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I'm too young for a midlife crisis



  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday Got a call half way through my run warm up on Thursday with crap news that deflated me, I thought this was the reason for my crap run on Thursday. Into work early on Friday for a run wasn't the best, legs felt heavy and got a dizzy spell after starting up when stopped at traffic lights. Slowed the pace and headed straight back to the office cutting the run a few minutes short.
    Had a few headaches last week and had a couple of dizzy spells on Friday, I figured it must be something dietary. I felt very flat last week, but that's what you'd expect on a recovery week. A poor swim followed on Friday evening.

    Saturday I managed to be convinced into a 150km spin out and up Mount Leinster and back again. I knew this was a stupid thing to do on recovery week. Anyway, plan was to start in Blessington meeting the guys who'd cycled from Tallaght. Carpooled to here and set off. In the back of my mind I was mulling over, recovery week, last few days were dodgy, this is a really stupid when we hit Baltinglass I opted to turn back. One of the guys was turning back from here as well and I had to head back to Templeogue to get the car which would give me a 90kish spin, ideal for recovery week really. I knew it was windy on the way out, but, on the way back, bloody hell. Talk about hard work!

    B tried to shelter me some of the way but there wasn't much you could do but keep going. Once we got to Blessington and on the road home, still directly into a headwind but halfway there. A wider road I was able to get down onto the bars and give myself a bit of a break. Feel very comfortable on the bars which is a good thing. Got back to the car on 88k and 3:06ish on the clock, so not as bad or as slow as it felt!
    No post spin run as my shoes were in one of the girls' cars back in Blessington and I had to drive home in my cycling shoes!

    Sunday Extra alcohol on Saturday evening and a socialising / relaxing Sunday meant I wasn't too pushed about getting much done on Sunday anyway. Eventually got out for a 40 min easy run. The dead legs of Thursday and Friday banished. Relief.

    Monday AM 45 minute easy run. I've learnt in recent weeks that I'm terribly grumpy on Monday mornings in work and get frustrated easily if I don't get my morning run done. So I had to make sure I got this done :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,468 ✭✭✭sconhome

    V800 updated for smart notifications this week, so set this up. No idea what the fuss was about with these for the 920, they are really f*cking annoying. Be handy for the long bike at the weekend since I'm on call though I guess :(

    My sentiments exactly and I don't even have them yet!!

    BTW sounds like you need loads of shoes, one pair for each car pool car, just in case, you know. :D

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Monday PM Coached swim 6 (4x50) - whole world of pain.

    Tuesday AM Had to take the day off work to look after sick nephew. Missed AT run as had to be with him from 7:30. By the time I'd a chance to get out it was 3:30, roasting hot, I was beyond smashed and I'd no battery on my watch was gone so I couldn't do it effectively anyway. Hit the polo grounds for a few easy laps as Donore were doing some training there. ~5K

    Tuesday PM Club swim. Too tired for this and was a disaster. Would've gone to the pool and done a more focused set on my own if I'd not already been booked in.

    Wednesday Post work spin. 50k. Went out with a couple of the guys from work, few stops to wait for them they got me and then some on the downhills though...need to stop being a chicken on descents, no idea where this has come from was always fine on descents now I'm pulling the brakes...busy roads though, which doesn't help!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Knew I wasn't feeling the maywest on the bike on Wednesday, legs were a bit leadlike but soldiered on regardless...

    Thursday AM Ran into work. 4K. It's quicker than driving the same route. Felt ok...this was purely a commute not actually training.
    Started feeling tired during the day and opted to miss my run session :( Having missed Tuesday's too I decided to throw this in on Friday morning instead and chilled on the couch, had a good healthy dinner and an early night.

    Friday AM Snooze button. I'll do the run at lunch instead.
    Friday lunch Ugh...I'll go get lunch instead...perhaps do the run instead of tonights swim.
    Friday PM Had a lie down after work, dragged myself from the bed eventually after 7. Got out the door and discovered the workout had never actually transferred to the watch, went back inside...tried to bluetooth cigar....****it...went for easy run instead.
    Felt anything but. Did my 40ish minute route and back home. Shower, food, bed.

