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momma gonna tri



  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    It took me a long time to try cleats. About 18 months! They petrified me. But honestly, I got used to them really quickly and was sorry I hadn't tried them sooner. They make such a difference. In my case, I practised getting out of them on the turbo, (don't pull up, twist your heel out and DOWN) before taking to the road. My first time out I chose a long straight road so I had plenty of time to work on it if I had issues releasing my foot. I think everyone has a little spill at first, just to remind you to unclip before stopping, usually at traffic lights! But its no biggie. And as you mention, youll get to wear overshoes which are vital in this weather.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Oryx wrote: »
    It took me a long time to try cleats. About 18 months! They petrified me. But honestly, I got used to them really quickly and was sorry I hadn't tried them sooner. They make such a difference. In my case, I practised getting out of them on the turbo, (don't pull up, twist your heel out and DOWN) before taking to the road. My first time out I chose a long straight road so I had plenty of time to work on it if I had issues releasing my foot. I think everyone has a little spill at first, just to remind you to unclip before stopping, usually at traffic lights! But its no biggie. And as you mention, youll get to wear overshoes which are vital in this weather.

    Oh, this make me very happy, glad to hear I am not the only one petrified of them!! There was not many last weekend on our beginner group not wearing them, so I felt out of place, if you know what I mean!!
    Ok, so I'll talk to the hubby, check budget, bite the bullet, get the cleats and shoe covers and practice on the turbo before heading out!!
    How long are you cycling /triathle-ing Oryx?

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,928 ✭✭✭✭rainbow kirby

    I switched over last spring - practised in my building's car park with them for a good while, then my first spin with them was somewhere with relatively light traffic (Regent's Park outer circle). Got used to them quite quickly, and I've still only ever had one very low speed fall - which was into a dirt pile and was pretty much caused by me angrily giving up on hills after 95km during the Rapha Women's 100 ride!

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    Oh, this make me very happy, glad to hear I am not the only one petrified of them!! There was not many last weekend on our beginner group not wearing them, so I felt out of place, if you know what I mean!!
    Ok, so I'll talk to the hubby, check budget, bite the bullet, get the cleats and shoe covers and practice on the turbo before heading out!!
    How long are you cycling /triathle-ing Oryx?
    I started running in 2008. Just ran all through 2009, and started cycling and swimming at the end of that year. And I was woeful. My first adventure race in 2010 I had flat pedals and my mother reckoned I was dangerous on the bike ('I always know you. You have a distinctive wobble'). I was, without doubt, the least skilled cyclist you will ever meet (some would say I still am). But I have learned when it comes to skills you just got to be brave and do it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    I'll chime in here too - I was scared to death of clipping in, but knew if I wanted to be competitive I'd have to learn. I've fallen over at many intersections while clipped in, including in a pack of other cyclists who didn't know me from, falling over is not "if", it's "when". ;) I practiced spinning and clipping in and out on the trainer a good bit before I had the nerve to take it to the road. And when I did finally take it to the road, I kept to very safe roads. You'll be fine!!!! :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: », falling over is not "if", it's "when". ;)


    I don't want to fall over!!!!! Is it some kind of baptism of fire for cyclist or something, you are not one till you have fallen down?
    I have had enough falls/ accidents/ scars to last me a lifetime, I don't need more!!!!!!

    Hope to jump in the turbo for a while this evening, what do you recommend as a nice session? I don't have a cadence sensor or bike computer, and my turbo is very plain and simple.......I really am clueless, aren't i?

