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A higher state of cardiovascularness



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Saturday evening: Far from the slog I was expecting this ended up being a decent run. With a few scrambled egg stitches early on the high 5 minute kilometres gradually dipped under 5 minute kms and stayed there. Heart rate AKW you and my mother in law will be pleased to hear it was back to normal averaging out at 147 20k @ 5:00 pace.

    Sunday am: Alas the slog was only postponed till today, after deliberately not renting a movie as I wanted to go nowhere near the recent route as soon as I headed off it turned into strong gales and driving rain. I just decided to go as far as I can into the headwind and then turn around and coast home. It stopped for a while but the rain came down in sheets going through Salthill, stopped again in Furbo and as I went through Spiddal I briefly contemplated cycling another 5k to make it a 90k spin but another downpour halted that. Christ 2:04 hours to cycle 40k. Turned around and it was lovely to be averaging 35kph home nice and easy. Delighted I went out, these are the days when I would usually sit on a turbo and coast. 80k @ 124 AHR

    Monday am: I had hoped for another decent spin up around mayo as I had to pop up to the office, what I had to do took longer than I expected so only had just over 2 hours. Did a hilly route that took in the windy gap and suffered like a dog as the legs were tired. Span out the back wheel going up it in the wet so had to go into the granny ring and sit down to make it up with my balls in one piece. 50k @ 122 AHR

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    catweazle wrote: »
    Heart rate AKW you and my mother in law will be pleased to hear it was back to normal averaging out at 147 20k @ 5:00 pace.

    Haha have you the place bugged or something?! All good and I was teeing you up for going long next year (2016) too, "sure it could be worse he could be off Adventure racing or something" :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AKW wrote: »
    Haha have you the place bugged or something?! All good and I was teeing you up for going long next year (2016) too, "sure it could be worse he could be off Adventure racing or something" :)


    I hear all!

    Perhaps lets see if I get through 2015 in one piece before bigging me up for 2016

    Not such a good week this week but I knew it wouldn't be

    Tuesday AM: A reasonable session in the pool, 2200ms mostly 396m intervals.

    Tuesday Lunch: Knowing that wednesday would be a rest day I pushed this a little. 8k @ 4.44 pace AHR - 152

    Wednesday AM: Up in Belfast for a long days work so a quick dip before a shave in the gym in the morning 1000m

    Thursday: Didnt get back home till near 2am last night - the joys of amateur sport, these meetings aren't till 8/9 o clock. I would have stayed up there but Mrs C is on her mid term so off with the girls to Gorey till tomorrow night. I would have gone to the pool anyways as the kids don't care if I was up late last night but the wife felt it would be better if she got her run in instead before she went :rolleyes:

    Got out at lunch for 8k - didnt bother with HRM and was feeling very sluggish anyways so took it easy - 8k @ 5.12 pace

    Might not be a great weekend either with the kids tomorrow and then a rare knees up for me on saturday night

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Not a good week overall - better call it a recovery week :o

    Friday: Nothing - Couldn't be helped as I had both kids for the day, I could gave gone out early evening I suppose but the young lad was in his skeleton suit at that stage so I decided it would be more fun to hang around for the trick or treaters.

    16k run at 5.02 pace. Nothing too much wrong with this but with a big 40th birthday piss up that night I should have gone off on the bike instead as I would have some chance of a run on sunday. Nice run - it was torrential rain which I have always liked when running so it was a good run.

    Sunday: Nothing: After swearing blind to the wife we would be home by 1am, I ended up pleading outside with the Salthill Hotel bouncers for a few late ones at 2am. It worked and got home after 4am. Alas the young ones had no sympathy for me and they were up at 6.30 looking for action. Got home just after 3 and had a window for a cycle at 4pm but it only took one big shower for me to write it off straight away for a read of the paper instead

    Monday: The natural follow on from the booze up was to arrive at the pool with no togs or gear. So a nice shower and then off to Mayo as I have to be in the office all day

    No more booze ups till xmas at least now

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    Did you bring the young lad out trick or treating? Finn had savage craic going around.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 12,583 ✭✭✭✭tunney

    catweazle wrote: »
    Not a good week overall - better call it a recovery week :o

    Friday: Nothing - Couldn't be helped as I had both kids for the day, I could gave gone out early evening I suppose but the young lad was in his skeleton suit at that stage so I decided it would be more fun to hang around for the trick or treaters.

