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Hatred (Videogame)



  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 51,363 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Yogosan wrote: »
    Fair enough. Sorry about putting words in your mouth, but as you mentioned tone and context before, I hope you can forgive the mistake, as lack of tone and context is pretty much what causes 99% of disputes on the internet!

    Sure it's a level headed discussion no problems at all as long as it stays like this!
    I said I wasn't defending the game, there are worse games that didn't cause as much of a stir because of media coverage. That was my point

    Well as you say the media didn't pick up on them, it's the media picking up on something and running with it that causes the outrage. You get perfectly legitimate games like Rule of Rose getting a media attention for content they don't actually contain and banned as a result yet games like Persona 3 which feature schoolkids summoning demons by putting an evoker, which looks like a gun, to their head and pulling the trigger. Atlus were pretty surprised it garnered no attention.

    It might be that this game slips under the medias radar, however I kind of doubt that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,397 ✭✭✭✭Digital Solitude

    Retr0gamer wrote: »
    Sure it's a level headed discussion no problems at all as long as it stays like this!

    Well as you say the media didn't pick up on them, it's the media picking up on something and running with it that causes the outrage. You get perfectly legitimate games like Rule of Rose getting a media attention for content they don't actually contain and banned as a result yet games like Persona 3 which feature schoolkids summoning demons by putting an evoker, which looks like a gun, to their head and pulling the trigger. Atlus were pretty surprised it garnered no attention.

    It might be that this game slips under the medias radar, however I kind of doubt that.

    With all the crap with violence in video games that's been going on recently, which I do not want to reopen here, the outrage surrounding this will be way higher than it would have been. If Ethnic Cleansing was to be remastered say, I'd be fairly certain people would riot, it would be much worse.

    I think this will be forgotten in a months time until the release date though

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,660 ✭✭✭COYVB

    The game looks surprisingly good, visually, for what it is, but there's a terrible whiff of "I'm a terribly misunderstood, lonely teenager. Nobody gets me to everyone will be punished" from the whole thing. I'm half expecting this to turn out to be a piece of brilliant piece of social commentary, whereby the initial hype suggests it's one thing, but the true product actually turns out have a decent point to it.

    Although I get the feeling I'll be let down there and it'll actually turn out to be just as ill-conceived an idea as it appears on face value.

    I'm not really comfortable with the idea of banning it, though. By all means give retailers and distributors the ability to refuse to carry it based on their own ethical ideals, but banning things rarely has the desired effect - it usually works the opposite way. The danger here is that the inevitable media outrage turns this into a disturbingly influential piece of work, whereby simply ignoring it would potentially be a lot better.

    Surely the guys behind it aren't dumb enough not to realise that, given the people that they're clearly targetting it at, it could actually cause some serious problems with pushing people over the edge or inspiring people with mental issues who are already at breaking point to take a lead from the game.

    It really does present quite the quandary in terms of freedom of speech versus using some cop on - and not just on the part of the developers, but for those who are going to strap on the moral outrage hat and give the game millions and millions of dollars worth of free advertising. Decrying it won't harm it, it'll help it

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,685 ✭✭✭✭BlitzKrieg

    Ok throwing my 2 cents in

    As a trailer

    It's a bad trailer

    it's an awful trailer which does very little to appeal the game.

    On one half you have from a game perspective where a lot of people dismissed the game as looking very shallow and you can see this by the comments in this thread before it swung to a discussion on context.

    This has nothing to do with the context in the way of how violent it is, but that very little is set up that says there will be gameplay outside of shooting people.

    Compare to other early trailers for similar but successful titles such as Grand theft Auto or hotline miami early trailers focus on the aesthetic or world they've built etc. let the players get excited about what the gameplay *could* be like and hopefully genuinely surprise them (as hotline miami did)

    If it was only the first half of the trailer I'd be curious about the player's role in the game. Is it going to be like hotline miami where there is no sense of power to our murder spree that we can and will die as easily as any one of the people we are trying to kill? Am I even playing as the mass shooter? Will there be a focus for my hatred or is it just everything? How much variety will there be to the scenario? It could be very distasteful but could there be a chance for dynamic hostage scenarios beyond using people as human shields?

    2nd half of the trailer destroys all those thoughts. We are clearly the mass shooter, we clearly are in a position of power and it's pretty much shoot shoot from the get go. it looks boring, repetitive and as someone said after 20 minutes you'll put it down. This is the same issue early GTA games had (before they went 3D) the story missions were not the most interesting so most people in GTA just went on murder sprees, they d*cked around for 20 minutes and then shut it down and played something else. Every GTA since the first one tried to push a dynamic that pulled people away from that sort of thinking (rival gangs in 2 and all the ones since then went with story progression)

    Terrible trailer makes it look like a terrible game

    As for the other half that makes it terrible is it feels like it's saying nothing, it's taking a potential interesting idea and say's nothing about it, this is again based on the gameplay they are showing. It's selling itself as an fast paced isometric shooter, what does that say about killing sprees?

    I feel when one talks about context in a video game, it's not just who or what you are shooting at but how this is all tied together in the mechanics. Again hotline Miami earns the praise because it took the idea of a killing spree and threw the monkey wrench of depowering the player in the gameplay and from that they were able to roll out an entire context built around people who were powerless. Gameplay influences context.