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    So, despite having zero motivation, i changed into cycling gear as soon as children were in bed, set up the turbo, house on Netflix, and managed 45 mins. My God, it's pretty boring, isn't it? I 've done another session.before, but to a spinning session on YouTube, and it wasn't too bad compared to today..Had issues getting the back wheel properly, but pretty happy I got my hands dirty and did it. Hopefully tomorrow I'll manage a run in the treadmill in the gym, a "relaxing" family soak in the pool and an hour ice skating with my eldest daughter.. can't wait.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Its not boring once you have a set to do. Even something simple like a 30 sec spin up every five minutes can keep you focused. Spend ten minutes at the beginning (after warmup) doing single leg drills (you need those cleats!) once youre kitted out. And get some kind of a cycle computer. The numbers will keep you motivated and allow you to do more creative sets. Just sitting and spinning is mind numbing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    So, Saturday was a fun busy day!! Girls, surprisingly slept till pass 8!! That is a miracle!!! So, after a mad rush to get things ready to head to the gym, husband did his spinning class, and I jumped onto the treadmill..forgot how boring, and hot it gets in the gym while running!! I managed to do more or less 35 mins..couldn't do any longer..I am starting to see the benefits of a running partner, having been out with somebody the last few weekends!! Straight after I jumped into the cross trainer for 15 mins, before deciding to go do some lane swimming....only to realised I forgot my togs at home.duh!! Anyway, after a glorious lunch in own of the local outdoor farmer markets, I went ice skating for an hour with my eldest...and fun was had!! I managed to convinced her to go to the big rink for a while, as the small one was packed, and she is getting the hang of it!! I just love skating....I used to live in roller skates in my pre teens and teenager years!!! Oh the memories!!! I skated backwards while holding her hands, we skate in circles together as in dancing for a while....just loved it!!! Pity it's expensive and only happens between November and January!

    Sunday came and we woke up to an ice covered country!! Most of the clubs I followed in Facebook cancelled their spins...but not, they are hardcore cyclist!! So, they postpone the advance spin to 9 while the beginners went ahead at 9.30!! They changed the route to stay in the main roads, so all in all maybe 45 kms (forgot my frecking garmin the bag!! Must prepare properly the night before!!) We had a stop on the way back, and it was great getting to chat to other people in the group. All my fears about riding in a group are gone, and I thoroughly enjoy it!! It was a lovely morning for it, cold but lovely!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Monday 19 January 2015

    So, while eldest daughter was doing her swimming class, and youngest in the pool, I managed to do 1000m or thereabouts straight swimming. the lane wasn't too busy, but the speed of the people there were too varied to do anything other than that. I enjoyed it anyway, and had the reward at the end going to the steam room for a while before getting them both back to the pool for a bit of fun.

    Tuesday 20th January 2015
    Lunch time, usual 4 km, around 25 mins. Suffered a bit, my hip was giving me hassle (I dislocated it years, and I mean, years ago, like 23! years ago, and from time to time it gets a bit out of sync!)..but got it done !

    Wednesday 21st January 2015

    Group Swimming , around 400-500 m warm up, and them she gave all of us a choice between
    30 * 100 on 2:00
    20 * 100 on 2:00 / 2:15
    40 * 50 on 1:15
    We ended up divided on 3 lanes (usually we are 2 lanes!)
    so lane 1 did 30 * 100 (hubby was there...they started to fast he said, but settled nicely , taking turns to lead, every 5 * 100, and did them on around 1:40/ 1:45)
    Lane 2 did 20* 100 on 2:00
    Lane 3 (my lane) did 20 * 100 on 2:15...there was 5 of us, so not too busy. I did 5 * 100 and needed to get fins as couldn't really get going..not sure what's wrong with my kicking that with fins is great, but without them I struggle. Now, I now I don't have the fitness that other people swimming have, and that my weight is definitely slowing me down (most my weight is concentrated on my lower half!!)....but got a bit annoyed!!!

    But, got it done, putting it behind me now, and will keep trying to improve. Will be getting one on one sessions starting soon with coach, so hopefully she'll give me a good few pointers and get me fitter!!!

    We are off to UL the weekend to do a session on the 50 meter pool, hubby will the there friday as well, and we will do something together on saturday if we managed to get one of the sisters in laws to mind the kids!!!! Will report back anyway. Plan is to run either tomorow or friday, and them whatever we do on saturday, I will be back on Sunday for my group spin!!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Saturday 24 January 2015
    wohoooo. loved swimming in the 50m pool... I was worried I would feel tired after 25 m, but I wasnt and it feel great. It was busy but not congested. We were a bit stuck for time due to the pool opening late to the public due to some gala, and because we had limited time as our babysitter, aka, sister in law, had to take her daughter to a class. But, I managed 3km in about an hour ( 1km with fins as I was worried about time) Will try to make it there again, as its a win win for everyone, kids play with cousin, sisters in law spend time with my kids, and them off to in laws for dinner. I am envious of hubby, he swam 11km Friday and 3.5 today... But I'm getting there.
    Tomorrow group cycle. And really looking forward to it...
    Oh, I did run Friday, well, trot more like it, heavy legs, bloody AF had me floored this week. Need to get a look at some running blogs and get ideas on how to improve...
    Anyway, better get some rest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Sunday 25th January 2015