    Saturday AM I knew the weather was to be crap so decided to do my long run sat and long spin sunday. Had no other real plans for Saturday and felt a lie in would do me good. No alarm set. Woke up at 6am anyway. Felt crap. Went back to sleep..woke up at 7, 8, 9...and chilled out for a few will in the world to train and still feeling a bit dodgy. After shopping and more sleeping eventually got out for a run about 7...knew pretty much from the off this wasn't going to go. Legs were in great shape and I felt comfortable...but my stomach and chest have been at me for the last couple of weeks and stomach was in shreds from about 20 mins in. Did my best to run through it but sloped home an hour short of target. 93 minutes and 18km.
    Had to take a breather at 40 minutes. Not a good day...good while since I've been that bad but I've been fo,und it easier now that I'm running through this more, I know I'll have to in Austria so I've been trying to learn to manage it better psychologically.

    Sunday I missed saturdays bike and needed a long spin, bad nights sleep saturday and woke up feeling worse. Got up to watch London marathon and decided I'd go for my spin whenever I felt a bit better. That time never came so after the marathon I headed to B2R to the expo. Had a few things I needed to pick up anyway. Advice I got today was to just head out on the bike for an hour to spin out the I headed out at 5, 30 mins out, 30 mins back I soon as I got to open road, could feel the tiredness seep in. Just got down on the bars and pedaled easy...20 minutes and I hit a turn around point so turned back. 42 mins and 20k by the time I got home. Going out in shorts and s/s probably not the greatest idea. The hailstones hurt like a bugger. :)

    Anyway, yeah, crap week training wise but I knew coming into this that I'd have to deal with weeks like this. All I can do is be sensible and ride it out. It puts me back but I've to move on from that and do the training I can do when I can do it. 9 weeks to go, still plenty of time for long spins and long runs. I don't want to miss my key sessions this week so need to figure out what is going to work best for me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    Don't beat yourself up for missing sessions. I know some weeks when I found the going really tough I just prioritised getting the long bike and run in, no matter what.
    You are doing super and nine weeks is lots of time.:)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Don't beat yourself up for missing sessions. I know some weeks when I found the going really tough I just prioritised getting the long bike and run in, no matter what.
    You are doing super and nine weeks is lots of time.:)

    9 weeks is indeed loads of time. 7 of those = 21 - 28 x swim left, 35 x run and 21 x bike + 2 weekish taper. Loads of time. However, I've already missed more key sessions than I'd like but thats in the past.

    Still feeling off today and can feel a throat infection brewing - was always going to come with the extended bout of irritation. It is what it is...if it hits I'll sleep it off and get back into it.

    Today, easy 40 min run - freakin cold out there. Missed swim as car is banjaxed...also nearly cut the tip of my finger off when making dinner so probably would have turned the water to blood anyway :pac:

    *my post probably sounds more negative than it's meant to.*

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Tueadsay AM AT run 2 x 15min at AT pace. Still feeling ropey, with an infection hanging in there, got up and went out for this anyway. Not great pace, not hitting AT pace or AT HR but the workrate was high. 11km total.

    Tuesday PM Club swim. 4K. Hard. Shoulder much better. Stomach sore.

    Wednesday Had to get to work early to drop stuff off and drop car to mechanic. No time for morning or lunchtime run as I'd stuff to do at lunch too and work night out turned this into a rest day. Many pints later I fell into day

    Thursday Enthusiastically set up my workout on my watch and set my alarm on Wed...Thursday morning when I got home. When the alarm went off, that was not happening. Went out for a lunchtime run, very, very easy 6 minutes + per km was extremely easy for me but one of the girls had come with me. Trying to run off our hangovers, it worked. Got home, decided not to do my session and went to bed. You know you're getting old when one night out writes off two training days ;)

    Friday Stuff to do at lunch, was hoping to fit in thursdays run session but no cigar. Busy this week.
    Fri PM, club swim, again 4kish.

    Saturday AM Weather was due to be sh*t so long run day. 2 hours 35 on the plan. 2:15 easy, 20 fast. Had company for the first 1:50 then off on my own. HR too high for most but I think this was due to weather as pace was slow, both of us were pretty much aiming for same HR and were both high at same time. It was a struggle in todays weather, I was determined to get this done and knew where I'd make up time when we split. By 2:10 my chest was agony and my stomach was getting increasingly more painful with each step. Lets get to 2:15 RQ, only 20 mins to go from there. Did this on empty, so not related to anything I've eaten today or anything I took on, good to know this as if I can perform slightly better with similar pain levels with nutrition, then the nutrition is worth taking. I also know now that it's not caused by the gels which frees me up to try them / shots etc again. Infection is coming from the stomach so chest should ease off as that improves. Still quite tired and throat still a bit sore so infection is hanging in there. Fun times. Regardless, still really enjoyed this run.