    Someone mentioned call of duty and it's ilk. It's an interesting comparison.

    I dont really like Medal of honour allied assault, that might get me in a lot of trouble, but it's true, I've never liked allied assault, I've always felt that it was a game that did not sit well with it's gameplay and it's context. I think I described it at the time as flat. A straight line through a series of events which had no real impact on me.

    Call of duty (the first and 2nd one) on the other hand is an awesome game, because they redesigned the way levels were designed and how fights were fought.

    i think we've seen this joke before:


    that actual makes sense from a war pespective. It is pushing a front. Medal of honour allied assault tried fitting a war into something akin to the first map (not as complicated, but still the same basic logic) and in context of a war that didnt make sense, but pushing a single front did and call of duty worked that in gameplay because you were part of a force pushing a front, defending a key location or assaulting an enemy defense. it was war. they also took away the superhuman element from MOH by splitting down the player into multiple roles. You didnt play the same person or even the same nation. GI joe was gone.

    Thats why call of duty worked as a war game (and why call of duty 3 didnt)

    Interesting the way medal of honour plays but with the context changed ala supernatural stuff is pretty much Return to Castle Wolfenstien and I f*cking love Return to Castle Wolfenstien cause that gameplay works there. I feel empowered but what I'm fighting is also empowered and escalates with me, the levels are complex but I am a nazi killing monster on the march through those corridors so it doesnt feel odd going alone into those mazes. it works with wolfenstien, it didnt work with medal of honour. Call of Duty smartly changed the gameplay mechanics to suit the new context, not a big change, but enough to depower the player to shift it away from being superhuman and made the gameplay suit a war.

    they carried some of that over to modern warfare but it was modern warfare 2 where whoever was doing the great level design left cause it went to sh*t there and all the gi joe superhuman crap started leaking back in.

    Which brings me to a great comparison. "No Russian" in modern warfare 2. Another bit of violence that drew a lot of criticism. Again my criticism is not the context of playing a terrorist shooting up an airport of civilians. But that it felt like no thought was put into the design of it. The level is walk from A to B shooting nothing more. They could and in my opinion should have actually put thought into the actual level itself and the result would have been a stronger narrative segment.

    Which is the issue here, they are doing a game about being a mass shooter and it plays like geometry wars.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,895 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    As mention, it really just looks like an update to the original Postal game. I usually don't go for 'realistic' art direction but there's something about this I like. Maybe it's the lack of colour.

    It might be interesting if the character has very low, realistic health (I think I remember the original Postal game being like that) one hit kills etc. So waves of police attacks mean a genuine huge threat.

    If it's just a one man army type scenario then it'll be a snoozefest.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,447 ✭✭✭richymcdermott

    My issue with it is not the tone or the whole thing is the only goal of a man just guning down people because he hates the world but I find the whole black and grey violence of modern games to be very mundane and very boring.

    I have played it all from god of war to manhunt and I notice the older I get and the longer I play videogames shock value does not cut it for me anymore than it used to when I was a teenager going oh sh!t they actually went this far.

    Modern warfare 2 no russian chapter you swore by the out cry and media it was a step too far , even the you want to skip this chapter *clicks no* are you sure ? Yes. A saftey measure you swore would actually destroy your brain and scar you and all it was , was boredom. Gta V torture scene , again mass out cry oh **** it was so disturbing I fainted non sense finnicle articles , played it was dead bored and wished there was a skip option.

    Hatred is no different , Its boring , it serves really no purpose in its current state but thats just me. I outgrown a huge part of the industry that tries to really force itself onto the player and mostly young kids and teens that want mommy and daddy think its not cool is awesome group thinking mature content makes you an adult but really its does not.

    It is a testamen too the unknown dev team that they actually managed to gain publicity despite any marketing funds or name they could use to there benefit, I applaud them for making a game that actually managed to still shock people after all the games that came before it in the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,895 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    What I find interesting in this is the sudden application of people's personal morals on the game. Apparently some morals are more right than others...

    It's all subjective. Some folks might find this game 'vile' (great Daily Mail word that, I'll be reading 'video nasty!' next), but then can you blame the Mary Whitehouse types for finding GTA and it's ilk 'vile' too? Why is your moral application to violence in games worth more than theirs?

    Sure, as folks who consume this media we're more aware of the nuances between games (and the apparent 'justifications' for mowing swathes of people down in one game and not the other), but to an outsider violence in games is all the same really.

    Let the Daily Mail and other rags have their sensationalist headlines, in the modern age of digital content these things, along with censorship, hold far less power than they did in the past - and thank feck for that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    If you like the look of it, buy it. If you don't then ignore it. Seriously, there's very little else to be said about it. Like COYVB said, banning it is a pointless exercise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,579 ✭✭✭✭Sand

    Looks like the sort of game you might buy on a steam sale but never admit to owning or actually liking tbh.