    Spin with the club, big numbers, around 23. We did circa 50 km, loved every minute of it, bar a little hil/ incline, whatever you want to call it, it almost broke me...but I survived!!! I am really enjoying cycling with the group, the people, how easy it feels ....the chats, what's not to love!

    But, I got home, and my back was in bits!!! It was awful...I was told that I needed to bring my saddle a bit higher as it was too, not sure that was the reason for the back pain, but I am sure it didn't help!

    I was giving it a couple of days before going to the physio, but it mean, I could not do much.

    Wednesday 28th January 2015

    Despite my back still being sore, albeit not as much, I did go for the group swimming session. It was not bad, back hold and it actually felt better!
    It was something like 500 wu, then 3 x 400 pb, concentrating on hand entry, then another 400 without pull boy , to finish with 20 x 25 on 35 s!

    Total: 2600m

    Thursday 29th January 2015

    Managed to get an appointment with the physio for Thursday evening. Not my usual one, but she's pretty good. I had similar pain last year around this
    time, and I ended up doing Pilates with one of the physios on the clinic. So she knew my medical history anyway. My core is very weak after 2 pregnancies, and my abs never knitted together. Last year I had a gap of 3 cms, this year is still at 2cm, but need to do some core exercises. So after a few rubs from the physio, and some exercises to be done every day, I left feeling a bit bruised!! Knowing I had to spend 5+ hours on the train to and back from Dublin, didn't help, and my god, it was painful!
    Physio's orders not to run for another week, but swimming and cycling was ok!!

    Saturday 30th January 2015

    Managed to get a swim in on a busy day, a few drills, but mainly swim up and down. Managed 2500 in less than an hour, happy with that!
    Back lot better, I have been discipline and done my exercise on the floor while I was putting my daughters to bed!!

    Sunday 1st February 2015

    Group spin. As usual, don't believe what the road captains said!! this week so big numbers, 30+ cyclist on the beginners group, while not all beginners, it was great to see such a big group!!! Pace felt a bit slower, forgot my watch so no idea what we were doing, but felt stronger on the flat sections. Originally we were supposed to do 45/50...and flat as a pancake course...but, as group felt great, it was decided that for those who wanted to try some hills, Cobh was the way to after a short ferry spin, off we went to the hills of Cobh ...well, what I was thinking? Almost died trying, but I managed to get up those monsters with the help of some team mates shouting and encouraging, total 60 km, and a bit of hills and descents done!!! I wrote up a little piece about the group on the website, so if you want to read up, off to and let me know what do you think!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory

    Cyclist of the week!!! :D Rockstar status, baby!!! ;) Well done on churning up those hills - you will be rewarded. If you're around for a little mountain bike spin on the 15th at Ballyhoura, please join us. I think you have your club spin then, but if it gets cancelled for some reason, don't be shy! :) Oh, and really nice report!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    Cyclist of the week!!! :D Rockstar status, baby!!! ;) Well done on churning up those hills - you will be rewarded. If you're around for a little mountain bike spin on the 15th at Ballyhoura, please join us. I think you have your club spin then, but if it gets cancelled for some reason, don't be shy! :) Oh, and really nice report!

    Oh, thanks for the invitation DD, it makes me feel special!! you are right, it clashes with my club I doubt I can make it but it's not too far from here I think, an hour and a bit i'd say, so you never know
    Husband and myself are planning on going to ballyhoura The in laws are close by, so we can try and make it a weekend, so kids stay with their cousin. He's been there a couple of times, he's not sure i'll be able for it, me neither to be honest!!!

