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(Half) Iron Maiden



  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Wednesday - cycle at Regent's Park with himself. He was absolutely flying and I just stuck to the back wheel and hung on! 22.1km @ 28 km/h average speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Thursday - absolutely ****e weather, so decided to just stay at home! 45 minutes on the turbo, mostly just easy spinning. Had been wondering why I'd found my last turbo session so annoying - then I looked at the resistance knob and it had been left on maximum... :eek: Felt great once I'd set it correctly!

    Friday - 9km run at Regent's while my OH cycled, 5:44/km average pace. Took it handy ish on the first lap and picked it up a bit on the second. Sneaky Yumchaa in Camden afterwards, lovely Earl Grey and scones, then home to watch Doha Diamond League with a bit of a delay. A very nice Friday evening :)

    Currently trying to haul myself off the couch here, need to head out to Westfields in Stratford to go do some pre-wedding/honeymoon shopping, so going to try and get a sneaky swim in at the Olympic pool in too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Saturday - ended up taking a rest day in the end, due to a combination of lady stuff and my head being absolutely wrecked from shopping.

    Sunday - 10km run around the hills of Hampstead Heath, 6:01/km average pace. This was lovely, all the spring flowers out and it was a really nice sunny morning. Joined himself later on in the evening for his run, just 3.2km @ 5:45/km ish average pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Well, back in London from 3 weeks away for the wedding and honeymoon and slowly returning to normality! Was training up until lunchtime on the day we flew out, a lovely afternoon cycle in Regent's Park was my last act before heading off. Did a bit of swimming, strength work and running while we were away, but nothing serious and it was only about every 2-3 days. Ran on Pre's Trail while we were in Eugene, that was lovely in spite of the fact that it was about 27c and humid!

    Still a little jet lagged, but got back on the wagon in a relatively gentle way last night. 3 laps (around 900m) in the ladies pond at Hampstead Heath on a sunny evening for my first outdoor skins dip of the year. Water was around 16-17c, cool but very pleasant.

    Sneaky wedding pic attached :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Thursday - a return to the bike, 22km ish at Regent's Park with himself, 26.2km/h average speed, lost a sprint finish back to the car :pac:

    Friday - coached swim session, heavy technique focus. Was alerted to the fact that I seem to be pushing my right hand out laterally when I go to breathe on my left side, which I should probably deal with now before I pick up an injury. Felt like I was moving through treacle for most of this, but still glad to get it done.

    Saturday - 7km run @ 5:36/km average pace. First half with himself, second half solo. Felt pretty good to get it in, meant to run this morning but ended up having 12 hours sleep :eek: Went after the Ireland match and before we watched the Top 14 final with a bottle of wine. :)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Is Brian able to do much running etc yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Not quite at 5k yet but getting there. He seems to do a lot better on the bike in general these days, an hour at 27-28km/h has much less effect than a 25 minute run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Saturday - after missing the morning window for a run due to sleeping for 12 hours (d'oh) I ended up going for a shorter one in the evening. Did 7km, first half with himself, second half solo where I ended up kicking on and increasing the pace a bit. First lap 5:45/km pace, second closer to 5:25 pace. Pretty solid effort anyway, happy with that :)

    Sunday - down to Richmond Park with the bikes, had a lovely spin there and even better cake and tea afterwards! 21km @ 25.5km/h average.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Monday - 2.2km swim, longest I've done in a while embarrassingly enough! Got just enough Pool Rage to remind me that I'm back in London, including someone in the lane who was so freaked out about me using paddles at a couple of points in my workout that she shoved them behind the "medium speed lane" sign to make them difficult for me to get without getting out of the pool and a tiny Chinese lady who somehow managed to have a breaststroke kick the width of the entire lane.

    Tuesday - back to the gym, this was a bit ugly but we got our normal strength workout done. I always seem to leave the gym feeling like we should do more, but just never get the time!

    Wednesday - cycling at Regent's Park. F*ck Taste of London and the horse it rode in on, it was starting on Wednesday and we'd thought it was Thursday. It brings in a crazy amount of monumentally stupid drivers, taxi drivers pulling dangerous U-turns with no consideration for the amount of cyclists there on a warm June evening and the trucks that are normally banned from the area until 10pm but seemed to ignore that to supply the festival. Still got 22km done at around 25 km/h average speed, but let's just say the Earl Grey afterwards was sorely needed.

    Thursday - run to work, needed to get it out of the way early because we were going to indulge our inner 10 year olds by going to see Jurassic World after work. 6km @ 5:45/km average pace, pretty average stuff.

    Friday - swimming got cancelled last minute, so went running with himself at Hampstead Heath. Lovely run, 4km with himself and another 3.5 after that, for a total of 7.5km @ 5:49/km average pace.

    Saturday - took a tumble 3km into my run, ended up with nasty cuts on my hand and my left shin is absolutely covered in road rash. I'm just thankful that this happened this side of the wedding given that I had a tea-length dress... it stings like fcuk and is pretty ugly but nothing serious really.

