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Leaving the nest



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Usual warm ups and stretches.

    Front Squat

    Bar x 10

    More stretching

    Bar x 10
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 6
    60kg x 3
    70kg x 2
    80kg x 1
    90kg 5 x 2

    Decided not to go all out for the 95kg this week with the heavy deads to come


    Bar x 20
    60kg x 10
    90kg x 6
    120kg x 3
    140kg x 2
    160kg 4 x 2


    Bar x 10

    Scap pull ups

    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3
    70kg x 2
    80kg x 1
    85kg 3 x 2, 1 x 3

    Called it a day there, needed to get back home to pick up herself so forwent the pull ups and dips.

    Front squat felt good and strong, wore the adipowers for these, although not sure whether one should or shouldn't for FS, but it didn't seem to hinder me in any case!

    Deads went up ok, decided to do this week just short of the 100% of previous 1RMs. The first double at 160 I rounded my back on the way up, so made sure to keep my hips down longer to alleviate this. Last double I struggled for grip on my right hand when trying to get it locked out, more because of the gym being warm than anything, nothing that some chalk wouldn't have sorted. Pretty happy that they went up so easy tbh.

    Bench was a bit of a nightmare. The first was tough, second was better and the second rep of the third double I paused about halfway up for 2 seconds before I could push on to close it out, but was never in any danger of missing it. With that in mind for the max rep set, I was getting myself psyched up and was in position thinking to myself, "3 reps, I'd be delighted with 3 reps". There was nobody around to ask for a spot, so went for it anyway. Got the three more comfortably than I thought I would and was delighted so went for a 4th (stupidly). Got so close to getting it back up that I thought I had it, genuinely don't know how I didn't get it straightened out as I was 75% of the way there. Ended up with the bar on my chest anyway and having to wriggle and work it down to my hips before I could escape! No damage done apart to my pride though, and a lesson learned that I should have learned last week!

    One more deload week and on to test week then.

    Super excited to see what comes of it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Trained on Wednesday evening, my first time to train since 30 December apart from football, had to take a week off after someone opened a car door while I was cycling, leaving me with a hip to knee bruise and no mobility in my right leg.

    Due to do a deload before testing so decided to follow the same as the prior deload with heavier weight.


    Bar 3 x 10
    50kg x 10 3020
    70kg x 5 3020
    90kg 4 x 8 3020

    Seriously burny, was struggling towards the end!

    Squat 1.5s

    60kg 4 x 8


    Bar 2 x 10
    40kg 1 x 10 3 sec pause
    60kg 4 x 8 3 second pause

    3 Rounds of

    10 pressups 3010
    10 (per arm) x 10kg OH press with KB

    Felt crap before, during and after the workout. Not helped by the gym being crowded, even though I intentionally left it until 10 to start training to avoid it.

    Just gotta get on with it and look forward to testing!

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    I hope you ripped the car door off and beat them to a pulp with it.

    Or any other type of payback their stupidity earned.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Sunday 11 Jan

    Deadlift Test

    Was scheduled to do another day of deload but decided I'd just get stuck into testing instead as I was feeling fresh and rested.

    Front Squat

    Bar 2 x 10
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    60kg x 4
    70kg 5 x 2


    Bar x 20
    60kg x 10
    100kg x 6
    120kg x 4
    140kg x 2
    160kg x 1
    170kg x 1
    180kg x 1

    Delighted with getting to 180. Had that number in my head as a target beforehand. 170 went up fine so didn't want to go 175, 180 was quite a bit more difficult. Felt like an age to get it moving, once it did I was fine until just before locking out, took about 3 seconds to get it where I wanted to.

    Overall really happy though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Wednesday 14th

    Bench test

    Bar 2 x 10
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 7
    60kg x 4
    70kg x 2
    80kg x 1
    85kg x 1
    90kg x 1
    92.5 - missed twice

    Not sure where I went wrong or what really happened on this one. Was hoping to get 92.5 or 95 if I'm honest, so not too happy that I managed to not get there. Warming up felt fine, 80 and 85 felt strong, 90 went up ok as well.