    As others have said, well played to the developers for getting otherwise impossible media exposure. There is no such thing as bad publicity when you are trying to sell something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,656 ✭✭✭C14N

    If you like the look of it, buy it. If you don't then ignore it. Seriously, there's very little else to be said about it. Like COYVB said, banning it is a pointless exercise.

    It's PC-only, there's no way of effectively banning it any more than they could ban that Japanese rape game. Even if it doesn't get Steam distribution or a BBFC/PEGI rating, it'll get online distribution somehow.

    People in this thread seem to be totally unaware of what context means for violence. Even ignoring this particular game, how can people not see the difference between a game that has you kill 10 hostile enemies and a game that has you kill 10 fleeing civilians? Or the difference between a game where killing civilians is possible and a game where killing civilians is the entire goal. Also, I'm not sure what world everyone's been living in but games like GTA, Manhunt and Call of Duty have courted plenty of outrage and controversy over the years, they absolutely did not any sort of "free pass".

    To me, it looks a bit "ow the edge" right now. Especially with the long-haired, trenchcoated lead character, it really just makes me think of an angry 15 year old's fantasy. I think a game like this could even work if it were made to explore the mind of a spree shooter but it really doesn't look like they're trying to do that. The devs also seem to be flip-flopping about a bit with what they're trying to do, going from "our shock-value marketing paid off!" to "what's the big deal? It's just a bit of fun" so it's hard to know what they were going for here.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,854 ✭✭✭Grumpypants

    Went up on Steam Greenlight today and Valve pulled it after a few hours.

    “We wanted you guys to know that based on what we see on Greenlight we would not publish Hatred on Steam. As such we’ll be taking it down.”

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 20,944 ✭✭✭✭Links234

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,743 ✭✭✭✭degrassinoel

    it just got redlighted on steam greenlight lol

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,478 ✭✭✭brianregan09

    so is this pc only ?

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Computer Games Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 29,431 CMod ✭✭✭✭johnny_ultimate

    I would be fairly confident there is not a chance of this appearing on consoles. Steam have a far more open approach in terms of content than the console companies, and if it doesn't get past them I'd be very, very surprised if it made it past Sony or Microsoft. Not to mention the ratings boards...

  • Registered Users Posts: 338 ✭✭XVII

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,126 ✭✭✭Reekwind

    Gabe this morning: 'Hmmm, how can we make the Steam curating process seem even more arbitrary and incoherent...'

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,930 ✭✭✭✭TerrorFirmer

    XVII wrote: »

    I'll probably buy the game. It reminds me of Postal, which I really enjoyed back in the day as a guilty bit of mindless OTT madness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,116 ✭✭✭Professional Griefer

    So its out on Monday..looks fairly meh.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Twitch have supposedly banned streaming of this game.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    Twitch have supposedly banned streaming of this game.
    Sad that they won't allow adults to enjoy whatever they're into.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,029 ✭✭✭um7y1h83ge06nx

    K.O.Kiki wrote: »
    Sad that they won't allow adults to enjoy whatever they're into.

    Well said. The game might turn out to be rubbish but once it has the appropriate age classification I don't see what the problem is.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    I wonder if Twitch would ban a stream of Manhunt.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,878 ✭✭✭Robert ninja

    ^ They won't because it's old. You could stream Harvester 24/7 and nothing would be done despite the gaming showing things like...

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,169 ✭✭✭✭J. Marston

    K.O.Kiki wrote: »
    The violence is graphic, gory, and disturbing.

    Is it? The execution scenes from the Biscuit video seemed like tame versions of the executions in TLOU's multiplayer.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 51,363 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    There might be the same amount of gore but the context is different.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 51,363 CMod ✭✭✭✭Retr0gamer

    Looking at the total biscuit video the game just seems embarrassing and like the old mortal kombat games once you get over the violence there's not a whole lot to keep you playing and it's a bit crap underneath it all. It's more bland than controversial.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,405 ✭✭✭gizmo

    Twitch have supposedly banned streaming of this game.
    Twitch haven't just banned the streaming of Hatred, they've banned the streaming of any game rated AO in the US.

    Now, while some may claim this is directly targeting Hatred, it's not quite as simple as that. What needs to be considered is the fact that, upon release and with the exception of Manhunt 2's intermittent availablity, Hatred will be the first commercially released "mainstream" game to carry such a rating in the US. With that in mind, I imagine it's more a case of it just being the first time it's really come up, especially with the coverage it's received, for sites such as Twitch.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 18,707 ✭✭✭✭K.O.Kiki

    gizmo wrote: »
    Twitch haven't just banned the streaming of Hatred, they've banned the streaming of any game rated AO in the US.

    Now, while some may claim this is directly targeting Hatred, it's not quite as simple as that. What needs to be considered is the fact that, upon release and with the exception of Manhunt 2's intermittent availablity, Hatred will be the first commercially released "mainstream" game to carry such a rating in the US. With that in mind, I imagine it's more a case of it just being the first time it's really come up, especially with the coverage it's received, for sites such as Twitch.
    It's by a small indie team from Poland, and its (IMO undeserved) AO rating & digital release classify it as non-mainstream.

    Incidentally, it is only the second released game after Manhunt 2 to receive an AO.

    I wish the dev all the best.
    Not gonna play it though, looks boring.