    Wednesday 4th February 2015

    Another trip up and down to the big missed the group session..but as meeting was not until late, managed to go in the pool before catching the train. Coach was there, so she gave me a workout to do.
    500m wu,
    3 x [25, 50 , 75, 100,100,75,50,25]
    with [5,10,15,20,20,15,10,5] sec rest

    Still not running as per physio orders despite my back being in top condition (have been religiously doing my core exercises every night!)...but today I am starting one on one with the coach (well, there will be someone there sharing the time with me, as it was the only time she could fit us in!)
    Will report back later!!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Can't believe I haven't updated this since february..but fear not...I haven't been idle! I haven't been able to run for a while..had a little fall while running late february, nothing serious, just scrape my knee, lots of blood, but I kept running!! But I probably did some damage (I had new runners, newer model of the old ones! ) and my left foot hurts...can't remember if it started after the fall or before..but I suspect plantar fascitiis...still need to go to the physio to get confirmed...which I must do soon, because it is starting to be painfull even lying down on bed! I have been on the bike almost every weekend, longest spin so far was 105....stupidly I fall off the bike at my doorstep, as I couldn't take the feet of the cleats on time....almost 4 weeks after the bruise is almost gone, but it is bloody sore!!
    I also have commuted to work a couple of times, it's a 26 km spin each week, on a busy dual carriage..I intented to do this once a week if the weather and work allows for it...takes a lot of planning (and I am not the best in that department! )

    I have also been in the pool at least 3 times a week, bar a week and a half that I was suffering with a bad cold, and travelling with my mum and sister around northern ireland!

    I think I might not be able to do any tri's this season due to the lack of running, might enter Cobh and get someone to do the run leg for me, but I am just back from holidays the day before, and I am flying to dublin, so I will be a tired puppy, so will leave that decision till later. If I get seen by the physio and the pain goes away and I am able to start running, I will like to do Youghal at the end of september, as this is the one I did last year and I enjoyed, and the run this year will be flat compared to last year hilly course!!

    I have entered a 5km open water swim in a months time...and after today's pool session I am wondering if it's wise...but I can always do a 3 km on the day instead...I was planning to do 8km in a lake, it's supposed to be current assisted, but tough swim according to my dear husband who did it last not sure what to do...still have time to decide anyway!
    I am also in for the Lee Swim in cork for the first time...I am a bit apprehensive about swimming in the rives, as I used to live across from it years ago..and let's say there is a lot of crap floating in that river....but hopefully i'll get over it!

    So far I have been twice on the open water, 30 and 40 mins respectively, and I am hoping to make it a once a fornight or a week event from now on!!

    Now, today's pool session for those that might be interested:

    1000 w.u done as breathing 4 left, 4 right, bilateral 3 and bilateral 5
    Then it was paddle work, 25 sw, 25 kind of sculling to the sides, 25 sw and 25 sculling side ways. Repeat that 4 times, but last time, starting with sculling instead of swimming.
    12x 75 on 1:30
    10x 50 on 1:00
    12 x 25 on 30
    Total 3100 mtrs in around 1:20 now..felt a bit dizzy in the changing room, more to do with the heat there today than anything else..!!!

    I will try to keep this updated...but don't hold your breath if I dont!! I am still reading stuff here anyway!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »

    I have entered a 5km open water swim in a months time...and after today's pool session I am wondering if it's wise...but I can always do a 3 km on the day instead...I was planning to do 8km in a lake, it's supposed to be current assisted, but tough swim according to my dear husband who did it last year

    Is that the Garnish Island swim in Cork?

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Is that the Garnish Island swim in Cork?

    Yes it is!
    Are you doing it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    Yes it is!
    Are you doing it?

    I'd love to, but it's a bit of a trek from Carlow to West Cork. Maybe if Kurt wanted to car share.........;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    griffin100 wrote: »
    I'd love to, but it's a bit of a trek from Carlow to West Cork. Maybe if Kurt wanted to car share.........;)

    I am in East Cork, so it's a bit of a trek for me too..but we are making a day out of it..Only thing it's a bit late on the day due to tides I think...but from what I heard, it's a lovely swim, organised by lovely people!! I know a lot of people doing it, so I will be well looked after, but if you decided to come over, let me know, and we will look after you and hopefully Kurt! As far as I know, there is a meal afterwards, at least there was one last year after Louch Allua!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Quick update before going for a meeting! :p