    8 weeks to go and I don't feel like I've done anywhere near enough training thus far. I'm totally screwed. :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    I'm totally screwed. :eek:

    Trust me you're not. An idea? Plan a long IM training day to nail the confidence. 3km swim OW preferable, 30min rest and transition, 4-5 hour bike, food and rest an hour or two, run 20km easy. Or something to that effect. All done aerobic. The idea just to have a long day on the go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Why are you getting so worked up lately - it's going to be your first Ironman, it's not if either of us are going for Kona qualification or sub 10. Does it really matter if you come home in 11:30, 12:30 or 13:30, I am not losing too much sleep over it

    Enjoy the day for what it is, a beautiful swim in Warm, crystal clear water, a bike ride in great scenery and a marathon with great support all in hopefully lovely weather not the **** we get here all the time. And a nice few days with the feet up drinking beer after.

    A race nothing like we have ever done before- and perhaps we might do another one better the next time if we like it

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Trust me you're not. An idea? Plan a long IM training day to nail the confidence. 3km swim OW preferable, 30min rest and transition, 4-5 hour bike, food and rest an hour or two, run 20km easy. Or something to that effect. All done aerobic. The idea just to have a long day on the go.

    I think the Athy double oly would be good for me. So swinging towards doing that. There's never a good time to break up training for an IM by doing a race but this would be a good race to do, if I'm disciplined in the race, I can still be ok for a long bike the following day too so as not to take away from training.
    catweazle wrote: »
    Why are you getting so worked up lately - it's going to be your first Ironman, it's not if either of us are going for Kona qualification or sub 10. Does it really matter if you come home in 11:30, 12:30 or 13:30, I am not losing too much sleep over it

    Enjoy the day for what it is, a beautiful swim in Warm, crystal clear water, a bike ride in great scenery and a marathon with great support all in hopefully lovely weather not the **** we get here all the time. And a nice few days with the feet up drinking beer after.

    A race nothing like we have ever done before- and perhaps we might do another one better the next time if we like it

    Your response probably underlines how things come accross different in text to how they are meant, but I'll pick your post apart anyway ;) The 'I'm screwed' comment was lighthearted, but I am screwed. :P

    For the record, I am fine, I know I'll finish and I know I will have an absolute blast on the day - I'm a stubborn bitch so I will do everything it takes to finish. I am totally screwed though, I've missed a lot of key sessions (what I consider key sessions) and my bike KM's are extremely low. But I look back on my training and I can't see anywhere where I missed a session or cut it short out of pure laziness. Life is crap sometimes and trying to balance any training with work, study, family normally is hard...but sometimes work, family, life can throw spanners in the works and make training literally impossible. That's the risk we take when signing up to these things, that maybe we'll have to reevaluate our original goal as time goes on.

    Of course the obvious thing is ''your first Ironman, don't set a goal'' but come on, who does that really? You're always going to go into it with your out load time, your in your head time and your dream time...and most of us gobsh1tes will go chasing our dream time then finish outside our out loud time :D

    There is only one person my time should matter too and no doubt, there is only one person who my time does matter to and thats me. I'd be a total liar if I said I would be happy with a 'slow' time. Though my definition of a slow time would be different to others.

    I'm always going to want to do the best I think I can do. Getting the best out of myself, albeit, against the odds is one of the main reasons we do this crap.

    There is nothing I can do about what I have missed, in reality, we have little control over what time we'll have for training in the weeks left as well. I do look at my numbers and I have thought numerous times, that the volume of training I'm doing, is not much different to what I'd do if I was seriously trianing for a half or even olympics, so how on earth could it be enough for a full!! :eek:
    There's a lot of time left...a lot of fun still to be had...some crap still to buy, some decisions still to make...I'll still, probably, be that gobsh1te to go out and chase the dream and go boom...but screw it, whats life without dreams? :)

    Haven't done nearly enough cycling though. Can already hear JB saying I told you so....

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  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Bit early for taper madness isnt it?

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Oryx wrote: »
    Bit early for taper madness isnt it?


  • Registered Users Posts: 6,888 ✭✭✭Dory Dory


    So, with 8 weeks left until blast off, that means you have 5 (or 6?) weeks of solid training ahead of you. My best advice to you at this stage is: don't miss a single session. Put your head down and finish what you started long ago in the best style you can muster - I say this for both the physical and psychological benefits you will derive, and then will use to your advantage come race day.

