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momma gonna tri

  • 21-10-2014 9:38am
    Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭

    Hi all, long time lurking first time (nervously) posting. I must admit I have such fun reading all the stuff here, and of course the rivalry between this and the A/R forum!!!
    Anyway, I am looking for some advice from the wise people on the T/D/AR forum. I am thinking of doing an Olympic distance triathlon next year. I have already done the swim this part and I enjoy it!! Now, I am very slow in all disciplines, but I think cycling will be my worst.
    At present I am not following any training program, but I go running 2 a week at lunch time (around 30 mins) and I try to go once the weekend for a bit longer (around an hour), and I go swimming once a week (this is a group session, where there is proper triathletes, ironmans, open water swimmers, etc etc). I did an sprint this year, and I struggled a bit with the run (there was a very hilly section for almost a mile), but I finished it and felt great afters. I have also done several open water swims through the summer, and again, while slow, I enjoyed them, the longest being almost 3 km. I am at present hoping to take part on a local 10 km at the end of november, and I am almost there distance wise, but would like to be able to complete it under an hour, and I would struggle with this!!
    I don't have much time unfortunately, as I have a full time job, two lovely daughters and a husband working different shifts depending on the week, and no family around to depend on childminding. I have a great au pair, but as it is she works very long hours, so don't want to load it more. I have access to a 25 mtrs pool, gym, and my husband has a turbo trainer that I intent on borrowing!!
    So, wise people what should I be doing, as you can see, I don't have a clue!!!

    If you are still reading this, thanks, and please be gentle with me!!!



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    are you hoping to finish, or do you want to hit a certain time?

    running, 3x per weeek, split into a long and a couple of shorter looks good

    swimming, you're doing fine if you can do a 3km OW swim, lots of people doing an oly couldn't do that. getting another swim in during the week would help

    bike needs work. you have the turbo though, so can you train when the kids go to bed? an hour a couple of times a week, plus a longer spin outside when the hubby is off?

    how hard those sessions need to be depends on whether you want to complete, or complete in < than a specific time

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Welcome ToTriOrNot. You are already way ahead of where I was when I did my first olympic. I wouldnt worry about times or being slow for your first Olympic. Believe me I am slooow but there are always loads of people slower or around my back of packer level. My approach to my first Olympic was to get at least 3 sessions of each discipline in per week. They dont have to be long sessions especially if you are caught for time. As mossym said hop on the turbo and do some short intense sessions during the week and if you get a chance try to get out on the road once per week too. There are lots of examples of turbo sets to do online.

    Best of luck with it, you are starting your training at the right time of year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thanks Mossy. I want to finish and not being the last, at the moment that's my goal anyway!
    As I said, I am very slow in all disciplines....but i hope to be able to do the same sprint as this year and beat my time by a lot, hehehe, that run almost kills me.
    Those were my times for the sprint I did (distances were not standard as run was 4 miles instead of 5 km.
    Swim: 19:36
    T1 2:12
    Cycle 46:36 (shy of 19 km)
    T2 0:33 (I don't have cycling shoes...)
    Run 48:45 (6:28 km)

    Other stuff:
    Spike to Cobh 1.74km(Olympic tri, did the swim only as part of a relay) 45:13
    Gougane Barra Swim 2.74 km (1:10)

    Last sunday run, I did 9km in 1:07, but I felt I could keep running...

    Turbo when the kids go to bed is the idea, hubby mentioned sufferfest videos....
    There is a tri club (well it was a cycling club first, so not really very tri focus) that I am considering joining just for the cycling sessions, as they will be running beginner group from january!

    Oh while doing this I am hoping to drop a couple of kgs must log in the weight loss thread!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    mossym wrote: »
    getting another swim in during the week would help

    Forgot to add, I am pool side on Mondays for about 50 mins, but this is while my eldest is doing her lessons, and the coach doesn't like parents in there will the class is going on, besides there is only one lane available with swimmers of different levels and speed. But I might be able to get another short session there too, as I usually put the youngest in the creche for that time and pot around the jacuzzi and steam!! What kind of work would you do? Our Wednesday session changes , but usually it's around 600/1000 m warm up, and then it depends on the mood, she might has us doing kick drills, stroke technique or hypoxic drills, or 10* 200 at 2:10 (in my lane anyway)
    (BTW, I don't know the terms very well, so I am learning as I go along!)
    I am hoping to get one on one with the coach, but it's very difficult to get hold of her even when I am in the group with her!!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 8,766 Mod ✭✭✭✭mossym

