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momma gonna tri



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    Well done, your determination is remarkable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    Well done, your determination is remarkable.

    Thanks MojoMaker!! I don't see it that way, but I take the compliment!!!

    Lunch time run today, and it's beautiful outside, can't wait!!!
    Did a couple of lengths yesterday evening in the pool, around 400m, but lane was getting congested, and decided to skip to the jacuzzi instead!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Tuesday 25th November

    Lunch time. legs felt heavy to start with, and despite going slow, I found it hard to keep up with my run companions. After 2 kms, I felt better, so managed to go a bit faster...still slow compared to the times here...but happy that at least I was able to go for it! 3.40 km in 23 mins avg 6:49 /km.

    Wednesday 26th November

    Group Swim session

    Warm up
    2 x
    200 swim
    150 pb
    50 kick

    Main set.

    25 with 5sec rest
    50 10s rest
    75 15s rest
    100 20s rest
    100 20s rest
    75 15s rest
    50 10s rest
    25 5s rest

    25 on 35secs
    50 on 1:10
    75 on 1:45
    100 on 2:30
    100 on 2:30
    75 on 1:45
    50 on 1:10
    25 on 35secs

    Repeat x 2

    (I didn't look much at the times, I just follow the leader..had to put on fins for a couple of lengths to keep up)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thursday 27 November 2014

    Lunch time run, 5.03 km, Avg 6:37, 33:13 mins...starting to see an improvement in times....left my friends behind and push it farther...they are quite happy to jog along, while I feel I need to push it...also, needed to clear my head..was in a weird place last week...and it helped!! Also weather was fab during the run, love cold blue sky winter days like that!!

    Friday 28 November 2014
    I had a window of opportunity to go swimming, as husband was off and could take over taxing the eldest to gymnastics!

    This is one of Kurt Godel's swimming session...
    200 easy
    4*100 as (25m pb, 25m kick (use your pb as a board), 25m pb, 25m kick, 15 sec rest)
    2*50 fingertip
    2*50 pb
    2*50 armpit tap
    2*50 sw
    8*25 (breath every 3 strokes first 25, breath every 5 next 25, and repeat. Full rest/recovery for as long as you want at each wall. Do these very slow, very controlled, focus on exhaling smoothly and constantly)
    200 swim down

    I did a 100m time trial after this session, 2:09..Room for improvement.

    Saturday 29 November 2014

    Husband and I went to a spinning class, while the children enjoyed some time in the gym's creche!! Havent done an spinning class in a long time, it was quite enjoyable, but hard!

    Sunday 30 November 2014

    Open water dip...wasn't long in, as husband and friends were waiting to go around Sandycove, and I had to mind the kiddies!!! But I swam to the island and was cold, but quite enjoyable..hopefully i'll be able to swim there again before the end of the year

    Monday 1 December 2014

    Eldest has swimming on monday, so I took the opportunity to hit the pool while she was in her class. Again, I did another (modified) Kurt's sessions..
    It went like this:

    200 warm up
    2x 25 kick
    4x 50 pb
    4x 50 fingertip
    4x50 armpit
    4x50 swim
    200 cool down.

    After, a quick change of clothes ,and off to an hour circuits class by my swim coach!!! IT was hard, but as the weeks go on, it's more manageable!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I will have to say, you're doing great. :) I still can't believe you're swimming OW this time of year! Keep up all the very good work you're doing with that very positive attitude! :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thanks DD. I seem to have an increased appetite, so need to counteract by exercising!! I actually feel great (sunny and blue skies again help big time!), so it's a win win!!!

    I know, it sounds crazy about Ow this time of the year, but water temps were at around 11-12c , and with a wetsuit, it wasn't that bad!! Another thing is the crazy husband going for almost 1.8km around the island without a wetsuit..but he needs to get used to it...I am actually looking forward for my next OW swim, hopefully I can fit another one before xmas!!! And I might actually stay in a bit longer!!!! Hot drinks and cakes after helps a lot!! hehehe

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Tuesday 2nd December 2014
    I was supposed to go out running at lunch, had my bad in the changing room, when I went to get changed I though bag was too light. damn, I forgot my running shoes!!! That's what happens when you are constantly taking stuff in and out of the bag. I said to myself and the husband "i'll go out running once the girls are in bed tonight"...well, it never happened!!!

