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3 month transformation

  • 27-10-2014 6:38pm
    Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭

    I wanted to start a log to help me keep on track with my goals for the next 3 months. I'm turning 25 at the end of January and want a few things in my life to be different by then; mainly I want to be drinking a lot less, be 3 months off the smokes (1 week in), and be in top shape.

    This log will be focused on training and diet to get me back to the shape I was around 6 months ago (72kg). I know the fundamentals of healthy eating - my problem is going out too much and completely going off the rails with training and diet for days/weeks because of drink. It's over the last couple of months I've realised how damaging drink is to me personally leaving me in a heap for days. So between now and mid-December I have penciled in 4 drinking sessions (Nov 6th, 14, 15th & 28th) which is a massive reduction on someone who has been going out twice or three times a week for the past 6 months.

    Most of my workouts will be HIT cardio based gym classes with one compound lift session a week to maintain strength. Current stats are:

    Height: 5'11''
    Weight: 80.3kg
    Bench: 75kg*3*5
    DL: 110kg*3*5
    Press: 52.5kg*3*5
    Pull ups: 10

    The lifts might not be completely accurate because I haven't tested maxes in a while. I use squat machine because my form isn't great with the bar. I will be taking pictures every week but don't think I'm able to upload until have 50 posts so will throw them all up at that stage.



  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    All weights are ez curl + 10kg unless stated. 5 sets for time:

    8 pull ups
    12 dips
    10 * EZ+10kg clean & jerks
    20 * 50kg leg press
    10 * waist high box jumps
    6 chin ups
    10 * EZ+10kg shoulder raises (from waist to chin; elbows facing outward)
    10 * 16kg goblet squats

    Time: 26:15.

    That was a very tough workout particularly the pull ups which had to be done one at a time come the 5th set. I think I'll do this workout once every 3/4 weeks as a test of progress.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Neglected the log before it had even kicked off! The last 3 weeks haven't seen much change - I've worked out and eaten well probably 3 days a week and gone the opposite route the other 4 so I'm pretty much in the same boat but have a nice clean break ahead of me to knuckle down and really commit to good health and logging it. I won't bother with weight check ups at all, will gauge everything in the mirror; will post pics every week. Just shy of 10 weeks to the birthday which is a nice amount of time. I'll probably add 5km runs to training and compete in one in Jan as it's nice to have a mix of training.


    Chin ups: 3 * 10
    Bench: 77.5kg * 3 * 5 (max effort)
    DL: 100kg * 3 * 5
    Press: 50kg * 3 * 5 (max effort)
    Pull ups: 10, 10, 8 (max effort)
    Squat: 80kg * 1 * 5, 75kg * 2 * 5

    Happy enough with strength as of yesterday as I rarely every train compounds alone. Will aim to routinely have 1 strength session a week and the rest will pretty much all be HIIT.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    5 sets as fast as possible:

    6 * pull ups
    10 * triangle push ups (i)
    10 * EZ+10kg clean & jerk (i)
    20 * 60kg leg press (i)
    10 * box jumps
    6 * chin ups (i)
    10 * EZ+10kg shoulder raises
    10 * EZ+10kg bicep curls
    10 * 16kg goblet squat (i)

    5 sets @ 21:56. Exercises marked with i is for future reference to slightly increase weights/reps. 5th set should've been harder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour gym class; HIT full body workout.

    Took a photo of body earlier but can't add attachment or share URL links with current post count so will put them all up together at a later date.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour circuits class

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    Are you in Galway? if so what gym are you using?

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Yep, I have membership with NRG & have free use of Leisureland until the month's end.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    21/11: Rest day


    Bench: 65kg*3*9
    Pull ups: +15kg*5, +20kg*5*2
    DL: 65kg*4*9
    Chin ups: +20kg*3*9
    Press: 37.5kg*3*90
    Superset: (100kg leg press*10, 60kg leg curl*10, 60kg leg extension*10) * 3

    Think having two strength days a week might be more beneficial. Switched the reps up for this one, happy with the pull ups & chin ups in particular. I'm going to have to focus a bit more on leg strength as it's lagging behind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    Very strong chin/pulls

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour HIT gym class.

    Completely let the diet slip last night and pigged out on junk food. Makes me think that I'm probably being too strict with diet and need to allow more treats throughout the week to avoid a major pig out like that. I'll start by introducing more fruit/carbs this week and see how that works out.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Diet was poor again yesterday. Find it easy to stick to it Mon-Fri with work but that weekend just shows me I will have to be more vigilant future weekends and maybe prepare half-healthy snacks so at least I don't just pig out on refined sugar.


    6 sets for time:

    6 * pull ups
    13 * EZ+10kg clean & jerk
    20 * 70kg leg press
    10 * box jumps
    8 * chin ups
    10 * EZ+10kg shoulder raises
    10 * EZ+10kg bicep curls
    10 * 20kg goblet squat

    Time: 31:12.

    Increased some of the exercises from last week & increased the no of sets. Made the difference. Last set was pain all over. Probably increase again next week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Can post images now. Attached is 19th Nov & 24th. Hopefully posting pics will keep me motivated over the next 8/9 weeks.


    77.5kg * 3 * 5
    75kg * 5
    70kg * 5
    60kg * 5

    120kg * 2 * 5

    50kg * 3 * 5

    6 * 10

    Wasn't feeling it today so didn't cover too much. Mixed up the DL introducing 2 rep sets, no reason really.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour gym class; HIT full body workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,561 ✭✭✭JJayoo

    Good idea with the pics, will def help you keep motivated

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour circuits class

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour HIT class.