    16k run at 5.02 pace. Nothing too much wrong with this but with a big 40th birthday piss up that night I should have gone off on the bike instead as I would have some chance of a run on sunday. Nice run - it was torrential rain which I have always liked when running so it was a good run.

    Sunday: Nothing: After swearing blind to the wife we would be home by 1am, I ended up pleading outside with the Salthill Hotel bouncers for a few late ones at 2am. It worked and got home after 4am. Alas the young ones had no sympathy for me and they were up at 6.30 looking for action. Got home just after 3 and had a window for a cycle at 4pm but it only took one big shower for me to write it off straight away for a read of the paper instead

    Monday: The natural follow on from the booze up was to arrive at the pool with no togs or gear. So a nice shower and then off to Mayo as I have to be in the office all day

    No more booze ups till xmas at least now

    either a great start to the day or a terrible one

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    Did you bring the young lad out trick or treating? Finn had savage craic going around.

    No he was going out with the cousins for it and the brother in law made it clear to everyone that this was his gig. He enjoyed doing the 3 or 4 houses beside us but was happy enough with his chocolate hoarde at that stage and wanted to go home and eat it. The two cousins weren't that bothered either as they don't know anyone on the road.
    tunney wrote: »
    either a great start to the day or a terrible one

    At my age that's a terrible start either way I look at it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday Evening: The benefits of having a wife that likes to get out every day running was that she bet me out the door when I got home at 6.30, just be back in time to put the kids to bed. I had resigned myself to nothing that day being so late I had to go down to Claregalway, I only had time for 5k but pushed it to 6 as I was running well. 6k @ 4.39 pace AHR - 149

    Tuesday Morning: 1800m in the pool, better than whats normal these days but still needs to be more. I was down to Cork later that afternoon so that was it for the day.

    Wednesday AM: 1700m in the pool and an 8k run at lunch. I should have gone on the bike for lunch but it was a lovely day so was easily led astray. 8k at 4.48 pace AHR - 150

    Thursday: No swim. Pudsy is a massive Gruffalo fan so the stage version was in town this morning. Had the Ipad and mobile broadband ready to go in case work needed me. A decent show but the little man was to young to visualize a lad wearing a tweed coat was a fox and another lad with a Biggles jacket was an owl. A little bit more effort on costumes would have suited him. However all was well when a reasonable looking Gruffalo came out later and he was able to get going with the shouting and roaring.

    Finally a lunch time bike - 40 minutes on the turbo. AHR - 120

    Friday AM: Another bike trying to make up for a poor week cycling, 40 minutes again, couldn't find the HRM

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    When does the base training for Nice start? I'm not talking about the 16 week lead in but the base work in anticipation of that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    When does the base training for Nice start? I'm not talking about the 16 week lead in but the base work in anticipation of that.

    And here was me preening my ego thinking that October was the best miles logged month this year across all 3 :(

    However November was the month when I was to introduce a long cycle and run midweek as well which needless to say didn't happen this week.

    Loose plan is to be up to over 3 hours on the long weekend cycles this month and 4 in January. Run I more go by distance as my pace is broadly similar so if I am running comfortably 26-28k by January I will be happy

    Swim I really need to get my arse moving, I have to be back by 8am and this alarm setting for 6:15 every morning sees me only get to the pool for 7

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    15k run manana so?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    AKW wrote: »
    15k run manana so?

    Do you even read your own log? ;)

    Swapping bike and run this weekend, father in laws anniversary mass on Sunday so I would expect I won't have much time that day. Far better chance of a two hour run then a three hour bike. Count me in for the following Saturday though

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    catweazle wrote: »
    Do you even read your own log? ;)

    Swapping bike and run this weekend, father in laws anniversary mass on Sunday so I would expect I won't have much time that day. Far better chance of a two hour run then a three hour bike. Count me in for the following Saturday though



    Sorry must be the old age or 4,000 different blog pages, I can't keep track of where I read what ;)

    Sound Saturday week sorted. 2 hour? Happy out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    TBF that was nearly a half week ago!! I don't remember yesterday! That's why I have to write it all down ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    pgibbo wrote: »
    When does the base training for Nice start? I'm not talking about the 16 week lead in but the base work in anticipation of that.