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    10* 200 at 2:10 (in my lane anyway)


    something here not stacking up

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    mossym wrote: »

    something here not stacking up

    oops, sorry, yeah I realised that now!! as I said I get confused with the terms and she speaks a lot, 2:10 would be for when we do 100!!! hehehe. I'll see if I can get tomorrow's session up, but sometimes I get a bit confused, and so do all the people in the lane, hehehe!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Just in for my lunch time run, another two girls in my office and myself go running twice a week. One of them has just started to run doing a c25k program, with her claiming she couldn't run and my telling her that "everyone" can run!! She is quite fit as it's heavily involved in another sport, but one that doesn't involved that much cardio! anyway, once the c25k finished, and given that I was already planning my 10km, we found a 5 to 10km app, and we are "loosely" following it! It's a 9 weeks program, which fits nicely with my goal date, and this is week5, recovery week. Today's run called for 5m wu, 15m running and 5m cd. Now, we are starting to skip wu and cd a bit, as time is limited and it's cold and windy, but managed to do 2.25 km in 15 minutes , av pace of 6:39/km. This is the fastest we have ever run!!! To say we are proud of what we are achieving it's an understatement!!

    Now, back to the questions: I have a 910 that I share with my husband (he used to be into tri, but a dodgy hip keeps him from running, so he's concentrating in open water swimming with big plans for next year!), and as much as i can I use to keep record of my training ( bar in the pool, as we are not allowed to wear them!) When I started back in august, my TE would be 5 in my runs, last sunday it was 3.5 and today was 1!! Can someone explain how is that possible. Also, my heart rate seems to be a bit lot today....with a range between 88 and 120 during the, I can't upload the info to the computer at work, but i will do it later at home...If I want to get faster, should I push a bit further? I feel sometimes I could go a bit faster, but I keep hearing that time on your feet it's better at the start..any advice?

    BTW, sorry if my grammar or spelling is not perfect, I am not from an English speaking country. And as you can see, I like to "talk" a lot, I have been lurching for a while, and plucking the courage to post...would it be better to get a log and would I still get advice there??

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    You can ask a mod to move this for you, and rename it while they are at it?

    Of course youll get help.

    And messing. Plenty of that too.

    BTW, whats TE?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    Firstly, welcome!

    There's a lot going on in your posts and it might be worth moving into a training log.

    With regards the shared 910 have you changed it to suit you when you use it? I mean, age, weight, sex and HR settings (don't worry too much as these are mostly automatic). After that a range of 88-120 will be easier to see in context of your training. A very simple rule of thumb for HR zones comes from your age* and you can use these to define zones 1-5 for yourself.

    The stand out thing is don't skip your warmup or cooldown. Wear an extra layer that you can drop and collect. Running hard on cold muscles will lead quickly to injury and you do not want that.

    (*for other posters - I know, no need to complicate things)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Oryx wrote: »

    BTW, whats TE?

    Training Effort, it's one of the metrics from the garmin!!
    I can do with a bit of messing, I get the winter blues, and this year seems to have hit me a bit earlier !!

    AKW: yes, sir, we will not skip warm up and cool down, it's just we work in a flexi environment and more time out, means longer time to make up at the end of the day/week/ month! We warm up going down the stairs and down to the spot where we run!! I usually stretch calf and quads under the desk in the afternoon!! I did foam roll last sunday for a bit, and while a bit hard, found it great and not muscle soreness to report on monday, even managed to do 20 lenghts of the pool!!

    I usually change the settings on the clock, but have just discovered my darling husband must have changed them back hoping he could take the watch and go for a cycle today without realising I was taking it today (the joys of working opposite shift, we communicate via whatsapp, and lots of info gets left behind!), but other than the weight, we are of similar age (2 years difference!) and same height!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Stoopid IT systems at work mean I can't edit my post, so sorry for so much clutter!!!

    Who is mod here and can this be moved to the logs, and i'll rename the thread title once I am home!!