    Bench: 67.5kg*9, 9, 8
    Chin ups: +20kg*3*5
    DL: 100kg*2*5
    DB shoulder press: 17.5kg*3*12
    Leg Press Machine: 130kg*3*9

    Good session. Going to enjoy some drinks now & try keep the hungover treats to a minimum tomorrow.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Went out on Saturday and ended up in a rough way again, missing work Mon & today and generally doing nothing but staying in bed & eating junk. The feelings are there without the drink but it just compounds them and leaves me feeling completely drained & unmotivated to do anything. I'll get back to work and healthy eating tomorrow hopefully but really need to find out the root cause and work at getting back to enjoying life.

    Image of today's body weight attached.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour HIT gym class


    1 hour circuits class

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Great session. Think Friday evenings are good time for strength training with the boost of having the weekend ahead to relax.

    Bench: 77.5kg*3*5 ... Max effort
    DL: 110kg*3*5 ... Could have done another 5kg here I'm sure
    Press: 50kg*3*5 ... Felt easier than usual also
    Squat Machine: 130kg*3*5
    Pull ups: 16 (max)
    10*waist high box jumps superset w/ 20 push ups * 3
    Chin ups: 13 (max)

    Quite pleased with everything there. Still neglecting legs but classes I do really tire them out. Still should squat heavy more often.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour HIT gym class

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  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Bench: 70kg*3*9
    DL: 130kg*3*3
    Shoulder press: 22kg DB*3*12
    Squat machine: 90kg*3*10

    Image of progress attached. Don't think any improvements made on last week as diet was clean half the days and bad the other half. Still, happy overall with things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Squat machine: 150kg*3*5
    100kg*3*10 superset w/ 3*10*box jumps (height = half way up thigh)
    Pull ups: +20kg*3*5
    Lunges: 18kg DBs*3*10
    Chin ups: +20kg*3*5
    Dips: +20kg*3*10
    3*10 box jumps (height = waist) superset w/ 3*10 plyo push ups

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hour HIT full body gym class.

    Going to start doing 1 mile runs at end of workouts as a sort of challenge. Will clock best time tomorrow & try to shave a minute or two off over the next 2 months.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Bench: 80kg*5,5,4
    DL: 115kg*2*5
    Squat machine: 160kg*3*5
    Max pull ups: 16
    Press: 52.5kg*3*5

    Decent numbers. BW still 78kg. Ah well, happy overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    DB bench: 24kg*3*12
    Incline DB bench: 20kg*3*12
    Tricep extension: 27.5kg*3*12
    DB shoulder press: 20kg*3*12
    Max chin ups: 19
    Lateral DB raises: 6kg*3*12
    Frontal DB raises: 6kg*3*12
    Dips: +10kg*3*12
    Cable flyes: 22.5kg*3*12
    Cable bicep curls: 32kg*3*12

    Don't do these sort of exercises much anymore unless it's part of a cardio workout so hitting them all today & tomorrow (legs/back). A lot there but got it all done in ~45 mins, supersetting exercises in twos and taking 30-45s rests.

    Christmas is pretty much starting for me tonight. Will be out at least twice a week for next 3 weeks so my goal is just to maintain weight around 78kg while still enjoying myself. Pretty sure I can achieve that if I just avoid sugar pig outs hungover. Plan then is to keep cutting fat until end of Jan and reevaluate then.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Squat machine: 115kg*3*12
    Pull ups: 3*12
    Lunges: 16kg*3*20
    Lat Pulldown: 100lbs*3*12
    3*10 burpees into box jumps (half way up thigh)
    DB shrugs: 32kg*3*12
    Bent Over Row: 28kg*3*12
    Leg Curl: 77kg*2*12 (knee felt a bit sore during these so cut it short)
    Leg Ext: 64kg*3*12

    Again, hangover = terrible diet. Don't know how people stay committed hungover!?

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    DL: 110kg*3*12
    Squat machine: 170kg*3*12
    Bench: 70kg*3*9
    Max pull ups: 18
    Press: 40kg*3*9
    Max chin ups: 16

    Not sure where these max pulls & chins have come out of lately but I'm not complaining!

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    Arrived to gym with the intention of just doing upper body HIT stuff but gym was packed so space was at a premium. Decided on the following two sets, only ~20 mins of exercise but was a great workout.

    21-15-9-5-3-1 (Reps; 21 of each; 15 of each, etc.):
    32kg goblet squat
    Pull ups
    Push ups
    Time: 8:55.

    20kg goblet squat
    EZ curl + 20kg Clean & Jerk
    Chin ups
    Time: 11:27.

  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino


    1 hr boxing class in gym.

    Image as of today attached. Hope to maintain this shape to first week of Jan and will push on from there.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 129 ✭✭Sardino

    Haven't updated this in a while. I overindulged for an extended period over Christmas. Started back training and good diet on Monday so am back in a good routine and back on track for goal come end of Jan. I joined a new gym yesterday which I'm delighted with because it has way more facilities than my old one, and more importantly facilities that I will definitely add to my training (e.g. sprint track, sled push, monkey bars, ropes). Unfortunately, I pulled something around shoulder/neck area doing yesterday so will probably be out of action until midweek. I'll upload a photo later to montior progress.