    Only 33 weekends left until D-Day!!!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Friday evening: An 8k run around claregalway I wasn't expecting so happy days

    Saturday: 70k on the bike, I had hoped for a little more but between leaving a few minutes late and being slower than I expected put a stop to that. A coffee stop in monivea where they had cup a soup on sale didn't help as the mouth was burned off me and no amout of blowing on it would cool it down.

    Was well wrecked for the last 20k or so - great night with the rugby recorded and then match if the day as an aside I loved Johnny Sextons disdainful throwing away of the guiness man of the match award. I probably will be told he is sponsored by Heineken but I hope it's because he had no interest in advertising a drinks company.

    Sunday am: Unexpectedly sent out after just eating an industrial sized bowl of Porridge this was a right slog but it was great to be done and dusted for the day before 10am. 20k @ 5:18 AHR - 143

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday Evening: Got out for 8k around Claregalway - nice and handy 5.09 pace - AHR - 140

    Tuesday AM: A decent swim 2700m most I have done in a long time

    Tuesday Lunch: No heart rate monitor and Garmin battery ran out on me. Nice run 10k Approx 4.50ish pace AHR Guess - probably high 140s/low 150's

    Wednesday AM: 1.15 on the turbo, quality on Sons of Anarchy boxset is a little better so can hear the thing over the turbo. A 28 week old baby boy struggling in ICU is on it regularly, my poor daughter doesn't know what is going on when she gets loads of hugs from her sweaty daddy when I get back in

    Wednesday Lunch: Not so good a run, started out like a train at low 4.40 pace but come the turnaround I had to slow right down as the heart rate was climbing fast. 10k @ 5.03 pace AHR - 148

    Thursday AM: I must cut my swim sessions down to twice a week more often, at least the guilt makes me stay a little longer in there. 2500m

    Thursday Lunch: No sign of the HRM strap - wasn't expecting much today as it was the 4th day in a row. Started out a slight drizzle - Got to the turnaround at 5.00 pace and it started to teem down. I always love running in the rain - pace picked right up but my breathing seemed steady so i stayed with it. Lovely run 10k @ 4.49 pace

    Friday AM: 1.15 on the turbo

    Wife away with the girls and mother gone as well so it will be tricky this weekend, pulled in a favour with the sister in law which should get me out tomorrow and sunday hopefully a decent cycle as I can take as long as I like with brownie points built up

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Like a gift from the heavens above, the heavy rains during the week forced the grannies hand when it came to traveling down the country. So instead of a snatched hour or so at 8am at the sisters behest I was able to drop the kids into the grannies and head off at my leisure for 2 hours around Salthill/Barna Woods

    Saturday: Lovely day for running and was even regretting not bothering with the sunglasses it was that good. Up and down the prom, out through Rusheen and on to Barna Woods, which left me at 17k. Had to peg in a boring 5k run through the hamburger hill of Knocknacarra to get me to 22k. All good-18k done at a comfortable 5.08 pace however the heart rate started to drift up and the legs stiffened for the last 4k so had to slow to keep it in the 140's. 22k @ 5.12 AHR - 147

    Sunday: Another cracking day although there was heavy fog until I got into town. Todays plan was to just cycle for 50k in a straight line out towards Carraroe and then just turn around and head back. My reasoning is the few routes that I do locally all finish up with me having to tag an extra few kms on going past the house to make 100k. For fear I would take the easy option I just go as far from the house as possible. Nice morning, a few walks of shames from the girls and a busy prom kept the interest up.