    First attempt at 92.5 the bar path wasn't right, got it about 2 inches off my chest and got my spotter to lift it for me. Gave it 3 mins and tried again. Bar path was better and got it off my chest but couldn't push on. Gave it a good fight but in the end it just wasn't going up.

    Still a 2.5kg PR, but for the second cycle in a row the cycle has felt quite strong but resulted in only a 2.5kg PR. I'm sure there is more in there based on the cycle numbers, just not sure how to coax it out at the moment!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    I hope you ripped the car door off and beat them to a pulp with it.

    Or any other type of payback their stupidity earned.

    With hindsight I would have, but in the moment I was left dazed and on the ground with a middle aged Polish woman trying to get me back on my feet!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Final night of test week.

    Been putting it off, chose not to go Saturday. Too tired Sunday. No more excuses, 10.30 Monday night I go to flyefit not expectin much from my squat.

    Stretches, extensive stretches.

    Bar x 10

    Bar x 10 again

    60kg x 8
    80kg x 6
    100kg x 4
    120kg x 2
    130kg x 1

    Shît gets serious

    140kg x 1

    Felt good. Felt strong. Easy maybe? But this was where the wheels were meant to come off. I'd already made my excuses ffs!

    165kg walkout - tip Hanley gave while I was training with him.

    5 seconds of trying not to fall over and back in.

    145kg x 1

    Also good. There was more in the tank. I mean I was nearly too excited to attempt 150. Here it was, the moment of truth. My first real long term goal since I started training with James 2 years ago this week. The culmination of it all in my shiny new white adipowers.

    150 x 1

    Got pulled forward. Didn't get the depth I wanted due to that, but it was there.

    150 x 1 again, stronger core, braced, head up don't get pulled forward. Glance at the mirror as I approach bottom, jusssst parallel. Good enough for me.

    Double body weight.


    Over the f'in moon.

    Here's to a new year and new goals to formulate!

    Edit: forgot to add in the walkout

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Double post

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Decided to take a break from the type of programme I was doing and try to focus on the areas that were week and caused my lifts to break down.

    So for the next 4-6 weeks I will be doing something along the lines of the following

    Workout A

    Paused Squat 5 x 5
    Front squat 4 x 8
    Paused Bench 5 x 5
    Close Grip Bench 4 x 8

    Deadlift 5 x 3
    Good Morning 4 x 8
    Plank variations
    Something press related

    The squat was definitely broken down by my core strength I think. Two possible issues, first that I'm getting pulled too far forward by the weight on the bar due to be technique, second being that my xore isn't strong enough. Either way strengthening my core won't hurt, and paused squats at lighter weights will allow me to work on technique regardless.

    Bench, could possibly be lacking in strength in my tris - again either way even if it won't improve my 1RM, doing pauses ad close grip certainly won't hurt.

    DL, not sure what the limiting factor here was but I hate good mornins so I figure working on the thing you hate is generally positive.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Sooo all that in mind, today consisted of

    Week 1 Day 1


    Bar x 20
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    60kg 5 x 5 with 3 second pause on chest

    Close grip bench press

    50kg 4 x 8



    Bar 2 x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    100kg 5 x 5 with 3 second pauses at the bottom

    Front squat

    60kg 4 x 8

    Felt fine, will take the squat and bench up 5% next week and add weight to the assistance work also

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,588 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    VW 1 wrote: »
    I hate good mornins so I figure working on the thing you hate is generally positive.

    Love this rationale!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Never seen the gym so busy as last night, I've been purposely leaving it later and later to let it quieten down but 10.30 last night and every one of the racks and deadlifting platforms were in use!

    Got busy with the 2nd half of the workout first.


    15s on/15s off - 2mins
    30s on/30s off - 4mins
    45s on/45s off - 3mins
    1 min on/1 min off - 4mins
    1 min 30s on

    Total of 8mins of planking, Will add more time in, or weight, as the weeks go on.