    Sunday - cycling with himself at Richmond Park, one of the very rare times that he did more than me. I stopped after 2 laps, he did a third, just felt like there was absolutely nothing there. Blargle. 21.5km @ 23.5km/h average speed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Monday - rest day! Just took some time to cook a big dinner and chill out, felt like I needed it.

    Tuesday - easy dip at the Hampstead Heath ladies pond - around 1km in skins with the water at 18c. This was absolutely lovely.

    Wednesday - run to work, 6km @ 5:53/km average pace. Had crap sleep last night and this was coming through in the run, but slogged on anyway.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Thursday - run that ended up being very short! Was running to Hampstead Heath to meet up with himself and a friend with intentions of continuing my run from there. Got talked into going for a curry instead. D'oh :pac:

    Friday - outdoor core strength session - press-ups, planks etc plus using some of the outdoor gym equipment in the park next door to us. Straight over to the lido for a lovely 1,200m outdoor swim. Water is 20c now so very pleasant. :)

    Saturday - a bit time-pressed because I was getting my hair done in the morning and wanted to head out in the afternoon for London Pride so did a 45 minute absolute sweatbox turbo at home. 5 min warm-up, 5 min cooldown, 7 * 2 mins hard/3 mins easy in the middle.

    Sunday - 7km run @ 5:53/km average pace in the evening, had slightly more to drink on Saturday evening than I intended so the morning was a slow start!

    Supposed to be hot as fcuk in London this week (up to 32c on Wednesday :eek: ) - lots of outdoor swimming incoming!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,157 ✭✭✭Kurt_Godel

    Supposed to be hot as fcuk in London this week (up to 32c on Wednesday :eek: ) - lots of outdoor swimming incoming!

    Where do you swim outdoors? Serpentine?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Ladies pond on Hampstead Heath mostly - it's quite handy to get to for me. Lap of it is around 300m and it's lifeguarded all year round. Parliament Hill Lido (unheated 60x28m pool) as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Monday - absolutely delightful swim in Parliament Hill Lido - busy enough because the sun has decided to make an appearance! 27c air/22c water. Did 1,800m, felt like I could keep going all evening but hit the pool closing time...

    Tuesday - 6.6km run @ 6:04/km average pace. Hottest run I've ever done outdoors in 7 years of running (I stuck to the treadmill in Vegas), 29c at the start. Actually really enjoyed it even if it felt like I'd poured a bucket of water over myself by the end.

    Somehow I don't think I'll be running today...


  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Wednesday - hottest day in 10 years in London. High of 36c - ouch! Wanted to swim, over 200 people queuing for the ladies pond at Hampstead Heath (where were ye fcukers when the water was 16c and it was cloudy?) so got himself to drive me to the pool at Kentish Town where I had quite a pleasant workout. 1,800m covered, split in blocks of 360m between swim, drills and even a 3 x 120m IM in there somewhere when the lane was obnoxiously slow.

    Thursday - run and outdoor strength training. Short run - 3km @ 5:15/km average pace because I was a little short on time after doing circuits in the park.

    Friday - coached swim session, this was really good. Lots of fitness work, just what I needed!

    Saturday/Sunday - in Paris with himself and a few others for the Diamond League. Great craic had but no training done!

    Monday AM - had a short interval in the morning before a doctor's appointment so had a quick dip in Parliament Hill Lido, water 21/air 18, very pleasant. 840m (14 lengths) covered before I had to get out if I was going to get to my appointment on time.

    Monday PM - Battersea Park 5k (Sri Chinmoy Races). Cheap to enter (£4) , flat as a pancake, lightning fast course. Wasn't sure how much I had in the tank, but decided to give it a good lash anyway. Surprised myself by running my best time in years, fastest time over 30 and my second fastest 5k ever! Finished in 23:56, only my second sub-24.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Just realised I haven't updated this in nearly 2 weeks! Pretty much a case of same-old same-old really training wise, sneaky weekend in Ireland in the middle where I got a small amount of running done despite a little too much of the gargle and sleeping it in for Parkrun.

    Two races this weekend.

    I did the Great London Swim on Saturday morning, took it fairly handy and finished in 38 minutes. Lovely day for it, much choppier swim at Royal Victoria Dock than it was at Millwall Dock a couple of years ago, particularly in the diagonal swing from 1200-1500m. I'm still **** at sighting too.

    Did the sprint tri at Eton Dorney yesterday and had a huge PB - my swim was very average (16:58), bike was relatively good by the standards of one who sucks large hairy balls at cycling (40:48), run I was very happy with even if it felt as rough as a bear's arse because I'm edging a lot closer to a sub-25 off the bike (25:07). Add transitions which were better than last year and we get 1:26:17 for nearly 4 minutes faster than the same course last September.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Monday - run, just a short one and a little faster than intended. Body not entirely happy with me at this tbh - I needed to go a bit slower. 4km @ 5:56/km average pace.

    Tuesday - outdoor core strength work and run. 6.3km @ 6:15/km average pace after lunges, one-legged squats, planks, strides, couple of the machines that are set up in the park.