    Friday was a one on one (it's actually 2 to one, but anyway! ) I arrived early, and coach saw me and instructed me what to do..40 lengths, doing 3 sw and 1 side sculling drill..(will try to see if I find a video of this's tough, at some stages I though I was going works your shouder and back muscles I think!)
    One on one, can't remember exactly what we did..but It was good, she said we are starting to look like swimmers, not plodders anymore!
    Saturday, we headed to kinsale for a few laps to sandycove. Husband went ahead and did 2 laps in skins..while I mind the little people..and then I managed to do a, it was the calmest, most beautiful water i've ever seen in ireland...but as my company was very fast, I stuck a pair of fins..and kept ahead of them two all the way till the last few hundred meters when I was overtaken!!! No ill effect after the swim, unlike a mate of my husband who suffer greatly the early stages of hypothermia....
    Sunday saw the return to the bike..I haven't been on the bike for 3 weeks due to sickness/ travelling, etc..Now I was stuck for time, so it was going to be a short one..but it ended up being shorter due to the choice of the route. I could have gone a bit farther, but I was concious of the time, and the speed some of the people were doing (we had a junior and her mother with us and they were fast!! )
    I also got my first flat, and thanks to my club mates, it got fix without me getting my hands dirty!! :D

    Plan is to swim this week 3/4 times, and hopefully commute once. There is a "race" in Kinsale on Saturday, so depending how friday goes (we are going to a wedding locally), we might decide to give it a go (i won't be racing, just taking part!! )

    Glad to be back logging!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    It's only wednesday, and have already swam 3 times this week, 2 pool session (one will the eldest was in her swimm lessons, so just did 10*100 on 2:15, as the pool was quite busy, one coached group session, we did 800 w.u, and them 3 (10*25, pushing off the wall, as streamline as possible, and once on the surface, try and swim without taking a breath, and them swim till the other side, trying to maintain the streamline position, on 40s! Well I was not able to swim without taking a breath after underwater gliding....but other than that it was a great session! ) and one open water swim. Coach usually takes us to several locations around Cork, yesterday was Garryvoe, quite local to me, so couldn't missed it. It was cold, but having been in already, I was ok. We did around 1.5km, in around 33 mins, mind you, we had to wait around at several stages to regroup..!! Didn't have any shivering after, so must be getting used to the coldness!! Loved it!! Can't wait to do it again soon!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Friday 29th May 2015

    This was my last one to one (really it's two to one, but who cares!! ) I managed to get to the pool 30 mins before hand and do a 1000mtrs or so warm up. The session was all about inertia and avoiding drag. It was good. but I had lots of things in my mind that day, as we were off to a wedding later on the day. I was a good session (coach might say different as she called me up on my warm up saying what the hell was that!! ) Any way, happy with the session, off to get ready for the wedding!

    It wasn't going to be a mad one anyway, as I don't usually drink, but the fact that the bride's dad died during the week, and was only buried the day before the wedding, make it even quieter...I just couldn't shake off the sad feeling, even though people seemed to be having a good time. The other reason I was going to go home earlier, was because there was a swim on saturday afternoon, that I wanted to we headed home at around 1am!!

    Saturday 30th May 2015

    Saturday morning, kids of course didn't care how late we went to bed, they came to wake us up at 7am!! Thank god for the sister in law we were allowed to stay in bed a bit later. We packed the stuff for the swim as soon as we got up, as registration closed at 12, and it's a good hour to get to Kinsale from where we live. Anyway, we managed to arrive there and get register. It was a bit of a panic situation, as I didn't know the start point very well, street there are very narrow, hilly, full of people rushing to get there on time too..but managed just about!! only problem is that it being a point to point swim, we had to drive to the other point, and leave one car, the kids and sister in law there, while we drove back to the start point!!! A bit of a nightmare really!! Briefing came and went at 12.30, usual nerves, it was my first time doing this swim...decided to go on the slow wave. It was 1.7km swim, going across the bay in Kinsale, from the Bullman to the Trident hotel..current was with us, weather wasn't, visibility was poor..but I did it and somehow enjoyed. It was also my faster swim ever...current sometimes has it's benefits!! I did the swim in 27:21, avg pace 1.37/100m!! :)

    Sunday 31st May 2015

    Went out for my usual spin with the club, wind was very strong, we were cursing it really at the start!! we managed to do 67km avg 23.5 km/h, but the last half was fab, weather improved a bit (we got soaked as well in the first half, miserable really!) and we cycled along Patrick was great!! wind was on our back the last part of the cycle, and we managed speed of almost 40 km/h without too much effort!! Really enjoyable day on the bike!!