    Overhead Press

    Strict press - 12kg kettlebell.

    8 Reps x 10EMOM

    11.05, first DL platform of the night became free


    Decided screw 5 x 3 so gonna 5 x 5 this as long as my form is good and there is no back rounding

    Bar x 20
    60kg x 10
    100kg x 6

    130kg 5 x 5

    Good Mornings

    Bar x 10
    60kg 4 x 8

    Overall, workout was fine. Definitely the easier of the two days though. Will make some tweaks, probably continue for 6 weeks adding to the main lifts where I complete them without any fuss and see where the progression gets me before doing another longer and more structured cycle.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Got in this morning to get it out of the way.


    Bar x 10
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    65kg 5 x 5 paused

    Close grip bench

    Bar x 10
    55kg 4 x 8


    Bar x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    105kg 5 x 5 paused

    Front squat

    65kg 4 x 8

    Felt good, tough at times, more so with the squats than benching. Found it hard sticking to the 2 min rest period on squats and 90s on front swuat.

    Will keep the weight going upwards next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Got around to doing week 2 day 2 last night, took last Wednesday off for the birthday and never got back to getting it done.

    Warm ups/stretches for a good 10 mins to loosen up


    Bar x 20

    70kg x 10
    100kg x 5
    120kg x 3

    140kg 5 x 5

    Good Mornings
    Bar x 10
    65kg 4 x 8

    I fu(kin hate good mornings


    Same routine as last week, so 8 mins planking in 16 mins, with a 5kg plate on my back

    Strict Press

    16kg x 8 OMEM for 10 mins

    Fine for the first 4 rounds, 8 reps
    5th round, 6 reps
    6th round 4 reps

    Then I gave up and went home!

    Decent workout, other than the press.

    Deadlifts were solid, very tough though. Plank killed me but happy I got through it at all.

    Onwards and upwards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    First bad day at the gym in a while.

    Really felt weak as a kitten!

    Front squats

    Bar x 20
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    70kg 4 x 8


    Bar x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    110kg x 5 paused
    110kg 2 x 5 no pause

    Killed me at this point, decided to move on to benching


    Bar x 10
    40kg x 8
    50kg x 5
    60kg x 3

    70kg 3 x 5

    Again, effort involved was ridiculous considering there was no pauses. Took an hour to get to this point, skipped the close grip and went home.

    Just one of them days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Another not so hot day.

    Got to the gym Sunday, the day after the bad Saturday!

    Started off ok.

    Plank with 5kg weight
    30s on/30s off for 3 mins
    1min on/1 min off for 8 mins
    1 min 30s on/1 min 30s off for 3 mins

    7 mins total plank

    DB Press

    15kg DB
    OMEM - 10 rounds x 8 reps per arm
    6 rounds - 8 reps

    2 rounds - 6 reps
    2 rounds - 5 reps

    Still no DL platforms free at this stage

    Took a 25kg plate, and did some form of weighted stretching/SLDL

    Basically feet a little more than shoulder width apart, hold plate sideways in 2 hands, and keeping the legs straight get the knuckles to the floor, without actually touching it and hold for 5 seconds

    Did the above for 4 rounds of 8 reps, hamstring burny.

    Bar x 10

    70kg x 8
    100kg x 5
    120kg x 3

    140kg 5 x 3

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Wednesday 18th feb

    Better day, few early nights and better eating I think made the difference.


    Bar x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 3

    110kg 5 x 5 (no pauses)

    Front squat

    70kg 4 x 8


    Bar x 10
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    60kg x 3

    70kg 5 x 5 with 2 sec pause

    Paused bench

    60kg 3 x 8

    Squats felt a hell of a lot better, not strong enough to get pauses in as well but better than they had been. Front squats were decent as well.