    Wednesday 3rd December 2014

    Swimming session today. I woke up with a weird feeling, my nose felt stuffed and have some gunk I couldn't get rid of..felt like a sinus headache was building up, and decided to still go ahead and do the session...I also had a sore shoulder and elbow (that's a new one for me!!!) Anyway, session felt like pure torture!!!
    1000 wu (alternating breathing every 3/ every 5)- Only managed to do around 500m as didn't get into the pool early enough!
    Main session:
    20x 25 with the first 25 done kicking underwater for as far as you could go (i was able to go a bit farther than half way...) rest 10 secs, 25 sprinting, rest 15 s....

    2x (20x 25 on 40s)

    I had to put the fins half way as I was finding it hard...they were all coming at around 25/40 s...but god, it was hard going.

    Sharks were doing the same, but had time to do and extra 20x 25!!!!!

    cool down was back stroke, i did about 100 before getting the little one for her swimming lesson...almost 2hrs in the pool today!! arghhhh

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    That's a good session! You'll make great progress if you keep this consistent for the next couple of months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    MojoMaker wrote: »
    That's a good session! You'll make great progress if you keep this consistent for the next couple of months.

    Hopefully I'll be able to keep it up. I have my name down for one on one sessions with the coach. hopefully she'll be able to take me on in February...cant' wait!!

    Tuesday 4th December 2014

    Lunch time run. Today the office hosted a cake sale and fun run for Simon Community. So I baked, ate some cake for breakfast (it would have been rude not to, besides I forgot the milk for my weetabix...mind you i could have bought it in the canteen, but cake was more appealing!)
    Anyway, lunch time came, and we got ready for the run. It was 5 km in the glorious sun. It was cold at the start, but it was lovely. We let the fast runners go ahead, and one of my friends and myself stayed at the back all the way. We went a bit to fast for our usual run, and my friend got a stitch at around 3 km so we had to slow down (I felt I could have gone faster, but we were last ones and didn't want to leave her behind!!) . Anyway, we finished 5km in 32.22, personal best for me !! (she claims she had done 31.xx the weekend...but when we compare our times, her phone up always gives her longer distance..given her better I am a bit suspicious of it)
    Delighted as I feel great. I feel I can do better than will start reading on how to improve ...feel free to advice...:p

    Xmas party on tomorrow night, I am not a drinker, but will have a sleepover in a friends house. Will try to go for a swim in the morning, and if possible, will try to make saturday spin class......with all the exercise and the good weather we are having (and by good I mean, sunny and blue skies, despite the cold) I feel great!!! I think it's time to jump on the scales, as I can feel my clothes getting big ....:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on your PB....and on your clothes feeling big. You're doing super things here!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Well done on your PB....and on your clothes feeling big. You're doing super things here!!! :)

    Well, it's just a pair of pants I had to buy a month ago due to the lack of fitting it's more like going to my "previous size" (a long before I get to my real previous size, as in, size before I moved to ireland!!!)...still a lot to go, living in Ireland has added a lot of pounds to me, nothing to do with my eating at all, no, not at all!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Friday 5th December 2014

    I have a xmas party on tonight, so I decided to get up that bit earlier and fit a swim before work, as I knew it wouldn't be possible after work. It took some effort to leave the bed...not because it was comfy ( I ended up sleeping in one of my girls bed, both were sleeping with daddy...the moon really affect their sleeping pattern.) but because it was very cold outside!!!! But, after the swim, I don't feel the cool so much, and temperatures remain the same....2 c !!!!