    Wednesday 3rd June 2015

    Swimming session with group...I moved to the intermediate lane a couple of weeks back, as there was a couple of beginners in the other lane makign it very crowded at times, and I felt I could keep up with the other lane...pace it's not that different anyway!!
    Session was a long one, and hard!!
    Anyway, we did 800 w.u, and then 300, 2x 200, 3x 100, we didn't have any times to do those..the faster guys had them on 6min ,4min ,2min...we were more or less the same, but obviously had less time to recover!! there was a bit of confusion on what to next, as couch went to talk to somebody, after writing it on the board....we were supposed to do another pyramid, a bit faster this time...but the ladies in the lane decided to go to the next part..which were 10x 50 on 1min! and them 200 e.z cool down..
    well, I wasn't happy not finishing the whole thing, so myself and another of the ladies there , proceed to do the pyramid after doing the 50s!! Was happy with was the longest distance wise in a session since I start swimming with the group. Total 3.5km in around 1.5 hrs!

    Saturday 6th June 2015

    Two of the girls I have been sharing my one to ones with, and the partner of one of them took a road trip to Glengarrif to check Garnish Island and see what it was like to swim there (they all have done it previously, but it was my first time!! ) I am registered to do 5 km (two laps) on June 20th, and was getting a bit nervous after the organiser asked me to do two laps of Sandycove ahead to make sure I was able for it!! ) Weather was supper, tide was starting to go out but we had plenty of water to go around one. I was feeling super strong, and did the first km in an average of around 1.50/100m..According to Garmin anyway , Moving time was 1:04, and average moving pace was 2:02. there was lots of stopping and going, as we needed to regroup , and I was told to slow down a bit. We ended up in pairs, my swimming partner had fins on but still wasn't keeping up with me even though I slowed right down to make sure she was right behind me!! It was beautiful there, and there was plenty of seals , at some stage I counted 15 or so right behind us (the guy in the kayak didn't want to tell us, but apparently they were swimming right behind us...they must have though I was one of them as I was the only one with a wetsuit!
    Anyway, coming in was a bit harder, we had to wait a bit to let the ferry pass, and the current was against us by them, but still, when we got to the slip, I felt I could have gone for another lap! So happy out with the experience!!

    No cycling done on Sunday, as husband hours had change and now he's working earlier in the day, and while I could have gone earlier than usual, I didn't have it on me (other issues preventing me on the bike too..will have to sort those before next weeks sportive of 120km!! )

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭TopOfTheHill

    ToTriOrNot wrote: »
    I am registered to do 5 km (two laps) on June 20th, and was getting a bit nervous after the organiser asked me to do two laps of Sandycove ahead to make sure I was able for it!! )

    Also thinking of signing up for this as it is not too far from me.
    I do not have too much OW experience (Schull sprint a few weekends ago) - so I want to use the 1K as introductory training for OW swims.

    Is it just the longer distances you need to prove competence for?
    Pool swimming the distance is fine - it is just OW experience I need.


  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Also thinking of signing up for this as it is not too far from me.
    I do not have too much OW experience (Schull sprint a few weekends ago) - so I want to use the 1K as introductory training for OW swims.

    Is it just the longer distances you need to prove competence for?
    Pool swimming the distance is fine - it is just OW experience I need.


    I presume it's just for the longer distances. This is my first time doing it, I will be talking later to the organiser, so I might ask him and report tomorrow, but as far as I know, they are very encouraging of people.
    I did a lap there ,and it was lot easier than Sandycove, it could have been the luck of the day with the weather (no issues despite the seals! ). If you sign for example for the 5km and don't feel you are able, you can always drop to the 3km, that's what I am doing, aiming for 5km but will get out if too tired/ not able! The 1km is just up to the island and back!! And there will be plenty boat support as far as I know.