    AKW, wu and cd as only 5 mins walking in the program, and it takes us about 2.5 with traffic and stuff....I am ready yet for a run program that calls for 3 miles warm up or cold down!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Hey there welcome! If you need any help with log title edit or anything else give me a shout.

    Agree with AKW set the 910 up with your own profile.

    Maintain the swim group, you are ahead here
    Spend more than half your training time on the saddle
    Develop base aerobic run fitness. An easy way to do this is cap your heart rate at 75% of your Max for your next 20 runs to get a feel for that effort as you build fitness and length of runs. Forget about pace for now.

    What Only trti have you got in mind?

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thanks shotgunmcos! I will definitely get back to you in regards to the title change! I am not very imaginative, so it might take a while to come up with a meaningful one!!

    I try to set up the watch to my profile, but today I forgot to check, he must have taken it, and didn't change back....time to tell him to f***k off and get his own! heheh

    I am not sure I am ahead on the swim, but I am most definitely enjoying it, and actually enjoyed the open water swims I did this year (apart from an attempt a couple of years back, before kids, this is my first time doing open water, before that I wasn't keen on sea swimming!)
    Apparently the coach is one of the best in this side of the island if not the best, so i'll give you two guesses who she is!!
    How do I calculate max heart rate, is that 220-age?

    I am planning to do Cobh Oly, loved the swim this year, and a repeat to Youghal Sprint. The guys down there organised swimming with boat support during the whole summer and I have been going down there a bit, and actually enjoyed it. It was great to see some of the young talent there (i.e. Chris Mintern!) I wouldn't mind doing a pool one, like Joey Hannan in Limerick. It's easy for us to get there and get the girls minded as the inlaws are in that direction. Besides, it was my first tri attempt as I did try a tri there in 2013!!

    Apart from the Tri plans, I have a 1/2 marathon / marathon in my bucket list!! It would be a to finish rather than time...and if possible in my home city. There is also a very big race (10km)
    there the last day of the year, with a record of 40000 participant in 2012, which I would like to run, if possible with one of my brothers (he's into tri as well, having done 2 half ironman this summer among other distance...won't post time as I get depressed he got all the athletic genes!) and my sister!!

    Ok, time to jump on the scales and post in the weight loss table....

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Wednesday swimming session:

    Warm up - 300m ( doing each 100 breathing bilateral every 3/ every 5 / 4L/ 4R)

    Main session (2150m)
    3 x 300 Hard Steady Hard (30sec rest between each)
    45sec rest
    1 x 100 Fast
    45sec rest
    3 x 200 Steady Hard Steady (30sec rest between each)
    45 sec rest
    1 x 100 Fast
    45 sec rest
    3 x 100 Hard Steady Hard (30sec rest between each)
    45 sec rest
    1 x 100 Fast
    45 sec rest
    1 x 50 Fast

    Total: 2450

    I had to do most of it with fins (bar the warm up)- big difference in speed between fins and no fins...How do I take the leap between fins and no fins without it having such a big impact on speed..I ended up leading the lane as a result of me wearing fins...without them I struggle to keep up the pace, meaning I hardly get a rest between sets!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Just back in from my lunch time run. Today is was 5 min warm up, 10 min run, with alt 1 min fast 1 min jog 4 times, 5 min cool down. Only set up the Garmin for the 18 mins run (as we walk for the warm up and cool down )

    Here are some stats:

    LAP|Distance| Pace min/km| HR
    Lap1 | 1km |06:49| 159
    Lap2 |481 m | 06:38| 165
    Lap3 |166 m | 06:03| 168
    Lap4 |124 m | 07:57| 143
    Lap5 |189 m | 05:13| 156
    Lap6 |109 m | 09:19| 136
    Lap7 |193 m | 05:10| 130
    Lap8 |125 m | 08:06| 126
    Lap9 |181 m | 05:31| 159
    Lap10 |124 m | 08:07| 164
    Total | 2.69 km| 06:42| av 155 max 182

    It was very short, but I actually enjoyed the fast minutes. We had to slow down a lot after the fast minutes as one of the girls started to get very wheezy, but she is fine now. She did mentioned before about needing an inhaler after one of the long runs, so I told her to make sure she has it in the kit bag just in case, it didn't sound good!! And she's very fit, 4th Dan Black Belt Karate fit!!!!