    And speaking of race day: don't blow up, don't blow up, don't blow up. :) Okay, so you're probably going to blow up a little, but try and race within your realistic ability based on the training you have done, and also with the guidance of your coach. It's a very long day out there. There is no need to be chasing a dream time if that dream time is honestly out of your grasp and means you risk having a miserable day (or worse yet, a dnf) for your first IM. Don't get me wrong, I'm a dreamer myself, and I see nothing wrong with setting personal bars high so I applaud you for that...but for this particular set of circumstances, be careful. Respect the distance, demands and discipline that an IM requires of you. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind you can do this, just be patient as you are very young and have plenty of time to catch that dream time. As catweazle so brilliantly stated above, priority number one for the two of you should be to have a bit of fun out there on race day. So, RQ, make sure you have that fun...I'll be looking for it in your moan-free and very perky race report. ;):)

  • Registered Users Posts: 272 ✭✭Shell to Run

    Dory Dory wrote: »
    So, RQ, make sure you have that fun...I'll be looking for it in your moan-free and very perky race report. ;):)

    Moan free, ah no, sure that'd be no crack!!!!

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Things really don't come across right in text...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,361 ✭✭✭Kurt Godel

    Things really don't come across right in text...

    My advice: Use the 8 weeks to do a Parkrun 5k for charity, or else become a champion ultrarunner; one or the other but not both.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,454 ✭✭✭hf4z6sqo7vjngi

    8 weeks is still plenty of time to turn things around. Do the double OLY but if doing it just race it, if not doing it do a long training day as Mike suggested.

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Things really don't come across right in text...

    It came across as 'I havent done enough training ' and 'i must not do a slow time cos slow times are sh*te'. Normal taper talk, I thought. Just a bit early.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Posted this earlier, but it seems to have been lost in the Boards abyss...

    Sunday Had some time to spend with my lovely nephews today so the spin was limited to 2 hours. A hilly 50k then home, quick shower and grub and off to the park to meet my buddies and the mutts with the parents. The 4 year old leaping out of the car and jumping into my arms to tell me he loves me while the year old stood waiting for his hug and the two of them grasping at my hands while we walked in the park, makes a shorter cycle worthwhile.
    Up to the pool after this for an easy swim. 1200m easy and slow. A lot of drills here and it is easy to see why my swimming has gone backwards. My drills were woeful, drills I had become more comfortable doing I'm now flailing during. Now I'm doing club swims more than doing Tango prescribed sets, I guess I don't have the same freedom or time to do the drills I need to be doing as I'm doing the prescribed sets at the club sessions...catch 22, at the benefits of swimming in a lane with people at a similar level to me and people to chase are good too...if I could fit in a fourth solo, swim again, it may benefit me...

    Sunday evening, I managed to squeeze in Thursdays run. I normally wouldn't do this, but, I've missed a few of these for different reasons over the last few weeks which bothers me as I love these sessions. This run was 15 min w/u > 2k > 1600m > 1200m > 800m > 400m > 15 min w/d all with 400m recoveries between reps. Loved this, legs were tired but this reminded me what I love so much about running. Tried to banish the thoughts of saving my legs for todays cycle and just run it properly.
    13K run overall for a tough weekend of running.

    Monday Up early for brekkie and out on the TT bike for a spin. I really enjoy long spins on my own and bizarrely, I really enjoy the spin up the N81 towards Baltinglass. So this is what I did. The best thing about this is I know the road, I'm confident and comfortable on it so am happy to spend the entirety down on the bars. The wind was in my face the whole way from Tallaght to legs were tired from the weekends running and the pace was slow. I don't have a speedo on the TT bike and thats a good thing in conditions like that. I just cycled. Focused on nutrition. Got my fluids in. Plan was to get about 5 hours on the bike, got to Baltinglass in just over 2:20 and cycled through, stopped and turned a bit outside the town and got a bar into me, turned around back to the petrol station to refill my bottle and headed for home. I was just short of 2:30 at this stage but my route from Tallaght to home was going to be longer than the one I took out, so figured, grand sure that'll bring me to 5 hours.
    Didn't realise how strong the wind I was cycling into was, despite feeling like I was cycling slower the pace increased and I was hitting 30-34 most of the way from Baltinglass > Blessington...bit faster on the way into Tallaght in points. Cycling down the embankment is always a great reward for a hard mornings work.
    Long route home still had me getting back to the house in around 4:40. WTF??? I mulled over heading into Enniskerry and doubling back to make up the time, but there was a planned sea swim so I while I passed the house, I took the next turn in. Have wanted to get into the sea for weeks so didn't want to pass this opportunity! :D At least 4:30 of this was spent down on the bars...feeling comfortable.
    Quick change of shoes and out for the run as soon as I got home. I've a 400m steep climb to get out of the estate, I was dreading this as I struggled up the hills to get to the house. I fuelled well on the bike though and this felt easy(ish)
    25 minutes and just short of pace off the bike was good...averaging just over 8 min miles.