    Today did this:

    200 easy

    200 swim down

    I feel great doing it, breathing was controlled, I like breathing every 4 now, it seems easier than every 2, and more balance than bilateral..but every now and them I do a couple of bilateral breathing lengths. It was a busy pool today. There was 4 lanes taken by only 2 lanes left for the rest of us..and lots of people swimming, but nothing major to report, everyone respected everyones paces!!

    Hopefully i'll be able for spinning tomorrow morning, and a run on sunday before all the kiddies parties (they have better social life that I do!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Do try and practice bilateral breathing as much as you will get easier and be better for you (and more balanced) in the long run. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Do try and practice bilateral breathing as much as you will get easier and be better for you (and more balanced) in the long run. :)

    I knew it was going to be either you DD or KG raining on my parade about bilateral breathing, I just knew it!!

    I think I might need to get ear plugs so, it feels like I get lots of water in my right ear (I am left handed, so breathing to my left is my preference) and I don't like it!..

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    If the watery ear just bothers you afterwards a blast from a hairdryer gets rid of it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Oryx wrote: »
    If the watery ear just bothers you afterwards a blast from a hairdryer gets rid of it.

    It's strange, it only bothers me when in the water, as in, when I go to breath, water goes in, bothers me, and then if I don't breath to that side again, doesn't bother me....hairdryer/ drying my hair? What's that?? Anytime I actually do it, I get people asking me what I have done to my it must be a sign I should do it more often, I just can't be bother most of the time. Have dead straight hair, has gone a bit frizzy lately...but I do not's up on a pony tail of some sort most of the time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Saturday 6th December 2014

    I survived another xmas party. Wasn't feeling the best, worse heartburn since pregnancies, so decided to skip the drink.. Still danced like there was no tomorrow...and enjoyed the night out!
    Woke up Saturday morning trying to decide if spinning was going to happen or not...It did happen. Arrived 10 mins late, but still did a good session. Manage 10 mins trot on the treadmill after, just to check legs work after cycling!
    "Relaxing" time in the pool with the 2 kids and hubby, and time to get home, where I was kindly allowed to go for a nap (I was in a hangover state despite not drinking..wft!!!)

    Sunday 7th December 2014

    Hubby cycle was canceled, so I had time to go for a run before all the madness of the day began (camogie training for the eldest, and 4 parties to attend, only mad 2 for time constraints!)

    I had company, it was nice, but we went very slow...still nice to be out! Total 55 mins!

    Tired today, so will see what the day brings....probably swimming while eldest in the pool!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    So, you like to dance. :D A girl after my own heart. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So, you like to dance. :D A girl after my own heart. ;)

    Oh, I LOVE dancing.. I could dance forever. Any kind of dance.
    No swimming or circuits today. Ate canteen food (unusual as I bring my own lunch 99% of the time) and had a dodgy stomach for the rest of the day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Hey there ToTri hope you had a good Christmas. How's the training going?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Maybe she's danced herself to death over the holidays! ;):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thanks for checking on my gals. Still around, only December was crazy at work (and also, where I mostly check and update Boards)..and then I was off for two weeks, meaning have to mind the kiddies, entertain my parents who came visit.etc etc..
    Still, have done some swimming over the holidays, some running, not biking at all. but my local cycling/tri club is starting a beginners group, so I am hoping to join and see how I can fit it in our family schedule!!!

    Back on track from now on I hope, and thanks for keeping me in your minds!!!
    Hope you all had a lovely xmas!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    So, this week so me back to "training". Went for my usual wednesday swimming session, it was technique mainly, catch..nothing much I can remember...only that while it wasn't long distance wise, it was a bit painful!!
    Thursday I went for a lunch time run, more slow than what I was hoping for, but sure, it should start getting better soon. 4km, no idea of time as forgot garmin at home!!
    I went for a run this morning, god it was cold. I had company, legs were heavy, wind was strong, and it rained a bit at some stage...Total distance 8.25, total time 1:04km (again, a bit slow, but we did some hill, I had to walk on this!!)