    I still haven't been in the bike (miss the opportunity to ask hubby to show me last night how to set up the turbo!) and I won't see him till Saturday Morning....if weather stays nice and dry, I might try and go for a short spin then, and Sunday for an hour or so run.
    Not sure if I'll have time to go for another swim, pool is a 40km round trip from home...need to do some scheduling, between my working hours, my husband working hours, kids activities (momma taxi anyone?) and au pair hours, it's proving hard...combine with the fact that I seem to have zero energy these days (self blame, I stopped taking my thyroid meds before the summer just because...., back on track, hopefully i'll see an improvement) Diet needs work too....too much of "but I went for a run I deserve a treat"....3 biscuits later, a handful or three of peanuts and a pear cider last night (i don't usually drink...but hubby decided to get me one and I actually enjoyed it!) and today trousers are tight!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    And she's very fit, 4th Dan Black Belt Karate fit!!!!
    I came from martial arts to running (1st dan kenpo/1st dan ITF taekwondo) and I can honestly say that almost none of the fitness from martial arts crosses over, unfortunately. Running has a great knock-on effect on sparring fitness though!

    Best of luck with your training :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Saturday 25th
    Cycling, cold but enjoyable.
    Av. Speed. 21.8 km/h
    The wind was on my face on the way back, and oh my god, did I suffer!! But it was my first "winter" weather spin, and I am really glad I enjoyed it!!!

    I was meant to go for a "long" (well at least by my standards!) run on Sunday/ Monday, but let's say my lovely daughters had other plans (i.e drive their mama even crazier; looking back I should have gone out for a very very long run!!!)

    Tuesday 28th
    Lunch time run
    I forgot to change setting from cycle to run on my garmin....and I had to check if profile was right....anyway, stats look a bit wrong, specially speed and distance, as it was the same route as usual, but it's measuring longer....GPS took a while to register!
    4.32 km
    5.47 /km
    Avg HR 144 bpm

    No swim tomorrow due to mid term break....might see if I can go to pool during the week..have lots going on at work, so not sure...and traffic was supposed to be better meaning it will take me less time to conmute, but someone decided against it, and this morning was pure chaos!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thursday 30th October
    Lunch time run, 28 mins total (with a bit of walk to warm up and cool down)
    27.12 min, 4 km, pace 6:48
    Nothing to say about it, we got it done, enjoyed it and didn't suffer.

    Saturday 1st November
    Morning run, I got up before the rest of the family
    Anyway, I was meant to go out for a 50 mins run as prescribe in the plan i am " following"...but was hoping to do a 10 km, whatever long that took. Well, from the minute I was out, I didn't feel right, couldn't get going..and I thought, maybe it's because it's early, I'm cold, there is a bit of a hill at the beginning, once I get going it'll be fine. Well, it got a bit better, and manage to do 4.5 km before deciding to turn back...well, things start getting a big hairy there. I was getting stomach cramps, the ones that will have you in the bathroom at home in less than a sec...had to stop for a bit hoping it'll help did a bit, and got going again...only to have them again and again and again..manage to get to 7 km in 51:47, but i was suffering, my legs felt very heavy, cramps were getting worse, and I just couldn't get going so I had to walk back home, hoping I could get there on time before the I couldn't control the cramps say I am disheartened ...I feel I fail myself, I have been enjoying the training, diet is starting to get better, and today this....but I will not be defeated..I will be out on the bike tomorrow or the turbo trainer, and running again on tuesday for 30 mins....I've entered a 10km on the 23rd of November, so I hope I can get over this wall, and be able to finish (my time will be crap compare to the standard here, but at the moment i'll be happy just to run the whole thing, and if i do it in 1h 10 i'll be delighted!)
    It'll take me time, and I know I'll have days like today all over again, I just need to get stronger mentally and fitter and I know I'll get there!!

    There is a series of open water meets around from now to christmas, I see how I feel about it tomorrow, Sandycove, Kinsale in November must be cold despite what the crazy people that goes there all year around say!!! I will of course wear a wetsuit and report back!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Sorry to hear about your tummy probs. Don't let it get you down. As the saying goes - it happens! ;) Look for triggers that might have caused it. In my experience: carbs the night before, change of your normal diet, dehydration, caffeine. It could be lots of things.