    Bench felt good, think this might be the last week of this kind of stuff, will likely get back to more structured stuff next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Another decent session this afternoon


    Bar x 10
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 8
    100kg x 5
    120kg x 3

    145kg 5 x 5

    DB Strict Overhead press

    15kg DB

    8 mins EMOM 8 reps per arm

    Good Mornings

    Bar x 10
    60kg 4 x 8

    DL felt strong, serious struggle finishing the last 2 sets! Happy with the days work on these. Also the OH press was a big improvement on last week

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Wednesday 25th


    Bar x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    120kg 5 x 3

    Front squat

    Bar x 10
    40kg x 10
    60kg x 5
    70kg 4 x 8

    No bench free and lads waiting on the squat rack, didn't wanna be that guy

    Incline bench with DB

    10kg x 10
    20kg 4 x 8

    Was tight for time, left it at that.

    Squats felt strong, both front and back.

    Starting to annoy me at this stage that I can't make the gym 3 days a week and do a conventional leg/chest/back split.

    Decided to go on with my haphazard programming as herself is considering joining the gym and giving up on her boot camp style classes, so I said I'd hang on until she joins, tests maxes and I'd start at the start of the programme with her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Pulled my hamstring last week during my football match, so took a bit of time out.

    Still quite nightly, so back and chest today.

    DB rows

    30kg 3 x 6, 1 x 10

    Wide grip, palm forward pull ups

    5, 4, 4, 3

    Lat pull down

    45kg 4 x 8

    Seated row machine

    39kg 4 x 6


    60kg 4 x 6

    Push ups

    8 EM

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Pulled my hamstring last week during my football match, so took a bit of time out.

    Still quite nightly, so back and chest today.

    DB rows

    30kg 3 x 6, 1 x 10

    Wide grip, palm forward pull ups

    5, 4, 4, 3

    Lat pull down

    45kg 4 x 8

    Seated row machine

    39kg 4 x 6

    Push up

    8 reps x 8 EMOM

    Incline DB bench

    20kg db 4 x 6

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    More upper body today, arms and shoulders

    Tri push downs with rope attachment

    32kg 4 x 8

    Straight bar dips

    4 x 6

    Bring Sally up, 20kg bar curls

    OH press

    30kg bar 4 x 8

    Seated DB press

    15kg DB 4 x 8

    Straight arm DB raises to shoulder

    10kg DB 4 x 8 per arm


    27.5kg DB 2 x 6
    32.5kg DB 2 x 6

    Bring Sally up, 25kg bar curls

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Hamstring wasnt 100% during yhr week, did a spinning class which was a first with the football team on tuesday.

    Back to the gym this morning, same type workout as last week, legs tomorrow.

    DB row

    32.5kg 3 x 6, 1 x 10

    Incline DB bench

    22.5kg 4 x 6

    DB fly

    12.5kg 4 x 8

    Wide grip palm forward pull ups

    4 x 5

    Seated cable row

    45kg 4 x 6

    Lateral pull down machine

    52kg 4 x 6

    Pushups EMOM

    8mins x 10 reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Arms and shoulders

    OH press

    35kg 4 x 8

    Bring Sally up curls

    25kg bar

    Tri push downs

    36kg 4 x 8

    Seated DB press

    17.5kg DB 4 x 8


    32.5kg 4 x 6

    Skull crushers

    25kg 4 x 6

    Bring Sally Up

    20kg bar

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    So got into it with a good 10-15 mins of stretching, rolling and mobility before I got under a bar, as it had been a while since I've squatted with being injured.

    Decided I want to give my OH Press a bit more attention as I have been trying to incorporate it more. Will likely test my max on my first pull day of the programme, as I have never tested to a max before.

    Squat, combined with strict OH Press (although bar started at the floor, not sure what the movement is called!)

    Bar 2 x 10 with lots of time spent at the bottom trying to loosen up
    60kg x 8
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    110kg 4 x 3

    OH Press bar x 10 after warm up set with bar on squat
    50kg 4 x 3

    So right after squatting, straight into the OH Press triples then a 2 min break

    Squats felt strong tbh, surprising considering how little leg work I've done, but maybe the break served me well.