    There is 225 places, I think 170 or so already registered. If you go to their facebook page, Ossi would answer any questions you might have.

  • Registered Users Posts: 252 ✭✭TopOfTheHill

    Thanks Momma - I will check with Ossi on his facebook page.

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Thanks Momma - I will check with Ossi on his facebook page.

    Only 11 online places available, they have managed to secure extra 50 places for registration on the day, but last year they had 70 late registrations. If you can swim 2km in the pool, you should be able for the 1km in the open water. The 1km goes to the island and back, so it's a bit shelter, and there will be plenty of support there. Ossi said last night, everyone welcome to try!! So give it a go!! Pm if you are going!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    Seem I have not done much since the last time I updated any training, between sick children and being sick myself, I was getting a bit nervous about the 5km swiming coming up!
    But I tried my best to remain calm and try not to overdo it during the week!

    Mondays I usually hit the pool when the eldest is in her class, but she missed it this week due to sickness, and as result, so did it! Panic mode on!!

    Tuesday 16th June 2015

    Coach takes a group to go around Sandycove every year toward the end of the term before her summer holidays! It was a glorious day, so was really looking forward to it. Traffic around the area is a nightmare, but managed to park I think without disturbing the anyone, and walked down to the pier.
    I was teamed up with a group of intermidiate swimmers, and the leader is one of the guys doing the relay with my husband in October, so happy out!
    Conditions had changed a bit during, and the sun was gone, it was a bit cloudy and overcast! Managed to do a lap in 37:xx minutes with an average of 2:07 (average moving pace 2:00, must check the differences! I stopped my garmin when we were having a wee break in the corners to regroup! )
    I had hope for 2 laps, but I decided against it, there was kayak support , and didn't want to hold them back!

    Wednesday 17th June 2015
    Wednesday it was coached session, can't fully remember what we did, but I think it was 1000 w.u, fins on, and we did some technique, followed by 20* 25 sprints (5 without fins!)
    Husband dropped me to the office with my bike, so I cycle back home. I had forgotten the garmin home, so no idea of timing, but I made it home early enough, so must have put in some speed. I was dreading this as I was tired after the last 2 swims!! Was glad I did it at the end, as it was a lovely day or it.

    Thursday 18th June 2015
    I went to the pool at lunch time with a work colleague. Lane rage took over me!
    We arrived, assessed the lanes, and decided for the faster lane...only to be joined by a couple of sharks, so we moved to the intermidiate lane!
    Oh my god, there was a guy there that could not complete a lap without stopping mid way and standing up!
    I did 250 warm up, and we start doing 100s. At some stage, I had to try to overtake him, but there was another guy come the other way, I almost crash head on...and I almost swam on top of the other guy..he got it and either got out of the pool or moved to another lane!!
    We did 8*100 on 2:15, and then 50 sprint! and decided to call it a day!