    As for open water in November.... brrrrrrrr!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Not too bad down here actually, the year-round facility near me is 14c at the moment, quite manageable in a wetsuit! If I wasn't heading to a match with a 3pm kickoff I'd be quite tempted.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Oryx wrote: »
    Sorry to hear about your tummy probs. Don't let it get you down. As the saying goes - it happens! ;) Look for triggers that might have caused it. In my experience: carbs the night before, change of your normal diet, dehydration, caffeine. It could be lots of things.

    As for open water in November.... brrrrrrrr!

    yeah, change in the diet is right, I stopped eating crap...are you giving me permission to binge in chocolate?? hehehe
    I'm quite regular, and because I skipped it this morning, that's what happens!! I don't drink coffee or any other caffeinated drinks, so that's out..dehydration, maybe, but I drank almost 2 pints of water before heading to bed in order to avoid all the trick or treating sweets around...and it worked!!!
    Will see about tomorrow..if I dip my toes in, it'll be a quick one, doubt i'll go around the island...husband on the other hand might go in, and even might go without a wetsuit...he's doing a relay in the channel next year, so he must get used to go without a wetsuit!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Sunday 2nd November

    45 mins in the turbo. I don't have a cadence sensor, or a bike computer and my turbo is very basic (bbb trainer qr). As it was my first time, didn't bother with the resistance settings, i just managed with gears. I watched a spinning video from Global Cycling Network...and 'followed" it...gosh, i sweat like I've never have before. but now it's done, and while I could have gone out for a cycle, I am glad I got to do it at home first thing. Now time to get ready for a dip in the open and cold water!! grrrrrr

    Edit to add: Went to sandycove, went up to the island, a bit across and back, not sure of distance, as I forgot my 910!! But while it was cold at first, once I got going it wasn't too bad. Crazy husband went in without a wetsuit, but it was sunny so not too bad once out. There is 10 planned 'Turkey Swims', between now and Christmas, both in Sandycove and Myrteville...Will try another couple more as I enjoyed today!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Hi, name is Dory Dory (or Dory....or DD, whichever you prefer). Now we've properly met. ;):)

    Regarding tummy troubles and days "like that", definitely do not get disheartened as there will be plenty of training days that don't go according to plan - we all have those days. Don't dwell - learn, but move on and don't fret. I find most of my tummy troubles come from running in heat, but I assume it wasn't hot when your "plumbing" issues hit.

    And good god, water swimming in November and into winter??? :eek::eek::eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Hi, name is Dory Dory (or Dory....or DD, whichever you prefer). Now we've properly met. ;):)

    Regarding tummy troubles and days "like that", definitely do not get disheartened as there will be plenty of training days that don't go according to plan - we all have those days. Don't dwell - learn, but move on and don't fret. I find most of my tummy troubles come from running in heat, but I assume it wasn't hot when your "plumbing" issues hit.

    And good god, water swimming in November and into winter??? :eek::eek::eek:

    Thanks for the introduction DD!!! Smashing times for NY Marathon. I've read it was very tough with the weather and conditions. Also, after the IM , how in the name of god are you able to finish such a hard marathon??

    Anyway, back to my boring log, I went to a circuits class today in the gym, last time I did anything like that was pre babies (7 or so years ago!!). I took it easy as recommended by the instructor (who happens to be my swimming coach!), and I know i'm going to be dead tomorrow, and I am supposed to run 25 mins!!! But it was good, I was able- ish to keep it up, and someone commented on my having rythm and saying I must be a good dancer (of course I am!!)

    Diet is in check (more or less, had 3 youghurt rice cakes as I got home, before dinner as I was starving after the class)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Tuesday 4th November
    Run time lunch, again forgot my watch (need to get better at this preparing bags stuff...having said that, I have to prepare so many things, that it's not wondered I don't forget any other things!!)
    Anyway, my run companion had runtastic on her phone, and here are the stats:
    Distance : 4.37 km, Time 30:42 Avg pace 7.01/km
    Km1: 7:39 min
    Km2: 6:39 min
    km3: 7:16 min
    km4 6:10 min
    up to km 4.4 8:02 min

    Now, we walk a bit at the beginning, we were very relaxed, chatting away, and didn't feel we were going at that pace at all (it's better than what we usually do, so we are surprised as it feel very easy!!). Signs that we are improving I guess!!! both have heavy legs from other exercises, so pretty happy with it!