    I was coasting out and hit the turnaround for 50k at the TG4 station, I was expecting there to be a slight headwind but I don't think there was anything really - nice day for cycling. Although I started tiring towards the end and my back started to give out the last 20k I was pushing slightly to get it to a 27.5kph average, 100k/AHR - 115

    So a good weekends training, longest run in years and longest cycle ever I think

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Monday AM: 1000m in the pool

    Monday Lunch: Legs weren't feeling it after yesterdays cycle so kept this run every easy. 10k @ 5:27 pace AHR - 137

    Tuesday AM: A lack of organisation led to a rare better session this morning. I had planned to do approx 1.30 on the turbo watching 2 episodes of Sons of Anarchy but the other half had gone into the shed last night and taken the portable hard drive. With the laptop being basically an old 10 year old Commodore 64 type thing the only thing I could find was a Sufferfest Downward Spiral mpeg on it. So instead of 1.30 easy it was 1.05 of suffering, enjoyed it - its one I tend not to use as I don't like the music on it. AHR - 125

    Wednesday: Just an AM swim as I was in Dublin for the day. 1800m in the pool

    Thursday AM:
    1.30 on the turbo - portable hard drive back where it belongs so easy enough AHR - 118

    Thursday Lunch: Took a work call that I knew I should have left till after lunch so lost approx 20 minutes of my window. 5k @ 4.47 AHR - 143

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,377 Mod ✭✭✭✭pgibbo

    It seems very strange to me that your suffering HR is 125 and your easy enough HR is 118. What's the story there?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    pgibbo wrote: »
    It seems very strange to me that your suffering HR is 125 and your easy enough HR is 118. What's the story there?

    Downward Spiral is 2 mins all out 2 minutes rest descending in increments of 15 seconds till its 15 all out 15 rest x 2. While I was pedaling squares on the second set I never got over a HR of 151 and particularly on the first set when I was fresher the heart rate was going back down into the 90's towards the end of the rest period.

    Whereas the 118 had me taking a while before I got into the 120's and then was touching low 130s before the end

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Not a bad weekend considering I had attended 3 40ths parties on Saturday night (happy birthday gibbo) I cunningly pushed the bike to Saturday as I have a much higher chance of running with a hangover than going out with the bike

    Friday Am: Just a quick dip, I had hoped to get a bike in that evening but mrs c wanted to go in and do her Xmas shopping so that was scuppered

    Saturday Am: I cut this a little short but not by too much. I had no clue of the route and the expected speed was lower than hoped for so I had to turn around for fear of going over my allotted 4 hours. An unexpected slight tailwind all the way home helped matters a little and I would have ended up on time anyways. Out past Cong and turned around at cor na Mona, took in a little of the quiet man triathlon route. I didn't notice it on the day of the race but the scenery is lovely out there. 90k @ 26.5kph AHR 120

    Sunday lunch: I regretted being tight the night before and announcing confidently that I would run in and collect the car rather than get a taxi. Woke up to a surprisingly heavy hangover which I usually avoid when I stick to the bottles of Heino. Off I went at lunch for a very uninspiring run, the hard shoulder of the n17 isn't the best location. Very slow but seemed to get a bit better the closer I got to town. I decided to kill 2 birds and called into Smyths toystore to pick up a ray gun for the young lads birthday next week, so the last k to the car involved lugging a sword and gun along with me. 19k @5:24 pace AHR 138

    Belfast and Cork next week for work and hopefully a trip to the zoo for the young lad, haven't been since I was a kid so hope this happens but training will be mostly single days for the most part

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Happy birthday pgibbo!!! :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Bad week for me

    The onset of a cold sore over the weekend and a sore tooth that I shouldn't feel after a feed of pints on saturday night, turned into a sleepless night on sunday. Another bloody abscess I tend to get these when I am run down

    I had a presentation in Belfast on monday afternoon so nothing for it but Q outside the dentist at 8am and harass the dentists coming in the door to see me first. A quick x-ray and I can add root canal number 2 to the list - its a good job I have France already paid for or the wife would be telling me to drop it. So first root canal on the 11th and I am hoping to get the other done and dusted before January as well

    So nothing done monday

    Tuesday Evening: Began to feel a little better tuesday afternoon so went for a run that evening, I binned it at 5k, I wasn't enjoying it the jaw felt like a little something was splashing around inside the gum which was very unsettling so stopped

    Wednesday: Nothing I had planned to have a quick swim before heading to Cork for the day but I was wrecked and just had a dip in the jacuzzi and shave in there before heading off

    Thursday: Finally feeling a little better, a very easy 30 minutes on the bike in the AM, followed by a poor but enjoyable 8k at lunch.