    Saturday 20th June 2015- Garnish Island 5km swim

    We had decided to make a weekend with the family, and camp in the beautiful Eagle point campsite in Ballylickey, 10 kms from Glengarrif!
    I had packed all the stuff the night before, so it was just a matter of getting up, get dress, pack the food and go. We aimed to leave by 10, and off we went 15 mins early. We had to travel in separate cars as husband was doing something sunday morning and then was working, so I had the children and au pair in the car, with most of the gear. The site was fabolous, only for the wind, it's an ideal spot! Never seen a cleaner campsite anywhere!
    Once we were all set up (two tents to put up, as au pair was with us, and our tent only accomodates 4 people! ) and fed, off we went to register in Glengarrif! lots of people about, familiar faces everywhere!
    Registration done, ice cream eaten, and off we went to drop the children and au pair back to the camping site, to be back to take the bus down to ellen's rock! Parking was an issue as there was some other event in Glengarrif, but managed to find a spot, carried our gear to the designated point and took the last bus!! It was packed when we arrived to Ellen's rock, the buzz in the place was mighty! talk to several people, some friends, met TopOftheHill from here, and then the briefing started!
    Several waves, according to distances. One wave for the 7km, 2 mins later first wave of 5km, 2 mins later another wave of 5km, then several 3km waves and last wave for the 1 km 10 mins or so later
    I was registered for the 5km, but there was always the possibility to do the 3km if I was not feeling it...I knew having done the one lap a few weeks ago I was able..but on the day you never know!
    All Suited, greased, and off the go the 7km swimmer! 5km swimmers ready to go and off I went with the first wave!! Water was surprisingly warmer than I expected!! There was some very warm patches and very cold patches at times, but overall it was pleasant! Googles start leaking a bit (had suncream on face I hadn't use before, so I blame it on that! Hat was slipping a bit as well....not a good start, but was managing. I went out strong, I could glance the garmin at times, stating I was doing 1:47/100, fastest open water apart from the bulman to trident current assisted swim! ...And them the jellyfish start appearing! First few were tiny, far, not a bother..but then a saw a few big ones with long tentacles!! f*ck!!! But I didn't panic. I kept swimming. There was plenty of kayaks and boats arounds that made sighting easier, but I was a bit over the place it you look at my garmin map! One lap done, and I was starting to feel the effect of poor hydration and feeds during the day!! I was gasping for water, mouth so dry it hurt...I wasn't sure where the exit point was, and by the time I knew where I was, it was too late as I was well into the 2nd lap!! So off I continue swimming...more jellyfish, no seals this time...and the cramps on my calf started!! f*ck again!! had to stop several times to strech! Hat needed to be adjusted several times as I felt I was about to lose it...I could see one of the boats had spot me and were approaching me, when I start swimming again, and all was fine...on the final stretch, were we were swimming againts a bit of a current..and I got more more streching done, but at that time I could see the house we were told to sight on for getting out, so knew it was not long before I would finish! At some stage I got a bit disorientated, being able to see the house, lots of kayaks around, but not having a clue where to go...thank god one of the kajayers kindly spot my struggle and point out the way..I was just maybe 250mtrs away from the slip way!! I manage to give it a push, and got out of the water, total time in the water 1:47:44 with plenty of breaks due to googles adjustment, hat adjustment and calf streches!! I was on such a high!! There was still a buzz in the place, I think some of the people doing the 7km were already out. I couldn't see hubby or his buddies, so I got dressed, got a banana, water and some chocolate cake on my, and waited for them! He came out of the water 2:09mins and his relay team mates a few minutes after..He did it skins, so the shivering when he got out of the water was mighty, but I was there to help him, so quickly got dressed, someone offered him a hot cup of tea, which he took gladly! His mates got out of the water, we were all delighted with their achievements, some of my 5km buddies with the same doubts as me were around, all full of hughs, and almost tears of happyness! There was such a fab place to be at that time!
    We got in the bus waiting to be taken back to Glengarrif for our post swim meal!!! Lost of people were staying the night, but we knew we had to be back early to the campsite and that we were not going to have the best night sleep, so we call it a night after the meal and a few drinks! WE had a horrible night with winds in the campsite, but I was in such a high I didn't mind!!

    Next would be deciding if I do the 8km in louch allua in a couple of weeks...there is an sportif next sunday, 130km, which I am planning on doing so better get a few kms on the bike this week too!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,827 ✭✭✭griffin100

    Well done on the swim, I had hoped to give this a go but an injury has kept me out of the water for 5 weeks :(.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,235 ✭✭✭Solobally8

    Well done Totriornot, can't imagine ever doing a 5km swim. Nice report too

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  • Registered Users Posts: 214 ✭✭ToTriOrNot

    griffin100 wrote: »
    Well done on the swim, I had hoped to give this a go but an injury has kept me out of the water for 5 weeks :(.

    Sorry to hear that Griffin, hope all is well now.
    Solobally8 wrote: »
    Well done Totriornot, can't imagine ever doing a 5km swim. Nice report too

    Solobally, I would have never in a million years imagine me achieving anything like this!! But, with all the encouragement, and training of course, it can be done!!! My plans have somehow changed this year, but I am happy the way things are going...I still get to swim and cycle as much as life allows me, so happy out!
    Must check dates for the cycle you mentioned before around lough derg!