    Reverse lunge

    22.5kg DB 4 x 6 per leg

    Split Squat

    40kg x 12 per leg

    Front squat

    40kg x 5

    60kg x 3

    70kg 5 x 2

    Should have gone heavier with the doubles, but was being cautious as I wasn't certain how fatigued I was or how the legs would hold up.

    Legs were like jelly walking out of the gym and, along with my hams/bum, are absolutely killing today.

    Nice to get some intensity back in the training tbh, feel quite happy with focussing on specific body parts for specific days.

    Anyone with any opinions on how the split across weeks might work/not work or any tips on variants for accessory work are welcome!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    This was written from the phone prior to the last post but seems to have been lost in translation.

    So have decided that I am going to get back to a traditional 3 day split, but still only able to train 2 times per week between work, football, and the child!

    Will essentially be completing 2 weeks of programming in 3 weeks of life so to speak.

    Going to go with a main movement of squat, bench and DL and work the programme to target legs, push and pull on each of the days.

    So the main movements will start off with 70% x 3 80% x 2 and 90% x 1, followed by 75% x 3 85% x 2 and 95% x 1, with a higher starting point and possibly volume for the second part of the cycle.

    Feel like I definitely need to get back to focussing on specific assistance work, even though the last cycle yielded 3 PRs I feel that doing it this way will get better results, even if the cycle is dragged over a longer period.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Push/bench day

    70% bench

    Bar x 10
    40kg x 10
    50kg x 6
    60kg x 3
    65kg 4 x 3 with 3 second negative, felt a little too easy

    OH press (to max)
    Bar x 10
    40kg x 5
    50kg x 2
    55kg x 1
    60kg x 1
    55kg 3 x 1

    Incline DB press
    15kf x 8
    20kg x 6
    22.5kg 4 x 8

    DB Fly
    15kg 4 x 8

    DB front raises to shoulder height

    10kg 4 x 6

    Skull crushers

    30kg 4 x 6

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1


    Bar x 10
    60kg x 10
    80kg x 5
    100kg x 3
    120kg x 2
    130kg 4 x 3

    Bent over row

    60kg 4 x 6


    80kg 4 x 8


    32.5kg DB 4 x 8

    DB Curls

    15kg 4 x 8

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Leg day

    Week 2 Day 1

    80% squat

    Bar2 x 10
    60kg x 6
    80kg x 4
    100kg x 2

    120kg 4 x 2, straight into OH Press 50kg x 3, with 2 mins rest between sets

    Split squat

    45kg 3 x 12 per leg. (Week 1 should have read 3 rounds also, not 1!)

    Front squat

    75kg 5 x 2 (60s break)

    Reverse Lunge

    22.5kg DB 4 x 6 per leg (60s break)

    Tough workout, definitely feeling it this morning. Front squats felt easy last week, not so much yesterday!

    Really not sure as to how spreading the workouts over 3 days in 1.5 weeks is going to affect the numbers in testing at the end of the cycle, but still feeling good with the splitting the workouts over the 3 compounds as opposed to 2 full body workouts per week.

    Still hate split squats though. Especially with high volume.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,499 ✭✭✭VW 1

    Did a workout Good Friday which was pretty horrendous.

    Didn't feel strong at all, gym was packed so was essentially working the days plan in reverse.

    OH DB Press was ok, missed a couple reps but nothin to get upset about

    Incline bench, on the 3rd set I missed the 3rd rep and stopped, 4th got to the 5th rep

    DB raises were fine, moved up weight on those and completed all sets

    Culminated in attempting my bench. Warmed up to 60kg fine. Due to do 4 sets at 72.5kg and missed a warm up single at 70. Attempted again an missed again, just had nothing in the tank.

    Nowhere was free to do my OH press so just left it at that.

    Ended up being sick after that, pretty bad way to spend Easter weekend! No energy, in bed and not able to eat any chocolate!

    Decided to take a week off to let the body recover.