    Tomorrow is off to the zoo with the young lad which suits me as I can at least attempt to save the week with a decent weekend put in

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Well I am well rested anyways this week :o

    Friday: Nothing - Wife commandeered early doors training session window before the zoo. I should sign her up the run-streak thread cant remember the last day she missed a run

    Saturday: Pudsys hits 3 years old, got just over an hour before the family arrived for the party 13k @ 5.09 pace

    Sunday Afternoon:
    A lovely day and I couldn't resist signing up for a morning walk of the prom in Salthill with the kids. I got out at approx 2ish but heart wasnt in it and instead went for a shopping spree over in AKWS instead. 40k @ 27.7 kph

    Overall a poor week but not overly worried - i was deffo a little run down coming into the week. Need to get to bed earlier - I am heading up at a reasonable time but reading on the Ipad is killing me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Shamed into a week of testing by Pgibbo I decided to give them a go

    Monday Evening: Rare for me to be in the pool on an evening and I remembered why when I see a couple kissing in one lane and a beached whale in the other one doing the dead mans float. Fortunetly the pool was quite so just did it towards the side of the open section of the pool. Started out too hot and died a death after approx 10-12 lengths. Swimming well I always touch the wall with the right hand so after approx 8 lengths I knew I was in trouble when I was using the left to turn. Held on to at least get under 7 minutes. 396m in 6.51

    Tuesday AM: An easy 2200m in the pool as I had my eye on a run test for lunch.

    Tuesday Lunch: A sense of dread all day hung over me as I prepared for the run. Loaded up the tunes - didn't bother with a warm up and shot off for 30 minutes -
    1 - 3.54
    2 - 4.04

    Hadn't a clue what I could hold but I knew it wasn't going to be sub 4 minute ks after these 2 but I decided it would at least have the heart rate up like a shot after no warm up

    A cock up with leaving the autolap on and with me pressing lap after ten minutes makes these a little harder to read but the next .5k was at 1.59 pace

    3 - 1.59

    Then more accurate again
    4. - 4.08
    5. - 4.22
    6. - 4.21

    Theres a very slight drag on both these sections of 5 and 6 and I was at my lowest mentally and started to fade + the ****ing Garmin started saying low battery which had me practically crying with worry that I would run out before I got home

    7. - 4.11 Back on the flat and I seemed to settle a little as I was nearly there
    8. - 4.04 - Only a short 220 metres so I was able to pick it up slightly

    I finished the 30 minutes about 200 metres from the house and it took me practically another 30 minutes to walk that distance.

    7.22 ks @ 4.10 pace and AHR - 168 Max 183

    So lactate threshold = 172, I was satisfied enough that I was training not too far off my zones albeit on the lower end of the zones.

    A racking cough and raspy breath for hours after this was ominous and I had a cough and cold the next morning when I woke up

    Took wednesday off and although I feel a little better today I did a short spin in the pool, will try for an easy run later today and see how I feel. Bike TT tomorrow but we will see how I am feeling

    I have had hardly a cold or a flu since I gave up the ciggies 6 years ago so I will have to mind it - its hardly a coincidence with the step up in training

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    the next .5k was at 1.59 pace

    Move over John Greaney. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    BTH wrote: »
    Move over John Greaney. :)

    For an accountant I am surprised at your lack of attention to detail.

    Take a look at that again and you will see a decimal point before the 5, so that reads 1/2k at 1.59 which is far from outrageous :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,075 Mod ✭✭✭✭BTH

    catweazle wrote: »
    For an accountant I am surprised at your lack of attention to detail.

    Take a look at that again and you will see a decimal point before the 5, so that reads 1/2k at 1.59 which is far from outrageous :cool:

    1.59 pace suggests otherwise.

    We can debate it on Sat.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    You used to smoke??!!! :eek: I'd almost like to know what percentage of you folks have a history with those awful things. When I was in Boston last April, one of the Irish contingent actually lit up behind the porta loos in the Athlete's Village before the race. !!!!