    Wednesday 5th November
    Swimming session.
    1000 warm up

    2x200 with pb and paddles.

    Repeat by 2, with pb
    200 steady
    Break for 15s
    200 with a 10s break after each 50, fast
    Break for 10 s
    Break for15
    200 with a 5s break after 100, fast

    Total session: 3000m in 1h20
    (she wrote another 900m after the main session, some of the sharks did it, I didn't have time as needed to get the little one ready for her class..thankfully daddy took her to the class, as I was getting allergic to the water!
    It consisted of 5 x 100m kicks with fins, 25 r/s 25 l/s 25 back 25 front
    400m easy, so total would have been 3900m!!!!!!!)

    Managed to have a chat with coach, hopefully i'll be able to get some one on one with her around February, but she commended me for sticking to it and getting it done. She said we are doing a lot of endurance stuff, and that I have the right attitude sticking to it and getting the sets done! I won't lie, it's not easy, but I am enjoying the time in the pool, and hopefully it'll pay off. She thinks I should start seeing better results in 6 times...perfect timing for the start of the season!!)

    She also gave a pet talk to the husband, who will be doing the English channel as a part of a relay. He wasn't impressed, but he needs to hear it, it's not easy, he's able for it, no doubt, but the boat part will be the worse!!!! I didn't like to hear it either, as she said, people died doing the channel (not that long ago, one of her swimmers!) and he has two kids and a wife!!! Anyway, she's given him some tips, and she knows her stuff (she trains lots of people for the channel anyway!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Not much happening here, other than two little ladies not sleeping in their beds as they should, and a very tired mama and papa here!!!
    I was hoping to do some cycle the weekend, but zilch energy on saturday, so that was out of the window. Also, there was another open water swim "locally"...I was all geared up, but my god, it was cold, so decided to give it a skip!! Husband went it, with togs only, for about 45 mins or so...I actually got pretty scared at some stage when after 30 mins out of the water, and he was still shivering and almost blue!!!! Anyway, to the pool with the kiddies, which mean I was not able to do any that was saturday

    Sunday 9th November
    I went for an early run, before the eldest and dad had to go to camogie training.
    I manage 9 km, without any stomach issues this times, and while it took me 1h4 8mins (1 min more than the last time I did the same route) I am glad I managed to do it early, with the sun out, before the rain came down on us!!!
    Back home, showered, and an hour to get my youngest dress!!! Why oh Why dear husband didn't get her dress at the same time as her sister, I do not know...but I lost the will to life for an hour and a half trying to reason with her, as I need to go shopping before her sister and dad came home, otherwise, no food in the, not bulging!! Little lady has some attitude!!! Anyway!! I wasn't too bad after the run, so I am happy that I should be ok on Sunday 23rd for my first 10km!!! Time will be shocking by the standards here, but I am a to finish gal rather than a race gal (for the time being anyway!)

    Monday 10th November
    Another night of interrupted sleep, I ended up in the spare bedroom (i.e. coldest room in the house) with the eldest, who at 1:39 decided she didn't want to sleep in her be followed by her little sister...who wanted mammy....result..mammy didn't sleep a wink!!!
    Monday's are swimining lessons day for the eldest. so decided to do Kurt Godel's first session....nothing to report here...just fell a bit silly doing the fingertip drill..and the pb with a board instead of a pb as I forgot my toy bag at home!! used fins for some of the drills, otherwise I would not have had time!
    After the pool, I proceeded to do the circuits class I did last week..I feel good right now, but i know i'll be tired tomorrow...will see..I am suposed to go running for 25mins at lunch time......I would have preferred if the order was inversed, as in circuits first, and swim after, but that would have meant longer time in the gym, and as it is, little ladies went to bed very late, as once we came home, we still had to have dinner...oh well,here's hoping they sleep on their beds tonight!!!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Did you ever see mums wandering around the supermarket with a fully kitted out 3 yo disney princess in tow? Yeah, they will have had the clothes argument too. I was that soldier. Many times my darling came to town in whatever weird getup she insisted on wearing.