    Quick shower, food and into the car to head to the seaside. Swimming in the sea is one of the things I love most about learning to swim (almost properly). Didn't swim far, 500m ish...was going to get back in with group 2 but decided I deserved a cup of tea more ;)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Tuesday PM 90 minute swim. Can't remember distance, low enough...3.5k maybe?
    Proper shark turned up on Tuesday, the one who makes the ones we ask to take it handy on a normal Tuesday, look like they can't swim.
    Base pace was 1:40 which is a bit fast for me, with the draft I should be able to hold it for a while but nothing was sticking for me...probably more to do with my stroke being sh*t when trying to keep up, if I concentrate on my stroke I'd probably be able to closer...

    Wednesday AM Early morning turbo. 70 minutes. 30kish

    Wednesday PM Feeling totally unmotivated. Was going to head over to the park and watch the duathlon / fit in Tuesdays run. No cigar. Decided by 3pm I'd just go home after work and run from there.
    Got home and sat on the hour later I still hadn't moved (but had filled myself with food) - eventually pulled myself out the door at 7:30...52 minutes

    Thursday PM 15 min w/u > 400m > 800m > 1200m > 1 mile > 1 mile > 1200m > 800m > 400m > 14 min w/d w/2 min recoveries.
    Bit unmotivated this week...but got myself out the door as soon as I came in from work. Nice session. Hittin paces on all but second mile which was a little slower. Felt slower than it actually was...7 minute pace feeling slow is a bit bizarre. :)

    Lots of work stuff going down so busy bee...still need to train more. :)

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Friday AM Up early for a recovery run. Just under 30 mins, very slow, very hard.

    Friday PM Unusually went home after work. Normally go straight to swimming. Killed me off...decided to take up the social invites instead.

    Saturday AM 2:42 run. 2:20 easy - 22 steady. 30K. Easy pace a bit slow but 140 is the max not a target. :) First time I've done a steady finish long run at the right HR's. Tend to struggle to get the HR up on the steady section but managed it yesterday. Empty for first two hours, grabbed a drink and some cliff shots at the car at 2 hours and headed off again. First time I've taken nutrition on on the long run and I'm assuming that is the reason why I managed the steady section right. Either that or I'm fitter and stronger and it's just a massive coincidence. :)

    Saturday PM Out on the bike for 2 hours...picked a random route which I thought would bring me to around home on 45k and 1:40

    Sunday AM Long bike - on my own. Felt fine heading out on this, knew I'd have the wind in my face for the first half as route was out and back. I was fine with that and in honesty it wasn't that bad. I planned 3 hours out...and then turn, I knew that would bring me in in probably about 5:30, it wouldn't be a long as normal as the headwind on the way out was fairly horrendous. Started edging towards 3 hours and turned around. The way home was a huge mental struggle, even with the wind at my back. My head was idea what happened here as I was actually fine on the way out, it didn't feel as hard as the pace (24k :eek: ) suggested. Couldn't keep it together on the way back, freewheeling until the bike was almost coming to a stop :D Decided to stop for a cuppa and bar of chocolate 40k from home. Nicest cup of tea I've ever had. Got going again but there was no real improvement. Trudged home, eventually in 5 hours with 130k on the clock. Very poor cycle, but 100% the only time I could come back from a spin and say that it was sh*t and probably a waste of time! Did not run off the bike for this one, funnily enough. :) Can't all be good!

    Only one swim this week, this was definitely my meh week. Did some good running though and well over 300K clocked on the bike.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    Well done on the bike today - I had company and I still couldn't hack the miserable weather and binned it after 90k :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,991 ✭✭✭metamorphosis

    I'm a stubborn bitch so I will do everything it takes to finish

    Sorry M, couldn't help it.

    You said it :)

    Good catching up on your log ....

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    catweazle wrote: »
    Well done on the bike today - I had company and I still couldn't hack the miserable weather and binned it after 90k :(

    You had worse weather than me by the sounds of it. Can't get my head around what happened to me but sure it's done now.

