be jailed. Heavily. In Antartica.

    e_e wrote: »
    All of this. Also can't help but think that those who want to engage in a debate with feminists in gaming should have a read of this:

    It's a sad state of affairs when even influential people on sites like YouTube launch into the usual ad-hominem, reactionary and straw-man bull****. Every time The Amazing Atheist or Thunderfoot pop up as recommendations on my YouTube feed I feel like punching a wall.

    I actually had to read up online on how to block them. I don't want to ever see any of them ever again for the rest of my life. They should be ignored. Its hard to actually write in a rational way when talking about them as the mere thought of them and what they represent is so abhorrent and disgusting. I can see what Phil Fish meant when he was slagging Total Biscuit about being a 'youtuber' and a 'disgusting gross nerd'. (not that I feel that way about Total Biscuit. not a fan of his or anything, I don't think he provides anything relevant to me about games and seems generally pretty low brow but he doesn't seem like a bad guy, definitely not anywhere near those other two humans)