    Wednesday - swim before work, 1,500m as 300 swim, 240 kick, 240 swim, 240 pull buoy/paddles, 120 swim, 240 drills (60 catchup, 60 finger trail, 60 side stroke, 60 6-3-6), 120 swim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Thursday - 45km on the bike at Regent's - next best thing to the turbo trainer :pac: 23 km/h average speed, pretty much killed by getting stuck behind a bus on the way home.

    Friday - rest day/athletics in the rain at the Olympic stadium :)

    Saturday - just under 8km run, short on time so squeezed this one in before heading back out to the Olympic stadium for the second day of athletics :D

    Sunday - 45 minute turbo while watching the end of the Tour de France - weather was absolute garbage so took the dry option.

    Monday - head was wrecked when I got home from work so needed a good run! 10km around Hampstead Heath, put some effort in over the hills. 5:54/km average pace, last km in 5:05 (downhill) :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Did you get to see bolt run the 100m's?? Looked like a great atmosphere even with the weather.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Yup! We were sitting halfway down the home straight on Friday night so we had a great view of the sprints and hurdles. He looked like he was about to **** a brick before the semi, nothing like a 9.87 in cold (it was around 14c), wet conditions to suddenly give a man a lift.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,425 ✭✭✭joey100

    Yep, a 9.87 with a bad start and pulling up a bit to celebrate before the line! Thought he didn't look his usual self before the race alright. Some day I'll get to see him run.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Consider travelling to one of the Diamond League meetings next year! We've been to 3 already (Eugene, Paris, London) this year and will probably do something similar next year because we want to tick Rome and Brussels off the list. Well worth it - we had some of the best seats in the house at the Stade de France for the price of a category B Premier League game.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Tuesday - first sesson of a 12 week block of swim sessions with the tri club I've just joined. Warm-up, a few drills, 600m time trial in 13:09 and cooldown.

    Wednesday - run to gym, 2 rounds of our usual circuit, run a short local loop. Probably around 4.5km of running total, with the loop being 3.5km in around 19:30. Was breaking in my DS-Trainers so had to give it a bit of gas! :)

    Thursday - pre work swim, 1,500m ish. Plenty of drills there today because I was a bit sluggish when I got there. Also discovered that one of the Aqua Sphere swimsuits that I got dirt cheap (£7.50 each because I happen to take a 34 which is their display size) at the Great London Swim is a pretty horrible fit on - too short in the body but too loose around my waist at the same time, and somehow manages to make me look like a pink barrel. A bit annoying because the other one was perfect!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Friday - cycling with himself - 35km in around 1:24. Very pleasant, as was the Thai takeaway after it :)

    Saturday - short crappy run, just no mojo at all. 5km at somewhere around 6:20/km pace.

    Sunday - day off (heading to Wembley for the Community Shield)

    Monday - felt a bit crap all day, bit crampy and bloated, so decided to just have a lido swim in the evening. Only 1,200m ish but it was good for the soul :)

    Tuesday - tri club organised swim session, felt a lot stronger and really enjoyed it :)

    Wednesday - run home from work in pissing rain, still more pleasant than scrambling onto an already jampacked train to beat the start of the tube strike. 5.8km in around 35 minutes.

    Thursday - run back into work, the same 5.8km in around 34 minutes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Friday - very pleasant cycle with himself at Regent's Park - 22km in around 49 minutes. Park was lovely and quiet.

    Saturday - rest day

    Sunday - London Triathlon - I finished, but was taking it fairly handy because the stomach had been a bit tempremental during the week.

    Monday - recovery 30 minute outdoor swim at the Ladies Pond, lovely stuff altogether :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Well, there's a good reason why this log has gone quiet - we have a little one on the way in March :) I'm just over 16 weeks along at the moment, due March 20th.

    I'm still swimming and running and doing some light strength training, but stopped cycling at 10 weeks because I just felt a bit too vulnerable cycling on London streets. Will probably keep running up to 20-24 weeks and swim all the way through. I was 8 weeks along when I did the London Triathlon back in August, never went past 60% effort and finished it in 3:36.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Super duper congratulations!!!!! Woo hoo!!!! :):):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    23 weeks on Sunday, still running and swimming and doing some strength training.

    Have done a couple of Parkruns at 20 and 22 weeks, finished in 27 and change for both of them but may have to slow down at the next one because it makes the little one a bit too snoozy for a few hours if I put in a decent effort. Running takes two bump bands these days and it's literally only one pair of shorts that still fit me... but there's very little quite like a nice run at this time of year to put a smile on my face. :)

    Still making it to my tri club swim sessions once a week but will probably stop those after Christmas and just take it handy enough for the 3rd trimester.

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Little guy arrived on Easter Monday, 8 days late. 3.39kg/7lb 7oz, 51cm long and as cute as a button. :)

    In the end I was running regularly until 25 weeks, swam all the way through and into the days I was overdue (tri club sessions until 26 weeks), did gym cardio and light strength training until 35 weeks and yoga until 37 weeks. Looking forward to getting back to doing some kind of training over the next month or two, going over with the weather improving and seeing so many runners out was driving me insane!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Congrats RK, great news.