    The interesting part comes now, I have joined the local cycling club/ triathlon club, and tomorrow I am going on my first beginner group spin. Will report back tomorrow. I hope I can get into going out every sunday with them from now on!!
    They are not great on the triathlon part from what I hear, but big into the hope to make the best out of it!!!!
    Will have to get the schedule sorted with training, work, husband training, family, etc etc...but i'm on the right path I think..If I can make it out every saturday for a run, every sunday for a cycle, and my usual swimming and running during the week...i'll be happy!!

    Have had a lot at the calendar for next year, and I am in trouble as the olympic one I wanted to do it's right bang on the middle of my summer holidays, ie, won't be in Ireland!!! but I am sure I will be able to pick up another!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Hope the spin goes well ToTri. They will bring you on so much! I remember my first few times out with my club, I thought I was going to die but it's amazing how quickly you see improvements.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Hope the spin goes well ToTri. They will bring you on so much! I remember my first few times out with my club, I thought I was going to die but it's amazing how quickly you see improvements.

    Thanks Solobally!! It was ok, I am not going to lie didn't love it all the time! We headed with tailwind, and was loving it, so much easier than expected riding in a group..protected, easy pace (we were doing around 20kmh), felt very comfortable. We stopped to check with everyone what to do at around 17 km..we were feeling so great that decided to continue a bit, and then turn....when we turned, OMG, the wind was horrendous, but still felt great...was first woman at the front...feeling very confident...but the wind start picking up and at some stage, almost knock me down, and with it, my confidence!!! I started dropping places....another stop to check and wait for a couple that had dropped further..and decided to take turn off the main road to protect us from the wind....well, I wasn't sure where I was, I knew I couldn't be very far, as I could see our town, but the road surface was very bad, there was some slight inclines (that's where I suffer the most, mainly due to my weight, I find any kid of hill both running or cycling pure torture!)
    But once we got to town, we gathered together, congratulate each other for being able to complete almost 50 km on our first spin, and hoping all beginners would turn up next week. It's going to take some organising being able to be gone for the bones of 2/3 hours on sunday morning, as older kid have activities, and husband coaches the camogie team...but will see how I can do it. I hope you are right, and they can bring me along a long's badly needed!!!!

    Today will try and take it easy, legs are not to bad, but my rear it's a bit delicate...why oh why do bicycles have to be so uncomfortable!!
    Might do a few easy lengths in the pool while older daughter is in the pool, and them the old very important relaxing the muscles in the jacuzzi!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    Was there cake and coffee afterwards? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Was there cake and coffee afterwards? :D

    Nope...feckers didn't even make a proper coffee stop...and I was hoping for one!!!!!! In fairness it was 12.30 by the time we were back, having left at 9.30, with all the stops at the side of the road to regroup and pretty late..but got home to homemade leek and potato soup, and warm that help!!!!1

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Well done on the spin! Even if you can manage just a few of these each month with your group you will see big gains! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Yes well done, suffering goes hand in hand with cycling I'm afraid. But it's so worth it. I promise :-)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Well, disaster of a week, busy at work, tummy bug on Tuesday, snowed in on Wednesday which meant no way to get to the pool (it's up a very steep and windy hill!) Thursday was meant to be a run, but my tummy wasn't still the best..but I attended a tri talk by a local club last night by Trevor Woods, quite motivating (albeit very long, specially after being in the office for 11 hours!!! )
    I'll see if I have energy tonight to hop onto the turbo for an hour while the little ones are in bed!! My weekend running partner can't go out tomorrow, so i might just go to the gym instead and run in the treadmill for an hour while hubby does his spinning class. Sunday spin is supposed to be a 40-45 km, and we have been promised a coffee stop!!!

    On another note, I don't have clip ons for the bike, they scare the **** out of me, but my feet got very cold last week...should I get over my fears and move to clip ons and shoe covers???? My balance wouldn't be the best...i can see myself falling in slow motion!! How do you know you are ready for cleats??