    And when your kids sleep in your bed, wait for em to nod off, then you go to their bed!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Oryx wrote: »
    Did you ever see mums wandering around the supermarket with a fully kitted out 3 yo disney princess in tow? Yeah, they will have had the clothes argument too. I was that soldier. Many times my darling came to town in whatever weird getup she insisted on wearing.

    I would be delighted if she wanted to go out dressed as a princes...but not, she didn't want to get out of her pj's, and that was that...I considered taking her shopping in her pj's, but I also failed at that!!!!
    Oryx wrote: »

    And when your kids sleep in your bed, wait for em to nod off, then you go to their bed!

    mmmm, I wish it works too...they followed me, and in occasions I have ended up in a single bed with the two of them...You see, I am loving caring mum, and they just like being glue to me as much as they can!!!! Trying to leave before they get up it's impossible, as they undoubtedly would hear me and come downstairs while I am trying to sneak out!!!! The joys...a couple of years and hopefully they won't want to be seen with me!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Tuesday 11th November

    Lunch time run . 29 min 3.92 was slow, but that's the usual. It was nice out, so enjoyed!!! When I can't get out, I actually feel does the world of good to go out at lunch time!! Glad to have people to go with as well at the same level as me!!

    Wednesday 12th November

    Coached group swim session

    Warm up: all with fins on
    500 with paddles
    5* 100 on 2:00 (didn't have to do this, as she came to give us main set before I started!)

    Main session

    Fins on 40* 25 on 35s
    Fins and paddles on 20*25 of 35s
    20*25 on 35

    Total 3500 ( I completed 2900 I think!)

    It was fast, it was hard at the time, but it felt good!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Unfortunately not much has happened since the last updated this log. I got a bad chesty cough, and was in general shattered. I even had to take a couple of days off work, as otherwise, It would probably ended up in full blown chest infection (have to thank the lovely husband and daughters for giving it to me, while they usually recover within days, I am left over trying to get rid of any cold or virus for weeks!! )

    Anyway, I was back to the pool yesterday, needed a bit of me time, so went there, put the girls into the creche (thank god for the creche in the gym!!!) and did Week 1, day 3 of kurt godel's session from the swimming for tri post. i did most of them with fins and one or two with pb (did 6x400).
    Kurt Godel wrote: »
    Week 1 Programme

    Day 3
    200 easy
    4*50 k with board (rest at each wall if needed)
    4*400, alternate swim and pb, minute rest after each
    200 easy
    Keep an easy steady pace for these 400's- you should finish at a similar pace as you start. More experienced swimmers can try 6*400.

    Now, I got very discourage doing the kick set...oh my god, it takes me almost one full minute to do 25 metres kicking!!! How shocking is that!! What am I doing wrong here lads???

    Today was "race day". I've signed for the RNLI 10km around Fota House. It was a beautiful day, but alas the run wasn't timed!! I got my time from my own watch, and got a bit disappointed that the 10km wasn't really 10km, but more 9.76km..but still, this is my longest run so far!! I won't lie, it was two laps...a bit twisty, and not the best surface...I did lungs and back almost gave up!! But I didn't, and cross the finish line, with my 2 lovely daughters and another 2 "borrowed" ones to be received by Derval O'Rourke! who was dishing out the participants medals!!! Average 7:05 /km...An improvement from my other times...I only have one speed, and that's slow...but I can see myself getting a bit better!!! Next on the agenda, there is another charity run at work, 5km in about 2 weeks time!!! Hopefully i'll be able to fully get over this cold (I couldn't stop coughing after today's run, chest still seems a bit full of snot!!! )

    I'm a bit sore today, too tired to do anything about it now, so tomorrow i'll see if I go for a swim while my eldest is in swimming, or if I will just go and relax a bit in the jacuzzy and steam!!!!

    Thanks if you are still reading this. I now I can't compare myself to the lads and ladies here...but I find most of the stuff in here inspirational, and with hard work and determination, I am sure I will be able to shed my weight and get better at it!!! There is plenty of room for improvement!!