    Into an easy week.

    Monday coached swim wasn't on so planned to get out to my own pool that evening, my lunchtime run however, was not pretty...after the sunday cycle and a 30 min easy run that did not feel easy or comfortable at 135 HR (was lunchtime and hot) I took a more cautious approach and took the evening off.

    Tuesday - legs still feeling rough, rearranged sessions - no run. Club swim this evening - Whole set was 3800 - I did an extra 150m cool down at the end as had missed some of the main set. The lane is really broken up now speed wise but I was able to sit at the back and do it at my own pace without getting in anyones way tonight. First time in the pool since last tuesday and it showed. Stomach sore today too...never got my hospital appointment that my consultant rang me about in February to say he was putting through. Expected it to come for March or April and it never turned up. It usually turns up about 3 weeks in advance of the appointment, needless to say, if it turns up in the next few weeks and is due at any point over the next 7 weeks it's not happening. The downside is I'll have to live with the pain and take the risk of an extra uncomfortable Ironman run...the brightside is, I'm definitely doing the Ironman. :)

    My swimming is really gone to the dogs... :( I had felt like I'd really improved but feel like I've gone backwards now...more since I've dropped the swim volume I think, so there is food for thought there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Been away from here for a very long time - great to see you are on track for the big one.

    Remember it is your first, so your time* doesn't matter....

    * Unless of course, you fail to beat the time set under Izoard's patented "minimal effort" plan...

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,366 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    Izoard wrote: »
    Been away from here for a very long time - great to see you are on track for the big one.

    Remember it is your first, so your time* doesn't matter....

    * Unless of course, you fail to beat the time set under Izoard's patented "minimal effort" plan...

    Can you give me all your IM times please? Just so I know what will 'do' if things go completely to pot on the day? :)

    So this week was a recovery week, I set my alarm every morning to get my run for the day out of the way...but now I live so close to work and don't have the motivation of skipping traffic to get the run done...I'm not motivated to get up for a 30 minute run in the mornings. So have done no morning running this week :o Set the alarm this morning to do yesterday mornings run and no such luck...

    Hit the seaside yesterday for an OW swim, out to first buoy in Killiney and back out and then got back in and did the same again. Despite the cold, could've stayed in there all night. :D

    Wednesday - easy 30 min run + 1 hour bike. Went out on my easy bike route I've found for Saturday evenings, while theres a lot of traffic lights, on a Saturday you don't tend to be waiting at them and if you do it's not for long. On a Wednesday evening at 7pm, there's no point doing this route. Too much I've to find a new easy spin route for during the week :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    So this week was a recovery week, I set my alarm every morning to get my run for the day out of the way...but now I live so close to work and don't have the motivation of skipping traffic to get the run done...I'm not motivated to get up for a 30 minute run in the mornings. So have done no morning running this week :o Set the alarm this morning to do yesterday mornings run and no such luck...

    I did the same thing this week, laid out gear before bed each night, really enthusiastic - alarm goes off in the morning and I roll out of bed just in time to do the ten minute walk to work. I'm putting it down to it being a taper week and my mind tapering.

    It's probably your mind telling you it's an easy week too :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,436 ✭✭✭Izoard

    Can you give me all your IM times please? Just so I know what will 'do' if things go completely to pot on the day? :)

    You have a choice of 11.x, 12.x and 13.x (retired after this one - going in the wrong direction and didn't want to make it too easy for you...)...

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Can you give me all your IM times please? Just so I know what will 'do' if things go completely to pot on the day? :)

    I doubt they will, but if things go to pot on the day, at the time you wont care if Izoard, tunney or the Lord Jesus himself ever finished an Ironman, you will hate life and you wont care what your time is. (Till one minute after you finish, when it will suddenly REALLY matter again).

    You cant predict what happens, sweet lord I know this better than anyone, so seriously for your first, try your best but roll with whatever occurs on the day. If you get a fantastic time, wonderful. If you dont, there will be a valid reason for that, so dont sweat it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,682 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    I think trying to predict a 'good' time is a waste of time. It's not like you can race a 12 hour IM if you're a 14 hour athlete, likewise a 9hr IM if you're training to a 12hr standard etc - and you'll know by now exactly how long it should take you to swim 3.8 in a suit, ride 180 on your TT bike, and run at marathon pace.

    I would clip my standalone bike and run times by 15-20% to account for cumulative fatigue but you should have a pretty close idea on your 'perfect-conditions' swim time already I'd guess?
